Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 03, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    Omaha Daily Be
Om Trata and" at
aTotel Xew ft-tnala. So.
n h;
Cmitn Can Earn that and Erea
MorevWitaont Charging Ex
cessiTo Rates, Sayt Ne-
ftiigtf I'.a is CROSS-EX AMUTE3
Cxranael for Bailwayi Assert He
I. , Selected Only he Strong
.1' i. Systems.
CHICAGO, April I. Seven per
leent Is not too high return to rall-
roads oa their, investment, and rail
roads mat earn" en more than that
without Indicating that they have en
forced excessively high freight rates.
TJ. O. Powell, rate expert of the Ne
braska Kailroad commission, so testi
fied' wider eross-xamlnation today
St the Interstate Xommerce commia
gJoa -earing ot the -western rate ease.
lay. Powell had been on the stand two
Uiyi (n opposition to the forty-one west-
Urn .railroad plea or higher freight
(e"fc on certain commodities. H se
tt .eafl six or u wnwni rwoi as ijitaj.
wring they were earning on an average
L78 per cent. The roads were tee Santa
Pa BurlinrTton., Mllwankee. Northwest
ern. .; Book island and' Mlacourt, Kansas
ft Tees. .
Coups! far' the railroads contnded
that Mr. Powell baa selected mostly tne
rtrong roada omitting the financially
eager ones wblch also r a Party to
tWnlea for more revenue.
Taking 'your own figure -of 6.7 per
LwnU" asked C. O. Wright, general eo-
icttor for the Chicago lfc Northwestern
wad, acting for aU the roads, "'do yon
recall the Mlnneeote rate caee ln-whlch
t was decided that to hold the railroad
to freight ratee that would yield lea
than 1 per cent earning would be coo
(laceUoar. .
1 Remember It.
"I remember It." eald Mr. Powell.
"Ton do not' eey that a 8.75 earning
la of fteelf evidence that freight rate
ire unnooenwxUy nighT'
"Ka" ' . - I - ' - r
"The .fact that , a road waa earning 7
(er cent or more would not necessarily
tndtoate the freight rates were too high,
-ould ttr"
"A. road mighty be earning 7 per cent
md more and yetj Its rate -might not .be
xceaaively high.". ... . , - '
r"Mr, Powell explained that although the
average eer-laga of the road he se
lected had been a75 jeer cent, they never
bal'f.-ld dividend 'at thai nUe on their
Investment. Neither, had all the reads
Involved hv this ce averaged dividends
qua! to that percentage, he said. .-,.,.
Northwester- laetaare.
- Mr. Powell testified the railroads were
bearing the burden of providing mere
faclljtjes than, the present patrons re
quire, but he eald he did not mean they
were supplying equipment In excess of
(what growth In trafflo may require. He
(thought the Chicago Northwestern' s
(new -terminal In, Chicago waa an Instance
IrVwiuaing in excess oi nummuicuu. uu
i-tltness said he thought, the limit had
n reached In size oi equipment; ana
Ualnload hod reached It final" capacity.
'So that In the future the roads cannot
ook to Increased economic ot operation
em heavier train loading a an offset
Increased cost of operation V asked
r. wrignu ...
1 think that is true, " eald Mr. Powell.
Tomorrow the railroad are to begin
Iflve days BBtlnlshed: testimony hi aup
j port pf higher rates on spectfled .com
yoodttte. after .which the opposing ahlp
Ws Will resume. . ..
i -
OTTAWA.' nf- Apm .-Davld Btarkey.
Leoordlng to Sheriff Davis, ha confessed
that he Started th fire Which last Bet-
lry destroy hie how and burned
bits wife and heb to death; ' Btarkey U
Ujd,te have attacks hi wile beloro
tiring the house. No ptottve wa given.
the Weather
f imiiiit till 7 p. m. Saturday:
fSrOnaJia. Council piuft and Vicinity
o-uika Tcaterdey.
Houra ' feg
& a m . l. ..
7 a. tn
10 a. m ...
II a in.
