Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 25, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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Minimum Wape and Interurban
Measures Among: Those Getting
.by in Senate.
THE NEW "SUTREME COURT OF TRADE," the Federal Industrial Commission Com
missioner Joseph E. Davies of Wisconsin, chairman, and Commissioner Edward N. Hurley
of Illinois, vice chairman. Other members are William J. Harris of Georgia, William H.
Parry of Washington and George Rublee of New Hampshire.
i :
(From Stuff Cnrrespi.ri'Unt.) j
LINCOLN, Nrb.. March 24. iSprrial i
Tclngram.) A number of th" sennti i
tft.nVng tominltfr riifhr.f Mil iindor
th wire Wednesday, reporting them out
to ae them from dying a a remit of
the blanket ritecutlon order for all sen
ate fllro lrft In rommlttre at the tlnf
ct business today. However, a large
number of bill were left to fall by the
r arable.
.Among those reported out were: ft. F.
2M, bjr Weeaner of Webster, a, minimum j
wage bill, and 8. F. 1M. by Dorigr of
Douglas, a bill for the rnrourament
of Interurban railroad hullrilnjc. The lat
ter had been out of the committee be
fore, but had been recommitted for
H. R. 25, by Reynolds of Lincoln. u
thortzing the railway rommlsl"n to
compel railroads to build crossing where
the land on both aide waa owred by the
am person, waa reported for Indefinite,
postponement and the report adopted.
House Members Plead
With Senators That
No More Cuts be Made
(From ftaff CorrenpondentV
XiXHCCHJN, March 24 (Hpedal.) Mem
bers of the. aenate, upon whom has been
thrust the enormous burden of Increasing
approprlatlone cut to the quick by the
ecoiwwny-arlTrm house. If any siirh In
r reuse are to be made, quietly chuckled
to themselves yesterday when Representa
tive Korff and Norton were seen on
the floor of the. chamber pleading ear
neatly with Senator Howell and other
member of the senate, finance com
mittee. Thla waa Just after the report had
come out that the aenate committee waa
minded to accept the "buck" a passed
to It by the house, and Instead oft raising
the appropriations,- would cut the main
tenance bill JO per cent more.
It waa aot definitely known wtiat Korff
and Norton said, but rood authority has
It that they entered a strong plea against
any further cuts. The senate finance
committee la still holding hearings. Tre
mendous pressure la being brought to
bear upon the committee, according; to
Its members, for a raise In some of the
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, March 4.-8pedal.)-The
agricultural activities bill, reported dead
once and for all In the committee, came
to life this afternoon, when Robertson, of
Holt changed his -vote and the bill was
reported out for general file. The agri
cultural committee had previously ovted
to take no action upon the bill.
The bill, annate file 4. proVldea for'a
$.O WW boaro of eight members, to have
general supervision of alt agricultural ac
tivities. Soma of Its backers admit that It
Is designed to ultimately bring about the
compltta separation of the state farm and
the university proper.
Passed by the Braale.
H. R. 139, Bass Makes road overseers
subject to removal by county commis
sioners unless they follow Instructions.
H. R. 94, MHtteson and La Hounty
Counties may bid In land offered at tax
sales (f other bbldors do not offr ouough
to cover the debt.
II. H, 6V-Itli-hmond of Douglas Pro
Miles that county boarda may make levy
of not to eaceod 16 mlHa fur court house
ii r Jail fimd upon petition of hi per rrnt
of the voters. In lieu of a apeclal sleet ion,
H. It. SSI, lioffmelster and Mearns Ktate
Instead of count tea to pay expenses and
compensation of water district superin
tendents. II. K. XO, Smith Provides that polls
both at primaries and at general elections
be kept open from a a. ro. to t p, m.
11. K. 1T, I 'oterson Amends law re
asnilng settlement of estates of non
residents owning property In Nebrnska
who die In this state.
