THE EK: OMAHA, THUKSDAY, .APKLL 8. -101-3. ADTO REGISTRATION BILL HOWIS A LAW Governor Morehead Signi Measure that Provides Ifew Plan of . : Numbering Yehiclei. DIFFEBXNT COLOR EACH YEAR (Fmrn a Staff Corresr.in1nt ) LINCOLN. April 7 r-lsJ.-Th au tomobile rt-glatratlo blU U Bow the li of th land, th governor having elgnrd It yMrlrrday evening. Secretary of Ntate Pool haa already made, hie plana to con. form with the nrw law and haa let tha contract for tha new numbers, to ba furnished rach rr In different eolora by the atat. Tha numbera for thla year wre plain black on a w hit background. Next year tha color will b different and anybody operating a car under an expired, license will be eaay to apprehend. Tha plan la on lived by many other atatea. Old I w Raale4. The oM law rqurllng two numbera la repealed. Now there need be but tha one and the atate furnlahea that How ever, the fee la Increased from 12 to 11 for antes and from II to 13 for motor cycle Of thla fee, paid to the county treaaurea, S centa ia remitted to the it at irrasurer, and enough of It ud by the secretary of atat to cover the expense of numbera end registration, Wk Hay Caattrsete. The contract for tha auto number at cut each arm Vo O. A. Bach of Omaha, .vice president of J-ha Qneenduck company. , Tha contract tcr the motor cycle numbera foe to the Lincoln tftamp A . Seal company of Lincoln, at T4 centa fof eaca number. '...' r . Week's belary Yet.. It will ba a matter of a week or ten days begone the new number wiU be available. Those who have already taken out their lloeneea thla year, and they number from 4.00O to COM. can enow their receipts in plaoe of the new numbera. Legislative Proceedings Bill Pmm hy Hon. 8. K. 291 aHalaea aaiaria of certain city offKIla of Alliance. 8. if. S Authorise Imprisonment of I-etty ..larseoy otteoaes in town or city jails. - a. T. SS Require accused persona re leased on, ball to appear in court on the flrt day ot succeeding Jury term. H. V. 101 Amplifies the atatute against forgery to "over lUer wrlUug fyr the purpose of discrediting other person. H. V. 1,3 Kules and regulations for In spection of dairy products, adding to powers of food commissioner and In crHulna; number of InKixo'tors. 8. Ms Provides for 'resurfacing old pavemrwa In Omaha. ... 8. K. 2a9 Authorizes drainage dlstrtcta to refund aurplua left after paying cost of work, pro to JToperti" own er. H. T . .J7 Ehttenda Jurisdiction of probate courts and ailoa onlers to me made during, vacation. S. F. J'rovldea for constructive aerv 1 where a defendant cannot be found in the state. 8. F. 21 Iteqtilres a 04 per cnt peti tion for pavement in aecond class clttaa and villages. . 8. F 1j Makes notea given In advance to prlvst s- hoola in payment of tuition non-ncKliibi until fifteen days after student lixs entered school. 8. I Ii'l Autuorliea special levy fof hydrant fund In second claaa cities. . K. 197 iTohihita sale of hog cholera crurn without first obtaining . HnenHea from t"t . tellers! government and the NcbrBWn "Live Unii PiuiiHiry board. H..F.. PherifM' tt bill. H. r"; Itt-Iiriiintes the ale of a art cultural eeed ani provides for Inspection anil testing by fool comriilsslnn. R r."to-ncrulrlng aufficient rTcuranca between teleDiioue . nnil electric wires to pn.tcct tnlrphone service. 3. V. U jimyowera cities, villages and counties to acquire real estate fur high k y S F. SI 1nveri de'tnouent texes. 