Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 25, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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Everr Picture tZJ
THK KEF,: OMAHA. TI1UKS1UY. MAliCH .V). 101.",.
"What's las msttsr, mtmit1
Not Due to Sex
Many women have come to kno
that sex isn't the reason for ull back
arhn, dlizy hcada-hes and urinary dis
orders. Men have these, trouble, too,
and often they come from kidney weak
ness. To live simply, eat sparingly, take
better care of one's self and to use
I loan's Kldnev Tills in bound to help
bad kidneys (ret better. There are so
many thousands of women who can tell
you this from experience.
An Omaha
Woman's Experience
"Mrs. J. T. Stoddard, 2414 gehler St.,
Omaha, sayt: "I suffered acutely from
pains In ray back. At times my feet
were o swollen I couldn't walk. I could
tell from the irregular action of my kid
neys that they were dlscrdered and fin
ally I went to the hospital for treatment.
I didn't Improve, however, until I used
Dean's Kidney Pills. Py the time I had
finished three boxes T v as fixed up all
rleht and now I am in (rood health."
Individual Ones Issued to . Normal
School Employe Hereafter,
Smith Rules.
Beatrice Man Pays House Recommends
$8,198 in Alimony 1 Omaha Hospital
Supervisors Plan
to Build Concrete
Bridge Over Platte
KKARNKY. Neb.. March J4.1 Special
Telegram.) The Hoard of Supervisors of j W.1M.S4 was due hip w ife a" alimony.
Kearney and Hiiffalo counties held j :ot . 25 due her for the support of the
Joint meeting here this afternoon to dla-j minor children. SI.W1.T5 to he paid to the
cuss the advisability of ererttnK a con-1 trustee for the care o:' the children and
crete bridge over the Platte river sorth '17. W) court CosV. Mr. lvthset's farm near
of Kearney. This bridge is to repl -Jf , Cortland Vns purchased by Vaul S.-luilH.
the mile long wooden structure which' and the district couit matters were set
tled in order to gie s li-ar title to the
UKATRK'K. N'eh., March "t.-(Sp etui, i
-David l'nthast paid l-U to the clerk
cf the district court, of which amount
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
1JNTOIA, Neb.. March 24.-Spev.lal.)
-In the future State Auditor Smith will
It sue Individual warrants to all persons
on normal school piy roll'. In the past
a blanket warrant has been Issued to the now spans the river at this point. Thai
registrar, although this Is the only case I latter brldjce has cost notn counties
where such a practh-c lias prevailed. The thousands of dollars annually keepInK it
auditor explained the change In the fol- i in repair.
lowinjr statement: I I was suggested that a concrete
50 at all Drug Stores
Foster-Mllburn Co. Prop. Buffalo.N.Y
Ask Any
Individual warrants will be issu 1 In
th- li.tiii,. ;n n m eu lis oil.f with
the various normal schools of the state.
In the it hae been the practVe ti a n.-nrnnt to the principal or rcj
Istrar for I hi- entire r.niv roll of the
stl ri l. In no other brum h of the state
jrovrrnmenl. is this don", and I csn see
no rent-on for making uu exception of the
normal schools.
It would he as well to Ipmic a arrant
to the secretary of fitt-.te covering the
sal.-n-y of ail the people emplovrd in that
department, and then authorize that offi
cial to Apportion out the funds to the
vhiIoiu imlividvals: or to the warden of
the e nllei.tiary. who would be the dls
buiviuK anent for that institution. It
r,"i H'es no more work In uraw individual
warrants in the auditor's office than Is
reciuircJ to (irnw individual checks after
the funiln reach the heu of the various
schools, then-fore the old cutom will be
fiPPEniOR. Neb., March 24. (Special
Telegram.) The body of Mrs. Harry
j Glasscock, who was murdered at Cham-
palgn. III., Inst Sunday, was brought
; here tonight and will be taken to Web
! her, Kan., tomorrow, where her par I its
; live. She was well known to many of
j this city.
bridge be built along lines suggested by
Superintendent Higtiell of the Iturttr.gton
railway. This structure would be I.OOO
feet long, the remainder being filled in.
The present bridge is over a mile long.
