Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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    'I -til-; U.uAUA, MUXliAY, AiKU, Ci, l'Jlu.
A Picture Story with Just One Word
Drawn for The Bee by Tad
torea and Offices.
yB. N. iti St.. a fair slwd storeroom n.l
basement. Fine location for grocery,
bakery np cloak and ault t're. ran be
leased for a term of year. I. "all Doug. 2'.
Office In Continental Mock at llth and
Douarln gte. Photograph studio on N.
16lh (ft.
First National Hnnk Bldg.
Phone Douglas 7i3.
Copyright, lqtS, International News Orifice.
WANTBD A. light i-peenger automo
bile, prefer Ford. Want late model.
Call evening. Walnut KK.
Tale buys everything 2d hand. Tyler
furniture bought and an Id. J.
C. Reed. 1X7 Farnam, Doug. 14t
WR BUY 1-hand clothe. Hfl N. Mttt.
Slightly Used high-grade piano. U. 8017.
GOLDEN oak typewriter desk. D. !&!!.
Now la the time to come to Canada and
buy good farm. The safest investment
on earth la earth itaelf. 1 have soma of
the choicest wheat snd flax land la West
, ern Canada that will make you money.
Once to town, consolidated school and
church. . See ne for cheap Investments.
(Seventeen year' experience In Western
Canada, land. P. II. Bovalr, Ir Arcy,
Bask., Canada-
TO SETTLERS ONLY S20 acre for tm
Klcu corn, alfalfa and wheat land; no
eena. J. A. Tracy. Port Morgan, Colo,
. . Mlaeosurt.
! BIGGEST land aala of the year now on.
100 forty-acre farma aattO each. Uood land.
WeH settled locality. Close to railroad.
' (12 uer acre la half artual value. Great.
eat bargains lit South Mlaaouri at sensa
tional price, write touay lor free liter
Uure. r. Merrlam, lulls Benton,
portunlty. 60. WO acres Irrigated wheat
ana euaiia land ror settlement at Valleri
Mont. Sil.bO to SSO uer rrn: fifteen wars'
time. For particulars, write Vallcr Farm
MiMUo., box iota, valler. Mont.
Minnesota, ,
BAROAIN 240-acre- farm to miles from
Minneapolis: 19 acre uJder cultivation,
40 acrea good meadow, fa acre timbered
liaature: can practically all be cultivated;
ood porn land; xarm la tencea; to-room
mill, etc; 13 head good milk cows. 4 good
aiorses, narnesses, wagons, complete set
of machinery, hog, chicken and every
thing on the farm goea at Hi per acre;
46,000 cash, balance can stand for 10 years
at t per cent Bchweb Bros 102 Ply
mouth Bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn.
HAVE 420 acres of Minnesota land, will
trade tor city property; win accept vie.
trola as first payment. ' Address B 243,
i jiee.
' Nebraska.
610 ACRES, Sioux county, Neb.. K per
acre, wrth more, suitable for mixed
farming and stock raising, not sand hills,
good Investment for speculation. Owner,
F. B. Raker. Harrison. N'eb.
My farm of 240 seres, situated in the
foot hills of the Colvlile valley, Wash
ington; H mile f rora good school; 4H
miles from town; I miles from county
seat.. Owing to the mountains on north,
east and, west, our 'climate la for the
, year the beat In the United States. Bx-
treme heat or cold, earthquakes and cy
clones unknown. -We have been plowing
here dally since March 10.
Reason for selling", failing; . strength,
- owing: to old age.
aCntire f arm well fenced and orchard
and grounds tn good condition. House
' , and 'barns nearly equal to any in town
ship; good Well and springs. Orchard of
bearing trees: apples, peara, cherries,
apt-loots, peaches, plum and prune, also
berries; 45 acres under cultivation or In
alfalfa, balance pasture or .timber pine,
fir and tamarack. Crops mostly planted.
Will sell kll rneap, 7,600. If half cash.
