Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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Hffusei to Order Joint Session to
Endorse What Has Been Done
by "Wilson.
fFram a Staff Correspondent.)
MNCOI.N. March it. - (?pit.)-A
democratic legislature voting; down an
amendment IntroducteJ for the purpose
of endorsing the administration of a
democratic president, was the spectacle
this morning In the Nebraska senate,
when Qulnby of Douglas sent up a. reso
lution ask Inn for a joint session of the
legislature to take action commending
President Wilson and his administration.
The vote was taken wlva voce. Only
three or four votes were cast for It, while
six or elrht very Inaudible "noes" were
registered against, the resolution and It
wae declared defeated by a democratic
lieutenant governor. .
That democrats are getting demoralised
u further evidenced during the session,
when after the mention of the chairman
of the democratic state committee, Sen
ator Robertson wanted to know who the
democratic chairman was. Senator Rob
ertson afterwards explained that he
knew, but wanted to find out If snybody
else did.
Roads Mast Erect Signs and Autos
Mnst Come to Fall
Head of British Branch of Family,
One of Greair Bankers of World,
Meets Death.
COLUMBUS. Neb., March 31 (Special
Telegram.) Two nundred members and
business men of the city participated In
the annual Columbus Commercial club
banquet held at the Maennerchor hall
last evening. Mayor Rotllnter was toast
master. Carl Rhode made a full report of the
last two Platte county fairs, telling of
their success.
Edgar Howard responded to the toast,
"Next on the Program," speaking on the
proposition made by C. H. Sheldon, who
offered to give $60,000 for the erection of
hospital, provided tha citizens of Colum
bus donate a like sum.
O. W. Phillips responded to the toast,
"Does Columbus need a Commercial
club." Henry Ragats, C. H. Sheldon,
John Gibbon and C. W. Hollingshsad re
sponded to Impromptu speeches. The
ladles of the Young Women's Christian
association served the banquet. x
The following officers were elected:
Karl Kramer, president; Mark Rathburn,
vice president; A. R. Miller, treasurer;
Charles I Dickey, secretary; directors
elected, Q. FrUchols, Otto Frischols, Otto
Kumftier. L. H. Leavy, Walter Bocttcher,
A. M. Gray, E. H. Nauman. H. W. Abes
and O. W. Phillips.
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., March 31.
( Special Telegram.) N. S. Harding, who
came to. Nebraska. City In 1855, died at
his horn hers tonight In his eighty-fifth
year. .
Mr, Harding wrote the first insurance
policy aver Issued in the state of Ne
braska. " ''' " . ' ' "
Surviving are six children, Mrs. C. 8.
Naeh Of 8t. Louis, Mrs. W. D.4 Hill of
Peatrlce. Mrs. W, N. Bckker of San
Francisco and Misses Grace and Mary
Harding and Willard Harding . of Ne
braska City. Mr. Harding was a member
of the board of trustees that built the
Nebraska Institute for the Blind. The
funeral will be held Thursday afternoon
I Notea from Beatrice.
BEA TRICK, Neb., March 31. (Special.)
The residence of Mrs. Robert Postel on
South Eleventh street was partially de
ktroyed by fire ' Tuesday night at 10
iclock-from an unknown cause. Mrs.
J'ostl hs boeu visiting in the country
the last few days and no one was at
home when the fire broke out. Tli loss
will amount to about $300, partially cov
ered by Insurance.
Mrs. William Schramm, a pioneer resi
dent of the Ctutonla vicinity, died Sun
' day at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
C. F. Kruse, who resides near that place.
She was W years of age and leaves four
daughters and two sons.
Captain C. Otho. Sears of Company C,"
this city,' Tuesday received a letter from
Adjutant General Hall stating that the
company had won the $50 prise offered
by the adjutant for the, company having
the largest attendance at the annual in
spection recently held. The second prise
vent to Company A of Lincoln.
E. J. Calhoun of Grand Island and Miss
Olga Stauf of Marysville, Kan-, wero
married Tuesday by Rev. - Mr Patterson
of the Presbyterian church.
i From a Ptaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, March SI. (Special.) Instead
of a simple enactment requiring automo
bile drivers to come to a full stop be
fore crossing a railroad track, the Wood
hurst bill on that subject, house roll R4,
mny be transformed Into a wholly dif
ferent measure, placing upon the rail
road companies the duty of erecting
signs to ' announce dangerous crossings.
and limiting the stoppage rule only to.
such crossings.
