Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 25, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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    Till: I'.KK: OMAHA. TIH-l.SPAY. MAIJl II
moot Print It Naw Baaooa Free
ars;s-rasa Co. Lighting flstara
lrs Chief BocoTora Fire Chief
Charles Salter la back at work after
law days of indisposition.
ITeferaske ertag eaS. bu Ass-
New office between city hall and Koo
tenelle hotel, 211 South Eighteenth St
A reeling of Becomy is one of th
toenfltea acquired when ycu office In The
ilee Building, "the building that la al
ways new." fee ua now for a few rooma
available April 1.
Tie State Baak of Omaha pari 4
per cent on time deposits, t per cent on
aavlnta accounta. All deposits In thla
bank are protected by the depositors'
guarantee fund of tho alato of Nebraska.
"Today's Complete Movie Proe-ram
classified aerttun today, and appeara In
Tha Bee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what
the varloua moving picture theatera offer,
guarantee fund of the atata ot Nebraska.
City Sad Attend Funeral The city
commissioners attended the funeral of
Charles Hummel, brother of City Com
missioner J. B. Hummel. The office of
the department of parka and lxulevarda
waa closed during the morning.
Mora Bowlers to Peoria Another car
load of Omaha bowlers are going to
Peoria, 111., to take part In the bowling
tournament there. They will leave Fri
day night, over the Burlington, going
into the Saturday and Sunday games.
Triad, to Ball Dope George Brlnkley,
colored, waa arrested and ' sentenced to
thirty days on a charge of vagrancy.
Brlnkley was brought to the station on
complaint of Ben Williams, 4.T0S Patrick
avenue, who said that the colored man
had tried to sell him dope.
To Foreclose Mortgage Foreclosure
proceedings to recover on a mortgage
ngalnst property in South Omaha has
been begun In district court against How
ard H. Baldrige by the Mortgage-Bond
company of New York. The petition as
serts that $1,600 la due the plaintiff.
Celebrate Pall of Prtemyal Pete
Tausloff and Alex Sl&tvllz, Russians of
South Omaha, were arrested by the
Omaha police for being drunk. Both
plead guilty In police court and testified
that they emblhed in celebration of tho
fall ot Prr.emysl. Both were discharged.
Discuss Hsw Federation Delegates
from various other Improvement clubs
arc expected to attend the meeting of the
Monmouth Park club Friday evening at
the Monmouth Park school to discuss the
proposed federation of North Omaha im
provement clubs. An athletic exhibition
will be given by the Nelson brothers and
refreshments will be served.
Buspsets Jtoleaaed A. Wielgas and
William Borland, arrested on suspicion of
having pilfered a Union Pacific fruit car,
were released when It waa learned that
two Mexicans arreated at Columbus ac
knowledged the theft. Holland testified
In court that he was anxious to return to
his home at LaCrosse, Wis., as he ha",
heard that his' mother waa dangerously
Board of Trade to
Be Down Within the
Next Three Weeks
Within three and one-half weeks the
old Board of Trade building at Sixteenth
and Farnam streets will likely be gone.
This Is the time that the J. C. Mardts
Wrecking company now calculates to
consume In tearing down tho remainder
of tb,e building. Work has been progress
ing steadily for something over a week.
The Board ot Trade Building company
Is getting some- rough sketches made of
a proposed new building for the site, but
has not definitely arranged Its architec
tural plans. "It will take a lot of time,"
said E. M. Morsiaan, director of the
Building company. "There is really noth
ing new In the movement."
Meantime the suit Is pending in .district
court In which certain of the former ten
ants' of the old building are seeking to
get Judgment for alleged wrongful evic
tion after the fire that gutted the build
ing something over a month ago. Somo
of the tenants held that the building was
.till habitable after the fire and that their
leases should hove been good.
The salvage ot the old building la being
hauled to a large vacant tract of ground
at Nineteenth and Leavenworth, where
the brick and lumber are being carefully
piled to be disposed of later.