9. K. vJr Providea for printing aeaslon lea an1 lefrtalstive JourneU. F. 140 Hequlres nnnriifcnt plaintiffs to fiirni! I'A ch aacurtty for ooata. P. 141 iiegulnlea sal ot commercial H. F. 14 Civee pharmacy graduates of l iiiversliy of Netiraeka ertlftcatea wit h "t tmng enamtnstlon at hands of slat bMr't. H F. yl-Authorise cttlc to Issue audi torium bonds. BtlU Pasaej by the Reaat. If. R. 47, Prlea Makea It a mlade- rranor to destroy land comer markets. II. 17. CX. nn.mre Cmmtttce For k dairy barn at Mnrora. U.fX 11. R. . I I nance (.xinmltte For Iniiiding at home ior dopenuent cliUUreo at Llnroln. tJ7.6. H. H. ,, Finance aemmlttie For building st tubercular boaipial at 1 Kear ney, Id.ym. If. It. . Flnano Oommlttee Puildlng and lmirovenwnia at Lincoln hospital for tnnanet. s-m oiJO. ii. K. For aewage plant and laun dry equipment at girl a home at Geneva. S15.5C. I r, Winanno rommlMee Ftr tm frovetikenta at Omaha riuhool for Ieaf, it n-a , . 11. R. Ut. I-araen Makea the Douglas ominty cierk ex fflr4v county coinp trl'cr. t R 44iL Finance Committee For building at Norfolk insane hospital. ,- II. R. S55 Formal sppmprlatlon nemsi xhnnl andowmetit fund. of K. K. r.7. bUsaxna Otvea well diggera a lien on land. H It. 173 Formal appropriation of caah yeveluota of atate nonnal e nooia Hill H'Manlrt ( I'aa by Mr ate C4aBBltte ef Whole. U. R. SIX, RcUner Permlta church or ganisations to sell property. II R. It, Chambers of Thurston Flxea SIM per day aa pay of county eoinmie- aiuiieia while actually eiiK.Kea in road vi.rt. lMea not affect fkouKlaa Coualy. II. R- ilS, Parkinson Provkdes i eenta lr re4'tta for county aid to agricultural xietuis and counties under K.Ou) may in reaae the amount to I cents. 11. It. SIS. Naylor Provldee that county Ijoarda may establish roads parallel . to tai'.wsy reht-f-way without iwtHion. II. it, "vs(. Van Utusen tJlves villages nl iltiea rlgut to levy special aaimaa- intrts fur oiling roada. H. H. 7. I..rd of Control Providea for letter writing of patients la slat aylum. 11. K. S9. Board of Control Providea in, t hod of rntry of patients to Uiaane hoa- p.tals. 11. R. Roard ef Control Changea iiani of ilaatius asylum to lnglealae. It. H. Soi, ttuard of Coulrol I'hangee rikme of blind Institute to rttraJ . hixi fr.r Blind. H R. Provide for employment of roiivv ta at atat penitentiary under dl tioti of tUmrd or Lontroi. M. K. ' 'A General aaiariea bill. ii. H. fcSl Appropriates JIU.Ouu for tha rtate Board of Control to expend at th ta: p-ii!lintlarv in taUhlUtilng guy lo c'.ry It may ae fit. li. It. Movkett ef tncaster Appro priate as curieos for a f ind to In relief of blind and for tnvesiigatiua iji caus of tlinines. H. H 7J UcneiiU Ualma aad dcflclen Ira .t L li. H &04, Committee on 8tat Ineltu tixjiie Ct'ii.ges retUli enietit for adinia- n to hrid! lijttuui fur Kesole J,t uiiU.. 1. cornmiuinetit to I.' cnly on order ,i nn or ii'tn or onir. II. H. 'iw, I u;.. r ('ornir.ion bill to on t'l-rii.-nntiiv atovt; ayi.ii.-a to wunua Ji,i .tiI Home. Ajaitments, (lata, houaee ana cottages tun Le itoid qui. Vly and cheaply tj lt Kent" Ad. HOWELL INSURANCE BILL RECOMMENDED Hoote Committee of Wtole, by One sided Vote, Comes Out in Its Favor. SLIGHT AMENDMENT 13 MADE iFYom a Ftaff trrepondent LINCOLN. Arrll 7-(Brclal Telegram.) Aftrr one of the warment debetea of th session In the house the Howell anti discrimination Insurance hill. B. F. 4ft, waa 'recommended . for passage by a de clalve vote, which waa even a surprise to the frlenda of the bilk Curiously enough the fight waa led on both std" by a minority member, and both of them of the Lancaster county delegation. Teteraon waa In charge of the fight nrainst the bill, while Mockett led the fnrre defending the measure. i Ltggftt of 8c ward proposed an amend ment giving the atate Insurance depart ment authority to Increase or decreaae rate. Thla waa withdrawn until after the bill had been read on requeat of Mockett, but again Introduced at the close of the- reading and adopted. Among thoae who apoke for the bill were Tnimble and I-anlgan, while gteb bena assisted reteraon In the argunnt against the hill. When the vote waa taken on Indefinite postponement It waa anon evident that the bill would live, and the' vote of S3 for postponement to 3 agalnat Indicated that the bill haa a good ahow for passage, Douglas rwinty memhera split tip on the bill. . Senate and House ; At Outs on Harinan fTrom a Staff Correspondent.) , LINCOLN. April 7.