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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1915)
Iwaw-' THE MAI: OMAHA. I'KJDAV, A PHIL SIFTERS OF HOUSE ARE GIVEN A JOLT Farmers of Lower Body Get To gether and Rush Measure to Pro Tide Rural Credits. ANOTHER MEASURE IS LIFTED LAND STURM TROOPS' WINTER QUARTERS The photograph, taken in northern Po land, shows how the kaiser's troops housed themselves during the rigorous Russian winter. IN-" r (From a Staff CorTnixindcnt.) LINCOLN. April 1. Fpecial.)-The eifl Ins; commit tw of th house averrufed today for the first tliw when the house j ' advanced to the slftinff file, over Its had. the rural rredlt bank bill, house roll No. 1 K2, whrh Is backed by the Farmers' i union. The motion to do thla was offered 1 by Mr. Dau, hlmnolf a mombrr of th" sifting committee, who had trie.! In vain to art favorable action upon It. Blxty Oiree vote wr re cast In favor of the mo tion and twenty-three against It. Complaint waa mada by tha bill' friends that tha fsrmera In the house, of whom . ther are forty, had not txn given enotiifh representation on the alftlna; committer. Eleven of the fifteen member of that committee are lawyers, merchants or i banker, and only one of tha entire fif teen resides on a farm, Another Hill Raided. Another rebuke was administered to the sitting committee fcy the . adoption of a motion to Mine "ttcniM roll Ho.-iM, by Andersen (Doyd), memorlaUilnK congress for a constitutional amendment for the election of president and. vice president by fl'eef vnt. It rarrled by 7 to 43. Thla ended the business of Jumping bills over tha atftlnir eommlttee'a head. Ani other- attempt of that kind wa made by Messrs. OsXerman and Cronln, who wanted their bill providing- a new system of taxing th Pullman Car company resurrected. A roll call on tha motion re sulted to . Mr. Barrett also tried, unsuccessfully, to raise his minimum wage commission hill housa roll No. lit, and another mo tion to place .house roll No. 298 on the sifting file ws likewise lost. After failing to get favorable action on tha Pullman bill, Mr., Cronin moved that all bills on the sifting file which wero In troduced by member of the sifting com mittee should b indefinitely postponed. This called forth acme spirited remarks, the notion waa lost, 10 to 88. PROPOSED CONSOLIDATION . BILLS KILLED IN SENATE (Prom a Waff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. April 1 (Special.) Tha sen ae went on tha war-path this morning, killing Important lower house measures. The Ull killed wora tha proposed con solidations of. the flra commission with the labor eatnmlsBlon and the hofel com mission with th food oommlaslon, and the bill for a supreme court elected by district. , Tha two office consolldstlon bills wera killed on tha unfavorable report of the standing committee by a vrva voc vote. Not a alngle voice w raised In their behalf and their death waa but the af fair of a moment. Th bill war orig inally Introduced by th finance commit toe of the house, of which Norton la chairman. They wer housa roll No. to and 8T4. MANY BILLS ARE KILLED WHEN TIME. LIMIT COMES From a Halt Correspondent ) ' LINCOLN. April I (Speclal.)-In th slaughter of bill In the senate because the tin ellmlt had expired there went down to death Dodge short ballot bill providing for election of the governor and lieutenant governor and the appointment vt the rest of the state officers by the governor. Aonlher bill by Todge failed, No. Vt, providing for an employment bureau; al"0 No. H for a correction farm. Also No. 117, tiy Qulnby. prescxlhlng rate on electricity by public utilities, and Deals' agricul tural acUvtUsa bill. Th Be Want Ad Are Best Business Booster. ' " 1 Coaatr Natea. BEATRICE, Neb.. April 1. (SclU About m hemd of horse wer sold at 'wymora Wednesday, soma et which will h r.wr4 to ruropa to ba used tn th war. Tha sal amounted to flO.OM and horse aeld a Mich aa lira) and X. Thr was spirited bidding throughout ith day and th auctioneer had little troubl lit disposing tit tha stock at good price. Oliver Malatead 'nS Mary Drollery, fcoth of thl city, war married Wednes day afternoon by Jadg , Walden. "Tiz"-ra Joy to . Sore; Tired. Feet "TIZ" for aching, burning, puf fed-up feet, and corns or callouses. "! TEE Am kalp era fi- ?. a . bb J i fv) mi t" ; I "riMIWI III III I il liylWBa.fLg;JVXiayz1 NO NEW LIBRARY STRUCTURE Home Finance Committee Alto Pott ponei Ueature for Hittorical Society Building". LITTLE CHANCE OF ITS PASSAGE (Prom a Ptaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, April 1. (Spoclal.)