1915. 15-A a. il Ak-Sar-Ben Hustling Committee for 1915 A-df 3 r iv;M.Hion " . Last icam ,4 1 TIIK OMAHA SUNDAY UVAl: MAUCH y mm y-zzL B Q P n p. iJ- W Hill : Irl A I i, i r t. Kv' wi. lt;;:- "saaBsBBJSaa VMM MRS. SHORT DIES FROM BROKEN BACK Young Woman Who Suffered In juries from Leap Out of Hospital Window Passes Away. GIVEN DAMAGES IN BIG SUIT Left to Right Lower row: J. D. (Dad) Weaver, Randall K. Brown, Max Mosher, Harry Mahaffey, H. E. Taylor, H. Peterson. J. Wllkea. 800 ond row: K. L. Totter, H. O. Benford, E. H. Ward. J. P. Hackett. D. C. Middleton, R. Hayes, Jack Webnter. Third row: W. It. Crawford, Dan "Whitney, John Hogan. Henry F. Meyers, W. 8. Blackwell, O. Hetnta, F. Holbrook, Sam Howell. Top row: N. P. Thoraon. Walter Roslcky, M. Morgan, John Caldwell, Victor Caley, L. P. Dyhrberg. "The patient la dead," a nurse, re ported at the county hospital Friday night. She referred to Mrs. Gladys Short, who, though only just past 18 yean of age, was said at the hospital to have had the saddest experience of any patient ever treated there. Totally .paralyzed below the ahoulders abla to movo but a few muaclea of her body, but retaining- her mental faculties and the memory of a baby who diod when one Any old, Mrs. Short longed for death in the county Institution, where the end at length came. Two weeks ago she became the possessor of $2,000, her share of a sum received from the Clarkson hospital in settlement of her damage suit against It Her physical condition was so low, however, that it wss Impossible to remove her from the county hospital. On August 18, Mrs. Short suffered a broken back as the result of leaping from a window In the Clarkson hospital while tn delirium, which followed the birth and death of her baby. During the succeeding months she lay. in bed, practically motionless, 'retaining no sensation In the parts of her body stricken by paralysis and able to move her arms only a few Inches. She had been a pretty girl and popular among her friends and see mod unable to under stand the catastrophe which had befallen her. "I used to be like otber girls. Why should this happen to me," she repeated many times to nurses at the hospital. Suit In her behalf for $UV,'0 was brought against the' hospital and settle ment waa effected for $3,000, E. I Fotter has the honor of having hauled in the first member for Ak-ar-Urn since the organisation of the hustling committee Frlifay noon at the Pazton hotel. Twenty-eight men met for lunch eon at the Paxton and oiganlied the new 1!1S hustling committee. It Is a live bunch. It Is made up to a great extent of the busy weasels that fcrrltcd out some of the 2..V1O of gorgeously greon ten dollar bills List year for Ak-Sar-Ben. When the committee wss duly organised and the teams chosen, there wss a scramble from the table to get nut and get members. In some fiften minutes after the said scrambling, E. L, Potter strutted into the Ak-Sar-Ben office. 1717 Douglas street, leading two $10 bills by the ears. They were the perfectly good legal tender of John T. MtQulllIn and F. 9. Hanna. He was the first man on the Job with a membership since the organisation of the committee. Then he d'icked diagonally arros the street and hauled In the $10 of W. R. Burbank, manager of the Fon tenelle hotel. liurbank did not hestltate. Of course he wanted to be a member of Ak-Sar-Ben. It waa Just a matter of some one walking over and getting ths money, lie is new in the city. Is at the. head of the million dollar hotel that is attracting attention throughout the country, and he Is ready with the big