Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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Th Fee Publishing Company. Proprietor.
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A A Ire communication re-atlr?" to new and edi
torial matter to Omaha Bra, Editorial Department,
' 52,092
State of Nebraska, County of Douglas, sa
rnrtaht Wliiiam. circulation manager of Th Baa
Publicum company, being
avers cdixulaUon for the
fttalGHT WILLIAMS. Clreuiatlon Manager.
Subscribed In my present- and awom to before
duly a worn, aay that the
montn or March, iwo,
me. thla 24 day ft April,
IvOfekni 1IUNTER. Notary l-ublte.
Subscribers I earing tee city temporarily
. should have The Be mailed to them. Ad
Ores wUl be changed aa often aa reqnestod.
Thought for the Day
5tf y Mr. P. J, Bart
Tht iniut tidt tif every cloud
It Wight and $Mng;
1 thwtfor turn in y cioudt about.
And alvayt treat fhm in tidt out,
To thov their lining." j , .
' Still, leaders la the first heat do not alwaya
win the race.
la It poialble the voters could hve mistaken
E. E. Howell for It. B. Howell f .
,.j ,l. se :
, ; go i,to tav a republican mayor for A,
chaaf. Straw point the wind, ,"'...',
Looks as l this were to be a dry year, but
tbea lt'i a trifle early for sprint floods, ' '
The "StopOft-ln-Omaba'' campaign U
apreadlar. Iff a good thing. Push It alonx,
- ;' Plfry-nlae took the count all rlsht,. without
Uie solace ef a percentage of the gate receipts
: k u y.-;,
- -N'o crepe e the doof of "Mayor Harrison's
office In Chicago, Ooly the melancholy words
I told you so." ,
Indifference What's the Reason t
If any one thing stands out strong in our
preliminary city election It Is the manifest In
difference rf the roters of Omaha to the busi
ness of local self-goTernment. Not orer ball of
those entitled to rant thtlr ballots hare taken
the trouble to ' discharge their civic duties,
which means that half of the voters are self
accused as stay-at-homes. The blgb man in the
returns has a clear majority of the votes cast,
but it is doubtful if any of the others In the top
fourteen are majority selections, while the two
low men go on the final ballot by the favor of
only 10 per cent of the voters.
Is this Indifference because we have de
veloped no issue for the campaign, or Is it be
cause we have undertaken to eliminate partisan
ship from the contest? Is it because of lack of
funds and machinery to get the voters out, or Is
it just because of the don't-care spirit among
the people, surfeited with elections and not yet
fully recovered from the long ballot of last fall?
There must be a resson, or, perhaps, many
contributing reasons. But whatever the explana
tion, It Is not creditable to oar sense of citizen
ship. Gifford Pinchot'i Predicament.
Clfford Plncbot, forester, sociologist, and
otherwise distinguished as a leader of forlorn
Vpe and the like, with the martial experience
..ained at Armageddon to sustain him, has been
thrust out of Belgium, because the Germans
have discovered that he -is brother-in-law to a
British diplomat This Is not the first time that
man baa gotten Into trouble because of his fam
ily, but It seems a little singular that an Ameri
can citizen should be disqualified for work of
charity on account of bis relatives.
On the same grounds, if the precedent la to
be followed to its logical end by the warring
nations, a number of European royal personages
would have to be set afloat, for their marriages
and gtvings In, marriage have been so entangled
that even the experts of Burkes or the Almanaca
de Gotha are puzzled to keep them straight, and
none of the belligerent countries could harbor
them. Tor example, the mother of Kaiser Wll
hclm and the father of Klnft George were
brother and sister.
However, Gifford Pinchot'i service has not
been the less valuable y reason of his sister's
marriage, and the United States government
can easily find use for hip in some place where
the tender German sense of propriety will not
be so potent, ' . ' '
, The i&teat word la that our law-makers' clos
ing day of thsT, session, may-rnn ever lnt. next,
week. Oh, suit 'yourselves.
