nil; omaiiA, thuksdAy. .ai'kil h. hup. 1 ! MANY CHANEGS TO DRY COLUMN MADE Eetorni from Municipal Election! KtTtil Trend Toward Restric tion of Liquor Traffic. i TWENTY-FOUR CLOSE SALOONS Municipal lcttont nld In Ne braska Tuwiday reverted an unusual number of changea from tbe wet to the dry column by olUea of the elate. Out of neventy-one cities reporting dry, "twenty-four "changed from wpt 10 4i7v .Out of fifty-wren oltiee're jiortlrns In the wet column, nine had clianjced from the dry column. The change to tbe wet column Included Hebron, Ememon, Superior, Wahoo.- SlUer Creek. Ruahvllle and TUaeatt. ' ! - Changes o the dry column In cluded' Gothenburg, St. Taal.. Ord. North .'Bend, Geneva, Wyntore, Al bion, KearneT. Tilden, fiprintfleld. Friend and Alma. Loup City Went dry tot Of first time In thlrty-olne yearv' A number of. twwne roted on Bun day base ball, but .thia Iseue was not up In any of the larger cUlee. Fre mont elected a republican mayor. Haatlaga want wet by a narrow mar gin nd William Madgett waa elected mayor of Hastings and Mayor Ryan of Grand Island waa re-eleeted. WTMORK Dry ly arttr-frtur. Wet Jt year.- ........... ... .... ...... i . V a .'liantfdL . H. A. Nor- Nt Vaeiiiiin. rr.aynr. DK ATVH-IrY. .NO J"" . . Poona not e City ha,U bonda drfratad. , HAMPTWN-Ory. Nor-harre. OilrNKft Tie vot. en aaloona. Dry teat vear. ; . HARVARD-fH-y. Wet laat year. ri Thorn, mayor. . So man' Kails CM. FALLS CITY Dry f twanty-alii. canK. R. A. Jlfarook. mayor.. RriV-Wt. No chanae. .." v cu l WkN WM. No clium. ' i"iAVII CITT At the city eleotlrm belfl rierw today tha saloon qumtkra waa the main laaue. You on thia prcrpoeiunn waa .. inwit of flftv airalnet laautna; llnenae, na-amat a majority of litre for the rlrya m thin question a year aao. J. R- Kvana r-ln-tel mayor. It. H. Sellhorn, Irraaiirer; H. Cllngrniin, enstneor; W. 'ii.-kimr.-r. K. W.-VriKht and W. T, ook touncilnion; It. . Swi-nnle. city i lctlc. 11. O. riohaaX. O. A. BocW am i'. . K t'oc were rw-olected monvbera ol ll-.r iM'honl bnarrl. I'LA TTSMol'TH Flmmonila J Richly, rffulIN-i. waa elected rrayor. defeating J.niT r. Rattler, 'prewnt ImniinrxwiL IL M nnnlchwn waa re-eleotea treaaurer. 1 hp Honor nueatlon waa not an Ixaua, but I'iMtnmouth UI hav anven aaiooDa for nothor rT i:MKKS().N-Kmron twunl Into th Kilumn nimln otd'iv I'M to 71. A. A Iavt, Trank llvnoy and 15. A. Jilwajorf vcre Mrctrrt to tria rouncu. tuur a Somo will orn up In May. . - WAYNIS-D.' H. Cunningrham,. tvcubll ran., mayor. No ot on aaluons; now dry.!; -,: : . . :. : . ' ORKiOKTON II.. . 3. . Statnbawwa. maj-v-r. JSo vota on saloont; now wat. ' : , ; Orr mt rHfai'" f. FRIEND Friend wnt dry by a na- lnrlt f i. C. K.. tiowiby, wlu ran on th wri ticket, la nlHftad mayor. John Ki l.txil. dry, rarrtrd the Slrat warij for counnlman acd i. U. WhlUwinb, wrt, the M-md ward. H, ii. Ilrkiey, wet. elected. link. BANCROFT For llwnaa. H: against II- tn.rr w. wet, a niaoriiy. Wew board f U U mayor, i . PFN.MNOTON Tharla rVhllep and f?"re Dli-rku, rf!h rrpuhllcana. were Irftmi to tl'i viliiLKa board. Uown r- n ulna wet. No !:. I tasut-e. I' VANNI-5l ry hy a majority of 27. i l ar w ia rarrli'd by a majority of I i i.i ii aaloon hrre rturlnff tba laot ynar ' - reiliioii wuh a aufiu'lnnt nujiv- i . f n! frr.'li. diler would not ba aocured, 1 elt t led for. two yeera ara Lan i - ,.ri. V. M Alilrn and A. li-'tSlu-ldon. : : kTI.S Thf truatea leoUtd are 'V. R. t. ..i.j.Hicr UiUlam iliilit ai.d WV K Th 'iUatfe reiuain In wrt col- 1'urt.ctL urn a. vR-APAHOKArapahoa romama In dry .... .un i.y UiB.