lever to begin the boosting with Omaha's boosters. Randall Brown, as chairman of the membership committee. Is chairman of the hustling committee. Nine team are already organised and some six more are to be organized to compete In . the soliciting of membership. Prises are to be awarded as usual to the team bring ing In the most member between now snd fall. SISTERS HANDLE 4,000 CASES Annual Eeport of St. Joseph's Hos pital Shows Growth of the Institution- NEW DEPARTMENTS ADDED WANTS SHERIFF TO STOP COCK FIGHT AT PAPILLI0N Theodore 1 Rlngwalt of the Nebraska Humane society in a letter to Sheriff Mc Shane has asked him to prevent a cock fight scheduled to be hold at Papllllon. Since Papllllon Is on Sarpy county, said the sheriff, he had no authority to do so. SECRETARY OF CARPENTERS TO BE IN OMAHA ON MONDAY Frank Duffy, general secretary of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, will be In Omaha and will speak before the Omaha carpenters 'at the Labor Temple Monday evening at o'clock. lyfeei's Sample Package of the Famous Pyramid Ft la Remedy Now Offered Free to Prove What It - WiUDoforYou. That the Crelghton Memorial St. Jo seph's luiw'lai treated 'JW free patients during the year 19H is shown by the an nral report cf that institution, jUBt Issued by the hospital. It also shows that nearly i,O0C patleats were cared for dui-.ng the yar. The hosoi'al Is operated by the Sisters of St- Francis, who thank all who have contributed to the success of the Institu tion b co-operaiing In, the care of the sick and suffering. To Increase the facilities of the surgical department a building 45x130 feet and two stories in height has ven erected at a cost ef $30,000. This building, wh'ch is really an annex to th main building, occupies a space behind the body anl be tween the wings of the honpttal. It con nects with both the basement story and first floor of the main bi'l.dlng. .On the first floor are the surgeons' wash and dressing rooms, Instruments, ster'llrlng and four operating rooms, a laboratory, an eye, ear, nose and throat room espe cially equipped for operative work. On the second floor are four operating roonu sterilizing, Instrument and anaesthetic rooms with lour dressing rooms. The amphitheater is at the end of this build ing and la entered through a wide cor ridor. The walls are set with white glased tile to a height of twelve feet, and the floors are laid with vitreous tile. The seats, arranged In tiers above the floor snd entirely of tile, command a full view of the "arena" where all clinics are held. The seating capacity la 140. X-Rmy Laboratory. The X-Ray laboratory has been recently re-equipped and fully modernised, being now the most complete laboratory of its kind In the central west Besides the large SchelJel-Western Interwpterless machine wired to use both 110 and 220 volts alternating current, there is the high frequency attachment with elec trodes and auto-condensation couch. For diagnostic work a Kelly-Koett tube-stand and automatic table are In use. DurtniT the last year a two-story fire proof laboratory building has been i-wted Just at the rear of the clinical amphithea ter and operating rooms. This bulldlnj is of modern construction and admirably adapted to laboratory purposes aa io lighting and position. Hepnrt of Patients. The annuel report is a well-gotten-'ip pamphlet with a blue cover design ind tllubtrat-d throughout ith cuts of th J Patients died during current year 194 I'atlents ouncnargea during current year S7U Total m Number of free patients treated KM Of tue number that