Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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    TIIK HKK: OMAHA. VK!1"..SUY, AI'l.ll -7, 1M5.
United Statei Government Clean
Way and Raider at Midnight
Ready to Slip Away.
NEWPOItT NEWS. Va., April 7.
At 1 o'clock this morning the Ger
man auxiliary cruiser Prim Eltcl
Krtcdrlch still was at Us pier.
Shortly before midnight tonight
everything appeared to he in readi
ness for the German auxiliary cruiser
Prlnz Eitel Friedrich to leave the
Newport News 6hip yards.
Collector of Customs Hamilton,
who had visited the Eitel during the
evening, was given a jovial farewell
by the officer?. The first officer in
vited him to Btay aboard, saying: "I
vish you would remain and go with
niiU Farewell.
Commander Thierichens, it was
learned, had bade farewell to Ameri
can government official In his visits
today to the battleship Alabama and
to the customs house. The collector
In turn wished the German com
mander and his officers bon voyage.
At 11 o'clork tonight Admiral Beatty,
'(innianriant at the Norfolk navy yard,
ti-animlttod a radiogram to the custom
house here. Collector Hamilton remained
at his cfllce awaiting developments. At
taches of the office were keeping In
touch with the Grmnn ship as closely
iia poscitle. That no one knew exactly
what were the plans of the German torn
lntmler seemed apparent.
A newspaper boat, which steamed tip
the river, the only point from which the
rcldor could be seen was not picked up
by the German cruiser's searchlights as
Vad been tha case on previous occasions.
I"vn the naval tug Patuxent did not
flash Its lights until the dlBpatch boat
had passed. On tctrd ship there appeared
to be aetlvlly, but there were fsw lights
and ports were heavily curtained.
War Cleared.
The way for the raider to leave was
cleared today by the United States gov
ernment. Orders were given to pilots
not to take the merchant ship of any
tcHlvercnt cncir.y of Germany out of
Norfolk and Newport until further
notice. Tho order went Into effect about
11 o'clock today, following a direction by
Hiltleh authorities lafet night to British
captains not to clear their ships after
noon of any uay while the Eltcl's status
vmnined In doubt.
Tho tovernn cut's action served to
.lroiuo Hit iiritish authorities conslder-
pbly when iippeuls for information as to
when thij pilotir.u ban would be lifted
met with no explanation.
British Government
Blamed for Loss of
Life Upon Falaba
WASHINGTON. April .-In an of
ficial statement today at the German
embassy quoting a message from Berlin,
the government places the responsibility
of the loss of life on board the British
steamer Falaba upon the British govern
ment reiterating Germany's warning to
neutral passengers on ships crossing the
war aono. military necessity is given as
the reason for option of (submarine
which prevents them from saving lives.
The embassy message was as follows:
"Tho German ambassador has received
the following official message from Ber
lin: 'A report from the submarine has
not yet been received. However, accord
ing to trustworthy reports, the sub
marine requested the steamer Falaba to
put passengers and crew into lifeboats
whnn other ships came up. Lately Eng
lish merchant ships have, been provided
with guns by the British government and
advisedto ram or otherwise attack Ger
man submarines. This advice has re
peatedly been followed In order to win
promised rewards. Military necessity
consequently forced the submarine to act
quickly, which made granting of longer
space of Urns for the saving of Uvea Im
possible. ' 'Too German government regrets the
sacrifices of human lives, but both Brit
ish ships 'and neutral passengers on
board ships were warned urgently and in
time not to cross the war sone. Re
sponsibility rests, therefore with the
British government, which contrary to
international law, inaugurated commercial
war against Germany and contrary to
International law has caused merchant
ships to offer armed resistance.' "
German Expert Says
Result of Mountain
Battle is Uncertain
BERLIN, April .-tVla Lndon)-Th
outcome of the great battle. In the Car
pathians which has lasted so many weeks
cannot ,be foreseen, accord I uk to the
t-pectai correspondent at the front for the
Tageblatt- He arirues that an army tak
ing the of tensive against another equipped
with strong positions to which it can re
tire wben neccsaary, always is the. greater
loser and the farther It goea forward the
greater are Us losses. The correspondent
my a:
"There is therefore always the well
based hope that if the Russians advance
by virtue, of the masses of troops thrown
into the Carpathians by them they will
havo tu pay dearly and too dearly. Al
though the conflict in the Carpathians at
present is attracting- more interest than
ny other happening in the war one mut
not forget that the war theater includes
regions other than the Carpathians and
thexe have an Influence on the Carpathian
"The gaining of ground In the Car
pathians by no means Indicates victory,
for victory is not won until the opponent
Is exhaubted. Kven if the Russians suc
ceed in gaining ground at points in the
Carpathians our offense will grow more
(From a Staff Correspondent )
IJNCOLV, April .-(f perlat ) The reso
lution of tjilnby of Iouglas. endorsing
Bryan and the Wilson administration, was
referred to a committee of three, Eeal,
fsUM and 'Grace, all democrats.
