TI1K HKK: OMAHA. SATUK'DAV. MAIiCH 27, 11)15.- SUGAR AND JLOUR ARE UP VcftUble Are Apt to Be Scarce and Hifh Here for the Easter Dinner. tha fardmiellea. Maybe the German gained eight and thiee-quartera Inches on the Russian front, and maybe It waa duo to the destruction of a Herman submarine by a British biplane. No matter. It was something, and flour Is up. (sraiaesl Marea 1 Mush la still on of the articles of food whereby a human creature may sustain life for a day at a time without too great an outlay of luchre. but there la no telling how long this haven will bo oen to the consumer, for eornmeal has made steady marches toward the front of high prices since the war broke out. Of course when corn rifted Its gentle hesd from tha modest price of SO cents a buhel and begun strutting around with lifted chin at 70 cents a bushel. It Is agreed there ass some little excuse for eornmeal to look up at least. 80. eornmeal looked up. It was selling a hslf docen months ago at 14 cents a pound. Now It can't ha touched for lose than 2' cents a pound. In other words one "sed to gt ten pounds for 15 cents. Now you Ret elpht pounds for 17 cents. Vegetables arc npt to be high for Raster. They are rather scarce, which fact Is at tributed to the heavy rains throughout tha aoutlu which have kept them from coming to the market. There Is. however, a certain supply of beets, carrots, onions and radishes on the market, but it is hord for the retailers to keep up with the demand. This, however, has Its ad vantages, for the consumers who are hicky enough to net la on the grab, for it Insures fresh stuff from the fact that one of It remains a dead weight on the counter very long. Haert Potatoes lllhr. New potatoes are on the market 74 e nta a pound. Sweet potato are on tha market at 7'j cents a pound, while up to three weeks agi) one could get them at V2 cents a pound. Strawberries are to be scarce for Kaster. Everything now points to their remaining aa hlgi: a SO centa a quart for tha Easter trade. Again tho rains In the south are blamed for this condition. The first carloads going out of Inul.lana t'iT the Knster trade are to be sent out on the highest bids coming to tho central market in New Orleans. That Is. there v ill be a limited lumber of raroads available, and these will he praotlrslly auctioned off to the markets In the vari ous cities In the country. It Is not er pacted that Ot.iaha will get the first car loads going out of New Orleans Tomatoes are here at fr cents a pound. HE WILL MAKEJEW DISHES M. Charles Mayard to Soon Origin ate Some Most Palatable Viands at the Fontenelle. KAISER HAS FIENCH CHEF "Croute an pot. Wattles." "Cassolette le hemard, Kountse." "Veal chop en casserole, Hurgess.' Pehold, reailer, those rtiehe whkh M. Charles Mayard. d'rectcur du restaurant of the Koa.tmrllr) hotel eipects to Invent soon and name In honor of Omaha cite, sens and cittscnesaes. Much busy-nese Incidental to getting his kitchen and his dining rooms Into smooth running order hss prevented monsieur from dvt!ng a much time a he would like to the Inventing branch of hla profession. Hut soon he will turn out' new dishes with a rapidity, n'rsVe ps? Monsieur hellves In his profession. Ah, mes enfnnts. there I none more Important. He expatiated upon