Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 03, 1915, EDITORIAL, Page 20, Image 20
THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, APRIL 3, 1915. GRAIN HEN BUYING THIS' YEAR'S CROP Omaha Grain Men Are Contracting for Wheat for Tall Delivery at a Dollar a Bushel. BIO CROP IS IN SIGHT Anticipating that high prices on wheat are going to continue for at least a number of months, Omaha grain dealers are beginning to con tract for the new crop. Thursday the Weeks Grain company contracted for JMW bushels of next eea aon'a crop at tl per bushel. From tho nun point Im( year, this company con tracted 'the sheet at 80 cents -per bushel. A numb r of the other Omaha grain fit nm ar enterln Into contract!, few of them below $1 per bushel. Grain men asuert that there never ha been a time In the history of Omaha trade territory when tha prospect at this season of the. year when so flattering for a bumper crop of small (train as now. Annexation Crew : Back from Lincoln Roma ara the sailors home from a stormy! sea. They -are the active mem bers of tha Commetvlal', club committee that (vuni on the:helm of tha annexation ship as It rode the-mad waters of the lctfiilatJure,They are Gould rlet. Ran dall K. Brown and George K. -Haver-stick, together with W. A. Ellis, aaslst ant commissioner of the Commercial club, who, although not a member of the committee, was aotlvely on the Job at tha legislature for six' weeks as the of ficial representative of tho Commercial Hub. ' " "Patn.tlred.'.Vaid Randsll Brown, mid that was the sum total of his comment '.' Not wounded, but farted out," said IMetx,: Jllghty glad to get back." waa tha roromcnt of Ellis.- - And Oeorge E. HaversUck Just slipped tiaietly back Into hla swivel chair at the I'ntfed 'States National' - bank and said nothing. . . . , -r. ,' CAM LICK SIOUX CITY . . FORCE, BUT NOT OMAHA B. Miller of Pious Clly engagnd In a, fiht with Police officers Brinklemsn and. Morgan Thursday night. Miller told Judge Foster that he had whipped the Sioux City police force Individually, bub wasn't having much luck In Omaha. "I gue I had better go back to Sioux City Judge." vouchsafed Miller. . "I guess you had," agreed the Judge, "hot you had a hard time last night, so I'll lt you rest for forty-five daya In the county Jail before you start" Make 61 Feet l.fke 1. "I suffered with kidney ailment for two years." writes Mrs. M. A. Bridges, Robin son. Mtvo.. "snd commenced taking Foley Kidney nils about ten months ago. I nm now able to do all my work without fatigue. I am now 61 years of age and feel like a K-year-old gin." Foley Kid ney pills strengthen and Invigorate weak, tired and deranged kidneys; relieve, buck ache, weak back, rheumatism and blad der trouble. They are ton la la action, rkild everywherc-Advertlsemcnt CREATING A NAVAL RESERYE Enlisting Begins at Local Recruit ing Station and Former Sailors Are Among Eligible!. SUBJECT TO CALL WHEN WANTED Orders to begin enlisting men on the newly created naval . reserve have been received by the local navy recruiting of ficers. Fcversl former sailors are on the application list. awaiting the com pletion of details before they can become members of the reserve. Among them Is William A. Baum. 13 North Thlrty-tlfth street. Ills second four-year term of sen-tee In the navy ex pired December S. at which time be ranked as coxswain. By re-cnilsttng and being assigned to the reserve before the expiration of four months, lie will re ceive fio per.year salary In the reserve, whereas If he waited more than four months his reserve salary would be only 112 a year. ftanfer Servtee fall. All men honorably discharged from the navy within the last eight years .under J years of age and physically qualified to perform the duties