plfT givesexplanation
pulsion by Germans.
TIIK llAtU K (via London), April .--Both
Henry Van lyke. tlio American am
bassador io The Netherlands, and Gilford
l'ln hot. attached to tho American lega
tion, Une endeavored to the utmost to
keep the matter of Mr. Plnchot's expul
sion from Belgium by the Germans from
publicity lest such action should render
more difficult the work of relief In Bel
glum, Involving the smvor of 9.MW.HM des
titute people of that country and tho
northern provinces of France. .
Mr. IMiiehot. however, on learning todny
that the Incident had been published,
gave tho Associated l'ress the following
signed statement:
AfUed to He Member.
' Some time ago I wns asked by Herbert
C. Hoover to liecome a member of tho
Commission for liellef In lVelglum and to
take charge of the feeding of the French
In tho Invaded provinces north of the
Gorman lines After going twice to the
continent, arrangements finally were
completed and guarantees given to the
commission by the German government
that the American commission's food
would not be taken.
"I came to Tho Hague and reported tm
medlntely to lr. Van Dyke, to whose
legation I was attached by orders from
Washington, with the specific duty of
representing the commission of relief In
feeding the civil population In northeast
ern France within the German lines.
Sent to Antwerp.
"Dr. Van Dyke procured from the Ger
man legation at The Hague the necessary
papers for entering Belgium. On March
30 I went with my wife in a commission
automobile and was accompanied by u
Brussels representative of the commis
sion to the Belgian frontier, where my
diplomatic and commission passes were
examined. After three hours' delay we
were sent under an armed escort to Ant
"Tbe next morning orders came from
the German governor. General von Blss
lng, through the head of the pass office
in Antwerp, that we were to leave Bel
gium without delay. No ron was as
signed for this action.
Reason for Kx pulsion.
"Before leaving, however, 1 received a
letter from the American minister at
Bruseels, Brand Whltiock, saying that
the reason given him by General von
Blsslug for our expulsion was my rela
tionship to the British minister at The
Hague, Sir Alan Johnstone, who married
my sifter, and the fact that I had stayed
with him at The Hague on my way to
Belgium. Accordingly, we returned to
Holland on March 31, and since then have
been staying with the American minister
at The Hague awaiting instructions from
"In entering and leaving Belgium, Mrs.
Tlnchot and I were searched by the Ger
man military authorities.
"I cannot close this statement without
expressing the deep Impression made
upon moby what I saw of the work of
the American Commission for Relief In
Belgium and especially by the warm ex
pressions of gratitude and appreciation
which came to to me from every side
end all classes of people, including many
of the leaders of the province In which
Antwerp lies."
Must Have German
Dyes or Close Up
Many Textile Mills
WASHINGTON, April 6. Represents
tives of American textile manufacturers
headed by former Congressman Metz told
White House and State department Gla
cials today that "the end is in sight'
for operations of American textile mills
unless the government can do something
to bring dyestuffB out of Germany.
They were assured by Secretary Turn
ulty and Counselor Lansing that the ques
tion would be taken up for further effort
The manufacturers told officials that the
supply of dyestuffs In the United tftates
was now practically exhausted.