- balance hiortgage; or third cash,- balance
tiine.'on contract of. sale; or will sell 80
-.separate, no buildings on same. .
Inquiries by mail answered promptly.
'( - U A. DEXTER. Myrs KaUg, Wash.
Av - -S e-Sk . . w . .
' faens and ItawcK lan4e.
t'NTMPROVED 4 and 11-acre tracts.
- JOHN X. iHK.NZtXt-iiOUGl.Aa (64.
$200 TO tlU.Ouo made promptry. F. D.
W'ead, WtimtX Bid., lflh and farnam Sta
CIXy ai d farm loans'. 6. 6Vi, per osnt.
' ' IT' umopt Co" 416 State Bank.
WANTE1J-Clty loans. Peters. Trust Col
WANTED City leans and wavants
UTarnam Snillh & Co.
i;J0 Famam St.
alONET-oa hand for city and tarm luana.
W. Binder, City National Bank Bldg.
1100 to ilD.000 made promptly. K. P. Wead,
weaa mug., jxin ana rircam ia.
tsKH as firt for farm loans in eastern
Nub, United States Trust Co.. Omaha,
ct CITY LOANS... C. O. Carlberg.
310-ail Brandola Theater Bid.
OJULAHA homes. lOast Nebraaka farms.
101s Omaha National, I-hcne Douglas 271&.
Title Guarantee and Abstract
Co., a modern abstract office,
Bo. 17th 8t. Phone D. M87.
Jesseu & Morrell,
201-3 Ktate
Bit. Bldg. D. 2292.
ItEEU B3TllACn, CO., oldest abstract
ojnoo in Mebraaka, 20V urandela Thea.
UST your property Mlth P, N. MfCoy
for quick sale. ,711 Slate Bank Bldg
I. 1013.
K EA L " EST A TR -Scitt E AG E .
FOR sale by owner, two aire, house'
barn, chicken house, trult trees, ber
ries, grspes P0"8 Walnut 2MT.
;:s:;v, - v .
Hendricks' Hands Light on Balph
Willis with Vengeance in Sixth
and Seventh Bounds.
Best Buy in Omaha
This beautiful home to be sold for just
sbout the value of the ground. Seven
. large rooms with sleeping porrh; nothing
could bf more modern. Has frontage of
ISO feet on Lincoln Boulevard, 185 feet
leer. In fact, one of the tetUist homes
... In Bemis Park, bee us for price, it cer
tainly Is a snap.
Phones Ke 663, Hunday Walnut 110S.
' Secures new. all modern, 5-room house,
.. east front, and In new location, only l't
bturk from car line. This house has .1
rooms snd sleeping porch first floor and
two rooms and bath second floor.
''This H" the laat liouss I 'have for sale
on the above terms. . .
For further Information cell Wslnut ti2
today, or call Duuglss l:3$ any dsy nest
lv in
Hill, new house. Isrge lot and good ton-
irrt. Aanrene, ,vi rui, care ttee.
s-tw(w vviibbm it v. " iviuru i u r ins
amount of payment. Webster 2tM.
lfEAirSTAfEei'Tlt'SIDG "
$;o-HANtiCOM Park district; ll.Ouo lot en
H. :ioth Ave., east front, or grade, close
tn Field club, cars and Windsor school.
O. J. '"snsn. 610 Mt-Cague Mldg.
. Jack Hendricks and his hired Hooslera
assumed a very pugnacious attitude yes
terday and -treatod Marty Krug'a noblo
athletes in a manner. entirely unbefitting
a peaceful Easter Sabbath afternoon. In
other words the IjVdlanapolls persons took
the Rourkes to a trimming, t o 8. .
The Hooslera were, particularly, belli
gerent In the sixth frame of the matinee.
During the course of that stanza they
battered Ralph Wl'lla ror a trio ot counts.
Two rhadVeff EVerdon In the fovrih and
another off Wlllia in t,Be seventh com
piled the totsl ul six.
