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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1915)
3 THE REK: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, APItIL 7. 1015. HOUSE KILLS MORE BILLS FOR MONEY lfelrr Strain Nfrvci to Puh Through Several Calling for Cash. . SQT7LAK FOR OOVXRNORS BILL tftrm a Staff f orrpinc1tnt LINCOLN. Ar.rH -lnM- A the time fnr the rloslna of t'.e ll.lrt v-f.virt h arealon ef the legislature rpnarhee the mtmhfn hr have Uu hiplng thit the fronomv pmmlmvl the t.plo al the rliv Hon t rtrmofriitlp ereekora uM h -arrte1 ntit are In sreat Mount of Ue out com. Veer (mod Mil mill I'loNil'U euffer Already the s.ftAW mark l In irisht. the murk pl-r1 a "eimo atean. e ' hy ormorrrtlli rrator durtna thr Hut csmPalgn. A result the house prrHeedivt to inp off appropriation MUm amnuntln to f.H W and came rr? nrarlv kilting ton more, hoth of which Wfrf pr lal Mil aent tn ny llovernor Morehearl Thr flret ailed for an appropriation of BW.M ravin- the street on two ulr of the state frm. rropeetr Owners t-aree. The properly owners on the nther aide of the atreet have nil signed up to have the pavine; drne. hut the mmr.rr of th legislature wanted to al hark on the law which rail for ttia pacing of atprrte whan a malortty of the property ctiwti aak for It. The fart thiit thr state owned half of tha pro party kept the majority tn riimhfru from pontprllln the (Ktua tlon anil e It m tip to thr Iralnlaturr to make tha appropriation, which waa another way of giving their ronsent. A peoullsr condition ealated In thai some of Ilia members who hava be.m hownna for irood road and a chanre to lis tha convict la build In wen. ajralnet tha bill notwithstanding It would ha the tlrat chanr to put thr convict labor at wajfk on thr road and arr how success ful It woald ha. The Mil passed hy a majority of M votra aftar a rail of tha hmia) had bran mad. Another Tlh Kaarak. Tha bill oslUns far IHI.aro to he uwl In connection wtth tha foot and mouth disease In oattla ahotikl It breali out In tha atate, alao had hard aladdlua. but It finally want through. Tha lint of btlla ktllad waa aa fbllowa. M. R. 4& Stata printing: plant. HOO.nrtV H. R. 170 !tHia prlnUnit plant, M.O0O M. R isa Reformatory and parkin plant. BWVOOft It. R. aw-Hefnrmatery, tsno.dno. H. R. KTT Detention farm for prtroneni convlrtrd of mtademeanor. llOO.flOa H. R- SM-lHimpnn Irrbratlon uparl menU, if(W II. R. 7-Vtrr powrr atmrv. IW.ofln If. R. t Rrlnibnralna Inrartcr county for money lot In Capital National hank, $U.. II. R. 1A-Trrtirtloti well at Haatlnc aavlum. ro.ooft. H. R. ns Pavlnf at Omaha School for the reaf, W.7O0. It. R. 1M Huprraaalna bee dleaae. If. R. RK!t Xhratnaira aaement aaalnat Otoa county arhool landa. $1,140. Legislative Proceedings Ilia faaaed by thr Senate. II. R. '. Rlc.hrwond and Broome Ra cutraa the nawapavar publication of par aonal tax IIMa ..... , r. . II. R. Urviaardow.ot Xoui;la Makaa firemen pluht hlft tn Omaha thirtean houra and dar ahlft rlavan; now twelve and twelve. 8. r. 1. Mallery of Ro Butte Pro Mdea for aUte aid of from im to a ar for each conanlldated rural high acliool. 8 r. 10T. Mallery of Rox Butto-Knable arhool boanle to put In vocational train ing coureva. ' 8 F. 11, Saiindcra Aggrcsate achool tax In Omaha ahall In no one year rxored milla 8. F. XC. rtowell Adda finarr and toe a.-hedule to rmuloyern lUbllliy ai l. r. r. KB. Urnrj' or t'oiiax Annual re omen t to brgin March 1 Inaleiid of Aoril L v Btlla Killed by the te ow Third Rradlaar. 8. F. au. Qulnby of louglaa Repeal law glto Omaha ally council or tu txtend gaa franchise. H. R. n. Frlea-No fWhlng llcanae re retjuliwd In county of rcaidouce. ' Bllla ReraoaMeudrd t raaa by Ira. to t-aaamlttea f tha Hhale. H., R, Ml tlaaaoa Uummlttoe Appro ITiatea eM.UM or huUitlng-t at Mealrtce inaUtute A or rVehle Minded. Hefiaie anMndnWit ralaed hou appropriation Irong 4fc,i0 to vAXi. H. U. Flnanc Committee Appro rriatra ll.3o0 for ' o4paal piant at tuberculoala hoapttai at Kearney. H. R. JSi Kaufman and Other Wornal appropriation ot normal aohcol endow nient fund.. . t M.' 11. 