The committee declared that it had
been In communication with manufactur
ers in twenty-eight states and had found
that mills employing 400.W0 operatives
would face being closed within thirty to
sixty days unless relief cornea They de
clared that other buslnoss which would
ultimately feel the need of German dye
stuffs will have to throw many other
men out of work. '
Members of the committee declared that
efforts to produce dye-stuffs in the United
States can be of no practical value for
some time.
The committee asked that the govern
ment seek to have Britain lighten the
stringency of the recent order in council
preventing the exportation of all goods
from Germany or of German origin.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN". April . (Special.) The
Ixjure bill, requiring newspaper publica
tion of personal tax lists paed the sen
ate by a vote of 21 to 11. Before the sen
ate amendment was affixed, making pub
lication obligatory, publication vn op
tional with each county.
Arrnird of Kuterlnit Saloon.
M'COOK, Neb., April 6. Special Tele
gramsWard Qulgle and Oeorxo Ivhn
appeared In county court here today
charged with breaking Into the Isaac
Yarter saloon In lndianola early this
morning and helping themselves to In
toxicants. Both were held to appear In
dlatrict court. They each pleaded guilty
and bonds were placed at I'M) in each
instance. Iehn provided bond at once
Allen "peaks la Falls 4 IO.
KAL.UJ CITY, Neb.. April . (Special. )
Henry J. Allen, editor of the Wichita
Eagle, spoke twice on Sunday, giving
reasons why Falls City should remain
dry- He had Just returned from Mudixon,
Wis., where he was assisting la the tight
to make that city dry.
Splendid tor Itttenmatlsiu.
"I think Chamberlain's Liniment Is
Just splendid for rheumatism," writes
Mrs. unburgh, Kldridge, N. T. "It has
been used by myself and other members
of my family time and time again during
the last six years and has always given
the best of satisfaction." The quick re- '
lief from pain which Chamberlain's Lini
ment affords Is alone worth many times
the cost. Obtainable every where. Adver
tisement. The Fee Want Ads Are vl Business
Western Allies Probably Will Aban
don Attempt to Drive Invader
Back as Slave Rush.
LONDON. April 6. Althouph the
French are conducting a sustained
and somewhat formidable offensive!
between the Meuse and the Moselle
in an effort to dislodge the Hermann
from St. Mihlel, tho southernmost
point of their line, the demeanor of
the allied armies as a whole indicates
a disposition to await tho outcome of
Ryssia's gigantic plan to forco tbe
Carpathian barrier.
Germany is thought 1o be pouring
troops into Hungary, even to the ex
tent of weakening its forces in Flan
ders, and tonight's Austrian official
communication notes the presence
and recounts the success of tSernian
and Austrian troops in the Laborers
There is less talk in Kngland of
the spring advance of the Hllles In
France and Belgium, and an Increas
ing appreciation of the tank Russia
is attempting. This leads to the be
lief In some quarters that the leaders
of the allied armies in the west,
reckoning on the heavy cost incident
to smashing the German lino there,
may perhaps seek only to hold their
ground in the belief that tho Rus
Chamois Skin 66c
Plackhorn Chamois skins, oil tanned
and washable, a new shipment, extra
large size for housocleanlng and au
tomobiles. Worth $1.25, very
special, Wednesday. DOC
No Phone or Mall Orders.
Annual Sale of Cedar
an enure canoaa vi genuine lennessee nea mountain ueaar Lnesi8
and matting boxes secured at a remarkable price concession from
a leading Ohio manuf acturer goes on sale here Wednesday morning.
Prices will be much lower than usual for such high quality goods
All sizes irom 33 inches to 48 inches long. v Chests are dust proof , moth proof, mouse proof.
Both plain and copper trimmed chests included. 1 An almost unlimited quantity to select from.
The practicalness of cedar chests and matting boxes I
is recognized by all. For the storage of furs, woolens. I
and other winter apparel
Cedar Chests
worth to $20
Genuine Tennessee Red Mountain Ce
dar Chests, made of one-inch material;
some plain; some with real copper trim
mings; fitted with casters; sizes are 40,
42, 45 and 48 in. long; regular prices
112.50, $15, $18 and $20; choice, $8.50.
