12 THE BEE: OMAHA. Till IISDAV. M-AIJCIl 2 OMAHA LIYEJTOCX MARKET Cattle Show Very Little Change at Compared with Tueiday Fat 1 ' Lambs Ten Higher. Hogs mostly ten cents down fOlTI! OMAHA. Marrh 24, 1S B. TteretDI fl: C all la.. II..CS. llheen. Pftirtil Mondav 4.." Offielal ltia.lav tJetlmate Wednesday.. .- Three days thl .wk.-lV Puma dav I art work.. 22. 4." Kerne days 2 irkl. lH.W Bame days I .ks. ago 4,4l ptvna daya 4 wke. ago.n.Mft fcama days tut ar...ll,H4 4;:. IV'! fl4.in 441 34.4IH 4S.13t 41 7C 14 i2 II Tiil .') SI. M.1 4.1. "-I 27..T72 AfMi W.i 39.101 I Mb 1 1 . . . . - .Analn! I 1. on ivi:uinn la in pu ua hit i ' - i frf cattle. hoga and sheep a: the pViuth ptnaha live stock market for the year to gat a oompared with laat year: 131. ihm, inc. TatUa 132.130 21."40 21 W) K"S , M:i! fWo.T4 14x.1o Ehern , Vm.lt; 4i.iJZ l..n Th followlna; Ublo ahewa tht averaara (vrlca for hoga at the South Omaha live Stock market for th. laat few dava. with mmoarlaona- ,,- . TJate. 1lt. 1114 1191. 1112. 11U. '1110 4 t U, C 841 7 7H 4a Cl . 34 !' l M a Ml I i t 7T. 10 22! &1 til I M! I I " U.I fTU I 4fi 4i j10 57. 1 4 i m: Ml Of I 4? H f.7! 4-M H 5-i ... 17 tl 0,10 411 181 7S V Mb., bin, M a.4i i' 4l i 4 WSi 3 70 IS ' 1 3il 4 M',: g 4A a 74. 4 S4, 4 U,ln Ml & 4 4 V 4 4i m a ua t Tin a ft'. 10 l Mi 4 4 I 4 40 I 64 79) 7 W' 4 4o10 13 I til 7 Oft' 4 4n I'l 4W 4 M 47 8 4 45 10 1 ; M Mar. 24.1 4 fiO l IW I 4 41 1" vi 4 M Sunday. Kecelpta and dlKiltlon of live atock at the Union Htock Yard. Boutn omaha, tor the twenty-four hour ending al 3 Pclock yaaterday: KECKIITS-CAnLOADH. Cattle. Hoga. Sheep. H'r'a. p.. M. . St. P 10 tVal.aah 3 Missouri Pacific ... 1 fcnlon Pacific f I'. . N. W eaat... 2S V.. N. W.. waat... 4H C: t. P-. M- O.. 34 C.. B. 4b tl.. eaat... p., R. Q.. weat... 14 C. R. 1. P.. eaat. 13 f!.. It. L Ik P.. weaU .. Illnola Central I phlcago O. W I Total receipt ...1W 10 I 4 m 12 ,1 20 M u 1 3 4 218 2J 27 IJIBPOBITION-! I BA u. Mar. a.. Mar. .. Mar, 10. Nar. 11. Car. nar. 14. tar. U. far. la. Mar 17. Mar. U. Mar. 18. Mar. 30. Mar. tl. Mar. a. Mar. 71 ttle. Hoes. Uheop. fiSH I.KS M4 1.719 1.74i W4 1.7H.I 1.W7 789 2.(" 1,620 1.2M 7.4K3 JO 3 1 t 4X 49 29 1A m 1.14 JM r. ..... i it 22 11 27 24 42 4 - 1 fJorrl Co thrift eV Co pudahy Packlnf Co... Armour V Co Pchwartx tk Co tiJ. W. Murphy Worrell lancoln Packlna; Co... Ks. B. Vanaanl Co.... !. H. Lewis luaton Co . It. Koot ft Co . If. Uulla . F. ' Hum i. Koaenvtock BroV t1c:reary & Kellogg., s en hf liner aV " Dcgcn. H. F. Hamilton Huillvaji Wroa Mo. Kan. Calf Co.. ri.riatkt ., Huffman Koth Meyer I. aker. Jonca aV 0 Tanner liroa John Harvey Kline Innla a Francla Hher buyer .. ' is ., 4.648 Total. S.3S7 CATTL.K Thera waa another yery fair run 01 cattle todaf, 177 car be In la foiled In. Tht leavea tho total (or the lu low day at 14.170 head, a heavy talllnn 01 f aa compared wltU laat week excea vlve run. but iill not far from an avcr aKe run fur tbl" aeaaon ol lite. wr. The toarkat thla mornlnn w not e. wecia.ly aiUva, but atlll there waa a fair flematHl, with price about llko tney wero ycMeruay inoiulntf or a tittle atronger Uian veateruay'a lower oloae. Cow and heifer were ateady aa com pared with the beat time yeaterda or a 111 tie stronger than th weak time. There was. howoever, not enougn tnana i e worth mentioning. Fevdcra -and etockcr, epecllly those f good quality, were in very lair requeat endprluea on the better gradea linn. L.e Htstrwiile kind were at leant ieady. ifuotatlons on cattle: ood to cholca corufed beavea ri "t'H-SO; fair to good eomted beevee, I7.10i7.W, common to fair cornfed beevea, la.Wxuf.l"; god to .hnlea heifer. K'il.W, good to choice row. tu.7Vii4.6U; faJr to good cow, tu.Oif. t.l.'i; common to fair cow, t4.0uj.Vno; goo to choke atovkere and feedera, I7.O0JV7.M); fair to good slockara and feeder. tti."Q ); common to fair (.tucker and feednr. n.7Mi.W; tock belfer. 