It is estimated that the cost will be In
the neighborhood of f,000. This expense
Bill for Passage
i I'l-oni a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. March : 4 t Special Tele
gram -Not Ion T, i lor Cronln, ltnignn
and isieniian unsiuvcsHfully led a fight
this nioriiliu. against an appropriation of
s.VH for a ho.- t at Omaha for public
use. Mlille HoffmclMor, Meredith. Hunter,
Alnlay. Cliumbi r.. K mis. NcMcy, Hur
hejo, Itlchiuond and othets spoke In favor
of It. It.irrett desired to refute the
hinge t lint had been made that the
IViuglas county delegailon had tied up on
i ny oilier hill The bill wus recommended
for passage. ,M to IV
The 3 year-old twin laughter or Mr.
and Mrs. William Tsys died Tuesday hI
ymore of diphtheria. Mrs Tays hik!
the other twin are seriously III of the
disease. I
After much litigation In the com is the VALENTINE APPROVES
heirs of the ate I'et-r lluiU o' Wy.l
more have settled their differences and
the land near Wymore sold. Holcrc '
Stephenson disposed of 2T1 acres to .To-; V A 1 ,1'NTI NK. Neb.. March 24. (Spe-
would be borne Jointly by two counties g(.ph Hurt)! for K'i.Tfld.S.I. ,la-ob Hurt elal.l The electric li(ht proposition of
and an endeavor w-ll be made to secure
state aid for a portion. As all parties
feel favorable to this plan an endeavor
will be made to .carry It through at the
earliest possible moment.
Notes from Frc nont '
and Dodge County
For I
three ill
gener- I I
ation9 ll
critical men 1 1 f
have made 1 I f
their toasts f jf" 1
with the fa- I
mous, I
Bottled In Bond I
Kentucky Hand I
Made Sour 1 it
Mash Whiskey. I i t ,
.i.Sfct "Quality
i I.ynna Vevrs otes.
ETON'S, Neb.. March . (Special.)
j refer Molsant. a former Lyons citizen
I who recently moved fo Burbank, S. D.,
j died while visiting his brother, John
I Molsant. In Oklahoma, and the body wa
J taken to his South Dakota home for
burial. He leaves a wido-r and six chll
idrcn, his daughter, Mrs. J. U Molsant,
I residing here.
i W. II. Wheeler of Omaha was awarded
!tho contract for putting in the electric
I light riant at this place at a total cost
I of H4.330. same to be completed by July
J, 1913. I
William Rudd. a son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Ruddy, of this place, got hts leer
broken today while scuffling with one
by his schoolmates.
Jerry Shumway, a dvil war veteran
and father of State Senator H. P. Shum
way. waa awarded a prize last night at
a show in the opera house aa the oldest
person present, his age being 88 years.
But his Bge doei not prevent him from
being actively engaged in business with
hts son, Roy Shumway. ' ,
This famous
leader in whis
key quality is
Sold Every
where because
Demanded Ev
erywhere. Bond &
oe from York.
YORK, Neb., March 24 (Special.)
George D. Elliott died at the family home
Monday morning. For twenty-seven years
he had hauled the mail from the Vork
poetoffice to all trains and back. During
all this time he was at his post until
January 1. Funeral services were held
yesterday afternoon. The postoffice was
closed for one hour.
Marriage licenses were Issued yesterday
to Mies Ella P. Blair and Andy Volley,
both of Bradshaw, and Miss Ethel Car
mlchael of Charleston and Eugene Swan
son of Bradshaw.
Word was received in York yesterday
announcing the death of Myron M. My
rick at Pasadena Cal. The deceased
hemesteaded in 'fork county in the '70s.
He at one time owned a section of land
near Benedict, which he sold six years
ago. Ho was a veteran of the civil war
and enlisted la the Sixteenth Illinois infantry.
KRKMDNT. Neb.. March I4.-(Special)-Mrs.
David Hallowell of Orleans. Ind..
made an unexpected visit to Fremont yes
terday. She was en route to Cheyenne,
Wyo., but immediately after leaving
OTiinha she made up her mind to stop
here. She had the railroad officials tele
graph to have a physician meet her and
he did so, escorting her to the local hos
pital, where an hour later she gave birth
I to a daughter. The patients arc both get
' ! ting along nicely.
C. V. Show-alter of Omaha has sub
mitted a proposition to the city council
here looking to the establishment of a
Jitney bus service. The plan is to operate
four cars each with a capacity of four
teen passengers and maintain a twenty
minute service. An ordinance will be
drawn to cover the situation.