2 Matting Covered Boxes
U Wednesday $2.98 & $3.98 '"
with matting. There are different style trimmings, all handsome
and every size box is included. ' Wednesday, $2.98 and $3.98.
D $ 1 9 "Wednesday's Price
A recent ship
ment of beautiful
spring suits has
just arrived in
time for Wednes
day's selling.
Included are
nsmy pretty new
novelties and also
several sample
All are of the
very newest ma
terials and the
most popular col
ors of spring arc
Wednesday's q
price is only f
For $19.00
A very small price it is, too, for coats like these.
They are a very snappy lot ot coats anJ wraps that
readily will be appreciated for their style and practical
qualities. Every one is a new shape -the Russian Cossack,
the wide belted, high buttoned, large collars and cuffs in
fact each bears every identification of newest fashion.
sians will succeed in invading Hun
gary ultimately to Join hands with
the allied forces working northward
through Serbia.
Thus what their opponents rcRard
us the weakest of the Teutonic allies,
Austro-Hungary, would be Invaded
without the loss of life thst an at
tempt to drive the Germans from
Franco snd HoIrIuiu would entnll.
Mean till It Is nrg.ied the boinbnnl
nient of the I 'anlnnell. s will be rtmttn
ie, as tho shortest, tf the most costly,
method of crushing Turkey.
Quiuby's Bill Aimed
At Gas Franchise
Extension is Killed
tKrum a Staff tVrrcspendent.t
MNOH.N, Neb.. April . By a vote of
17 to 14, the senate todny defeated the
tjmnby bill, senate file No. J.M, to re
peal the 1!M3 law giving Omaha city
council power to extend the franchise of
the gas coluiwny. Bedford and llowelll
voted against the bill. A house measur"
covering the same pri"s1tlon Is In the
bunds of the lifting committee.
(From a Ftaff Correspondent.
MNCOI.N. April .-Siec1n!.)-Thc sen
ate this afternoon killed the bill repeal
ing the law that requires fishing ami
hunting licenses within one's own county.
Tbe vote on third reading stood Hi to M
with one senator absent. The Mil was
declared lost. Mattes of Otoe explained
his vote In the negative on the theory
that I.our.' had killed his bill exempt t
Infant mnnufacturers of the state from i
penally of $7.0 a yesr occupation tax,
whereas this bill would lose the slate
J.o.noo it yesr In revenue
i ' . .
:.?.' a
V'"'!ir' ; .''u'iifsfrii.''i 1 " "J sunn m.n i JH
''I'll' .:: "
they are almost unequaled.Q
Cedar Chests
worth $7.50 at
Just twenty-five of these smaller size
Cedar Chests. They arc 33 inches long,
each equipped with lock and key and
casters; some of them have handsome
copper trimmings. They sell in a regular
way at $7.50, until all gone, for $5.98.
a Woman Can
Senators Refuse to Agree to Account
for Expenses Submitted by
Judge Sears.
tl'rom a Staff Correspondent !
LINCOLN. April s-( Special. I-When the
general claims bill, It. It. TTvt. which the
committee of the whole this morning
rerommended for passage was under con
sideration, the claim of Judge Hears of
the l'oimlrt enmity district court for for traveling and hotel expense
stricken out; as was also tho claim of
John II. llarte. an Omaha contractor,
for II. ?0 for repairs on the building at
the Vnlvrrslty of Nebraska Medical col
lege at Omaha under construction at the
lime of the tornado. A companion elnlin
by the Nsster Plumbing atid Dentin com
party, a hii'm oi'tractor, 'for lie" wns nlm
stricken out.
Wears' t In tin l.nara lint.
Judge Sours' claim was stricken out by
a vote of in to 12. It Is an old claim for
the bleiinluni of l'M and 1910, and has
Iwen up time and time again. The rlalm
nnt by assignment of the rest of the court
line his docket In Omaha, although he
lives In Tekninnh. Originally he Included
all his Oiniiliu hotel expenses In the
claim, which was for about ll,b. Th
last legislature cut out all appropriations
for dlctrli t Judges' traveling expenses.