died, sixty-three were moribund on anmlaMon. The poor of Omaha have long ago learned that they WU1 not be turned away hungry from St. Joseph's hospital. And so, during the long winter, from eighty five to 120 have dally been fed by the liters when they presented themselves. This has kept up from the very first cold spell of early winter until now warmer weather has cut the number to about seventy a day. ' It was noted by some of the patients In the hospital that during the coldest weather some of these hungry people came to the hospital In the street cars ior their rations. SEES DOPE PROBLEM ENDED Collector of Customs Says En forcement of Federal Law Will Cause Less Crime. DEALERS IN OPIUM PROCECUTED Creighton Lawyers to Sanquet April 8 The Crelghton Law school will give Its annual dinner at the Hotel Fontenellei April 8 at 7:30 p. m. The affair, inaugu rated last year, Is being boosted again for this year and everything points to even a more successful event-this year. Matt Qering of Plattsmouth, Neb., haa been Invited to make the address of the evening. Each class will be represented i by a speaker, as follows: Seniors, Wheeler; Juniors, Beveridge; freshmen, j Plunkett: freshmen night, Shilllngton; j advanced night, Ryan. . j The commltteea responsible for the af- j fair are. hard at work. The general committee Is composed of L D. Kava- . nsgh, Kugnne Cain 'and' T. E. Dunbar; , that on music of Messrs. Chapman, I llatchford. Fitzgerald snd Festner; that : on Invitations to the district Judges, of 1 L-Messrs. Broseard, Swoboda, Laur and Garver. . Collector of Customs Cadet Taylor de clares thst federal "dope" laws are doing Incalculable good and are solving a ter rible problem aa no ether force on earth could. "It would seem now that we have ample anti-dope laws, both federal and state, to meet the situation." he eald. "As collector of customs I have caused warrants to be Issued In about twenty one opium cases In this district during the last year eighteen in Omaha and three In Lincoln, Conviction Is so cer tain that In every case reached pleas of guilty were filed. The new lawa. how ever, will reach the real parties who have been selling dope. It has been known for a long time that certain so called drug stores were selling opium, but unfortunately the law did not reach them. They were commercialising a vice. New Means of Enfoi-rriue. "With the customs laws still tn forou, and with the co-operation of the Internal revenue of (leers charged with the en foroement of the new federal law of March 1, and the city authorities of the law Just signed by Governor Morehead, I have no doubt that a great change for the better will soon appear. Had the public recognised the real danger to so ciety from this terrible habit ths new lams would have been passed Ion? ag' "During the last year or more this olflcs has had the hearty co-operation' of the Omaha police department. The new laws, both state and national, have the enrdlal approval, of every one who has been brought In contact with the victims of dope. There now will be a decrease In crimes, housebreaking for plumbing fix tures, etc., in Omaha and other Nebraska cities." Arosta Shows Vn. Baldermo Acosta. dark Griffith's Cu ban star, who, it was feared, might -urdl) tn the Feds, has arrived at Charlottes ville, and says he Is perfectly satisfied co piay wun the senators. The Giant 1 ires Among Why Does Goodyear Tower So High Among a Hundred Others? Last year we sold 1,479,883 Cood year pleasure car tires alone about one tire for every cat in use. Yet Goodyear has some hundred