Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1915, Image 1

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    Omaha Daily
swap Something for
something else more useful
to you? Ue the Swappers'
column of The Dee.
VOL. XLtV NO. 2."0.
Qm Trains nl at
atotel Mews Stands, So
OUT ilOlltiSOli IN
Xaniaa Cowboy Wins Hearyweigbt
Championship of World by De-.T
1 feating Negro in Havana
Forces Battle in Early Rounds, but
Is Unable to Keep Up Pace
. Against Giant White.
HAVANA, April 5. Jack Jclm
?n. e.xil'4 from bin own country, to
day lost bis claim to fistic fame as
the heavyweight champion of the
world, the title belnr wrested from
htm by Jess Wlllard,' the Kansas
eqwboy, the biggest man, who ever
entered the prize ring.
Today's fight probably has no
parallel in the history of ring battles.
For twenty rounds Johnson
punched and pounded Wlllard at will,
oat ui blows grew perceptibly less
until at last be seemed unable or un-
willing to go on.
1 Johnson stooped 'leading and for
! three or four rounds the battle be
tween the two huge men was little
more tha series of plastic poses
of white and Hack gladiators.
VadrtecrlaeT mt Bad."
So it vm the twenty-fifth
round, wbes 'Wlllard got one of his
widely swinging windmill right hand
smashes to Johnson's heart. This
was the beginning: of the end.
When tb round dosed, Johnson sent
word to hia wife that he was all In and
told her to start for horn. She waa on
the war -out and was passing the ring
In the twenty-sixth round, when a ting
ing left to the body and a cyclonic- right
to the Jaw oaueed Johnson to crumple
on the floor of the ring, where he lay.
partly outside the ropes, until the referee
counted ten arid held up Willard'a hand
la token of hia newly won laurels.
'There Is much discussion tonight and
probably wOl be for a long time, among
the followers of the. fighting garae M
to whether. Johnson waa really knocked
out. In the sense -of being smashed into
unconsciousness, he certainly Was not put
out t
'" ' Knew Be Waa Beatea.
The concensus of opinion la that John
aon expected and knew. that there waa no
hope of. bis winning; so when knocked
' down, he oheoe to take the count rather
than rise and stand further punishment.
Johnson has often stated that fighting
, la( a businesa and he would not foolishly
submit to repeated knocks downs when
he found be had met hi master. A
second or two after Jackson Weigh, the
referee, had counted ten, Johnson quickly
got up. It waa well that he did so, for a
moment later a rush of spectators to tho
fighting platform all but smothered the
pugs. '
For an Instant It seemed as If trouble
. was threatened, but some fifty or more
j of the several hundred soldiers stationed
rbout .the fight arena, jumped Into the
ring and formed circles around the van
quished and victorious.' -,
Under eaoort of the soldiers Wlllard and
Johnson left the ring and went to their
dressing rooms, while the crowd cheered
and broke Into wild discussion.
The knockout came so suddenly that the
big crowd seemed aa much daied aa John
aon himself. Vp to the time of the final
blow Johnson showed but few marks of
battle,, but had slowed up and waa per
ceptlbly tiring. Wlllard said, as he was
being escorted away, that he waa never
hurt or In danger at any time.
Johnson said he had no excuse to offer,
and that "a better and younger man had
taken the championship title." .
Continued, on Page Four, Column . One.)
NEWPORT. NEWS, Va).' April 5.-The
Orman auxiliary cruiser Prlna Eitel
Frederick still lay at Ha wharf today with
no outward evidence whether it would
move to aea or Intern.
The Weather
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity
-Fair. allghtly cooler.
Tempera! arc at Omaha Yesterday
Hours. Ior.
6 a. in 45
S a. m 44
7 a. m 4t
t a- m 49
a. m :a
10 a. m o
It a. in at
12 m
I P- m 70
p. m 70
1 p. m W
P- m :i
5 p. m n4
p. m 87
1 l. m i3
8 P. in ; 6Z
Caaaparatlve Local Record.
115. 3314. 1B13. 1912.