15 m ,
1 p. m ..43
I p. m 4H
I p. ra 47
4 p. m
S p. m.
.. 49
.. 47
.. 46
.. 45
p. m.
7 p. m.
8 p. m.
erattv legal Brxr4.
ink i4. mt ii3.
Highest yesterday 48 si 79 M
Lowest yesterday...... 11 89 SO 87
Mean temperature 40 46 4 4S
,J-reclpltaUon .00 .09
Temperature and precipitation depar
'tures from the normal:
Normal temperature "... 43
Jeffclenrr for the day J
Votal deficiency since March 1 30!
rmal precipitation .07 inch
iflclency for the day 07 inch,
Total rainfall since March 1....1 67 Inches
'Kxcets since March I , .0t inch
t;icess for oor. period, 1914 03 inch
xos for cor. period. 113.... LSI Inches
V Hcyerta froaa Statloaa at T P. M.
Station and Stat Temp. High- Bain
Z of WeaUter. 1p.m. est fall.
Cheyenne, clear M
ravenport. cloudy
TDenver. clear 2
nea Moines, part cloudy.. 4
t lodge City, clear 4
llndr. part cloudy...... 7
Atrih Pls't. viar......
bntaha. clr
PueMo. clear
Kapl'l Cliy.fpart cloudy.
lt tKe tmy, ciouay... Prt cloudy...
Sheridan, clear ..........
fcicus City, p-rt cloudy.
Valontlna. dou1y
U A. WUU, L4 forecaster,
gasoline by removing limited suprly. in Constantinople
to a place of safety. ,
J lj l
: I J? . i
. .b- i ,'.'',,r..-: ' . 1
?- ,i : - i . 1
, I i -
' 1 . 1
Amount Allowed for Feeding Pris
: oners, in Douglas and Lancas- '
' ter Reduced to 32 Cents. ;'. '
v .
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, - April 2,s-CSpedal.)--It
seemed like old tim?s la the legis
lature- this morning when (members
of the Douglas( couhty delegation di
vided and went, after each other as
in the days of yore. People attend
ing -sessions of former years had
done considerable worrying for fear
that the present membership lacked
the vim end buzz of former delega
tions, but the Illusion was dispelled.
The thing was all due to senate file
249, known as the' Douglas county
Jail feeding graft' bill.
Two house , bills 'had been Introduced
to draw th fire in hope that with the
attention of the member called to these,
the senate bill might get .through on the
iuiet and no one discover ' It until toe
late, and the scheme nearly - worked,' for
the senate bill went through the .upper
bouse nicely., but" when It came to the
house the intent of the' bill was discovered
and the fun 'began. ' --., , ;
I Sappoaed to "Cover" Mileage. ,
Theaenate bill waa supposed .to cover
principally a raise in mileage for sher
iffs, but had attached proposition al
lowing sheriffs of the class of Douglas
and Lancaster counties to receive pay at
M cents per day. - '
Hoe ever, the friends of the Douglas
county sheriff saw that , something had
to be done, so they had an 'amendment
set up reducing the rate from 40 cents to
(Continued .on Page Two, Column Two.)
Dutch Ship Blown
Up, in the North Sea
HULL, ' England, April' l-the thitch
steamer Schieland waa blown up yester
day morning tn the North Sea at a point
twenty-four miles from Spurn, on the
east coast of England at th entrance to
the Humber. One man of the vessel's
crew was killed' The" captain and seven
others members of the crew were brought
to Hull. whUe another boat with seven
sailors is missing. " ' '. ,
The Schieland was of 6M net tonnaf
4ft '.and waa built in 1W. It was tJl feet Ions,
thirty-three feet beam and twelve feet
deep. Its home port was Rotterdam.
U. S. Will Let Flag
' Desecrtaion Pass
WASHINGTON, April 1 There waa no
intentional desecration of the American
flag by any authorized person when John
B. McManus waa killed' in Mexico City by
XL a pat a troopers, according to riort "to !
the rotate department todsy by th bra
allien minister In Mexico. . . : ' '
He says that after careful iaveetittion i
be finds that no official authorised th I
tearing doa'n of th flag. Upon hia recom- j
mendatioa Secretary Bryan announced
that no apology would be asked.
