Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 28, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 2-A, Image 2

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    2 A
Sign in legislature Indicate that
Norton! Policy is Not Meet
ing with Faror.
(Prrmi a FtAff CoirvppnndPtiO
LINCOLN, Neb., March Z7. (Ppwlid -Chanre"
have been made during the i"n
1on, indirectly, that the program carrteJ
out ao far y 3. N. Norton, economy
evangel In the houe. haa been In the In
tercut of po'ltlca, and one democratic pa
per especially UiUirented In appropriations
for the VnlvenMty of Neoraeka mado the
(harire laat week that Norton really did
not fWlre to aee the approprlatlona n
cut by the house endorwd by the Kenato.
It vu aald that Norton. underMandsnR
the senate finance committee had glvn
out that It expected to make a further
cut. had become, to aroused 1M he had
none over to the senate and had re
monstrated sjralnst further reduction.
Oettlns 4 Be Serlnns.
It Is pretty well understood that at a
meeting of the finance committee of the
senate Tast week, one democratic member
advocated action of that kind by the com
mittee, btllevlnr that If tho house oom
mltteo was playing- politlca, the aenate
committee should play the nuiw out and
put the Norton trlumverate on record.
However, other members of the committee
admonished lilin that It waa too aeriou a
matter and that tf the aonate was to bo
the life saver of the stats Its committed
should rls to the occasion, cut out poli
tlca and legislate along business lines,
ft or tea Now for laerraae.
Norton has asked to appear before the
senate committee and be given a cliauce
to ' explain cuts in appropriations, and member of the committee said this
morning he knew that Norton had ad
mitted that some of them at least should
be raised.
Members hare been heard to say re
t.eatedly on the floor of the house In de
bate, "Let It go, the senate will put It
This proposition started at the very be
riming of the session when the economy
program was first started, resulting In a
ffght between the two bodies on the
r mount to be appropriated for employes.
Speaker Breaks Away.
The first break in the house on ' the
iconomy plan came yesterday on th.
appropriation for a, swine barn at the
state fair grounds. Generally 8paker
Jackson and Norton have worked to
gether In harmony, but yesterday broke
on the WO, 000 appropriation for the hog
barn and although the speaker, who
probably stands better with the entire
house than any other member, made a
strong plea for the appropriation, he was
unable to win against Norton, Taylor and
few others who opposod him. Just
what this may mean In the future is not
known. Speaker Jackson Is pretty broad
minded and It has been pretty hard work
for his friend to believe that he has been
In sympathy with the wholesale cutting
of Appropriations, although at times ap
pearing to bo tacking Norton In the plan.
Conine Week Will Tell. ,
The appropriations wltr run the gaunt
let of the senate probably the coming
week. That the house committee has
taken a tumble that the plan is not ro.
Ing to work out. was evidenced yesterday
when Cronln of Holt, a republican mem
ber, bearded the' Hon' In hi den and
demanded that the state aid bridge ap
propriation . be put bacH. original
amount, (he committee having out It
from $185,000 ot an even tloO.000. Cronln,
who Is some fighter on the floor, dared
them to report out the cut, telling them
that unless It waa put back to the origi
nal amount, they would have the biggest
fight on the floor that had been up this
session, and the cut was out out.
Fresh Battleships
Expected to Reach
Dardanelles Soon
LONDON, March ST. Fresh batUe
shlps from Great Britain. France and
Russia are expected to reach the Darda
nelles today to reinforce - the allied
squadrons, according to a dispatch from
Athens published in the Evening News.
With the arrival of the veesel the as
sault of the straits will be at once re
sumed, the dispatch' says.
Indian Supply Bids
Not Received Here
Bid on furnishing Indian supplies this
year are to be opened In Chicago, H
loul and Ban Francisco. . Rlauka for
making these bids are soon to be re
ceived in the effffce of the Commercial
club. Omaha bidder bad expected that
the bid would 'this year be opened at
the Indian warehouse In Omaha. That
the selection of the location for opening
the bid had no significance as to which
three cities are to retain their warehouses
eventually " when the ether are dis
pensed with,' Is assurance that Is given
out by the Indian department.