172. Kaufman and Other For niiTaiprprlaUon ot caah rt'wlpta at normal achool. H R. . Nlchola of Madlon Appro rriaAea $. for building at Norfolk In- H. It. (. Flnanoa Committee Appro priate t.M for buiiaing at. uncotn bo .li Tor Inaane. u u Til i 'Ulml bill. h. i-Appnprtal Vt.W for build ing for home for dependent children at I.tnoote. e70Approprlat)a J,600 for dairy bar a at Mltford. H.'R. 6-Appropriate 4.V0 for Im- provkiiUFnt ror bcbooi lor, lue wi a Hi'R- Appropriate gft.UW for aerw. a 4tanoeai planl and laundry equip- . iri rla' himus at Geneva. . H . il . Hani of Bufralo-AllowB -u i jt.frL-t eie'tnra to dei'lde at an nual nweUw aa to the uae of achool tnr other than ix'hool purpoae. H. .S. 47. Friea Makea It a tnlade- u to deatrov land markera. H. K. I. Drueaedow and Feeler Regu latea private employment agencle and requires lloenae fee of t. only lit) in case u ..rt' emolovment aaencle. H t. 67, Mattaeon and Forter Merge tal'llun reguitraUon boar! with atate live tor, aanliary board; senate armmdment ttA lAttr hoard the fee. H R. t&, Utreen Makea Uie Douglas county derk ex-offlclo county comptrol ler. H R. KT7, Scott of Hamilton Reduce tntmhnam of school year from eight to seva months. Bllla Pw y Heear. H. R. S2-Rural credit bank bill. H. R. it Changing time for teachers' Institutes. H. R. ilM-Memoiial to congresa for di rect Tote on president and vice president. H. R. lundrv for Mllford boldierj' home, IT.MXl. IL R. K7 Kllrhen Improvements at tirand laland sKH-ra' home, l.'.U".1. H. A. "4 To combat foot and mouth disease, .00O. H. H. loe Providing jail Imprisonment for failure to pay alimjny under docree of divorce. , . , , H. R. "S3 Giving Uv Pt.vk Sanitary board and atate veterinarian full autnor ity to enforce quarantine regulations and niaxk animals beid in quiarantine twitti lout emergency ciaueel. I H. R. Taj Author Uin Lancaster. Doug as and Gags eminty boards to order pav hnn, maradamlaing or oth.r Improvement ft rural highways upon petition hy a ma- I ority of tha resident land u nera adja- sent thereto. H. R. 7i Requinng commandants of Kuldiera1 home at Idllford and ilrmjA la. land to supply fuel and provUion to vet erans living outside within one-bslf mile VI ISO UUlliWll. - apartwents, Mais, houses) no ret tag e can b rented quickly and cheaply by a tie "TarHeor AA. TWO EUOENIO BABIES, both winner of many prircs aa "KXX point" infants, are plighted to wed. They are Wil liam Charles Flynn, 37 months old and Alcme Calvert Houck, 17 months old. They have long been dedicated to the ideal eugenic marriage by their mothen. rv ? 7tN!C Lrr. I ' A ' W Zf 'iiy K" '.C'l -w 1 ) VT t aifTv'At-'?-. 5 I V-Xrr -sc 1 r,v s-! y v k x .;- J yj HIGH JDDGESJY DISTRICTS Bill Will Be Fused that in Way Provide, for Supreme Official! in Thii Manner. CHA1TOES IN THE JURISDICTION From a Staff Correspondent ) . UNQOIJs-,. April (-(Special.) -Another hanc will be given the house to Keep a platform pledge, th house committee on constitutional amendment having re ported out the Wilson bill, senate file No. 121. for a constitutional amendment relat ing to election of supreme court Judges by district. This will take the place of the Lanlgan bill, whloh covered the aamej ground, but annexed too much territory, and- went to tha legislative scrap heap when It reached the aenate. It haa been amended by the committee so as to provide that the court shall sit In two divisions,, each consisting of th chief Justice and three other members. snd that decision may be rendered bv three Judges constituting a majority of either (UvlaloaV ('art glttlag as Whole. In certain cases, however, th court may sit a whols, wlien four Judge must agree In order to render a derision. A further change In the bill gives original aa well appellate Jurisdiction to the supreme court In all revenue, quo warranto, mandainue and habeas corpus eases, and In all civil cc where tho stat Is a party. The Jurisdiction of the court Is specifically made atate-wlda, not withstanding that Its members ar to b chosen by districts. It Is expected the bill will be sifted out at once and be taken up In commute of the whole within a day or two.' H0AGLAND CELEBRATES ANNIVERSARY OF DEATH (From a "taff Correspondent.! MNCOlJf. April i.