Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 25, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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Wednesday, March 24, 1915.
A FUNNY story in making the rounds of a small circle at Thlrty
strenth and Jackson streets.
The most popular matron of the faction lately hired a nev
cook, a foreigner, one who might he described an still lapping the
A few days after "he wi installed the brought the pantry order Blip
to Mrs. K. and Inquired If the wished an addition.
The slip read: "Cheese, baking powder, butter, bodkins."
"What on earth do you want with bodkins?" demanded her mlstrens.
To this the maid answered: "Oh, you do not read him right; that
means butter bod' kin's" (both kinds).
As long as we're telling honest-to-good ness-storles, things that really
happen amongst us. here's another:
At a recent tango party a young man was dancing with his mother.
A small coterie of onlookers were greatly Impressed and again and again
remarked the chap's attention to his mother. The whirl progressed and
in the midst of the next revolution, when the lad passed the same gar.lnj
crowd they heard him say:
"Mother, mother, bunk up; you dance like a load of brick "
Amateur Musical Club.
Mra. T. J. Mahonry was hostess Tues
day afternoon at th m'ftlnf of the
Amateur Musical club. A miscellaneous
program was given by Mesdsmes J. A, C.
Kennedy, Georsje Mrlntyr. Harry Xlrhol
on, Harry P. Wrltmoro, Miss Von Mani
fold and Miaa Eugenia Whttmore. The
prakn present Included:
Omrn Mclntyre, Harry t. Whltmore,
T. J. Mitiowy.
O-onr Barker, Jr.;
J. A. f". Kennedy.
Msrr Nicholson.
Von MamMd,
Eugenia Whltmore.
Surprise Party.
Hum Gladys Calklne waa honor irueat
at a airrprlM party given at her home
Tuesday evening. Oamci and musto
.were toe entertainment of tha evening
and those preaent were:
MiMe Misses
Unss Hampton. Paulln Bemerod,
IJIllsn Hampton. Marie Hemwrod.
Oldys Ceildna. Gladys Olmatead.
UnirM- Messrs.
Wl Keller, Wendell Klrsofci er,
OacarOlsan, WIHar'1 Oreen,
Garvin Brown. PhUlp Petersen.
Going to Calif o mi.
Mr. and Mr. George Umndele wQI be
Joined Thursday by fiienda from Ohloaaw.
and alt plan to leave the aama evening
for aa extended trip through California.
GsilagherCrocaid Wedding.
A wedding of Interest to Omaha oc
curred today In Kansaa City, and waa
that ef Mr. Paul Crelghton Gallagher ef
Omaha and Mine Rachael Klncald, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mra. George Perry Kin
cald. of Kansaa City.
The ceremony waa performed at 11 30
o'clock at St. Vlncenfa church In pres
enca of the Immediate family and a few
clots frlenda. A noon breakfast followed
the ceremony at tha home of tha bride's
parents at 2 Highland avenue.
Mr. Gallagher waa attended by hla
Brother, Mr. Ben Gallagher, aa best man,
and the uahera were Messrs. Gerald
Wharton and Kenneth Patterson , of
Omaha and Mr. Dudley Klncaid, a brother
of, tha bride, and Mr. - Dennis TUlaon,
formerly of Omaha, but now living tn
Kansaa City. ,
Mr. and Mra. Gallagher left for Cali
fornia on their wedding trip. They w',11
be at home In Omaha with Mr. Gal
lagher mother, at all South Thirty
eighth street.
Sew for Charity.
The Dundee etrrla of tha Franco-BeV
glan Relief society were entertained thla
afternoon at the home of Mra. Kxra Mil
lard. About thirty-five membera were
Mrs. Gecrge R. Marker waa hostess
this morning at tha regular Lenten meet
ing af tha Pariah Aid society of Trinity
Party Postponed.
The Vnitarlan church . have postponed
Indefinitely their social, planned for thla
evening, owing to the death of Mr. Wallace.
Change of Residence.
Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Butler are din
mantling their home to leave for Bab
Francisco, where they will reside In the
future. Mr. Hutler will leave April 1
and Mra. Lutler a III join him a few
weeks later, after a visit with her mother,
Mrs. P. McLaughlin, tn Lincoln.
