Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1915, Page 3, Image 3
11IL JLUiiK: U.MAHA, WKuNESlUY, Al'IUI, 7, 1013. MANY CHANGES JO DRV COLUMN MADE Returns from Municipal Elections Reveal Trend Toward Restric tion of Liquor Traffic. HXNE CHANGE BACK TO WETS (Continued from rage One) ury tutne affair, thrr Itclng no oppom tlon brimw the democrats endorse 1 all the mnd'tlntea nominated by tht citizen' maK meeting. There aj no Issue on the ealoon question ami the city remains wet. Tin- oio Is tlir lightest vote ever cast In the rlty election, only 209 votes lielns rait ut of l,;c' The mayor and all the cnun illinen were re-elected as a compliment to (omplele the scer and raving propo sition which they have Ugun. The fol low Inn were elected: M. M. Hothlelner. mayor: William Hrockcr. city clerk; W. A. Hoettrher. city treasurer; txtuls Hrun ktn. William Kurt, Frank KerscnhrovK and Utis 1'rleh, cotimilmen: J'. J. .lc t'affery, wafer commissioner; John H. Parker, city engineer, l c. Hardy and Wood Smith were elected as members of the Hoard of Kducatlon for three years. COl-nKIIWiKroletiriKo. voted wet to day by levrn votes. I 'not halls carried by four vote. WOl,HACH For inrtise, M; agalnot license, (,. The: town has he?!i dry tho last year HATTLE fllKKK-Only one ticket In the field Charles Werner, republican. Jo seph Lilttrlck, democrat. Forty-elght-votes were polled. There were no Issues, the ouestlon of license or no license hiring never been an issue here. The town will remain wet. TII-HEN Town goes drv by 10 votes, the flut time in fifteen years. F.xbert Winters ami P. Thompwm were elected members of the hoard. There have been two saloons In Tllden. Pool halls were de feated by about 100. Ixcnl issues brought this about. In which the proposition of minhling i uppermost. DODlili In villave election F. C. Hnr nck And H. R. ilolsten were elected trus tees; ohth new men. Onlv one ticket nominated, but some scratching. Saloons not an issue. A. Rclilosser and E. W. Montgomery retiring trustee. Alnm t nan arcs. Al.MA Almu dry. Was wet In 1911. J. (i. Thompson elected mayor. 0' INTO-The iuestioii for or against license waa the mnln Issue in the vll luge elec tion luM here today. The three candidates tor village trustees on the law iind order ticket which wan virtually the li.ens" ticket were- fleeted over th two candidates on the cltizenn' protective ticket by a large malorlly. In the specific votitn? on Hie license question the wets polled n majority of 2ii votes. HAKTIMiTtiN Mayor Anton Val was r-cle ted for the fifth time today. There w but one ticket in the field and no Issue was voed on. ' nly a liht vote was cast. Other city officials elected are: t'lerk. W. II. l'ohle; treas urer, R. U. Mason: city engineer. J. D. t Smith; councllmen, S. H. Morten and M. K. Eby. Town remains wet. SARGENT Ouy Brown and P. M. Shaw were, elected village trustees. 8unday haso ball carried by a majority of 3K. LYONS W. .S. Nowmeyer and G. V. Little were chosen as members of the village hoard at the town election today. The vote stood na follows. Newmeyer, 177; Uttle, 111; Kobbins, !W; Prine, . 