In' the meantime Joe Willie and a youth
named Burk kept oar stde from making
more than three. Joe la a southpaw and
although hit rather freely, . something
always happened to prevent any damage
In the pinches. , ' v .
ITTMM Heaves Good Ball. I
Burney Everdon I hurled a nice game
during his five rounds in the box. It was
not altogether hs fault that the two runs
were scored. ' Boss Marty made a bobble,
which did the damage. After Bronkte'a
demise - Kelly ' beat out an Infield hit.
Mt poled a double to right and Kelly
stepped at third. . Butcher drove a liner
right at Krug. but the ball refused to
stick and bounced out of Marty's eager
and , outstretched hands. Kelly counted
and Mets went to third. If Marty had
caught the drive he could have engineered
a double' and no counts would havo
registered. . On a perfectly - executed
squeese play CVandall sacrificed Mets
boma from third. ,
Peeviah because of his error,. ' Krug
opened the home half of the fourth with
a knock to right Thomason Qew out,
but Huelsman banged one up againtit ths
eonterfield boards for a double. The Qer
iii an general easily came home.
The Rourkovinlans added another In the
fifth., Whelan. paated a hit to right and
Krueger slammed a blow to center.
Kafora hit for Everdon and placed a
neat single juet back of second with the
result that Red counted handily
Willis la Hit Hard.
At this stage of the game Ralph Willis
essayed to hurl. His opening round was
far from enjoyable to the home folks. 1
Mela beat out an Infield roller and
Butcher poked a two-base elout to left,
Crandall's single counted Mets and sent
Butcher to third. As Mitchell grounded
out Butcher sneaked home and Crandall
went to second. Blackburne's biff against
the (green sign In center counted Cran
dall.1 ' J '
The Hooslera followed up their attack
with a light flank movement In the fol
lowing . inning. Riley busted a hit to
right and then proceeded to shamefully
Imitate the well known Tyrua Cobb. The
Imitation was a good one aa Messrs.
Willis and Nsiman will testify. First
Riley swiped second. Then he swiped
third.. -Then, ha swiped home. At no In
stance was he In danger of bring caught.
All of which la some theftlng.
1 Roerkes Get Baay.
Omsha put on a brief burst of speed in
the seventh and nicked a tally when the
youthful Mister Burk w aa startled
Wlllia poled a hit to right. So startled
at this activity was Mister Burk. that
he walked Payne before recovering from
the astonishment. Krug's roller escaped
the clutching paws of Herman . Bronkle
and Willis and Payne advanced a base.
With the seeks thus loaded Thomason
rolled to Burk. which threw out Willis
at the plate. But Mets muffed Black
burne's throw to make a double play
And Payne beat it home before the pill
was recovered.
. Willis got to first in the ninth on an
error and went to second on Krug's safe
blow. Each man went up one on Thoma
son'a Infield out. Just as Huelsman was
preparing to knock the ball over the
fence and tie up the game Willis went
to sleep and was nipped off third via
Blackburne to Bronkle. v,
Considerable excitement occurred In the
fifth round when the Indianapolis gang
tried to convince Umpa Van Sickle that
they had executed a triple play. With
three on bases Krug drove a liner right
smack Into Meti's hands. - Met ducked
back to first and doubled Payne. He
then threw to . Mitchell at second and
Just as the ball arrived Kafora slid back
safely. At least' the "Urnps . eatd safety.
Whereupon the enraged Hoosiere gath
ered around Van Sickle and started to
debate. -Jlendricks led the negative- side
and Van the affirmative. ..Although the
affirmative side talked less and offered
less argument the unanimous . decision
was give In favor of that aide. Score: '
ivdiaxapolis, . ' ,
A B. K. H. PO. A. E.
' z o.
0 11
t 0
IS 0
2 e
1 s
2- 4
7 . : I :
0 0 0 2
0 .1 1
Special Train Will Carry Some 200
- Omaha Fans to Westergaard
Stecher Match.
Riley If. ...