6.6lVa2: stock cow. t4.7Mia0; atock calves, t.0nj1.0i veal ealvea. tiOOuv.W; bulls, tag, etc., S4.7Ml4.uO. RcpreseoUtlve salea: BF.KF PTKER8. !. I ... .... It... .... t ... 4.... I.... 4 ... I.... y... ,Av. Tr. N. liu 1 ! Ui tr) St twt T U 11 10.4 T II m 'Salvfa M T 0 1.... 1M 1...., la I tl I.... iu ft Uk t A. fr. .Mi 1 M ..1J77 T a T t ,.n 7 M ..IWI I J M 9 a y l u "i'Ti'iiiiMiiu, ANii r r.e.j. .11 at T Ml in ji..... 4..-. M Ul 1 ,.- 41 ....in 1 M . k Ill 1 HOGS Another generous run howe up till moinlng, about 22T. car, or l4fll lnead. tomprla.ng the day's U4ply. Th total tor the llrt half of the week la nmathlna- like M.M head, being over J7 0o smaller thao lat week, but about 4l larger than for th corresponding uertod of laat year. Advk-e Irom other point were any thing but encouraging, and both packer nd shipper' arly offera were very bear-4-b awir rnaue at figure that were fully a dim lower than yesterday. A th shipping hogs are selling at ao much vt a premium over the killer, oolatde buyer had no t-ouble In buying all Ihe fioga they wanted at the decline nned, in fact some of the salea were made after th first round were quoted a inure than a dime lower. Moat of the H.iPPtna a-le were at tti. with a san-inkilng aa hlgn aa t.a. e pieve of a lrd reaAhud 14.70. the day highest figure. . Helier were alow about coneedinsi a J0o de. line te the packer, and the trade lru(ed along until a late hour before wtix a of anything In the killing line waa old. Ku)ri tu k pretty cloee lo their llret hWa. however, and wlaa the llrat nale were llnally mad they looked to be pretty nar!y Wo lower than Ttiurday pmrkft trad it wee la'- I fore anything like a dear, at are was toa.le, but In tne end th big bulk tit the o(terina auid at fiautwe thai aeera bn a dime lewer. tinl-(.tn t.ur- rtKe wvte n4 lety this moinuir t. - that Main trt. eerard more tnta a dime loa.r m lb ther here! tew kere .Irowa .lul rt 4uw n"'te tie Is 1 i. line oe rs,r but II waa the er l ..et..i.,e that their lron tu4av were e7 tetter ejua.xy tt.aa waft the tut ) r Urlu I'l "t tbe tiling ho- so id at t 4 ICS wa tie4 ''e t 1.1.WI ft tbe i'."-'e ft'i.1 al t with fete btrh at t aV . rtrvees.'-i"e l-e-fee. fa f' ke. s f ea.. .v 4 m .. w w a. .. : H ...... us t-a ... i' e . ft , ft .. . t ft ft a T 1 1 it.... -e Mftft ...re m c . ... 1 ; . u ..' ft. if . 4 ft eft . .. j t: , Mtittt 1 s f..i was l'l 'm4 al W- 'W b4. ...-! N .lee the .jet i rt Uhim 1 here were .ft1r Ift tt t t er f ftl-4 rrvp t. I etiie mi 4 v.riiiKf ad.wee f tmm e.Ae 4.te t t..el - evt u m-i ei4 iftl w l' I., a . 4 I r U'' ftkl '1. etr..eg- ftk.1 wte 7 .,t et ' t 1 .4 V M e. fi I . e i a s r.w J r w .fcvl -4 I - I aw'g a' - .4 -. . 4 lt t f .. ' . t . e ' t 4 I mm t . T . , ei rk a-vt I -e vmm (:-' ! . e.r e T 141 a f tk -(.ft. ukd .saae eaa ttgfty rrsponstt.l frvr the better feeling In tho general market. There was mor teMpping demsrwl tlian In several day ami more offerings rhngv1 hand "on feeding and shearing ernnnt. l.amhn that sold t feed and to ahoor ranged at yt.w-fis Jf. The clearance wss reason,). . Quntatlone en sheep and lamba: Umbl, M-i'.i, $'. im. lainlia, fed westerns, $ ' n"....;n, lnnit. eherlng. ta.T.Vrr m; Mealeans. t,"Vi,7u; lamha, fed western. $4 .: lamhs, shearlnr. HottS 4W: iearllng. light. IS 7.VJT TO; yearllnga. heavy, M..0fil.n: wethera, good to rhnlee. IT T' 1r s. Oil; a .-there, late to aiwvf. f7.MJ7 7i: eea. good to rhotre, tT.4iTA'i; ewe, fair to o..d. T..Vfi;.V JU'lTracntlMU" sales: Vo. Av. .. 2 .. .. .. M .. K4 Tr. a a r, TO 7 4 7 40 lY.1. Irrailn fA ln,K J ;7 fold .), !: la nil ! I I'l fed -,lnh ) f'nlorRilo etlfs 1 4-W 4YIrdo IIORSKH The receipt wer lane but like last week Ihe hulk r,nalct..rl nf In. f'rlnr hnriCR for wlilf-li lhr. w - - la - - . - no demand, tlood horaea weighing I.2W t-ounds nml up met a resdv outlet at price shout steady with the last Hale. .