Joseph Lammell of Iashara. one of the
pioneers of this section, died yesterday
at the age. of 72 years. In 1SS0 he bought
a farm for IS an acre, a part of which is
now the townsite of I-ashara. In early
days he was an employe of the city hotel
here while John O'Connor, deceased, was
a boarder there. O'Connor, whoee alleged
will disposing of flio.WX) worth of prop
erty has Just been held Invalid at Hast
ings, was-formerly a cobbler in Fremont
Corgreman-elect Charles Randall of
the Is Angeles, Cal.. district and the
first congressman to be elected anywhere
on a prohibition ticket, spent yesterday
in Fremont visiting an old frield, C. M.
Moffitt. Mr. Randall was formerly In
the newspaper business in western Ne
braska, later at Cheyenne and was a
newspaper man in Los Angeles v until
elected to congress last fall. He says
party lines are vanishing In hts state.
purchased the IfiU-acre tract for ,000.
Mr. Hurts died at Wymore some time n
leaving an estate valued at H'..
A. C. pickers. m, for a nuniher of vears,
manager of the grain elevator of the
Pease Grain and Seed company if this.
city, died Monday evening of pneumonia, j to th citizens of thls clty Tuesdny and
Mr. Nlckerson located at Heatrlee In 1WW. j carried, Isj tn j.w. Mr. Cornell proposes
He is survived by a widow and nine ( to dam the Niobrara river at a point
children. I shout four miles eaM of here, and with
tho power furnished to supply the city
Chsrlcs II. Cornell, which provides for
the city to pru Ice nt i rdltinnee and
enter Into a enntrnci with him granting
h'm a ftanchise nrul im agreement to buy
i urrent from him to be retailed by the
city was submit teil by referendum vo
Hastings Council Cuts
Fuel Electric Rate
with twentx -four-hour service.
HASTINGS. Neb., March LM.-tSpeclsl
Telegram.) The city council has cut the
rate for eleeirlc cm tent for cooking
from 4'i cents to J cents. This Is believed
to be the lowest In the state.
AUBVRN, Neb.. March 24 (Special.)
Tho spring term of the district court for
this district opened here Tuesday. Judge
Good of Wahoo is presiding in the place
of Judge Raper, who recently exchanged
court work with him.
A number of Important eases come up
for trial at this term, among them being:
State of Nebraska against Fuller Shal
lenberger for murder; state against Orcn
Smith, statutory offense.
Among the eases on tho civil docket
that come up for trial are: M. S. Mo
Inlnch against J C. Vollne and Allan D.
May, owner and editor of the Nemaha
County Herald, action for llfi.DOO damages
as a result of alleged libelous articles
published In tho Herald. This Is a case
involving the Interest of the entire county.
A Jury was secured In this case and the
trial began in the afternoon.
DUtillaryi La 4 renccburir, Ky
WadMaOtfkK 41M17 LUira St.. kuuu
Missouri Pacific
Leave Omaha.
X:(H A. M.
2:00 P. M
11:15 P. M.
Ar. Kansas City.
4:00 P. M.
S:35 P. 11. ,
7:07 A. M.
Modern Equipment
Observation Sleepers
Superb Dining far Service
Meals a la Carte
Direct connections in Kansas
City I'nion Station for points
South Kast Vet.t.
1423 Farnain St.
I'nion Station.
Tho. V. Ood'rey.
General Arnt. Tassenger Dept.
Want Sw High School.
LOTJP CITY, Nob.. aMroh 24.-Special
Telegram. ) A petition is being circulated
asking the Board of Education of this
city to call a bond election to vote bonds
In the sum of 130,000 to build a high
school building. It Is believed the bonds
will carry this time. At a former election
a similar proposition was defeated by two
votes, but the rooms have been much
crowded during the present term.
Candidates at Litchfield.
LITCHFIELD, Neb.. March 24. -Spe
cial Telegram.) Litchfield's citlrens have
nominated the following candidates tor
trustees: M. B. Myers, C. N. Duncan
and J. J. Haller.
p nMths mt Camlirldae.
CAMBRIDGE. Neb.. March 24 (Spe
cial.) Mrs. William Shuck, aged 73, died
htre yesterday. She has been very help
less and feeble for a good many years,
having been blind for sixty-one years.
John McCarthy, aged 87. died yesterday.
He had suffered intensely for a number
of years. He had been blind for a long
time. His aged brother also has been
very . ale.