Bronkle, 3b,..
Kelly, cf... ;
Mets, lb. ,i.
Butcher, rf. .......
Crandall, 2b
aiitcneii, ss......t.
Blackburne, c...,,.
J. Willis, o
'uuric, p.
, 1
Total 35 10 27 12 5
AB. H. PO. A. E.
Payne, Jib... 4 1 " -a 1 o
Krug 2b 4 . 1 2, 1 1
Thomason, Vf....... 5 0 , 0 0 0 0
Huelsmnn, rf 4 O 1 0 0 0
Aiten. If 4 0 - 1 -i 0 0
p'rhliebner, lb 4 0 0 IS 0 . 1
Whelan, as i 1 12 ti 0
Krueger, c 2-0 12 0 0
INeiman, c. 2 0 0 S
Everdon, p. 10 0 0 0
WllllB, p 2 0 10.2 0
Kafora 1 0 1' 0. 0 0
Tonight one of the biggest wrestling
matches of the year wilt occur' In Lin
coln, when Joe Stecher, the Nebraska
phenom, X pits hi strength, and agility
against (hat of .Jess Weatargaard, . the
powerful Dane from Dee Moines. If
Stecher wins the match tonight. It meant
he la well started on the trip up the
championship ladder, and will mean that
such aa Hussane and Cutler will be forced
to meet Aim. , , ,,
- A special tralnload of fans will go to
the match from. Omaha. The special will
leave over the Burlington at 1:30 and will
return as soon as jlhe match ft over. The
street car company . has ' arranged to
have cars at the depot, no matter what
hour the- special return.' Some 200 fans
are expected to go from here. ,
Dan Galne of the Merchants hotel la
managing the special. He has guaranteed
enough fares to the railroad, and all who
Intend to take that train are asked to
communicate with him. A block of 200
seats has been set, aside at Lincoln for
the Omaha crowd.
Dispatches from the state Indicate that
the special train from Oakdale to Lin
coln will carry too Dodge county people
to the match. Stecher la from. Dodge
county, and the home guard Intends to
be on hand to aee the lad work.
Crews of New Karen Take Two
Shell Events from Quakers
on Schuylkill.
w I ' '
n.ol r'AkA'AU hoiuu. i ro-inm. recep
tion hall, bath, grate, large, attic; a
bargain. See owner, 121 t", Wth II. JU2.
7 ROOMi. all modern, hlrrh finish, ele
gant eat front lot, paved alreet wita
paving aM polri, choice location on Jsth
Ave. Price M.OUO. terms If rimlred.
212 Brandei Theater Hldj.
ToUls.l j . 37 2 10 37 16 2
' Kafora baited for Everdon In fifth.
Runs 0 0.0 2 0 S I 0 O
Hits 1 I I 4 10 110
Omaha-i. '
Runa ooiioieo a
Hlta 1 0 0-1401 1 1-10
Two-base hits: Mels, Butcher, Paynes
Huelsman, stolen bases; Riley (8),
Kelty. Sacrifice hits: Crandall. J.
Willis. Riley. Krug. Double plays: Mets,
unassisted; Whelan to Krug to Kchllebner.
Hits: Off Everdon. 4 in five inntngs: off
Willis. in four Innings; off J. Willis,
7 In six Innings; off Burk, 3 1n three in
nings. Struck out: By J. Willis. 4r by
Burk. 2; by Everdon, 1; by R. WUlis. 4.
Have on balls: Off Burk, 1: off R.
Willis, 1. Time: 1:33. Umpire: Van Sickle.,
Black Kats Win at
Fort Omaha from the
Alamitos on Sunday
In a practice game yesterday .it Fort
Omaha. Black Kats defeated the Ala
mitos, by the score of 9 to 6. Vernon and
Jim Sulxe did the twirling tor the Alamitos.-
the former holding the Kats to
two hits, and the latter allowing seven.