PARIS, April S. Surgeon General
Frevier at the formal opening today of
the eye department of the mUltary hos
pital, thanked Dr. Lolls Borsch, formerly
ef Philadelphia, who is in charge of this
department, for th work he aud other
Americans r doing for tha Frutu-h
wounded. Surgeon Fevrior declared these
labors war highly esteemed by th gov.
erameat aad ste-oa - -- -
More to Placf Measure at Read of
Senate FilS 'defeated py:,Vote ,
, - ; Twenty'Thrcs to Nine,. ''
Froin a 6'ta'fl Correspoident.$ J
.' UNCOLN, Keb- April 2 ( Spe
cial . Telegram, 1 Aft ! attempt - of
Senator Quinby to life House Roll
NoJ 137, the Omaha charter tyll. and
place it at the head of the sifting file,
was defeated this morning," 23 to 9.
Beal was the only, democrat voting
with him on the, proposition.-Quinby
desired to amend the bill to postpone
the election" so that' the people of the
annexed territory could take part In
selecting city 'officers this spring.
. dulnby's Parrose. 1 ' '
The object In view, he avowed, was to
amend the. bill ' ao as to' postpone the
primary city election of Tuesday next In
order that the annexed torritor of' South
Omaha Dundee and Florence may get lu
on the vote. '
Quinby, Dodge .and flaunders "-of the
Omaha delegation . contended S.000 voters
of the annexed territory' wlU be dUfran-
chlsed If It la. not formally postponed,,
until after the annexation election .to be
called by the governor. Such an outrage,
Qolnby say, will even endanger ,the re
sult of the annexation election, hlthorto
regarded as certain by reason of the fact
-that Omaha Is Included .In the 'election
and has the overwhelming weight of the
Meretr Political Ra. '
Mattes of Otoe charged thst It was an
attempt to. override, the" sitting commit-,
tee merely to give Quinby an opportunity
to get In the race tor city commissioner.
This opinion was given color by the fact
that Quinby had a stenographer take hla
speech, evidently . with the intent to due
it for political purposea ' '
Quinby did not deny that ho might run
for commissioner, but said that he had as
yet not made tip his mind.' He charged
his colleague, Howell, with having gone
baric jon hla promise to do all that he
could to postpone' the election. This
promise , was made whon. th annexation
bill was up. Howell admitted having
made the promise. Howell said that there
were - a ' number - of - legal questions -that
they .were ..wpr-lug. on.. In . regard . to the
postponement of the election.
Qal'aby rites Opinion.
Quinby, cited an.opiaion from the attor
ney general to the effect that su h an
amendment would be germane to the title
of house roll 137. ...'.''
The eight who voted with Quinby were
Beal. B up bee. Dodge, Douthett, Gandall.
Saunders, bumway and Bplrk.
Although primarily a mar
ket town. Omaha is also an
educational center. Creitfh
ton University, .the Uni
versity of Omaha, Belle vue
Co.letfe, the University of
Nebraska Medical School,
Brownell Hall are aU loca
ted here and doing most
creditable work in instruct
in.' and developing the
youth enrolled aa their
students. ' - '
Porte Present Note to Washington
Concerning Murder of Two
Syrians at Torreon.
Communication Follows Close on
Heels of American Request
Guard Missionaries. -
WASHINGTON. April .--Following
close on the heels of the Ameri
can governments request to Turkwy
to protect the Americans at the mis
sion school at Uruinlah, Persia, Hus
sein Bey. charge ot the Turkish em
bassy here, today presented, to the
State department a note of protest
;aralist the Ullng in Mexico of two
Turkish subjects.
Two Syrians, Salamon Nlgri and
Rafael Fereie, are said to have been
I ..4 -. K Villa mMlAH
the charge against them being that
they had attempted to circulate
counterfeit currency' notes. It was
claimed in defense ot the men that
the notes had been approved as
genuine by the Vila commander.