of their last rating are eligible to become members of tha naval reserve under the recent act of con gross. Wlinrevrr there are two or more members of the reserve a local reserve club will be organized. Reserve men will report once esch quar ter at a designated place for muster and signing the pnyroll and will be entitled to wer a badge or button Indicating their reserve membership and past service In the navy. Jn time of war or( other emergency proclaimed by the secretary of the nav-they will be subject to active naval service for one' or two months per year. , It Is ssld at the navy recruiting station that the policy of the department will be to consider the occupations of all reserve members, and not publish say requirements that will conflict with the work of the men. There are three classes In the reserve, as follows: Three f lasses af Reserves. First Class Mado up of ex-sallors who enlist within four months for a term of four years in the reserve; pay to be WO per year. If active service waa less than eight years, $60 per year If active service waa eight to twelve years, $100 per.year U active service waa twelve years or more. Second Class Made up . of ex-sailors who enlist within eight years for a term of four years In the reserve; pay t5 be (13 per year and members to be given complete outfit, If called Into active ser vice. , Third ClassMade up of sailors who have been In the active service sixteen years or longer, and who are automatic ally transferred to tho reserve list upon expiration of their present term; they are to remain 'continuously In the reserve at one-third or one-half regular service pay. In case naval reserves are called Into active service for war or emergency, they will receive full pay. , Helps Weak Ktdaeye nad Laanbaao. Get a. 2fo bottle of Sloan's Liniment, apply on back and take six dropa four times a day. All druggists. Advertise ment. ' . ' I OLD LANDMARK ON DODGE STREET T0BE TORN DOWN The brick building formerly the resi dence of John McCormick back In the days when Omaha was young.' Is now to be torn down at the, northwest comer of Kishteenth and Dodge streets. This was built a halt century ago for John Ale t'ormlok, who was one of the. wealthiest men then In Omaha. The city baa con demned the building now and ordered It rased within sixty days. i FATHERS AND SONS TO SIT AT BANQUET, BOARD The annual father and aon banquet of the. Toting Men's Christian association will be spread at the association building next Wednesday evening. Responses to invitations sent out by R. B. Flower, boys' work director. Indicate that the at tendance will exceedi 2". Attendance will be limited to assoilatlon boys accom panied by their fathers and association men accompanied by their sons. It. A. Walle, for ten years International secretary for boys' 'work of the, associa tion, will be the chief speaker. His sub Jt.ct will be "The Hoy and the IJoy'a Father." 12 I E Scarfs rsr w-aer-- e. a ML 7 fiL:'& "Aw 111 N rut v-S. old iv f f ! I 1 V V 1 1. Til ''" fcesae"' sVrtSiB i issl school on day Hundred- of children will be i new shoes from Fry's, k of Yacatiort generally finishing touches on th ones after a hard season. e Only tha best boy's shoes are sold here the only klndt's economy to buy. Prices low enough to satisfy you, ranting from S 1fto$22 'SHO&GQ EASTER LAMBS Lambs for Your Easter Dinner rOmZQUAKTTB STKIKO) L1KI . . KXSTSQttAXTEB FBI LAMB . . ri9 TOM.X. X.OXKS Fre!i dressed chickens lli choice veal roast ll-e Young vt-ai chops ..ISHe Steer not roast i . . . lOfl Pig pork roast SS Pig pork butts lle Mutton chous 8c choice srare ribs ............ S.o Pttlt Pork SSS fckliined hams U-,o ... ...SOe . , 'Ol Snr cured haina ... ....... .S4U bpei-lal aiooked meats for your Khh-lei- Swift's premium and CudfthyV IMamond : hams 1C Kxlia lean breskfaat bcon . .1SV,0 SiiKnr cure1 bacon ..lSa Oysinrn, ier quart 0e Our dellery wagons leave at S, II and S. 1'rompt atteutlou to mall orders. , THE EHPRESS MARKET Opp. Wooiwortb 3 and 10c Store. X13 South 16th 8t. Tel. l. 2807. EALTEIt LAMBS FOR YOUR EASTER PINKER Forequarter Spring Lambs Iliadquarter Spring Lambs Pig Pork Loins fresh dressed chickens , HSe ivtwr pot roast 104 hol'-e vrttl tMit ........... 1 1 1, s Voung -! Oiops 12-SS Hik l-ork rot e t iat pork bulls lle i I, i.i; xnure ribs Si Mil pom eaS mx U.1 n'.ke.l meats for your Kan ir rimilt s tiirinlum atnl t'u.1hy' I utirton'1 t llama 1SC . . i ' - ... i .... .... Fklnned hams , !. Mnr rurrj hsu SS I- lira lean breakfast l'Oll , 10 HuKar vurml liaioii lto BpeetsJ Krniu s to t p. hi., lamb chops , .Se h'roiii t to 14 p. in., pork chops loe Thr dellvsrlee a day I, 1.S0, t:0 Mall urdi rs glveu pronipt at tention. " PUBLIC r.lAREIET .JK SUITS FOR EASTER Men's and Toung Men's Butts, all wool serge, worsteds, all colore anl styles; $10 and ll7 Kf I ft values, ur price W ' " 1 Suits to Measure all Wool Fabric $15 SHOES, OXFORDS, SLIPPERS 4.0 Men's Bench Made Shoes, run metal, viot-kid or tan; 9 CQ our price issw 14.0ft Ladles' Phoes srxl Onfords fancy cloth top, lace or SO button; our price Sa.swU Boys' (hin Metal Shoes, button or lace. tibO quality; our $Jg68 1. B0 Chlld'a fancy top QRn Bhoes, t to 8; our price 3UU HATS FOR MEN AND BOYS A 11 -we ask Is to look at our hafs- we can save you $1.00. on SI Cft every hat;' $2.60 hats for lsOU $1.00 Boys' Nobby Hate for r.d.D.r:.c.p"; 50c 25c 50c LADIES' SKIRTS AND COATS $J fiO Pklrts, all Jsteet etyles blue, black or tan; or price, S2s50 $.00' VkVr'ts. 'ail latest' ' ' gfl CQ styles and colors; our price sJmsUW IT.IO Hklrts In alt colors fE flfl and styles, your choice.. $1.00 House Dresses S0 BitLine of S&irts, Tie. Underwear. Hose. Etc., Lowest Price. J. HELPHAND CLOTHING CO., 314-316 North 16th St. i Arnold Borglum says g "Lee's Shampoo Is the best rtiare ever used and ray barber says the same thing. My wife says 'No mora hair dresser for me wbea I can shsmpoo and dry my hair In thirty minutes at home.' It cleans the best, dries the Quickest and lesves the fasir and scalp la such flae condition. "Arnold S. Borglum. Many fine heads of hair are ruined by soaky soap suds soap left in hair body snd scalp pores after drying. Lee's Liquid Shsmpoo Is the liquid soap of right fluidity, thst goes Instantly to the scalp, where most nfeeded. In full strength. Then the lather passes through the hair but once going out, a thick, heavy, non-penetrating lather that cuts grease, dirt and dandruff Quicker and better than the light, foamy, soak-in kind. ' A TRIAL SHAMPOO IS VBRY CONVneCMO Isnje 32 stm barn, 1 10 tluvnpM far sua). 33 c. Omrt bettta, IIIU Ue siss 8 ttsM. $1.0S rm mtt 1 SK nm . ,Mlpl4. Saapte Ammpm MUH poaisslS. IS cm. Meals rnmtt a tha laboratorlmt of GEO. It. LEE CO. Omaha, Nebraska f s J NO. 27 S y located at 638 So. 16th street. In the new beautiful Castle Hotel Building, will soon be In shape. for real business. Door now open, but our stock. Is not yet complete the Meat Market will be in eoou. This makes our 7th Store in Omaha we must have a large volume to sup port our low prices.' No Saturday Specials, Sale Baits the item our brother grocer makes the largest profit on Is the Item we make) you the biggest snvUigl Compare all prices, not just a few. Hoda, lb., 10c; pkr. o lliih-No-Mots or Pyramid Waehlna" I'owder. 'iia pka v.l&o to pka. 4n: three for..,.