-inu iinu inicrior Kino nan neen rorc-Mt off i.t a reduction In prliea. It an wtiHatlafnctory ma ' iiihi.uj ii tne t,;M.r iUHiltv o, hip re- ceii. 1 n. imiir I In mule waa similar mrl1"' Aged mule or good ' " v an.l alr.e were 4n ralr demand, J"'U tne small grc.-n and unaeaannable ,lra were hard to llioae or. They can- not be bouaht oa enouah In. the ..nun. try to amp to market The war deal acted lr-ttv much the same a the oien trade, with foaclgn huv er taking readily the top end of the of fering that came up ti the specifica tions The rmy ltier want a larger horae. than two month ao. but are not advancing tho price any. Hoth til Italian and French are still fillltir order bar. ( Ilir.it.O MK "TO! K MIRK K1 faille Slroaa;, lloaa Weak, Bheet) Firm. CHICAOO, Manh 24. CATTI,r-lt-eellila. tt.W head: market strong: native ater. f.i.ftMj.M: wcatern :..rr7.ort; cow and heifer. ia.mHi7.7fi: calve, pi,:n 10 00. IKM5S I!cceliis, i.mio head, market wenk; tnoetly Ilk' lower: bulk, K 70; IlKht. $.4.V(i;.70; mixed. tt.4''i.75: heavy 6 2Vo 7rt: rough, H.3n-nii 40, plKs. $:,.i'(nj 2.",. MIEKP ANI I.AMIIM-rtecelpt, '0(xiO head: market firm: ahecp, 7 HKt .!.', ; ear Itliga, i;.s:.'3!.lii; lamb. 7.vi 8... I. I.onla l.lve 5laek Market. HT. I.OI'IH, March 24-CATTLK-He-relpi. '.Mm bend: nmrket hlaher: native beef ateer. 7 trir 4.7n; cows and helfera.J o.witio.i.i; aoutnern ateera..., 2ri 7.7ft; oowa and heifer, 84.OnhS.Oii; native calve, 84.00 trio. jr.. IHKIS Receipt. 1.1.500 bead: market, lower; pUa and llphta, I..7l'q7.26; mixed and butcher. 8.VVo7 20; goo.1 heavy, ft..0 BHKEP ANO I-AMHS-Recclpt. 9-10 head; market steady, native mutton. In. 75 ifHW: lamba, .fitiR.K; yearling. I7..')) o.wv; ancarru yeaning, vi.awo i.HU. I aioaa f'lly .! Ktoek 'Market. fiJOT'X.CITY. la.. March 24 -CATTt.E-Ilecelpt. 2.0 head: market lOWlfto hlrher; native teer, tH.3r4i7.40; butcher. IVnuw 7 00; row and heifer, I4..VV.00; canner. 13 24.(iO; to-kera and feeder. a.ett4 Ml; civep tS.W-flv.uo; bull, tag, etc.. i.o HOO-Rerelpta. 10.000 head; market r 10c lower; heavy. IK F2VJ.0: mixed, 18.47 J4.;2Mi: light, . 4574. 47 bulk of aale. 8M.rii.f! SHKEP AND IMBS-Recelpt. K head. Kanaaa (Hr l.lve atock Market. KANSAS CITY. March 24.-CATTt.K-Recel,t, l,w bead' market higher; prima fed steer, i.2W(8.; dreaaed beef ateera, I7.00ji4.l0; wetern steers, H f x.00; atnekers and feeders. tH.2iftf7.8S; bulla, V'.'Jsai 75: calves, ll.u.rf lO.So. HtMJI Rerelpt, lo.O.O head; market, lower; bulk. iWff ; 7f. ; heavy. t',.6i'lirt ; packer and butcher. tt.&04ti.W; light, .ftiVHiafl; rlK. M.2.VW4.40. PIIEKP AND r.AMHH-Recelpta, 8,000 head; market higher; lamha, IC4OW9.70; yearling IH.(XXii8.W; wether, 17.28.00; ewe. I7.(AU 7.85. at. Joseph Mve Stock Market. AT. JOHKPII. March 24 4-ATTLK Re eelpta, l.fiO head; market strong: ateera, l7.HiHH.fio; cowa and heifer. 4.00118.00; ealvea, SS.QOjrD.M. HOOK-Receipt a, B.OOo head: market alendy; backera blddlnv MHOc lower; top, 84.10; bulk of sales. Him? .'4. BKGKP AND LAMHlt Receipt. SOOO head; market higher; lamba, 9.0l'g4).7S. .New Thrk Money lnret. NK'W YORIC, March 24. MONEY Time loana. steady: atxtv dava. per cent: ninety days, i per cent; six months, Sg iU per cent. M IK.I4CANT1I.K PAPKR 8t4 per cent. HTKRLdMI 1X'IA NOR S t e a d y: Uty-day hl'l. 84.7675; for cable, 84.791S; for demand. 84.7875. KU.VKFl-liar, &0c; Vexlcan doltar. avwc HONDS Oovernmiinl, steady; railroad, f li m. Closing quotntlun on bonds today wtr a follow: V. S. ref. ta, reg... NtM. K. T. 14 tt. Tt enuaoa ........ "S,M. Hac. cv. hi tt tl S. . "I I1V,-N. v. t:. g 7 4s coupes lei'i'N V. .! y 44s....104 V. . ti. 1'I4. Y. ntat 4Ss...l7i, da eousoa II"', N. v.. b. H. a II. Vinama coupon. 101 s r. IW4 Am. smslttrs .... lot1, No, pirlfle t. lla A. T. at T. rv. '. MM, a, M Armour a 1. .. n o. 8. U of. 4ft.. Alrhlen ea. .... WH l". T. T. H. 1 Mil. a CM. 11. t MtiM'ena ooai. 4a... .. 7lt .. a ..IMS .. u 4s s .. t ciieft. a oiu tstft. . da eea. tlia r. U. Q . ... 