It to the reporter Then he railed for glnssrs of tuhonnet. t us drink," he said, "to HrMlat Kavarln. who declared with truth that the discovery of s nw dish does more for the happiness of mankind than the discovery of a planet. "What could be more of truth? Hoes It make you happy If a new planet Is dis covered? lo you enjoy better your din ner? No, no. no! Hut each of these dishes which I have Invent will bring In creased happtnees to those who eat them." Rrlaw Mapplaem. And munsileur's face assumed sa ex ulted an expression as though he had Just saved hla country and defended the honor of franc against overwhelming fos. "(Ireat wn are nearly always a r pre cis tot s of the art of cooking." h aald, "And after great men and women are many dishes named. "Ohserv here on this menu, 'Filet da sole, Murat,' which la a dish much loved by the great Murat, beau frere of tha sreat Nsnoloon. Her we have 'Con somme Bevignc, Mme. de Rabutln Chan ts!, Marquise de Sevlgne, was very fond of soup with rhk-ken. Hcnc this Is known perpetually by her nam. Food of KgKS. "Volts, V.kkk Mornav, named for Moraay, a famous meenleter of tha tlmo of Awry Kat What you call Henry e Fourt'. Ho waa passionately fond of such eggs. "Po we have now dishes najned after the preat Napoleon, and we had dishes named after the kaiser. Ho knows good dishes. Ah, yea! I believe not that he eat of the Murk bread triads of tha po tatoes. It Is well known that hla chef Is th foremost of French chefa Escoffler a man who comes from my native Nice. There we called him 'the emperor of chefs.' and later ha became tlv cket of an emperor." STRAWBERRIES ARE SCARCE, TOO With tha shutting down of the suftsr mills In Cuba on account of the hravy rain, a ad the ganartl rrp rondltion thare due to th rains, an oppartttntty wss afforded for raising the price i,f agar again. Thia wis promptly dona, o that the beat one can do now ta to rt nix teen pound of nipar for II. Raw Material went up cent per lfln pound, tnd the augar went up correapondlngly. Flour, too, haw Jumped centa a barrel, krayr. it was tha Heesna fly -ara that but this up, and maybe It waa the stub born fight the Turks ara putting up on They are not ahumlant. California aspar agus Is selling at 50 cents a bunch. Fresh 1 rhubarb la a nickel a pound. Endlvo let tuce Is here at a nickel for two bunches. Kresh eggs are JO cents a dosen. Hut ter Is steady at S" cents a pound for tha best creamery In cartons. Ianibs are $1 a hundred ounda hvaher Pork is up 1 a hundred. Peef is steady. A shortage of spring lambs for Katstrr I looked for. Smoked meats took an ad vance of M) cents a hundred for the Taster demand. Oet competent help througa, Tha Be mi Special Pricings on Dependable Merchandise that Will Create a Great Demand Saturday Hand Bag Sale An exceptionally fine assortment of regnlar fl.OO, $1.50 and $2.00 Hand Bags, plain and fitted with poplin silk, leather lining with pannier or strap handles, greatest snap shown this season, two lots, choice $1.00 and 49j The $1.00 lot includes a wonder ful lot of high grade fitted leather bags. Don't misB them. r Ladies' Neckwear A beautiful new line of Lace and Organdie Collars and Col lar and Cuff Sets. Oriental and Swiss Vestoes, et-., a splendid assortment for selection, t 25t and 50 The New Ombre Windsor Tlea, spe cial showing at 25? P. V. C. Crochet Cottons, all sizes, Saturday,' ball '. 