Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 04, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 4-B, Image 20

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-Ik .7
. 4. I i
r iif.jhuetta m. rcch.
TMNS, sacred oloa, anthems
and cantata claim ono's musi
cal lntarest today, for Easter,
one of the tnort Joyous of all
religious fitlvala Is onnmmlly
rich In it musical literature.
In fact, ther In so much good mu1
writtrn, for this occasion that thre Is
hardly any reason for any belnir chosen
which Is not of tha flnest'qualltr.
om tho beginning of Christianity
music has abounded In sonsrs of tho resur
rection. Being hymns of joy theso nat
urally railed forth alt th eccleslnstlcal
pomp and ceremony of tha aariy cen
turies. Th two oldest of EaMer hymns
preserved to us were written by John of
Damascus, ona of tho early Christian
fathers of tho Ore ek church, who lived In
the eighth century and died In a. mon
astery about Tan. Tho first wis Adesta
Fldells fortflnally Greek, written 400
rears be for the Christmas hymn of tha
sama name), which has been set to music
by Sir Arthur Sullivan, and the other
known for eleven centuries as "Tha Pay
of Insurrection." Is most generally known
to tho musle of Berthold of Tours called
"Rotterdam." Those will probably bo
sung at various churches sometfmo today
In Omaha.
Wouldn't It be IntereatlnB If ona of theso
old hymns could tell of l different musi
cal settings anfl tha part It has plsyed In
many different Kastor1 services from tha
time when It was used as the proclama
tion song In the wat-h-SMrmhlles, when
"exactly on the midnight moment at tho
shout of ChrlMos KgertheV ('Christ Is
Itlsen') thousands of torches era lit.
bells and trumpets peajed, and fin Ister
centuries) salvos of cannon shook the
air." Tf It could only tell us Its history
from that time down -to the riresent day.
Or If It could tell of tha many other
hymns and forms of mualo It has met,
and passed on Its Journey down through
tha ronntleas ages when It has boon
bringing hope end Joy to the many gene
rations of mankind, who have In turn re
warded It with long life.
Hymns when well written are of guch
a high class musically and ao expressive
religiously that one sometime wonders
why the majority of choirs do not devote
mora time to their proper Interpretation,
or why more churches do not do more to
encourage the people In good congregar
tlonaj singing.
Solos for Easter have coma down to us
from many different periods of time and
from many of the greatest composers.
Mary of thorn are taken from famous
masses, oratorios, and cantatas of tha
great masters, while others were written
expressly for this season and as solos.
Anthems, which are really motets In
modern style, and which play such an
Important part In the church services in
America have reached their highest de
velopment in England, and some of the
most deservedly popular ones are by
Americans. Easter baa Inspired many of
tha most Impressive of these and few
Indeed are the churches where the choir
or quartet will not have prepared at
least on or mora for tha musical part of
tha service.
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CanUta which will he riven m spedai
musical sorvlces at several , of the
churches, trao their descent aa a direct
result of the Invention of recitative which
occurred about 1900. A cantata In IU
earliest form was merely a musical recita
tion of a short drama or story In verse
by ona person, without action, acoom
panled In simplest manner fcy a single
instrument Tha first change was tha
Introduction of an air repeated In dif
ferent points of tha recited, narrative
thus producing a primitive kind of. rondo.
Cantata In thla atyle was brought to
perfection by tha Italians of the seven
teenth century, principally by Carlsalml.
who was the first to adopt this form for
church purposes. Gradually more than
one voice waa added. Later there were
church cantatas which were more ex
tended. Handel wrote soma of these and
It la said that for five years, during I ft
residence In Lelpalc, Juhotin ftebastlan
Hach wrote one for each Runday and
feast dsy In the year. At the present
dsy the term csnlata l applied to choral
worka of roine dimension, which are,
to quote Grove, "either ssrrHl In nmnner
of an oratorio, but too short to be digni
fied by that title, or eucular aa a lyrle
drama or story adapted to music, hut not
Intended to be acted." ' The cantatas
which will be given in Omaha will be on
tha rJer of a ahoit oratorio, and wil,
contain solos, duets, trios and choruses,
all telling some part of the story of the
suffering of Christ and the rusurrectlon.