'IMtaft4lsg e. Is., C M S ' g 4t.. Hi, u H. r. r. ao 3s l"ISw Fan. tr. ta. R. I. a P. c. 4ft 1114, rf. ta, f. M. ref. 44... do r. Is ... ev D. H. O. rat. as.. 44tko. Itallwar 6a S I .rM) , MLalua Fftcide 4 M fe.Lt HIM UiaCirM H....IN da CT. 4ft... "4 (. Ke. lat 4,e.... ml f .. a. Rubtar 4. luis 1S III. Tea. rat 4a aatl. H. 8tel 6..., K. C. sw rat. la.. e Wabaak lat U... U N. ai. 4s.. M Wen. 'ia 4s 11 HI. Wen. glee. t'affee Market. NKW YORK. March SL-COFFKIE Th market for futurea was very quiet today, but prices ruled higher In sympathy with the ateady allowing of Kraill an.l ther mcd lo be acattered covering with very few seller around the ring in tbe au srnc of renewed May lltiulilatloii. Th n arket opened at n advance of Sin 7 1 olnt and r'owd ini ixints net higher. Hales, 4,:i bas: Maixh. i.7c; April, 8.S7e; Mav. 6.SM0; June. bM&r; Julv. 7 lie; August, 7. lac; September 7.2"c: llctober, 7.S.V; Novemlx r, 7.!t7c December. 7 4.4c; Januxry. 7 ; Kehruar). I.Mc. riixit Head : Rio No. 7. 8c; ri alius, No. 4. hr MV.iv Cost anil freight offers were re ported Irrrgular. wiiu uuoiairnna ranin from about 7 &-"-; to 7 ,iia- f-r 1:10 7a nd aroiin.i 10 lie to 10 JT.C f..r Kantoa 4s K10 eacrutnge waa 1-HI hri'icr and milreta price In Itraill were umhanaed. I l,aftJa Murk Market. ININ. 8Urc- ;4 - In the merl-rti aectlt.n of Ihe st.s U market today IE,. i waa a Isti!" ni'ml-er 01 n'arkina til I'm, .11 faclfic Iwlween 174'a and 1?.. There were also self on l'nlie.1 tilstea sie.l frote ('', 10 M The markel .ius. 1 firm. bll.VKIt Hai. i l.Vi.l rr oua.e. M'li-. t r-er relil. IHHtlll'NT RATRei-Sh.aH bills, Isbi', per cent, three months, iS per teni. kaak t'learlaaa. OM4HA, March H-Hank rlerins f,.r Olual irnlav weie f?.;t 3a ao.l for the correal ndlng day laat year J.1. 0175. ROTARIANS HEAR THAT THEIR SECRETARY IS BETTER Tne noonday Ins been of trie ttviafy club Iw Ike llenalvaw rail aaillar vtttav aa matksat by aa address bv tar. K. C. Iieery A rlrt fr4 lbs NUhnia BWwn ,.erl. where eWretary Totw" Klly i r e-rweul an mnll"n last f ir- iay. tieieal iral Ihe paiteiti la getting aUac wall a4 wi'l a lie t tee rr1! by I'tidsy r Wat' t INDIANAPOLIS BALL TEAM IS HEADE0 THIS WAY Tax Ifc4 ataasaatl kese byl leaaa IVal !.. ta.ee. lat lfc wwet eat a 8iwe4eTn4t l..p cartel f faanlia. wsveee . W, will e4ar a . mt gasne with lull l-awrt.es teeaa TV ls4Mita4iie tan ae . oss lta ttrwaee lie It.linet A, I lad t tkjey S)t. af 1 1 - Itafuaa tawtw an I piaiea is At-ftd I 4 I tt ! k tieetg M Ms tar NEW YORK ST0GK MARET Pricei of Shaxet Mount to New High Lepeli on Laree, Volume of Butineit. UNION PACIFIC 13 LEASEE NEW YOIIK. March 34-rrlcea of rtocka mo'inted to new hlKh level tolay cm a v.liinie nf huklnca. alinoat .a 'arte aa the prevloua dav a hl overturn. With few Iri'l (.rtant eceptlona tpioted valuea (! not only the hlirhert of anv perlo.1 alnce Iiecemher 12 laat when market op eratlona were renemed. hut In many tn atancca they were considerably atove the vkiiirii of July 30. the dny the exchange decried t exrwsdlent to aiii-pcnd because Of the (Tfitherlnir war clouda. t'nlon Pacific waa the leader of to day a aeaalon. which had all the breadth or the prevloua dav, making the maxi mum rain of. three end one-el:hth point on the lancet Individual number of transaction. I'nlted 8tatea fcteel, All in .11 Meaniiia; anil AmaiKamnteo v oppcr h i rki do. lowed In the order named. All at strlklnif ...' .L advance, while Erie waa well to the fine In the minor group. Final pri'-ea were aubstantlally under the beat, hut the close waa atrong. Copper were further benefited by an other advance in the metal nnd Reel's utrength waa act ompanlc I by report of Increaaed production, reeultlng from lare ennort orders. F.riuliiincnt ahare mude niaterial gairia, American Ixwomo tlve preferred rising eight point on tl- unexpected declaration of the regular dividend, and many hitherto dormant la sues roae from one to five point. More gold Imports and excellent rail road return for February - contributed to the movement Iialtlmore A.