rival. How came this tire to domi nate like that? Millions of Salesmen Can there be any reason but this? In the yean before, we sent into service millions of Fortified Tires. And those tires, by their records, sold the tires of last year. You know that. Perhaps you favor another tire. But you know in your heart that Goodyears, in some ways, must excel the rest. Five Costly Ways . They do excel in at least five ways, - costly and important. Each is exclusive to Goodyear Fortified Tires. These combat rim cutting, blowouts, loose treads. They combat insecurity, G RlaCoUbr ear !o-RlntCut frarare. FsrtifUa ) Uh TMt-lv mT rnbbar Treat. AgasMt 1 laMcaritr by 1? hrsidsd piano wires. I Panctum and SWUdm by ear dovble- V thiok All-Weather Tread. punctures and skidding. These tires alone get our "On-AirM cure, which costs us $450,000 yearly. They alone, for safety's sake, have 126 braided piano wires vulcanized into each tire base. They alone have our All-Weather tread. Its toughness and thickness re sist wear and puncture. And no other tread has such sharp, resistless grips. Reductions Total 45 Goodyear price reductions for two years total 45 per cent. The last big reduction was on February 1st. Three times in two years, as our cost came down, we cut the cost to you. Thus our matchless production always in . sures you most for your money in Goodyears. Each year these tires grow better. We keep scores of ex perts constantly work ing, seeking new ways to improve them. Doesn't fairness to ; " yourself suggest try-1 ing these tires? Any,.g acaicr wm supply you. OODPYEAR AN OHIO Fortified Tires Goodyear Service Station Tires in Stock Kelehor's lech. Works, lsia Howard BX. Xtnf Hardware Oo., SIM Cftunlnf MX. Omaha Anto nUta ktatlea. Mo. 1, 104 Bo. 17th ft. Omaha Anto VUlin- ttation. Mo. t, 4303 Ho. 10th Bt. raston Oarafa, aels-tl ririin Bt. Hsb. AntomobUe Bohoel, 1411 Dodr Bt. Harrlnfton Bros.' Oarers, 8809 Lsaveawerth Bt. Ante Inn, 8816 ibeavsaworta Bt. Barter Hardware Co., 411B Hortk 14th Bt. rord Bapply Oon lias rarnam Bt. Omaha Tlri Hspalr Co., taol raraam Bt. Sibniks anto JTiil'sr Mtuoa, kig-80 Bout a 19th Bt. riorenea Oarare, Floraaos, Heb. American A a to Oollaffe, BUS rare am St. Xlniarsr Anto Co., aaiO Farnani Bt. Hatloaal Aato TralMnr Ass'n, C814 Ho. BOth Bt. It Really Does Reltere Rheumatism. Sloan's Liniment does five almost In stant relief. Nothing better for rheu matism, backache and sciatica. Only 2ftc. All druBgtsts. Advertlssment. Pyramid Tllo rtetn.-dy elves j ouk-k ronxi, mopM itoiiliikC, Mneilliiir or protruiilnn piles, hpiuiirr- bo tal troahles, in the prtvary .. A.kMMtM.VMt tell ilrnffj l often eures. FnwaU to trial li'i j r- oi t f lh- illscases trMl? I snd tha cooaiat inaiifa in nmiu nnr, I uLrat ioi tHTforniefl COMMERCIAL CLUB CARDS FOR WOMEN MADE READY Woman's rirlvllegs cards for ths Com mercial club have ben prepared and are 1 soon to b distributed among the mem- -bers. Bo that thejr may isatis them to any , woman members of their families. ! Msandaiirec- plant, including some Innid views of th 'Vt. AUlns " i n"w departnients. It c.ntsln a rnir.plfte If you send lit eoupon below. FREE SAMPLE COUPON PTRAMin VHVn VMPA!r. als Pyranild liiuc Marshall. Ulch. Kindly send m a Free amnpls of rVraaaMl Pii Kaasady, la plain wrapper. Name street City.., Ftnte . The report of the nallHiaMtl.s or tho various patients in ell as tlu-lr n llKi'm is also Klvcn. aa follows: all.tnnlllira. Arm-rli an ! ''I h 117 Am l.r.ni Afro . 