River Rises Over
Night, but a Flood
Stage is Far Away
A' rise of eight-tenths of a foot In less
than twenty-four hours occurred in the
Missouri river at Omaha Tuesday and
'Wednesday. Residents along the liver
bottoms experienced renewed fears of a
possible flood here this spring, but those
who Inquired at the weather bureau were
speedily reassured.
"Although the rise over night puts the
ilver gauge at a height of A.3 feet above
the loweat recorded level of eighteen feet
depth In the channel, the stage of the
river now la really normal for this time
tf year." said Forecaster L. A. Welsh.
"Exactly one year ago the river guage
read seven feet and then roae two and
threa-tenths feet tn twenty-four hours,
making the reading just what It la now.
and that was really below the average
for the latter part of March.
The fart that the heavy anowa are
melting away ao nicely here and south
of Omaha, leads me to tint that no signs
of flood will be experienced this year.
Th only danger Is from a sudden thaw
north of here, which would make eondl
tiona bad. Tha rlvr here nu la to ir.
ln a il a half feet helow the hlght
elr record for Omaha, hi. h occurred
iurtng tha floods of Aprtl. la)l."
Ta.s for rraav year. Iui .
avl I'.nwn rrcdeaasua vf Johasoa.
. ar ina ! try to remain Inaether
I ,i t a ait fur " isr tn y Trr
raVnl''' ' frna re.nnmg
Utvt si rjed he kM ta-
aar If -ii 4 i T r ef
- sad the isr u 3 Tbe aa awv-t
at,ne f rty trfc"'1
Tea ' . r4.
j T eatr. nrrtml. Ja
Art crUM kUcr M ei-!
, a t aca4trg rew-
M'ksM I ""4 aftiei- A fneari
, 4 kattT t4 I ir4 IBa
tU tf rv4 ' ' a.V0
tt.4 fm0 SM t ! keai
i l r-'r I ' " a r la
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w n t"e... , .
fc' .at 9t
,c -''- t'' ir.t a4
Supply is Located Which W
Brought In Planted in Keels
of Some Shoes.
An attempt to smuggle opium 1 n t
the county Jail In a pair of old Khoen. I
. . ' . , , . ....
the second effort of the kind within
a few days discovered by Jailer Henry
Schroeder, has turned the attention
of Omaha authorities to an alleged
conspiracy to import and sell opium
In Omaha, fostered, it is said, by
reason of the fact that It Is more eas
ily handled for illicit purposes than
other drugs.
Inside the lining and under the liecle of
two pairs of shoes brought to the county
Jail hy a messenger boy to be given to
Walter Gumm, a negro, held for the fed
eral authorities on a white slave charge,
Jailer rVhroeder found the opium, it
reaembled tiny particles ot ooal, having
been prepared by mixing the residue of
opium pteviously smoked wtlh the fresh
drug. This product Is ssld to be used for
both chewing and smoking.
t arried hy Mesaenacr.
Two pairs of old shoes were brought to
the jail by Glenn Gibson, a messenger
boy, who said they had been entrusted
to him by m-groea who directed him to
take them to the jail.
Federal authorities were notified of the
discovery by Jailer Bchroeder and have
started an Investigation In Omaha along
the same line as oue already under way
in Lincoln, which has resulted in arrest
of several negroes there, charged with
Illegally having opium in their possession.
The opium traffic, said to have been
conducted on a considerable scale in
Lincoln by negroes. Is believed by the
local authorities to explain tho exodus of
Omaha "dope fiends" to Lincoln follow
ing their recent release from the county
jail here.
fmnKglrd Aitoii Border.
Federal agents declared a number of
negroes and' Chinamen In Omaha are
known to have dealt In opium. It is
brought from Minneapolis aud St. . Paul,
after having been smuggled across the
Canadian border, they said. It la known
that large quantities of It are made In
India and Persia and the prohibition of
Its ssle In China hag reduced Its price.
The use of opium, which Is chewed or
smoked, leavea no evidence. It Is han
dled in the form of a gum and I sold on
small cards. No bottles or containers
are required to nold It and It Is not In
jected Into the body to leave a tell-tale
scar. These facta are said partially to
explain tho problem of how dope fiends
are relieving their sufferings for drugs
since the new federal law became ef
fective. It la also known, however, that
considerable amounts of other drugs are
still being "peddled."