10 HI If.U J lit I I T mm mmmi n w 77 a 1 mm 7& mm i n lit 111 1 Ii! 1! ! W I1 niTriTiTT :y- innir rif, w J . u ui 1 1 -4a WJWmWCB Ladies' Lambskin Gloves, values to ftQp $1,25, big special purchase, on sale All colors, Inrludtng black with white embroidered backs, white with black embroidered backs and tana with black embroidered backs, also chamoisette gloves In the popular strap effects very pair guaran teed perfect. Wonderful bargains Saturday. Four Rousing Hosiery Specials $1.00 and $1.30 Silk Hose, all silk and silk with double lisle tops, come in all colors, great snap, pair 69t Women's Silk Hoot Hose, all col ors, the best makes, at pair 49 and 35? Pony and Fay Hos lor Children Wayne Knit Bilk Hose, $1 quality in black, white or tan, regular and out sizes, on sale, pr. 75 Women's 2.V Onallty IJsle and Cotton Hose, Tn all colors, spe cial 12 25r and 35 Drugs and Toilet Goods for Saturday fiOo can of I'cnver Mud 8S $1.90 Sal Herat lea for 9o 2ie Sal Heuntiin for 19 II 00 HMrlick's Multe.i Milk 69o Knur 10c rollH Crape Toilet Paper 8&c Knur 10c bars Peroxide Hoao....8io Nine bars Assorted .lergen'a Sonn 05o 2Tic bottle IVroxitlc of Hydrogen . loo r.Oc Inr Mentholiitum 340 11.00 bottle rttoli's Hnlr Tonic. .690 7Sc bottle Iilae Toilet Water ....BOo 25c bottle Hluo Hose or Violet Water for 100 11.50 bottle Oriental Cream 980 2'.c isr IVroxtde or Cold Cream.. Inc. 25c Orris Knot Tooth Powder... 90 &' bottle Phenola's Wafers 9So B0c Java Ftlce or Tozzonl's Powder for 30 $1.00 Ideal Hair Hrnshes 79.- T.'c rtubber House .Cleaning Olovcs for 1-e's Oermozone and all Lee's Poul try medicines on ssle here. 2Rc Auto Sponges for 10c 12.00 Fountain Syringes for... $1 .' $1.75 Water llottles for $1.00 No Phone Orders. Special Coupon This Coupon and 10c entitles you to a 25c box of PKKHLKSS FACK POWDKR If presented at our Drug Dept. Saturr'ty, Monday or Tuesday. iV'i sJstl iiiiiihi'j1 iiisng 1 a latssscaaa u n " infill 1 S'jr it it ';t'iii 'i'l1. lj l iasShJ3i Inj'ri'rti fef HB$HH$naB9(W$MBHMB$ 95c Verv Classv Barvains Satur- day in the men s tarnishing Section Men's Hhlrts, made to sell at fl to $2, makers' samples and ACn gurpluees, on sala Saturday iIC Ught weight Flannels, Madras, Percales. Men's MercerUed Pajamna, values I Men's Hhlrts, made to sell to $3, to $1.50, In plain colors and stripes, all sizes, at ... . GOc Men's $1.00 Mght KIiIHm, cut long and full, all sizes, special, at 40 lKht Rhlrts and Pajamaa, regu lar $3 values, on sale Saturday, choice 81.45 and f8? 10c Handkerchiefs, for ..25 16c Handkerchiefs, B for ..23? Suspenders that sell regularly up to $1 . .49t 39 and 25? choice 9Sc Fine Madra. Mer- cerlied Pongee, Satin Stripes, etc., all styles, new spring col ors, at J 0S Men's tiuaranteed Hocks, 16c and 26c values, all rolors, on sale at 12M.C and 8 Interwoven Silk KocWs, all colors, 3?c; 3 pairs for $1.00 Hum: ter Union Suits, values up to $2.60, at . .91-43, 98c, 09 llallvrigKan 1'nderwear at 45t. 35t 1 25 Men's Hats New Spring shapes and colors, broken lines from . our regnlar stock and samples, to $3.60 values, at Boys' Spring Hats and Cap To $1.25 values, all shapes and col ors, three big special lota Saturday, 70. 