14 Till IJKK: OMAHA, SATl'IfDAV, AI'UII, i!)i:. For the First Hot Day Two to tho Pen for Forging Checks ltB)TfS)'i crJ Vl h j i f i l a i it - i iM i 'j (psl, By MELLIFICIA. Friday, April 2, 1915. E l VERYTlMXfJ has certainly leen ml this werk. The damper of Lent has weighed with Increasing dullness dur ing Holy week Juki iasinn. All seem to have Ppent their time In church services and church sewings. The convents have been ensroKsed In their annual retreats, n thing poniewhat rare In the breezy west. To go to the convent, spend three days in silence, peruse the lives of the saints, meditate and pray is a somewhat unusual existence for the younger generation. Among tha members of the younger e, the future debutantes, who have been spend ing this week at the convent, Hre Misses Clara Daugherty, Virginia Crofoot. Catherine Mi Shane. Kleanor Hurkley, Catherine Smyth and Catherine C&rtan. Then the two Carter sales have caused needles to fly and hours of labor this week. The members of the Trinity Parish Aid society met this afternoon at the home of Miss Margaret Kaum to finish preparations for the Easter bazar, which will be given tomorrow at .Jacob's hall. And the women of the Flirt Presbyterian church have likewise been absorbed In arrangements for their Bale, which U to be held also tomorrow', In the church parlora. With the Viiitors. 4r. Henry Ontenler; unl daughter. Miss laebelle. of Meail. will spend tint week-end with Mr. nl Mrs. llaymond Crewman. Him Margaret Telyea of Tekeniah ar rived yester.tny for a short visit with Mls Lucllo Kly. Mrs. Mark Brown end children of Htur frls, 8. P.. who were the guest of Mrs. T. r. Toyle, left Tuesday. Mrs. B. N. Green, who ha been spend- Fashion Hint liiK tho winter . with her inn, . A. K fireen, niwl Mrs. Orren, left Kriday for Weatervllle, O., her farmer home. Mrs. Leonard Aberc-Mmble of Ifnuiton. Tex , win, whs the guet of her sister. Mis. C hirhH (. ttlcli, ami Dr. Itlch, left Wednesday for Kansas Cltjr. Mrs. K. C. Anderson of Chlrajro la visit ing hep rouslti. Mm 8. A. Houner. Mr. Hotait Williams U visiting hei niothi r, Mrs. A. V. Steip. Costume Party. An April "JcKtlnR" party will be given this evening hy Mrs. f. O. Talbot for hr daughter, Nathlne. The guests will corns In mature e. The guests will Include: 8) M 7 - i . '"" if Si. .s- J kl.lKKea Miry Irnke, ltuth Miller, Tvelvn Ktallard. Helen plunder and. Allee HunllnKton. Marguerite Archer, miin WHUii'e, Mildred Hraden, liiule Htnetael. Na thine Talbot. Messrs. Oerald Tudor, I loser Moore, I-tnll Neal, Hyron WIIiot. John Wharton. Howard Harnon. Herbert Warner, Misses .lean r leld, MHrttaret Hart, Vli alnla Jlooru. Herherfa Murker, Kdlth Wlllehratid, Kraneea Howell, Heatrlre. Neal, ve Walton. Heat rice Moimrr. Messrs. Joseph Filer. W llll.im Wallnre. William Hamilton, Harlan Haaker nirford Rnss!. Morlind Combs. WSWa( 1 Iy LA nAOOXTErSK. A smart sailor In natural tan chip straw, with wide brim and soft. drooping effect in front. It Is covered with follle claBslque, showing finish ings of tiny cording and void of trimming save for two exceptonally smart pearl hatpins which project from the flaring brim In the back. HEADS DEPARTMENT IN WOMAN'S CLUB NINE YEARS, ru Mr LA Htl UM I I si-;. Girlish summer ami or white utton crepe. Tha skirt, showing long tunic over moderately wlda dni. Is toned by Jaunty bolero Jacket with deep cuffed three-quarter length sleeves. Large iart buttons lead a (inching tovnh, and a. Jaunty "barn yard" straw hat, quill trimmed, and smart colonial pumps, are appropriately worn. Easter Sale and Luncheon. The Ladlee Aid society of the First Methodist church will hold an Easter salo and luncheon at the church Hatur day. Eatables, fancy work and hand- embroidered lavettps will be on aale from 19 o'clock In tha morning until S o'clock In the afternoon. Mrs. O. L. Bradley la In charge of the luncheon, which will bo served between 11 :W and 1:30 o'clock. Mrs. W. V. Mllroy la president of the aid society. Pleasures Past Mr. , Charles M. Ilaxpster entertained the eld comrades of the George A. Cus- ter post and relief corpa at hi home on Hurt street Thursday evening. The rooms were profusely decorated with r.Hsur iniea ana terns. High live was played and the prises were awarded