Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1915, Page 12, Image 12

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WilltTd Leases Body Unprotected
While Sptrrirg and Black glower
Than of Old.
HAVANA. March SO.-Jac Johnson and
Jesa TVIUard continued their training
routine today to fit themeelve for th
heavyweight championship fight In which
they are to engage one week hence. Both
mrn worked hard In ' their training
qua Men before large crowd and alao on
the road.
WHlard went through all hie Indoor k
rrclee this afternoon and In addition took
nn hla toarrttur partnere In turn for
twelve fart rounds. ' The big white man
went after Charley " Hemphill ao vigor
ously that Hemphill M dased by one
of hla hlowa and 'Wlllard waa forced to
alow doan. Wlllard a left to the head
and body ware hla beat blow today. Ha
saya ha la afraid to ue hla rlgbt against
hla fparrlng partner.
mtn sata Open.
King follower consider that one of th
worst fault of Willard Is that ha leave
Ma body unprotected moat of the time.
He alao fUchta with hla mouth open.
Thla morning Wlllard ; went over the
road jogging and sprinting for five miles.
Ha doea not espeet to do any work
tomorrow. Ha will make hla final apurt
Wednesday and then will gradually let
down tn hie training. Ha say he ex
pect to enter the ring at E3 pounds, eo
be haa six pounds to Uk off.
Johnson did als miles on the road thla
motning running and walking. This
afternoon tn the stadium he punched the
bag. threw the medicine ball and then
went eight fast rounds, with Bob Arm
strong, Colin Bell and another sparring
partner. Teptte his bardwork Johnson
showed nn signs of exhaustion.
The big black tighter undoubtedly Is
heavier and seemingly la slower than he
was at Ileno five year ago, but ha says
ha la eatu-fled with hla condition. He
glvea hla welKht aa 221 pounds and says
ha expects to "dry out" an additional
five or seven pounds.
Flanagan Arrives
Tom Flanagan of Toronto, whu managed
Johnson when the negro won the heavy
weight championship from Jim Jeffrie
at Ileno, arrived In Havana today. Ha
y Johnson does not look quite aa good
as he did then, but that ha Is surprised
at his good condition after the lapse of
the year. Johnson will be 3S year old
Havana fight mad. Nothing but
) ufritlsm Is being discussed m clubs, hotels
und h'ime by the men and women of th
Ity. The American pugilist here are
ni - popular and all the bout that are
held are being; well attended. The only
DARKENS GRAY AIRoldjiass meeting
Harmlcss-Not a Dye-Acts on
Hair Hoots-Makes Gray
Hair Healthy-Dark. .
If your hair la gray, streaked with
gTay, prematurely gray, thin or falling
apply, for a few time, Q-Ran Hair Col
or Restorer on your hair and scalp, with
the guarantee of a reliable dealer that
It won't cost you one rent unless It
beautifully darkens your gray hair and
promotes Its growth. It acts on the
hair roots, making the hair heslthy so
the gray hair Is beautifully and quickly
darkened so evenly, naturally and thor
oughly that no one can tell It hsa been
used. In addition Q-Ttan stops Itching
scalp, dandruff and falling, hair, an t
make the hair thick, fluffy, soft, lua
trou. beautifully dark and abundant.
Q-llun Is not sticky or messy, harmles-i
and makes scalu and hair clean and fe. l
pleasant. larken hair when all else
Only BOc tor a big 7-ns. bottle at
flherman McConnell iJrug Co.: Owl
Irug Co.: Harvard or Loyal I'liarmacy,
OmaJia, Neb. Out of town folks sup
plied by mall.
Advertised Speakers Tail to Appear,
but Many Other Demand Women
on Public Welfare Board.
thing that th Cubans fall to (understand
In th fight gam I th clinching.
Th governor of the province of Havana
haa declared April 5, the day of the fight,
a holiday after 10 o'clock In the morning.
The promoter of the fight are endeavor
ing to have congress declare th day a
national holiday.
l'p to data tin year the official of
the railroad line operating to the Pa
cific coast are pretty weil satisfied with
the business to th I'aclflc roast, fllnre
March 1, the report of the Union racific
'Indicate that the westbound passenger
business going through the Omaha gate
way haa Increase,! 40 per cent over the
corresponding period of last year. From
now on It I anticipated that the Increase
will ba much greater.