Advocates of the Harte claim conceded
that the state was not legally tlnble for
the tornado dnmage hs the hull. ling had
not nt the time been turned over to the
state. They urged, however, that there
was a moral liability that should be as
sumed. The other side contended that It
was the contractor's fault that he did
not have tornado Insurance.
In the debate on a claim of Cnlverilty
Place to be reimbursed for the pang It
hail done adjoining the state farm prop-
i . ,
'. i ' t
:i ,::'
in uin'iii'iff riiniiifiiih
Chests &M atting Boxes fj
(This sale is very opportune, coming just at a time
when heavier winter goods are to be laid aside and
placed in storage. They are handsome and ornamental
All of the 27
inch shirt waist
S pShabse special Wednesday $1.98
assembled in one group at this one pric. Very handy to
have and priced very low indeed. Wednesday, choice, $1.98.
Special Lot of Silk $
Dresses, Choice for
Have a New
rt. .n.. : 1 .. !.l 11.
Strictly in accord with
wnicn are tne springs most favored. Materials, too,
are just those that fashionable women approve checks
and plaids, silk and wool poplins, handsome cheviots,
gabardines, white chinchillas and similarly modish fabrics,
btyle variety is most diversified and every one charming.
which are
- TEii
erty, llowill charged several of the sen
ators of being Inconsistent.
t haraea llrpndlat Ion.
"The legislature of the stste pnssed n
Isw compelling property owners to mv
for psvlug along their properly when a
majority of the property owners of the
street have signed a petition for the pav
ing," said ths I'oogts county senator,
snd you felloas are the first to advoi nte
that the state shall rrpudlute a law It
has made."
"Snndsll of York Joined the senator In
a declaration that It was breach of fsllh
for the state to go bs.k on s law It had
made Itself. He said that sll property
owneis of the paving district had sUiod
for the paving except the state of Ne
braska and under the law It would hn
held for the paving.
The rallm for H.! was agreed to by
the sennte after it close vote.
T.AMOXI T . April - (Special V- The
Mxtv-sccond general conference of the
He-Organised Church or ttter I 'ay
Snlntu wns called to onler today by Kl -hert
A. I'.mlth of the first presidency. A
telegram of greeting wns read from
Frederick M Hinlth. who Is III at Ms
home in Wort-ester, Mass. While his ren
dition la considered serious, yet the hun
dreds of Saints gathered here are praying
for his recovery snd presence niuong
them at this iimference. the first one
since the denth of the church's president,
Joseph Smith, lust ieceinlnr.
Frederick A. Smith, presiding patriarch
of the church, and Oomar T. tlrlfflths,
president of the quorum of twelve apos
tles, were chosen to associate with 101
bert A. Smith to preside over the con
ference. A. II. Phillips of Pioston was the speaker
of the rvenii.g at the church. Tllahop
H. . Kvans of Toronto Is preaching each
evening at the coliseum.
r.ent Tm quick with a Hee Want Ad.
Borax Products
One-pound package 20-Mule-Teani
Dorax worth 15c and frva bars of
Dorax Hoap worth 25c and a trial
package of Uorai Soap Chips,
worth iOc; Wednesday, all....
. n
iris! feTssisr y
. Shirt Waist
Boxes, only
A laTge selection of these fine shrrt waist
and skirt boxes. They are made of
Basswood and covered with the best grade
of Japanese matting. Very useful for stor
ing waists and similar appareL An ex
ceptionally good quality offered Wednes
day at a very small price; choice $4.98.
Shirt Waist Boxes, very m
1911 ffl
A beautiful group
of classy new
frocks that em
body all the new
style features the
season demands.
The pretty print
ed and plain silks
in taffetas, pop
lins, crepe de
chines, crepe me
teors, etc.
In evening and
street shades and
in women's and
misses sizes. II
Wednesday's aq
price is only $ 1 f
Spring Coatu
their fashioning are the shades
. .- i. . ,t i . wm
What Thin Folks Should
Do To Gain Weight
Physician's A 4 vie for Thin, UaasTsi
opsd Man and Woman.