-r nilor!i I . an lut y mr Tl.a waa G6 for trrti and lit Mninat. 'harl -A. f'attrum wa eloted m'r. K. .'. Wanr, riuth, aiul H-b kn tnptt.' troaainwr. " ' 'f kv ,ITT-Town wcnt;drv by ti. -ota, f true ' tlnKj (n -kU A ram. Veta ' tia bond Mr.ltubllc pnHt t18ted. . - ' . j !AY t'j:.NY:U-J..K. WWr. mayor, and H nc of cltisena ticket without ff-.tiiuin. . . TAU'lW.Wft. Sotk-w... ' ,KMR KAl'lL'S-vt by thraa. Iry ll ) ar . 1U r h . RBKK Wet. rry laat year. PhlAitt.U'K Iry by all. Wot lut vwr. j PIIIMHiji'K-Pry by aevrn. vu JK.NOA Irjr by eevrnty. et laat H.XLKRTON-Dry by lr.ty-elirht. 'i Uht cr by ten. ' R. A. iUcharxiaou, 1 s f,r. T , . . i Ji;H- FreJ' Ralieler waa .Urt.t tn (w of 'tl. V.' Huhmaa for vlllafte A. Ankormiin and J. . It. '. i a ere the ol!rr trueteea elorttd. ' n- town will rium Wat. Nl.U'J li -Ni'llKh on rvferpndum vota t-tmairia .-t l.y Jklrl J-ona rnajorliy. Only "f" !! t'-Mi, ft. id. ' R. H. Klca waa i.i .s i,-A J.Jai Miifk and V. tdtuaen tr'int', -RniBjux rt si HriF.Ii K-mricr rni.,rt todnv 'i.hiriy.iila maiorllv Your wrt.randi. rlat for niayur, rin-td ty tVilrty-thr, F. Cwifrn drr -andlrtato for coanrll fn t.,r Third aard, oiuy on who won n t.a rtrv ti kct. ' i rtiI.fMf-Wt. . No M . Iluuiphiey Wet. . No rliansu. Reaabllraa ' Mayor la rrtaieal.' ' KRRMONT Ueorca A. M ureal, rapub. ll" an. aaa el1ed mur today over H. M- Herre. Ormoiratlu IncuiuUent, by j; inJ..ritv. tierra won two yeara mi) l.y ." H.rca repui4lca In tba council will vaf . tb-inut.rwui, making tm wttm ll r t ref(iLiKsra and thmts d-iuo rata, flrrk iJclaiiiatyr. republican, and Treaa. tmr, Fiamblac, awmox rat, wore restarted, fj lie o:u Isaue in.ira Hibll. Hy uf I'm affaire of puLUc uii Ultra. The elue Ir n wmi a. Laup lu.Uia buard. i( : ilUYl.fc.R-Otto Zuelow. republican. e . io mayor, no ppoaiiwn John Uactn, iiioi ral, treaaurer, Allen Cameron, )..-. lie ti, ciera, utiwuae waa not an l'e ATKINRON Tha town In tta firat city elf tii'ii In lie lnaorltv ooiiteat oat n total i f :m Votoa. Nelaon. deinocrat. -uad III; Havana, republican, it. J 1. ; Involveo , (A1.1UTUN-There aaa no laaua Wn l-Jav. U Fundiitr, j. W . Uolmea and , iulr TriiiibMi r elavtad cvtunuU' r:VA Rr Tha mroall!on to vt .". bouda for a naw biah achoot buUik- i u miiM Iie la una. Uth.ik elm-trd mayor and Wart li 'lfi r iitun'-Jiniari In tha F.i? . Wad Jirn :ni'"Kr la ne Waat, aaJd. i ja ti iA.N ! i A. II nuMmrao waa ra- . n or i.y a i3jc. nuijorlLy l,i f mm n.ritoa. two to oim. Mllf;N-kuia want dry by eevanty hum euajunty. W. K Walt waa elact4 ii. enx I A. HI 1 by two vota. .stiiiin bsrv Trie law and order Imrl waa -'ed ejioct't ana eouno.ll ti.n. C A. M: i.r, on l&a oltiaona ticket. I .1 in aviiiOttiMr -huh W .ii Puik y l. vole f"f lirtoM wa lji for, 1U lnt R. brsrwnail. for mayor, re- !'- vot; l.r. i It Mix:iran, 13. KiiKt ir.U' !y.