A gem In the way of Euster mualo, and
a work which ranks aa one of the great
est choruses which has ever been written
Is the great "Hallelujah Chorus" from the
Messiah. Its tremendous grandeur and
overpowering aubllmlty when well sung
give It a lasting bold upon the emotions
of the people and make one recall the
words of Handel, who said of It when
! wrote It. "I did think I did sea all
Heaven before me and the Great God
Sisters Who Are Winning Fame as Quartet
Y -v
tfcraM.-: ... ., - W ,1 -J. i aV- 4. yV
m'M mm a mam
The Wesf Sisters SMn$ Quartette -AlthrVoyd
concert at the Hotel Fontenelle on next
Tuesday evening, has never been spoiled
by homage and applauae, but is a won
derful combination of the lovely, the
lowly and the lofty, and receives tha
slightest token of appreciation with un
affected grace. This should answer all
doubts In regard to tho reception which
follows Mme. Gadskl's concert, for every
member of tho audience will bo equally
greeted, and the greatest triumphs of
tha prima doana will be submerged In
the unaffected cordiality of Mme. Gad-
ski, the woman, llclatlve to the much
discussed oiicratlo situation In America,
Mme, Gadskl makes tho followlpg Inter
esting statement:
"You ask me what I think of the fu
ture of opera In America? Well, In my
opinion It Is only a question of time
1 until there will ho opera everywhere, as
1 we have it In Europe. It hss to come,
1 because the Americans have no many
beautiful volcea In your . oountry, you
On Tuesday evening Atme. OndiKl will
be aaninted by Towell Weaver, who will
play her accompaniment and contribute
two solo numbers to the program, which
will be given as follows.
Wldiniing Schumann
Moridnai'ht Schumann
VYcnn Ich frueh In din Garten gi-h
Nachxtueck Mehuhert
l)ln Forelle Schubert
Kuer Muslk Kmns
Wlllkommen Im Wald Fr.fn
Madame Johanna Gadnkl.
Tho Hope's Cup Ward-Stephens
Th I.lttle Gniy Hlue Dove Saar
Calm as tho NlKht Carl Bokm
Hants to the Highlands H. 4'. lllinour
Hlumberaong H. C. Gilmoiir
Love Came In the Door.... Max Uebling
Madame Johsnna Gadskl.
Hchnrsn, U minor, opus ill Chopin
L'ausunctta dl Salvador Rosa lJHZt
1'owell Weaver.
Elizabeth's Aria-Jlch Teure Italia.
from Tannhauscr
Hlsa's Admonition to Ortrud IU
Aermste, from Iohengtin
Bprlng Song Du Rlst der Iens, from
Madame Johanna Gadskl.
Musical Notes.
MIm Ioretta Pellone, harpist, will give
a recital May 2 at the Creighton audi
torium. Mtsa Dellone planned thla recital
early in tho season, but due to a sprained
wrist It wo unavoidably postiwned.
There will be several novelties upon the
program, ono of them being a group of
numbers for a trio of harps arranged by
MIhs I'ellone. She will precede the recital
by a brief talk about tho harp and Its
Posalhllltles. Another novelty will bo a
narploguo," a poem or son reading st
Miss I'llone
to harp accompaniment
will bIso plav several numbers which sliej
played at her recital at Camegta hall a
short timo ago. the la one of two native
Omaha harplHts who have successfully
held ioslUon as ! Ii iipIhIh with Pirkte
s.vmpliotiy orchi-FtraM of thla country, tlin
othr being before her marriuiiu Miss
Willioliiiina Ixjwe.
Many favorable reports luive been heard
of the performance of "The Creation." by
Haydn, under tho direction of J H Car
nal HI tbn First Methodist church luat
Wednesday evening. The choir ctuitalued'
fifty voices, and tho work of both tho
choir and thft soloint was heartily .om
rneinlod. Tho soloi.-ds were: Mlfs H:tael
Silver, Miss Margtrv ShackclfoH, A. ti.
Todd of Kaniuis Cltv. Harry IMobrmv,
K. S. Travis and Mr. 'arnal. Mm Walter
Hllver, plimij't. snd Miss Nora Nea.1, or
ganist A InrKe audience was present and
showed cordial appreciation.
Master Joseph Hardinir, an 11-year-old
pupil of Miss I.uella Alii n, will be heard
In a violin recital for F.aater musical at
the First Baptlat church.