- lOo Hal Hoda. 4 4 lbs. So; 26 lbe....S5 OHsollne, 7al.. 12c; I sTalm 66o Coal Oil, per aallon. So; 6 sal. 8o Oold Tust. 23c pka. $0c; I for Wall t'aper Cleaner, oan .80 Three for flao Furniture Polish. II. et M-. tOa slr.e Tor 24c; 26o else for 16s Salt Shaker .i. iOo, To 6c nihil table salt. 8c; IOo sacks 5c; I4-I!. narks 130 Bakins; Powder, 1 lb. ..BSo Can Tip i So Corn Flakes i 10e Pkg. Toasts, c; $ for Ifle Uic pkirs. Krlnkle, c; 8 for .....SSo Ohlck rood, the best quality, lb. to 18 lbs.. 26c: per sack . A Our frank open meat prices on blackboards of each market wilt ap-' peal to you; so will the full weight. We charaf So for reaular deliverle territory. Six dollar ordnra delivered fre4j in the same territory. Bent lard, lb, 18c; 2d grade. .. .ISe Compound, lb., 10c three for. .880 Country butter,' lb 84c Best Creamery Butter, pks;.. . . . .3uo Hulk, lb SSo Pull Cream Wisconsin Cheese, lb. 19o Butterine, 2-lb. rolls C4o Kxtra Princeton, white or tinted, iuc pks aio L jweuium irraae magnolia 10 1 Cottane Milk, IOo cans 8c; 8 for 82o , CottMK. Htlk, 6c cans 4c; 8 for. .loo 1 Cedar oil polish. 2&c an .......16a 6O0 cans. 30c; 81.00 alza eOo Cube and powdered sugar, lb. . .90 8 for 95o Beat beet euaar, sack ....... .96.20 Hest cane ausar, Sauk ,...83.40 16H lbs .91.00 Garden seeds, rerular aise pkgs., a for So Get our prices on Rakes. Hoes, and Garden Tools of about all kinds; also 8-ply and 7-ply Hose,' les o groceries and meats In a limited a 1rtk In the same territory. Special. trreauiar oeitveriea leo or more, accoramai to distance Ra. II, 111 No. 1Sth St Ro. IS 1187 Viaton Ro. 2S, 2S1I Ro. 24th SI .22. 1411 Ro. 24th SL Ro. 24, 2181 Farnam Ro. 21, 4181 Ro. 24th St No. 27. 633 South 16th Street THE LOU COST OF LIUIIIG STORE 350 ARTICLES IN OUR STORE FOR LESS MONEY than any other so-called low price cutting stdre in the city. We buy in carload lots for cash and sell for cash; that's why we save the people from 35 to 50 per cent. Everything is marked in plain figures. No charges for delivery. 8A.TUBOAT BTBCSAI ; 4S-lb.. sack Hunklst or Victor flour 9M 4-lh. sack Mckle flour, aa sood as the beat tl.VO Crcuinery butter. Idlewild, Meadow Gold, Wedge wood or Ideal, per lb. ...Se We will place on sale Saturday a combination Mop Stick and Brush Holder, . sumethlna new on the market; it sells regular tho each, on sale Bat. at 10o ' No mora than ona-to uli ciiHtomer. Good peas, per can Be I'er ilon cans ..see Kxtra fine peas, l$Sc regular . .THa O'er . diiseii .......860 Milk humliry, 10c cane Se Ijireo Caiis pumpkin . . . . t. . ,THo Larae cans eweet potatoee.. . . .90 lr 4 cans for '. . .9fio Btrletly fresh country ewits. doa. 8 00 Grape Nuts, per pks. IOo loo pka. Corn Flakes rsns 6c alse 4X milk for 880 3 cans 19c slse apole butter for loo 10c pka. Klngsford starch ...... 80 1 r,c pkrs. peanut wafers .So Sweet pickles, per on art IOo Prunes, larice 16c kind, lb TV4e errirots. dried. ISc kind, lb THO 8cat BBrTefra Arsx.a tu tsbt bsbt comv rrn btxbbs. , 10Vk lbs. fresh pure leaf lard tor ...... ..t 91.00 111 lbs. fresh pork neck bones, for A B5e 1'urk loins, not frosen aixl does not come out of a erreat biff hos", welsh 20 lbs. This welaht from 7 to 10 lbs. average, per lb . .11 We r resu pora snninner. rroin no ins. average, to. mi Plrloln or porterhouse steak, lb. ISHe Veal chnua, lb. 14V.0 No. 1 skinned hams. h .184,0 No. 1 susar cured, regular hams, per lb 18 He Veal roas t of hindquarters, lb. 19V4o Genuine lamb chops, per lb. ...las Huron. No. 1 back, bv sirto. lb. 1SV40 Coltolena lard. 2 no alse can loo Cottnlene lard, 6O0 sisa cam to Cottoleue lard. $1.28 alse can.... 79a Kail orders will reeetTs atrlc as-taattoa. 