-(fpeoia1. -Raising tha salary of Food Commissioner liar man from S2.S0 to S2.ri00 ami pay of In spectors from S4 to S4.M waa up before th houso today. The house had pnaaed upon the matter once and cut the ralae, but the annate put It back and the Mil cam back to the house with the ralae rein stated. Conference committee wer ap pointed and they agreed that the aenat had done right, but ac-m of the house member thought otherwise and after considerable discussion the matter went over to the afternoon, when they refused again to concur, 43 to . and on motion of Taylor a new committer, waa ap pointed,' consisting of Taylor. Relshlck and Relsner. The house went Into committee of th whole and apent a ahort time on aenate file S10. providing that when a state bank liquidate It shall receive back 75 per cent of Ita accumulated guaranty fund assessments, the other 28 per cent to be retained by th State Ranking board. Mr. Scott proposed an amendment to 'turn the entire amount into the board's handa. This waa oppoeed by Messrs. Taylor and Smith, The committee' arose and reported progreaa without acting on th bill or th amendment. Socialists Gain ' : In Cities of Texas DALLAS, Tel.. April 7- Heavy rote wer polled today In SPO Taxag cflle and town where municipal election were held. Th majority of the candidate were democrats running cgntnst demo crats, but tha eociallata made active cam paigns In Fort Worth, Dallas and aevrral amallcr towne. Complete returns tonight ahow the eleo- Hon in Dallas of the Cltlaer.s' association ticket, headed by Henry D. Lindaley. for mayor, llo opposed John . Q., Collins on th people' Independent party ticket. The vote waa 7.M2 for Liudsley and 4,901 for Collins. In Waco, with no opposition to the dem ocratic ticket, only X0 votes wer polled. It was th quietest election there In ears. Four city oomnilsoioners wer elected In addition to other officials. Florence Wet by v 272 to 107 Votes Florence voted wet, 171 to 107, Tues day, it being th first time th question had been decided by ths voters In that village, which ' has been wet sine It organisation. For mayor, F. 8, Tucker was re-alected, he vote .being; as follows: Tucker, Z4u; W, K. Rogers, 131; John Bondesaon was elected city clerk without opposition, re ceiving SU voU. The vote for city treasurer was: James Brenneman, 107; T.i B. Kelly, ltd. Pllfford Kelrle waa elected city engineer with SCO votea to A. U Luch' 104. For councilman from th North ward. Henry Behrman received lis votea. while J. Weber, Jr., got TO; from the Bouth ward. D. F. Kelly, 119; C. O. Carlson. Ti. STORZ GENUNE BOCK BEER By long odda th finest brewed in Omaha. On draught throughout tit city now. Don't miss It. Phone tor a case fur your home. Chaa. Etora. Web. 1J60. Re-Kagase Mtsagfr. In the Canadian league the London club haa re-engaged Manager F. C. KelaUnc and haa sold Pitcher Robert Km and Shortstop Whitrratt to a higher class league. . Washington Affairs The new battleshlo Artsona. building I the New Yoik navy yard, will be launched June IS, hecretary D&iiiela announced. The governor of Artsona has been Invlttd to name the ship aponscr. . Postal recelp V at the fifty largest cities In March shoird