This bill was pulled off the third read
ing calendar in th ehouse Wednesday
forenoon and referred back to the com
mittee of the whole tor a specific
amendment moved by Messrs. Anderson
(Boyd) and Osterman. The amendment
Is a complete redraft of the bill.
Ntmlai Dangerous Plnrea.
Section I of the amended bill provides
that the county board shall specify what
crossings outside of municipalities are
dangerous to public travel by reason of
natural or artificial obstructions cutting
off the view of tracks from public hlnh
ways. The board Is to notify the rail
road company that such crossings are
dangerous, and the company must within
sixty days thereafter erect large signs
printed in red letters on a white back
ground. lcgllleat a distance of 300 feet,
containing this Inscription: -
"Crossing dangerous. Automobiles stop.
By order of tho county beard "
Power Given Cities.
Similar provision Is made empowering
city count Us and village trustees to de
termine what crossings are dangerous
and notify the railroad company, which
must furnish signs at these crossings.
The bill further provides that any auto
mobiilnt. when approaching a railroad
crossing, shall bring his vehicle to a full
stop at least fifteen feet from the track.
A penalty of $5 fine for each offense,
whether by the railroad company or by
the automobile driver, la included. No
one but an employe of the railroad com
pany can bring a complaint against an
automobile driver for violating the act
House Agrees to
Larger Fund for
State Normal Work
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nib., March a. (Special
Telegram) The houko this morning re
ceded from Its action In the Normal
school appropriation, which was raised
by the senate from $300,000 to $722,000 and
agreed to the raise by a vote of ff7 to 31.
It also agreed to the bulk appropriation
method leaving to the Normal board to
divide the fund among the four schools.
Varsity "tndents Entertain Seward.
SEWARD, Neb., March 81. (Special.)
Seward people are having a week of much
interest and pleasure by reason of five
entertainments being given by different
organisations from the state university.
The series was opened by the university
band, which delighted a very large audi
ence. Next was a leltuo by Prof. Eaves,
Illustrated by a number of fine views.
The evening was devoted to tho play
ground Interests of school children and
was of much .Interest and Instruction.
Monday evening the dramatic club of the
university played "The Man from
Home," to an audience that filled to
capacity the Young Men's Christian as?
soclatlon auditorium. The company con
sists of' twelve university students,
coached by Prof. H. Alice Howell of tho
department of dramatic art.
LONDON. March SI. -Lord Rothschild,
head of the English branch of the Roth
schild family, died In London today.
Baron Rothschild was operated upon
last Ssturday In sn acute case of hernia.
For a time It seemed that his recovery
waa assured, but age and worry Incident
to the war caused, a relapse. It probably
will be found that the affairs of the
financier were so arranged that his death
will cause little If any disturbance to
the money markets.
Born la 140.
Nathaniel Mayer Rothschild, flist Baron
Rothschild, was horn November . 1M0.
eldest son of the late llaron Lionel
Nathan De Rothschild, and was created
an English peer In 1W. He was the head
of the London bsnklng firm of N. M.
i Rothschild & Sons, and he was the head
of the British branch of this well known
family of International bankers.
Baron Rothschild was widely known
for his great wealth and his philanthropic
labors. He had JL handsome house In
Piccadilly, and a country seat at Tflng
Park. Herta. His Collection of art works
Is very well known. Baron Rothschild
was the first member of the Jewish faith
ever elected to the British Parliament,
where he represented Aylesbury from 18&
to 1SSJ, the year hs was made a peer. He
was educated In England and he mar
ried Emma, daughter of Baron Charles
De Rothschild, of Frankfort.
Indergoea Operation.
Baron Rothschild underwent a serious
operation in London March 27. Im
mediately following this his condition was
reported as satisfactory and the bulletins
Issued the following day and on March
2 said hia condition was improving.
It wss the grandfather of Baron Roth
schild, who also bore the name of
Nathan, who founded the English branch
of the famous house, and who made
some of his greatest deals In finance as a
result of the battle of Waterloo. Nathan
Rothsrhlld himself rode a horse to the
battlefield, and as soon as he saw the
rout of the French begin he spurred his
steed to Brussels, took -carriage to Ostcnd,
crossed the channel in a rowboat, and
some time before the news of the victory
was generally known, he .optimistically
bought virtually everything in sight.