- iwio re ported a net Increase of 1.0,oro, com parison with the same month of last ear being unfair, however, as the road suffered from aevere weather conditions. throughout the early ;iart of 1914. North ern Piclrle earning 'nereascn ny acd Jehlgh Valley IT-.OOO. Foreign exchange market were less of a factor today than at any time ror week. Remittance on Ijondon. where buying of our stocks wss repo'ted, fell to within a fraction of yesterday' low uuotatinn, but recovered Inter, rrontl- n.ntal bill were gcnerallv firmer on lighter offering try loral bankers. Total sales of share amounted ' to 'i7 .40f a ha re. Honda moved more In harmony with the atock Hit, with a diminution of sale for future delivery. Total sale, par value. 82.57O.Oi0. I'nlted States honda were unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotation on stocks today were: iwiea Hi in. vnnss A la a a noia Aa-eisnmftta Copper ... Helm Beet Hufar... American run Amftrlrft g. A H An.ftTlrsn S. a R pf4... Am ettmr Hertnlng..... AmoHra Tel. Tftl.... Amsrloaa Tfteftcra AiMuonda Mining Aiihlfton ILK I more AV. Ohio Hiooalyn HspM Transit. California I'slmleum ... 4. l S3 J4I 11.400 4. Aral lJ.Tea 'i'ano l.ws) 4n I. KM 4011 t.700 J 44'4 s US iit" ISt A 224 :v4 7n' Ml'4 4:li 4S 7S 101 ! 114 101 121 ijil J &l r,m 1 ia .'' 1w Wl4 l.iavi 1.400 4 iH 4,no tvi WH 17' llti t'anallsa Farldo Central leather (Uisaapeftk AV Ohio 7.4IM MSa :inS lis 1.7011 41 Lion 1114 1.700 as 14 71) l?i'4 l.ano m J. 400 tH 43', II '. t.iVt 1il.ao Oraat Western. 1 1 Chlr-o. M- Ht. P... klCfto A M. W 12.'t 12ei, I J7 .Tl 274 ?7S ' 24, ... ' '.!", I ll't HIS 1 1I7'4 117V. ITllno I -opper ro'.imoo Fuel Y Iron... Colorado 4 rVniihern. ... 1mrr A Kla Ora4.. Kris M.IOS VC4 f 141 S.OflO lia'4 (tonrraJ KleotrlO Oreat Northern HM..... Ureal No. Or rlfa l.en 14 tS' St' OiiKlcenhelm Rxplorfttloa. on ?on US ht 10; 1'4 r 'x M'4 Illlnoift lentrai Ir.tarbomush Met. pf4.. Inaptrallon Cpper International lUrreetar. K-naea City Houthem. . . Ihlfh Valler Ixulllle 4 Naahrllle.. Met Iran Petroleum Miami Copper Mlfteniiri, K. T Wlaaonrl Pwclfl , National Illaealt , 17 Sfi, 174 13 106 41Vi , ..! ! ! I ) 4.1 4,on l.ano .400 I.eOO T2V4 3w l-'S US 71 2ttS ll1 11 121 6H 1S 71 1 US 1 ll'a ' 11 TOO 173 l.On.1 U ton '4 1,900 MS 100 SM 112 S 12a 4, Nallonal Last Ksvftoft Cupper , New York central V, T . N. H. V H Norfolk at Western , 644 00 lo?s 1"4 N.nhern Paolfle T.IWO H15S 400 104 '4 loo r-l(lr Mall 10 ICS 1 I 1(164 ion', V I Pfti tflri Tel. Tftl , faiir erlvanla 4.100 1014 4,io ii's Pullaian PaJaoe Oar tUy .'on. Copper Ileaitln INepuhlle Iron A Btsel.. 1S M4 11.100 117 '4 I45S.14 1.100 11 '4 31 21', Hork lalanit Co Hok alan4 Oo. pfa .. HI. I.. B r. 14 B4.. Hon them Paclfle Southern Bftllwar Tsnnssftss Ueppsr la 17.S00 Ml SS.O 0 ID', 1,100 no l4- 74.70H 13T.S 0 MS M,4 . "0 IMS 1I.IA MS Jno is 1 1ft 11 154 I XT 14 47-4 IMS US 14 MS MS ' l-S j Tee ewmpany ........ t'elen Paelfln t'nlon psi-lflr pM fulled stales rltel IMS 1?4S ms 41 j V H. Hleel pfa !?tah chopper Walsish prrl Wefttern t'nloa 1.100 ML, I 0D 71S weailnghnus Rleetrto 7IS ToUl sale tor tbft 4ay, 6t.tM aflftlTft. Argument Ends as Betty Boges Takes Shot at Bill Brown William Brown, 190 North Twenty fourth streets, and Betty Bogges. 1016i Capitol avenue, both colored, became Im mersed In a slight altercation at the for mer's home and. according to Brown's tale, Betty concluded the argument with th assistance of a revolver which she 1 produced from her clothes. Brown ..' - ... . . ... . , ... stopped on or tne snots wun nis fen wrist. Dr. C. B. Folts attended Brown, while th pollca started a search for Betty, who had made good her escape. Elliott Quits the Fire Department V Harold B. Elliott, driver of hook and ladder truck No. J. Eleventh and Dorcas streets, has tendered his resignation to Chief Charles Halter. "I gave Klltott and two othgr firemen the option of resigning or submitting to a hearing before tbe city commlsslonera j in connection with some Irregularities In ) the management of the firemen's ball last i November," declared Superintendent C. 11 Wlthnell of the fire department The other firemen will be given to April I to resign, otherwise. Mr. Wlthnell elate, they will be dropped from the pay roll. aapl rsckag f Ik rassoua rrraasU VII Kaxady SV C-r4 Free t Free Vtit It VU1 DeUrTcu. FvrasjftU TiM Reuaeof Sites a k !!