Wednesday Bridge Club.
Mrs. Ralph Peters entertained tha mem
bera of the Wednesday Bridge club this
afternoon at her home. The guests In
cluded; Misses Utilises
toule pinning, Rllxatwth Psvls,
Kathertne Thurrimel, Mildred Butler.
Marv Burkle)';
Mendnmes Mesdsmes
Ben Wood, John Petter
Ralph Prtere,, Webster.
Theater Party.
Mrs. If. 8. Moth gave a theater party
this afternoon at tha Orpheum tn honor
of the members of the Council BlT.'s
Bridge club. ' Twelve guests were present.
Luncheon at Fontenlle.
Mesdamea It. jionnenberg. 8. Arnsteln
and J. Kline entertained at a large nnd
beautifully appointed luncheon today at
tha Hotel Fontanel!. Eighty guesta were
seated at small tables, which were placed
In the banquet room, and each was deco
rated with aprlng flower".
Ce Rid of I.swarrme? Coras, Concha
ad Urlps.
Spring finds ninny afflicted with linger
tng. hacking cougha that weaken the sys
tem. Blush and wet more colds
than aero weather. Croup, bronchitis and
pneumonia are prevalent. Every family
ahould have a safe and reliable cough
medicine ready for use. Foleya Honey
and Tar Compound contatna no harmful
Ingredients. It cases a cough, checks a
cold and relieves Inflamed and congested
membranes. It clears tha air pasaages and
soothes Inflammation. Sold everywhere.
Health Commissioner Has a Plan of
Sanitation Which He Thinks
Will Work Out.
Health Commissioner It. W. Cor
nell believe.- that sanitation and at
tractiveness are co-ordinate features
of municipal UK and It Is his put
pose to help solve the vacant lot prob
lem this year.
The doctor announces that he will
open in his office in the city hall a
bureau tor the promotion of vacant
lot Improvement In this city. He de
clares he sees great possibilities lu
this Idea and he adds that he w ishes
to co-operate rather than to conflict
with other organized efforts alon?
this and similar lines.
The commlenlonrr views the situation
first from the standpoint of sanitation.
but growing out of the movement he bo-llev-
will be prartiral r'su'ta In the wsy
of cultivation of fiowrrs and garden
truck, to say nothing of the Improved
appearance of the waste, places of the
Wait! 1.1st of Lota.
This official wants to get the people
thinking along lines cf a cleaner and bet
ter city at thla early date, although
spring la still lingering In the lap of
winter. He suggests that citizens - who
wlil grant the use of vacant lots send
their names and the locattona of the lota
to hla office and those desiring to use
vacant lots may hsve access to the lists.
He also suggests thnt the children of
the city take advantage of next week's
school vacation by stsrtlng to clesn up
their yards, placing the refuse and rub
blah In convenient heaps. Later In the
aprlng the mayor wtll Issue his annual
spring clean-up proclamation.
Mast Clean Lots.
The health commissioner statea that
ownera who decline to grant the use of
vacant lots to others who would like to
Improve them, will be required to clear
such lots of all unsightly or unsanitary
"It will mean much for Omaha this
season If every cltlsen will do his or her
share thla pring to cean tip yards and
alleys without delay," ssys he health
In a few weeks tha health Inspectors
will start on their spring Inspection trips
and will serve notices In cases where
such action aeema necessary. The health
commissioner, however, wants Omahans
to work In co-operation with his depart
ment and to feel mora than ever a sense
of civic pride.
Great Changes Are
Being Wrought at
Merchants Hotel
Guests at the Merchants' hotel have
been astonished during the last few weeks
at the extensive improvements which are
being made by Dan GaJnes, the new
proprietor. Improvements that don't show
from the outside, but which are trans
forming the popular hostelry, without,
however. Involving sny advance In rates.
The new barber shop In the basement,
for which a direct entrance from the j
street la belnt; built. Is one of the flnent j
In the west. Mosaic tile floor and seven I
chairs of the finest and latest models, '
each with Individual lavatory attached,
walls of pure white marble and plate
glass mirrors, and the tonsorlat artists
all dresred In white, combine to make
this a most attractive plate.