-r William Kmrl r-ee ted. 1 i.e town rvmalua dry I K. rluany baa bu iwt by A 'ovl i n i.)"t I r t. . It'i WrrH Tha f .ilowli.r pmvnarti i an ti.-aet nil W-tod at tl, My ruon l .r l .Jay: Mayor, II. B. t ilmr; tieaa i.i.-r. I.. M I'aila; ' -rk, J f. M M.J ucarl. J. Sli-fwiral and J W u. n be, t l'oui j.riM n. ! iiat, I ). MePniiaral: Hecfnd ward, C Doolltile; Third ward. .'. H. HaJated. Fur th flrat time In twenty yeara the license quedllon aaa not an laeua. ftroome Meat Defeat. A tLl A N C E P. F.. Ilnmlna: waa alerted mayor by T majority over F. M. Prooma. Mr. Frooma. who la a member of the atat iectalatura, waa unable to ba here durinir ho campainn ana tnia taci ir iv.-n m tha rauaa of hla defeat Carter coiowr waa elected city cler and Amnio ure- ry waa re-elected city treaaurar. ( CTTIBBRTHON Pry won today. Tnr llrenaa, C. A. Utile, M; Kd Walker, n William Burkatt. . Atrainat noenae. iv O Oreon, (A; Oeorga Hill, ; J. whip .... J DbwnwB nerruune wax oy our dar baae ball won by . GORDON I. B. MMOWU' ana nrucw Hewett electad truateea. Town dry aa before. Sunday picture ahowa defeat ad. FJjUAR lieault of r.rtB.r rlty election: For mayor. A. J. lpper. 1; Dr. O. K. Wooda, 120. Poole halla and Sunday bane ball loat. Councilman, North ward. W Koher; counollman. South ward, ti. a. Andr-raon. HAHHKTT For tha flrat Mm in aavan yeara Raoaett weht wet by flva Votea. alao . a majority . for pool halla. , V.llaf e cmncilmen alerted are IL K. Artaa, J. l Mudd. Henry canenbtira;, Oraen Jeffrey and Mike Nemer. RI Maror Work of tha cltltenr party waa re-elected to eucoeed hlmaalf with a majority or three voiea over j. o. tyilllaon ol the nofd , government party. The vota on tha eaionB, quaatlon gave tha no licenae propoaition a majority oi is votea. Urd baa .baen wet lor tha laat year. ' ; Pwoo)la'a Party In Crawford. 'trRAWFORDTka hardest fought aleo- tton ever occurring In Crawford waa won hera today by the aeopla'a party, who elected Arab I Humrerford mayor over Parte O. Cooper by 103 majority out or a total vota of lt'4. Thia la tha largeat ma jority by nnarlv three tlmea over ever before polled In Crawtora with ir. num gerford. C. L. telthoff waa elected coun cilman of tha Firat ward and W. K. Kar- num councilman of tha Second ward. Thirty-nine majority la tba largreat aver befora polled beTe. WAU8A Dr. F. C. Oenung. Drorreaalve. won out Xor mayor over C. P. Ijungrenn, Itt to 4S. Owing to the fact there la no wet aentlment In the community tha vote on tbe aeJoon lice nee quaatioo baa been dlacontlmi'd, ; BHOK EN ROW w. W, Waltera, caucua randldate for mayor, won out over O. T. Ilol naon. petlliun candidate, by a two to one majority. Water worka and elec trie atreet lighting bonda in the eum of HS.rflO carrlftii. ' Newer bonda were de feated, fool halla and - bowling eJleya carried and rlunday bane ball waa dn- tested, i na liquor queation waa noi an laaua. CHADRON A. O. Flahar waa re-elected mayor. O. E. Marriott, clerk: C. Mitchell, trnaaurer: H. 11. Meade, engineer: C. Hu bert, police Judge; couniiilmen, Flret ward Parley Hyile: Pnoond warn. E. O, t'utian; Thlnl ward, K. U. Shamp. Tha town went wet by forty-one. Cic NT UAL. riTV witn two exeeptiona. clerk -and -councilman from the pecond ward, the runnldatea cf tne auar deal party Were