Pacific Limited to Chicago.
All steel train with observation car via
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway
leaves Omaha Union station 7:5t p. m.,
arrives Chicago 9:13 a- m. No extra fare.
Ticket office 1317 Farnam 8t. Phone
Douglas 2S3.
Fire Smoulders at
1 Court House During
Night, butis Put Out
John Glassman, assistant superintendent
of the building at the court house, dis
covered a fire Mazing In the northeast
corner of the office of the clerk of the
district court. Ho turned In an alarm
and the blaze waa extinguished -with
chemicals after damage to the extent of
$o0 had resulted.
Soraeona In the office had left an um
brella standing under the counter and
before leaving Tuesday night someone
evidently threw a lighted cigar or cigar
ette 'in the umbrella which caught fire
and smouldered all night, bursting into
flames about o'clock this morning.
Take Salts to
Flush Kidneys
Kat lea meat If you feel Barkachy
or Bladder troubles you Halts
is fine for Kidneys.
Meat forma uric acid which excites and
overworks the kidneys In their efforts to
filter It froin the system. Regular caters
of meat must flush the kidneys occasion
ally. Ton must relieve them Ilka you re
lieve your bowels; removing all the acids,
waste and poison, else you feel a dull
misery In the kidney region, aharp pelna
In the back or sick headache, dixzlnesa.
your stomach sour, tanrua la coated and
when the weather Is bad you have rheu
matic, twinges. The urine Is cloudy, full
of sediment: tha channels often get IrrJ-
, .
.inu, uuiiarmg you lo get Up two or
three times during the night.
To neutralise these Irritating acids and
flush off tha body's urinous waste get
about four ounces ot Jad Falls frorn any
Pharmacy; take a tablrapoonful In a glass
of water before breakfast for a few davya
ana your kidneys will then act fin and
bladder disorders disappear. Thla famous
salts lg made from the acid of grape and
lemon juice, combined with Itthla. and has
tWn used for arneraUons to e'eajt and
stimulate sluggish kidneys and stop blad
der Irritation. Jad Raits Is Inaipaneive:
harmless and makes a d'llglil f n ffr
vea-ent lithla-water arink which million
of men and women take now ami than.
Iiit.s avoiding; aerie-t htaner and bladder
SimpU Way To
End Dandruff
Tkeis it vif a( war trat las
iai4 ! iifMve dtadeuff at , aa4
is 4 mii it !' i tny It
tatirrl, T. ta it-. i .t s - fur
H"a SiatM. H-t'i4 sra
j fieea m drug stars xtiw la ail yi ar'l
i"4"- "' " "5 '"' retina
I - la ai una lu .. e4 '
j" '' iift I fif tip
: V- rraia4T. aw. K all. ef ''
ea4r" ail ha . aa ! r Ui
r ata.t M ,
. s4 .ai..
l'fH i-m
i 4l .'f ; sa, a . .
I ! u tM .1 .
' -e i.a.s', t
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'(kS . s f
Local Recruiting Officers Ordered
to Stop Enlistments Except in
Case of Reserves.
Ex-service men solicited
Receipt of official Information on the
newly authorized naval reserve has re
sulted In the local navy recruiting offi
cer preparing to give sprrlnl attention
to that branch of the service. The regit-
'"r nvy 19 """"iK-d '"" '
quota, according; to word received hy
Lieutenant Thomas M. Tipton from the
Navy department at 'Washington.