17. l.iltlo and Trine ran lm' pendent. New meyer and Robblns were nominated by the citizens' ticket, which is supposed to be the temperance ticket. Town remains dry. FARNAM Hugh Ralston, W. G. Par ker and W. T. tJreenlee were elected to succeed themselves as village trustees. License was defeated again. Issues for pool hall, bowling alley and Sunday base ball were defeated. It was also voted that the town board be Instructed to in stall storage batteries for light plant. WYMORB Dry by sixty-four. Wet last year. Adam McMuilen, mayor. TEKAMAH Dry. No change. S. A. YA'assum, mayor. Pool halls defeated. DrX'ATUR Dry. No change. A f MORA Dr. J. M. Woodward, mayor. Saloons not an lusuc. City hajl bonds defeated. HAMPTON Dry. No change. GII.TNER Tic vote on saloons. Dry l:ijt vear. . ' , HARVARD Dry- Wet last year, fcor ris Thomas, mayor. , .No t lianite at Falls Cltr. FALLS CITY Dry by twenty-six. No change. R. A. Heacock, mayor. RI1AJ Wet. No change. VERDON Wet. No change. DAVID CITY At tho tity election held here today the saloon question wag the main iBauo. Vote, on this proposition was a majority of fiity against issuing license, against u majority of three for the drys on thin question a year ago. J. R. Evans was re-elected mavor, H. H. Sellhorn, treasurer; S. Cllngman, engineer; W. C. Flicklnger, I". W. Wright and W. F. Cook, councilmen; R. B. Swennie, city clerk. H. O. .chaai. O. A. Becker and C. 1). Coe were ro-elected member of the school hoard. PIATTSMot TH Kmmonrts J. Richey, republican, was elected mayor, defeating John P. battler, present incumbent. 11. M. Soennlchsen was re-elected treasurer. The liquor question was not an Issue, but Plattsmouth will have seven saloons for another year. KMERSO.N Emerson swung into the wet column again otday, 123 to 71. A. A. Davis, Frank Heeney and K. A. Riersdorf were elected to tho council. Four sa loons will open up in May. WAYNE D. H. Cunningham, republl can, mayor. No vote on saloons; now dry. CREIGIITON H. J. Stetnhauaen, mayor. No vote on saloons; now wet. Dry at Friend. FRIEND Friend went dry by a ma jority of 24. C. E. Bowlby, who ran on the wet ticket, is elected mayor. John .Scheldt, dry, carried the First ward for councilman and J. E. nitcomb, wet, the Second ward. H. E. Bricley, wet, elected clerk. BANCROFT For license, H; against li cense, d; wet, o majority. New board electa mayor. BENNINGTON Charles Schliep and George Dlerks, both republicans, were elected to the village board. Town re mains wet. No local issues. HYANNIS Dry by a majority of 27. Last year wets carried by a majority of 1, but lu saloon here during the last year because a petition with a sufficient num ber of freeholders would not be secured. Trustees elocted for two years are Dan Egan, W. M. Alden and A. E. Sheldon. EFSTLS The trustees elected are F. R, Schromlcr William Schilpp and W. S. Durnett. The village remains in wet col umn. ARAPAHOE Arapahoe remains In dry column by a larger majority than last year. The vote was tiff for license and 114 anainst. "harlea A. Patterson was elected ln.yor: K. C Wagner, clerk, and R, K. Kuiiuctt. treasurer. E WITT Town went dry by one vote, fitst time in six years. Vote on bonds for public park defeated. CLAY CENTER J. E. Wheeler, mayor, and balance of citizens' ticket without opposition. SPALDING Wet. No Chang. CEDAR RAPIDS-Wet by three. Dry lust year. SUA Kit CREEK Wet. Dry last year. H1:I;RADE Dry by six. Wet last year. PRIMROSE Dry by seven. Wet. GENOA Dry by seventy. Wet last yes r KILLERTON Dry by eiphtv-eight. Wet last year by ten. R. A. Richardson, I'.ayor LEIGH Fred Rahelcr was elected in place of H. P. Ruhman for village! trustee. A. A. Aukermsn and J. II. Kucera are the other trustees elected. The tou n will remain wet. NELIGM Nellgh on referendum vote icniatim wet