In his note to the department, filed
on instructions from bis government
the Turkish charge requested the
United States to protect Turkish sub
jects in Mexico and to ask for redress
in the" present case.' No reply waa
made" today' to the Turkish . request,
although it was understood that It
would He compiled with.
Body of Late Baron
Rothschild Laid to .;
Rest at Willesden
LONDON, April 1. In. accordance with
bis request. Baron Rothschild waa buried
quietly shortly after noon today nX the
Willesden Jewish cemetery.
Brief services were held at the late
residence of the baron la Piccadilly. Th
services were private, being attended only
by the family and close friends. Out
side the house there gathered a crowd of
perhaps H.00O. Including many persona
from th Jewish oommnijlty In the eat
end.. '. ' .. ' .'
The body waa taken from th house in
a erased .hearse,, followed by motor car
bearing .the baron's twe sons, tonal Wait
ter" and Cbarlasj his -brother Leopold, his
eon-in-levr. . Captain CUve 'Bahrens , ana
his-nephews, Evelyn end Anthony. Karl
Rosebery, a relative by marriage, : also
vai among th mourner. ' As a funeral
cat' passed the crowds bgrsd their beada1
' King George waa represented by Lord
Annaly and Queen Mother Alexandra by
Earl Howe. Others ,who attended the
services war David Lloyd-George,- A. J.
Palfour Lord Reading.'' Lord Sandhurst.
Lord Acheson, Lord Haldane. representa
tives of the various Jewish societies and
most pt the other leaders of the Jewish
community.; ; " ' 1 ' ".
For a distance of half, a mile outside
the gates' of tho cemetery great crowd
lined the road. . '. . : . J i
Exclusive Suburb N ;
To Maintain Leper
CHICAGO. April 1-Hlghland Park, an
exclusive suburb of Chicago, must enter
tain Angelo Lunardl. a leper, until war
conditions In Europe permit hi sat re
turn to Italy on th same vessel of the
rsortn urmn uoya oieamer company
which brought him to this country.
.Thla decision of the Immigration au
thorities Jixk Washington waa received here
today by Dr. Percy l F re litis, head of
the local Immigration bureau.
Lunardl was employed aa a, watchman
at the Exmoor Country club when physi
cians discovered he was afflicted with
leprosy. '
Word waa ' received from the State
Orthopedle hospttal at Lincoln last night
that Timothy Ferris, Western Union tele
graph operator stationed at The Bee
office, waa very much Improved and rest
ing easily, Ferris went to Lincoln with
a vertebra In hla neck out of place and
wa admitted to the institution Dr.
H. W. Orr. The report statehat an
operation will probably not be necessary.
Mr. Ferria sustained hla injury by, a fall
I on an Icy sidewalk..
GALVESTON, Tex., April 1-O.ulet pre-
vails at Frogresso. Yucatan, and at Me
rlda. capital of the state, according tS"
Mexicans . who arrived bare-, today on
oard the Norwegian' steamer Nil. Tha
Nila brought 4.715 bales of sisal fiber.
Captain Peterson reported that whan ha
left Progreso four other vessels were
taking on sisal cargoes. '
1 i
PIERRE, B. D.. April WBpeeial Tele
gram.) The Missouri river la reported to
b covering the lowland along the vaUoy
on account of gorge In th stream and
dynamite ia being ud to clear away
t lie piled up Ice.
I NEED a superintendent In a ma-
chine ahon; will require an invest
ment of 14.000. Big future for
rttady, reliable man. .
' To fartker laforaaattoa about
- thla otp port imi! f. m ta West
AA seetlwa ef The M tudey.
Kaiser Threatens Reprisals Against
British Officers
LONTON. April I..
German proteet
and threats of reprlsels on arount of
th treatment by Great Britain of the
prisoners taken on board German sub
marines waa made public here today.
Thla protest wss transmitted by Oer
many to Great Britain through the
United State. ; The reply of Great Brit
ain alae wa made public.