a subetantlai increase over lliuM of February, l'oetniaater lien era! iiurtrsou announced, indicating i eady climb toward normal. Th t-uio pean war brought about a declln in pos tal receipt that coutiuuea untu o vember. Constitutionality of tha federal law ef likjj kpairiallng American women marry ing lorelKiieia Waa attacked by- Sir. k-Uifl C alacavnsi of elan r ranclaco In a brief filed lu th uprme couru ih aa denied th right to vote In Han Fran- ci no on th ground that under th fed eral law alia has lost her American oitt saruhiu by marrying a subject of Great limain. Fortilan trade of the United States from March (l to April S petted a favorahl balance of Ul f.M 171. This was an in crease of la.17i.uJO over the prmedlng weea. Kxort amounted to .k7M.'i Imports totaled pVita.'.JI. Of th expurta. New York handled :,:. IW4 worth and isew Orleans, the next laiseat export ce. Ur, iuptMd goods to in lu of W iil.lli. March a an extraordinary month this year iroru a wcattier standovint. aoonl- Ing to til official weather and crop bull tin Uaund bv tne aeather bureau. Not rtuce extensive weatliar records be nan more titan forty ear aKo. haa the weather ovr the southeastern portion of in country ieea ao continuously roid. Invs the bulletin, ar.J In portion of lew t uelai.a and other mrt neaatern state ever Kuuaa lor Matvb. ILLINOIS YOTERS .SMASHSAL00NS Dry Forces Hail Result of Balloting in State on Liquor Question as Victory. GAIN ALSO IN WISCONSIN CHICAGO, April 7. A total of fifty-five out of 102 counties In Illi nois are entirely dry, three new counties, Marion, Franklin and Jas per, bavins; been added to tbe dry column In yesterday's local option election. About 100 saloons were voted out of business, out of the 350 Involved In . forty-fire townships. Tbe chief dry victory was In Centralla, which oas been wet for sixty years. Thirty- eight saloons were voted out there. In. Wisconsin, cltle. town and village which voted onthe liquor q?utlon yes terday showed a gain for the dry forces In the number of towna gained, but th larger citlea voting on the Issue, Madi son. Superior, Aanland and Beloit, re mained In the wet column. Nineteen citlea and towna which formerly , were wet went dry. while only four villages Wlifch were Bry went over to the saloon forces. Vote la Wlscoaala. t . MILWAUKEE. Wl., April S.-The vote today in Wisconsin clttea, towna and village on the "wet and dry" question showed a gain for the "dry" element In number of towna gained, but the larger cities voting on tha Issue atadlson. Su perior. Asbland and Beloit remained In the wet column. Forty-one placea which were "dry" voted to remain ao, and auty-five voted to retain aajoon. Probably the moat significant feature of the vote waa that nineteen citlea and 'town which were formerly "wet" were ' awung Into the "dry" column, while only four villages which were "dry" went over to the "wet"' column. i Little Chance ta Mlaatntts. BT. PAUL, April 1 Election today in several Minnesota cities of ths - fourth class wrought but one Important change In the wet and dry situation. This waa at St. Peter, where saloons were voted In by a decided majority. THOMPSON WINS . BYBIG MAJORITY i (Continued from Pag. Four.) - biographical sketch which he issued prior to the election he stated that as a boy he sold newspapers, and later went ' to Wyoming" and worked aa a cowboy and a brakeman. lie received much of his edu cation In the publlo schools and later en tered Yale university. JI Is a dealer In real estate, having succeeded ta the business of his father, who died wealthy. Thompson Is also knows as a yachtsman and formerly was captain ot th Chicago Athletlo associa tion. ' , Kleetloa la K. C.: K. KANSAS QJTT. ' Mo., . April 8.