by thirty-one majority. Only one ticket in fjild. R. II. Rice was elected mayor. LINDSAY John Muck and V. Lausen .eted trustee. Remain wet. srpEIUOR Suirf-iior went wet today l y tlilr;y-slx majority. Young, wet candi date for mayor, elected by thirty-three, 1'. Bosseiiiever. dry candidate for council man for Third ward, only one who won on the dry ticket. COLl'MBl"-Wet. No rjiange Humphrey Wet. No change. Hepnbltrau Mayor Fremoul. FREMONT George A. Murrel, repub lic un was elected mayor today over K. Jil. Herrc, democratic incumbent, by ?75 niaioriiv. Herr.- won two years ago IV- Thi-ee tepubUcans In the council w i displace democrats, making the council fice republicans and three democrats. Clerk IVIaniatyr. republican, and Treas urer, Planibbic, democrat, were re-elected The otil(- issue was more publicity of the affairs of public utilities. The eleo- i tlon means a ahakrup In the hoard of Pub'cr wcrki. M'lirYl.KK Otto ?,uelow, republican, elected mayor, no optosltlon; John Gaetn. democrat, treasurer; Allen Cameron, re public an c lerk. License was not an Issue, ATKINSON The town In Us first eltv election In the mayoralty contvst raM a total of 211 votes. Nelson, democrat, received 14.1; Havens, republican. c4. No Isscuc involved. OVERTON There was no Issue here toclsv. G W. Sinclair, J. W. Holmes and Walter Trimble were elected council men SEWARD The proposition to vote $.'i,i bonds for a new high school build ing was carried, five to one. George Merrlam was elected mayor and Mart llulshixer roiincllman In the F.ast ward. John Mulfingcr In the West ward. OAKLAND A. Hammerstrom was re elected mayoj by a lame majority. License was defeated, two to one. M IN DEN - Miivlcn went dry by seventy nine malorltv. W. It. Watt was elected mavor over I A. Hill hv two votes. NORTH HEND The law and older ticket WHS elected, exc-ept cifle col'.c-il-man. C. A. Miller, oil tin- cltliens' ticket, but in sympuihy with no saloon policy. The vote for license was. 113 for. 1W against R '. Hi-ownel. for mayor, re ceived K. votes; Dr. 1. H. Mci'laran. 1 . TWFMSFH-The following noniertt san ticket was elected at the city election here todav: Mayor. II. ft. Vlllars; treas urer. L. M. Davis; clerk. J. C. Moore; school board. O. J. Mc Donga I and .1. W. Mackle: councilmen. First ward, o. J. McDougal: Second ward. C. Doollttle; Third ward, C. 11. ll.i.lsted. l'or the first time In twenty years the license question was not an issue. Ilronnip Meeta Defeat. ALLIANCE P. E. Homing whs elected mayor by 7S majority over F. M. Rr'come. Mr. Broome, who Is a member of the scat legislature, was unnble to be here during th campaign and this fact is given as the cauc-e of his defeat. I arter 1 older was elected city clerk and Archie Greg ory was re-elected city treasurer. CI LRERTSON Drys won today. For license, C. A. Little. M; Ed Walker, Si; William Uurkett. 4S. Against li'-ense. It. O Green, Bit; George Hill, til; J. Brant ley, '. FAIRFIELD Mayor William Kmrich was re-elected. The town remains dry by S7. Sunday base ball lost by 4.1 Pool halls lost hv A4. DEWEEs'lv-Renialns wet by Sun-da- base hall won by i'S. GOHIKJN I. S. Magowan and Bruce llewett elected trustees. Town dry as before Sunday picture shows defeated. EDGAR Result of Edgar city election: For mayor, A. J. Lopper. 