II. IC SI 2. Naylor All school houses
two stories or over must have fire fe
es pea
H. R. 99. Hynek-Provtdes for six In
stead of three deputy game wardens to
be appointed by chief dvputy. i(alsea
aalartea from I7i month to liitt.
II. R- XI. Btesrns Authorises drainage
or Irrigation district boards to contract
with federal government for purchase,
sale or use of reservoirs, canala or water.
it. K. Fass J'rovl.U-s for written re
ports by drainage dlstrl' t boarda.
H, H. i. Tlobete Provides for the sub
ihumJou to Votiis of question of adopting
county highway commissioner system.
Reesaiateailra te Pass by Heaaie
salt tee at lb Wfcsl .
If. R. r2. Twenty Members Torrent
system of registration (ur land titles
optional with landowner. Amended so
that no county need buy the necessary
records except iixn a petition of Iv pvr
tent of the freeholders of the county.
II. K. 3'. ttcott of Hamilton rsiikwers
city council In all towns and villagea of
less thsa I. out population to uiaks a levy,
by a three-fourths vote, of not to exreed
l..Vi a year fur the supoii of a mu
ulctpsl band.
11. K. 4l. Oeterman Kmpoaers const y
!isrd to create Dew tunshie out of
i Hies of second class upon a pet It too of
to per cent of the voters
11 K. I I. KullerPuts rontr.,1 of ths
road overseer with township bc-ird
Ii. R. Seven Menitiers Compre
hensive; motor vjliK.le regrtstratioQ laa.
Ills twlllaa la Haas.
It. D. WO. by the .aneter Iwlrgation
To irev nt lt t.uw ot suits bring
I tout 1. 1 In Nebisska by itonrexldrnla (
the slate agsiiisl foreign oriKiratloiis
tailed of pa, ths uts b.Uig H lu W.
Hilts Passed la Haas. -
ii. R. sui, MstUson 1lc tenuis of
bajikiitg bvi.rd sxretir and vtner em
I'ioyvs al lur us unless removed by
ne Moerr aftsr hearing
7 lc 4. I'ny- p;ovTing a stx-ysar
term fvr city r,iiienlasuns in cities of
the t lass of lUmlrne. ous to be t hosea
ery tee y-r
s tl-iisliig i hlrvpractic piofes
sum. II. H. 4V., the Nutinsa bill giving ths
IMsis Hankira Ixard disi reinnsi y poaer
tu limit !) wf banks is any tola
SJt'ltdly. KflD'fiii'ii, l' 4-tuNr.
H. ft. h."ll-Authorises put. II. a-
(l., of las lit la (Mraspaurrs
pMnOr. kn frre'kn laiaua(es.
II. It 4l I'm k Provides tounly
fcli foe esrt. uIIkiaI su.itia
H. It. Ii lkiossn Ke.uirra tounts ts
Jr s'wti'fa' if. I,..
II H- iX. Natl'-r -fn.vt.les that lal
aaersaurs m m rit ssrwullursl statka
ti. a r-for diaati SMh. ...
II M ii,. y It mtir - t'r- penallle't
f,'f ti-l' or ,l'(ru. tt,.a 4 rat'nMid n.i -eMy.
in4 simh laa on marietauk hler
bum o( life as, ura as a leaWI
t('rof. k
lUat Nws aufc wtia a la Waal Aa1
Iv ;v J
wtmiihii iiin.iim mm iiwiiiiii mi 'i" 'mmmmimmmmmm m ' "iglSMuH, '"'t ffW''Ty
Will put taoon lobbyists
Iowa House Panel Bill to Compel
All Such Workeri to Make
Self Known.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DKS MOINKS, la., March 24 (Kpoclal
Telegram.) The house of representatives
paused today In the midst of a great ruah
to spend time passing a Joke In regard to
lobbying. It la a bill by Whltthaurr to
require that lobbyist register and wear
badges, and state their business, and
who they are for. There was no opposi
tion to ths bill.