-C. W. Green today was re-elected mayor f Kansas City, Kan.,, by a majority esti mated at mor than 1,000 and early re turns Indicated the election of all other candidate on th administration Utket with the posalble exception of James liogge, commissioner of street and pub lic Improvements, who waa closely crowded for the office by Frank J. Fere a Opposition candidate conceded the re election of C. 13. Little, commissioner ot f Inane, and, Lou II. Chapman, commis sioner of water and street lighting. W. II. Martin, commissioner of parks and publla property, was holding a lead over Otto Anderson. Nonpar laaa Men Elarte. MILWAUKEE, Wis., AprU . Nonpar tisan candidates for Judicial office In Milwaukee county war today elected to all th sraoancle with on exception. Civil Judge Joseph B. Oordes, social dem ocrat, being re-elected. , . Of th five school directors elected In Milwaukee, four social democrats were elected, one Veins Mrs, Meta Berger. wife of former Pongreaeman Victor Berger. Only . on nonpartisan candidate waa elected. Early returns from throughout th state show a sain for th "dry," In thirteen town while th "wets" sained on town. Thirty town now 'wet" remained In that column whU twenty-three "dry" town remain dry. Th largest cltle reported voting en th license eueatlon are Ashland, Bu- perlor, Beloit and Madlaon. They went wt Dry Clt lUttfB rtsstlea DFJTROIT, Mich. AprU I Complete un official return from th sixteen Michi gan counties la which local option waa th Uaue la yesterday's election ahowa that the dry" we aucceasful In six teen counties and the "Wets we vic torious in tWO. : Alger county save a majority of only one vote In favor of the anti-saloon In terest and Oakland went dry by a majority of from eight to forty. Chip pewa county. In which Sault Bt Marts is situated shows a "wet" majority of thirty-seven. Resstlleaas Wis. BT. LOUIS. April a-Th entlr repub lican' ticket of twenty-eight aldermen. led by A. II. Frederick, for chairman of th board, was elected here today by a plurality estimated at ZS.ou. Reaakltcaas Eleet Mayor.. OKLAHOMA CITT. Okls., April .-Ed Overliolser, republican, waa choaen mayor In the city election here today. J. O. Street, democrat, waa elected commis sioner of public property, and Michael Donnelly, democrat, commissioner of finance. The sjw board of city commle siouers will consist ot three demoerals and two republicans. Mather Is Elected Mayor of Benson Only on member of th ticket put up la protest agalnat annexation was elected la Benson, the exception being James M. Bailey, who was chosen councilman from tha fecond ward. C U. Mather, republican.' waa elected mayor. Other winners were: Dan West ergard. city clerk; Ous A. Wolfe, treas urer; C. K. Bramble, engineer, ad Ed ward Borenaon,. councilman from th Ftrt ward. A proposed IA000 bond iau for th building of, a new city hall and fir hall carried by larg majority. Carl W. Andaraoa, William Clara and J. A. Bbvpen wer etaotad member of ths suLcul board. ..... Rent room 0.UI1JL un ft He Want Ad. TURKS REPULSE ATTACK OH PORTS SulUn'g War Office EeporU Two warships of Allies Damaged . During- Fight Monday. ANOTHER BATTLE IN CAUCASUS CONSTANTINOPLE. April 7. (By Wireless to Berlin and London.) An offlclak statement issued today by tbe Turkish war office says: "No serious attack waa mad yes terday by tha enemy on tha Darda nelles. The day before two hostile cruisers bombarded our batteries at tha entrance to the straits, but with out result. One of tha enemy'a cru's ers and one torpedo boat were s truck- by our shells. "On the Caucasian front tha enemy attacked our adrance guards north of Ishkan, near tha frontier, but were repulsed across tha frontier. After eighteen hours of hard fighting we occupied the enemy's Tillages near Rhosor and Parces, south of Tassa kert' CANDIDATES JELL OF LUCK Chambers Says Omaha Voters Think Very Little of Senate Filev Number Six.. HOW OTZES BEATEN ONES FEEL (From a Staft Correspondent) LINCOLN. April 7.