Highest yesterday
I-ownt yesleiriay
Mean temperature
TAtmirtiirtf an
.Co .oo
tures from tiie normal:
fxornisl temperature
a;xcss for the day
Total deficiency alnce Murrh 1.
SVormal precipitation
. II
w in. h
. Inch
Ift'ienev for Die dMy.
Total rainfall In.-r March 1 . . 1 7 iiit-bcs
Iericlency aince Man-h 1 . Wioh
I-fii-leii-y for cor, perlo.1. 1S14 .IS Inch
Excess for ior. itIoO. 1S1J... 1. 1) Inches
Rraorts fraia Stailoaa at T P. 51.
tttatfon and Ktatu Temn. Ulifh- Raln-
of u eather.
fheyenne, rlou
Da.venport. do
Ienvr, elouly
in. eat. fall.
T.J r .f(
i ft T
n 71 .no
as 74 .00
-' ,o
.l .IM
34 a .)
hi 'A T
u .00
l Forecaater.
SKxige i'ity. pari Mudy.
North 1'latU, ilouiiy.:..
I Omaha, part rlouily
r-herldan. rain
floux t'ity, clear.
hnssars, doing atrol duty, stand up on their horses to
watch the Rusai&n positions.
T-O" S l V J
r )r"Jn.
i '
I- "
I . - ' ' -
' ' . ( v .
German Report' Says' Biff" British
Battleship Was Stranded Inside
: Dardanelles and Destroyed! '
BERLIN, April 5.- (By Wireless
to SayvlUe) A - report received in
Berlin fro to, Athens says the British
battleship Lord Nelson, stranded in
side the Dardanelles. Btraits, has been
destroyed by the-fire f-tbe-XurklSh
guns-bn hore. VI-' - , '
This, IntqroiatW was .'given Out today
by the Oversea 2s'e$s a : , - .
A council of war held by the British
and French admiral, tho Athena .dis
patch continues, decided to postpone the
attempt" to force the Dardanelles on ac
count of the insufficient strength of the
landing expedition. ...
This dispatch- coutalns the first intima
tion Of the loss of the British battleship,
Lord Nelson. It name has- not been
mentioned In any 'of the dispatches con
cerning the Dardanelles ofrrattonBi '
It was 410 feet long.- displaced 18.500
tons and waa built in iene. it was armed
with four" twelvtMnch guns, ten .Hnch
and thirteen inch ' guns and : carried a
complement of JMJ5 men. - - -
Southwest Teachersf
' Meet at Clarinda
CLARINDA, la., April 4. (Special Tele
gram.) The Southwest Iowa Teachera'-aa-
aoelation. which hat brought' Its meetings
here to a close, has an -enrollment 'of S3S,
including 3TO visitors from outside Page
county. " ? 1 1 ' -.-.-.'.
Sessions were held In the armoryr Pro
grams included addresses by'- Mrs. Edith
Smith Pavls, W. Davis. Mrs Hattte
Moore Mitchell, Dr. C. H. Judd. rFof. J.
Lh -Mortan of Missouri ' university -'and
Dean Fordyce-of the University. of Ne'1
braaka. ' ' vl - " . ; ' ':
The Greater Clarlnda bliib gave' the a
soclatloa a ' complimentary . concert. at
which music was furnished by the Clar
lnda Fifty-fifth Iowa regimental band
and afterward entertained 'delegates with,
an automobile tour through the city and
GhicgavDyers Eaise
Price Fifty Percent
CHICAGO. April 5. Because of the
scarcity of German-made dyes and them
U-aK the price of cleaning rtothea was
advanced from 5S to 50 per cent here to
day. This action was taken br tho
Master Cleaners' and Dyers' association,
which announced that dyestuffs ami
chemicals imported from Oermany had
Iticreascrl 111 price SOO par cent since the
atart of the war. ' . ;
Germans Put Gif ford
Pinchdt Off Belgium
THE HAGUE, Netherlands, Ail
(via. London. )-UIf ford Plnrhot, ex chief
forester of the United Xtatta, wyio it Is
understood has been acting aa special
agent for the State department at Wash
ington. In the European war aone, has
been expelled from Belgium by the Uer
man authorities. ' '
GREENVIU.B, HI., April 8 .-Eaven men
jare known to have lertxhed In an ex
plosion 'n tne m!ne of the ehoal Creek
Coal company near here today. Ten are
missing. The bodies of seven rave been
recovered. The explos!on occurred SOS
feet under ground and a quarter of a
mile from the main aha ft and la believed
to have been caused by black damp be
ing set off by a miner a lamp. Only a
small part of the mine waa datuaged.