I noiisnmiH of people suffer Irom exces
e llilniicxH, iv e h k ncres and feeblo
" uimi,,H who, having tried advertised
Josh milker.., physh al culture
--t ii til h Mini ml)-, m creams, reaign them
s.'lys In Id, long sklnnlness nd think
nothing make fiem tat. Vet their
vise i not h.ipcl,. A recently discov
er,', regi-iienitlxe force makes fat grow
wrier iars or limine, and Is also on-
, "! ii.-.i fr.r iciBlntig the waale of slck-
I " iiiuiiv umepilon ati fr atrength-
-mi i in- iv TV
Till r'iiini knttlta Hfa-
l:t1-lnniin ln Hcnifntii of rc-
iKt'fl llliTlt Imi n I
Ill lc
V,,H I I'lesn preparation, which la en-
b.tse.i ,. pliVMlclfiiia and used
'"'inln.lit people everywhere. It Is
ui.aoiiM. ly harmless, lnex eiiNlve and
ffb lent
A month's systematic use of Sargol
should piodiice , .ah and strength bv
correcting laulta or illgeatlon and by sup.
plvlng hlKhlv concentrated fain to the
blood. Iiicrineil nourishment Is ob.
tallied from the f ind eaten, and the addi
tional fnia t list t thin people need are pro
Wiled Snerinan w M , ( 'onni-ll drug store.
Omaha, and other lending drugglata. aup
Plv Siitgol and say there Is a large de
mand for It
V hi Ik this new rr pn rnl Ion has given
splendid results a a uerve-tnnln and M
lallxer. It ahould not be used hy nervous
people imleaa 'hey wiah to gnln at least
ten pounds of flesh. Advertisement.
65V Diamond
King. 14k solid
gold hn f I I
"1'erfe c t I o n"
mount- CCA
Ing ipDU
8 a Month
1163 Men's nin(J,
heavy carved, lK
solid gold, fine
rtJ6 ft MontH
We. tsa -Ases are double .lock gold
filled, warranted for 25 years, either
xdlshed or beautifully engT&Yed.
movement. Ouaran- ttl O
teed aoeurate.
II SI .80 A MOJstM
Off Oairf Till I P. M. Sitarltri Till 30.
C or Wrtla for CaUJa( No. SM. PhoiM
lanjclta 1444 anl our salfimsa will call.
Cndit Jewelers
400 South 16th
Varross-Ifaaa Co.
Trial Quart
and Leather
Covered Flask
Finest Whiskey
Lowest Price
I !! frwi to IX too try f4. l-Btni miUa, at
BWT tlMAM. ''- - I ' ' llirttT l Bl5(.l
qoalltr. It MW ftl ta Bl th 1 h rtii knrtu
mi kikT. Wa lucluds mm in Cm Irtmk Umml
iU mi vtW for "
Fels 3-Star Whiskey
Measure mm
4QTS. rail
.thr eovvrwj flak SUd wtt fU t-Hlmr
Wmakrv. If yoa xa aot aatiaOed wits the
whiatar aftar ton dnnk tha Prat Tmi
Wuart. latarn thm whiaikaiit at ear upanaa.
ana n refund taa full amount of aoa
paid oa-but yve mr tba Uattb
d flanS-lt'a rouia ahaolnulj. wa
mrm an via, raiamianna. imiianw rim.
M raaa !. Slain CMs, Saa.
It will be small but It will grow
and s.-rae day you will have a
bustncus of your own if you start
a SAVINGS Al'CMl'ST today.
(.Mart with a Pollsr.
4" Interest lald on PavlnK"
This bank is protected by the
a Peixmitors Guarantea Fund.
24th and M Streets
H. C. HOtmviCK, President
P. II. GETTY, Oaahler.
APPLE 10 no
TKCliO 5 to fet 20 Thn
100 t'oucord Grapes g3.50
1,001. Catalr Specioa gjj llrtltvr.
Cash With Order. Sent Prepaid.
1S03 Faruaiu Street. Omaha. Neb.
JjL a xoxttx
lit -rloll
f 1
1 " 1
n i