to Mrs. 1. K. Atkins and Mrs. Karah CJard nrr. About tventy-flve guests were en tertalned. ' airs. ii. rmlth gave a bridge nnrty Thursday afternoon In honor of her sis ter. Mrs. Adair, of Chicago. Thirty guests were present. Prices were won by Mrs. Adair and Mrs. F. foldamlth. Mr. and Mrs. CTilnan' entertained in formally last evening In honor of William MclUle's nineteenth birthday. The even ing was spent In music and games. Those present were: Misses Misses Maraaret Iieneeii, Ttuth Haines. Muriel Kusland, . Kathryn, Chlnln. Ruth Nelly. Messrs Messrs. W. II. M Hale, ,H. S. Stocking. i. J. Leonard, J. II. LlclUen- I 1. riilnan. waller. Breakfast for Choir. The dean and vestry-of Trinity Cathe drul will entertain the members of ths choir at breakfast at the Hotel Ion tenelle Immediately following the' H a. nt. Kaster service. Tha breakfast will rxi served In the palm room and (overs' will be placed for fifty, guests. . Bale at Trinity Cathedral Tha 'Altar guild of Trinity cathedral will hold its Easter sale Saturday from 10 a. m. until 6 p. m. This sale la an an nual affair and Is alwaya given at thle time of the' year. '. The '.fancy articles on sale have been made by the women of the guild during Lent, and there will aUa be a table of home-made candles, which has proved popular In former sale. Among the Women Interested In the af' fdlr aiv: Meedames M-lainre- llen Wood, Nvilney Metiblns, I .Helen Stephens, Walter Kobei ta. Kalnh Peters. Joseph Harker. 3d.: J. K. Wetnel. (leorae Johnston Misses Mis Kathriine ThummellMnrKaret Uauin, Mrlla TliUTinnc'll. I 'proline llarkalow, Kllsate(h I'ohK'lun. Allo t'aiter. Janet Hall. Durothv liiown, I'orolhy 1UII. Ma it Maiston. On the Calendar. Mrs. U A. IVrmorty will entertain the Friday Krldge-Lunrhcon ilub next weel: A s.4iAat..row v . i rk-otly J. Walter, IS years old. who frrned the signature of P. A. McDonald on a creek for $4.25, and Gordon B. Wal ker, who signed the name of E, C. Sawyer to obtain 13.50. each pleaded guilty before District Judge English and received sen tence of one to twenty years In the penitentiary The Grand Piano "An Artistic Marvel" A fascinating new model of small apartment else and de lightful lines, that has a tone equal in sweetness and depth to any Grand of stan dard sire. I CLOAKS. SUITS D MILLINERY Southeast Corner Sixteenth and Douglas Sts. Speakers Named for Legislative, Banquet Saturday Evening Two local speakers have been selected for the toasts at tho banquet Saturday evening at the Fontenelle hotel for tbe membera of the legislature and tho state officials. John L McCague, president of the Commercial club Is to preside.' The local speakers are W. F. Qurley and W. A. Eraser. OoveYnrtr John If. Morchead la to apeak for the delegation of guests, and two or three members from the house and the same number from the senate are to be called upon. The special train from Lincoln Is to ar rive about 6:30 over the Burlington Sat urday evening. $455 BRAF3BACH GRAND PIANO Many used Pianos of the better grades: Mason-Hamlin, Btetoway, Mchlln, Kimball, Schumann, etc. Price: $150, 170. 200, $223; reflntshed and guaranteed ; cash or terms. A. HospoCo. IBIS DOUGLAS ST. J Mllll'""ITIiHw One Day Until Easter Are Yon Prepared for the Easter Parade? I on rlo not have to "shop" for your Kaater suit,. You merely have to route here and art jt, with the certainty it will be the heif style ajid value your money can buy. Kvery day sens n parade of clever style a they come marching In from the master suit makers of Xew York, t'ome to morrow Saturday when our storks are nt their best. We are showing an assortment of Easter Suits, unsurpassed for variety, style and low price, by any store in Omaha. The suits come In all the more fashionable materials, such as novelty weaves, tweeds, home spuns, mannish serges and poplins colors of French gray, Belgian blue, field brown, neutral green, black and white chicks. SUITS $12.50, $14.50, $19.50, $22.50, up to $27.50 COATS $5.00, $9.85, $12.50, $14.50 and up. Exclusive Hals at Economy Prices Here We adopted a policy when we opened our Millinery Depart ment that would place within easy reach of every woman High Class Millinery Trimmings. Paradise, Flowers, Aigrettes, Goura, at prices unheard of In millinery merchandising circles. Beautiful, wonderful, luxurious Hats and Trimmings sold at our opening , demonstrated economy of buying millinery in Omaha's greatest millinery department. ft 5! ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft I? FLITTOU w. Telephone Aour. 1S3. Ej"M MK8. F. J. BURNETT. Thursday evening of next week.' There ro eighteen couples In this clut and each will be privileged to Invite another couple, i Mrs ltoy Ralph will be hostess tomor row afternoon at a meeting of the mem- j hers of the Alpha Chi Omega sorority who live In Dundee, Omaha, and the sur rounding towns. About eighteen will be present. Personal Mention. Mrs. L. A.' Dermody, who has been 111 with bronchial pneumonia, Is now convalescing. Mrs. C. K. Bates of Falracree has re turned from the rrestoyterlan hospital, where she took a rest cure.' Miss Ruth Nolan, who attends a con. vent school In Davenport. Ia., returned ednasduy for the Easter vacation. Miss Mary lialler came home from the Vnlverstly of Nel.raska Baturduy for the Easter holidays. In and Out of the Bee Hive. ' Mr. Albert Edholm, accompanied by his daughters, the Misses Bessie and 'Janet, left last evening for Virginia and New York City. ' Mr. J. IL Harte waa in Lincoln Wednesday. 9 I s I I Ham and r BE IN STYLE EASTER You Can't Afford Not To. Besides We have made it Easy YOUR EASTER HAT Can be a revelation to your Omaha friends. The very newest, moat novel and practical millinery Is here. We pride ourselves on giving Ex clusive copies of French Hats at from SO to r.O per cent less than charged elaewhere. - There are no duplicates; no copies. . If you buy a hat from ua It Is cer tainly exclusive. You won't meet a friend with the same style hat when . you walk down the street. Jnst Look at These rrtces Only $5.00, $7.50, $10 'CONNOR- EMBLEN RIOOKD OOI VAXTOS BI.OCK. We Specially Want to In troduce Our Wonderful Trimmed Hats Such an assembly of high grade Hats were never exhibited before. The most cleverly designed hand-made Uau large, flattering shapes, with trans parent brims wonderful Tailored Hats from Burgesser, Phipps, Kurzman, Castle, New York beautiful creations, from our own company deaigners ; pj mymrmrwmmmmm. inn inn 1 1 msk $3-95 $5-' $6-95 i ft! laVv The race for 'avor 1,e' between the ffl fQ V-ST VL chic and tiny turban and trlcorne ana H M I i tno verv large wide-brimmed hats, the fl n shepherdess style. rfeSi5ZSr2SIlS2SZSSSul5u1SES12SHSESlSES i Swap Anything in the "Swapper's Column' j 'leorgv Darker, Jr., New Store for Men Opens for Business V. M. Blttner anl R. W. Kadden. formerly with Edward Zlss, have opened a men's furnishing stores at Ml Houtli Sixteenth street. These two young men expect to have one of the finest haber dasher establishments In Omaha. The stock la entirely new and includes the products of the best manufacturers In the country. This store la tha only one In Omaha to show botn Dtinlap and Stet son hats. IHtaM let Voir Told Get Were. Hell's Plne-Tar-IIoney will cure your One of the informal (taming cluba of cough and give you restful sleep. Good liundee. whh'h has been meeting at DUn i lor children. Only 2ac. All druggist de hail, will give, a party ut Turpln'a I Adxertisemcnt. I 0 EASTER MILLINERY Exemplifying the Very Choicest Style for Spring Wear at The Lowest Prices Ever Marked Upon Such Elegant Headgear We itiuuui utt'l this wile for tho w'eok iioee(l ing Eutitcr, in the otunploto otmfiilonoe that oveiy vsomuii who ortiiioK hero tlurinj; the ooniinjr wovk will b. ussun-d of ii hat to huit hor, wliioli will ad mirably sot off h-r KatiT gown, anil which shj ran obtain at a i tco UN MATCH ABU', AT ANY OT11KH STOKE. '-ompaiisun will provo the truth of this claim. A showing uinnatchuhle at $5, $7,50 and $10 Miss Butler's New Hat Shop 3C7 SOUTH SIXTEENTH ST. r l rsr A jmM M m I H!,"t,ilris't1rJrIKi'tl H'''ltVWi'iii('i,t(ri,.0"'!t('(a?(i "i.iitt . ..1Wil( ....i A-...tT.T-. i:..riLlfr tb initial m innyti jmuikl ;ltV".WrtM1"l.jS The World's Breakfast Easter Morning Retail dealers the world over are delivering today a i 1 5 wiiffc's Premium" B acom i for everybody's Easter morning. breakfast Call up your dealer right away and tell him you want "Swift's Premium" Ham or Bacon I ask rom I v laormr I