14: Dr. G. R. Woodr, M. Pools hails and Sunday haw hall lost. Councilman, North ward. v. S. Knher: councilman. South ward. E A Anderson. BASSETT-For the first time In seven years Bassett went wet by five votes, also n majority for tcool h'alln. V II lu l?e councilmen elected are II. ET Artus. .1. L. .Mucin. Mcnrv anenburg, Orsen Jeffrey and Mike Nemer. ORD Mayor Work of tho citizens' party waa re-elected to- succeed himself with a majority of three votes over J. f. Collison of the good governinenl part v. The vote on the saloon question gave the no license proposition a majority of 1H votes, ord has been wet for the last year. People's party lu t rnjr ford. CRAWFORD-The hardest fought elec tion ever occurring in Cruwford was won here toHnv hv tu . i . elected Arah L. Hungerford mayor over ...... ... u, i.u majoncv out of a total vote of 3:4. This Is the largest ma lorltv bv nuarl.. , - ,i,r- i mien it er PVPr before polled In Crawford with Mr. Hun aerforH c r iiti,.., ., 1 -j " '"'"'"'i nun tjie.-ieci coun cilman of the First ward and W. E. Bar- ic.iii councilman or the .second ward Thlrtv-nlne muiArli.. t- . u.. i . ""-j"- coiijPBi ever before polled here. nnn n,,i 7. ' ' C' Gonu"K' Progressive. ffl ," ; "i-ju! uvrr v.. r. i.unrreon, t sentiment in the community the vote .... ... question nas been discontinued. HROKITV UrW Tt- i- Tmri. ...rj . , ..w.. ... t . v aners, caucus candidate for mayor, won out oVer G T Robinson, petition candidate, bv a two to one majority. Water works and elec lrt.,r"tJl?ntln' bonds In the sum of J1b,.i0i1 carried. Kewer bonda were d featerl I'ool halls and bowling alleya carried and Sunday base ball was de- .... 4.,, nuur Muesrion wan not an Issue. fllAflPOV A rt t.-h I . . - .... . . . v i irurf re-eiecieo mayor. . K. Marriott, clerk: C. Mitchell, . . . n.uici , xi. x. iweaue, engineer; t;. Hu bert, police Judge; councilmen. First ward. Parley Hyde; Second ward, E. O Dugan; Third ward, E. G. Shamp. The town went wet by fortv-one. OPVTRAI. CITV-Wlll, - ii clerk and councilman from the Hecond ward, the ranclidstes ct the scuan; deal llftl-lv CC'aM clanCflil A - M I . . !, "v" vv " iokucb were directly involved, interest waa riot keen. . luuuniiifi uiiicjinia were cnosen: 'VTuvni T . r . 1 . . t- . nieyer; treasurer, Mrs. Phoe'be Blake; en" eccrci, t. Dtcnsun. councumen, w . A. Hoaglanil. George F Pcvkes. J. F. Ilolclen SchtHl hoard, Ernest Clark and M. G. Merrill. The water bond which w-'ie imt a party Issue lacked twenty-one vc lea of rrglstti in the necessary three filths endorsement. License was not an licue RI SHVll.LE -". Phllllppe. republican, was elected on the law and order ticket. The town went wet bv a majority of one. a change from lust vear. Nolt'lll PLATTE- 1. H. Kvans. re publican, was re-elected mayor. The wets won bv eight v -five I NORFOLK-John Friday. democrat, was elected mavor bv nine vaea. RAVENNA-Ravenna voU-d dry by thirteen votes. OilAl LALA-Or.atlala went dry by Seven H I" MUOI.DT Humboldt continues In ilrv column bv a malorltv of thirty-one. Mnvor Bruun re elected by a tna.1o.-lty f ih'rty BRlDGEltlRT-In a total vote of 219 Brl'lgM'it remaining in the wet column bv a mt'oritv c.( tvw L. R. North. .1 E Trinnir, M. Herllne and R. C Neumann are rleeted over their dry op h pent twit to o?ie OSIIKOSH -Oehkosh voted wet. HLA1R-F. W. White, republican, was elected mavor S. W. Chambers, demo crat, was elected eltv clerk ; George Bt'UJ;. republican, eltv treasurer, and W. D. Krlley. (I. V. Anderson and H. W. Palmer members of the eltv school board. 1 ! N Kl.EM AN Benkleman staye dry. M to 4.:. W, c. Hanson and O. M. Kellogg wie re-elected town board. Pool llnlla Defeated. 