-Any ac tion by the present legislature to provide for a new building In which tha supreme court,- statn library and state historical society may be adequately housed was rendered Improbabla by. the filing of a report by the finance committee of the house today, Indefinitely poetponlng houaa roll (AO. the hill providing for a levy' of 4 mill for two year to create a fund for that purpose. An attempt will probably be made to reverse this a(ln and bring the bill out upon th floor, but It appear to be fore doomed to failure. Th finance committee also recom mended for Indefinite postponement the Lanlgan bill, huus roll M6, appropriating th sum of tt2T.,oOO to erect a state library building on ground ' west of th capltol war. SENATOR GRACE FALLS FOR APRIL FIRST JOKE (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, April l.(Speclal.)-enator Jack Orac fell th victim of an April fool joke in the senate thl morning. Grace was an ardent antl-annexatlonlst and beloved accordingly by all th an nexed territory. When a page told him- thot'Boulh Omaha wanted him on th telephone h almost '"ran", to answer tha call. He found no one on tha wire and came back only to be greeted by roar of laughter let loots by his follow senator at hit crest-fallen expression. Legislative . Proceedings Good bye sore feet, burning feet, swol len feet, smelling feet, tired feet. GtKKi-bya corns, callouses, bunion and aw spota No mora rUoe tightness, no iiioi Uniting with puln or drawing up your face in agony. "TIZ" la mak-al. acta right off. 'TIZ" draws out all the linonou exudations which puff ua the feet. "TIZ "mid wear smaller shoes. I'sa TIZ" and furgut your foot misery. Get a S cent - box of "TIZ" now at uiy druggist or dc-rartmeot store. Don't suffer. Jlav good feet, glad feet, feet that aever swell, never burt, never get tired. A year's tout comfort guaranteed 'it money refunded flake Teething Easy for Eaby use I. .j ; if S wCi-k.2 'jP A CPLENDSD nCCULATOFl t'jr.aY VCETa;le-k3T cot Mllla i'uM-d by the . ' 8. F. 214. Bplik of Kallne Providing for ascertaining the amount of freight due on rarloala at dektlnation and e.nalty tor collecting mora than amount due. II. H. 174. Matleson and ltostettler Provides for 'the acrptanoo of endow ments by cemetery saauciatlona. H. 11. AH. t'aroe ana rauerson menus ure food law so a to Include Imitation fllicB and preaerves among the foods vihoM Inrtdle4it must be Dranieo. ' ii. K. Su6, Latoa and t'atteraon Amends weights and measures law so aa to 'dl vtd state Into six district for purposes of Inspection. "... 11. H. Relsner of Thoroa Adopt th ltxon and All survey for disputed school land In Urant sna tiooner coun ties. ii R. tat. Iincaster County r4ege- tion-Makea more specific the power of the Lincoln city oouactt to compel prop, erty owner to corniest up with aamlary ea-r. , tl. H. lt. Incater County Delegation Hiniioweis city coun II to pave within l.Ui feet of the city hall on per cent petition, ' If. R. 4CS. Estcs of Cheyenne ProvMes new apportionment of school on partbil basis of territory insiean oi rni-reir on st hool census, aiding , thinly populated Western dletrteta ii K. -JUS. Hunter Provides .for .audit of Omaha Water board accounta by state auditor. - 11. -R. ). ln-aalr iieiegaiion-r.m-powers Lincoln city council to sell un used nubllo property worth laaa than lio.ou at public auetton. II. ft. 4il. Lancaster Delegation Km powers Hoard of Control of state Insti tutions to slirn for paving. II. K. 1N3. Khermaii Judaea and clerks of election to receive ceuta an hour as long as they morn. Killed by tha Irsatt ('owaalttea at tha Whole. II. R. lannlsan of Oreeley Pro- Vltlea for elertkon of supreme court Jue lice by districts, except th chief jus tice, who is to be elected at large. H. r. l"Oi