THE BKE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. APIUL 2, l'HJi. 7 ONLY SIXTEEN, GIRL VERY SICK Tell How She Was Made Well by LytliaE.Pinkham' .Vegetable Compound. Nsw Orleans, La, "I take pleasure in writing these lines to express my grati tude to you. I am only 16 years old and work in a tobacco factory. I have been a Tery sick girl but I have improved wonderfully sinee taking Lydia E. Pinkham'i Vegeta ble Compound and am now lookinir fine and feeling a thousand times better." Miss Amelia Jaquillard. 8961 Te houpitoulas St, New Orleans, La. St Clair, Pa. -"My mother was alarmed because I was troubled with oppression and had pains in my back and side, and severe headaches. I bad pimples on my face, my complexion was allow, my sleep was disturbed, I had nervous spells, was very tired and had no ambition. Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound has worked like a charm in my case and has regulated me. I worked in a mill among hundreds of girls and have recommended your medi cine to many of them." Miss Estella Maguike, 110 Thwing St, St Clair, Pa. There is nothing that teaches more than experience. Therefore, such let ters from girls who have suffered and were restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound should be a lesson to others. The same remedy is within reach of all. If yon want special advice write to Lydia E.PIakham Medicine Co. (confl dentlal) Lynn, Mass. Yonr letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and hold in strict confidence. MADE to OKDER - $25, $30, $35 and up OUR Spring Suiting are now on display. Long ago we anticipated your wantsand never before have we been quite so well prepared to give our customers such com plete service. There is an unusally large selection of Imported fabrics and Made in Amer ica weaves in all new shades. Better make your telec it ion todaywhile the at sortment it at itt bett. NICOIX TheToilor e W Jer reins' Sons 209-211 So. 15th St There Was Xotliitig So Kond Congest ion and Colds at Mustard. for But the old-fashioned musts rtl-plaster burned and blistered while it acted. You can now (at the relief and help that mustard plaster cave, without the plas ter and without the blister. -. MUSTEROLH does 1L It Is a clean, white ointment, made with oil of mus tard. 1( la scientifically prepared, ao that It work wonders, and yet doea not blister tha tenderest akin. Just maaaare MU6TERO.LE in with the finger-tip rently. Bee how quickly It brings relief how speedily the pain disappear. And thent is nothing like MU8TK It OLE for Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Ton ilitii. Croup. Stiff Nerk, Asthma. Neu raJgia, Headache, Congestion, Pleurisy, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Pains and Aches of Back or Joints. Hpralns, Sore Mus cle. Bruises. Chilblains, Frosted Feet. Colds of the Chest (it ofton prevents Pneumonia). At your druggist's, in Sic and 60c Jars, and a, special large hospital sis fortZ.64. Be sure you get . the genuine Ml'S TKROLE. Refuse imitations get what you ask for. The, Musterole Company, Cleveland, Ohio. JLJ. LtiS'J M4MS. THE OMAHA BEE IS THE FAVORITE HOME PAPER BK1EF CITY NEWS otl Prlal I Niw Keaeea Pre rgaea-araadea Ce. Llgktiaa future. ftt W. asdford for city commls sloner. Advertisement. W. O. SjhrlTsr, tried, true and efficient, for city commissioner. Advertisement. Wlthan Back to Xla Offlee City Commissioner Withnell has returned to his office after a week's Illness. Vstraaka SaTlag em Smi New office between city hall and Fon tenelle hotel, 211 Bouth i:ighteenth St a reeUmg at SJeoumy ts one of the baaXttea acquired when yu office In The Bee Building, "the buUdlng that 1 al ways new." Pee u now tor a few room available April t . Te State Baaa of Oasaka, pays per cent on time deposit. I per cent on savings account. AH deposits In this bank are protected tr the depositors' guarantee fund of the state of Nebraska "Today' Complete Korte rresraas elaaslfled aecUon today, and appears la The Be EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what the various moving picture theaters offer, guarantee fund of the atat of Nebraska. rather Smith Visits Bar Father T. J. Smith, formerly of Omaha, vice presi dent of Pt. Louis university, ia visiting in Omaha. He Is a brother of Attorney E. A. Smith. roaeral of 4. T. BUager Funeral services for the late J. i ailnger will be held from Crosby' chapel at W o'clock Friday morning, with burial in Forest Lawn cemetery. Called by Death of Mother