. . . ' . , t . . : a
... " ' ' f v. -. , 1
-;..' i: ,-))'-
Dutch Steamer Prins Mauriti With
" Forty-Niae Persons on Board
Sunk Off Hatteras.
NEW YORK, April 5. --Latest re
ports received here of the effects -ot
the great storm which. Swept the At
lantic coast Friday, and Saturday in
dicated that nearly--hundred lives
wW.iast:. ' V (. ' ;rt.-r r-:tz
The Royal Dutch West Indies steamer
Pring Mauritar wlth"fortja-nlne persons
aboard, la bellevad to Save 'founded off
Cape :Hatteraa,' Net a word that 'wbuld
give hope that the vessel was Still afloat
waa received today. ' ; :, k .
Fiftaen of the crew "of the sea-going
tug Edward "Laickenbach perished ' ahen
the tug was wrecked off raise Cape, Va.
Ten men were drowned when two coal
barges broke' away from 'the tug Cum
berland and were' pounded to pieces off
Cape Renlopen, Del. . i r i- '
Thirteen men aboard the barge Tam
pico, which broke away from Its tow,
are believed to have been lost, t t
Doaens of barges; , schooners and other
craft went a shorn along the coast. Their
crews were rescued by other vessels or
coast guards. -. t t , . .
Italy Continues to.
Mass Troops Along '
- Austrian Frontier
CHIA8SO. Switzerland, April .-(Vla
Par la Tho assembling of Italian troops
on the Austrian frontier, "ie-aeoutinulag
with the greatest activity. All . houses
of peasants in the districts bordering the
confines affected have been occupied by
'soldiers, .... . ,;. .
This lnfornlatlon reaches Chiaasq from
Italian sources. It learned from, the
same sources that atill more Important
multaiy activity la under way." Informa
tion on this point Is refused trausmftsion
by the Italian censors.
1 WASHINGTON. April S.-Proposed Ini
creased rates on' grain ' and" grain pro.
ducta from points In, Oklahoma tp"polnts
In Nebraska- and Kansas' were found not
Justified today by the Interstate Com
merce commission anrj the 6L Louie-A
Ban Francisco.. Chicago'," Rock Island at
Paclfio and other railroads were required
to cancel them. -
i .) - . V
Business Men
j for Our
City Business
Cut ou this sample
ballot and take It with
i . yon to the polls.
BaUdlag Contractor. .
. Transfer aad Bavress.
w. o. shrim:r
Baal Batata,
ilXjiry a ZJMMAX...
Tonaar SSayor.
a, en-
Election Tureday, April 0, 8
to 0 p. nt,
British Monarch Gives Order that
. No Wines or Spirits Be Con'
turned in Any of Royal
Official Announcement, Bated April
6, Says the Lid is'on "After ' '
. - Today."
LONDON, April 6. Teetallsm wM
be enforced in all the king's house
holds beginning Wednesday.- An of
ficial announcement- Just- Issued,
dated April 6, says:
"By the king s command, no wines
or spirits will be consumed In any of
his majesty's houses after today."
Captain Herail is
Placed on Trial for
- Murder of Wife
PAUIS. April a Captain Herail, an of
ficer In the French cavalry: will be tried
by court-martial' Saturday for killing his
wife at'Compelgne because ahe .persisted
in following the. army to be near him In
direct violation of . orders! Issued by the
military authorities. For soma time after
the crime Herat' was a' mental and
physical 'wreck. It wa feared that ha
would' not survive, but recently he re
covered and was turned over to the mili
tary police by the hospital authorities..
After .Captain Herail was sent to the
front his wife, ,.to whom he was deeply
attached. : learned that he was stationed
at ' Coir!plegne and-, followed him there.