While It Is unknown Just what portion
of the Rothschild fortune was In the pos
session of the member who died today,
the total Rothschild wealth has been es
timated often 'as high as $2,009,000,000.
Tha Rothschild wealth sprung from the
fact that at the beginning of tho revo
lution in America tho English hired the
fcrces offered by the landgrave of Hesse
Csssel for $10,000,000, and that ths land
grave entrusted i this money to- a poor
shopkeeper. Maler Amschel. who had
gained tha landgrave's confidence through
his skill at chess. Amschel, to distinguish
his house from others on the narrow
street In which he lived In Frankfort,
placed a red shield on the door, which
gave rise to the name Rothschild.
Carriers of East Earn Less Than
Those Doing- Business Ont
This Way.
CHICAGO, March $1. Instead of grow
ing poorer the western railroads are
actually earning more than the eastern
lines, according to Wayne O. Ellis, statis
tician of the Iowa Railroad commission,
who testified today at the Interstate
Commerce commission hearing on the re
quest of forty-one railroads for Increased
freight rates.
Mr. Ellla Introduced figures Intended
to show that the' eastern railroads were
earning an average of 4 per cent on their
Investment, while t'ie western roads were
earning 7 per cent. He enumerated roads
In Iowa, Nebraska. North Dakota. South
Dakota and Minnesota, which, he said,
wero earning from to 16 per cent, and
asserted these roads carried the bulk of
the tonnago which would be benefited
by the proposed advance.
"All tho roads In this territory," he
said, "were able to pay their operating
expenses, taxes, Interest on bonds and
debts, dividends on preferred stock and
had enough left in 1914 to equal 8.7 per
cent on their stock outstanding In the
hands of the public. In lfflft they earned
10.6S per cent on the common stock."
Witness explained that hia averages
were obtained by Including the non
dividend paying roads with those re
garded as prosperous.
Cross-examined by C. C. Wright, coun
sel for the railroads, Mr. Ellis said he
had made no personal Investigation and
had acted merely In the capacity of a
clerk in making computations from re
rorts. Mr. Ellis said. In calculating the net
operating income of all the western reads
involved at $2Attl,000 in 1913, he Included
leased as well as operated roads, and
took no consideration of any duplications
resulting from payments by the operating
to the leased roads.
"Your figures Include earnings from not
only rail operations, but from Investments
In other properties, d0 they not?" asked
Mr. Wright.
"Yes. sir."
"You make no allowance tor Increased
mileage that has been built In accounting
for the Increased earnings shown, or for
the fact that somo of ths mileage has
been double or triple-tracked 7"
"No. sir."
' The witness had Included the Atchison,
Tope k a & SantaFe railroad as a repre
sentative Iowa road, which helped to
show a high rate tof earnings of all the
roads in that state.
"The Santa F lv.s only 1S7 miles In
Iowa, hasn't It?" he was arted.
He replied It had t-evn a mistake to In
clude the Santa Fe
Germans Drop One
Hundred Bombs
Near Russ House
LONDON. March 31. Great activity has
been displayed in thc last few daj's by
German aviators, says a Petrograd dis
patch to the Reuter's Teiegrah company,
according to a semi-official statement,
which reads as follows:
"Fifteen eGrman aeroplanes flew over
Ostrelenka Monday, dronnins hundmi
'bombs at an isolated house, which they
apparently, mistook for Russian head
quarters. None of the bombs hit the
house and none, of the occupants were
Injured. Nesr'jedwono we brought down
an enemy aeroplane, capturing the of
ficer and mechanic."
Notes from North Platte.
NORTH PLATTE. Nob.. March 31.
(Special) The twenty-eighth annual
meeting of the Mutual Building and Loan
aasoclatlon has Just been held, at which
T. C. Patterson, Victor VonGoets and F.
T. Redmond were unanimously re-elected
directors. FolMVlng the election of tnese
directors they met snd re-elected T. C.
Patterson president, Victor VonGoetJi vice
president. Samuel Ooosee secretary snd
F. E. Bullard treasurer. The amount In
vested In the association Is nearlng the
$l.(M,0flb mark
Arrangements have been made whereby
the Union Pacific will provide and main
tain an emergency ward In the Good
Samaritan hospital In this city for tho
use of its employes. Heretofore when a
serious accident occurred to an employe
It has been necessary to take the Injured
person to Grand Island or Omaha for
Mlnden (hin'k Lifts Debt.