Douglas Members SPEAKER ALLOWS
Handling Bills
iVrm s Staff Cnrreonondent.l
ITNfNir.N. March 2T. ,SperBl KVlont
fltis Kf-schornr-r, chief hook Keeper of the
donate, dp.lan.i that m Mil Intrmiurort
In that lirwly have hrn passed, killed
and thlrty-nlno are Mill unrilsred of.
Thn member who have been the luekl
cft In K'UlriR lr delation are HuKlne,
Howrll, KlochJi-1 md Saunders, who have
ten each. Curiously three of three are
republicans. Another peculiar tiling about
tho record Is that tho member who had
the roost Mils, killed Is a democrat
Howell, nine of Ills hills bavins: Hone to
the discard, though I, Is colleague, podge,
has seen cltflit go overboard.
Douglas county members have got
across thirty of the km hills pasaed, IW
ford, four; Podge, three; Howell, ten;
CJiiluhy, three, and Raunders ten.
Of tho 12f. killed the PoubIss eountv
delegation Introduced thirty-five Bedford,
eight; Dodge, eight; Howell, nine; Qulnhy,
seven, and Saunders three.
Of the bills remaining undisposed of.
Podge has seven; Howell, three; Qulnhy,
four, and Bounders one, while Bedford
has a clean slate.
Jury in Zancanelli
Case Fails to Agree
TRINIDAD, Colo., March J7.-The Jury
In the caso of Iiuls Zan'-sneltl, a coal
miner charged with the murder of George
W. Belcher, a detective. In November,
1S13, was discharged late yesterday after
spending thirty-four hours In an unsuc
cessful effort to reach a verdict. Tho
detective, who was employed by the coal
operators during the ,coal strike, was
killed by a shot from Wlilnd while stand
ing on a crowded street corner. Argu
ments for a new trial are set for hear
ing today.
Lilt Allotment of Money Paid Mem
ber foi' Their Semce to
the State.
From n Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Neb.. March S7.
Speaker Jackson lifted the embargo on
members' salary warrants today. I.lttle
slips of irreen piper, which Indicated that
f JiK) awaited the hearer down In the state
treasurer's office, were distributed.
ho embarito was ll'ted because enough
of the members signed a paper yesterday
agreeing to stay until the last round was
over to Insure passage of bills by a ma
jority The speaker hes served In the
legislature before and was well aware
of the hard work necessary to keep a
quorum present when the time come to
Britons Will Close
Part of Channel
Rent room quick with a Bee Want Ad.
Department Orders.
WASHINGTON, March 27. -.Special Tel-tgram.l-Charl.s
M. UiillaKher has been
aipvlnied lostmoaUT at Interior, Jack
son county. Houth Dakota, vice L T
llrown, resigned.
Civil service examination will be held
on April 24 for postmaster at Tarnov.
WASHINGTON, March 2T.-The British
admiralty has announced that beginning
April 1 two lightships will be moored In
the English channel off Folkestone, be
tween which all shipping must pass in
the Mrs its of Dever. This notice was
forwarded to the State department by
American Consul General Robert P. likin
ner at Ijondon.
Tho State department bulletin on the
British admiralty announcement said:
"Shipping Is warned that traffic In the
Straits of Iwiver between Vome shoal
and Folkestone must pas between the
lightship and eatbound traffic, must
keep to south and westbound to north
side of ships. Those disregarding, do so
at their peril."
Milliner Com pep r Asks Refund.
WASHINGTON. March J7. Speilal Tel
egram.) Thn Omaha Alfalfa Milling com
pany of Omaha has fllyed a complaint
with the Interstate Commerce, commis
sion against the t'nlon I'aclflo railroad
company that the rate charged on ship
ments of alfalfa at It cents Is excessive
end that the rate of cents la Just
Reparation of $1,743 Is asked.