The candidates In the municipal free-for-all
as ay have enjoyed themselves, but they hardly
gave the spectators their money's worth ,. , , ;
Significance of the Chicago Vote.
The tremendous vote , for the winning candi
date for .mayor la Chicago must have' a deeper
meaning than Its local application. Chicago has
been for' many years a democratic stronghold
and Its vote his had1 much influence in deter
mining the result in Illinois on state and na
tional elections. In the recent primary election
' Sweltser was namod by the democrats la prefer
ence to Carter Harrison by a majority of over
75,000, which is proof of his strength with hli
own party. He went Into the campaign with this
prestige and emerges defeated by a record vote.
Tho personal difference between SwelUer and
Thompson is not enough to fully account for the
158,000 plurality the later received. It muBt be
that party affiliation bad something to do. with
the result, and that the people are actually turn
ing away from the democratic party and Us
record of disaster. The vote In Chicago and
other cities where party lines were drawn' Is a
good sign for the. campaign of 181$, and pre
sages republican triumph.
.,' It has been suspected for some time that
deeping car porters eould not live without tips,
.Now the horrible truth Is officially tipped off, :
l The rout of democracy from so ml of It
strongest municipal entrenchments Intensifies
tb joy of living for the slaughter to come In
1316. 'I
According to returns from Lincoln showing
"Brother Charley" well In the lead, Colonel
Miner's typewriter battery must have failed to
fled the range.
. Woman voters hava the balance of power In
Chicago that is, assuming the men divide. But
as the women must scatter their votes, toymen
also will have Just as much balance of power,
The pictorial string of fourteen racing favor
ites, viewed with artlatlo eyes, affords convinc
ing proof that Omaha Is losing btg' money In
neglecting its opportunities for a beauty show.
Apostollo backsliding does not get very far
even with 6t- Peter, Minn., ditching the water
wagon. Et- Paul and Pt. Edward, Neb., over
balance the tumble of Pete by reaffirming the
dry goHpel.
When Colonel William Hayward pressed the
leather of his $16,000 Job New York reporters
were unable to extract a word about his policy
"He was silent." say the neadllnera. Silence la
the colonel's long suit. His achievements tu
that line at times lend to a deaf mute institute
the qualities of a boiler shop.
One Way to Save the Taxpayers.' Money.
One of our amiable local contemporaries
properly expatiates on the good work done here
In Omaha by the Salvation Array Industrial
home, but It entirely overlooks the most signifi
cant feature of the reports, which proves that
the men cared for at this place are fed good sub
stantial meals in all respects far better fare
than the prisoners at the county Jail ai a cost
of less than 8 cents a mail. Any one ran figure
this out for himself, because on the 'showing
39,263 meals were served at an expense 'some
thing under 13,000. If honest men who keep
out. of Jail are fed at this low cost, why should
our graft-greedy sheriff have had the support of
the World-Herald In his demand for 50 cents a
day, of which more than half was to have lined
his pockets as loot? We move to let Captain
Kline do the jail feeding and ave the taxpay
ers' money. '
'.II. in Jfiy38"0
Mayor-elec, JJamea K. Boyd waa aeeenaded by the
A. O. 11. aorlrty. which proceeded to Ma residence
Levied ly their band.
Other winner proved to be: For treasurer, Tru
man buck; for auditor, C K. Ln: for poUca Judge,
K. M. Stenberg-! for eounrtlmon, Thomas Dally, C 8.
tVtodrlih, Charlea fcVhroeder. C. F. Goodman, F. E.
1 y aad Vlk Le; for achool bord, Henry IAve
ey, nillajn Coburn avod IL Q. Clark.