I'pon receipt of telegraphic notice ho
has been ordered to stop all further en
listment of applicants who have never
served before, and t accept only cx
servlce men, who will either enter the
navy tinder special conditions of prefer
ment laid down by the new law, or else
will remain in civil life and devote such
time as the law requires to brief quar
terly service as members of the naval
Purposes of the reserve act, according
to word from Washington, are to Induce
present sailors to remain In the navy
and ex-service men to return to It, as
well as to get a lnrpe and efficient naval
reserve mtll up with exvervlce . men
who demre to continue their present
civil pursuits, but will take the required
obligation and put in the small amount
of time required yearly. In practice and
Fully &..000 ex-service men are said to
be eligible to loin the reserve, and many
of them are expected to so hack Into the
regular service under the advantageous
trims laid down by the new law. All
vacancies in the future will probably be
filled from siu-h ex-service men, It Is
thought. N
Circular leiteis are being mailed to all
former sailors of t'nele Sam, whose ad
dresses are known. All navy recruiting
officer are also explaining the new re
serve act to all ex-service men they come
in touch with.
The Omaha Naval club, made up of ex
sallors, has about 200 members, and a
number of them may join the reterve. It
Is thought. They csn continue their
present work under the rule If they
wish, provided that they give a small
amount .f time each year to naval re
serve practice and training during vaca
tions. Women Have Better
Opportunities Here
Mivs I us W'ilsliire of Sidney, Australia,
is at the Menahaw. She is the aiKunce
agent of Mnte. Labadle, who will give an
Interpretation of the new pluy, "Change,"
at the Young Women's Christian associa
tion Friday evening. Miss W'ilsliire has
had an Interesting career.
"I came on a visit to my sister In Van
couver," she said. "There I met whst I
would never have met in Australia,
namely, opportunity. An editor put mo
on newspaper work on trial. In Australia
1 would have had to work years to get a
chance. Part of my work was to inter
view actresses. So I met Mme. 1-abadle,
and from that 1 became her associate In
this work,"
Miss Wllshire's brother is with the Kng'
lish forces In France.
I FRE-E28-
I ' ' f 1 1 1 11 11 i
n i vm Wit rramn th niiiiutfuiai raanniitraiiiriii-si' i m mi iniiinniii a t n m j n nsfi wiswisisaiiiii i n m
A Valuable 72 -Page
Cook Book Handsomely
Illustrated in Colors
Send For It Today!
Fis not often that you get an opportunity to
secure so valuable a cook book absolutely
tree and it is not often we can make the offer.
ItTtoo expensive.
72 pages full of the best, most delicious
recipes prepared by the most noted cooking
experts the country affords.
Remember, we do not ask you to buy a can
of baking powder, or send us one penny. Sim
ply say "Send me your latest, beautiful cook
book" and you wlIT receive it promptly.
Peddlers and house-to-house canvassers have
been trying to induce ladies to buy the baking
powder they have for sale and as an inducement
are offering a cook book, egg beater or some
other trinket with every can bought.
To our customers and friends we are offer
ing our handsome cook book absolutely free.
If you are in need of one it will be unnecessary
for you to buy something you do not want
Take advantage of this free offer.
Send for the cook book today Address
NOTE AJ aSa fian aaal bar caa BansdWi, fat uW ax eat al asuaarae
etoajtfcj aae) ajaaiay. 3 iiiaw n lavy
Qhcumaiism Can Ds Gured
s ' fm gliaia aaaaa l base SM ItM.
iaa m t m m4 IM l Iimmh ( mm a w lilM
k a . as a .( itHiawl fa
a4 fwm l4 awr. 1 1. Ir.a mm U . k .uS
la IS I i r. a la ' ' a4 . CU ( saeMwaia
s).' . Osaka k rv.aa fft( f
Tangier Temple Prepares to Lead
Large Caravan Across the
Desert Friday.
Friday, March 26, will be the red
letter day of the year fo" Tangier
temple. Ancient and Accepted Onle
Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. On this
date the largest class of novices in
the history of the middle west will he
introduced to the thrills and thralls
of Phrinedom.
The potentate sh.vs that the caivel
have been aeenred. the sandsi are pre
pared and the big ecnt will start at
10 a. nr. prompt, when the cnndldHtes
will be assembled and placed under lock
and key for the day.
Friday morning several special ars of
novlcea and their friends from points In
Nebraska will lie met at the station by
an escort and conducted to the Masonic
t'ereinnur nt the Auditorium.