Ik tl il If f t
First Mrs. Rogers
Sues for Divorce
NEW YORK, March 27. Mrs. Caroline
I lidding Koaera, wife of Uurlys Kltnn
Itoger. the lawyer whose relations with
Mrs. Id Bniffen Rogers were revealvd
when the last named woman adr-iltered
poison to harx'lf aad Me esmsll chii
iren. today filed suit for an absolute di
vorce. Mrs. Ida Bniffen Rogers, now
awaiting trial on the charge of murder
Ing the children, waa named a ro-re-
Alleges She Found
Hubby Already Wed
Jrannett !. r m a Million fled
dlstrk-t euurt. alte that she married
Marry bravh, Kwetutw If. 114, believ.
Ing that at waa ha wfily wlfw. She ha
lore kamad. at aasrrta that ha J-
ready aa4 a air and aka that her mar-
i ipse a aaaui".
feltlh A. Oudaia aaa bruuM su
SfSiasl Alva O Uodvta. en a.kJ
arwunds of rruciiy. i-e aaka rasturattwii
( a anaiilra wunt, EdiUi A. Lhsjes.
' MLY UIH -astoslo il llig."
To get l genuine, rail fur fu'1 Berne.
ltt ferxna Quinine. Uu4l fur st-na-I
Jie of t. W. (irute. Cure a c4J la uti
e-e ft 14.
Hen's and Young Hen's Spring Suits
' Tartans, plaid, narrow chalk gtrirw, plum and mm 'strip
rffertsi,, iu the, new EnifltHh patch pocket or contMrratlve
tj-lc. t lnrlt you to look over tliewo new spring nulls which wo
Silk Ties, 50c
Open end styles,
extra wide
shapes, newest
Sale of Fine
-. - .
'65 doz. regular 75c .Shirts,
in neat effects, AO
special , . .40U
"Arrow" and other high
grade makes, :
worth up to $2 U4C
A lev; Hat For Easter
Nobby hats to suit the moot particular In our
"Guarantee special" $2.50 quality . a fe
hat at Jtl.yU
John II. Htelaon apring nt'yles $3 50
Two Pind Suits
, lleatcd Norfolk
tyles, in Bray,
brown and blue,
h i lexis V
Finest Suits
With an extra
pants, n wear-re.
slBtlng fabric,
lUy Norfolk suits, lu neat dealgns or
blue aerKvs, $2.50 a f pa
values ) 1 sVeJ
Special Price for Easter
Maks your Kasler a happy one. We offer for this week only.
Imported Hartz Mountain Canary
Ing seed and fixxl
Resl viilne ef out fit Is l.00. c n mm
KmcIi l.lrd Is a tested sweet warbler, eol.l with our written
guarantee. luney refunded If not entirely satlsfavtory
elg.,! IVSlZlXTl WJ '" m"n h0 tr"" o' Onha
..hTe:,.,r.,::,,.nV,i ,;::,rT,l:::,,o,r zrzzri tuw r tnM
ne.-..,y- only ..usllfu ti..,,s ,r, ou mnJt be V eniK.l VII
Thompson-Belden & Co.
sward and Blsteenth Street
Telephone Tyler 000.
ITOtB OPEN 8:30 to g:0O
Pair for Sunday.
OHiKA, HABCX gS, 1918.
"The bett conditioned
and unwearied $pirit
in doing courtesies'
Wiakrspcaro lias put it in a
nutshell, ns it were, our ideal
of the frame of mind. of a
store towards its customers.
There is no position in a
store so small but what the
holder of it has an important
plare in helping to build up
its reputation for courtesy.
On the other hand, the at
mosphere of courtesy and
kindliness that prevades a
store is nothing more or less
than a reflection by its em
ployees, of the ideals and
personality of the men at
the head of its organization.
Ideals thai bespeak for you
harmonious shopping condi
tions, and a service rendered
that results only in creating
and placing before you a
class of goods thoroughly in
keeping with your environment.