elected. Aa no laauea were direutly Involved, Intereat waa not keen. The following . offlclala were cbonen: . I - . , ' O, ..... ..l..k I ' - V TT.w. meyer: treaaurer. Mra. l'hoeha make; en gineer, H. W. neneon. iounciimen, w, A. I loaiflanil. Oeorae K. Hockea. .J. r Jlolden. richool board. Krneat tMark and M. . Merrill. The water bonda which were not a party leaue lacked twenty-ono vrice of reKiterlng the neneaaary tn nrtha endoraemnnt lAccnaa was not an lnne. Rl'STIVU.l.B-C. Phlllhypa, republican. waa elctel pn the law end orter ticket. The town went wet by a majority of one. change from laat year. Nil htm. 1'LATtk-r. H. rjvana. re- pubiicHn, wna reflected mayor. Tha wU won hv eighty-riva. i . NORFOLK John t ninny, oemocrav, waa elccieti miyur bv nlrui'TOtea. R A V K N N A Ravenna voted, dry. oy thirteen rotea. OUALLALA-Oijallala went nry. by aeverl. HlMIIOliliT- tmmKuni conunuea in drv nolumn b a majority of thlcty-one. atavor truun ra-ateciaa r a uuuu.i'r RRlIxlTYiRT- In a total Vote of tl "Rridaeport remalnlc tn the wat. column ny a mn. orny oi i-ti n - " J vt irlnnlr. VI Uertina and it. C Neumann are elected over meir nry op ponent two to one. fi4M wnMif Tkahkoah voted wet. BLAIR V. W. Wblta, republican, waa elected mayor, 8. V. Chamhera, demo crat, waa aWt4 city clerk; George Hrua, ..r.iihiL.AM nll.lrftiurr. and W. L, Klley, o. V. AnBeraon and 8. W. Palroar memhera Tf the c)tv echool Doam. ; - phNIU.MAN-Kenkleman ataya 'dry, M to 43. W. C. Hanaon and t. M. Kellogg were ra-otactea to Iowa boaru... .. Pool Halla arat. t rrrrvrtTiyN-Mivor Jim Pyrna wa. eeetecter1 ' On the buatneae men'a tlrkat bv a maiorttv of M. Tne city went dry hv - miritv of W). Pool halla were de fe.tod by a majority of M. ORFF.LKT-J. J. Colllna and Henry MaiiKia of, the dtlacua' ticket, and c. A ltrrl nennle'B tiikaU.rleCtod.tO OOUIV ell Town wet by M majority; no -change from last year. . . OOTIIKNRl'RQ Gothenburg dry by . V m-n.rltv. i:-r.l!ia .'t'ltlscena varty 'tl': re-e ected. 1, 1 t arron. mayor; it. u Har.nurn and Habbe JaruvM'ii, aldermen Ctmiica NeUon and H. O. Hooker, achoo truateea. . . HAUOUPH Randolph went , dry Mavi.r. O. O. Reidj coiiiu'llmrn. OcorK' Klnkatd. C. . rharpenar. ana a. . Stock ham. ' HHt"l.TON Phelton went 'wet asaln t dav t.v 70 maiorllv and H. . Hofnarcl and M Ia Templln were-elected vllieae truateea, there heing lo orner 'Canaiuava. Pool hall license alao wlna fT. "EDWARtl fltlaena" ' municipal' Parkin. v w. Jfnrat. city rlerk; I Brown, treaaurer. and 1. V. Haugha wotit. rlty engineer, were eleUed with out opponlflnn. . Ot'II'R ROCK 1"!. R. Oary and W. F. froweU were unanlmonaly elected on the people'e ticket. The policy will conllniia dry.. Ryaa la Re-eleeted. ORANO TSLA.VO-rharlea O Ryan waa re-elevten mayor In orpoaltlon to a clUaena' oonvantion ticket nearfed by W. A. Prinea by a malortty of twenty-five out of a total of l.tol votea It waa the firat ttma a nonpartlaan rwpreaentallve convention Wis tried and one of tbe main laauea waa centered on the merita of thia ayatem aa agalnat an Individual petition. The wet or dry queatlon waa not Involved. VAIJKT e H. Howard. K. Krway and Lawranc Coy ejected truateea for two yeara. Town renialna dry. UmVERSITT PLACE-J. T.. Claflln elected mayor over I. C. Clifton by a majority of aev-nty-flve vote. Jamea Flodd.