The German government in It proteet
aeked whether Great Britain Intended to
aooord leaa favorable treatment to cap
tured German submarines' crew than
tp other war prisoners, and If so what
form thla discrimination would take. Ger
many stated that If Great Britain adetd
surh a course a British army officer
held prisoner in Germany would receive
correspondingly harsh treatment for
each member of a German captured subi
marine crew. Th foreign eerretary, Ed
ward Grey. In his reply said that the
Mrs. Archie Ferguson and Two Chil
dren Leaps to Death in River "
at North Bend.
NORTlBEND. Neb'.;. April 2.
(Special Telegram.) Mrs. Archie
Ferguson committed suicide here this
afternoon by Jumping from the steel
bridge Into the middle of the' Platte
river, taking her two children, aged
2 and 8 years, with her. s She came
here' Wednesday from Grand Island
with her five children. Her husband
came the next day and (eft this morn
ing. '
They had lived at Grand Island a
year,' but formerly were of this town.
While here they' stowed with her
brother, Frank Strayer. She was
despondent over their poor circum
stances.' . y
Mr. Ferguson left the Strayer - home
about 11 o'clock, leaving her S-months-oM
baby asleep. , She took the other four
children with her- to tha river, twe of
them in a baby carrlag. , John Kent saw
her standing on the bridge about 1 o'clock
when she ' was writing In a ' ndte . book.
She sent the two eldest children back to
their aunt to see If th baby was awake.
About 1:30 . o'clock Francis Griffin,
liveryman, crossed the bridge, noticed th
baby ' carriage and found the following
aotei . . V , '
I esnnet live with yeu and I cannot
live without ymi, o t had tatter kill my
self. Give baby- t my alxter, Carrl
Eoyer, and find iiqroe for two I em l -v-inK.
J Good-bye. . ,4 . - KKLLIEJ.- ;
The baby carriage wa found where the
channel la deep, and tha. current, strong.
A force of men ia dragging and dynamit
ing the rtver, but the bodice have not Vat
been found.. . . -''. .
Mrs. Ferguson was, shout II years ot
age. Her mother,, slater and , three j
Drotnef a ve nere. . , . : - -
Ameriqan Rancher v
and Five Employes
- Killed-in Mexico
-' ' ''.'
.tit PASO. Tax.. April J. -two Ameri
cans and 'two Germans were killed "in
early. February .by Carranaa troope on
a ranch twenty mllco northwest of Mex
ico City, aocording to detaila . aent In a
letter today to President WUson by B,
P. Aitkin. who said-he was at tha ranch
at th time. . . . , .
Aitlttn said that th Cerrania troops
while attempting to meka" away with a
large herd ef cattle killed hla' uncle, V.
M Smith; formerly 'a farmer -near Hous
ton. Tex., who owned th ranch; Rose' V.
iBiUl.g, an American
cowman; Hans
Heinrlcb. . a German eltlsen; another
German, whose name' he did not know,
tnd two Mexican cowboys. '
The refugee said that he was aaleep
with tha remainder of tha bands In the
ranch house. They were awakened by
the soldiers, who said that Smith and his
employes had been killed. Th ranch
house was burned after all valuables bad
been removed, Aitkin said. He escaped
north, arriving yesterday at Juares.
CHICAGO, April t-May Qulnlaa
Brady, "Michigan wife" of State Auditor
James J. Brady, who sued him for 850,000
some months ago for alleged failure to
make the marriage good In other atatea
sued for annulment of the marriage here
Benjamin Ehrlich. attorney for Mrs.
Brady, announced tf at a settlement of
tha breach ot promise, suit had been
reached out of court and that the bill of
complaint Will be dismissed when ' It
oomee up In court. The lawyer declined
to state how much money waa Involved
tn the settlement
WanVa Birct House?