1.1'NIN'HTON-Mayor Jim Hyrns was re-elected on the business men's ticket by a malorltv of M. The city went dry by a majority of UK Pool halls were de feated bv a majority, of ."4. GHEELEY J. J. Collins and Henry Manglll of the HtlnocV ticket, and C. A. Harris, people's tlekrt, elected to conn ell Town wet by .Vc majority; no change from Is st year. GOTHENBCRG Gothenburg dry by m majority. Entire citizens' party ticket le-electecl. T. L Carroll, mayoi : F. L Hannum an.! Habbe Janssen, aldermen. Charles Nelson and H. C. Booker, school trustees. UAXfxihPH - Randolph went drv. Mayor, O. O. Rcfcl. councilmen. George Kinkald. C. I". Sharpener and A. W. Stock ham. SH ELTON-Shrlton went wet ngain to. day by 7(1 majority an. I H. C. Hc.fgard anci E. L Tetnplln were elected 1llage trustees, there being no other candidates. Pool hnll license also' w ins. ST. EDW ARl Citizens' municipal party elected. No change on saloon ques tion dry by 2. ASHLAND By a ma jot it y of 1( Ash land remained in the dry column todav , a pain of ten over last year and Pie fifth consecutive drv victory. Mayor Thomas Dally was re-elected by a majority of Km over E. J. Rose. Dr. J. M. Moss was elected councilman In the First ward bv "Stiver R. S. Dean. Sunday base ball car ried by 72 majority. RED ClH n-Red Cloud remains drv by an increased majority. Dr. Kober'. liamerael was re-elected mavor on the cltliens' ticket. C. J. Pope and Dr. f. E Cross were elected members of the Board ol Education. M COOK McCook went wet todav by a majority of forty votes. On the republican ticket. Mavor lAwrltson, was re-elected, together with practically nil of the pres ent city officials. McCook now has six saloons. "Waboo Become Wet. WAHOO The citizens' ean.11.laie for mayor, William J. Lehr, waa elected over i lie municipal candidate. F. M. .Mc-Croory, by a majority of elghty-nino votes. Both candidates were republicans but running nt, candidates on local organizations. Tho town, which has been dry the Uutt year went wet by a majority of twenty-one votes. KEARNEY Kearney went drv In the f lection to!ay, llcen-e being defeated bv leu votes, thus putting the saloon out of business in this city. C. W. Kiebler was elerted mayor of the city by a small majority, approximately seventeen votes. The lour former councilmen, who were running for re-election, were all defeated. HOLDREGE John Bragg, temperance candidate for the office of mayor, was elected today by. a majority of 121 votes over his opponent. Peter Miller of tno republican-democratic party. Iioldregn still remains dry, the Issue not being voted on M ILFORD Mllford returns W. G. Har old, mayor, citizens caucus, dry; no eh Bilge. WEEPING WATER F. H. Gorder was elected mayor on the business temperance ticket to serve his ninth term. The Csr negie library question waa defeated, by a vote of 105 to lii. Mrs. F. H. Gorder and F. J. Davis were elected members of the school hoard. About thirty women of the town voted on this ticket. KIDNEY Three hundred and '"ty-three votes were cast at the city cection to dav. The wets won, by a majority of thirty-one. This is the first time the issue hus been raised here. Albion Is Dry. ALBION This city today changed from wet to Jrv by twenty-seven majority. The following officers were elected: S. P. Paine, mayor; Robert Irson. clerk; W. C. Day, treasurer; F. M. SI I lick, en gineer; T. J. M -it thews, A. W. Ladd. councllmen; Flank