-(8peclal.)- Todav I the fifty-third anniversary of mv death." said Senator Hoagland of Lan caster this morning In a reminiscent vein. It happened t th battle of Phlloh." he went on to explain hi atrange anni versary. "I we struck by bullet that penetrated my canteen and spent Its fore against the large buckle on my belt. The blow wa enough to knock me over. My head struck against a tree, rendering me unconscious. When I came to 1 felt something wet trickling through my hands with which I had Involuntarily clasped my atomach. Of course. I thought that It was Wood. I didn't dare look down. As the water flowed out of the punctured canteen I grew weaker and weaker. I experienced all the agonies of death- 1 could feel the sir blowing through the hole that I Imagined had been drilled clear through me. In another two or three mlnutea I actually believe that I would have died. But tn the last agony I put my hand up to my head and happened to notice that It waa not blood with which It was wet. but enly mater. Ever since I ha cele brated the anniversary of my death." LEGISLATURE WILL RUN OVER INTO NEXT WEEK (From a Staff Correspondent I LINCOLN. April . (Specisl Telegram.) The Nebraska legislature will not be able to adjourn Saturday, but will run over Into next week a day or so. accord. Ing to Representative Norton, leader of the majority force. "I would not definitely say Just whea we will get through." said Mr. Norton ta Th Bee reporter thi evening, "but It I pretty afe to say that w will not ba able to finish thi week unless the speed limit 1 fractured." Friday Is the tiro set for adjournment. Th member hava been working now go ing on two week without pay and th lure ot th farm 1 xrog. o that araai the Wder may not b able ta tell what will happen about Friday morning Members Packing ' Effects to Go Home (From a Btaff Correspondent. LINCOLN. April 6 tSpeclal) During the forenoon session it became necessary for Speaker Jackson to send the sergeant-st-arm Into the cloak mom and hallway to atop the nols of pounding with ham mers Incident to the packing up of mem bers' effect In boxes preparatory to their going bom. Sam Hoff Invites Members to Friscc (From Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. April 6 (Special. )-The house. of representative received a col lettlve invitation T-iesday from 8am Hoff. one of the Douglas county members In 1013, now at San Francisco, Inviting stl of this year's legislators to attend "the greatest exposition river held In the I Vnlted Slates." Hoff Is employed al the ! Ferris wheel there. COMMONWEALTH COMPANY FIGHTING TO THE LAST (rrom a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. April . (Special Telegram.) Not mithatanding both the house and senate hav turned down th proposition to give the Commonwealth Power com pany the right to sue the atato for the return of the H.M0 filing fee paid by it for filing for water right on the Loup river, another attempt wa made thi afternoon In the form of a r solution by Feteraon. but under th rule It went over for a day. ASSESSORS ARE ASKED TO COMPILE STATISTICS (From a Staff Correspondent.) LTNCOIJU. April 6.-(Speclal.) Secre tary Mellor ot the State Board of Agri culture ba Issued a bulletin calling at tention to the importance of farm atatlatlc a an antidote for th bear re ports of peculator seeking to depress prices. In this connection he appeal to the precinct aaseaaor. now stsrted on their duties, to secure aa accurate re pert. Now the Supper Dance EXTENDED TERMS MAY GET A JOLT Bill that Will Hare This Remit Haa Eetn Sent to Conference Committee. CHAUGE LIKELY TO BE RESULT l From a Btaff rorreapondent ) MNCOI.N. April a-Spe'ial Telrfram.) -Hy thr clone vote of 4 1 to 41. II. R. . the hill tthh h had lein amended no aa to entend tha term of county officer to 181 wa Kent to a conference committer till afternoon. In npixitntlna; thr com mittee from the houne It I aaid that Speaker Jackaon hn adrcteil three men who arr oppored to etenlon of tha ternia of ntinty officer under thr bill. They are Norton, Nealey and t'ronin. They fax or the four-yrar term, but ara opposed to extcndinK thr term. American Shippers File Many Claims Against England TONnOX, April .