St. Bj-ute baa choaea aa warder for the anaulnc
yeur: Gorse K. L&baua-h and Charloa Y Mead, and
aj vestrymen, W. R. Bowan, Dantai Vf. Woodman. Hil
ton 11, Guble. A oner W. Naaon, Samuel 3. liheim,
Horatio L, Feward and Robert Eaaaon.
M. A. McNajnara. Fourteenth and Far nam, offer
a reward for a topaa rtiiar. gold mounted, kiat la the
vli ir.ity of tha Leavenworth achool.
The election at Trinity, roaulted aa follow: War
dim. J. M. Wool worth and Z. Wakeley: veatrynien,
l'cnry W. Tate, O. W. Doan. Cleorsa llawkUi. !?r
ii ran Kountse. U S. Reed, J. H. Parker. A. V. Barka
low; conference, delegate, J, M. Woolwortlv 1C W.
Vatc and Joseph (Ittkion. .
V. U. Kalroner advert! ee that a -profeoional fU
t. r ha L-c!t nt from New Tork to teach th youcs
l-!.Jia in hl klove department how to fit gluvn, and
t'.at e are now prepared to fit on alt the lora
we sell th au, aa ll. ty la New Toik."
Victory for Established Law.
Tho conviction of the Terre Haute election
manipulators Is a victory for the people, and of
greater importance than appears on the surface.
The safety of our free Institutions rests on the
sanctity of. the ballot, and crimes against th
purity of elections are of the most dangerous
sort, for they strike at the very roots of our
freedom. ,Sotne novelty attaches to the prosecu
tion of these offenders, In that the Unitod
6tates practically "invaded" Indiana in order to
take charge of the trial. This proceeding grows
out ot recent election reforms, and la made pos
ilblo by the fact that the federal government It
concerned in the election of senators and con
gressmen. Thus another blow la delivered
against atate's rights, but the more significant
fact ia that a gang of impudent democratic ballot-box
stutters has been broken up, a circum
stance apparently not possible without federal
interference. The people are always the gainer
when such convictions are secured.'
The Political Caldron
WHAT'S to bo the neat mova In the local political
war arena
How are the llnea to be re-formed for tho
real contest which la to decide who capturea the of
flcen, and the ealarlea that sro with tliemT
Will the city hall crowd, mow thai they realise
their trenrth, and weakness, proclaim theme1vea a
hard-aad-faat combination, or will they make a new
alignment with a view to better tnasa action?
Can tha raw candidate nominated hi th fourteen
ba hitched to-ether, or wilt they fall by natural
gravitation Into separate group?
"Will there be any more of an laaue In the second
heat than the deal re for tha job, which Was the main
motive power In the first beat?
Three are too many queatlons to be answered all
at once, but they era question sure to keep tho
politicians awake nights for a little while. .They are
queitlone moreover that are more or lea inter
dependent aad the aaewers will have to have rela
tion te one another. The dlspoaltlon right at ' the
present time la to pause for breath and 'await d.
Anybody with half an eye can sea how different
thine might have been In thla election had Mayor
"Jim" been handed that federal plum, which the wIm
ones said waa about to fall hi way, and by moving
Into the federal building as United Utatee marshal or
Internal revnnue collector had movad hlmaelf out of
tho eommJalonerhlp race track. That Mayor ."Jim"
la tha speediest one of the bunch, and alono of tha
hor es in the city hall stable In form, to set the win
ning pace, la self-evident Without the "cowboy
rider" mm other might have been distanced. HI
tremendou lead over his own cloeeit colleague ha
aurprlsed even his moetajrdent admirer.
One ot the 'wags "wi reading on the campaign
card put out by Julius EChmtdt Cooley: "Never held
office," and remarked:
"He forgot something that ahould have been
"What's that?" ' ' '
"And never will."
JJuch complaint upon tha make-up of the ballot
was registered both by voter and by election t!
flcer. The eeventy-three names wera printed one
beneath the other indiscriminately, and presumably
In the order In which tha petltlono wore filed. Inquiry
of tho election commissioner's office as to why they
were not arranged alphabetically befora rotating
elicited the response that tha law did not require it.