Duffy's Helps Him
Bear His Age
'""1 ""
i nnrn
UMKVaMI NO For This Week Only
Your Choice for $155 Each
MS0 Stager A Sons Upright,
walnut rase, good condition, easi
ly worth tl00 more 1?1 CC
than amk. only vlOO
t-,ft aehllllnr I'nrlirht dark oak
V w " v - ........ - r
rase, a real bargain, CC
on sale, at
$300 VolKht Upright. Colonial
design, mahogany dj ("J"
case, reduced to. . . . ?1 03
$325 Rrhmoller Mueller Up
right, dull finish ma- PC
hogany case. only. . . vlOw
$300 Arlon Upright, fancy wal
nut case. A-No. 1 con- CI CC
dltion. only iplOO
$275 Kimball Upright, golden
oak rase, wonderful
bargain, at
$400 Str-ger & Sons Upright,
mahogany case, one of the lead
ing pianos of the C1 Ct
world, only V 1 OO
$300 J. & C. Fischer, mahogany
upright, full siie. J fj?r
now iplUaJ
$350 Raddlnon Upright. Mission
oak, case Just like jl CP
new. only V lJJ
$300 Schmoller & Mueller Up
right, fancy walnut case, guar
anteed for 26 yeara, JtJ5
J v' t j
II ,,:, it
6.,. V-J
$11.00 8eda One of TTier IWutiful rianrm to Yowr Home
Free Htool Free Scarf Free Life Insurance.
We are egrlnstve representative of the celebrated Stclnway, Weber,
Hnnlman. Stejcer & Hons, Kmeraon, Mrrhnll, Llndeman & Sona
and Hchntoller Mueller IManos and Aeolian Ilanola Pianos.
Schmoller fk Mueller Piano Go.
SSSlir 131 1-11- Farnam St.
School Fight at Haatlnea.
HASTINGS. Neb., March t4.-(6pecial
Telegram.)-R. D. O as ton. A. H. bar
rens and David Bauer have entered the
race for the Board of Education against
three candidates who are opposed to Su
perintendent Barr'a administration. The
board has called a special election on
April 30 to vote on an issue of J130.000 of
bonds for building improvements.
Packages of Food
Sent by Mail from
Chicago to Germany
CHICAGO. March 24,-Slx thousand
I pat-katrea of. food have lieen sent by Chl
j cagoana to fronds and relatives in Ger
I many within the last four days by means
of the percel post, it was learned today.
I Waterproof paper boxes containing
flour, rice, noodles, tea. cocoa, preserves
and other foodstuffs, weighing not in
excess of ten pounds, have been prepared
by a number of stores ready for uhlp
inent. Each package contains an assort
ment o foodstuff and and there are nine
l assortments. The cost of the packages
I is from ll.W to C.15 postpaid.
For Sprains
and Bruises
Th fir thing to 4o for a sprain or
a brouve to rcrr the hurt wfh
, ere r-f flmnel i-We, with l'H
tif Of relief turn I .!! t!i
W. W. Ilyr.
KtAKNEY. Nb . March :4 -Sivil
Telegram. iW. V. Iiye. a prominent
i ntemlier of the Grahd Army of the Ru-
public, wtio baa lived In this rlty for the
! last twenty-five years, dropped dead at
I the Midway hotel this afternoon, where
' he waa employed. "ne year ago, a sou.
! Walter Ia. dropped deed In almost the !
identical spot Mr. I'ys leaves a Ido
and several chiMrrn.
j wir inr 9-n Tlrrd.
j "Sirtng fever" ssualiy Is tfce result of
lufl h bowels and torpid liver. After
I months Indoors. on are not lilirly to
I feel vigorous aad spilghtly. Foley C.
j l!.rtle Tablets are "wwth their Icht
I la guld" fur (hat ever-full feeling, bilious.
pesa, gas on the stoma rfc. a4 tre!h.
indlgeiitioa or roastiiMtton. Their -iiorj
la qui- k. enmfortable and emplet
hhuut hum or gnptng. Htout
ay tiir ar a biaiag. Suid
hrr.- A Jvriil!.nt
week ewmwa ,
Big Jobs
arc gained largely by doing common tasks
uncommonly well.
But to do unusually gotxl work of any kind,
fitness of body and mind are required.
Food plays a big part in this mattor food that
contains true nourishment. And true nourishment
be it remembered must include eertain important
element? which unfortunately are often lacking in the
ordinary dietary especially in white breath These
elements are phosphorus , iron, lime, .sulphur, etc.,
stored by Nature in Ler field grains, and absolutely
necesary for building Htrontr, vigorous bodies and
active brains.
made of choice wheat and malted barley, affords all
the nutriment of these grains, ineludiug these imjtort
n nt mineral elements, in form for easy, quirk digestion.