A score of decorator nre now at wor!
on the Auditorium, where tho ceremonuil
and entertainment will b" held. It Is un
derstood that a scene of regal splendor
Is helng arranged that would nrke- an
oriental potentate turn green-ryed. The
entire first floor of the Auditorium has
been rearranged, with the seats In arena
form, providing ample room for all No
bles to view the ceremonial, which stnrts
F'-omptly nt p. or.
The potentate of Tangier has a bunch
of surprises up his sleeve, which, as he
states, will lie "some stunts."
For Fridny evening an elaborate enter
tainment, has been arranged for at the
Auditorium for the women. A fifty-piece
orchestra and cabaret will open tha
evening's festivities at 7:S0 o'clock. Danc
ing will hegifl at 9 Velork.
cordinl Invitation Is extended to
sojourning nobles and their ladies. Ample
room has been provided for all. The
patrol Is determined to make this cere
monial the best that Tangier Temple has
ever given.
Don't Have n aprlng; t'onah.
Take Dr. Kng's New Discovery and you
won't catch cold. It kills the cold germs,
keeps you well. "iOc. All druggist. Ad
vertisement. Funeral for Late
William Wallace is
to Be Held Today
The funeral of William Wallace, vice
president of the Omaha National bank,
who died Sunday, will he held from the
residence, HM Harney street today.
Rev. Newton Mann, former pastor of the
First Unitarian church, will come from
Chicago to officiate. The services and
Interment will be private. Between the
hours of 10 and 11 o'clock, during the
funeral, tho Omaha National bank will
remain closed.
Uaa la tir i sad aaarf WUatkaa aai
French Buyers Are
Here in Search of
Cavalry Horses
1'ieiiih lioisu buyers sre nsain at 'he
South Omaha mnrket. taking large num
bers of horses for shipment to the war
lone of Kurope. When they ftr't began
hutnii last In II they took only cavalrv
horses, but now they are turning their
attention to animals for the nttillery arm
of the aervlic.
lor the artillery toe I' rem h hurr are
requiring heavier horses, hut they are
not so particular m nmkiim their selec
tions as when buying cavalry mount.
For cavalry hoi sea. II V,. si 111 holds. For
artillery, llfi.'. Is the price paid
Front South (minim Tuesday night four
ars of war horses wrio sent hy the
American express, going nor the Itoek
Island, destined for some oast town In
New Jersey, from whence thoy will he
shipped to France.
Change" Has Humor
Mixed With Wisdom
t'ontrast ami conflict lietwerit tlie ulder
and yotmger genrrattnns In modem
Wales ar bumglit out In "Change." the
play to lie rued Friday evening at the
Voung Women a t'litlstian association liy
Mme. Harriet l.nhaille in a program of
dramatic interpretation. Although In
tensely dramatic, interest nt the piny l
Increased by passages of fine humor tluit
relieve the serious situations. The prob
lem presented Is the same that confronts
sll classes throughout tho work today,
It. being based on the sharp ihangea In
thought and viewpoint from one genera
tion to the net. Mme. I nbndle'a reading
is a number in the entertainment course
being given this spring under the auspices
of the association.
Thr Regional flank's New Measure
Will Help IliiKtncK Men in
Many Ways.
Hetter credits, rather than an extension
of credit. Is the much-to-bc-dcslred effect
which the Federsl reserve act will have
on business. The new regional banks will
exercise a useful function In aselsllnsr
member banks to Improve the character
of their loans.
The most useful function In matters per
taining to health la the digestive system,
for 11 la from thla source we receive our
dally help In renewing the waste portions
of the body, keeping the blood pure and
well supplied with red corpuscles, and the
general condition up to Nature's standard.
Therefore, watch the dlgeatlnn and at
Hie first sign of weakness or distress sea
that. Immediate assistance Is given. This
can be efficiently supplied by the use of
Hosteller's Stomach Hitters.
It has a well known reputation as a
tottla and appetizer and can thus be re
lied upon to help you regain your appe
tite, asslat the entire dltcatlve system and
help Nature In the promotion and main
tenance of health.