-- .. l-cl-ag. W'eo 1a w ll r aiag 1 1 a . ee..rt- tfaai'. In IVe art,, ,4 , ft, kftftkaalai. a.H.,t.i. A . - ltrer.M - ,!. aW kl wii, 4l-4 Ir.e ta p-eka HtM, U se ,4 t, a eau. tw. ri.CC SAMPLE COUPON rTnAMtn 1 iiiMiixrxr. t-S tiitcu ti-a- Msv.tMea.Nwb. Few of F ksawat. la) saama trtppM, K ) 4ktt 4) 4 For Piio Mcrcip I i) tad Congressman Lobeck Talks at Child Labor Exhibit in Omaha "1 you have morln' pIckAurea here?" Inquired a alouchy Individual who poked his nose into the doorway of the pio neers' room at the court house, where an exhibit nf the evil of child labor Is being conducted this week. "No, these pictures are stationery, but they will move your heart." was the response of 'Art. Josephine Kechenbren ner. national committee secretary, who is In charge of the exhibit. Why the federal child labor bill failed in passage was to be told by Congress man C. O. Lobeck at the annual meeting of the Nebraska child labor committee, held In connection with the exhibit. Miss Eschenbrenner also spoke and Mrs. Grant William gave reading. The state committee Includes E. D. Gepaon, chairman; Judge Howard Ken nedy. Judge Frost and Mia Amy Stevens of Lincoln. Bishop Beecher of Hastings, Mrs. Harry V. Keefe of WalthP.1, MIhs Anna Krsmp of North Platte, Mrs. F. H. King of Benson, T. F. McAulley of South Omaha, Mrs. F. II. Cole and Dr. D. E. Jenkins of Omaha. National Realty Firm May Buy Some . Property in Omaha Again crrtaln pieces of Omaha prop erty are to be considered by the Inter niatloniil Realty Associates, who are look ing for a Rood investment In on of the growing cities cf the middle west. M em be 1 cf the executive committee of this body are now on their way to Kansas City to iook at some property there. C. F. Harrison of Omaha la with them. Thry are to return by way of Omaha FridHy and will spend moat oflhe day In OinaliH looking at property and possibly negotiating for the purchase of jl tract. This Is the Investment company composed of certain members of the National As sociation ' of Real Estate Exchanges. Feriodlccttly this investment company Jumps out and purchases a tract of ground or a group of lots In a city and either develop them or sells at an ad- 1 vanre when the time 1 ripe. A few , week ao the nrealdant nf the oraranlsa- tlun wss In Omaha for a day looking- at some property hero and sounding out the owner with a view to making; a pur ' chase. The offers are still pending. Rheumatism? Hero Are Scn;o Real Fscts How to Overcome the Tor hire Without Harm ful Drug. A leginn of people hi nsed It. 8. ft. ; htve overcome tbe worst forms of rhoojsa ii ; tlsta. - 4S Tbls dlteas of the blood Is little under stood because of It strange symptoms, scarcely two people having It exactly alike. And vet. no matter what Us form or how painful and distresalpg. 8. SL 8. seems to have almost a divine Influence in driving It out, releasing the nerves from pain and clear ing the joints and muscles so they work with out restraint. The best explanation for tbls happy reaiilt Is the fact that In 8. 8. 8. are certain Ingredients which act as an antldot. Tbey are nature's providence to man. jiist as the meats, fats, salts and sugar of our dally food provide us with noniislunent, so does H. K. H. give to th blood tbe exact medicinal requirement to clear the stream, drive. out Impurities and reconstruct the body if destructive germs have gained a foothold. Oo to any drug store today and get a bottle of 8. 