Aa a consequence voters wasted much time bunting
for a particular name, and the work of the election
Judge and clerks waa mora onorous than It would
have been with an alphabetical list
Tha preacher In politics Is evidently rot a sueces.
After running for Cnlted Etntea senator and for oon.
greas, and then to score only 379 votes In response to
aa appeal to "Vote for the gospel," and we cannot be
very consoling.
State Representative chambers down at Lincoln
construe the signal defeat of himself and all the
other members of tho Douglaa county delegation Back
ing places at homo as city commissioners a an ex
pression ot popular dissatisfaction with their records
as lawmaker. Of course, the other legislative alio
ran will not concede a much, but the ugly fact
still stares them la the face. U U up to some one te
solvo tha pusile as to what transforms Jubilant win
ners In bleak November Into dismal turned-downer
la smiling April.
Twice Tola Tales
' Tho Foolish Uvefciat.
Herman Rldder, the well known Oerman-Amertcnn
Journalist, eald at the German-American Chamber ot
Commerce In New Tort:- . . '
"You complain that tho wir le slowly? But
you would think It went fast enough If you were In
the trenches, To complain that' a war eo colossal
as tills one goes slowly Is to ba aa foolish almost
as UtUe Willie. '
"Little Willie, at the age of . was sent to school
for the first time. At the end ot hla first day, h
tore home, snatched up the latest comio supplement,
and Van his eye over tho printed words that cam
out of the people'a mouthe In tho Jokes. Then be
throw the supplement down end aald:
That'e no good of school!
- -why. Willie, what Wakes you say thatr exclaimed
hla mother. .
Oh. aald he. 'here I've been to It a whole day
and ain't learned to read yf." New Tork MalL
Selfish Men. ' 1
Representative Martin B. Madden in an address
in favor of woman auffrage, aald:
"It eeeme to ma that the men who oppose tho
auf fraaw ' are aelfiah. They want to have the best
of everything without piylng for It They remind
me of tha clerk.
"A clerk and a lawyer were on the way downtown
on the trolley the othet1 morning, when the lawyer
looked up from hla paper and said:
" My, that's a pretty girl over there in the corner.'
"The clerk looked up from his. paper in his turn.
Then he smiled.
' 'I know her.' he said. ! know 4ter welt.'
'Holy smoke, man. said the lawyer, 'If you know
her why don't you go over and alt with her?
" will,' the clerk answered, 'aa aoon as sh pays
her fare"." Washington Star.
' Establishing- Rural Cre'dita.
. if the bill for rural rred-lts, pow being
pushed in the legislature, with fair prospects of
passage. Is really calculated to provide a method
tor co-operative banking among the farmers, U
may prove of genuine service to them. One of
the drawbacks to modern agriculture has been
the difficulty of adequately financing the Indus
try on terms that would permit the farmer to
profitably borrow money. The proposed law
seems to be fairly framed for the purpose, al
though Its operation must necessarily be experl
mental, and the safeguards that are Incidentally
requisite seem to be amply provided. Experi
ence will show in what way the law. should It be
enacted, will require change for Improvement
Properly administered, It ought to be of great
benefit to the principal industry of the state.
Considerable progress toward conserving
human life might be mad by excluding "un
loaded guns" from the family toy stock.
People and Events
JM , sfla
As aa opener In the cleanup movement any old
rake will improve the eeenory.
Arthur Johnaon of lloboken, an errand boy, waa
willed It, 500 by a acrubwoman to whom h was cour-
Samuel Untermyer, the great legal champion of
tha olatn people, operatea on Long Island a 0,009
chloken farm stocked with 1 birds.