-Becauirr o tha j.reat numhrr of claim nlnnt th Brlt lh government arlslna from the detention cf American cuno, thr ataff of tha American conaul general In London haa hern lncreaed from nine to twrnty-alx peraon. Conaul General Skinner la now rranaing for an office In which theri hull he ertabllahrd a aperial department if claim, together with a further In creaacd taff for anrrdy preparation of thr rae uhmlttd every day. . The American ateamer 8rgruanoa, war rargo of American wheat from New Tork lor Rotterdam, la now being held al Deal lending a reronaignment of Ita cargo to The Netherland Overseaa tnit. Socialists Gain In Cities of Texas PAI.U?. Tex , Aprtl 6 Heavy votes were polled today In 301 Tela oitln and towns where municipal elections were held. The majority of the candidates were democrats running agnlnwt demo crat, but the socialists made active cam paign In Fort Worth. Dallas and reveral emnller towns. Complete return tonight show the elec tion in lalln of the t'ltiaena' association ticket, headed by Henrv p. Undeley, for mnvor. He opposed John O. Collins on ! the people Independent party ticket. . The vote wsa 7.832 for Llndsley and 4,601 i for Collin. ' In Warn, with no opposition to the denv ( ocrstlc ticket, only SO votes were, polled. It wa the quietest election there In year. Four city commissioner were elected In addition to other officials. British Warships Bombard Smyrna LONDON, April 1-The neuter Tele gram company has received a dlapatch from Ita correspondent at Athena saying that British warships again bombarded the forts st tha entrance to th Qulf of Smyrna Monday, according to th report of the captain of the Oreek steamer Ar cadia. Hydroplane of the sJlles drop ped a number of bomb, th correspon dent declare and the vail of Smyrna ordered European to leav th town. NO CHANGE IS MADE IN RAIL CROSSING BILL (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. April (Special.) Hvidenc wa given again thi afternoon that th railroads have llttl chance for anything at th hand of the houae. The bill re quiring automobiles to stop before cross ing a railroad even after an amendment waa tacked on satisfactory .to the roads, reqntrtng them to put danger signals at crossings where there was not a plain view of the track each wy failed of leeonslderatlon. Jennie Ward t hoiri Superintendent ATLANTIC, la . April S.-lSpecial Tele gram.) Jennie Ward, present superinten dent of schools, wss unanimously chosen for county superintendent at a meeting this morning. There were no other can didate. , Department Order. WASHINGTON, April 1 (Special Tele gram ) Postmasters appointed: Nebraska Carteton. Thayer county. Charles M. Bogga. vlo W. R. Hall, resigned; Colon. Saunders county, George L. Mowors. vie (I. A. Orme; F.nderlaite, Brown county. Harry K Knders, vice R. L. Snyder, re signed; (Sehauppe. Sherman county, Stan ley A. Lowandowskl, vice J. I Peters, resigned Wyoming Barnum, Johnson county, Charles L. Johnson, vice H. W. James, resigned. Postpoffiee established at Pewittv, Cherry county. Nebraska, with Mtlos H. Dewitty. postmsster. Dejjiiininjjr Thursday eve and con tinuing if you will, a series of Souper Pansaiits. Arrange for your table with M. Charles Mayard. The price you nay you shall say. Know this, that everything is cooked bet ter, served better than anywhere else in town. "Built for You to Enjoy." HOTEL fTONTErELLE Samson's Den Show Needs a Big Bunch of Good Warblers Huskies than rsn manhandle anything from a Wyoming rWkman to Jers Wlll ard ars In demand Jurt now by Sam son