Attorney for th Union racific railroad
have filed a motion In federal court to
stsy ftie execution of the Judgment of
damage rendered last ' week
against the company In the suit brought
by Attorney John A. Moor. Th atay
of execution I asked to allow time for
the preparation and ' filing of a motion
for a nw trial.
Savoring hichly of the sufrage meeting
of the fnll campaign was the mas meet
ing called by Mrs. P. A. fa pen to further
Interest In having the mayor appoint two
women on the proposed welfare board.
The meeting was held Monday afternoon
at the Toung Men's Christen association,
and was attended by over fifty women
and perhaps a dozen men.
John l Kennedy. P. A. Itroran. II. B.
Fleharty and others who had promised to
attend and make speeches did not arrive,
but the speakers present were numerous.
A second mass meeting will be called In
the near future. Judge A. I Sutton, John
I.. Kennedy, Mrs. F. P. tVead. Mrs. J. T.
Ilrlllhart and Miss Blanche, Van Kuran
having . been appointed a committee to
arrange the meeting.
. Among the spfskrrs who urged the
need for , women on the board were Cap
tain. Kline of the Salvation Army. Mrs.
Harriet MacMurphy, Mr, tleorge F,
Copper, Thor Jorgeneon, Mrs. Jessie
Steere, Mls Anna retrnn, T. C. Blr
mlnghom, fVorge Kaplnikt and others.
Captain Kline asserted It wos the busi
ness men of Cm!u who wi re to blame
for the non-enforcement of law. "Com
missioner Kugcl said when he put the lid
on and eat on It, the business men made
such a hot trail to his office that they
most set fire to the carpet, and he had
to get off," he explained rf character
ise, manner. ""Omaha needs not only
broom-wiclders. but club-wlelders, to
cleen out the town." Ira said.
The captalri' told the women that If
they exercised thtslr power, they could
force the commission to appoint Women
on the hoard, but he warned them to stick
tn the job und not go oft on a suffrs'
tangent. ,
The rell tt no
reel reason for
losing fish if you
oil your fishing
reel with the one and only
real reel oil 3-in-One.
Prevents sticking, jerk
ing, back-lashing.
A Dictionary of a nun-
other uses with
every bottle. 10c, 25c,
: all dealers.
S-in-On Oil Co.
N. Bdwy.
N. Y.
General Arrive at Border City to
Watch Situation During At
tack on Matamorai.
Lynch Returns to
; the Boyd Company
Edward Lynch, who return to th Boyd
stock company aa leading man. arrived In
Omnha yesterday and .started . rehear
ala for hi first part, the lead In "The
Nigger," which will open a week' en
gagement Sunday afternoon.
Constipation f'sa Be Cared.
Ptart a two weeks treatment of Dr.
King' Now Life fill today. Good for
stomach and liver. 26c. All druggist.
It Is proposed In the future to require
a petition from 1.1 per cent of the Com
mercial club member before any matter
passed upon by the executive committee
may be submitted bnck to a referendum
vote of the club members. The proposed
amendment to the by-laws of the club
came up at the executive committee
meeting Tuesday. It will be further con
sidered at the next meeting.
City Purchasing Agent TMck CJrotte
and a representative of the park depart
ment went out yesterday to purchase
8,0ft) young maple trees and WO shrubs
for the park and boulevard system.
The Omaha Young ien Christian as
sociation will tonight compete In the na
tional hexthalon for all associations in
the I'nited State and Canada. AU other
associations have neld ttwft events, "hut
Omaha we given permission to dilay two
week because of the Indoor meet held
len day ago at the Auditorium. Rome
thirty athlete will take part tonight.
Forty-four American Beauty rose were
sent to the home of Federal Judge and
Mr. William II. Munger. 1624 South
Thirty-second avenue, by the attache of
the local federal court office In honor of
their forty-fourth wedding anniversary,
which wa yesterday.
M. J. Greevy, secretary of the Hans
com Park Improvement club, has re
quested the city commissioner to set
aside a day for the annual city cleanup,
and that the city haul away the rubbish
without charge, a haa been done In for.
mer year.