More Money to Ftaht Hates
The )iou pasaed a bill continuing the
appropriation for the . railroad commis
sion to carry on the Investigation of rail
road rates and defending against the de
mands of tlig ml) roads for Increase of
Interstate rats. , . . . , f
He vised Salary l4in .
. The senate Mnlahea UP lis, work today
of revising the law as to county officers.
aslarlea and rletMif ie. A Sraded Sl'slfl of
aalartea la provided. The deputies' ahall f
receive In the large counties half of what
la paid their chiefs, and In the smaller
counties they may get up to WO.
Bill to Let Public
Service Corporations
Merger, is Opposed
- (Krom a Blaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., March IM.-(Bpeolal,)
A hearing Is scheduled before the house
committee on corporations on House Roll
No. fc'3,, a bill Introduced by .Mockett,
giving public service corporations the
right to form mergers and Issue capital
stock amounting to the combined stock
of the consolidated oonoerna with the
consent of the railway commission. The
bill la opposed by the legislative commit
tee of the league of Nebraska Munici
palities. Chairman Meier and other mem
bers of that committee expect to appear
In opposition to It at the hearing.
The following amendment to House
Roll 23 has been prepared:
Provided, the capital stock of the con
solidated coriMiratlon rhall not exceed the
actual physical value of the combined
property of each corporation united In
auch consolidation, plus a going value of
not to exoeed 10 per rent of the value of
auch combined property, asld physical
value to be determined by the Htats Kail
way commission at the expense of such
consolidating corporations.
Valentine Provided
Por by House Members
i From a Blaff Correspoadsnt.)
LINCOLN. March 14. (Hpei lsJ.-Jro-
vision for the maintenance of the state
agricultural experiment station at Valen
tine waa made by the bouse In committee
of the whule today after the Item bad
beea stricken out by the fltiame com
mittee. The funds will come from ths
appropriation for the atate university.
Krlee of Howard secured the adoption
of an amendment ordering the university
regents to set aside U.ITs for the legis-
latlve reference
burrail for the criming
i From a ftaff Correspondent )
MNCOLN. March 14 -I Special -AA a
substitute for the old time committee I
i ralnea and minerals, which baa been j
abolished at Ibis session of the legtsla- '
lure, the house "committee on alfalfa
baa prvvea Itself a worthy successor.
The com i sit lee justified Its existence by i
filing a humorous rerwrt on al'slfa cul- ,
lure, whhli really had rafrrenca U the
beards of the three memtwre rmrpoelng '
the roniinlltev One member. Mr ful
ler, did aot sis a the report. The pt her
ntemuera are Clay burn aad llertmrialer !
Iteaartaaeat Ursrr. I
WASHISOTkS. Vsh ?-,a,-rutl
Tausiaa I snS II v was ei taNnit i
M'nat.r ai lli .m j
.i.rsa, . II aa . r-xivd. '
t'w s ass sisvMnt.a .fn,r at
Usa.k xii.l. K...,lu lkule
fe l. V. t-iim,'na, riinfl
Svluska ra- tai.ll lta I
"'. ttf"! Water. US. HatDe
Commonwealth Power
Loses Last Chance
to Collect Fees
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. March 24.-(8peetat.)-The
Commonwealth Tower company has loat
Ita last chanoe to recovea Ue W.43S fee
that It paid Into the atate treasury in
1912 for water rights that It never secured.
The report of the senate standing com
mittee on Judiciary recommending that
the resolution giving the company per
mission to sue the atate for the fee be In
definitely postponed, M adopted by the
senate wtlh but on or two dissenting
The resolution was debated at length
In the aenate before reference to the
committee. At thattlme a number of the
senators wer In favor of giving the com
pany a day In court. Qulnby of Douglas
reiterated his views this morning, but to
no purpose.
After the company had paid Its fee the
state board of irrigation turned down the
application, holding that there were no
water rights on the Loup remaining unap-
Senate Priends of
Lighting Bill Not
Against the Change
(Prom a Staff Oorreaponrtent.)