45 Traveling Bags Makers' Samples In walrus, cow hide and walrne grain, $7 to $20 values, alsea 16 to $0 -t $4.50 to $12.50 25 Discount On All F ram ing Orders Taken Saturday An immense assort ment of mouldings for selection. Bring your pictures. Picture Dept. 3d Floor. Hundreds of Charming Hats, Distinctive, Classy for Selection, Special Values, at from $4.98 to $15.00 V af.pa 93 gh&Jr. Illustrated Are, a Few of the New Models at $4.98. Qualities at the Price Which Are Creating a Sensation it sc 1 "51! r -u , ?...-:;... Iff r. sv-nrA m . 98c gJBBrj''..1fa.'&. $3.00 Umbrellas at . . . ... . 1,000 of them, both Men's and Ladies' Umbrellas, with silk and linen covers, fine assortment of natural wood,' silver and gold trimmed handles, all guaranteed perfect, your choice Satur day at .' 98c Underwear Dept. Ladies' Muslin & Crepe Gowns, white and fan cies, made to sell to $2.50, two lots' . ' at 98 and 69 Italian Silk Vests and mount ersTo $4.00 values, vests are hand embroidered; Sat urday ..,$1.98 Silk and Silk Lisle Vesta With hand crochet yokes to $1.50 values; on sale at, each ..... .35 and 69) $1.00 Union Suita--Snmer weight, lisle or. fine cotUn, In all sizes; Saturday 49 Ladies' Vests and Tight Heavy fleeced, all wool and silk and wool; to $1.50 val ues 25t WomenS Sterling Union Suits All styles, In silk, silk and lisle, all wool and silk and wool; to $5.00 values; on sale at $1.98. $2.50. $2.98 Children's MuaUn Pants and Knickerbockers, made to sell at 19c and 25c; your choice at ..... 12V4? In The Corset Dept. $1:1.00 LjM-e Front (loiaet In heavy English routil, values you cannot duplicate, $1.09 fl.OO Corsets, medium bust, ex tra lengths, four heavy support ers, siies 19 to 30, at....75 75c Braire, front or bark fastened, on sale 39 2-V Sanitary Belts, at ..12H 83c Sanitary Aprons, at . . . 19 Hoys' Wash Wait, $1 qualities, newest styles 49 iV.ldren'a Itompera, all rolors and sizes, light or black, knee styles, at 45 Iki)V Yah Hulls, Oliver Twist nd other snappy styles, all colors, special 98a Floral Department .Beautiful Begonias, covered with bloom, in 4 in. pota, just the thinp; for window boxes later on, ear h . . 10t Finest Carnations, each, 3 Onion Sets, red or yellow, per quart 71 White, lOc; S quarts for . . 23 Extra quality Plus Grass Seed. on sale, lb 20 Garden and Flower Seeds of all kinds Buy now. A Wonderful Showing of Women's Spring Apparel Distinctive Yet Artistic and Practical Garments Exceptional in Beauty and Attractive Pricings THE TAILORED SUITS Express accurately all the most popular idea8 of J,he foremost American and European designers and makers. Over 5C0 New Ones Show Saturday at 920, $25, $35, $45 SPECIAL SATURDAY 300 Nobby New Suits, $18 and $20 values, in Serges, Gabardines, Coverts, etc., in all the. season's most wantel colors, choice $12. 