oy tosi or i'uuias vouiiit Delegation A bill fur the em-ouraaement of the building of Interurban railroads, amending tha atovks and bolide act. Killed by Ifsil Third Heaala. U.K. 144, Iafo and Johnson Relates to division fence. ... Killed by llvaae la tomsalttea af the Wkale. M. R. M3. Anderson of Hoyd-Provhllng thsl eeement should b eQUMlise.1 firot hv praelnct and township boarda and afterward by county boarda. ' HttnsitB4'4 ta Pass by Haase ('asatltlea at M kale. H. K. L'4-Prohlliltlng private srhool from selling notes uen for advance pay. meiit of filUoll. until two week alter students have entered hool. 8. K. AlloM first -class title to Issue auilltorlurn bonds. a K. 2t fixing salarlaa of officer In cities of the class of Alliance. H. K. 14 Providing that gfaduatea of the pharmaiy cuiiran at tha state univer sity ktiall be entitled to cert Kit ales with out examination by atate buard. II. K. t'erniltttiiK lui'ster and IkiuirUa counties to maintain fiscal agen cies ia New York. (Irrfari Osssaltlea Kasaed. btaker Jackson appointed Maasra Ncgley. Kriea and Staarna aa a confer eace cunmntieo on senate file No. t, th Omaha lighting MIL Farmers Getting Behind Insurance Bill in Legislature (From a'Htaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. . April 1. (Rpeclal.) As an Indication that senate, file 47, the anti Insurance compact bill, I meeting with approval In other place thin the large cities, J. W. Phorthlll. state v:cretary of tha Fatmers Elevator and Livo Stock s.ioclatlon of Hampton, h(r given lili endorsement of tho meajttiro and along with It give some reaaonn why the bill should become a law, showing the rates In fore and tha Injustice of the present system. He ssy line elevators get rates of tl on grain and II -S on buildings and even less while farmer' elevator and private concern pay In some Instances a high a 13. Barrett's Minimum WageBill Killed (From a Staff Correspondent.) LTNCOLN. April 1. (Special.) House roll 134, th aBarrett minimum wag bill Waa killed today, tha vota atamllnar M ynaa, to 63 nay. All of th Douglaa county aeiegauon voted for the bill except Hunter, while Lundgren and ralmer wer absent Mr. Barrett exhibited a letter written by Lout D. Brandela of Boston, which stated that he thought that No. 134 wa far preferable to No. 27, th Howard bill, which wa also killed. SENATE PASSES BILL -l ' f AFFECTING LANDSURVEY LINCOLN. April l.-(Spec!al Telegram.) The senate abandoned It usual practice of reservlna Thursday sftor jmltte meeting entirely, long enough to par lx bill on third reading. The only very Important measure wa H. R. 258. adopting tha line of the Dixon eurvey In th achool land dispute In Grant and Hooker counties. It I expected that the constitutionality of tha law will be as sailed la th courts, on th ground that ao school land may be given away. t THURSTON DELIVERS ADDRESS TO LEGISLATURE (Trom a Btaff Correspondent. ) LINCOLN. April l.-(Speolal.)-John M. Thurston-visited th atat house this aft. ernoon and on motion of Richmond of Douglas was tnvlted to talk to the house. Mr. Thurston talked only a few minute. ui.-i7 wa.jr ion ioui ii seamea goua to get i back to Nebraska. I SCOTT GETS ALL COMING Hamilton County Member on Deck at Salary Time," in Spite of Hit Absence.. GREAT APPROPRIATION FIGHTEB (From a Staff 'Correspondent.) . LINCOLN. Arril 1. (Special.) Al though a pcfslstcrlt objector to paying overtime for employes of the housa and fighting nearly every bill that carried an appropriation. Representative Scott of Hamilton county has drawn full pay for the entire session, drawing his last warrant today, which Includes also mile age, notwithstanding Mr. Scott has been absent thirty-nine days of the session, beginning with th estxth legislative day, when he was called home on account of an accident to his son. On the seventeenth and eighteenth leg islative day he returned, but wa again absent on account of sickness until th forty-sixth legislative day, when he re turned and ha been present aver since. At 110 per day, this would mean that Mr. Scott has drawn IW from th estate treasurer of tha "taspayar' money" wolthout giving compensation therefor. HOST OF MEASURES GO . BY THE BOARD IN SENATE (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, ' April l.