-aJ. R. Lobb and W. II. Amoa are tha new re-elected council men. Cecil atea and Merkle Kill were re-alerted clerk and treaaurer. The referendum oth.ori7.lna; the purohaae of a lot for a city library waa paaaed by a largo majority. Thia Ineures a Carnegie nrary roc univeratty place aa l'z,&uo haa IrcaJv been nromlaed bv the Carnegie foundation. 8PltINOFTToL.r Town aarnlnnt llcanae by twenty-flva majority. Truateea : C. A. Beeaxk. W. "W. Dow and J. C. Oclb. Chanxe todry. BA RNEBTON Wat by twenty-four. No phange. , twieil wet try two votea. No enange. IMckell Wet by twenty-one. No change. JHLiADKN Drra Won by a malortty of Id agalnat the aaloon and 9 agalnat the pool hall. J. A. Denton, J. P. Kropp and If. H. McCoy were elected trnaleea for a two-year term, and G. H. Phalpe for a one-year term. Tha town waa wet laat jrer. ACBCruv Auourn went dry ny a pin orlty of OJ vote The Inltlaflve and referendum waa adopted by a larra ma jority. W. P. Freeman waa elected mayor; A. M Fuiglea, treaaurer; .W. B. inner, city clerk. REPUBLICAN CITT Remihllcan Cltv'a election report: Two truateea elected. Piialnoa men's ticket, E. O. raub lan 17: o, D. llanaon, 49. Citl ren'a ticket, W. It. Waahmirn. M; Jamea F. Thomas, 43. The ordinance pro hibiting the aale or giving away of In tolcetlnif llfiior; Agalnat, 42; for, 4L CRETB F,dward W. Parkey waa re elected mayor here yeaterday by a ma Jority of ni. Thera ana no rpeetal laaua voted upon at thia election. The aaloon wiak not a vital queatlon and tha town remain a wet. Loia Vltr Bry for Firat Tlnaa. IX)UP CITT For tha firat tlrno In the li'.etury of thia city it went dry. The vote waa IN to 11. A. Al'en was elected mnyor: Pater Rowe, clerk; T. W. O. Wolfe, city engineer: I Hansen, trena il rer, and H. R. U. Wlillama, police Judge. The propoaition for aewer bonda in the aum of $10,000 carried by a vota of W6 to 11L WIIjBKR Joaeph Cerny, Wllllarn Ro hacek and ft. A. Bhetak were alerted truateea without oppoaitlon. Lena than one-half the votera came to the polle. MADISON The citlr.ena' ticket waa unanimously elected, conrlatlns; of: W. H. Field, mayor; C. 3. Kortman, treaa urer; F. J. Danker, clerk: A. J. Thatch, city engineer. Ucenaer waa not an laaue. City la wet WN'HAR Dr. W. avlea Gibbon and E. B. Weat were atacted vlllajte truateea. T.INDRAY-V. lAUeaen and John Muck were elected village truateea. No laauea up. The town remalna wet. WATERLOO-. A. Stengleln ani T. D. Todd were elected memhera of the town board Tueaday. No' aide laauea. Board favor lloenae, GRANT Owen Ptockton and Frank Yenne were elected trustee. Bonda for II2.S0O for city to own water and electric llRht ayatem earned. Sunday baaa bail In tha village of Grant loat. KYRACIJ8K D. August Halm and Wal ter F. Net f were elected memhera of the town board for two yeara. fcyraruea la atill a llcenae town. Tha chief oonteat waa on the referendum vote of the peo ple aa to whether tha board ahould call a bond election for two out of three pub lic lmprovemento. Theae ware extension of the water ayatem, elertrio llahta ana aewer ayatem. Tha vote reauneo in i" two firat being carried by a vote of 