Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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    THE HKK: OMAHA. Fill DAY, ' APRIL L W15.
Thursday, April, 1, 1015.
TO rLEASK Dame Kssblon and to have everything in harmony for
heralding Easter, we mint he bedwked with a corsage bouquet
of some speclflo hue on Easter morn.
Once upon a time U enough to be "blushing and sweet
each Easter morn," and only a few adhered rrlilously to donning the erst
whlle Easter bonnet, but now Kanter bonnets appear with the first robin,
and by the time Raster arrives the costume is not complete without Its fin
ishing touch of flowers.
The old-fashloncd boutonoiere, or simple bunch of violets, has given
place to the art bile and charming arrangements of flowers In combination.
The floral shops are showing fascinating combinations of color, ft Is do
longer just violets. Now, the violet bunch Is variegated with many little
posies of bright color.
The ribbon ties are the next important adjunct. Bouquets are no
longer finished with a rapping of tin foil or simple cord, but now they
have special ribbon ties and a clever shield, which Is proof against damp
nest apd which protects the most delicate frock.
... - I
College Women's Luncheon.
Mlas Vlda, Hunt Fraro la of rhlladeli
general secretary for the Aaswtatlon of
Collar Alumnae, was honor girt at a
larffe luncheon ot the Commercial cluli
tortay. The auests wcr acatnd at small
tables which were abloom with daf
f oxljla. MIks loulfe KtS?r, vlre prrl
den of the local omantsatton, Introduced
tha honor eust. At the speaker's table
TMrah ltrnlr,
Kliiafth Klrwlt,
I'pfa I 'umonl.
H. A. Van
Ht"ihn A. J vlra.
Itobcrt A.
Omaha's wonderful mus
ical prodigy, who will play
her violin in recital at
Brandeis piano depart
ment Friday.
( v W
"""Jim. S
Ha Hunt Franc)?.
1 yMiiiop Pirrnrr. Mitchell.
F.dsar H. Hrott.
Jamee C. Dnhlinan,
Martin W. Mmry.
Other guests present w-r:
Nij Iittlc.
Marsart Bourke,
p.itti h vnn.
Edith Klsbor.
Kuth McDonald.
4in Naton.
KInor Keteraon,
Hu-jr Phlillprl. .
JOIfi Root.
Tai!ne Rnanberi",
f-rh Panboriw.
Jtplfn Pommr,
Fthrl Tiihey,
Ttnth Thompson,
Bwrtha While,
"harlotte O raves,
"arri Btown,
IJord N nhom.
Howard BoranuUt.
1lin Clarh.
Kvelvn Pudley.
"r(yn 8lrmier,
Anna AnekHt.
Kallierln Morse.
V. M.Ahhoft.
l.eMvr Rratinn,
J. II. I'hitnont,
Arthur 8ml h.
Paul MoHKland.
Kalnh l'nlsrtian,
W. LanafeMt.
Iarrl lfif,
J. H. Morrison.
It. K. Newliranfh,
1-r. Olsa fltny,
V.. M. R. Biintnand,
If. C. Woodland,
ft mw
Committee Now Eu Sufficient
Fundi Anured for Boyi and
Oirli' Garden Conteit
Mr. aK)ra-A.'jolyii has come forward
with a donation of the necesaarf money
rir io carry out tne work of
the boys and cirls gardening eonteat
this lummw Th amount aha haa nrom-
laM ! not ' being made public, but tha
Omaha Civic league gardening ommi.
tee after Ita nesting at noon declared
that Mra. Joelyn had donated a aufflcleat
auin to carry, on the work for the sum
I The committee will look carefully Into
,the law regarding the cutting of weeda
In the city, and hopea to see that thla
law la 'enforced thla lummer to the end
that the rUy may be really beautified.
Francla Hmgnn and Rdgar H. ficott,
members of the committee, are to look
j lnto ail phaaea of the law on thla point.
... ..,.ln3.a ni ikkcti into the
Luther Kountze
committee. They are
and Edgar H. Scott
Following la a full Hat of the present
O. A. Joelyn,
O. W. Wattles.
Ivither Kotintze,
Arthur C. Smith.
Roy Towl
F. A. Rrogaji,
Paul Kubni.
C. W. Hamilton.
Kdaar H. 8vtt,
Robert Cowcll.
M. Harlow, .
I Child a.
A. W, Jeffarta,
Z. T. IJndaay,
T. R. KtmbeJI,
H. Rwera,
If. Ioirly,
F. U. Oraff,
H. . Weller,
C. C. Chaae.
Northwestern Men
Are Transferred
The April 1 change went Into effect
at Northwestern headquarters yeaterd&y.