H. C. Ptrohn, traveling passenger agent for the Baltimore & Ohio, has been called to Pennsylvania by a telegram announcing the death of hi mother at her home there. Auditorium Ordinance Passed The ordinance providing for the submission of an Auditorium bond proposition in the sum of 1150,000 has been . passed by the city council. The proposition will bo sub mitted at the time of the city election. KUwaukse Connection Here Begin miitf t.u ui mis monin tnv .Mil waukee will bring' a part of its west bound business, originating in Minnesota and northers Iowa through Omaha, from here taking it out on Its No. 19 that runs through to the Pacific coast over the Union Pacific. Every Tuosdsy and Wed. nesdajr after April 13 the Milwaukee will bring In from Austin, Minn., and Mason City, la-, tourist car that here will go Into the Paclflo coast train. Charges Detective Framed Red Plot To Wreck Church NEW YORK, April 1. Detective Amadeo Follgnant, chief witness In tha trial of Frank Abarno and Carmine Car bone, charged with attempting to set off bombs in 8t. Patrick' cathedral, ar rested a man outside tha court room whom he said had given him and an other detective "the Italian death sign." The man, who gave the name of Giu seppe Alta, was one - of a group of f or- elgnera who had gathered about the court room and who put their Angers to their mouth a Pollgnanl passed them In token, the detective said, that he wa marked for death. Pollgnanl had Just finished testifying. , Pollgnanl said ho knew him a one of the group of anar chist with whom-he had been associated la hi detective wor. - 1 The 'state rested Its case after Acting Police Captain Tunney testified that the cathedral authorities had given the po lice permission to stage the capture of the alleged anarchists. Francis W. Pollock then began hla open ing address for the defease. lie charged Pollgnanl with being the Instigator of the plot. When hi suggestion to throw the bombs met with coldness, the lawyer ald he threatened the boys, tie showed them the home of the rich on Fifth avenue and aid, "If you will not do a I tell you, I will cut your face and denounce you as spies." "Pollgnanl suggested the bomb throw ing, lie bought the explosive, hired the rooms where the bombs were made, kept the keys of the room, led Abarno to the cathedral, and urged him on when at last Abarno tried to back out by saying, 'Coward, come on.' " Aita, Pollgnanl' alleged assailant, was found guilty of disorderly conduct and held In laOO bonds to keep the peace for six month or serve thirty day In the city prison. . As he waa unable to give bond he wa locked up, United States Asks Pay for Sailing Ship . William P. Frye WASHINGTON, April l.-The American not to Germany over the destruction of the American' sailing ship William P. Frye by the German raider. Prlns Eltel Frledrtch, has been dispatched to Berlin. Acting Secretary Lansing cl the Stat department said today the note would be mad publlo here a soon as it had had time to reach It destination. Th representation of the United Slates concern only the vessel and do not dis cus the cargo, which the State aejart rnent I satisfied wa not American owned. The note contend there wa no Justi fication for the sinking of tb Fry; that a .neutral vessel carrying a cargo of wheat . not confessedly contraband wa sunk when a release of the vessel would have Involved no vital consequence to th Prins EtUl Frledrtch'. On account of the difficulties of com munication between the German embassy here and It foreign office the ship's pa pera and Commander Thlerichen's report of the case were sent three week ago by mall. While no German official would discuss the question today It was learned recently that the German ambassador. Count Bernatortr, had recommended the reim bursement of the owners of the vessel. The dispatching of a note on the subject to the German government was deemed necessary, however, because of the prece. dint it established, the American govern ment desiring to record Its objections to such procedure on th 'high aeaa, and It expectation that full restitution would be mad In every caa. Cheat I Gratefal. WASHINGTON, April 1. Resolutions of thanks to the American peupie, adopted by the burgomaster anl com munal council of the olty of Ghent. Bel gium, reached Mex-retary Bryan today frvm Henry A. Johnaon, American consul at Ghent. STORZ FAM0USB0CK BEER The finest evtr brewed in Omaha. On draught and in bottles en and after April I. Thoiie fha. Fton Veb. lJbfti