75 New Silk Suits As broad and beautiful an assortment as you'll find in any store, $25, $35, $45 to $65 Exceptional Values at Each Price. Children's Dresses and Coats A charming assortment of white dresses for Easter, all choice, new style ideas at from $1.95, $2.98, $3.95, $5.00, $7.50 to $10.00. Superior values at each price. Spring Coats at $2.95, $3.95 to $15.00 THE .NEW DRESSES Are without question the most beautiful in design and most attractive values we've shown in many sea eons. A wonderfully broad range of prices. Gowns and Dresses $15, $20, $25 to $75 SPECIAL SATURDAY 250 Sample Dresses, made to sell to $20.75, beautiful designs in Satins, Chiffon Taffetas, Crejso de Chines, etc., combined with Geor gette Crepes, wonderful bargains $12.95 500 Pretty Dresses, made to sell at $10 and $12.50, all new styles, in Crepe de Chines,' Silk Poplins, etc., ' values vou'll find trulv matchless, at $7.95 A Fine Showing of Classy Waists Several hundred new ones ju.-t received, Georgette Crepes, Shadow l,uce. Silk CrejK de Chine in plain colors and novelties, greatent values) shown in Omaha, at, choice $5.00 Big Shoe Sale for Saturday In our busy Shoe Department. Oet ready for Easter and take advantage of this sale. Women's shoes in all the new lasts and millinery effects at prices within the reach of your pocket book. Women's Shoes on sale at tha following prices at a saving to you of at least a $1.00 a pair, $4.23, S8.50, $3, f'J.BO, $1.98. Men's Shoes In all styles and patterns, with cloth or kid tops, at a big saving, $4.00, $3.50, 8.00, 92.30 and 1.0. Albright's turn sola shoes for tha children, wear Ilka Iron at fl.OO, 75c and BOo Boys', Youths' and Little Gents Shoes, (tha kind that wear well) all sixes from 10 to 5 H. worth $3.00 91.30 Women's Housa Slippers, cloth and leather, 91, 30c and 80c Grever and Queen Quality shoes and oxfords for women. Stetson and Crossett shoes for men. "Try Hayden's FirstIt Paya.' Poultry Netting, Lawn Fence and Flower Trellises v . 1 1 s n i aio arxciAi. sa&a aATtrsVBAY. I'ou'lry Nvttliur. J-nh n.rsh. thai 1vuM van!!) kind. t-r f . ! r r-r ,a i ft Ik f ! rolls . . sua I'oaltrv N ft tins, l-liw-h iiwari. l'-f 4 ft . - 1 k A t . i rii tuna . ..... si as 1 riuvsr Trvllt. f a a r Jf 1 fia mt.. sp fro', per M -- fat r I. a ra. wmwr w ira. wa frvn iwr f 4Mkt ..... Va i - ajsiaJ Waia 1 " I. - AJtsasr tou. stsa K! .'4 rt.. Spa4ln Kerk. ls si ran t.ttul. SSia irdrn Hakes, all wt. ud from laa ! iLskas. spwlal asa H'tr.. sirlal IN otrsa craaaTiJi ITSkUi Irfuva ataa Oa4a Oil t ,.tim)..t Iih an1 II ats a lurl i,u it H i -rUI si.as anltarr I u !'' U' l . fit Nwu an. i. r'iMJl r 1uiii lorn Urr Ka. tatfs ta k asa A I I teat la 1 1 Malai V- lah . . S 1 l tsi ah aa r a a la slr HUia Sa Ah, im .! -a a ts 4-r sWob a . . Sa tar sxrvk h ' aa Domestic Room. Boy Blum Serg Suit$ $1.95 This la the biKReat single selling item in our clothing dept., and the value Is the reason. Blue Serge Suits, sizes 6 to IS years, Norfolk coat and full knicker r.T' $1.95 On sale in Domestic Room. Doyt' Suila, 2 Pant $2.95 The beat lot of Boys' Suit w have avar of fared. Kvery seam la the entire stilt Is tapd. Both pan is full cut snd the coat is made the pew Norfolk styles. We Invite comparison on the value. Two-I'ant Q QP Soils pa&aa70 Domestic Kooin Only. It' Quality Golds and a Saving of 25 to SO K on Cost of living that Mad Haydtn' Grocery Dept. Famous Domestic Room. Men's $10 & $12.50 Saits $7.50 Nie .Tailored Worsted and Casst msra Suits. In all sizes, tha heat rolors for early spring wear, on sate in our uoniestie Room. only Saturday. $10 sy r- and $13.