Four spacious baths are Just to the
rear of the barber shop, and here, too,
tile and white marble make for cleanli
ness. A very lnrpe toilet is attached to
the west of the barber shop.
The spsce formerly occupied by the
old bsrher shop. Just to the rear of the
bar, Is being transformed Into a grill.
Tile floor, walls finished In a dark color,
and dark furniture, will mark thla as one
of the cosy spots for men. Around the
walls will be seven stalls, each with its
table and room for four to six persons.
In the center of the room with be other
A .white tile floor will also be placed
In the dining room. The hotel was com
pletely refurnished with new furniture
and carpets several weeks ago.
Kd Thorpe, allsa Ts Thorpe, was ar
retted by Officer A. A. Rich for enraging
In three fights on lower Douglas street
in less than fifteen minutes. Thorp waa
told tn court that If he wanted to fight
he had better go to Europe.
City Commissioner C. II. WIthneU Is
threatened with ptomaine poisoning. lie
believes he wss Infected by fish he ate
for lunch Tuesday. He was In consider
able distress all ntght
John W. Redlek baa Just purchased tin
residence of C. F. Junod at 63n,Chlcpn
street The price la given aa aboat fio.ono
Mr. Junod Is soon to go to New Tork
where he will be allied wtth the Kountie.
Brothers' Interests.
Workmen Injured
as Scaffold Breaks
Sam Morris, 113 Capitol avenue, and
Victor Lund, 2310 Chicago street, were
seriously Injured when a scaffold upon
which they were working at the Iler
Urand hotel, broke. The two men were
painting the celling of a store room when
the accident occurre.1 and they fell about
fifteen feet.
Dr. Fred Wearne gave them attention
and they were later aent to their homes.
Lund suffered a pslr of badly wrenched
niikles and several of Morris' teeth were
knocked out.
Thursday, delici
ous Pompelan Bit
ter Sweets, fnrit
and nut centers,
per lb 2Sc
Drug & Toilet
Goods Special
Cream Mar
quise, 36c Jar
for 12e.
Lustrite NaU
Enamel, Z5c
size 19c,
Manicure Hoof
Sticks, do., Be.
White Mani
cure Buffers,
each, 29 c.
Hand Brushes,
with pumice,
each, 10c.
10-lnch Rubber
Combs, worth
$1, for 59c.
White Dress
ing Combs, 9c
IQdena Face
Powder, flesh
and white, a
box, 12e.
4711 White
Rose Glycerine
Soap, a caJie
for He.
Peara Unscent
ed Soap, cake
for 10c
Essex Peroxide
Soap, cake, Be.
O. K. mottled
Castile Soap,
pound bar, 16c.
Plash Me
chanics' Soap,
10c box, 7c
. Moot be Year Coosrsj and Cold.
Bell's Flne-Tar-Honey goea right to the
spot. Checks the " cough, .eases throat,
kills the cold germa. Only 25c All drug
gist. Advertisement.
Moore Case Almost
Ready for Argument
With pver ninety witnesses from var
loua parta of tha country examined during
the last two weeks, the trial of tha per
sonsl Injury suit of Attorney John A.
M'Joi against the Union Pacific Railroad
company for 1150.000 alleged damages, Js
now almost ready for argument and aub
mlkalon to the Jury In federal court. It
will probably reach the Jury Thursday
or Friday.
Following testimony by numerous wit
nesses for both sides, rebuttal testimony
lias now been reached, each aide en
deavoring to discredit evidence Intro
duoed by the other regarding Moore's
physical condition before the accident for
which ha now seeks damage money.
Masons Flock to
Omaha for Scottish
Rite Initiation
The Scottish Rita Masons put In a
busy day at the temple. Inducting the 100
candldatea through the degrees of the
rreceptory branch of the order. The work
began at 11 o'clock and waa resumed In
tha afternoon. Immediately after lunch,
which waa served In tha i:nle dining
room. ,
: At the Scottish Rite reunion ;.,ere were
more visitors present than at any of the
previous aesslona of til week. The Moon
land and Commercial club festivities at
Council Bluffs last night brought in a
large number of persona from western
Iowa, and most of those who are mem
bers of tha Scottish Rite branch of Ma
aonry were at the reunion this morning.