Make Hosteller a Stomach Bitters your
first choice In any ailment of the Stom
ach, JJvcr and Bowels. You will find It
well worthy of your confidence. Insist,
on having the genuine. Advertisement.
Robbing the Bottle
That's what you do when you take
tha cream off tha top of tha mils,
bottle. Thare't but little food value t
ltft in tha blus iplllr.
StrUIca CJrkBwtnd
It rich and creamy to the 'sit drop.
You csn use part of it full strenn
far cream and d'lut the rest tor
cooginf pnrposet and always have
the proper food Talus.
Ovtiage Milk la par, rich milk with
nm' ol the water taken out and with
nothing added. It lasts indefinitely.
Cat a supply today aad sea how
superior it is to bottle milk.
Thm Milk Without
the Cooked Taste
At all
(ttKul Dealers
In Two
5 and 10c
. amuican milk co.
How tan a voiuau
i,.u on tx-r erk
,ine rn't Uf II Most
Vii. It depends upon
i he rtih
jlak r i.p an ' ount
of hat i rM-nl
lie ntravagetil nul
tn .ailrig inone)
Snir-- orrrt tll
St I it II It
i, .i t h i ' ot tir
i, I. 1,1 S. "I U ll.t.
lo itfeoul It s '
Tltrre is r o m I In
i ,, t oil a !'(
IBS' pat lfr 4l II
n-! ' V. I I. I.
Tb everstnffed aad solid mahogany kind. Ton, wtthnnt a doubt. Will
tt daltghtad with the beautiful dtsolsy now balar shown by
The Central Furniture Store
And ths prices sre ao much lower, made ao oa account of our lnssosnslr
buHdlns and location.
K massive, genuine iurIihkii tl ned, eXecenttormllv
well made and beautifully finished. f9fi CA
nur price
An eleKanr nvei t u f led Turkish Sofa,
upholstered with mi excellent nualltt'
n flapestry of a verv pleasliia desleti
An excellent value at our JfjJ QQ
The Central is a Safe
Place To Trade
IC-i jh J
Will vf 'Muntii
I i. . Sll'J'l.n.iliHIPW" '
' ' .1 "in 1 1 , in. , i n mtiln lj'i J i i i -i i wm ' '
Nothing Else Will Satisfy Him
Popular that's tha word with all true American
with all classes physician, laborers, mechanics,
bankers, business men. Blatx Beer is best in quality,
tatte and purity Good for you Good for jrour friends.
Purw, wholesome, snappy arwi individual in tasts. If yon
Have been drinking other beers, it's because you, bay aanaar
tasted BLATZ BE.LR.
Onir m emmm a jnu M ror
Blatz Company,
l -
f'ti aacweaao '
, rWMNNMMMIiaMWIVMMSSMSSplMr. " UJUW ' 11 "'" 1 " ' ;
M 0 --tt .4i. xy :i j ; - - 7-. -
TT 5::. - - " A-fe .- H : 't
jf - -Av " '(,------- "2 ' .'i -' .
f so omasa rvca . I
..... II I. I I i I
Miml Modern and HnnUar) fVewerjr in the West.
' I 'ami I) Ira'le eii.inl lir : Hi.ulh Oawha U M, JKTTKR, SVrJ N
VI reel; Trletline South H4:. linalia -II I t.O K. HII., lUt Uotigla
1 Mrtwt; I'lHtlir lfum .MHO. I ..mull Mluff (11 1) .(.K IIAR, liii lkultt
I Ml til Mirrl; l"lw.o- .ItiXI.
"""" im I mm mm I !
if l
Have the Central Figure on Your
Furniture Bill
A beautiful genuine mahogany H
lrary table. In a tuaaalve colonial
desian. nhelv finished arvt rnade a
all good furniture should 99 9 Rfl
tie, our price aasilll
I I K Ar-
tilsaas rmmf anju, L
Omaha Neb.
Oa.atsai T Jittf Cart i . Fall
twlm aa. E i. r. Lis.
tfmm L4at4 a SnrW. tiM
Caijle.r Sns
T. W.ltMisltClaak.U.
I ttt rataaa.
e , ae w a i