E. R. Butler, former traveling freight and
passenger agent, with western Nebraska
aa hie territory, left for California, where
he will occupy tha field aa agent Alex
ander Hampton, long chief clerk In the
general passenger office, went onto But
ler's territory, .and James Buttle, clerk In
tha freight department, succeeds Hampton.
Traffic Experts Meet
to Figure on How to
Combat Rate Raise
Traffic experts from Pious Cllr. fit
Joseph, Kanaaa City and Omaha were tn
conference at the Commercial club ecoms
with regard to the flrht thev in n
make against the proposed Increase In
freight rates on cotton piece goods. The
propoaed schedule contalna an Increase of
8 cents per J00 weight on cotton piece
goods shipped from the Mississippi river
to f loux City, Omaba. Kansas City and
St. Joseph. The case cornea before an
examiner of the Interstate Commerce
commission at Chicago April 13 and U
Those In conference with E. J. McVnnn,
manager of the traffic bureau of h
Commercial club, were: C. E. Chllds,
8ioux City; H. Q. Krake, ft. Joseph, and
R. D. Canaster. TCanaaa ritr
JTow is tha Time to Get ld of Thas
tjgly sTpotS.. M
There's no longer tha slightest need ot
f!!ng ashamed of jnour freckles, aa the
prescription olhlne double strength Is
guaranteed to remove these homely srpots.
Simply get an ounce of othine double
strength from Sherman & McDonnell or
any druggist and apply a little of It
night and morning and you should soon
sea that even the worst freckles have be- .
gun to disappear, while the lighter onc
have vanished entirely. It Is seldom thst
more than an ounce la needed to com
pletely clear the skin and gain a beauti
ful clear complexion.
Be sure to ask for the double strength
othine as this is sold under guarantee of
money back If It falls to remove freckles.
Advertisement. '
The finest ever brewed In Omaha. On
draught and In bottlea on and after April
1. Phone Chas. Btors fWeb. 13B0) for a
case for your home. Advertisement
Wedding Announcement.
Among the Interesting out-of-town wed
dings f yeMerday was that of Miss Mol
lis llartwell Adams, daughter of Mrs. J.
Pana Adama of Sheridan, Wyo., and Wil
liam Jjewla TrentUa of Bherldan, for
merly of Omaha, and a son of Mr. and
Vrs. James F. Prentiss of this city. The
ceremony wss performed at I o'clock
last evening at the First Congregational
church of Bherldan.
An Informal reception was held at the
home of tha brMe'a mother, following the
ceremony, for the bridal party, and a few
friends, and then the young people left
for the expositions. Vpon their. return,
Mrs. Adams will give a reception at her
home In Pheridan for Mr. Trentlss and
his bride, and Mr. and Mra. Henry Knox
Adams, who were married In Omaha teat
winter. Mrs. Adams wss Miss Ms
gurrlte Prentlits, daughter ot Mr. and
Mrs. J.- F. Prentiss. "
Mr. Prentiss and his bride will make
the r home at tSS Coffrcn avenue Hn
Sheridan. "
Among those present at the wedding
from out-of-town were: Mr. and Mrs.
J. P. Prentiss of Omaha and Mlxs Helen
Miller of Chicago. .
On the Calendar. ...
The pupils of the Mary F. Cooper school
or darning will plsy "The . lryd," a
sketch in dancing at the Brandela thester
fur the benefit of the women and child
ren of the Narslne about May 1.
Tha women of the First ITeibj trlan
hur-h announce ah Ranter baser, and
luncheon for Saturday, and the resAilar
chicken pte and fish dinner for tomorrow
at tha uaual hours, 11:30 until 1:30, Both
affairs will be given In the church par
lors and are In charge ef Mra. A. C.
Wagoner and Mra. G. I... Bradley.
TU Major Isaac Kadlcr chapter of the
laughters of tha American devolution
nave postponed their meettmt f rem
April S until April 10, wlin they will be
entertained by Mrs. William . Archibald
t-mlth at her home, 108 Bouth Thirty
fifth atret '
Cew for Belief.
The West Farnam circle of the Franco
Belgian Keltef met aa uaual this after
noon at the home of Miss Jraaie Millard.
The Dundee circle of this sums organisa
tion htve discontinued their meetings
for awhile and are undoclded aa to their
future plans. About twenty members
were present this afternoon.
Original Cookin; Club.
Tne Original Cooking club was euUi
talned today by Mra. Samuel Burns.