This wa at the time when the general-ln-chief
issued a circular prohibiting ail of
1 leers j end . sohllera from . receiving their
wives during the campaign. . Hie superior
officer reraonstratadwlth.Ckptaln Herail
and be tried to induce hie wife to leave,
but alia continued to postpone her de
parture.. A second warning waa given tho
captain with, no better result "When a
third warning came he waa told ha would
be cashiered, unless Mme. Herail left at
oricc. This she refused to do, and the
cavalry v officer fearing dishonor and
degradation, shot the woman he loved.
Austrians Tear Flags
r V Thenl in Clothing
"'' '.' ' J .
FETKOGRAD. : April .-Vla Ixmdon)
A retnu'kkble feature cf tho surrender of
the Galician fortress of Preemyet was
th fact that tiot a single 'Austrian flag
waa' captured. sSya' the Ruasky Slata.
The secret' of their disappearance waa
discovered, this newspaper says, further,
through the eonfesslorpf Blar wrar. pris
oners, who- arrived at Kiev. . They' aald
that 'the. night before the surrender all
tha flags were torn. Into strlpa. Theao
strips were --numbered - and distributed
among individuals., who. hid .them. In the
lining's 'of their" coats and cape. They were
required to take an bath to restore them
upon their release from captivity, so that
the flags' might be reconstructed, thus
giving the regiments the right to a
further corporate "existence.', 1
' - A search" of the prisoners revealed many
such, fragments of ; such" flags. 'In' the
handle of a bag belonging to -General
TUomasehlr a flag was found Intact.
.Gomar Wells Heads' r
Saints'. Sunday School
j LAMONI,. Ia., April 5.-Spedal ..Tele
gram.) At the general convention of tha
Sunday school organization of , the Re
organised Church of Latter Day Saints
here today, Gomar A. Wells of Burling
ton, la., was elected superintendent with
Daniel McGregor, m Alberta, Canada,. St
flrat assistant. B. V. Moore of Lamonl
waa chosen secretary and John Smith also
of Lamonl. treasures. Mrs. E. . S. Mo
Nichols of Atchison, Kan., as lected su
perintendent of th ehome department; E.
H. 'Fisher of Boston, a member ol the
library board, v
This organisation covers seventy-seven
districts with a total of 690 schools, em
bracing a membership of M.000. '
Bogus Goli Coins . ,
Are Made of Glass
CHICAGO. April 5 Counterfeit gold
pieces, a part of which are made from
glass to (give them an almost perfect
ring, are pelng made in Chicago and have
been In circulation for eight months,
Secret service agents aald today. The
bogus gold pieces are of SS and fio denomi
nations. In appearance and 'ring the
coins were aald to be of almost perfect
reproductlcn. Tba only difference be
tween the counterfeit and the genuine Is
that about 2S per cent of the gold la re
placed by molten glass, which gives the
coin a slight difference n weight.
Villa Forces Suffer ,
Heavily in Battle
LAREDO. Tea., April 6.iAdvicea reach
. lng Carranza adherents here tonight are
; that In a three days' fight near Los
' Ebanos. thirty miles south of Tamplco.
Metioo. Villa force have lost 1,100 killed
' and about 1,M0 prisoners.
! Japan and China
At War is Rumor
j THE HAGUE. April i.-(Vta London.)
A report waa circulated In Berlin today
that war had been declared between
China and Japan. Both the Chinese and
Japanese ministers at The Hague deny
that there la anytruta la tba report.
Zeppelin Complains that His
Air Craft Arc Poorly Handled
ROMANSHORN. Pwltierland, April l
(Vla Paris, April .) Count Zeppelin la
nht satisfied with the manner In which
hia alrshipa ere" being handled. Ha vaded
together one day this week his engineers
and the captains of the dirigibles nov
at the Zeppelin worka at Krledrlchshafen
and criticised them on several acorea.
The count said that the full power of
Rumor Turkey is Seeking to Make
Peace with Austria Without
Consulting Kaiser Persists.