for a lase for your home. Advertisement. SKYSCRAPER FOR SCHLITZ CORNER Plan it Under Way for Building in the Nature of an Insurance Exchange. EASTERN FINANCIER IS HERE A skyscraper building to servo as an Insurance exchange Is In prospect for the site of the Schlltt hotel. Although admitting that the First National bank might sell the Schllts hotel corner at Sixteenth and Harney streets. If the proper price were of fered, officials at the bank yester day denied that any such sale bad been made. This denial came in spite of the rumor that Napoleon Picard of New York, who was In Omaha Wednesday, made a deal for the building for an eastern syndicate. F. XI, Davis, president of the First National bank, is at Excelsior Springs, according to Information from the bank. T. L. Davis, cashier, still denying th bank bought the Board of Trad corner, aid, however. "I'll admit that It la possi ble tf we could ell the Schllts comer, and either buy or leave a place In the new building to go up on the Board of Trade corner, we might do that, but nothing at the kind ha taken place. I know noth ing of Picard, and never heard of him." Bisk Would Melt. It has been common gossip that th bank would sell Its holding In the Bchllts corner at Sixteenth and Harney, now that there are possibilities of Its getting Into the Board of Trade corner. But while officials state that they would sell the Schllts property If they could get the right kind of a lease on the Board of Trade building, It is known that Geort A. Joalyn has had practically a standing offer with them to take the Schllts cor ner off their hands at substantially the figure they paid for it, which was ttrfftOOO. This offer of Joslyn has not been ao cepted, although It I understood th offer has been standing for some weeks. Thl offer from Joslyn, It Is understood, la still good, In spite of the fact that Mr. Joslyn has Just Invested $440,000 in the Patterson block at the corner of Seven teenth and Farnam streets. The lease of the B.errnn & McConnell Drug company, which firm occupies th corner of the Schllts building, I good for two year hence. The other lease In the building contain a clause which states that the lease may be terminated at any time by the lessor on giving thirty days' notice. No such clause la contained in the Blierrrvan McConnell leas. Three Thousand Union Painters in Chicago Strike CHICAGO, April l.-Three thousand union painters and decorator struck to day. The strike order wa issued after the unions and the employers failed to reach an agreement over a new form of contract. Contractor and representatives of building trades other than the painter conferred today In an effort to reach an agreement which would prevent a gen eral strike or a lockout of workers. It I estimated that more than 10,000 men are affiliated with the Painters' unions, though only about a third of tha men have been employed recently. 0. C. Redick is Head of City Trust Co. I At a directors' meeting of the City Trust company yesterday, O. C. Jtedlclc and D. A. Baura were eleoeted president and vice president, respectively. The Caart of Laat Resort. Around the atcve of the rrosa roads grocery I the real court of last resort, tor it finally over-rule all others. Cham berlain's ' Cough Remedy has been brought before this court In almost every cross roads grocery In this country, and has always received a favorable verdict. It 1 in the country where man expect to receive full value for his money that thl remedy 1 moat appreciated. Obtain able everywhere. GRAIN RECEIPTS LIGHT HERE, AS IN OTHER PLACES Here, a elsewhere throughout - th country. gTaln receipt were' light. Omaha had fourteen cara of wheat, twenty of corn and sixteen of oata on' sale. Price remained firm on a report of large quan tities of wheat being taken tor export. Wheat sold at ll.44tt-l.4TH, an advanoe of t cent; corn. tAQQW cents, a gain ef ' cent, while oat were down, '.4 cent, selling at t2WA ent per bushel. RASH BREAKS OUT ON BOY'S HEAD Four Day's After (Birth. Cried Day and Night. Disfigured. Hair Came Out. Used Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment. In Four Months Head Healed. Hair Grew. Flat. Neb. "My second child, a boy, had what la call ad atrorula of th head. The whole top of his head and forehead broke out la a thick rash the fourth day after he wa bora and formed one whole crust. He cried a good deal both day and night. It sesmsd to hurt hint. It disfigured hint and I felt ashamed to have aay body see him. H air