In spite of the regenaration of Philadelphia, off!
rllly announced, a policeman aiscoverea a woman
who borrowed a neighbor a ham to cook witn her
A New York policeman, dismissed for soliciting
side tlpa. dropped dead on learning that he waa to bo
reinstated. Eicesstvo fondness for a good thing Is a
dangeroua habit.
Rack In Greenwich. Conn., a fat1v Hi-rl- -
against a husky laundress armed with a handy flat
Iron. When tha amoke of battle lifted the burglar
waa on hi way to a hospital.
A Chicago girl advertises for a husband who must
be a devout Christian and will wash tha supper dishes.
It Is becoming mora and mora difficult for man to
live up to the Ideal of enfranchised women In Chi
cago. i
Five stops for food aad drink In a day of ten
hour la the dally round of Joy of dock laborers In
France, as officially recorded. Occasionally at the
end of tba work they are a.ble to roll In without as-
la tan co.
Ttie Joy Of living In Sing Sing 1 going forward by
leapa. Warden Osborne haa added atarched shirts to
th decorations of prisoners, dlaeatrdlng th gloomy
brown shirt heretofore la We ' eeveet days a, week.
For tho present tha taahtonAbl uplift will ha limited
to Sunday.
Owtr.g to tho danger of spread! oar disease, circus
animals are to ba Inspected by BOTwmmect officials,
and certain animals mUl not be allowed transport
from atat to state. Th rvtLag U expected to curtail
th meaacertea, but enough ef th shew will remain
to Justify father in leading th klJs to tha main tent
A aoor of ten "honeybuga" la recorded for the
mysterious "Oliver Oaberoe," who waa brought Into
th spotlight In New Tork by Rae Teoaer'a confes
sion ot mistaken ideality. One ef th "honeybuga"
sweetened Oliver's cake with a loan ef t-SO. which
Oliver absorbed with eager seal and vanished from
ProhlhltloB aad the Taa Rate.
OMAHA, April 7,-To the Editor of
The Bee: The Anti-saloon league's fake
factory, parading under the name of
the temperance society of the Methodist
Episcopal church of Tope k a. Kan.,
through Its publicity bureau offer to
furnish plat matter to th newspapers of
the country, and tbelr latest sheet con
tains tho following wilful misrepresenta
tion regarding, the effect of prohibition
in West Virginia. It quotes from tho
statistics! abstract tha average tax rate
In tho different states for 1919, which tax
rate for West Virginia Is particularly
low, being Sft-WO cent per $100 of assessed
valuation. Mind you this la for 1913.
Then It roes on to say, "a csirful reading;
of the table show that prohibition la the
greatest tax reducing agency," thu
brazingly attempting to deceive the pub
lic, knowing toll well that prohibition did
not go into effect in West Virginia until
July 1. 1914.
Then It goes en to ahow that tho tax
rata In Nebraska la $4.?r per tll on, as
sessed valuation, knowing also that the
assessed valuation In Nebraska I only
one-fifth of th actual value; so that
$4.37 on the assessed amount meana only
en-flfth,of that on actual value, or 8fc
cents par tl$0. or a trifle less than West
Virginia. .
Now the real effect of prohibition In
West Virginia, according to recent dl.
patches from Charleston, W.-Va., la that
tho state is "broke," and that a mor
atorium . has bean announced. . . Being
without funda State Auditor Darst haa
suspended the honoring of drafts. The
main cause Is the loss of more than
S90 annual revenue from liquor license.
Measures before the legislature provid
ing for other klnda of taxation to cover
tho deficit were voted down, so that
the governor vetoed a large part ef tho
appropriation bill. Including that sup
porting the state mlliUa, which will
therefore cease to exist State officers
from tho governor down will not be paid
for probably three months. State build
ings under construction will be halted.
On top of thla comes tho refusal of
Juries In that tato to convict for viola
tlons of the prohibitory law. Po that al
together West Virginians win not bo
much impressed with the benefits derived
from prohibition, . notwithstanding the
Anti-saloon league's publicity sheet,
which by such misrepresentations brands
all other Information contained therein
as unreliable and mendacious. Can and
should any cause built on misrepresenta
tion auc ;eed ? A. L. METER.