LINCOLN, Neb.. March 14. (Rpectal.)
Penato Pile No, , the Omaha lighting
bill, cam over from the house this morn
Ing. bearing the house amendment that
requires an appraisal of the present pri
vate electric light plant and a purchase
upon a vote of the people.
Benator Saunders, who Introduced the
bill, roada jio move to concur in the
amendment this morning, but It Is antici
pated that such a motion will be forth
coming later. - Friends, of the bill are
seemingly not greatly opposed to tho
amendment. They say that such restric
tions are thrown around the proposed
purchase In the matter of time limita
tions that there can be no duplication of
the delays experienced with the purchase
of the old water plant by the city.
Byrne Will Favor
Better Tax System
PIKRRB. 8. P., March 24. (Special Tel
egram.) Governor Byrne, who has ever
since he was In public life been a strong
advocate 'of adequate tax reform. In his
talk before the county auditors' meeting
this afternoon announced bis Intention In
the next campaign of favoring the amend
ments fnt a better and more up-to-date
taxing system for South Dakota.
lis discussed the tax Issue which haa
been prominent la several campaigns.
showing that the state asks U In taxes
j from each Individual, while the local
taxea asked are 10 for each Individual,
Thirtj-.tiftH Ytmr
For Liouor and
Drug Users
Removea nermenently the craving
for Liquor and I'rugs.
Aleava Improves ths general health,
fcurruundinie pleasant system hu
mane, i.othlna "heroic."
Dross are withdrawn gradually, and
with ths aid of our toi lc remedies
patients suffer no col laps
Ix not be persiiad 1 that alt treat,
ments ate silks. Our a Is the only
sffetle one. as tUns aa.l exper
ience proves
Cfcme to us without delsv Thees eon
gllHMie ar avrvxis and there should
bs ito sapertnteHts.
fend for lliustralad booklet. Cerre
spoojenre strutlv rwf ientlal.
The Kcclcy Institute
Oaraes astk and Caaa treets,
OatAJgA. Its.
for All Age r i f i i
NesrUsa ,
Dilim.l 4 "VT'
i..i.i. .'if TL -w -
L. - ? .til .
but all the campaign thunder Is on the
12 and not on the $10.
Would It Be
As You Wished?
If you do not make a
will or arrange for. tho
disposition of your
jiropertj during your
life time, the State will
dispose of it according
to the laws of descent.
Now is the time to
make a will arid appoint
the Peters Trust Com
pany as your Executor.
Then you know that
your wishes will be
faithfully carried out.
Capital and Surplus
. $475,000.00
Easter SUIT
by my Skilled
Tailors costs you very
little more than an ordi
nary ready-to-wear af
fair that gives you No
where Near the Satis
faction or Service.
$25 $30 $35
Some at $40.03.
Tailor Deck
The IJitW Ka V Kit
the lUe; alura.
Hi'j iHvilif Mrtvi.
thT? 1 sassxxagaatwsissixl J lit
let he make yoosTNj
' r. 4
asv. 4. a shsj3
ss Bwaismasa
Hand Tailored Suits of Merit
$35, $39.50, $45
Distinguished by. many attractive marks of
originality, not so obvious as to be conspicu
ous and bizarre, rather so clever and unob
trusive as to pass unnoticed except in the gen
eral air of exclusiveness they impart.
Suits of silk, serge, gabardine and wool
poplin in tans, grays, shepherd plaids, blues,
black and white.
$'35, $39.50, $45
No Extra Charge for Alterations.
Other suits from $19.50 to $85.
The New Spring Silks
Open the Season Now
In a Lovely Display
Staple and novelty weaves In the greatest imaginable) variety
of new and fashlonaWe rotors. If yon are ready to purchase) mate,
rial., now, for your spring itowna, or If you denire to find out what
atylea are new and how prices compare, don't fail to visit the 8Uk
Section this week.