(8peclal. "Thai anowa wnat tney injna of . F. a,- re marked Representatlvs Chambers of Douglas county when he sot back to Lincoln todsy, after spending Tuesday In Omaha for th primaries. Mr. Chamber Is one ot th five mem ber of th Douglas) county delegation In the legislature who war candidates for th city commission. All fir of them made ttteir campaign largely on the strength of having supported S. F. S, ths bill giving R. B. Howell's Water board authority to engage In the electric light business. All Fallow to Land. Every one of the quintet went down to defeat, In th primaries, falling to land among th fourteen winners.' Beside Chambers, there were BeriSftora Howell and Bedford, Representative Dnieaedow and Howard. ' Mr. Chambers t now convinced that th people of Omaha do not care so much about 8. F. as he thought they did when It was before the legislature. He got something over 400 rotes, where about 1,500 wer needed to nominate. Chamber was not slow In expressing the opinion that he and the , other had made "fall guys" ot themselves when ' th adopted ths Water board bill as their campaign lesus. ' ' - ' ' i Draesedew'a Vlcer. ' Mr. Drueaedow refused to attribute the reault to popular disapproval of S. F. S and declared that .he and the other legislators lost out because . they wer not included In the ctroos combination. "Aw-,. it wasn't B. F, S at all.T. h de clared, "you can't get anywhere nnleaa you are on th slat. I didn't have chance to make an expenslvs campaign and Iota of them didn't know I waa run ning." , . Jerry Howard, who moved a is bachelor belongings from South Omaha ,. a . few weeks ago In order to run for city com missioner In the larger city,, was cheer ful in defeat. II did not even attribute It to ths stock ysrds influence or the "bafe" truat. . - . "Hurel wquld have been eurprlsej if I had won out In that bunch." Jerry statsd to his friends. ''There were . seventy thiee running and only fourteen could 'be nominated, and how could I expect to get there?" . ' Th return of the defeated contingent from Omaha attracted a good deal of at tention at the capitol. They were forced t undergo ft good deal of Joshing at th handa of their colleagues, which they took good-naturedly. . j Dies from Wound i t; Inflicted by Wife Will F. Frants, a year old. accidentally hot yeaterday by hi wife, 1 year old, to whom h was married February JO, idled at St. Joseph's hospital shortly after midnight. Th bullet hit him In the left breast. FranU was shot, said his wife, while they were examining a revolver. Bh pulled the trigger In Ignorance of th fact that It was loaded, she told th police. Mr. Ftanti formerly lived at Manilla. Ia. 6h and her husband have been liv ing at Harney. Karl Frants, Ii yeara old. accidentally An Inquest will be held Thuraday morn ing at 14 o'clock. Mr. Frants' declared she would return to th home ef ' bar parents, Mr.' and Mr. J. A. Milton of Manilla, Ia., when cleared of the Name. They bar not been Informed of the oc currence, owing to Mrs. Milton'a Illness. The parents of the dead boy are pros trated with grief. Word was received by th polk that FranU and his wit had frequently quarreled. Forty-Six Vote3 Cast For Dundee Trustees Forty-! x votea wer cast In th lec tion, of village trustr at Dundee Tues day. The present trustees. Reed. Crowell, Westerfleld and Gillespie wer running