Tired of Wooster.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. April 7,-To
the Editor of The Bee: I hav been a
reader of The Omaha Bee for tba last
thirty years. I take it because I like It,
and by reading It carefully one can keep
well posted.
In all that time I have had very little
fault to find with the makeup of the
paper, or th opinions expressed editori
ally. One thing, however. X have found
very tiresome and that la the various
items that hav been contributed by
"Wooster." Tour space la too valuable
to surrender to such lejtters as he usually
contributes. . T 3.
Want Twe Mora Commlasloaera.
SOUTH OMAHA. April 7.-To the Edi
tor of The Bee: It seems to me that th
best way out of tho problem Jn regard
to giving the annexed territory repre
sentation in the city government of
Omaha would ba for tho legislature to
amend the Omaha city charter ao as to
provide for tha election of two additional
comtilssloner by the annexed cities and
towns when th consolidation Is com
pleted. In that way there would be nine
commissioners Instead of seven and
Justice would at the same time be dona
the annexed part ot Omaha, It does not
seem that nine commissioners would be
too many for a city of 3no,0o0 population.
Have th charter so amended that 'the
two additional commissioners would be
elected on tha fourth day of May. If
my suggestion Is followed I : doubt. If
there would be more than a few hundred
votes cast la . tha election against the
consolidation with Omaha. By follow
in mis ptan a great aeai or. money
would be saved that would be spent In
case th election for th whola city of
Omaha la postponed. By allowing the
annexed district the two additional com
missioners It would create a feeling of
good wtil all around. F. A. ANONEW.
Cosaaaerelal Hlah Rchoola.
OMAHA, April 7.-To the Editor of The
Bee: Tha provision for a ' anew Com
morciai iiign scnoot in tna bond our
school commissioners ask us to vote
raise the question. I not th need of It
ao doubtful that It ahould be yeted on
Th stem of education, as all know. Is
vigorous mental drill, and surely graft
inga of specialties that choke It should
be shunned. The high achool, above ail.
ahould toughen tho soft brain-fiber re
ceived from the grammer school, which
one can't conceive of a commercial high
acnooi curriculum doing without de
feating Its distinctive purpose, because
a sufficient inclusion of toughening
studies would leave' Very little time for
tba Study of commerce. A thorough
course In economics would be a prime
toughener, but no grammar achool grad
uate could bore into that It he could,
why not have law and medical high
scnooia ror the craws or grammar
fledgltnga? But thla Is reductlo a4 ab
surd urn, and there la no escape for tha
Commercial High achool from facing this
dileiua. to be commercial only In nam
by having enough toughener. or to be
feeder of a thin mental gruel, mixed ef
instruction In accounting and atenog
: rophy, seasoned, possibly, with a weak
extract of commercial law and contain.
ing about aa mucn toughener aa a
sheriff's soup. It can't have It both
Most boys dislike school. They cant
see the use ot ao much of it. They would
Jump the traces and run free In the world
of doing things. The commercial high
schools captivate them aa ahurt cuts to
their heart's deal re. There'a bo doubt
they can be filled, it built, to turn out
yearly a great griat of undrllled boys.
Inescapably doomed, . aa they struggle
through th world with a kit of th moat
rudimentary mental tools, to at best a
life-long drudgery of gin-horse tll-paU
to naked truth th Commercial High
school Is Just a thoughtless good fellow,
wishing to serve, but only getting In the
way. Let's aquar to thai and not put
up a new, but kick down the old Com
mercial High achooL 14 the honorable,
th hoard of achool eornmkwtoaers, hav
u vote on whether this will h done, not
on whether we shall hav two Instead of
one to kick down when we com to our
W belle lq the dbtiotereatedoeaa ef
at treat th majority ot our aclioot coin
muurloar. and we rlwtmi them ta hope
of their giving ua a theroogh
cleaning, of their hanging authoritatively
over tho doorway to our tmf1 of learn
ing on their retirement tl-ont - efftc,
"Swept end Garnished." But her Is a
sweeping that If they have their way,
will go, not into th dustbtn. but Into
th Incubator.