Day and A. A. Mey- New Nebraska Mayors Vocational Training Gross "Conspiracy" Of tho Aristocrats Aiiiarue Albion. Alma ArapsJicv Ashbind. Atkinson Aurora . Benson - Beaver City.. Blair Rloomlngton Broken Bow Chadron Central City Crawford Cielgbton Clay Center David City Edgar Florence Fremont Fairfield Falrbury Fullerton Friend Falls City Fairmont Gothenburg Grand Island Hnrtlngton Harvard HoblM ne Hrbton Humlxddt Kearney Lexington j McCook Mil ford Mlndcn ! North Bend I Norfolk j North Platte I Nellgh Oakland I Orel Ill'liittMiidUtli Randolph Rushvllle Red cloud Seward ! St. Paul I Schuyler I Superior I Tekamah 1 Tecumseh T'nlverslty Place.. Weeping Water... Wymnro Wavpe Wausu S ahoo York P. E Routing P. P Pnlno J. G. Thompson .Charles A. Patterson Thomas D.ul Nelson J. M Woodward C. I Mather .1. W. kellc F. W. White C. E. Moffat W. W. Wallet s ., V. G. Flshet L. C. Sia .ts ..Arah L 1 1 uimei f.ird H. .1 Stolnhnus-n J. E. Wheeler J. R. Evans A. .1. l-rpper F. S. Tuc kc r George A. William Elbert W. R. A M nr. -el Enrich Mason Richardson . E. Bowlbv R. A. Heacock McAlplu T L Carroll Charles Ryan Anton Wnls Norrls Thomis John Rrigg T. 11. Caft.s Bruun C. W. Kiebler lami'M B rui l.awrltson W. G. Harold W. It. Walt R. C. Browne II John Friday B. 11. Evans It. II. Rice A. Hammarstrom Work ...Emmons .1. l!c hey o. O. Rcld , C. Phllllppe Robert Dainerael tSeorge Merrlam II. J. Paul Otto .ilrlocv Young S. A. Wasson , 11. S. Vlllars J. L. Claflln F. II. Gor.Ur Ailatn Me Mullen .,..!. II. Cunningham F. C. Gc tiling W illiam J. Lehr William Col ton SAN I'KVNi'Isi'O, Vprll i". Vocational t iclnlii'i ws-e condcmni .1 today and public school educ alien was pronounced unde lu o. t.i lie . Dr. Bciilau.ln 1,1c Wheeler, pti'Sicleiit of the I'nlvevsltv of Cnlllornlit before Ihe California Teachers' nssooln. lien In Session hrte. Democracy Itself was said to be disap pearing an. I lie Aineilcan people who "latil much about .lenioctn -j , but were slipping baek Into arldocriicy." Dr W lie e lor said. The referendum, InltlnlBe and nil. ' he i Nplaltieel. "do net Insure democracy. When cvciy boy has a chance to rise mul to enjoy n good education, then we will luive n democracy about which we may talk. "Public schools are lor rich men's sons, who hae a hliiu i-hiuicc, anyway. "Vocational training Is an effort of the ariMoc rac v Id hold tin sons of laboring men lu a lite of toll It I i a trick of the arl.-to. int.i L sldelraik boys" era. members of the Board of Education. GEN EVA Geneva went dry by twenty two majority on referendum vote. It has been wet for years. I ARLINGTON -H II. Locknian, J. I'. Newcomb. O. Hazen, coiinciinien. re elected. Pry, by sevenleen votes. G I ' 1 1 1 E ROCK E. B. Crary and W. F. Crowell were unanimously elected on the i 'ople s ticket The polic y w ill contlnuo ! dry. I Ryan la Re-elected. GRAND ISLAND Charles G. Ryan was re-elected mayor In opposition to a citizens' convention ticket lieaded by W. A. Prince by a majority of twenty-five out of a total of 1.9&I votes. It was tho first time a nonpartisan representative convention was tried and one of the main Issues waa centered on the merits of tills system as against an Individual petition. The wet or dry question was not Involved. VALLEY 8. 