Covers mare placed for:
.7;- II III NJK X ... - .V
I, . . . f . (Ill Ifc -4
will find thous
ands of Omaha
men and
Because they hare learn eoKJrom.
experience that to be In style
their footwear must bear the
S3.50 to $7.00
-iterate:. can
Mosher Culpetser!
Charlca T. Koiintie,
Herbert Whoolrr,
Orirs Prlns.
W. K. t'opDleton,
hsmvirl liiirn.
V ard M. Hursess,
Ioither KounUr,
dosrpn ttarktr,
PI enure i Put.
Miss Jean Wallace entertained the mem
ber of the Twelve Btnr Bridge club at
her bom Wednesday afternoon. Three
table were placed for the game.
Kewi of the Weyfarr rr.
Among those registered from Omaha at
the Elms Hotel In Kx.-etsior Springs sre:
Mr. and Mrs F. II. avts and Messrs.
George Hayden'and W. F. Ftoecker.
Personal Mention.
Air. Paul W. Harn'ing. who closed tle
arason ith "Tie Ponr Little Rich Girt"
comi snr - la Wailiinstoii Isst week. Is
virltlng his parents. .Mr. and Mra. Henry
. Mrs.. Frank Wallers lesves thla even
ing fnr Chicago, wheie she -l meet her j
(litldren. Mr. Wnltman and Miss liar-i
nette Walters. o sre attending acheol )
at Kemper liallr Krrost.a. Wis. They will
all arrive fcur.d.'y r.ioitilng to spend ICssttr j
funds y.
Huge Crowds Hear
Singers at Piano
Department Opening
The entire wtet end of the third floor
of the Brmvlcls More wns crowded Wed
nesday afternoon when three high claes
program) were given. Millie Ryan gave a
recjuest program with a large number ot
her advanced pupile taking part. The hit
of -the day was th singing of the aex.
tetts from t.ucta which waa rendered by
a double sextette. The singers repeated
this nimilwr at the close of the pogrem
In response to an Insistent demand.
Following Is the program for this
afternoon In the new piano department
of tl)S Bi;snlok Btores:
Opening piano department J. Bran
dels ft bona, Friday afternoon, April t,
IDiS, at . l:4i o'clock, by pupils of Frank
Msch and Mr. Carnal:
Vocal selection, Howard Bteberg.
'Alr.Varle" de Berlot
Ovrtrude Wledlng.
Vocal selection, Vejim 1'owlar.
"Concerto" Huber
Alexander Itohrbough,
Vocal Selection. Iscy Horton. ,
Piano nolo, Ituth liartntan.
tsardaa-' Bsenger
J(e HorniMi.
Vocal selection. 1kukIs Isltt.,
"UrUs Frend'' Krelslsr
I. on 1'rfcvlroff.
Vx-al aelertion. Raymond lvtlly.
"Aui der llchimth" Bmctana
UlKa Hitner.
AecompanUts. , Nesl. Helen tr
gea, Grace Wtedlng, Ruben Vann.
At 3:JD o'cl'Tk. Piano tecltai by Martin
W. push, pianist and organist:
,aplllons' " Mchumann
AlleKn rie Concert" .....Chopin
"Hl,,llslf j
"ttiHwal.'iio" fter Hole," after FranYi
"Vecl'h'io MinueMo''.!!!."i!!.'"i!;Kt",m'oatl
"Romance" tparaphase tin Theinea
from tha opera, "Kugene Oneaulne'
At i oVlock, pupils of Jeen Jones:
"Intermesso la Octets" Leechetlshy
.'.""""'rr : u Schumann
Urst Hsllsde" Chopin
Hef re Heatrlce Kattev.
"Scotch p.m" MacDowell
"First Arsr-euVe"
iartrurie Ijlrktnm,
"Comerto" Orclg
Itensle Beatrice Hattey, Jean Gil
bert Junes, second piano.
Charles Dismond entered sn establish
ment at lid Douglas etreet. asked to look
at a watch and ran away with the
tlme-ptece. He waa chased by Officer
Franc I, who waa forced to crawl be
neath a platform In the rear of the Bur
lington headquarters before he could ar
ret! the man. Diamond was sentenced
to ninety dsys tn the county jail.
wmL m I
tha handiest thlnf you ever
bandied Handy Oil Can
full of 9-in-Onc OIL Flta
tha pocket like a pocket
book. Oosa in aewlng
machine drawer,
typewriter desk,
workman's kit,
hunter's knap
sack. Oilssvsry
thlnf. Never
leaka. At all
stores, oc
25c S4n-One is
also sold In bottles, K.-tV.