"Get a yard of material to make trm
tumes fur those twenty-five chorua gtrla"
"But there are twenty-si girls In the
"That'a so. Get a yard and a half."
Louisville Courier-Journal
"The new family who bar Just moved
In have something In their llvss they
want to hide."
"Whv do yoa think eo?" '
"Because their hired girl ta deaf and
dumb." Baltimore American.
Ranjcln The editor ef a wester paper
aay h Is going to adopt the policy of
jectTve'? IK oc,etr I"" without ad-
Phyle-llnrpossible! He might aa Weill try
Jo ' mlnate the capital I s from th po.
v..-,w.umiv.u Aviir,jn,
"Tour boy aald that when he 'got to
town he was going to tell some of those
ci.,X,f?,k. here they get off."
...v r'P'led Farmer Oorntaaset.
that a what h.'t irin' !-.
on a street car." Washlns-ton Rtsr.
'Whv At. .it -
" " .-- m.i.w . i.rnr, n wr weir
imm.?r jtrtjr hau tturin th Me!, wii.
r weatn4rr
"Hrt thsil'at sat. at aTa.... .
thalr flit BHrl VaTal . a.h- a . - J . '
July and AuViuTWud"
tr MstMlf miis rvH. .1 ... . . .
tha wings of a bird. Miss Charmer?
Sh (decidedly) .Indeed. T do! I need
sow trimming for a new hat badly l-
Collier' Weaklv.
The gentleman mucker eornee eut from
. r ia fijnmi
JLh'A n'fUst roller clothes.
With the leg of his trousers nicely
And the classiest sort of hose,
lut he changes his tweeds for overalls.
v tur iiaunoi Sinn.
And down on a level h works like the
Shoveling copper dirt!
For he I a (rentleman mucker
Who's learning th miner's trad,
v ho acta a an ore-ear trucker .
And nushes It un tha ar-ada
W haa ta sweat you bet, to get
The wagea that he I paid:
But he' learning a let la hla new em
The gentleman mucker's "Quit Come
Th day's work ends and the miners
Toward home or a near hotel. -
And the gentleman mucker cat bis soup nis ponernous steax aa wsu;
Then he tumble out of his flannel shirt
And hla muddlfied overalls.
And away be roes In his evening clothe
jaaKing a rouna o csuis:
For h Is gentleman mucker - -
In th swellest of 'happy dud.
In his nobbiest bib and tucker
Hi shirt with its arleamln- scad.
At night all right he a handnom atgHL
TM gayest ot gay young oiooosi
The hostess's "pet and the ladies' Joy,
The genueroaa. muoKer s wuit om
Bovl . .
Wkmim...-.. . t-m
The Food-Drink for s!l As
Rkh mirk, eWtaJ grain, la powdrT form.
For Infants.iavalUJ and growing chOdrea.
Pur BatritksstUpbuildingu whole body.
In vigor a to nursing rsmhera aad th e4Y
Mora healthful tbaa tea or coffe.
Units yoa my KOKUQSCS
yom msy 479I m Subrntltrntom
V y . Lets Alb No
t -v Smoke AaJc
Your Dealer.
)kiiuaanda of men and wnmen anffee fenae
headaobea every day, other tboueeads he
Seadacbe every wee er every mouth, and still
e Uirs av baadaebe occasionally, but not
regular tnSsrral. The best Doctor Is ones unahl
to find the eauae ol many el these headache,
and ia moat other eases, knowing the cause, a
oe not know what will remove ft, so to give
S penaaent cure. All be eaa do Is to preaorlb
tba usual shl reliever, which giv tempera r?
relief, but th headache return a usual, aad
treatment Is again aeosssary. II yoa sufler front
heartaches, on matter what their nature, take
AnU-kamnla Tablets, aad th result will b satis.