MINDEN, Neb., March 31-( Special.)
About five years ago the First Presbyte
liian church of Mlnden constructed a
church building at u cost of over $19 00.
of which part was at that time unpaid.
It was decided last week by the church
to make an effort to raiatt the balance
remaining unpaid, now reduced to S4.0U,
and In less than twenty-four hours the
entire amount had been paid In cah or
bankable notes.
i f old Weather Kills Bee..
I FALLS CITY. Neb.. March a.-i6pe-
cial.) Since the weather warmed up ths
beekeepers have taken the bees from win
ter quarters and find that they have suf
fered from the long cold and cluudy win
ter. It Is estimated that 73 per cent of
the bees have been killed. The lat two
seasons have been poor honey years In
John Gaasrr.
MADI80N, Neb., March 31.-Speclal.)-John
Ganser died Monday- evening at his
home, four and one-half ml las northwest
of Madison, aftur an illness of several
months with Brlght's disease. Mr. Gan
ser was born at Madison. Wis., December
15. lSf.2. He came to Msdison with his
parents In 1W9. He is survived by three
sons, William, John and Joseph, and two
daughters. Minnie and Josephine, all at
home. Funeral exercises probably will
take place at o'clock Thursday morn-
jlng at St. Leonard's church, of which de
ceased was a member.
Oberf elder-Mares.
DENVER. Colo., March SI. (Pnecial
Telegram.) The Progress club was. the
scene, this evening of a fashionable wed
ding, the contracting parties being Arthur
M. Oberfelder snd Hasel Marex of this
I city. Colonel Robert 8. Oberfelder was
jbtst man. Miss Hazel Oberfelder of Sid
ney, Neb.', maid of honor and Miss Hon
tense Well of this city bridesmaid. Two
hundred people attended the dinner and
reception. The young couple left for the
east on an extended wedding trip.
Blahon Rndolph Dab.
HARRISBL'KO. Pa., March 31-Blahop
Rudolph Dubs of tha United Evangelical
church died at bis home here today.
Bishop Dubs was born in Hesse,, Ger
many, in 1W7. He was at one time a pre
siding elder In Iowa and waa later trans
ferred to the Illinois conference, where
he waa chosen editor of the Chrtstllche
Botschbofter, ths German organ of the
Evangelical association. Hs was elected
bishop of the association In 174.
Elder J. T. MrCrarkss.
TABOR, March 31 (Special) Elder J.
T. McCracken died Monday 'evening at
his home in South Tabor after a brief
Illness with heart trouble, aged 6 veara.
He was a preacher and exhorter of ths
holiness belief and for a long time I e si
ded of Tabor. Hs leaves a widow, twe
sons and tares daJfchUrs.
E. J. McVann, manager of the trafflo
bureau of the Commercial club, has re
turned for a few days from Chicago,
where he is fighting tha shippers' end of
the battlo in tho big proposed advance
In freight rates before a special examiner
of the Interstate Commerce, commission.
Among the cases he Is working on are the
cotton piece goods case, ths coal ' case
and the stock yards and packing house
products case. Mr. McVann has been in
Chicago for several weeks on thts case,
and will return there Friday to continue
In tho work. As soon as the taking of
testimony Is completed In these esses he
will have to take tip the--stoppage In
Rockholm Thought
Coin Counterfeit,
Finds It Very Rare
Chris S. Rockholm, Eleventh and Dodge
streets. Is the fortunate possessor of a
St. Gauden $30 gold piece, a coin now so
rare that tho present value in estimated
st $50. The coin cost Mr. Rockholm
A few days ago a young man walked
into Mr. Rock holm's saloon, placed a 130
gold coin on tho bar and ordered a drink.
"You're too young," said the bar
tendesr. Ths boy admitted that hs was not of
age and added he was not so much In
terested in getting a drink as he waa in
getting the coin changed.
Mr. Rockholm was shown the coin. He
esamlned it carefully. Finding It minus
the words, "In God We Trust," hs de
clared It was a counterfeit and demanded
the boy tell where he got it Instead of
answering, the lad made a sudden leap
for tho door and succeeded in sprinting
away before he could be caught Mr.