(0 Suits. . Men's $1.95 Trousers $1.50 Tha Print exs Trousers that every msa knows, ara in this sal; all rolors and sites 27 to SO waUt and all lengths. On sal la Do meatie Room, only, 0 r f $1.15 Treuaers ... 1DU l His list (Iranulalrd Nuaas ... 91.00 is-ii. aaH msi nin rral 1 .Um..ni II i"ir. nIMiia Jinr for l-r...l. i.lra ir k. una mill mak ovar slly puund lva of brat. maka your n 1'rra.l. It pars, per sarh SI a t faiirr Japan Ktra. iSc qualltr Saa it. a I M l.ii.a t.un.lry itairt., Sa i:-o lars oura Fruit Pr.r... . t a ! lars pira HtislnM M"fr . SM Tha t-t tl.mti. Macarufii. Varnil..u r Mtaa-hrttl. pa. U fl ran . (ll.aaa H. Ilk. Manafl.a. tiiii .r .1.11 v tnry t'al Mar.llrsa Kaliltis. lb.. S',a Imirv Mutr I'urk Anlnii.. Ih . lai.a '''"' -r.r.t I'rnnra. I lb pk . 10a Tlta brkt iiiuiit. Mr-arisr or I'ltrun I'el '-r II. SOc Tata aasr aTaiCTLT raswa . i iUf'S. . I. .en SOC Tha aa Craaasaar aattar. srl u haJS. Ik. SC Ti. ..! I i'i.N..'r Huitar t--r li. tea TU . T alrf Tal.la Matter. In I I'.if. T'... liter. 10 ta I a, , i,uk raia O .m. II. li I 'i.l revti Wl.ua I'fl'err.t I'hnM. tr II' apausU Iilaiaa4 flaval Oraaa Sala Taa lraaara al gaui. IV llh. fans fui'v fa eel Hum Cora fsi t it,, cans tnv J ina s-a T'.a I-ib iin, a4 VSal. Mtriri. lra or 1,.,t t t.,.(vf.r or i lea iVm. 1MB. a "nt . T'aa tr Hi 3 s ra'.a llonunv f. lan f"itr. t. I . IWke4 lieara nr k ml far T'.a H . I . I .. M. . . . . . . . . ... . e- - - . " . . . .... a-a i:i ' i ., A4a Jen f..r .WaaeM. (. uutklttv la. l. .!-, ir ,-.... l-ar la ui a, .,. per a .. i.n i W'ii.i SUf-a'wea Ska, j ,,ae a.ea ran it roa uvea rtaa t. .. ., , f. it , m eaasa- ' Tk VxraHakla Stasia fa tka raaoka. rar rllf.,. .l..t r-. ' a II, S'.S ; I.. -nataeai. r-a. a imi '.iif'ia l'rte-1 frr.ea. IV aaj I !. Il ITk VI . a-. I a II . ikS'. t ,M, Iweta i Vi'i T..ratpa. sl.i..l tl I h''..ip.i '.w,n Mai Ik ... . i.c. tk.e....a .a Sa Ika ISSa The Mat Market lor th Peopl of Omaha Tka Bast rraak Voaa a at a tWa Nil I I'. .Ik U.nal. I ...taS III at l,uaMly llllll4Ua-trr lllili, par Ih laS r Irat Wialltv Kuranuarters l.anil par II. I Irat tj iality Htrer I'ot Koavt. Hi "-a No I Hlerr I!., in. I Slak. lu . ...ISSa N I hirer Ml il ler Steak, lb . ISs N., I IVeah M.alr Hll.a In . Sla I'm:.- Il . i.e Va'e Ha iaaa. II... S'ak la Ika. Baal Laaf XrS Saa ascoKBD MiiT arariau ro SaTOSDAI Mar nr at.,frfiti. .friie. llama llak Sa. I 1'irr.i. llama, lb a Nn I lla. k I..-.. It.. ISS Ileal lljia Hiairii. u art Sua I rear, lneJ l.i-keka al ls ti .t l.t-laaale llk., I -t i:it st'at. I "'in." la il a f-aui.a ,1.4 a part, a at ia'a ' IS "t' Ilai4eaa '- ll lata liatvaa llajile. i l Kai-.f 1r. Ik Ta terr lleavl ltlea. ? I.a4a (rean lf vua aa.r rhfsr. a as Real Furniture Bargains Saturday Tull ColUpaibla, Or-molion Oo Ctvrti, strong nnl well in.'iilf, Sutunlay 9-4.50 Xitchn Table, :!.. ft. lontr, S.it unlay 2.00 l.arK .irao TaKlea, rbolr naw pal larns. on sale at 912.50 It li twit 4'aMnrla, new patterns, roni plrte with ahita enameled braad aad rake box, nlrkrled top, glass sM( jar, elf., tsobdrrful lalua. S12.1.0 rw lUaaa Ibnla, I J patterns for selec ts S. all sllea. hfklurday . UIS.OO i lAile' MriUac Uraka, aavaral saitra. very siaial. at Q larvaaiuf Talioa, patersl Beat pal Uras. oa isl at SJr.SO Oa Iar HU Oaty Cobm tUt Sit . Ta XT PAYS TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST IT PAYS . IN