A Wonderful Silk Value
Gros de Londres Silk Suiting, a yard wide
$2.25 Quality, $1.39 a yard
An exquisite fabric In sand, putty, gray, RugHian green, Belgian
blue, marine, navy blue and blaik.
Now on Display in 16th Street Window.
Attractive New Modes in Tailored and Dress Hats
Presented in a Special Offering at
$7.50, $8.75, $10, $12.75 and up to $50
New hat modes grow more interesting in these
sections from day to day.
Now a turban appears with a new tilt, a sailor
has new brim, and a picture hat boasts a different
and most effective flower trimming.
To represent these newer mode developments, in
large, medium and small hats, tailored hats and dress
hats, which will mirror the ideas of skilled modistes,
hats must be distinctive, individual.
No two alike in either group, thus affording a va
riety so extensive that any woman can find just the
hat best suited to her own personality.
Misses' and Children's Beautiful New Hats.
Tailored and Dress Hats
At $2.95, $3.95, $5 and up to $12.50
Chango Today
Keagaa a Tyaae ataaiaal Oeeaeaw
Bsotat Aaaea AMraattoa
ItareMilo in -A IIIVKSK
Taa Arrival elsereaa
r"Wir,Wi"W M MUim tiirilUWaBBsai
mo. Labadlo
Friday, lSIarch 26. 1315.
rwketa. ii ea. t. w. e. a.
"AaevsuareaBea's aa ifg geua re-euria
Wear a Redfern Corset
and Acquire the New Figure
Of course you want the new figure, not only
because it is graceful, feminine and altogether
charming, but because the new fashions de
mand it.
In Paris, where they originated, they were modeled
over a figure having a smaUer waist, with a pretty nat
ural curve at the sides, an erect carriage, and m flmi,
rounded bast line this we call the "new fjnre," be
cause it is such a change from the figure that has been
fashionable the past two seasons.
The new Iledfern Models are designed to mould the
flesh into these new lines, and hold It la place, thug
gradually reshaping the figure. , -
But this doe not interfere in the
least with their comfort and flexibil
ity, as you will realize upon wear'
ing one . ' -
Come in and Let Us Show -You Our New
Try one they are quite different from those of last
season. Styles change, so corsets must change, too.
Three dollars up. Be fitted.
Corset Section Third Floor.
"OMAsTat, Ttrm CIFTIA"
With "Tanglefoof AL K. trail A Masai
Irosbv, Hhvuuinsnal Hoprano. Vautla
vllle tncluiles ' tavo," Jumping Jus
glrr: ktoiris A l'ainpleil. Misa ("nwDr
ami "I.ltll" Taut" Hig Ueaniv Chnrua.
LaAlee' suae Matt see week Saga.
Bear, see
If ill, Sill
Dalle Maia gag
moe4 Shew. treaties ef MarUa Beea.
Ua Acts rs
'Ia. W '
aaakcf a i ;.. ris4 a g... m,.
tnpaaual Tra,4 rs,f. ma - n,, JTZ
tor,. ! u s SMitra. ir i JZm.
Cat). "S. '. Ma. gVa, s aa :.
U U Rest if Pinctt Plctsris j,
Lata Ssa Wtti Aw Bean Imif. la I
A BeUaee
The Store for
Here you'll find a con
stantly changing display
of spring blouses, petti
coats and kimonas.
Priced Moderately.
New Skirts
Of Imported Rampour
chuddah cloth, $16.50
for your choice. Other
separate skirts, up
wards from $0.50.
rOfUIUUg Tbesvte
Mat. Teaar. tOl Toaljrht aa Week.
Oee. ML Ouaaa'e Aiar Muatoal (H,ae4.
Mattaeee Wst, Taara, SaV. tSct
iAta. gee Se aAveaee ta art oee.
steat WisWIUirnui,"
Taeeaeg. aeatasy Miss.
01. MIA COWtlA
Bargains in
practically new
articles in For
Sale column: read
1- V .
Ususias, (.taitNn, I
aev "lluaxiCaV'A