The third weekly reet;il of pupils of
Walter H. Graham will tie at the studio
Tuesday evening. April 6. The following
will take part: Misses Ida Hauck, Eileen
Kronwtedt, Freeda Kenndy, I'earl Alcorn
and Messrs. James Knight, Lynn Hockett
and Michelangelo Vita. Miss Nora tieal,
Mrs. B. R. Zahrlskle and Miss Margaret
Damm gave s very successful concert In
Lyons, Neb., Tuesday evening, March 30,
under tho management of tha Lyons
Woman's club.
An Informal pin no recital waa given at
the Jean Jones studio Monday afternoon
by the Junior pupils of Mrs. Cell Whltn
McMnnies. Tho program wan given by
Helen Hart man, lHriU.y 1lKhl, lx)ulso
Ki liiiltK, Alice Carrlgan and Laura and
Mildred Perkins.
Cecil W. Rerryman pave a piano re
cital at Fremont Monday afternoon be
fore the Hp! net club, a club of high
school girls tinder the leadership of a
Sronilnent vocalist there, Miss Marllla
The netort Coarteons.
Telephone girls are forbidden to "an
swer back," no matter how abusive a sub
scriber may he. pometlmea they get
around these hard conditions In a very
clever way. For Instance, the subscriber,
Last week the writer received an out-of-town
communication asking the date
of the Mendelssohn Choir concerts and
where tickets could b purchased. Other
out-of-town readera may also wish the
ame Information, which Is herewith
gladly given. The dates are April ti
and 27, with a Symphony concert mati
nee tha afternoon of the rth. Tlckete
are on sale now at the muslo stores. Hay
den uroa., Ilospe's and others, and cost
U for the series. Tills Is the big musical
i me year in umana, and an
event which will be well worth attend
ing, with Its galaxy of artists, the fbie
Chicago orchestra and the Oiuafc Men
delssohn Choir.
Walter WheaUey. an American teuor
who ha been heaid in Europe for the
las', ten years, will give a concert at the
Brandela theater April It Mr. Wheat Uf
was tit flrat American engaged at Co- j
vent Garden, London, fur leading
la ine opera season. lie also sang
success In miur of tha len.lli, ihiut.r.
of Europe, including the Opera Comiouu I
t larU. boa la, Milan, Teatro del
C.oro. Bologna. Mr. Wheatley Is now
engaged In giving vocal lessons in Omaha
and Lincoln, and expects to make Ms
horn In Omaha until the opera seasons
la Europe should open age.n after the
war. About, a month ago he gave a
concert In Kansas City snd hss a return
engagement thei April JO.
Madame Johanna Gadskl, the cele
brated Wagnerian oprtno who give a
idlng roles I
sang with '
The Promise of
A Better Day in Tires
Years ago in the dark days for tire users there
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-J '
Fortified Tires
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tsrtuis 'Lsose manr rabbsr rivets.
Agua Iwcwrity -by 13fl briikied ptno wiraa.
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dreds of large rubber
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Three Reductions
In the past two years we have made three price
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Never has any tire given
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These are the best tires
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ask you now, for your own
sake, to prove it to your
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p!y you.
nfter vnlnly trying for ten minutes to get
the number he hsd asked for, shouted:
"Whsi the deure Is the master with yru
telephone girls, anyhow are you all
Th answer came with mssperatlng
sweetne?: "I don't know. Ask Informa
tion." fit. Louis Ololie-liemocrat.
Color Your Last Year
Straw Hat With
Makes Old
Straw Hats
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Ladies' and
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Pirn fa 30 Wwtt Wileryrssf u4 NrtM
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Lok for III ptckag
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Kf Lee's Shampoo
It has taken two years of hard laboratory work
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Lee's Shampoo possesses the remarkable property of not soaking
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Try it for a month; watch all results, especially the condition of
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Beautifully transparent; emerald green in color; pleasantly per
fumed; in patent top shaker cork bottle, 10, shampoos for man, 5 to
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25 cents. At Your Druggist or Postpaid.
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special at. .
00 a Month
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Tooth mouatlns".lK
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Can or rai tut llluswaias eaulos No ft
Tou are thinking of the Diamond engage
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NEW WRIST WATCH, Three-in-Ons.
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Oppoalt Barf-ATasa Co. JaarUnsat Stora.