RUOWN8VIL.LR. Tex.. Msrch :.-Gen-ral
Frederick Funetnn arrived here
today from Kort Sam Houston, Tex., to
watch over the border situation during
the Villa attack on Mat a moras. Three
bstterles of field artillery from fnn An
tonio are due tonight. There had been
no renewal of hostilities between the
Villa and Carranza factions up to ' I
o'clock this afternoon and nothing to In
dicate when they would be resumed. The
t'nlted At ate artillery Is being brought
hero to. guard against' nting across the
border, two persons having been wounded
here during fighjlng last Saturday.
l.ylnar Where They Fell.
Villa sol'iier who fell wounded In Sat-
raay' attack' on Matamoraa are. said
still to be lying where they dropped and
today tiyt). Harrison, an American Red
Cross official, sought . permission . from
he Matamoraa commander to bring them
The comma iioer. General F. P. Xa-
farrate, replied ha had men out gathering
the. wounded and placing them In Mata
mora hospitals as rapidly a possible.
It -was said In Matamoras today that
the L20O or 1.500 Carransa soldier disem
barked at the mouth of the Rio Grande
from the transport Oaxaca would seek to
Join Oeneral Jldefonso Vaaques'a forces
south of Matamoras, Instead of going to
Nothing further haa been heard today
of reported Villa reinforcements enroute.
H wa reported the Matamoraa garrison
ha planted dyanmlte at the approaches
to th town and believe they could pre-
ent 10,00. men from passing these mines.
Flarhtlatr ear Doaglas, Aria.
DOUGLAS, Arlr, March 30. Five hun
dred Carrania troop, under Colonel Mi
guel Samanlego, and a Villa force of the
sam alse, commanded by Oeneral Tru
Jlllo, came Into contact yesterday oppo
site San Bernardino, Arts., sixteen mile
east of here. The fighting continued
today and Samanlego, reinforced by 400
men from Agua Piieta last night, ap
peared to be slowly forcing TruJUlo back.
Nine troop of United State cavalry,
belonging to the Second brigade, were or-
At -985 YOU
of a Four :
Think for a minute of what you'd want if you
had a car built to order for you, and when you
come to look at this Studebaker FOUR, you'll
find that it checks up almost to a "t" with
your ideal. 1
There's POWER in abundance not BRUTE power that eats up
tires and gasoline - tut ECONOMICAL power, enough to take you -anywhere
over any roads, up any hills. There's COMFORT lots
cf leg-room and trig,' deep, restful upholstery and wide doors.
There's balance and alignment of the chassis that makes It so easy '
to drive that just two fingers on the wheel keeps it to the road. And
beauty of design and elegance of finish that make it thoroughly at
home tn any cercpticy. (
But when you see the, car and study It with your own eyes, you will
find scores of little refinements, conveniences, pleasure-heightening
qualities that make it your ideal of a POUR. And we'd like nothing
better than to have you come in today and see the car, ride in it or drive
It, if you have time and KNOW from your own experience how much
iLia FOUR oStrs at $S5S .
(t a VLi - r
an if- f i
0r.2ha Factory Branch, 2550-2-4 Farnain Street
ficic!ja!:er Wikca" Local Dealer, 2429 Farnam Street
rlMtHe Lis h tin aWtlag FuO FImV
i Rsar Ami Tiatksa kWmiic, g. fwiy
1.h4 ksst Ilm-Unm ftp Tki
Mudsbsksr KOADSTFR. . SakS
&tudlk(lJGHrSlX. . . 13ed
btuUotMJaor SIX.7 DunnW,140
v. cx u. rrott i
dered out to observe th flghtlrg. 8s
manlego was trying to rrach Agua rrteta
from the Interior of Ponora when he was
Intercepted by Trujlllo.
errs Arrmr Xf, Torres.
EL. PASO, Tex., March JO.-Thn threat
ening of Torroon bv the troops of the
Gutlerrei fartlon has caused tho hasty
return there from Monterey of Oeneral
Villa, said peron arriving from the
south. Villa was exDerted to arrive to
day at Torlfon to confer with Oeneral
Ignaclo Trlano. the giirrlson rommandrt.
While no attack has yet ben made on
Torreoti. paesenpers declared that fight
ing had been going on south between the
Villa nd Outlerrcf forces, headed by
Generals Roble and Benavide.