In order to complete the Initiations prior
to tha banquet at the temple tomorrow
night, lodge work will begin at 10 o'clock
tomorrow morning.
A band of twenty Gypsies, enrouto from
Indianapolis. Ind., went west, their des
tination being the exposition at San Fran
cisco. In the party were men, women and
children. Reaching flan Francisco, ac
cording to the assertion of one of the
men, who could speak English, they will
establish fortune telling booths on the
expoMtlon grounds and If thla la not
found profitable, all the members of the
party will hie themselves to tha fruit
ranches, where they will work.
Fashion Hint
p n
rrsvn II 4- iteitiu vt this
-ti.ilH wrer f . e Mue tt
aas ia J taa
Saia, fer t4s I ri.J afej c fS
Buy Your Furniture With a
Thought for the Future
We'U Be Here To Stand Back of
Everything We Sell You."
89.50 "HI our oak
Dresser; others for 513,
S14. 810.50. 818.50:
well-made, substantial, service-giving
pieces. Every
need can ha aatlsfactorllv
Come in and III ' 0 1 i. w
fitfcpext Our Now II II '"r l"',
tyring lllla)S ' II -J I uiai'.o. wa.uui.
I e enamel.
a a
WINDOW MIADKS let us estimate on your window sbadea. Wa
will measure your windows for shades and rods and submit esti
mates without charge
nm ve vitwii l rillliuii"
j Then only If aatlsfactory you par ua
i 5. Of), and $5 00 monthly.- The regular
cah rii pretails.
Dcckwith Round
Oak Rimg
Copper Clad
Detroit Jewel
Gat Stove
! uei rralU IH4 w mal4 ssrsl tmaiMf afford la suaao ssmH
aa orffrv siSiWos wo aiMolalely s.smw I Ha I iae Muim e. gi
A few Rowad Oas, aad t-fitr Clad Usages that aaa bers
S'.gttls tar aisled crotl mt vipoevro fa anal a re wail stored
la r erae. Tao rwoalag aad riag eualitloa aa? ia
ara aot la the sews Impair- Tr ianstr doa t look s
II. Taa rneo 4 M1 Ml IUI Ill CliK-NM4' lJi.
sad la. out a St Ire' TneJ. two auaao Teresa af Fa reseat.
to be in accordance with
Dame Fashion's latest
styles should come from
this store.
There is nothing that
adds ho much to the at
tractiveness of a pretty
dress or suit as somo
dainty piece of Combs'
Our spring stocks are
how complete and wo
await your inspection.
W at w Paw
iaae aooauta w
U Tooth Brushes
Imported tooth brushes, bought
M at a bl saving. They are
Four-row brushes, worth 10c and
15e. Each 6cr .
fL. n nr. ft- u ...
suu tuv 1 win LI i uurfl,
each 14c.
A bl lot of Transparent Handle
Tooth Brushes, extra quality,
worth 25c and 35c Every brush
perfect. Sale price, each 16e.
Children's Tooth Brushes, gp-
Hil rYi Oi-
n Special sale of Rubber Goods
1 1 and Hospital Supplies
Ask for
a copy of our
Bulletin. It is rery
latere tin"; full of
rare) opportunities-
The Winsome Daintiness of These
Blouses Win Them Instant Favor
and the price, too. at
tracts by its littleneas
i 2T iXfc VOiV 11 111
"Smart Crepe de Chine
Pretty Shadow Lace
"Filmy Georgette Crepe
all fashioned in strictest
conformity with prerail
in? style modes and in the
shades that sprinff favors
Flesh, maize, peach, sand, etc., and white
The newness of every model shown is readily appar
entthe variety is unusually versatillefaioreflf
and dressy effects with the reversible collars that
may be worn either high or low neck more than
fifteen styles included, making choosing delightful.
Despite their many exclusive characteristics,
the excellence of the materials and their many
superior qualities . the price for them is only
It Is No Wonder Suits Are So Popular This Spring
-They Are Unusually Charming
For Instance Among the New Models Are:
Suits of the most elejant seTges of a ouality that fore
gone seasons could not approach. Then there are suits of
gabardine a material that is well entitled to its present
vojrue. And, too, there are some of the most handsome
tweed mixtures and striking check materials most fascinat
ingly used in attaining suits ideal for spring wear. Then, the j
suits of fine silk poplins, of faille silks, of taffetas, j
chuddah cloth and the very smart serge combination
effects have an air to them that wins instant and the
most ardent enthusiasm.