came out. "I used home remedies for ahout sic hIi. m n. th- mi.. got dry and cracks formed, then eruptions the (is of a pea would coots out la tha cracks. A kind old lady told me about Cuticura Soap and Ointment so I begaa using them. I bathed his bead with th Soap and then used the Ointment. Bbega to Unprov right along. In four month hi head was healed up as nice as could be and his hair began to grow." (Signed) Mrs. C. H. Eaauaarer. June 17, 1914. Sample Each Free by Mall With 32-p. Skin Book on request. Ad dress pout -card "Cuticura. Dept. T. Bos ton." Sold llirougbuul th world. Changes Ordered in Postoffice Have Gone into Effect changes in the Omha poslotfire staff, ordered recently by the department after Inspection and reiomrnendatlona by an efficiency board, went Into 4-ffect yester day. They ImltiJe th retirement of Colonel Henry C Akin, powat cashier, and th advancement of Ctiatles J. Msglll to that position from the money order division, with salaiy Increase. Other ruuiti In clude: rromooion of lven W. Barr to be book keeper In the division of finance, st in creased salary; promotion of William K. Bar hi from clerk to asalstsnt money order hler; trsnsfer of William A. Kelley from superintendent registry divi sion to be apodal clerk; promotion of C. W. Kalteler from superintendent I'nlon depot postsl rfatlon to superintendent registry division, with salary Increase: promotion cf Philip P. Kelley from fore man special d. livery carrier to Inspector of carriers, with salary Increase; transfer of Samuel Cnsler from stamp depart ment to another department. Warring Spirits Make a Compromise The warrlns- snlrli. h.v. . beneath the olive hranrh r - Ing to a compromise ordinance Introduced t meeung ot me city council. This measure provide that , mediums. lulr voyants and other of similar activities nan oe assessed SJO a year as license fee. except that the fee shall not be Imposed In case where certificate are Issued from organizations operating under a charter of this or some other state. MRS. SCHLESINGER OVERCOME BY SON'S DEATH Mrs. Dorlln Schleslnger. mother ot laa. dor Schleslnger. whose funeral yesterday, wsa stricken with apoplexy neanesaay even In a- at the horn r h.- danghter. Mrs. Charles Ttosewater. The stroke waa brought on bv tha ahmlr in cident to the death of her on. Her condition I reported a very low. Mrs. Schleslnger ha made her Rm wiit, daughter and Dr. Roeewater for many years. 4 A Strength, Flesh and Body Builder For Spring m5J0Jr"i W"drwirh repi mt ea T to Twenty renadg of Jgsalthy risen. , Peopl how tendency to lose tWet ? SB,HL. -Th.?. '""!" othr e&aona hr fienh and weight at weather and instead Is used to furnish heat for the body. Then most of ua ac. quire coughs, colds or the grippe which tear down flesh, lower vitality, cause a considerablQ loss In weight and leave us In a rundown condition in tha mHn. Any material loss of weight should be regarded with alarm and prompt meas ure taken to retrain the lost fleh. A splendid body builder nd flesh producer Is found In a preparation known na flar gol which can be found at druggists everywhere and which seldom nils to give the user a weight increase, of from ten to twenty pounds within a few weeks. vi iibu iiisK-i iienn. ll I a small tablet which readily dissolves m iwniwui .mi, .nixing; wiin me ISIS sugars and starches of the food you eat Into a form where the blood can easily ku-msiv uiRinuuiQ mem inrouff noiit the body, it ia really amaslng how quick ly and easily lost flesh and weight return U'V n U 1 . .. . . I . i " i.o , b.ji ,0 u?u nun your nienis. With returning normal weight comes too v.. icriviiuinB ivluiii vi iii-miin. spirits, ambition and vitality and you soon fesl jvnr rn nNn, rnurmin tv McDon nell drug store, Omaha and leading drug gist everywhere sell and recommend Kar- fii ana every pat-Kane contain a guar antee of weight Incrnaae or money back. CAUTION While Pargol Is also widely uaed for overcoming nervous dvspepnla and general stomach trouble its action In Increasing weight is so practically cer tain that lis use Is not recommended to those who are not willing to put on ten or more pound of flesh. Advertisement. The Enger Light Six shines upon the automo bile world in easy, confident supremacy. It sheds rays of comfort, service and satisfaction unsurpassed by any other luminary. Weighs only 2865 pounds, 125-in. wheel base; price 91495. One wonders how such a car can be made for the price. Here is an automobile you would love to own, to