Rockholm's next move was to report to
the nearby authorities, where ha waa In
formed that the coin was not a counter
felt, but on of the St Gauden issues re
called by President Roosevelt The coin
Ten Thousand Re?olt and Are De
feated by QoTenunent Troopi
in Big Battle.
SIMLA, India, March Sl.(Vla
London.) A revolt of 10.000 tribes
men at Tochl has resulted In a bat
tle with government troops. The
tribesmen were repulsed.
The following official statement
was Issued today: "Ten thousand
tribesmen, composed mainly of Zad
raraus, collected with a view to at
tacking Tochl, near the Mlrashah
post. Government troops under Brig
adier General Fane engaged the na
tives at dawn on the 28th, repulsing
them completely, killing 200 and
wounding S00.
"A subsequent reconnolssance
showed no trace of the band."
Mlnden Pastor Farewell.
MINDEN, Neb.. Msrch Sl.-tSpeclal.V
The Swedish Lutheran congregation at
Mlnden held a farewell reception to their
pastor, Rev. J. A. Ilolmqulst, who hss
resigned to take a new position In a
church In Minnesota. '
Bee Want Ads produce resulta
Department Orders.
WASHINGTON. March Sl.-Kpeclat
Telegram.) Nebraska penslnna granted:
Sarah Park, lied Cloud, $12.
Thomas M. Curry a pointed postmas
ter Hlilsdal. l.aramlo county, Wyoming,
vice C. R. Markley, removed.
Fred Simoiisen appointed rural letter
carrier at Avoca, la.
Station No, 1 of the Rent rice Neb.
postotfice, hps been dlscf ntlnued,
v mmm
The Law on "PIPER"
No war to eniov to
bacco so thoroughly as
to chew it and no chew
ing gives you the rich,
luscious tastiness that
"PIPER" does. A law
yer does a mighty lot of
rumination (chewing).
Go into any law library
or court and youll see
that while he ruminates
a knotty problem he
chews good old
CWwUg Tssstca Cassiasins Flarsr
It helps him to think
clearly and carefully. Try
transit ru fnr ih NiHm,.! ti .
and Vehicle association, by whom he has " lDellv,d ,0 nav b "to'en from some
neen retAined ia eittnh u r v ...... .
- t 'IVIUni1j i
cancellation of this long standing prlvll
ege In earloads of Implements.
Investors with money read the Roift
Estate ads In The Bee. Advertise your
property for a Quick sals.
Price of Export Oil Reduced.
NEW YORK, August 31. -The Standard
Oil company of New York today an
nounced a reduction of fifteen points In
tho price of refined petroleum for eiport,
making cases l'f.10 cents per gallon; tanks,
1 W cents, and StaVlard white, in barrels,
0 cents
Give Yourself
a fair chance
The thrill of health and vigor
can only be experienced when
the digestion is normal, the
liver active and the bowels
regular. Any disturbance of
these functions should sug
gest an immediate trial of
It is-a tonic, appetizer and
strength maker of well known
ability, and well help Nature
restore health and vigor to
Jhe entire digestive system.
fif) 1717 SraA toe and
W I P P. yoar tobacco
Sealer'g Bsint,
and we'll send a f ull-slis 10c
cut of "PIPER" and a hand
aoms leather pouch FREX,
anywhere In U. S. Also a
folder about "PIPES." Tha
tobacco, pooch and mailing
will cost sa 20c, which wo
will gladly spend becauso
trial will make you a
steady nser of "PIPES."
The famous Cham
pagne Flavor" gives
''PIPER" a rich smack-
ins taste that is uniquely
delicious. Made from the finest
selected tobacco leaf,
"PIPER" la tho world's hl(h
aat typo of chewing tobacco
Fara as a pure food, health
ul and satisfying.
SM br SMUrs every
where In Se and 10s
Strts sanitary, f oil
mMTJ. In nrw
ths "MTUr flavor.
Tls Aasrlssa
Tasstcs Cnsr
"Not with your kidneys, you can't."
says the Insurance Doctor, and he Is sin
cere, because the Insurance Compsny
wants you to pass.