11. Howard. E. Erway slid Lawrence Coy elected trustees for two years. Town remains dry. FAIRMONT All candidates of the citizens party were elected. Tho vote stood; Miyor. McAlptn, lu; Akin, r.s; councllmen. First ward, Low-den. 47; Whltcoinb, IS; Second ward, Ilaillov. so, Perklne, 17; W. H. Hurst, city clerk; I. Brown, treasurer, and J. F. llauglia wout, city engineer, were ole-cted with out opposition. CNIVERS1TY PLACE J. L. Claflln elected mayor over r C. Clifton by a majority or seventy-five vote. James Flodd. G. B. Ix)hb and W. H. Amos arc the new re-elected councilmen. Cecil Gates and Merkle Kllg were re-elected clerk and treasurer. The referendum authorizing the purchase of a lot for a city library was passed by a large majority. This Insures a Carnegie library for I'nlverslty Place as ti a.r.exi has already been promised by the Carnegie foundation. (SPRINGFIELD Town against license by twenty-five majority. Trustees: ". A. Resaclt, W. W. Dow and J. C. Gelb Change todry. BARNESTON Wet by twenty-four. No change. Odell Wet by two votes. No change. Plckell Wet by twenty-one. No change. Is Coffee After Your Job? The average cup of coffee con, tains about 21 grains of caffeine, a poisonous drug that handicaps the efficiency and chances for promotion of many bright men and women. Read This Letter "Down at the Junction," writes a railroad raari. "where I am employed as Telegraph Operator and Towerman for a busy railroad, where every second counts and where I hold the lives of the entire train crew and passengers in my hand, I found coffee was making me dull and excedinrly nervous. "My wife told me about PoBtum. I tried it and liked It. I never drink anything eMe now. I have a tin of Instant Postum in my pail. T feel fine, my brain Is quick and active and there's no delay at the Junction while I'm on duty. I really think coffe would have put m out of a Job if I hadn't quit It for Postum." If coffee is primping your prospoots, try a chaugf to POSTUM Made only of selected wheat and a small per pent of wholesome molasses, Postum contains nothing harmful or injurious, hut is, on the contrary, healthful and iuvig oraling.v Postum comes in two forms: Postum Cereal the original form -must he well boiled, 15c and 'Joe packages; Instant Po3tum the soluble form-made instantly in the :up with hot water, .'!0e and fv'te tins. , Jloth kinds are equally delicious, and cost per cup about the same. "There's a Reason" for POSTUM sold by (Jrocers everywhere. Bulbars Claim Not To Blamo for Raids Id'MWN, April ;. -The H.ilnMilnn mln Ixtc r In I.e. ml. hi mix.' out the h xt tddny of m note I rum Iiih gnvrrnmrnl illii clulinliig roHicoiiNll'llity fur the remit In-Mlxlii-I of Sc ihln Ity ii for.-o drm-rllM-d . I In It: .i r li ii Ii re Kiihn h. Tho note rctx-ntu in the nmin whnt linn iilroiuly Iwii sol forth in dhintc hc-!t from Sofln II Ik . I'liiln.'d thnt the iiihIhIiik wn 'Inlllnlnd l.y TnrlcH nnioiiu Iho Inhnhltiint of thnt purl ctf MihcmI.iiiIm Included In Horhln. Thc-Ho TiiiKs ro.M- In rc tVU. tho noto niiyn, unci lied to 1 iiilk-i rMii trnilory, purniird I1) Wc rhiun tioo.. "Tno Hiilmi i Inn frontie r K"iird por foinuil llii'lr dutli'P NtiiHi'lrntliiiiMly. trying to pre toot thr Soihliin pot," tho nolo COIlt in i R You can get rid of itching with esinoj T?.;n. .1 ft:.. ..4u rj i c ! itvDiip.i v ' ii it ii ir I H, won ixniin'i ctitdt, usually stops itching instantly. It quick ly and easily heals the most distressing cases of eczema, rash or other torment ing skin or scalp eruption, and clears away pimples, blackheads, redness, roughness and dandruff, when other treatments have proven only a waste of time and money. Ptinrirlaiilt