Isntory In to birtoest dear. Tou can obtain
then at all drot siaM In any qosotity, loo worth,
Re worth or mora. Ask tut A-K Tablets.
t4eah.thBtntsrabis ot R tk
peats, nees tea terrors wbee A-K Tablet ar
taken, when yoa letl an attaok eomlng on,
take two tablets, and In many esaea. the attack
will os warneo on. a-hfibs an swacs aaae mm
A-K Tablet every two sour. The rest and cow.
tort which toUow, eaa b obtained In so other
CamfiM A-K TrntUtt iesr tht m
At V drnttUH.
San Francisco
. Th. leading flrat-slasa Hotel
' er 8an Franciaeo which has not
raised It rates. '
Rooms from SI. 10 per day Up.
Direct car line te Exposition.! "
Bend for booklet . and room
chart showing pnee of vry
. r 8 Ycllovvone Park1
Destination San Fnuicisco,
From Omaha and Return . . . . $50.00
From Lincoln and Return - . . $50.00
From Council Bluffs and Return - $50.00
aa Blaga atay Tea Isolated wltaont extra aharg.
Going trip via "GOLDEN 8TATB ROUTE" through Kansaa. Oklahoma and: Texas
assail iishriixs iiA e.a a
At Corona, N. M-
panhandlea At Tucumcarl, N. M-. one begins to enter the enchanting Southwea
tna nignest elevation as reaenea s,Ss feet above sea level.
Among th numerous tntereetln
trip irora Aiamogoroo, m rat an.
velt Dam;
ic scene en rout are Cloudcroff, on free lde
id th old Mextean City of Jaures. acroe the
tera; Tucson and Ban Xavler mission: Roe
river: Douglaa and the great smel
laruni. Du at Tama:
ML Lowe: Del Monte; Santa Barbara; tha Big Tree and Toaetnlta Valley.
Imperial Valley an Oalton See; lm Angeles:
Return trfp Is via the Feather River Canyon that mighty rift of th
dreamy Sierra Nevada, which run for ninety spectacular mliea. It follow tha
fainoua old trail of th overland emigrants along tha Humboldt BJver.
The route from the Pacific elope of California Is via tha hlstorlo Beekwlth
paaa over in rierrm oavaua inruusn wnicn enierea m rorty-ntnera Just be-
iur reaucning oaii m.m tna raw eniara lua great. Ball Beaa
mile th road bed la laid upon white solid salt
Her for thirty
At Salt Lake City an opportunity Is given on to viett tha Mormon Temple,
Salt Air Beach, Cottonwood Canyon. Leaving Salt Laks tha rout ia via Cm tie
Gate, Olenweoat Spring. Canyon of th Grand River, Royal Goraa and Canyon
of th Arkansas. Colorado Springs and th Plka'a Peak Region.
Tickets carry ninety day return limit, and stop overs at
pleasure are given on both going and return trips.
For further infonnation, and descriptiva
literature, inquire of
J. S. MclTALLY, Div. Pass. Agent,
W. 0.,W. BuUding.
World Motor Bike Free
A rictor of tb btrycl will ba U
Tba very day.
Oat tbtn ail out and aak your friends
t savw tive picture la Utelr paper (or
yoa, too. So bow many p-cturea you
ran get and bring then to The Jio
afOca, Saturday, Arll 10.
The bicycle will te given Free
to the boy or girl that sends
us the most pictures before
4 p. m, Saturday, April 10.
Eabscribers can help the chil
dren in the contest by asking for
picture certificates when they
pay their subscription. We give
a oertif ieate good for 100 pictures
for every dollar paid.