1 ! . itMcpiione Ooulas 1530 xMW- J EASTER "SPECIALS "At The Quality Store" Are Specials In every sense of the word. They mean just what they say - II IG "VV-T RATEH." They sare you money. FINE OLD MELLOW WHISKIES. Clival. tiloMK. fine "xl awh7:..,.,,.l.,...59o Home VI a d s 9 I SS drape Wine. gal. Two uuarta bot- 4C tied lieer fcMW Old Taylor, I yrs. old, regular 1.26. Qflft full quart ilUU Old Crow, 8 years oil, regular 81.16, QD. fuU quart JOu Spring; lit U, 8 yrs regular ii.zb, full quart. . . Bunny Broiik, 8 yeare old. regular QO. l.S8. full qt 51 Is Cedar Brack. yra. old. regular ll.. QRr full quart 9ii4 old. S3o Clark'a Rye, 8 yrs. old, regular 81.15, CIRp full quart OU Greenbrier, 8 yra. old. regular 11.15, QO. full quart 9 CO Ouggenhelmer, 9 oia. regular 11.85. full qt.. Oreen River, 8 year old, regular QO. ILI5. full qt.... OB Pony tVeek. 9 QO. yra. old. full it. OU Imperial Special fQn Whiskey, full qt. WW Tears ,.98c Monty stfuhd If Oooda Stot BatlafftStery. rrw Ooaooaa fos lvnrk Bowl or Caaeeroie tH. Aak for These. We Issue aaoppere Ktleage. CACKLEY BROTHERS -- ! 'XSiS? .S'K YOU GAM AFFORD TO BE WELL DRESSED EASTER SUNDAY READ THESE VAULES A Before Easter Sale of Women's Newest Spring Apparel and Millinery. . AH the newest and prettiest of Women's and Misses' Suits, Coats, Dresses, SItirts and -Millinery, at prices that are at least one-third lower than you have to pay in the high-rent stores. Come Saturday and see for yourself. THE NOVELTY CO. Women's and ITHssos' Tailored Suit G Sold elsewhere at $17.50 to $20,00. A splendid assortment of very nifty suits in all the leading styles and colors, fine mannish serg3, poplins, newest checks, etc.; all sizes; go on sale CQ 1E Saturday at $11.75 and VwafciJ CHARMING TAILORED SUITS.' Sold elsewhere at $25.00 to $32.50. Featuring every new and pretty design. For Saturday we place on sale a large selection in the newest fabrices and colors, all sizes, for women and misses, CI M 7JZ at $16.95 and ....... v. , V , $ 1 't. 1 3 NEW SPRING COATS. That sell elsewhere at up to $19.00. Including ,. fine checks, plaids, serges, etc., in the niftiest 7C styles at $9.75, $7.95 and. . wwi I d WOMEN'S SHOES AND FUMPS. Military Lace Boots in gray, suede and fawn cloth tops; Pumps in all the newest PRETTY- SILK DRESSES. Sold, ut up to $19.00. Newest shirred belt and flare skirt effect, i and all the latest spring styles, all leading fabrics and shades, PC QC styles and colors; ... . CO IE at$2.95and.....,...OZi40 go at $9.75, $7.95 and PRETTY DRESS SKIRTS. Sold at up to $9.00. All the newest checks, Chudda cloths, poplins, - mannish serges, etc.; all colors go 8V$4.95 and. . .. 52,95 !7 U Dainty Silk and Lingerie Waists. $2.00 values. A great virir ety of new spring styles in china silks and lin- 07ft geriex, Saturday at . 3 1 u Beautiful faster Millinery at Saving of Nearly One-Half to You. i. J, One glance at. the large array of charming trimmed hats in our millinery department, . and the low prices at whichwe sell them, will convince you that you can save nearly owe-1 half of what you are asked elsewhere. - a.i . X JP5i. . V v. V v Beautiful Trimmed Hats That sell at up to $7.50j The prettiest sailor effects, Shep herdosshats, turbans, etc., go Saturday at $3.98 and ....OZigO Special Saturday. Trimmed Hats Worth to $4.00. Saturday we place on sale one .lot of very pretty trimmed hats in a number of fetching styles C1 QQ . unuu at 14.19 sTarsh ISth St.. V Block BTorta of Volt. efrue. TOE flOHELTV . B14-19 Worth ISth at-, Jns a Few Btepa Horth of the Klrb Bent Distrlot. mm ml sod m OVMlf. MONDAY ma . pi H Economy and Good Living Can ba combined by the housewife who knowa the food value and many dif ferent ways of serrlna; SfflDBHw MACARONI Mfty deUcloua dishes, erery one of them different ev ery one of .them. good. , Recipes la every " package. MUnner ffg. Co. Omsiha. TSs LsnrMl Mrosl V Fsrtory . In Amerir. ..mi' Lantern Slides Hare yon seen them at the Moviei? Engravings for ' window display and cards. Made