It is not the materials akme that make this spring's suits
seem so wholly different and so much more fascinating than
in the seasons past the accomplishments of the designers
never seemed so wonderful as now. The belted and pleated
coat models that so many women admire so greatly are
unusually smart. To enhance - their attractiveness are the
skirts in the full flared effects and plaited modes that seem
to fit in so well with the season's style ideas. And, of course,
the plain tailored styles always will maintain the vogue they
long have enjoyed. They, too, are especially noteworthy
this spring season. " - vr
We believe no season ever offered as good suits
. at such prices: $19, $25, $36, $39.00 up to $96
Big. Black SailorsVery Smart
The latest idea, of course, and we show them now
in black Milan. Milan heme and plain hemp the
H materials that seem best adapted to them that
conform , perfectly to the modes.
More than 1J00 of the very latest shapes have ,
Ujust been unpacked and ice shall show them
for the first time Thursday. You'll like them
(Large plain Hemp Sailors for $1.39
Large Milan Hemp Sailors, $2.50 and $2.98
r j Smart Large real Milan Sailors for only $5.00
DAsk to see the "TuUne," "Texas," "Delaware," "Nesbit,"
"Omaha" and "Qaridge." You doubtless will become as en-
. thusiastic over therr. as many others have become. They're
I much in vogue and are rivals for your favor each, vieing with
the other in the hope of being pronounced "smartest'
Inllii J
SMART SET Corsets, so highly indorsed byM'lle
Nadje in her physical culture lecture at the
Empress this morning are sold only at this store
S3! ART SET corsets, as demonstrated by M'VLe Nadje, con
form to the very rigid requirements that corsets should possess
as viewed by this." Perfect Woman." She recommended the
SMART SET very highly and her demonstration of its merits not only
were highly commendatory of this especial corset, but they also showed the
value of correct corseting. She is an example of what woman can accom
plish by proper physical culture and corse try. Others can do as well.
Our highly skilled corsetierrcs wQI
hTuarantee you the correct corset for
your figure. They will aid you in i
curing just the modal you require.
New spring Smart Set corsets now are
showing in the correct models. Act
on this "Perfect Woman's" sugges
tions and have your fitting here soon.
Heres "Old M" right oa
the Job. an1 be s going to say
Pair and Warmer la our
forecast, so why not take ad
tanuca of the mild weather
and have your Winter clothe
lry t'leaoed send there her.
We'll return them promptly
ith a Fresh ii1dc tok
that will gladden your heart
and Improte your appearaara.
If you waat a ctaac of col
or. M ta Ay them. Our Dya
la lata hprtai la the fleas
ever doae. Try ua
Ttio Pantoriom
"tisod CVcea aad Iryeew,"
1 3 1 .V I T Jusm KC riMMfc Is.
ca y utM.irrr. ir.
K. II pay rkarfea aae
ay net ui ot lots wrdera.
rWad y rarrel I'oal er i:a
traa. ru for rrve r
n J 7
Spring Apparel Styles
Demand That the Feet
Be Most Smartly Clad
One of the moat essential points of the new
spring costume is the footwear which shows so
plainly beneath the skirts now most In vge
Securing the correct shoe for any
costume is a very delightful task
with these superb selection always
at your service. Smarter foolery
than ever in a wider variety here
New Syring Pumps and Lace Oxford All Mact.
Mart and wtiite, end other con. Hnitton made up
in the newest patterriv An exceHent nrtetv to
choose from. All sizes and 4dthi. A pair, $4.93.
New High Shoev latrnt vamps, wtth while, sand,
fawn or tray tors, new short or mexJhun fort parti.
lace stvle. The newet novelties for spring. All
sim and widths. A rir. $4.95.
500 Pair of PSsTwp aaaal lUg Savoaa Stable style.
Splasa&e! erLry. All aU. Worth t $4.00. Spe
cial TWrtday, pair, f 2M.
- "1 M
) a
w 1
a ay 4kr lafotamatUa.
aftt j