1:1 Itai an Allierlr.lll inltin - Jew If Backachy or Kidneys Bother! Kat leMi ineut ajul take a slaas of Salts to flui.lt out kidneys Irink lenly water. THE S-DAT TREATMENT HopeforDrugUsers T'.im Kureka I'tus' TreI.ntit la not an ritrltnri.t. It la l.na: alna pajtaavl I alase We aualantev to irmova lrni rniiy a.i rratn- aiot dralrr fr Hat il-t'trnt!n !. in OfTS W um ruHMrm t t lartlva w haa la.a iiriii.ri.t !' . lrll i.ni Many in t'Maa lava r-..r.i'l t I.. sa tfc.ir an.a t ti.ua ai't'a lr.i. m' 'a;l " rn f I ! r.fr tti, a Ou Mt4 la Fwta'sse a4 Tw,s iai"'u ! man'e '! . anil. 'aM li i i. a Ecrtk Druj Treatment U lia aVvaaaa. AJs a K. Vaaa. raaae Sift-raa! !, Arnienmii .. AuMil.in .. Helslan .. I'O'ir II'IHII . I l.i loriill . . h i t i.m . . . I'l 'allall . I ali.ilan ' l'n.l-h ; I '. ti I.I.Kl.nll I Km aiiiler r'reiw h . It lrtnan - - .. . . M-iii4arA Id i.aiilnn 41 M-.hnn .... li Moravian .. .1. XoraeKltn V I lllllitl I I! iUinanlan . tt ii.iiii . . S.-..l.t ... f.. heril n . . .. & e e . . . . . .e Hla 1 rlan 2 Tuts Wri.h ; Total ! Nel'aL.a.. k Via, ..a .. . . I. . ' f ilk. N m 1. n..rtiin t'i. . ! I'rotrtlannn 1 1',.,1'la nl li .krr . :'. rnw I "I I" . ton'laia I int. I luathMl. t r a- a ....m. t t - flattl.l ... .. UliU W . . I ri ! m i s t I wial 1'i.nf - ...l.lat ! . . . pi .... i I a-i . al I .r. a . . j J.alati ,1-1' xa'r.te .. I Ir.l .tan m.ik-ii( . "V :. I I VI' i ..... . . 1 I IIUaMlilaa ml falleat. s.il" t rn-a . t( n lai ll l I r. rr'-r ! .. ' M I nun fi innoi if .r i i I'lic aeld in meat excite the kidneys,'! they tiecuine overworked Ket alumiali, uche, and feel like lumps of lead. Ths urine becomes elouily; tha bladder' la ail lrrtiate, and you msy be obllsed to ;seek relief two or three times durina . Hit micM. When the kldneya clog you : must help ttem fluali off the body's urinous aajita or you'll b a real alck person ahortlv. At first you fori a dull nurwry in tha kidney rrjloii, you suffer from I'l' kache. slrk heaila. he. tllulneaa, stociiai h Keta sour, toiiKur cot an l you feel rheuniatlr twtn-ea when the araiber la had. rWt leaa meat, drink lota of water - I alao get froiu any pliarm. In fnue ' ounres of Jal ealta. take a talilea pooii j ful in a f.aaa of aater before I r.ak- ft for a few days and your k'daeits a, . then mfl ma. i Ms rainoa u,la la liila from tha aa I J of f-iaea at. t IriiMura lulra, eomMaeal with lit I la, are I I. a h.i uar.1 f..r S'aeralloria la a lean I ' .a . t rave r. A . ia1 taa Hoinie IFuiiPiniiiUiuiipcB' 24tri and L ts.. South Omuha Quality High, Prices Low Not One Day, But Every Day Co r..ii Ir-a I, ! kltr..) a and sllmulla then In S' a..ri:i artlll. an. bautvaJia it.. a. el a la arlra. a. It a li.alr ks a ("Uiri of Ir rtlati'in, tkB ea4laB si lr aatkMea Jal "aula Is tn.ipaaalva, taaaet r.. I .fa r akaa a aWI'aMftl aff r.a aw IMk'a-l'f 4ftnt h.h ilflia ..II laa a4 aaa K. I ' I llMie ,ta aa4 ati. IkiiU'i 'r fi lt. ae.J l.rfa of Ja4 alla laa ' -ia t' la airxmlrff tal-ar u Add to the appearance of your living room this spring with one or more pieces of Limbert's Arts and Crafts furniture. We deliver it in your home at factory list prices. j j ; ; I j fill "M'. I T'1' m r mi I Choose Your Rugs This Spring From Our Enormous Stock Utl'J hi:.II.KSH I'.ltl'KraKlaH J Q f 111 .H ftr ipOsOU 111 .K, a.nljr Olew ltl'i AXMINHTKK III aM, Aip fur only vlO Ka-r utr r.Miil-a- hive of WJlou aal WmI III -!Nr la Ituat. '- i7lm. a .' 1 " " "" lt-a ' See Our New Daylight Display Room Get Our Prices on Brass and Iron Beds and Other Bedroom Furniture Sanitary All Metal Spring $2.50 Special 50-Lb. All Felt Mattress $4.75 '-j f I ir.., a I'-, M I. f'a' II-..1 a - t I I . e " . -a.. 1. 1 j