be proud of, to depend upon well, come and pass your own judgment. The motor is a Continental 6-N, noted for its silence, power and efficiency, DISTRIBUTORS WANTED in states west of the Mississippi. ' Our proposition is most liberal, complete and attractive to the right people THlTroSHIER-ENGER COMPANY General Western Distributors. Omaha, Nebraska. WEIGHT 2665 Los. GREATER OMAHA'S SCHOOLPROBLEMS Increased Expenses Must Be Pro vided For Under the Consolida tion with Suburbs. TEACHERS TO GET MORE PAY The public school feature of Greater Omaha rtsens to tha mem bers of the Hoard of Kduratlon a financial situation which will soon be given serious cooslderntlou. Al though It may be premature, some of tho members already are discussing this phase of the prospective enlarged school district. A bill ha been Introduced at Mnroln raising the maximum school levy from JO to mills for this district. Effort are now bring made to put this measure through. This year's school levy waa 30 mill. It I estimated that when the teachers ef Houth Omaha. Dundee and Klorrn.'e shall have been brought Into this Juris diction there will be an Immediate In gT s- K"uZ I LIMP 1 ''nii! Mil . til i V. ii - i TV I., ill, ' . HHMillillllillll llUl'lll'"- Henry Rohlff Company, s 1 &K,Jt$&li teroSs?Ja5- BPS a ft -k m ss a a, If tmm 'ENGER SIX crease of about St.i'OO a month by reasnn of plating the salaries of the annexed teachers en the anme baels of the present Omaha school system. 1 his would not be effective until the beginning: of ie hool next September, but II would Increase this year's deficit, and tb problem Is to meet this Increased deficit next year. In adillllon to this I m resiied salnry budnct there will be needed about 115.(0 to com ply with a new law requiring that all m hool buildings of to stories or morn be equipped with fire escspes. H Is further sntlrlnted that tlii South Fruit Laxative For Sick Child Give "California Syrup of Figs" Kvery mother realises that this is the children's Ideal laxative and physic, be cause Ihey love lis pleasant taste and It never falls lo effect a thorough "In side cleansing" without griping. When jour child Is cross, Irritable, feverish, or breath la bsd. stomach sour, look at the tongue, mother! If coated, give a teaspoonful of "California Bvrup of riis." and In a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, sour bile and undigested food passes out ot the bowels and you have a well, playful child again. Whan Its tittle system Is full of cold, throat sore, lis stomach ache, diarrhoea. Mty 10, 1840: HENRY CLAY. We learn from the Richmond Compiler that Mr. Clay has been invited by the citizens of Hanover, Vs., his native county, to partake of a dinner at the court house, and that he has accepted. 1840-1915 Seventy five years ago, when Henry Clay was a national fig ure, the Lcmp brewery was started the oldest in America with a national patronage. 1 The finest beer qualities developed by each of three generations of master brewers arc embodied in the supreme beer of Lemps 75 year ex perience with a flavor too good to foretell. Kflfe4. Bread sad bsarar mad ef tha ssnie mstarisis: oereals. yeast and water. Bread ' is unlldbeer is liquid both ar bit hi oeorlshiBg. Fbrslelans prescribe beer to pronnee cssrf , - build tisau and strsogtaca Bsrvs. Wood br is st elixir ot lit. Distributor, 2567-69 Leavenworth St, Omaha, Neb. Telephone: Doug-. 876 ' dhtl Six-BO-' cy i All V Omaha schools will require confederate Improvement. BODY OF MRS. JULIA HAYES IS TAKEN TO IM0GENE, IA.. ! A coroner's Jury returned a verdict of j aulrldr Thursday morning gf;er deltb- erst ing on the death of Mrs. Julia Hay,' sed ;H yesrs, who Jumped from a fourth-' j story I'axton hotel window Wednesdsy. 1 I The body wn taken by relatives to the's home st Imogens, la., where I funeral services will be held Friday. Indigestion, colic remember a good liver and bowel cleaning should always be the first treatment given. Millions of mothers keep "California Syrup of Figs" handy; they know a teaspoonful today saves a sick child to morrow. Directions for babies, children of all ages and grown-up are plainly on each bottle. Ask your druggist for a So cent bottle of "California Syrup ot Figs." 1 Beware of counterfeits sold here. Get the genuine, made by "California Fig- Pyrun Company," . Refuse any other fig ayrup with contempt. Advertisement, of tf0 trewni mrt Here is the best car in the world s for the money- birring none.- 1 9fc&AuAs y . Price 1 4-95