Manager Overman's allowed each of his
slab artists to pitch three Innings, and
did great credit to themselves, allowing,
four hits. The feature of the game was
the all-around playing of Bernia Probst,
a former Alamlto, who made two .runa,
two hit, two putouts, Ihree aesiat and
one error. Score :
Prbsi, B , s 4 I IHintU.C, rf I
ODoiiKhrtr. If 4 0
1 CHUMS, tk... 4 l 4 1 II
I Butji, O., 1 4 1 I
tllurnr, ef. . 4 a l e o
l nstBsis.a., b l i c. I 10 t
tVtruos. t 1 t t
I iMugi, t
PHILADELPHIA, April 4. Tnder
weather conditions probably never before
braved, in a rowing race by oarsmen ot
American colleges. Tale today won both
the varsity snd Junior elght-oared shell
events from the 1'nlveislty of Pennsylva
nia over the one-mile (S55 yards) course
on the Schuylkill river. F.ach ef the New
Haven crew finished two lengths tn the
'Thayracee were towed 1 under bllxiard
conditions. More then a toot of enow
lay on the river banKs, the flakes were
coming down so thick that one could
scarcely see a quarter mile ahead, the
temperature was at the freeilng mark
and .the forty-n!le .northeast gale that
was driving the snow Into the face of
the oarsmen had made ,the usually
placid Schuylkill so rough that many
thought It would be Impossible foi the
frail shells to keep right stde up.
Regln te Forge Ahead.
: Jt was nearly o'clock, when the big
race, . that for the .varsity crews, we
ttaited after the Tale Junior eltht had
defeated the Pennsylvania second crer.
Tale held the east shore. The start was
a good on and fer the first quartet
mil the crews rowed bow to bow.
' Then the Tale men began ' to forge
ahead and. at the half mile mark they
had a alight lead. Yale began exhibiting
much greater power than Pennsylvania
and at the mile post the crew had a
lead of about a third ot a length- The
Blue crew rowed for the beat part of
the mile at thirty-three and thirty-four
atrokea a minute, while Pennsylvania I
Plan.Big Outdoor
Athletic Meet for
Latter Part of May
To plan for a big outdoor athletic meet
to be held the latter part of May, a meet
ing will be held at the Toung Men's Chris
tian association Thursday evening by lo
cal athletic enthusiasts. The Toung Men'
Christian association, thn Amateur Ath
letic association, the high school and the
Townsend Gun company have already de
clared they will enter teams In such a
meet. Medals would be given - winners
and the meet held on Crelghton field. It
Is the belief of the st,hletle fen that a
big outdoor meet would attract consider
able Interest In Omaha and an effort
will be made Ui stage one, ' , .
With Etnll Bwanson as captain, the
Ramblers have made a good selection for
that, position.
The Ramblers have a classy hunch of
fielders In Urban Chrlatensen and Han-
Irfuls Norgard ' will ' hold down first
bse fer the Ramblers this season.
With John Mogsnsen behind the club,
California Team Defeats Squad from
East by Seventy-One to
BERKELEY,' Cal.. April 4 The track
and field team ef the University of Cali
fornia defeated the University of Illinois
athlete here today, 71 to St.
The track waa slightly slow owing to
recent ralna and no records were broken.
Fast time waa made, however, in several
events. One of the most Interesting per
formances' waa that of Btantoh ot Cali
fornia, who won the 230-yard dash from
Hohman of Illinois in 0:1!4-
Ililnols excelled In the distance runs,
Gantl Tapping and Mason, having little
difficulty In besting their western op
ponenenr. ,:',
California gained, first honors, in all
the field event except the pole vsult in
which Bchohlnger of -Illinois and Gibhs
of California tied at. twelve feet one-Inch.
The Illinois took both the hurdle races
easily. . .'.,. '
Each university was represented by
twenty-one men and tb meet marked
the official dedication of California's new
was pulling thirty-six.
A quarter of a mile from the finish the
Haven, eight made their last spring and
opened p nearly a boat length of water
between themaelves and Pennsylvania.