(irae-Nuts food is always fresh, crisp, swe t and
ready to eat with cream or milk.
Thoufands have found that a ration of (Jrae-uts
lat h day makes for real progresn toward the htpger
things f life.
'There's a Reason"
-Mil. bv (ipM'er e i -vvln-re.
This kindly old gentleman who does not
look his 8(1 years, wrote us over a year
ago as follows:
"Duffy's Iure Malt Whiskey has done
wonders for me. I becamo so well that
no one would believe it was I. 1 am bet
ter after using Duffy's Pure Malt Whis
key so I will continue same.
Only recently h wrote at f hit:
"I wss born Oct. 19th. 18. and now
while we are having the world's last war,
I want to thank Duffy's Pure Malt Whis
key which has enabled me to bear my
age so well. "-Christian Thorscth, Nor
way Lake,' Minn.
If you wish to keep young, strong and
vigorous and have In your cheeks the
glow of perfect health, taks
Duffy's Pure
- Halt Whiskey
according to directions. It tones and
strengthens the system and promotes
good dlgeation, which Is the key to
hcaltii. It is a recognised family medi
cine everywhere. Invaluable for over
worked men and delicate women, Duffy's
is a promoter of health and longevity.
"Get Duffy's and
Keep Wei."
At most drug-'
gists, grocers and
dealers, $1. If they
can't supply, you.
write us. Medical
booklet free.
Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester, N.T.
Choice of Roate via
Rock Island Lines
By way of El Paso and Tucsonthe di
rect line of lowest altitudes route of the'
"Golden State Limited" foremost trans
continental train to California.
Through standard and tourist Pullmans
via Colorado and Salt Lake City the great
scenic route across the continent
Low Round Trip Fares in Effect Daily,
Circle Tours. Scenic Routes to
Pan-Pacific Expositions.
Automath Btoek Signal
Finert tSodmxt AH-3fi Pangvr Eqvgpmttnl
Abmolutm Safty
Writs, phone or call at Koefc Islaad Tnm
Bureau, 1123 Farnam Straet. for ttekcta, res
arraUoni, information. alo cony mt Exposi
tion Folds.
Nervous People
who have bad teeth
should consult us.
We Use Vitalized Air
We Hperlallze In Painless Den
tistry and are oulck to grasp ev
ery lute dlacoveiy for performing
the very beHt work at the lesst
(llHi onifort to our patients. Vital
ized Air Is the 2rtlh century bon
to ncirvous people as a pain killer.
Pome up and Invesiixate our rep
utation uh sPei lallstH.
Our Charges Are Reasonable
W'n make tliem low because we
have the fai lllties and skill to
l.'ii It iur r.itleiits are the ery
!-', tiiivertlMng we huve. Ask
aiivimi' i f tl, -in ahiKit our wor
.tint i-harK'i for suine.
Honesty built our butinsss
to oae of the largest practices In
NVhiHSka. We l-ll vuu on first
ctinsuliallnn just what you ne.l
and -it!y what conI of sam
Taft's Dental Rooms
A picture of the bicycle
will be in The Bee every day.
Cut them all out and ask
your friends to save the pic
tures in their paper for you,
too. See how many pictures
you can get and bring them
to The Bee office, Saturday,
April 10.
The bicycle will h siveu Free
to the buy or girl that sends us
the most ilrture before 4 p. m.,
eiitturtlujf, April 10.
Subscribers can help tho chil
dren in tho contest by asking for
picture certificates when they
pay their subf-:erition. "NVe give
a certificate good for 100 pictures
for even' dollar paid.
04 AMI l. !... K
-Northwestern Unhersity 1
College of Engineering
riv tmtm f tHngri IratnlMS
mall -t 4'-li Mu4rl rrft
t)D Missl StmtHM ut Htt4t 4HtS4s4Mt
fr-M IH !-' p-k"HWi i')lc
frla I' Psbsw1 su4r4ssil(.ka 4sa
.l tallMtiU.I . 4 sM gt
s...r A . 4fi" uaUi,Mlr4 (
.twrT4ia4 .- Wflt Iwf ' ktt
JOH r. ATtOl D. DU4Xr
SVftUltOM. llaiaoi.
"Thw building that is always new"
none better,
ask any tenant,
tenants seldom leavo.
Apply to building superintendent. Room 101.
t (efrefiii tir'p,
I n 5