8. 8. It will do yon good Hut be sure to refuse any and all substitutes. And if yours is a stubborn rase, write ta the Medical Adviser, The Hwlft Rpeclflc Co., 100 Bwlft Bldg.. Atlanta. Oa. Thta department is presided over by a physician proud of bis name bv virtue of bis distinguished family and a foremost doctor 00 his own maritsv - E This Is the Best Value We Ever Offered To Women Tale la altas that eery tat vrtec. ItrU fee watwstv w kev tkttaa la fawn ear tsertav4 left a tew with eaatew . Wart trUe eAasva tew. 44s wairw. .Drexel 1419 Fateib Strtct , " 9 ...... MV't a - Pilger Couple Are Allowed to Change Names on Register "W want to ehana our registration. Wtll you send foff the Rev. Charles W. McCasklll, pastor of the Hanacom Park Methodlat church," said Mr. RoUIn Jeff ries of Pilfer, Neb., to Chief Clerk Fred Demery of the Castle hotel. s Mr. Pilger had registered the bight be fore at the same time a Mis Jean New. biggins, Wlsner. Neb. "What do you mean, you want to change your registration?" asked the clerk. Mr. Jeffries smiled happily, picked up a pen and Inscribed upon the register In a big round band, "Mr. and Mrs. Rollln Jeffries." He waved a hand proudly to the blush ing maid, who was Miss Newblgglng. "Oh, I gotcha. Congratulations," Spring Merchandise YOU SHOULD SEE THE NEW RUGS. They're Certainly a Most Beautiful Lot. Pricings Are Most Pleasingly Low. n l 1 I" k-J A Twofold Inducement Thursday Charming x All the Made to in most $20.00 and $22.50 Tailored materials, in Belgian blues, shades; a great Thursday "MV y Four Rousing Specials in the Furnishing Goods Section Boys' Pongee Shirt Waists heavy quality, the new tapeless style with military collars, in all sizes, 6 years to 14 years, at Men's $1.00 and $1.50 Shirts Made with or without collars, all colors and styles, nil guaranteed perfect, all sizes, at unlimited. Wash Goods Section Volln fabrica. both golld eolorg and noYelty print ed doelgns. 40-Inch widths. This soft sheer, Fsvortto of fashion, her In 100 styles. OC t, yard C,J 811k and Cotton Crepe. In th 36-lnch width. In an unsually attractive ranee of white and black d eel gos. here at. 48 rtn Ginghams. 32-Inch wide. The beat of all He grades, colors dependable, excellent assort ment of plaids, checks and yard I.rMXO DEPARTMENT The new- half silk linings. 3C-inrh wide, all tUe lata shades for "foundations" are nr shown la this sortlon. at. yard 4i7 Hayden's Make the Grocery Prices for the People rear .11 an ta totality liood aJtd Salvia g ttf It". 'r to .Vt ram 1 1 frt of I J ting. Make your own brvl. cake and pies It rays. A 4a-lb. sark of flour will mag from 4 to 70 loi of bread at a trifle over SHe a loaf. gwaranUrd to (lv perfect aatifarlbn. por 4M k SiM 14 Ibtv beat graaulataaf ftHtr 14 bars Ht l.m li- I'liunJi i'. iiwi r laundry aiafti hii lutrr I it,tv bmi Jt er relUw ;- StxetU T IM boat nailed ll erftatXael almatU 4 a-eite i of ariueler) aatrdiswa SSaj A4v far i'asall. s-.lt lr laa n. in Mlr l lb wbls-a. - ai ..? T. - - nM. err.l. - - 8MSUU er .iNlL a . 1 1 itit e Iran ..- Sit, I S. mi t.r alrtii4 laatllM 4 !-. M . .-! 4 ftul.k tV tit. ; slvta. la-en k-ara k -It- t-al k-.a laiMiii atar. a S 4 .tat " Jaeava re 4M . Ual lt4 eak4 baas t f , . :,?8 Try C-OAYHi9 gaspe-l the clerk, henries the rue He cf Cupid's wings around tho lobby. j Clerk Demery. s doputy-Cuptd, cot on the Job st once. Tbe preacher was at home and with the aid of the street rail way company he arrived at 'the hotel within half an hour. The knot was tied. Miss Jean New blgglng became Mrs. Rollin Jeffries be fore the admiring glances of guests nd emrloyes. They Immediately took up their quar ters in the handsomest suite In the new Castle. "We can always say we were the first couple to get married In the Castle ho tel." said Mrs. Jeffrie happily. Ban Still Firm. President Ban Johnson, according to the Chicago scribes, has not changed