More News From Specialty Shops of Fashion
A Practical Demonstration of the
superior and valuable assistance rend
ered to the women of Omaha and
vicinity,, by our "Fashion Service.
The week preceding Easter is the period
of greatest interest in Spring Styles.
"MEWNESS is the life of fashion, yet
y in presenting the new, this store
tempers exaggeration with refinement
and holds only . to such styles as best
permit the exercise of self expression.
TO accomplish this result, we deemed it necessary to have
. our personal representative, Mr. Robert Nicoll, remain
in New York City during the greater part of the season, the
better to make selections with an accurate knowledge of what
styles were right.
TJE returns to Omaha tomorrow for the week previous to
J--L Easter, after having been in New York since the fifth of
January. He has been in close touch with the greatest de
signers and courturieres of America; and constantly in and out
among the great stores and exclusive little shops of Fifth
Avenue, where fashions first receive the sanction of the dis
criminating woien of the metropolis.
TyyE invite you to consult with him this week in regard to
v any matters of dress, for he is thoroughly conversant
with every phase of the fashion situation and will be glad to
; help you solve the problem of correct attire. .
Apparel Section Second Floor
The Store for Shirtwaists
Is one of the most delightful spots in the entire store
Spring blouses and waists are very attractive in style
-while materials are dainty and charming Crepe de
Chine, Georgette Orepe and Lace Blouses for Dress
Wear, are $5.95 and $6.50.
Very exclusive and more elaborate styles for the most
formal occasions, are priced up to $14.50.
Very practical plain linen and French voile waists,
for $2.95. i
Linen Striped, in many pretty colors; delightful for
suit wear, $4.95.
And then the waists for house and porch wear, at
95c, $1.00, $1.25.
The Store for Shirtwaists Second Floor.
Direct From New York
On Display For the First
Time Tomomow (Monday)
Handsome Silk Suits
$35, $395( $45, $75
No Extra Charge for Alteration.
These beautiful suits are distinguished
by that indescribable refinement of detail,
which is totally different from the or
dinary and highly appreciated by the
woman who closely observes the highest
standards of discriminating dress.
Trefousse Gloves for Easter Wear
We are exclusive agents in Omaha for Trefousse gloves
and recommend them without hesitation to particular
vomen because our years of exierience have proven
Trefousse highly satisfactory.
Unsurpassed for quality, style and fit. Made in all
finger lengths. Priced from $1.50 to $2.50 a pair.
A Glove Special Monday
Regular 50c chamoisette 9c
gloves, in white only, for A PAlR
Summer Wash Goods and Domestics
Special Values for Monday
Molly lUIWte, 27 lnchei wide.
In a treat variety of patterns
and color, 16c a rd.
HrainUna kherta ( PrlJa of the
Field), U0. 85c quality. 69c.
KralkM4 Pillow Caaea. 45i36.
well niada, of food niotltn.
!6c quality, lc.
Mtrrr Waah Fabrirn, beautiful
printed flaxona and fancy tU
sue ulnfhanii, 27-ln., the.
New PHaled Voile a4 Crirs
In alniott endleaa variety of
pattern! in Hunt, medium and
dark ground!. 3 and 40-lnch
wtdt. He a yard.
Look at the Skirts
See how short Fashion makes them.
It was inevitable.
i!iautifnl POROSIS SHOES
spirahon back of Fashion's short skirt decree.
80R0SIS SIIOES-hic, sprightly, jaunty-they
couldn't be hidden.
Hence long skirts had to yield to the newer, the
brighter, the prettier style.
NOKOSIS heel-to-toe daintiness is the central
graeo of woman's dress.
Trim, neat, with a modest dnshingnrs that appeal
to 'wipo of taste.
The SOKOSIS influence in the domain of Fashion
is stronger now than over before.
It was the captivating SOKOSIS art that lifted
hho out of the rut of the commonplace.
Thompson-Belden & Co. J