Lite Insurance Is absolutely neces
sary to every man and woman who Vian
somebody near and dear to them who U
dnoendent on them. Tnerefore be sure of
tho condition of your kidneys and bladder
before tnn Insurance Doctor brings out
his little test bottle. If he rejects you ss
'phlcally unfit." don't wait a minute.
On to the nearest drug store and get
jtlOLU MEDAL. Haarlem' Oil Capsules,
which have been a standard remedy for
I over two hundred years, and which are
! imported direct from Holland. Be sure
'the name GOL.D ME DA t appears on the
j package, as they are the only genuine
and original. They act on the kidneys
and bladdor so that you feel better al
most at once. Action becomes regular;
color natural; sediment disappears; pain
ful and uppressd or too frequent r
sagea cease; all aa a result of taking three
of these plessanl little capsules daily for
two or three weeks.
OOL.D M If DAL Haarlem Oil Capsules
are prepared In Holland and imported
Into the United Mates only by the
Genuine Haarlem Oil Mlg. Co.. with their
American Office at 194 Water BU New
Tork- They are sold by all first-class
druggists, prices 8e. 60c snd 11.09, under
a guarantee to refund the money If they
do not help you. But you must be sum
to get GOLD MEDAL the original .and
only genuine Tilly Haarlem Oil Capsul-Advertisement.
IvveUinss &
Rub Omegra Oil g ently over the place
that hurts. Then soak a pieea of flan
nal with the Oil, lay it on the painful
part and cover with S piece of dry
flannel. This tlrapla treatment usual)
(too quick relief. Trial bottle loo.
Diogenes in
Search of
DIOGENEB: "Tell me, Oh, Citizen of the
I n I ted States, how is thin beverage
made that you call whlnkry?"
CITIZEN: "By the scientific distillation
under Government supervision of a
mash made from the choicest selected
DIOGENES: "And pray, tell me further,
Cltlceo, how Is beer made?"
CITIZEN: "By the fermentation of malt
and hops."
DIOGENES: "Then tell me. CltUen, why
doea beer occasionally make me bilious,
whereas a whiskey bigh-ball does not?"
CITIZEN: "Because all fermented prod
ucts are subject to a slight deterioration
If not properly kept. Whiskey, on the
other band, being distilled, not only
cannot deteriorate, but often aida diges
tion. This la what gives whiskey its
admitted medicinal value."
DIOGENES: "It would seem then that a,
bigh-ball is oue of the purest and most
wholesome of beverages."
CITIZEN. "Rightly reasoned. Diogenes,
and that is why whiskey, aa used la a
bigh-ball, has for a long time been
known as
' Our National Beverage
A Problem
The Average amount of whiskey
used in a high-ball la... ,
The average amount of beer
in an ordinary beer glass Is. .
To find the relative alcoholic content:
Whiskey contain
45 alcoholic con
tent per ounce:
xl oz
Beer c o n t a I ns
6 alcoholic con
tent per ounce:
ilO oz
The averago high-ball, therefore, con
tains the smaller alcoholic content of the
It follows, therefore, that a high-ball
Is the mildest of all stimulants used gen
erally by the people.
This Is the reason why American
whiskey has rightfully been called
Our National Beverage
eft efl
Ask the Head of the House
The chances are he's a hard headed
business man.
One of those business men who is
supposed to have no sentiment
about him.
Ask him about the Hupmobile.
Remember he pays the bills. He knows just
what Hupmobile service is. For he measures
it in dollars and cents.
He will probably begin by telling you that he
looks upon the Hupmobile as an investment.
And he will probably say it's one of the best
investments he has ever made.
' He may if he pays attention to such small
sums pull out a note book and show you
how little he has spent on repairs in ten
or twelve or eighteen months, or in two or
three years.
b And then as like as not he'lMorget all about busi
ness and investment and just bubble over
with Hupmobile enthusiasm.
We will be glad to leave you to himJ
If he's the average Hupmobile owner he's a
v better salesman than we are.
He will tell you intimate things of his Hupmobile
experiences that we cannot possibly know evi-p
dence of Hupmobile quality with a capital "E."
And if you talk to two or three of his type
t'ust average Hupmobile owners there won't
e much left for us to say when you come in
to see us.
Distributors for Nebraska, So. Dakota
and Western Iowa.
S unlearns Car ar RMirtar
faavTsartssCat SI 225
f a
Swap Anything in the "Swapper's Column'