142 and , respectively, whila eewera receivea only 43. MTrOntri'ft.'n-Tt. W. FTiItTffa waa Ta -lcte.l mayor by a mamritv of in votoa. City hall of fVW acoepiea uj a majority of 20 votea. TTWCA n. 1. Wood. cltHiena" tickit. waa elected mayor over Dr. . If. Lewis by a majority of 200. N. Knerl, treaa urer; Charlca Auge.. clerk: O. V.. Wal brek. police judge. Flectrlc light fran chiae propoaition carried by largo ma jority. City ta atill dry NKWCASTLK City went dry first time In Ita history by a majority of t . , rrtRTIOhN Henrv Bay. Clyde TlelUs- ter and Henry Kaamuas were elocte.1 vil lage truateea. License not an laaue. ion ia wet. HASTINGS William Madgett, . large rroperty owner, will become Hastings' newsboy mayor" next week. He won out over C. G. Ingraharn, the Incuml'ent yeaterday by 1 votes. Madrett. who used to sell papers on the at reel a. is now one of the largest taxpayers in the city. H.gti license won out by 163, a notmal majority. Candidates for tne Board ot Fducatlon oppoead to the Barr admlnla tratlon wera elected by -good maioiitlea. This contest aaa complicated with the fight on a proposed achoot bond laaue to be voted on April 20, The aucceaaful can didates are opposed to the bonda, which are expected to be defeated. MTTLDKN-C. C. Campbell.' R. 'M. Pierce, W. B. Adama. A. O. Humpbff and V. T. Morrison, present no license hoard, were re-elected. Ten thousand dollar water bonds mot defeat. CURTIS Linn McCawtn and Dim Ire land wera elected new members, of, the city board. City atill remain In tha dry Hat. STORZ GENUINE BOCK BEER, Our brew thia season la exceptionally rood. Wa have yet to taste Ita equal. Try It down town. Send a case home for tha family. Photva Chaav Storx. Web. 12B0. : Women! : Do. you desire a neat, fashionable Shoe? Onothat finishes off your appcatance, not only because it is in the mode, but because it is fitted to your foot as well as suited' to the rest of your outfit. That's What We Can Offer Women at That and Nothing? Less. . , ' Of course we have other qualities, but t $4. 00 tha as aortment Is larger and value particularly aaserts ltielf, .. . Take tbe Elevator to the Second Floor. . OMAHA'S FASTEST GROWING STORE. . 1516-18-20 FARNAM STREET. mm . party elected. No change an aaloon quji Uon dry by H , . j . AelllAND By a roalorlty of Ash land ' ramainad ta tha dry column ' today,, a ln of Inn ovar laat yaar and tha filth coneecutlve dry vlciory.; Mayor Thomas Dally waa m-elncted by a' mnjorny of nu ovfr B. J. Hose. Dr. J. M. Moaa waa elected rounciliiuin .In' tha First ward by 7 ever It. a pwn. : Aunday ta.aar ball cajri ried by II majority, ) . '! 1 RKD cU1i r-Rad CWid remalna irV by an tnureascd ruajotity,- ,lr. l'.ober! l'nmera! waa re-aiected mayor on pie cliiaena1 ticket. C. J. I'ope and Dr.. C.,. 