-(8peclal.)-All sen. at bill not on the sifting file thla morn ing In th senate died. Among the larva number of bills that thti cam to an end wa the agricultural activities MIL Other bills 'that are no mora Include practically all the : constitutional amend- ntents. This may be an Indication that the senate Intend to paa H. R. No. L which Ik still alive, providing for a con stitutional convention. Other dead bills Include Dodge's work farm measure, Bandall'a chattel loan bill. Dodge's city planning bill. Klechel' small debtor' court bill, Weesner" labor bill and Dodge' employment bureau bill. FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS TO REIMBURSE CATTLE MEN (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN. April 1. (SpeclaL)-F1fty thousand dollar Is th amount recom mended by tha special joint committee of tha legislature appointed to confer with Governor Morehead, which ahould ba ap ptoprlated to reimburse owner of cattle that may bo killed by by the atato veter inarian's order on. account of foot and mouth disease. A bill carrying thl ap propriation will be introduced at once. VILLA. FLIERSSHELL CITY Aeroplanet Plan to Drop Bombs on Border City of Hata moral. OLTMPIA SINT TO VEHA CRUZ BROWNSVILLE, Tx April l.-Ths probability of a bomb dropping attack by four aeroplanes on Mats moras was fore casted today by II. M. Rlnehart of Day ton. O., aa American, who flew a Villa biplane last night to Las Rucias, four miles from Matamoras. and headquarters of Villa forces now surrounding Matamoras. Rlnehart flew In from Reynosa. about sixty-five miles west of Matamoras. He said he was informed that three other aeroplanes were to leave Monterey, pos sibly today, for Matamoras. L'nder favor able weather conditions, the air trip from Monterey could b mad in three or four hour. The official observer who rode with Rlnehart said several cars loaded with artillery wer stopped soma distance from Matamoras by torn up track. Asree tn Keep Itallraad Oaea. WASHINGTON. April 1. The Vllla-Za- pata force have agreed to the proposal of th United State for neutralisation of passenger train between Mexico City and Vera Crux. ' Word still I awaited from General Carranze, who received representation from th American gov ernment on th subject nearly a month ago. Even with th consent of Carransa, however, official reports Indicate that travel will ba fcasordous because of numerous guerilla bands operating be tween Mexico City and the coast. The bands, composed of many former federals who served under Huerta, have been harassing Carransa' line, requiring an extension of tha outposts surrounding Vera Crux and It entrenchments. - Tha food situation in Mexico City con tinues bad. Latest reports, however, In dicate that tha danger of another evacua tion by the Zapata forces has passed. The friction between Roqu Oonsale Gars a, temporary executive ' In Mexico City, and PaJafox and other Zapata lead er, ha been smoothed over. For a time some of the Zapata leader wer In favor of abandoning th capital, but, according to official reports, Oarsa's views pre vailed and harmony wa restored. Villa force, recently . repulsed near Matamoras, are preparing to renew their attack wtth artillery reinforcement. Villa troop have Invested Mantanlllo and' Maxatlan. held by Carranxa gar rison. ' Olyaspla Ordered to Vera Cras. Th erulr Olympic at Key Wnt, Fla.. today Was ordered to Vera Cm to join tha vessel under Rear Admiral Caper ton's command. ' General Carraaxa today cabled , hi agnncy bar as follows: "Tampteo has been reinforced and 1 am ending more troop to that city. AH Tuna tan la In our possession and under pur. control with the railroads In opera tion. General Alvaredo la giving all kind of guarantee. General Dleguaa U ad vancing steadily from Guadalajara. Gen eral Callea' troop yesterday near Ague Prist defeated 0t Maytorenlstaa. In Guerrero our troops hav defeated th Zapatista in several engagement fought In th territory controlled by our army. All foreigner within our territory have all kind of guarantsei."" - Urges Britain Take Al the