Suo. A Dtcuoaary of tus
ether am with every bottle
Three-in-One OU Co.
t N. Brdwr, MewTerk
OtnaJw AgenU for
Ground Gripper"
Shoes for Men and
16th Street
Phoenix GuaranteerJ Hoiiery ia All Colon to Matcn Shoe Uppers
This Store Offers
An Almost Limitless Variety of -
Strikingly Beautiful
Easter- Millinery
Every hat Bhown here
typify styles that are i
distinctively different.'
We have never before
shown such a. truly fas
cinating aggregation of
becoming shapes and
trimmings or hats with
so mxjicTi appeal and in
dividuality at these
prices. -
Here every fancy may
be easily satisfied, ev
ery purse economically
suited and every face
becomingly fitted.
Splendid variety of smartest shapes are here for the
home milliner as well as accessories for trimming. .
' Telephone dong. 1SS3. Eyes
The clijr building u srtment report I
thst riRMy-four p-rinlt Uvued Our-!
Ing k!er h fr K-w buiiolnK. the totsl !
value of these tmprot i-oents being
Msr h. lent ymr, there wre 141;
rcrniiut end a total or ::'!. lbi. , ,
The total hiilMitig oH-ruiUns this year
ate I l,KZ,. For ror r i.onllag period I
Ut ytr. V-1''"D-
1 of tir..lU.
l ae M' n liniiiKiit and you woo l
i era iiun-s it Tti first applies-
it'ia hlc i for s iatx a. neuralgia, i
i--- All driifisis. Adrlirmcot
x.xo. a. xocot
y .Ieo. N. McCoy, who has for tha
paht live ytars t.pcn in charge "of
JIayden Itro.".' prescript ion ltpart
' meiit, has joined the proscription
staff of the Prescripto Drug Co.
It Is the Intention of ths store to glv
the people of Omaha service and in nrH..
to do so, competent employes sre neres
sary. Lest you forget We sell that double
whlppe4 Ice Cream that made tha Board
of Trade Candy Shop so popular.
V. CiKTTtX. Prea. ud Actly Mirr.
5rj Kouth latJi St., Our. loth ajnd ILsrocy.
Star , Attractions at lCilpatrick?s
First on the List for Friday's Selling is
Colblbrs Celebrsited.
When we were boys there was a delicious confection sold at our
home which was called "Nobs.". We were not aware then that this
was a purely colloquial term but as we go back in memory it seems
to us that it was such a delicious, toothsome goody that our mouth
waters even now. Cobbs reminds us of the Nobs of those days.
Now for Easter you will want the best, of cdurseVAnd Cobbs
is the answer. Fancy boxes filled with smooth, rich, luscious
cnocoiates ana Don bons packed by Cobbs in 1 2, 3, 5 lb. boxes
After weeks of self denial can you im
agine the expression of joy when the mes
senger brings the box of Cobbs?
6f Cents
O the
More fancy boxes, some with bunnies
on some ribbon tied, filled with chocolates
80c, $1.25, $1.60, $2.00, $3.00, $5.00.
And for the Sunday Dinner
Lest you forgot, call Douglas 51, ask for Cobbs
leave order for some of what follows. Large Salted Pe
cans, Almonds, Creamed Brazil Nuts, French Caramels,
Dipped Marshraallows, Candied Fruits from France, Old
Virginia Fruit Cake, Plum Pudding, and in Ice Cretins
we have all kinds of seasonable conceits Individual j
Rabbits, Chicks, Eggs, Lilies, Roman Punch, Nesselrode
Disserting on Nobs reminds us to mention some Nobby
things for Eaatr also.
We have just opened up a little the nobbiest lot of
y (t loves ever brought by us from over seas. The colors,
the clasps, the stitching, the beautiful skin of the kids
might send a pair with one of the aforementioned boxes.
A f riend of ours was just at our desk and this is what
he selected for an Easter gift to go to the Quaker City:
1 pair Pujty shade Kid Gloves, size 6. C0i"6i w
1 pr. Putty shade Silk Stockings, ez. 94. ( and many quail
These were beautifully clocked. ( UJ clocked or
And to top off a box of Cobb 'a. j air for 6oJ.
Dainty Cards and Table Fixin's for Easter and
some bunnies for the weo lads and lasses. My, this
power of suggestion is a wonderful thing, instinctively
we are transported to the Children's Section, and it oc
curs to us that your children will enjoy, this section as
much as you will.
Never, no never, auch a wonderful collection of Chil
dren's, Misses', Juniors' and Small "Women's wearables.
In the Women's Section A wonderful f f rf
Suit on Special Sale at ? 1 a7OU