11 i roea wera elected ntaiubrra vt the Bura! of Kducatloa. ' 1 ' . WCOOK-McCook went wet today by a majority of forty votea. On tha rvpuhlioan ticket, klayor Ivawrilaon, waa ra-clectad. toncther with pracUally all of tha pna- t city ouu-lala ajecooh now haa at aaloona. Wakoo BeeoBtea . Wet. f.. .. WAHOTV-Tha cltlaena' randidata for mayor, William J. Uehr, waa elected ever tne municipal concil iate, r . M. iLiCTeery, by a majority of eiKhtV-nlne votaa'- Both anuiunira wera tepublb ana but runnma aa yindiilutra on Ivx al oraniilULtlona. I ba iowii, wmuri mi ditii-ory ine last year. ant wt-i py a majority of twenty-one oira. KKARNEY Kearney went drv In th rienitn louy, ucrnee Winf defeated by vutea, lliua puttlna; the aabion out of uatp. oa in true city. I. , w. KkiOley waa t.l mayor of the illy by a attiall wjority, aiproxunati.y seventeen voua tuur lui iiier councllmen. lio wen. ruimiiiK tor re-election, were all defeated IKH, UKl.lir. John Itrasa, temtieranca randldate for the-office of mayor, aaa lectrd today by a inajurtty of 121 votea uvr hla otiponrnt. 1'ctrr klUler of tha rvpubllcan-deiiiixrattc party. HolJre till tiuuuu , til , the laaue not beiuf voted - on MlLXRl-Mllford returna W. O. liar- old, mayor, cltlaena uu.u, dry; no chant. brJ'INU WAThll-F. II. Holder waa elected mayor on the bualneaa temnefanca ticket to aerva hla nintli term. Tha-Car- necia library qurotlan waa defeated, by vota of li to la. Mra F. 11. ilorJ, and 3. I'avla were elected iHi-nibeia of the S'bool board. About thirty women of tlae ton Voted on thia ticket. H1L-.NKV ThrW nundted and aiity-thrre vou wera cast at tlta city eleotion lo dnv. The aria won. by a majority of thirty-one. This la the firat tuu tlat laaua haa been raised here. . Alkloa lm Ury. ALJJION Thia city today chanted from wi w ary ay taenty-aovea uiajVrUy. Thov followlnc offu-era -ra eielvd: S. r. J'aM, mayor; Kobert Urn. clerk; ... i-mj, u".ur.r; r. at. Miuck. en alaeer: T. 3. Matthewa. A. V. lad couuollmen; Krank liu and A A.-Mrv. ra. ineftibera of tha board of .-ii. ii,.ii OtNICVAUenava went dry by ituu tw majority oa referendum vota. It AKi.j.UTOii- H. Lock man. J. D. jsewcorun, u. iiaaen, count II man, re nii i'ry. oy aevanlern votes. f AiKMONT All caiilllara of ' te rliijMiia l-4irty were eln-tr;1 The vote atiM.U: MaVvr. McAlMn j-iO, AWtu, iii'iprllinrn, Hr.t ward. Low,ien,".. . Vv iiu yciib, IS, !rv.i.nj waid. llaak V. So aaaaLAaaaBkanaBf ' ,gaiaaMMaMf ft j ' : ' ' ' ' 7 BEAUFORT is the M -naiie ; of that iiKiippiedi' taUdng about : Note the original collar and lapel, the natural shoulders innocent of padding; the shaped bodv with miHbry high waist effect; thefive button waistcoat worn with the top button open This b one of the most popular models ever produced for young men. It doesn't take them long to know when a suit strikes the right note, registers all the new style essentials and has the effect they are after. x Young men know what they want and who is producing it ; They saw in tie work of this House as early as last season the first hint of the new military styles which tells .them plainly enough where to look for these fashions this Spring. It is this knack of design, quite as much as the nicety of fit and tailoring, that young men recognize in the BEAUFORT, that makes them strong for Kuppenheimer Styles and go out of their way if necessary to find them. ' Prices $20 to $40 Kuppenbehner Qctlies are sold by a represent ative store in nearly every MetroDoUtan center cf the. United States and Canada. Your name on a post card will bring you our Book c! Fashions. THE HOUSE OF KUPPENHEIMER CHICAGO i 1 ... . Exclusive in Omaha with the i i