Just the thintf for the boy
or girl. Coupon for it in
Held as Prisoners
prisoner from German submarines had
been placed In naval detention barrack
and eirresated from other war prlsnn
ara but 'were being treated - humanely
and permitted to take exercise. Further
more the foreign secretary said, Ger
man prisonera In Brorland are belter fed
and clothed than are British prisonera of
equal rank In Germany, and the Ger
mans are not subjected to forced labor.
As the submarine crows have been en
gaged In sinking neutral merchant ships
and unarmed British vessels, Fir lCdward
said, they could not he regarded aa hon
orable opponents, but were "offenders
against the law of nations and common
humanity." .
The foreign aeeretary said that 1,000
officers and men of tho German navy
had been rescued during the war, bat
that none from the British navy had
been rescued by the Germanav However,
he made no suggestions for a change.
Three British Fishing Craft Blown
. Up by Germans After Crews
Had Been Removed.
NEW CASTLE. England, April 2.
Three Tyne trawlers, the Cloxlana,
Jason and Nellie, were sunk by the
German submarine U-10 yesterday.
After all the members of the crew
were safely in small boats, the Ger
mans blew. up the trawlers. .
They then towed the fishermen to
wards the Tyne, until they encountered-
fishing craft, . which brought
the men ashore. .
The fishermen say that the commander
of the submarine was quite genial. Ha
supplied hot ootfee and tobacco to them,
but told them;
"W have order to sink everything.
It la war, and England star! It."
Crew of Norwegian Berk gate.
AMSTERDAM, April 3. Eleven men,
the crew of the Norwegian bark Nor,
torpedoed In, the North 8ea by th Ger
man aubmarine TJ-Joj ware landed today
by the steamer Unit at tha Hook ef Hoi'
land. .... .
Manufacturers of k '
II, S, Urged to Begins
Trade War on Lion
f , . .'.,
. ' PHILADELPHIA, , April S.-American
manufacturers were 'urged to take imme
diate concerted action to obtain a inodifl-,
cation of Great Britaln'a rules governing
oversea commerce to neutral countries by
Herman. A. Meti, member of, congress
from New York and a widely known man
ufacturer, In on address at a conference
Of dyemen here today. Unless tha British
government change its policy, Mr. Met
declared, hundreds ef factories through
out the United Btetsa wUI have to auspend
operations and 800,000 men will be thrown
out of employment. ' '" '
"The State department Is doing" all It
can to cope with the situation' said Rep
resentative Mcta, "but -It la compelled to
respect - intorriatloniil. law;. The - manu
facturers of this cbuntry wli) have to
take the matter out of the hands of tha
State department and handle it them
selves by declaring an Industrial war on
England. .
"If, American manufacturers declared
an- ernbargo on . England,'' declared the
apeaker, "they would soon put an end to
present conditions, and ; would mighty
near and the war. Tou say that would be
In violation of International law., , Per
haps It would, but It Is high' time that
we kick a few holes In International law.'.
Officials in West
i Virginia Without
' Pay; Schools Close
CHARLESTON, W. Va, April- aIt
developed tnday that one ef the state of
ficials who ta pot drawing his salary be
cause of failure of the late-legislature to
appropriate f unda for the running ex
penses of West Virginia la Oovernor
Henry D. Hatfield. John 8. Darat. state
auditor, baa asked A. A. Lilly, attorney
general, for an opinion aa to whether, he
can borrow money until such time as the
legislature can be called together to make
the necessary appropriations, and th
attorney has come back with a request
for a statement- of th money expended
by Pant and for what purpose during
the last eevera' years-
Meanwhile th unusnal condition la be
ing felt In all part of the state. Country
schools- are being- eiosnd. high schools
placed on. part' time and companies of
the national guard are being mustered
out Tha -effort to have the legislature
meet without expense to th state and
pass appropriation bills aeema ts have
tailed and there Is no relief in sight.
Warns Austrian
. Army Contractors
Against Grafting
VENICE (Via London). April J. -Owing
to the increasing number ef army scan
dals, the Austrian military authorities
have issued publle notice, warning con
tractors that all frauds wlU be rigor
ously prosecuted and punished with im
prisonment ' from ten to twenty years,
and In certain case wfth banging.