HOME, April 4. (Via Parts, April
.6.) In spite of various official de
nials from some of the . belligerent
nations, preliminary steps iave been
taken to conclude peace, especially
by Austria and Turkey, without consulting-
Oermany, the report thst
Djavtd Pasha, Turkish minister of
finance, who Is now In Switzerland,
is on a mission of peace finds cred
ence here. '
Flrat tn Saaaeat Peace.
It Is pointed out thst IMavtd Pasha
waa one of the first Turkish envoys to
undertake at Ouchy, Bwltserland, the
conclusion of an Italo-Turklsh peace,
and that he conducted his preliminary ne
gotiations by roundabout methods
throi'gh neutral diplomats. -While he has
denied emphatically that he la at present
engaged In a similar mission. It Is con
sidered here that thta denial should not
be taken too seriously because ' he
scarcely could admit at this time that
hia government seeks a cessation of hos
tilities. Similar denials were made by
him when he. first undertook the. task ,ot
bringing - about - an agreement between
Italy and Turkey.- - .
Wages and Tips of
Pullman Porters is
Subject of Inquiry
CHICAGO.'' April S. Wages paid Pull
man ear porters and conductors', hours
they are required to work and what per
centage of their' earnings la paid by tha
publto tn tlpa . waa . Information desired
by tba federal .commission on Industrial
relations, '. which .opened an - eight-day
hearing today. . ,. .-. ,j ., , . .
The Pullman company employs about
,000 negro porters and about S,00 con
ductors. It was aald.' It la one of tha
largoat employers of negro labor- la tbe
J, 0. Hupgerford, general superinten
dent of tha company., waa to be tha first
witness called. Robert T Lincoln, son
of Abraham Lincoln, and chairman of
the board , of directors, is scheduled ' to
appear aa. a. witness tomorrow. . R. II.
Bell, secretary of the Federation of Pull
man , Conductors and Porters, is to pre
sent, the employes' case to the commis
sion. . .
.Shop . strike on the Illinois Central
railroad , and Uarj-lman lines are to be
taken up by -the commission on Wednes
day. The. Illinois Central atrike, which
waa called In 1911. never has : been of
ficially aettled.. - , . , .
Turks Report the - -Sinking
of Two ,;. ;
7 ' Russian Vessels
'BBRtilNV April 5.-4By Wireless to Lon-don)--A
dispatch . from 1 Constantinople
a ye the following statement' has been
Issued by tha Turkish war of floe: :-....
-Our fleet yesterday aank two Russian
ships, the Provident of J.floo tons, and
the Vaatochnaja .of 1.600 tons, at Odessa.
' "Our batteries off Kum Kaleh sunk an
enemy mine sweeper which attempted to
approach the entrance to tha Dardan
elles." .v : - . - .
Neither the Provident aor Vaatochnaja
are mentioned In the-last shipping rec
ords. ,
CHETENNE, Wyo., April 6.-8peclal.)
No circuses will be permitted to- play
Wyoming stands ' this year under the
state vetertnalrlan's Interpretation of
Governor Kendrick'g recent rigid quaran
tine order which Is intended o keep foot
and mouth diseaae out of the state. Tho
first show to feel . the effects of tha
quarantine Is Al G. Barnes Wild Animal
show, which haa been forbidden to enter
the atate and which. In consequence, Is
rearranging Ita summer itinerary.
toTaaSaaWisBa!w SaJtaii ...iSfc- &
The auto tourist will find
in Omaha everything that
may possibly be required
in the way of auto repairs.
Omaha is the auto center of
the west right on the Lin
coln highway.
YOCNU MAN for traveling position.
Established Omaha firm. Must have
$1,000.00 cash to lake up prwaeut In
ciunhrance. Halary $100 per mouth
to start.
For farther iaformetloa aboat
this opportunity, tbe Wait
Aa section ef Tb Bee today.
the Zeppelins bad not been employed and
that longer raids than any ma do here
tofore acre possible. Ho also said thst
there was too much of a disposition to
await favorable weather conditions. He
believed that an attack upon Ixwidon had
been delayed Unnecessarily. The count
also Is understood to have criticised
his captains for retreating from hostile
Glasgow Steamer Olivine and Rus
sian Bark Heemes Sent to. Bot
tom by German Submarine.