his mind about the Federal league being- 011 the toboggan. Wrlaht tHve-s tt Texas. Tow Wright of farm!. Ills., has signed to twirl for Galveston In the Texas leaeTue. Wright was a atar pitcher in the Kitty league lant season. You Want at Pricings ' ( - T n nMI WKmw " " r 1 n 1 11 in f r Sample Gowns, Dresses and Tailored Suits Prices That Should Crowd the Tnursday, Aa SAMPLE GOWNS AND DRESSES AT 25 DISCOUNT Over 150 beautiful new gowns and dnpRses; a choice collection of the sea son's best designs, in most popular fabrics and colorings. $33 Gowns ,262i V45 CetM 90075 and Dpesscw OO and Press8 $30 (iim ni j tr -50 suid Ireres '-. $65 Gowns ; M87i and Dreeiaes Aa OTHERS ONE-FOURTH OFF ISO Handsome Tailored BeHt $35.00 to $50.00, artistic designs favored fabrics and colorines. distinc tively charming in every graceful line; on sale in two lots at and S3f Suits Nearly all makers' samples, newest style ideas and resedas, putty, sand, battleship greys and other popular special at one price .$14.90 Of THURSDAY THURSDAY 49 c Distinction in Spring Millinery Trimmed Hats $4.98-$7.50-$10m Beautifully trimmed anil becoming new shapes which inter pret the modes for spring with absolute correctness. Styles that have all the smartness of the best Parisian hats and at a small fraction of the price. Correct in every detail of design, shade and material and with assortments almost They comprise the best by far the best collection of moderately priced millinery we've ever shown. Day by day, almost hour by hour, novel conceptions issue from our work rooms to charm by their beautv and please by their lownoss in price. B Wise Try Hoyden's Firtt. ' stripes. f X- 4) rape Nut. fka .., la liolden Kaj.loe rrfr. la. . . Se Tl. Iat Ira, lfll.g It W Taa ere try batSftsr. aajrtaw eT arnUU nasal as Tbe k-et ranabtrr eraisry aatli-,. swtjnal Tan. aUIrr table Vatttee, IV . IM ilwl 4r la,ei butta-r. la . bvm lawr ftiara alM ., lb 4a 1 1 rrata bil eaatured ala-. taunt SU Irnrtad rUtsuafert r B m la rae. Ita 40 tUfUaa4 awl Cera T 4aaT tT 0aMr. 174 slta. sr aVeaa ta !: te 1 a. tar ettaa ar ta t-er aaaae T-.ift te nJiir frail Kansas Figures on Another Big Wheat Crop This Season W. K. Cundlff, assistant general ps senger agent for the Union Pacific a'. Kansas City, and for years at local head quarters. Is in Omaha, calling on friends Said Mr. Cundlff: ' "Everything indicates a heavy Immirra tion Into the agricultural portions of Kansas this year. W are figuring on a bigger wheat crop than last year and indications now Justify our figuring. The ground Is in perfect condition an'l the crops are coming along In the most satisfactory manner. Thera was an abundance of snow last wlnt4r and this left enough moisture behind to carry the growing grain along for a couple of weeks or more without rain." You Will Appreciate DO YOU NEED NEW FURNITURE? There's a Host of Most Pleasing Spe cial Values Offered Here Now. - c , -see Designs and Underpricings Department i i Suits t-J- c . Ladies' Bungalow and Empire Aprons Made to sell at $1.00--all colors, percales, ginghams, madras, etc., all stvles. r ' Ladies' $1 Quality Night Gowns Fine muslins, cambrics, etc. all styles, lace and fmbroidcry trimmed. 1 1 . $14.00 Dinner Sets, $9.98 l.V) sets of biue and brown border decorated Eng lish, semi-porcelain dinner ware, 100 pieoses, servic? for 12 pyple, good values at $14.)0; special on 4th floor qq Tliursday, set y7ei0 - Te .! aaaissl few tke Tbe beet raiklu notateaav r a . it .. trs Setta a-arrsita. lurnltx. .. ear laalianaa. large btjac.-ia-e b ...... 44 Can.- bead letter, head a. Tt 5 brad frasj Iraf Unite I I'aia. ravunwr. la TS fan.- finarrs, ar carafe ..Sat F llu.Vaat 4 Itlttlt, in. l l arnf Had tala tXuer.e. la 14 lava-la. 'ftl'al. I -ralr - r warBl. k a I ftf laa rwiMbttra, y tft 1 it. tt ta4.aa tt ara . ,4 l'r - r a uata-iftst I 'a. . at I V I rr t a 44 . rtr eartWa. el First R S PAYS i PAYS "'4 4-e a-e.iaa I