havft ttrfltrritctcl ihm UmiiiaI lrhnmi lor 2c) yur, lor all Horn of ikin iroublu, ore's, j tilcera, bcirru, wmindt, and piles. Kvmr dmril sells Rrainol Ointmentanei Resinrtl S'tap. Fnr trial bsc, write to Dept. t-S, fccsiool, BsJlwaors, ild. '' lis Always Safe To Say Supreme Mother: When you send the kiddies to the store, tell them "It's always safe to say Supreme." Have them ask for Supreme hams. Supreme bacon. Supreme poultry, Supreme butter. Supreme Errs, Supreme lard. These food products are guaranteed pure and wholesome by Morris 4 Company. ' U PRE ME FOOD PRODUCTS Ham Bacon Eggs Poultry Butter Lard Get Supreme ham ricri, juicy, tender, Supreme bacon, with the flavory, hickory tang; Supreme poultry properly fed and wholesome; Supreme butter, rich and oure; Supreme eggs, guaranteed fresh by Morris & Comnany; Suprems lard to make those splendid doughnuts. See The Supreme Dealer There's a Supreme dealer near you who sells these pure food products. Madam. Simply say "Supreme" Oct the bast. 'It'$ Always Safe to Say Supreme Morris & Company u. s. A. MM H B urn mi XJ boat risk hiving you l uildtng )m. pro) t y rrci- f d lifraitH rr of lerhnlia! kroKkdko on ih art tf Hi? couirao- turn. It's dolUra tn --ur prvltrt to employ eprt ti'tinilral uprrvi- tuti turh 1 ani abi ( rvt'dtr. fall phone or writ. S. G. PETICOLAS Mdnher American IoUtuu of KltM'trltal knglne)ri. 1304 W. O. W. Bldf. Pbos BodaTUa 6037. To ntw caitomtrn only. mm B0TTLCD-IN-BON0 r" cwrtA Q V j jp00f 111 mm HiikEr Exprt Charg9$ Paid f -jj 17 you hav Botut trlfd Baynr Wlilskay. try It ui. Mail ua this ad ith W ccsnU Id stamps or com nod we will ccimI you full quart bottle of ilcnr YiwM Stock BoliltdM-honi Whiskry la Mled ceae cprji charge paid. im&oltUtU tn-Brmd whlslcpy of the flnrst kin4 ealed withUtU.8.GovrmiTint'Grwn Stamp over the cork fuily a. d. full 1004 proof, full mcavcure i urt tc plenae you Ui every ay. Von taV.e no cheocee e are one of the lri;it Diatillere la AtntHce--kttin iej business 48 years capital IVV.IioO.OO. V' for r'fkt Kom ord r-r more tiae one quart if yov like good will go forward by fcret xpreee. Onlm fmiB N. Mi.. Colo.. Wye., Moot., and all ststcs VVost thorouf must ceil fnr fl.uC tat im -usrt-iiss asuti. l-M Adirmomr tuartif J.;t TEIE KAYNLRrJiSTIUSKCCO.Deiit I OS D.rka, 0. Wask!ie, 0. C. St. L sst. He. TcWsJ. 0. Bosasat. Mus. Ksasss Cily. H. eWesrill, Ukia, lasisasMlis, laa. Jackwe'Ule, Fla. turn Orlaaas. U. theUNPHER mi .Ma s Stylo -Quality-Satisfaction PJ ' ' ' !lll22'' - - LUXU COUPONS There can be no doubt in your mind which one of several high grade articles offered to you at a fair price to select provided one of them has a free coupon. 4 Why not let your good judgment dictate your choice in this instance. Did You Receive a Premium Catalogue? The sooner you start saving the coupons tha quicker you will get the premium. Phone Douglas 1889, Luxus Mercantile Co., Dist. Fred Krug Brewing Company RECTAL SPECIALIST rr. Tarry'i mild hyaum of treatment cures Piles, Fiatulti. and other Rectal discHitcsi. In a Khort tunc without a surgical oc.iern.tlon. No Chloroform, ther or any other general anarethrltc used. A cure truarttntrrd In every case accepted for ti futiiient, and ii.t nitmrv to be rail until oured. Write) for book on Keotal die Cbsc containing lesumoi.lele of rrvinltu nt rcofle who have been permanently cured, llt. lAUKV IUe llulldlug Omalia. Apartments, flats, houses and cot tages rented quickly by a Bee Want Ad.