for re-election. Reed and Crowell. who era both out of town, received forty-alx votta. while Gillespie and Westerfleld re ceived forty-five each. It is presumed th latter two wer too pollt to vote for themaelvea. There are about O0 voters In Dunde. , STOrV GENUNE BOCK BEER By ft loot odd th finest brewed In Omaha. On draught throughout th city now. Don't mis It. Fhon for caa for your hom. Chaa. filor. Wab. Ufct The Bee Want Ada Are Beat U us in as ' Ntkratk talea. WAtHIN(TON. April 7. eXpental Tale run 1 Krtaaae pnslon arantd l.ttl A. Kranilin. MoUooa. t'i; Maxy hrels, tiooveT: I I. aruitii Mhnn Kiuinall, Man GalMi, Madlsun. The Cora fe'chang National bank of lman nmm vwb m m nwrri SSai for the Flrat National b,rik of Callaway: feux-k Yards National bank, K iikiii 111), Mo ; fH Crand Island Na bank: Mncl-antc A Mrtal National bana 01 now 1 or nir, ivr iity rauoi baak of 0uahs DECISIYE BATTLE PENDS JN MEXICO Forty Thousand Villa and Carranza Troops Meet in Struggle that May Decide "War. MOBS ABE LOOTING GUT AM AS WASHINGTON. AprU 7. A battle with 40,000 troops engaged and which may be a deciding action in the war between the Carranza ami Villa factions in Mexico is in pro gress, or Impending sear Irapuato, In the state of Guanajuato. State department dispatches today, dated April 5, but delayed In transmission, sent by Special Agent Carrothers, with General Villa, said the fight would take place soon. That waa construed to mean Villa hsd assembled ft force strong enough to meet Oenersl Obregon's army and was moving south from Torre on along ths National Railway. J Obregon was laat reported at Quere tare, and was said to have sent a column against San Luis Potosl, while he pro tected It march with a second column, end a third division ot his army under General Hill moved toward Morella, capi tal of Mlchoacan. Obregon la understood by officials here to have 20,000 men, and It Is said Villa haa gathered an equal number. Irapuato is th Junction ot ths Mexican Central and the National Railway, toward which Obregon' forces r advancing. The State department issued this sum mary of the situation. , "Th department la informed that Gen eral Villa ha announced that If he la successful In defeating the forcee of Gen eral Obregon south ot Irapuato he will Immediately open the lines of communica tion to Mexico City. The department's advices Indicate that should tha forces of General defeated In Ihls expected engagement his 'important stronghold will be. Vera Cms, Taroplco and Matamoroa." Advices to th Carrans agency said the supboat Guerrero reached Ouaymas Monday night and its commander noti fied foreigners to leave the port, he intended to open. bombardment. Mobs in Guaymaa and Hermoslllo, the agency statement added, were looting business houses. The statement adda that General May torena failed to -check the Carranza troops marching from both north and south and waa defeated yeaterday at Navajo. General Calles waa reported marching on Cananea and Nogales. State department advices said sharp fighting continued at Ebano, near Tam plco. ' ' Th Be Want Ads Are Best Business Booster. I Managing Estates Experience, skill and judgment are required in the management tf an estate.' : . (: This Company ;haa these qualities and will look after the affairs of , your estate in the most competent and satisfac tory manner. I We act- aa Executor, Trustee, Administrator or Guardian. i - Capital $500,000.00 1 1 rc ? 