The Quaker responded, but TalaV main,
talned it lead and then added a little
to It and crossed the finish mark two
length In front.
The time of the' raoe was estimated
by the officials at 7 minutes and M sec
ond. Despite' the severe weather conditions
and the hard sprint all the Way, both
Noyes, Peevish at , .
Spokane Club, Will
Not Play in Omaha
Due to a grlevanoe against the npe
kane club, Pitcher Win Noyes refuse to
report to Omaha. H I till In Spokane
and will not budge. Noyes assert that
he did not sign a contract last year and
therefore la a free agent, lie says lie can
go where he please and not where Spo-
katte chooses to send him. He lies noth.
Ing against Rourke or Omaha, hut merely I irw finished In good condition. j
does not want to come her because the i Th rar of th ,l,nlor C1'ew w" rauch
Spokane club wants him "to. However. "K9.1"" v"'y r,te: nt
Noyes pitched all last year and drew "l lnf P"'"1 "
" . - " ijmi iuKir ivusin en-
salary from Spokans. so it is doubtful If
M claim is legal. Rourke lis arltten
him thst If he doe not report by April
10 he w ill be suspended.
Prbtt.W.. i 4
!-rhr. If... I
Hllnl.d , IS 4
(julnass, lb. 4
Ovemas. c. 1
Uh1ll. c . I
Rahman, rt. 4
Purhr, if... 4
Prb. a., 1
1 tm'-wj. r
Itathka. .. 0
Natl Realty Co.
Sell and trades R. E. B Bee Bldg. D. MuM.
Two lot. 2th St-, near nnkney, IVjO
Four lot near. 47 y. and Seward, tttO
eacn. , .
Two lots. South Omaha. $J each.
Fine lot, Kountse f'la -e. l.i. '
lniuire 41a Karbaih Block.
VTVK IlOMs7.MODEI(N. I'."io7 TErTmsT
Beaumont Wins from
New York.Giants
BEAUMONT. Tex., April 4 The Beau
mont Texa league club today came from
behind and defeated the New York Na
tionals, 0 to 6.
LOUISVILLE, K. April 4.-The De
troit Americans-defeated the Louisville
American association team, 7 to , here
todays In a ten-inning game.
CINCINNATI. O.. April 4.-The Wash
Ington Americana defeated the Cincinnati
Nationals here today, I to 0.
st. louis "natTonaIs -shut
out the browns
ST. LOUIS, Mo., April 4 -Th t. Loui
Nationals shut out the local American
vantage. They kept alowly Increasing
their lead and finished strong two length
in front of the Pennaylvanlan. Yale's
time was 7:M.
Despite th sever weather and the fact
that the shells finished the. race with
rrurh water In them, the oarsmen suf
fered no 111 effects.
In each of the races most of the men
removed their w esters before sterling
th race snd itiwed in their usual scant
Tsitls J 111 I I I
Black Kats 1 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 t-t
Alamitos 200 0. 0102 06
Three-base hits: Oulnane, Vernon. Two
base hit: B. Probst. Struck out: By
Oeorge Probst, 1: by Lacey, 1; by Rathke.
2: try vernon, x; Dy liue t-rooat, x; vy
Putse, I, Sacrifice hits: William Probst,
William, Dougherty, Hit by pitched ball:
B. Pi oust. Umpire: Shanty Falconer.
I leagu team. S to . in tha fourth am nf
..U 4 17 4 I th. h .
- -" . , nvic t"u j . t
Nationals hsva won three snd lost on
in the series thus far. Score: U.H.E.
Nationals .... 2 0 3 3 0 2 0 1-e 13 2
Americana ...OoOOODeu tl 0 i
Batteries:, Orinar, Meadow
and Roche. Snyder: Aniericans, Wellmun,
Remnas, Hoch snd Agnew.
tstaistserlala'e Conah Remedy.