LONDON. April B. The Glasgow
steamer Olivine "and the Russian
bark Hermes were sunk by a German
submarine Sunday . afternoon off
the Isle of Wight. The crewa of the
two vessels took to their boats and
were rescued by a British torpedo
boat destroyer.
The loss of the Russian bark referred to
in the above dispatch waa reported yes
terday. At. that time Its name was not
known. Fifteen members of the bark'a
crew got ashore safely. The Hermes was
a three-masted bark of S7I tons. '
Current maritime records do not contain
any reference to a steamer named Olivine.
Spaalarda Indiaraaat at Germane.
MADRID tVla Parts), April B.-Feellng
among the natives of file Canary Islands,
according to a -Las Pal mas dispatch, la
bitter against the German colony because
of the sinking by German aubmarlnes of
th steamers Falabd and Agulla, which
were earn ing t.SOO aarks of flour and SOO
tons of provisions to the famine-stricken
inhabltanta of -the llsands.
The Spanish government haa sent the
cruiser. Cataluna and the gunboat Laya
to Laa Palmes -to prevent another Inci
dent similar to the escape of the Interned
Hamburg-American steamer Macedonia.
Th Espana Nueva prints a dispatch
from Ita Lisbon correspondent stating that
Dr. Affonso Costa, former premier and
leader of the opposition party, has sud
denly left the country.
Slight Earth Shocks
Are Felt in Italy
CrOMC, Italy, April S.-A alight earth
uuake waa felt here at T 90 thla mnnim
The quake lasted four seconds.,-The alarm
or 5he people here quickly subsided aa
no damage was done. -Telegrams front
Tlvoli,. Ceatelmadama and' Ban polo
record the same disturbance. -but nd
.In the Abruaal provinces there was great
alarm. , Almost the entire population here
la atlll living under tents or in hula or
wooden aheltera put up after , tlie
disastrous earthquake of January. Thla
la largely responsible for the lack of
casualties Jn the province.
At Tagllaoosso, the earth ' shock was
violent. The people rushed Into the
streets. Several houses were damaged.
A huge rock which overhangs the vil
lage of Petrellallrl was loosened by the
earthquake and the people fled from their
hoinea Soldiers and engineers hurried
to their assistance.
German Submarine
: V' Sinks Italian Ship
GENOA,. Italy, (yla, Paris). , April S.-A
German submarine lias sunk" the' Italian
steamer,, Luigl .Parodl, which loft Balti
more January 22, with a cargo of coal for
Genoa, according to word received here
today. The report haa caused a profound
Impression' here, and there are many ex
pressions of resentment. , ' ' "
Great excitement prevails, 'and the au
thorities have taken strong measures to
protect the German colony and German
shops from the possible roprlcal. ' Noth
ing Is known aa to the fata of the crew
of tha Lulgi Parodl. which was made up
entirely of Genoaese.
Fifteen Men Are. '
Entombed in Mine
GREENVILLE. III. April ..-On man
waa killed and sixteen are missing as
the result of an explosion In the mine
of tha Hhoal Creek Coal company near
here today.
Four hundred men were at work In
the mine when the explosion occurred.
All are known to have escaped , except
seventeen. Two men were taken out un
Pawnbroker Holds a
Bill of Sale for Body
VK MOINES. April S.-Mose Levlch, a
bankrupt pawnbroker here, who holda a
bill of aale for the body of Miss Dottle
Morgan now of Denver, after her death.
; today filed a petition In bankruptcy court
asking for a decision upon whether this
body should bo counted an asset In the
settling up of tha business.
Levlch claimed that the woman gave
him the bUI of sale In 1907 for the loan
of tie, having no other security.
DOUGLAS, Aril.. April S.-General P.
Ellas Callxa, Carranxa commander at
Agua Prleta, released today Dr. T. Lopes,
a Villa surgeon he raptured last week,
and sent him with an escort and some
! medical supplies to the Villa lines com
manded by General TruJIIlo at Jan Jose,
Sonora. .
tleneral Csllee hail heard that men In
lac Villa camp were wounded and with
out medical attention.