Minor Merrlweather, the Annapolis
academy graduate who has been held sev
eral day at Saltlllo on. a charge of
smuggling eounterfHt money... arrived
safely here today.. He had been threat
ened -with the death penalty, hut finally
was expelled from the country by the
Villa officials. He had previously been
arrested and released on the same charge.
Vllllatas Threaten New bsreds.
SAN ANTONIO. Tex.. Slar?h 3D.
Hrlgadier Oeneral Rohert K. Evans, com
manding the American troopa at I .a redo,
Tex.', today notified' department head-
nuarter at Fort Sam Houston, near here.
that an attack on Nucvo Laredo, Mex.,
by Villa troops was expected and that
more American troops might be needed
on the Texas border to protect neutrality,
The Laredo garrlnon at present consists
of one regiment of Infantry, one battery
of artillery and four troops of cavalry.
Can't Beat "Tiz"
When Feet Hurt
TIZ" for sore, tired, puf fed
up, aching, calloused
feet or corns.
"Sure! 1 as TTZ
vary time for en
foot faroabU."
William T. Canada, whose Illness de
veloped Into dropsy after being taken to
Kt.' Catherine' hospital several veeks
ago. Is very low and hope for his recov
ery ha been abandoned. Several days
sgo he showed signs of Improvement.
This Improvement In his condition con
tinued until Monday, when a relapse
came, and sine then h had been grad
ually sinking. He 1 unconscious.
After ntne year at Fifteenth and Far
nam atrcets, the Dahlman Democracy has
secured quarter at 10 Farnam street,
Yoi can be lmpp-footed Just like me.
l.'we "TIZ" and never suffer with ten
der, ihw, burning, blistered, swollen,
tired, smelly feet. "TIZ" and only
"TIZ" takes the pain and soreness out
of corns, callouses and bunions.
As soon as you put your feet In
"TIZ" bath, you Just feel the happiness
soaking In. How good your roor, old 4,
feet feel. They want to dance for Joy.
"TIZ" Is grand. "TIZ" instantly draws
out all the poisonous exudations which
puff up your feet and cause sore, in-
flamed, aching, sweaty, smelly feet. ' (
Oet a 25 cent box of "TIZ" At any
drug store or department store. Oet In
stant foot relief. Laugh at foot suf
ferers w ho complain.' Because your feet
are never, never going to bother or
make you limp any more.
1502 S. 10th Ct.
Phone D. 7S56 .
ll S iiiaiM
"The Standard of Value and
r s
r :
1 3
i 1
i i
Pleasant Proofs of
"7? TE find success a cheerful thing:, pleasant to con-
template. Thla is the hour and day and year of
Palg8 Leadership. In contemplation of it we feel only
gratitude for the courage, brains and good sportsman
ship of. those who have competed with the Paige,
splendidly though unsuccessfully. In proof of our
claim of Paige Supremacy we have, we' believe, only
N to point to a single, amazing and conclusive fact: To
the best of our knowledge and belief, the Paige in
actual sales from December to March has led all com
petitors in each and every one of the Automobile
Shows. Paige cars in the astounciing aggregate of
t one million dollars worth were sold at the New York
and Chicago, Shows alone. The Philadelphia, Detroit,
Kansas City, Minneapolis and Baltimore Shows added
.another million to the amazing Paige sales.
The reason is fundamental, though the record is unique.
The Automobile Shows have exhibited all American
cars alongside the Paige. The Automobile Shows
have offered an open forum of paralleling comparison
' and intelligent, unbiased judgment And that inevit
able, popular verdict has brought victory, nation-wide
supremacy, along with gratitude and well won con
tent to the Paige. So, we call these Pleasant Proofs
of Leadership and herein and hereby voice our very
proper and very genuine appreciation to those dis
criminating judges our fellow Americans.
Paige-Detroit Motor Car Company, Detroit, Michigan
Murphy-O'Brien Auto. Co.
six -"&-
$1 3 95
"Four-36" $1075
,- ' r
J -
t 3
. i.Htl. I..M)!IH!I fllf '!(. 11 1 M OH m ,-t. ..... .
s stcM - kMM lMM Ul)WtMItl4)WttH M sMt teaasttt tag) H It M t j
14 1 aiJ:tsH tea imaUl