Tha authorities at Vienna are irritated
greatly over ' th non-arrival ' of large
purchasea of food supplies from Rou
inanla. They declare that th Rouman
ians bavo received th money, but have
not sent tli food. They say also that
a ship load of whsat bougftt In tho
United Mate reached Genua,, but waa
stopped there by th Italian government.
Interest in Proposed Drastic Dry
Measures Completely Eclipses
News of the Military .
London Pspers Propose Suspension
of Manufacture of All Liquor
During the War.
The Day's War News
fear more renaeta, ne of them fly
tn neetrel flue.- A. Xorwela
hark wa. torpedoed la the Worth ',
H-a b- the t'.SO sail three trawlers
-from the Tj were blw ap by
the V-IO.
IlKtVY FIGHTING has heea re
sained la eastern France are? the
German border. . The ( Wftclat
tstemest from Berlin say the ,
F re a eh -were defeated. In a battle
, near t 'Fretre fore and forced in
give sraanA inlch tber had
elite la this German province ef
Baden Inflicted flnmawe In the
eltlea f Malhelm and nrehera.
BRITISH RTEAMEn , Soath Polat,
which went i dawn off t ape .Fin- ,
, teterre, la aatd to have been tor
pedoed by th,i;-2ft. .It, la mere
than TOO aallea front (ape Fin
laterre to the nearest German sab.
mala base.
as the pelat at aalaa for a separate
peace with Kasela la repadtated hy
hath Tarklah aad Raaalan
hasaaders at Rome,' s 1
Scribed la Berlta dispatches aswa
aaally blltrr. The Raatdaaa,
pwahlaar their way 4 h roach deep
snow, are persist Ins la their ef-
fort to dislodge (he Aaatrtaaa
from the' passes aad heights, hat
-are said t have eeeoatpllahed Ht
tle ia the vray af definite
LBtSSIANS.AXlvorMCE aa Important .
-iciorr ever tas uermaaa la aarth
era Foland. -
XOKDO.V, April 2. The attention
of the British public is today con
centrated upon, the question of ab
stinence. " For the moment it 1 has :
overshadowed the wan This ia Ooed
Friday and n London there are no
afternoon papers,; but it' is doubtful
it the biggest headlines chronicling
military activity could divert the s.-;
tention of ttie people fro the all
absorbliig topic of the possibility oj.
a "dry'' country.
That some drastic measures ro '
contemplated is Keyond question,
but the public la' ttivided In opinion
asi to whether the prohibition is to
be total, or whether the consumption
of alcoholic liquors will be permitted
under sharp control.
Bevsral of th London 'morning papers
appeared today with full page advertise
ments prosontlng -petitions with the re- .
quest that supporters ef the movement
cut them out and send them to Chan
cellor of tho Exchequer Lloyd Georg.
These petitions read:
"1 am entirely in favor of the auspeu
slon of. the manufacture of Intoxicating
liquor during tha war, which I consider'
lmparstlva for a quick and suooeej.fni
tcrr.yeatl.nt of the war. I shall hearlly
auppurt the government in any guch
Tha petition idea ta backed by mer
,ehanta and business men. and other em
ployer of labor, who disclaim any save
a war Interest In the proposed measure.
jne sense, ef personal Mbertv la an
strong In Kngland that It may defeat total
pronioiuon. rut the sense of fair pUy
fights on tha side of the extreme meaaur,
for th opinion la growing that If em
ployee be deprived of tholr right ti
drink, emplf yra must take their place
In the same boat. .
It la believed that the cabinet is in favor
of total prohibition, which, under the de
fens ef tha realm act. It baa the power,
to enforce without any further explana
tion. You Have
Three Ways
of reaching: the 200,000
readers of Tho Sunday
Bee with your want ad.
Bring it to The
Bee office before
7:45 p. m. today.
Phone Tyler
1000 and ask fois
a solicitor to call.
Read it to us over
the phone; the bill will
be mailed to you later.
IhtjMj Ws Bet Want Ads.