of Ak-8ar-Ien fame, tin Item, sr tlaan of the den. la digging hi trenches, mounting hi Krupp. and building hl Zeppelin at thr den for tho Initiation this fall. Mcanwhli h. I manning the horlson for suitable volunteer timber to man hi armament. It take husky fel lows, husky, active and brave. By the latter part of this month he expect to have hia Initiation crew all selected, and hr assured his friend that It will have to be some crew to handle the Initiation this year. Singer, too, will he In demand. For there I to be a chorus again that la to mutilate popular alra by the application of popular, or unpopular word. So w hile Renx la digging trenche and building emplanes, he Is peering around for the amateur Caruso of Omaha. No. they will not be paid Caruso sal arlra. Oh, no; this Is not a want ad. On the contrary they will havr to pay a III) bill to get the privilege of Ringing. That la they will have to Join Ak-Sar-Ben early and pay their 110 Initiation fee. la It not worth It? Many a man would pay more than that to get an HUdtence to listen to his warbling. And many a man would have to pay a great deal more to get an audience. Carranza Will Not Neutralize Capital WASHINGTON. Aril .-Intimation have come to the American government that General Carranxa will not consent to the neutralisation of Mexico City, as pro posed and agreed to by the Vllla-Zapata forces. HEINTZEMAN G. 0. P. WINNER IN BALTIMORE BALTIMORE. April fi At the primary election here today C. II. Heintexman waa ohnsen over .lohn Fhlllp Hill aa the republican candidate for mayor. Mayor Jamea It. Preeton. democrat, had no op. roMtlon. The municipal election will be held on May 4. The progressive nartv will hsve only one cnndldnte a negro, who aeeks the office of city councilman. . RAIN DRENCHES THE WEST HALF OF STATE Teeterday a reports to the riiDj dicated that rain wrn nrettv nn.,.! over the west half of the state, extend ing over into Wyoming and Colorado aH down into Kansas. Along the Burlington's lines it rain.d a greater portion of the nirht n th. McCook division and the rain ecmed to oe woraing east. In several localities one-half to three-fourths of sn inch of precipitation was reported. Movement of Ocean Steamers. Port Arrired. Tusranle.. nonunion -.. Aacon OLAavKrW. ... UVBHPOOL... NAPLES IjONPON Sailed. . Itslla Minnehaha . Minnesota. . rotidnm. . Mwtaiiaji. . Cacique. MANIUA NKW YORK SAN FRANCllU Y VesaV.'.'"'. E5AVPHrr m BJ FRANCISCO Bpsorn FREE TO ASTHMA SUFFERERS AJ"W oms Cur That Aayon Can Us without Dlsoomiort or Xoas of Tim. We have a New Method that cures Asth ma and we want you to try It at our expense. No matter whether your case is of long-standing or recent development, whether It Is present aa occasional or chronic Aathma. you should send for a free trial of our method. No matter in what climate you live, no rrtatter what your age or occupation. If you are trou bled with asthma, our method should re lieve you promptly. We especially went to send It to those apparently hopeless cases where all forms of Inhaler, douches, opium prep arations, fumes, "patent smokes." etc., have failed. We want to show everyone at our own exrense, that thi new method is djeelgned to end all difficult breathing, all wheezing, and all those terrible par oxysms at once and for all time. Thi free offer Is too important to ne glect a single day. Write now and then begin the method at once. Send no money. Blmpiv mall coupon below. Do It Today. nil AsTCTDCA COtTPOV FRONTIER ASTIIMA CO.. Room lM, Niagara and Hudson St., Buf falo, N. Y. Send free trisl of vour method lo. Alake Teething Easy for Baby use Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup A SPLENDID REGULATOR PURELY VEGETABLE-HOT NARCOTIC Omaha LIQUOR arid DRUG Treatment 1602 & loth 8L Phone D. 7558 OMAHA nnm for First Half- UUU Mile, 40c for each adltSonal mil thert- after forth disUnoi you rita. Ho chart for call in; r ratuntnf. Waltise Time at Bat f i.M Per Hear. That' Oar erTloe" Telephone Doug. 00. Omaha Taxi Service Co. 210 Farnam