without delay Candidate for Office v will obtain the best pub licity resultf by using these; , we make them. Call or write to us for Information. . The Bee Engraving DepL 103 Bee BUg.. Omaha POLITICAL ABVKHTISIKQ. POLITICAL ADVERTISING. Resident and Taxpayer of Omaha for 34 Years. Nels J. Anderson ' Candidate for City Commissioner I stand for the economic interest and welfare of the people, and refer to' my post legislative record to verify this statement. Extracts From an Omaha Daily, April 1, 1913 ' AJTSXBaOB STATS OB TMM JOB Doalaa Oonaty sCeaahec Baa Been Aotlve ia Uaooln, (From a Staff Correapondent) LINCOLN, April 1. So far thla session Mr. Anderson has proven one of tbe very hardest working first termers down bare. He has brought down the aume of his constituents because- he threw rweka Into tbe machinery, which waa arlnillng through a 3,00( iuvresse in saUry for county officials; hs aJse put blocks in front of the bill permitting the city communion to issue 1100,000 park bonds without a vote of the people, and he bss also put a crimp in the bill to permit the city commission to levy 1250.000 for general fund pur poses, and he landed a ataagvrtng blow on the bill to permi the com. nusstoa to make a 1-mlll levy fur the poorhouse. - lie Is supporting the IMO.00 tnorease for the police and the same for the fire dirtuient. He has snared a 1 100,000 appropriation for tbe daf and dumb institute at Omaha. lie Is a member of the sift ing comxnlltee and a-s such Is doing good work, and is trying to rats the bill to permit the county commissioners to feed Douglas County prisoners at cost. THE 5-DAY TREATMENT HopeforDrugllsers The Eureka Drug; Treatment la not- an experiment. Jt has long since passed that stage. 'We guarantee to remove perma nently all craving and desire for Habit-Forming Drugs In B DATS We use no names of parties who have taken treatment unless volun tarily given permission. Many in Omaha have requested us to give their names to those desiring treat ment. Call or write for these refer ences. Our XstaoA Is Painless and Harmless. Terms reasonable, Payments easily arranged. Call or write. Open till 10 I. M. , n Eureka Drug Treatment; 838 Park Avsane. AdAress 8. B. Ooreham. ' rhoae Harney .3336, 19 lbs. for . . . $1.00 Beat Orannlated Bug-ar. We can y a full line of Coffees. Teas, 8pices, Kxtracte, Baking Powder, Starches, Blueing. Ammonia, Cocoa, Wyan dotte Cleaner and Cleanser, Stovo Polish, Toilet Soaps, FurnUure Pol ish, etc. Price and Quality guaran teed or money back. Sugar sold with 11.00 worth of other goods. ( . Moyuno Tea Co. 408 ST. 16th. noas Boor. 8448 m mmmwi wt am iiwjjh sssm t a m ee m AMl7BKMkiST8. OOYD OKA HAD sTOST tOrvULM Theatas 8i30 Last rerformgtnae BUS. Tedav. Of tbe Xtaiaty r ran oh Comedy, IIP r.lAr.l'ZELLE" With gpecial Taadevllle gaatarea. Baster Week -"TBS SrxOOVB." Taesday Might Society Might. , The West Bisters atrlag- Qaartetta. Btata. Bun.. Wed- Tours., Sat. Boot Mirfhts, 85e to aioT ' 0AA1 TVM CllTla A BBW OSB ABB A OOOD Oil ThePRIZE WINNERS Wttk tbe Teaageat fc DON BARCLAY raBBlest of Comics. Wn 1 la Joe Howsnt's Prpuil Dallsht. "A Brosar Hauraow." iiiMUa, SUelsst caaiu Id, SurleMiua Ladies' Dims MUtlnee Week Bays. as a Wk: Abs R ol t A 'Th Colle OlflS- ABTABCSD TAVBBTZUB raoae XKag-. 4 Bally Mat., 8;1C atig-nt, mi 474 . 1 ABTABCS1 Other acu.: Um jMjise jomui, rnonrk v. Bruwa A Ca. Mr. sn4 Mrs. Jlmmr Barrv. - thm riavlss rsnllr. aiTs Uarrtaoo. rU Krai. (XbMia Trsvd Woklr. t'rlru: MaliaM. gal- MDr. aad Carter Be Baveo lr. leo ; iy. Ho. Scats exept HaturSAr sad Sua NUM.. lOr. toe. tOe o4 7io. IPP THE ATE pi) Hons ot Paramount Picture. L 4 ZaABT TDbUB TODAT ALICE DOVEY Tas BeMtlfal Bebraaka Qlrl Was Wga SrOaVel Wftf SaW -XHJS COiliLNUlAaFFICliH,''