. From a small beginning tha sale and
use of this remedy has exteodei to all
parts of tha United States and to many
foreign countries When you have need
of U'?h a medicine give Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy a trial and you will un
derstand why It has become so popular
for coughs, colds and croup. Obtainable
every a here. Advertisement
NEW ORLEANS, La.. April 4. -The
Cleveland Ameieeans defeated he Pitts
burgh Nationals, 2 to 1, here today.
DALLAS, Tex.. Apill 4-The Chicago
Amertcsn defeated the local Tex
lesgu team here today, 7 to t.
The Ue Want Ada Are Bet Business
Coast Leagae Games.
Score; . . R H E.
enlce .' A I 2
Malt Ijke City A. ( 12 2
Batterlea. llltt, Piercey. Henlev,
Kpencer and Mltse; C. Wllllama, Uregory
and Hannah, Rohrar.
Score, morning game: PI H E-
Pqrtland 1 4
Los Angeles 4 4 1
. . Ratterlea: Evan. IaisIi, Callahan and
Fisher; Horstmsn, Burn and Boies.
(Score, afternoon game: ' K U.K.
Portland 7 12 I
Los Angeles ill 1
Batterlea: Krause, Rleger, Callahan
and Fisher; Hughes, Chech, Ryan snd
Score, morning game:
Oakland -,
Kan Francisco .
Batterlea: Boyd, Fruett and
Barham, Smith and Schmidt,
Score, afternoon game.
ban Francisco
Batteries: K la witter end Kuhn; Fan
ning and Schmidt.
.. 4 2
.. 7 2
.. 4 S
t 1
. f
Only hree offices
but very, choice ones
There are still but three of flcca on the rental
list of the buttdiiig. ;, - '
We h&d some sixth floor space, which we
offered a few, days ago, and this is now taken.
. . . ' '"...'
The, space offered . Is . yery desirable, , if it
,'meeU your requirements. V
It will also pay you to call. Even If wo bav nothing
that meets your require no ants, we will placa your name
on our list anil notify you as soon-aa a change occur
which will vacat) the kind of an' office you want. r.,
"The building that it always neu"
The fact that there are but three vacant offlcea
In the Bee Building, U the best testimonial we caa
offer you of service, comfort, safety and location.
Suite 222:
Suite 322:
Room 420:
Wlags tiood In Paalarea.
Ivy Wingo I making a fin chewing
tn the outfietld with the Cincinnati
Reds, and It appears a If llerxog may
give him a permanent berth there.
tied Sex Win.
UBMPM1S. April 4 -The Boston Ameri
cana defeated the Memohia Routhern as
so latlon team today, 14 to t.
Best for tenet tpallon.
The best medJ-ln for constipation I
Dr. King New Life Pill. Mild and ef
fectixe and Wrap you well. 36c. All
druggist. Advertisement.
Thl 1 a very choice office on the second floor,
facing the corridor around the court. It la par
titioned for a ery comfortable waiting room,
and two private office. . It has north light.
Price, rer month ( 815.00
Thl la a duplicate of the room described above,
except thst It is divided Into a waiting room,
and a tingle large private office. lrire perl
month -$45.00
This 1 one ot the corner offices which is con
sidered ho very desirable. It is 20x20 feet, and
hag two .windows facing north and two west.
The large vault 1 particularly desirable for
tome classes of business. The door of this office
is directly at the end of the hall, so that the
sign may be seen by everyone walking down
the corridor.
l'rlce, per montli $40.00
. . . .
F.npe(Ully adapted for printlug office. This baa
been occupied by a printer for many years and
on account cf its location in an office building
and tn the heart of the office building district,
the location Itself is an asset in this busineaa or
any aimliar business. It hag an entrance from
" the court on the ground floor and also from the
alley. There is very satisfactory light and ven-
t llation. It likewise has the advantage, from
the standpoint of insurance and safety, of being
In a fireproof building. The floor space Is
. 1.232 feet.
I'Tice, per month . . , ; 9100.00
Apply to Building Superintendent, Room 103