Bulgaria Has Arranged to Give Sat
isfaction to Serbia and London
Belieyes that Danger is
Now Passed.
Greece is Massing Troops Along Bul
garian Border and it Seems the
End is Not Yet. '
The Day's War News
t.K.flMt MnMAIUM4 eV ".
nrttlan ramr OIlTlne off thecal '
of Wlaht carrilar The Rnlan
reaa whoa alnkln rrmm mal.
known laat alarht waa ltntml
today ae he bark' llermra. The
rrena of bath hli parapr:!.
ri'.r',ril WAR limi'K anaoaareil
that In the HvMUh ral oa Jermnt
Smlllnaa In Helalnm InaC . inll.
tva )rMi aoamarlara ytrr de
ttreTei) al Ike aaval voiiatrut'tlait
yards at llobrtttew Harfly ' ""if-iMl. .
It la said that fM-ly tterindH tTrV
mea -we're killed . aad . r-1 vro
troilnded. v i
ROMil. niCtTI HK latllonte that
tkere Is aPhaals for the fvrl that
Torker and "Hlr anittrlti Hi"
ronalilerlna Ki- lnitlotli tif
arsrntlatloaa. ..,; i .
T! IIKI4II WAR Wl'lt K an? tat t
the Tarklah Oyt hnn onl,1 ln
n amain a Mra An the Hlark Ken
near ttdcaaa. -It anM ) t
a mine anreeiiep nklrk attmtel
: to aparnaeh' Hie' eairsaee ta thr
-Dardanelles Trea rtealeoyed. 1 '
SERBIAN l.OSSKS la border flb
lusr with Bnlgnrlaa Irreajalars are
placed at Iflah at IMS atra killed
' or woanded,
RISRIAW WAR orriCf. claims a
erreat aneceaa ia the Resklds aad
that deflalte ,aitsstsri have
been aalaed ovea tba Germans la
' aorthera Polaad. Vleaaa admits
that- Aastrlaa forces , were com.
pelted to retreat. .
LONDON, April 5. Tho roving
band of Bulgars driven out of Serbia
after Its sudden raid has penetrated
Greece at three' points, according to .
Salonlkt dispatches. The English
press sees in this episode the possl-'
blllty of developments which may
mean a flare-up In the smouldering'
Balkan situation: Advices reaching
London by wgy of Itorne however,
assert that Bulgaria .has agreed to
give full satisfaction to Serbia. All
the Balkan nations, as weliaa Italy,
are awaiting the outcome with in
terest. - . - . , , , ...
Meanwhile Greece massing troops along '
the Bulgarian frontier and Bulgarian re
servists, according to advices from fia-'
lonlkl, have received orders to Join the
colors. In the eountrles ailed atraluxt'
Germany, Austria and Turkey these .recent,
developments are tlamed upon Orrnian
Intrigue. ' ' ' , -
Tho Carpathian front Is the quarter In
which , a decision of . first lnuorUo',e U
eypectcd soon. London seems to be co:i,
fldent that tha, Ruselana will break,
through Into Hungary. The Austrians"
are, said to be -throwing every availably,
man into the fight at thia point.
- " (ieraaa Official Reaori.- 1 -
BBP.LIM, April . By Vlreress to Bay-
ville, N. T.) The war f"ice"'' announce- '
ment concerning yeaterday'S - ex-enta ' at '
the front 'given out here today savs:
"The Belgians attempted to concentrate '
reinforcements in the direction of Drei
Oracbten, which, with the- exception of
some houses on the northern side, 'hasj
been In our hands since April 3, The Bel
gian troops were repulsed by our artillery
lire. .
Trtnch attempts to advance .In the.Arr
gonne forests were prevented by ai llllnry
fire. A strong attack by the enemy "
against our positions on the heights west
of Boureutlles, south of Varennea, broke '
down a short distance In front, of tile '
German fortifications. French, infanuy 1
chargea west of Pont A Mousson were
(Continued on Page Nine Col. Seven.)
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