Coal Mines LONDON. April L The- committee ap pointed by the Board of Trade to Inquire Into th cause for th rlea in the retail price of -coal for . domestic - use, recom mends, in Its report, that ICthe price do not return shortly to reasonable level th government hocld consider plan for assuming control of the -output, of the colllerle during th oontinuano of th wr. Reavis Will f peak at II mease. SYRACUSE, Neb., April 1. (Special.) Thai Modern Woodmen lodg her will hav charge of tb July 4 celebration her thla year. A committee on arrangements ha been selected, of which Dr. Thomson Is sec rotary. Hon. Frank C. Reavi of Fall City will ba . speaker of th day. All nearby town will b asked to Join with Syracuse, especially tha Woodmen. sasaer i aasplalat Tared. Dr.-King's New LUo Fill will rid th system of fermenting food and polyuria, kep stomach and liver healthy. Ba All druggists. Advertisement ' ' h ' - ' savns an ' as . a n i naarja'A -i wcirayasjurn' 1 1 JJ ' jsj .my. jf rn rr )) jasn s i ywww -aa. -ii i ai nais n in ii t ir i j. ..... .f -rt(l , i i sji m nf i a'i lima iit isi-f - t ii'ai vaar sa ial i ijiiiiiiSi Sr ," ( -III v r At v mm ti igfl,i.f a Mr Ell sa sm. I V a rmv I '"' "1 II I ' f .l!ww m y v JM, w a 9 s a . sa aa w r v - bT -r. Golden Fruifc That Brings He&Itn to Wliole Famtliei Now is tkt time to Bee that oranges art daily food ia every home. They purify the blood have a cooling effect and contain Just the right amount of ffmit acid to keep the digestion in perfect condition. This, of all seasons, is the season when oranges do the utmost good. Have them bandy, where the family can get them between meals. Urge the eating of oranges in this way. Serve Eat them at every meal, them at bedtime. This is the fruit of which children con eat mil tkey wnt with only good effects. California Seedless Sonkist anges are Juiciest, sweetest, tenderest and most delicious NOW. All homes can afford them. Prices are low. Don't go without them through merely forgetting to order. Send tb coupon today for fro book deaerib lag scores of deiigtatful way to aarv . - 7 California .1 ni f jrs eft fl . litn mi rtrn 4ri.iir 1,...- t: Jf... r.M.r. wzt Use SunList Lemons also juicy, Urt, praxtkally () seedleaa the finest tha world ad fords 7 f CafiforaJa Fred t Crow era jJr , t irkaaga T 13S H. ClaHk Straet jaT CHICAGO Jr Wall as this eoupoa aad wewulsasdyoaoarcampii. At bisuit nli aowa. show- lag scotm Of wars la as Sna- kix Oraas aad Lanaaa. Vn wta alaa raosiva our luusCrawd J prawhiss book, wblch tells o bow AT to trad bonkut wrapvars lar basud fte toi labia allvw. Jast sa4 tkis coaaoa. Vai iBj . ' 1 tlUYUARD AND ii .1 GLXTCCNTM jQTTlCCTSi isaa "..a c A Showing of Easter Millinery Exhibiting the Very Latest Modes We vvill place on display Friday morning the most interesting collection of Fine Millinery shown in Omaha this season. , Thompson-Belden Models for this Spring have an exceedingly smart appearance the sort of hats that are always in good taste. An Unusually Large Selection $8.75, $10 $12.50 up to $75 Easter Hats for Girls $2.95, $3.95, $5 and $6.75 A surprisingly large number of pretty styles are to be found in this assortment. And still more surprising' are the good values to be had at these remarkably low prices. There are Tiats for the tiny tots and bats for older gtrla every one of theru dainty and attractive. -' SQRQSIS SHOES ON ircrpRMB - rL . rmnrra ctmco " - jx i. m r. m. BC&SlStS SHOES fiate Howfir $ l - - 9 fru Tmmt)U.T CLAOwrtMa, out &0BSIS1S (matter rr World Motor Bike Free A picture of the blcycla wUI be ta The B every day. , Cut them all out and ask yonr friends to save the pictures La their paper for you, too. See how many picture you tan get and bring them to The Bee office, Saturday, April 10. ' The bicycle will be given Free to the boy or girl that sends us the most pictures before 4 p. m., Saturday, April 10. . Subscribers can help the chil dren in the contest by asking for picture certificates when they pay their subscription. We give a certificate good for 100 pictures for every dollar paid. Own your own home. You can purchase one on easy monthly payment like rent. Read the real estate columns.