4 1 ..' SJ i .16 X C PARNAM STRCCr I aiJaswMSMBaasjsaBSBssjsssaassasu. DLABDOQ CATAnnn Lit cured by GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capules)Th National Remedy of Holland. Tbe remedy that makes Ilnl. Under uch sturdy people. Krlce S3c. SOe $1 00. All Druggist laaaar rrar If taay set ktlp yo. Oaaalaa Haartaaa mi M(a. c. . Aaaartaaa Oiflca. ll tKr fcl.. ..rn-m sura SCHOOLS AMD COLLEUBS. s Korthwestern Unteity t Collego of CngJneerlnE Five yar at ra. thorowrh tnlalas aaiall fkaa. la vbtc ca Muiaat tau4va aa aaaul aaiaaa a lnllvlauai auaiiM front a'! ralMnra. kialiaut tati4u daia tae ta sarroaa. ta s-i-4al as Saraiua I' uurfuM4 apsoMuBlua t graal aagluMnag yn.Ja aa to aiaat aoei aaara. A ra araAaluva. aakeitipar a, atuaarraaaia Uaantuaa. W(i it 'Hm lraraiiua fair kaaiaaartas" au4 "buaalat i ..... joaur T. aTATTOBD. Tlrt Svaaatoa, aiuaeia. f.' HI HOWARD & AND SIXTEENTH STREETS An Extensive Exhibit of New White Dresses Stylish Moderately Priced Expressing the Newest Fash ion Ideas. For warm weather wear nothing else can compare with these dainty dresses of pure white. $12.50, $14.50, $16.50 Upward "No Extra Charge for Alterations Hand Tailored Suits ' A special offering at $19.50 and $24.50 Separate Skirts From $6.50 up. m m r; I: ,1 4 : . i i t!etmf it hat a taet6 and iadivldualily tltat cannot I equaled. Beta it t Jwya tha same flcaa9 it is brewed to, carefully - ditkns that it b absolutely Iterant it If so cotzmLIng, so appetizing and so uniformly good that it it enjoyed by every member of the family. Becautm eTery user it constantly tinging its praises and wiii uae no other. A haav thm mat w wmmr 0 ssn.... . yd - anese arguiMnu TV Cm W gOMAHA. NEB. V V Cosw.naf a rw.IWU.eMa ittixmln 1 niieiar" lllil mil III llll Ml if AaaX'SBBf ENTS. First Church of Christ, Sclen tiat, of Omaha, Announces a Free. Public Lecture CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Jacob S. Shield, 0. S. B., Member ot th Board of Lecture ship of th Mothr Church, Tb First' Church ef Christ. Aclentut. In Soaton. Alasa . . In the Church Edifice St, Mary's At, and 24th Bt , XbarsdaT and Friday Evenings April 8th aod Oth, at 8 o'clock Ton and Teur Friends 'Ar Cor dially 1bU4 to ii PreeonU. DOYD OMAKA'S . aCOST rt-ufcA vsiaui M atlas Todar, SiSOi Tealga aad balaa ef waa a, th talk ( Omaaa, ta aasatleaal traaaa, THE NIGGER lsatlaee, SBe aright, ta, 60. Tut Wk. Sao. at Oohaa' aaoaioal Comedy, "Tx or w Toai" Ta, Society aright. Between Asia, SLappy ttuiiuw Quaxtaa, . OkuUUt rvu CaOTBaV" SaU Haa, 1B-S.5. Drag, la-aa-ao.?. ota AJiDaal Tna ei Mas aniarai' , ?uu. THE CCLLtCE ClaLS Wit a 'atah-'Bah Oast Haa bracing At RIYMOLD6 rLORCMCB MILL All the Old Kun and Much TlLst's Naw aiivrr oaoav or raia oo-aoa Olm ataria Week . cnflHDEis-Ta,: 0321. a Elks' Ihh Chorus IS COXCEHT Twanty afa, A sals tad by Coa Striag Qvartttt aar. B. sV. B.e. TtoUaiatl bua Carolra BKamtltoa. svonraae. AABUMtua, tlU. T The Store for Shirtwaists Omaha's most pop-. v ular waist store. New arrivals, for $1.00, $1.25 and $2.95 mm ? always good. and under audi anitary, coa pure.' CZnArt flA I? A T7 WWVM !! .S"W mS SSr a ' . . & liHSX cannot r asakl-- rnmnsnw AM VSKMssaTTS. 3 ft AND EI G Today jS, mmm wsaenm ' riso vvm Vwva MISS - mm Tempest J ta Kdrar Bclwya'g Xf ' Rearfy Married y -JMeeei Brag. BOo't tai Msi, 85 to si.50 yoirm tiairsi. ra. u.ia. mat. wu. ' (TKVBSBAT) Now Show Today xxararBST a bttbt I.XBTZB TBIO . TBJtXB OtTTi wobuwir TBorra "T.i Thief," With Dorothy Oonnellf New Chow Cunday aSTAHOEO TiUBITrUl rboae Xcag. 4 Bally hut, a as wia-ai. tas IBJUtaABBTK MUBBAT ALlta BIB and Other arts: 11. Ma" Ta r"o aa.araaia. Mr. fen Mrm. riaaiirk Anwi, Braat HtrM, Mor aad jm Or- Jkaaai Tri WMaljr. rrtuaa: kUUaaa. aailry, u. Baat Mats i..ri4 Saiamaf aa4 Saa4ayi. aa. kkSbta. Mas. Has. tc ts 7k. IPP T 1 E AT E Y.:zt tf FiriKsuflt Pictures x ltat Tiroes Today FRITZI OCHEFF -ta- trstty Mrs. Smith" Beg tVateat Koro Comedy. .A : i X