St. O.MAUA HOWARD AND Why Arc More Discriminating Women Buying Thompson. Bcldcn Apparel Than Ever Before? It's a fact that they are, testi fied to by tho largest Ready-to-Wear business we have ever experienced. Every garment is attractive and stylish without ever being freakish or bizarre. The prices are moderate. This is not a general statement it's been demonstrated time and time again to everyone's complete satisfaction. Our Fashion Service is an unequalled authority on matters of dress and in numberless practical ways is of genuine assistance to women who desire correct advice concerning styles. We would be you inspect this display. Suits upwards from $19.50 Dresses upwards from $6.50 Coats upwards from $12.50 Skirts upwards from $6.50 The Store for Shirtwaists A special display of wash blouses r rtLK will prove pleasing. Priced at . . P JuJ&O BIG SPECIAL PURGHASE Of Beautiful Lace Curtains to Be Put On Special Sale At The Central Furniture Store For One Day Only, Saturday, April 10th. An Immense purchase of beautiful lace curtains bought direct from on of the largest lace mills in this countly, at a heavy discount, on account of the large number in volved in the purchase. This big discount enables us to put the entire shipment on sale for this ONH DA V ONLY at about one-half their real worth. All of the new and desirable patterns and weaves are represented In thi bis purchase, Including a big assortment of very fine Nottingham, Swisses, Cabl-, Arabian and Boblnetn, Scotch Guipure, Scrimms, etc. This would be an excel lent opportunity for you to recurtaln your entire home at a very small cost. Come to this nig Sale Saturday. April 10th, expecting to find some very ex cellent bargain and you will not be dis appointed. As usual you maka your own terms. . INSURANCE FIRK TOIIXAIK) Al'TUMOniLR LI A III LIT Y liVKGLARY PLATE GLASS ACCIDENT and HEALTH SURETY BONDS w. Charles Sundblad OBsTEmAT AOMT. CHICAGO BONDING and Ht'RETY COMPANY CHICAGO, ILL. KANSAS CITY CASUALTY COMPANY KANSAS CITY, MO. Stat Bank Bldg., Omaha PHONE RED 1203. RENT A PIANO $3.50 a Month FREE STOOL, SCARF AND IN St KAN OK. Special inducements if you wish to purchase later. Sehmoller & Mueller Piano Co. 1311-131:) Farnaiu 81. Douglas 123. THE OMAHA BEE IS THE FAVORITE HOME PAPER SIXTEENTH STREETS 4 I pleased to have AMlSEMUJfTS. First Church of Christ, Scien tist, of Omaha,' Announce a Free Public Lecture CHRISTIAN SCIENCE T Jacob S. Shield, 0. S. B., Member of the Board of Lecture ship of the Mother Church. Th Flrt Church of Christ. Scientist, In Boston. Mass. In the Church Edifice St. Mary's Ave. and 24th 8t. Thursday and Friday Evenings April 8th and Oth, at 8 o'clock Ton and Tour Friends Ar Cor dially Invited to Be Present. BOYD OMAHA'S KOIT POPULAR Theater Matlnss Today, 8i30; Tonight aad balance of week, the talk of Omaha, th sensational drama, THE NIGGER Matin, flSoj Bright. Bc BQe. Txt wk, Oeo. M. Cohan's Mo steal Comedy, "TALK Or HEW TOEK" Tn., Soolety ZTlarht. Bat wean Acta, Happy Hollow Quartet. B RANDEIS TEEATIS Tonight aad Thursday Matin Thnr. Miss Marie Tempest Opening- Bill April 7, The Marriage of Kitty j KaUb and Er.&Uf , a Nearly Married Prloeai Bros;., BOo to OSt Mat, SB to 01.60 MIPP THEATER Horn of Paramount Picture. Today and Thursday FRITZI SCHEFF u "Pretty Mrs. Smith" Bar Xtet Moioac Comedy. A9TABCED TIUDITTUB OUS BUBASETH MUABVAT ALICE EIB and BtBITWHCH Diher !: "Lit tle K.p." Tn fur Anaranth,, Mr. and u riwirnr, Aiirn. Dm n v. fincv ana Or. phm Trwal Welilr. rrt. Hitlnw, iniiery lue. ltt Mil OiiSPt Bitunlaj tod Sunljl tic 'omaha ij rmr cxhthb. Dally Mat. IB-BS-BOa 6th Annual Term of Mas BplueT Musical TUC Ml I CDC rlo7i Bulwtu wwfci.a.141. UlnLd Wlta a 'Bah-'Bah Cast Imbraoiaa ABI REYNOLDS A FLORCNCI MILLS All the ril.l kiln tT.. w Sara. BRAHDEIS-A .?ay Aaril Ot i, S:30 . M. Omaha Elks' Male Chorus IN CONCERT Twsnty Men, Assisted by Co e-sa Quartette; Btr. B. A. Be.... V1olil Ml Carolyn Hamilton, BoDraao 1 ADMUUtlOBT. 01.00. THE OMAITA BEE !0 : S 1 THE HOMEVAPEH X