1IIK ItKK: OMAHA. TliTI.SliAY. MAlCl'll 11 i r swArrF.ivs colvmn I'lAMiND RINOTrSvr tiffanvmount Ing In platinum, iti. e $n) ill trade roodtrwriter. 8. C. gv. Pre KIYK clear lota, mvxl Ncliiaeka county sost town; wsnt flint class team and wagon. Kvon deal. Address J Lr. Hop FIRST flasM nl.nn m-tll av.-ha...... . team, or good horse and busty. Address P. C. $10, Hce OAS CTOV'K to awap for coal range Have a fuO Edison machine, will swap for flat record machine. Address 8. C f Hee. HIUII grade I'pright piano, will rrhnn ffir good 1 kt. diamond. Add reus t " ill. Bee. HAVE some good farm Implcmenta, will exchange for chickens, horse or row. AdrtifM S. c. 812, Bee. 1IAVK fine Swiss watrh, solid gold case. will exchange for chickens. Address S C. 013. Bee. KLF.CTRIC tosster complete and pair of adjusubl field glasses for Rood folding camera. Or will sell both for $a0. Ad dress Y 4o Bee. ELLIOTT Fisher Klectrlc tyiiewrttrr; cost kTA with table and desk used two months. Make me an offer. Address 8. C 759. Bee. DIAMOND RlNO-ft. for typewriter. Address 8. C. 7W, Bee. IMOTION PICTURE MACHINE One Fdlson machine and six rolls of film, equipped with gns making plant, price $75, for what have yon? Address 6. C. : Bee, A T Want piano for lot. Address C 1V4. Bee. MOTORCYCLE Will swap motorcycle for a sewing machine; must be a good one. Walnut 12-'2. .MANDOUNiTwo high grade, on J.io Burton snd one 'J French mandolin; trade one or both for Diamond, motor cycle, merchandise, or what have you? Address, 8. C. 765. Bee. PAINTING Want to swap painting and paper hanging to a practical mechanio at once. S. C. 75. IVe. riANO Will trade my equity In Conover piano for hand-painted china. Having paid $160 on this piano will trade It for $75 worth of china. Address S. C. nn. Bee. 'POTATOES Will swap for some five bushels of seed potatoes by an experi menter. S. C, 7'-6. Bee. PLl'MRING Can make an agreeablo swap with any good plumber that means business end ono who can appreciate facts as presented. S. C. 767. B e. PLACE your exchanges with Hansen for quick results. You will find me the most reliable dealer In the city. 3;t Bran deis Theater Bldg. I). Ztt. RESTAURANT and lunch counter doing profitable business on Farnam. Will trade for vacant lot, or what have you? Address S. C. 712, Bee. STOCK OF SHOES W; trade for dia monds, pianos, horses, small stock of groceries, confectionery or automobile. 8. C. So4. Bee. Sl ITCASIO Want a good, perfect condi tion valise or traveling case. Mean business; be quick. 8. V. 7''S. Bee. SANITARY COUCH Almost new, 2 aani tarv couches and puds, two cheap Iron beds to trade for any old thing. Address P. C. 775, Bee. THOROUGHBRED Barred Rocks. 1U pullets, 1 cockerel. Trade for something I can use or what am I offered'; Ad dress P. C. 14, Bee. PATENT Will trade good patent for auto and some cash; Cartorcar pre ferred; for particulars write Oeorge Lipp, Allen. Neb. Bl VI NESS CHANCES $7i0 Omaha busi ness, established 18 years, manufac tory and retail, wagon, profits $120 per month. Will trade for real estate or mortgage. Address P. SOI, Bee. SIGNS, showcards. Clark & Son. D. 1378. BL'RREY Two-eated. fifth wheel surrey, , rubber tires; in good condition; will trade or sell; a bargain if taken at once. Addrefs. P. C. S08, Bee. TWO IjOTS In Council Bluffs, worth $100 apleoe, to swap for runabout or 6-pas-senger auto. Will pay difference It any. Address P 221. Bee. TWO electric (inverted) bowls, suitable for picture show; electric hand vibra tor, massage machine. Will hang electrlo fixtures. Sell or trade. What have you? Address. 6. O. 773. Bee. VKNDINO machines, such as penny matches, lifting, weighing and other money making devices; aubmit offers. 8. C. 771. Bee. VICTOR TALKING MACHINE Best make old style Victor Talking machine, 3 spring motor, with over $50 in records. Will swap for motorcycle, or make orter. Address S. C. '738, Bee. WILL TRADE a diamond ring for two 36x4 Q. D. casings. P. C. 80S Bee. WANT to awap for a first claaa, late date auto, self starter. In perfect condi tion. A good exchange awaits you If you have the acceptable car. State plainly what you have In first 'letter and address 6. C. 769. Bee. Investors with money read the Real Estate ada In The Bee. Advertise .your property for a quick sale. FOK IlEA'T Apnrtnar-na and Flats. FOR RENT Most beautiful, finely fin ished and up-to-date J. 4 and S-room apaitments lu city. Building just fin ished. Flora Apartments. 2561 Jones St ST. (iEOKGE Apartments, located In svlcct West Farnam district; one 5-room sultu to let Phone Web. 1674. o $16 6-room, modern, nicely decorated cor ner apartments. 12 S. 10th Pt. II. A. Yolf, Ware Blk. Douglas 8068. MORE than modern brick flat, hot water heat, large lawn: nice summer home; excellent location. P. 6691. II. JMfl. WOl.I.D LIKE TO KEEP A PIANO FOR SOMKO.te. WHO WANTS TO SAVE PTORAGE. WILL BK GIVEN ESPE CIALLY GOOD CARE. ADDRESS J 618, UEE I-IDHLJTV Stice Phone Douglas Ills for complete list of all vacant houses and apartments, also lor atorage, moving, pac king, shipping. THREE and four-room apartments, with disappearing beds. THE ANGELLS, Cor. ?T.th Avu. and Douglne. PA Y NKtHI AT Kit COM PANY. Agent. :l"Dewey Ave.. S-r.. mod. flat $ M 6. 27th Pt, 6-r.. mod. Hat 30 Pratt St.. -r mod W Bristol, 6-r. mod. except heat 21 C O Carlberg. 312 Brandels Thea Bldg. NEW FlAJ-LEil. All 4-room apartments, gas stoves, re friKerators, Kitchen cabinets, folding beds, davenports. Mh and t'apltol Ave. I'KTF.RS TIU pT C.. 1-J Farnam HI I ouglaa WH. Karalsbed Kasa. V PI90N 21st and Chua-ro. steam heat; lit nw. aad up: cafe la on net t tun D.&Ml. 8TFA11 heated rooms. U week. Ogden lli-tel, t ouncll ttlutrs. r'ACIKIC T.. nle fint luom. l-reakrast f desired FtT.N 1SH KD"V-ni JaT 40 j Cuining1t l.i iM-Sunday breakfast and dinner if desired loug V" S... ilih A-. A f onfurtible fr .int room. rea.inalie , t srnani t t Hi T'irnr Bl t H o I Hir4 s4 Kwu 7 ai. Ith. ciuse in. good board eic. 4 ' and t' ;mI iHMtrd ivi ixtn. in.-l liar. VV NI"llKS to room or room and 'r.o.r.l rrtmity and directory. alw th' lautkliy ar.l kit' brsjrtle r1liers; ilma it.aa tar tfe H fs reuiirt and gUco. Martvry e- A.e llalela a,ad rwtnna; H'THr al ltaars4a I'lJ AN llgM booaekeef. ag tMnu and 1 f itnftm f-im R llirl nArSt.Y T7;3yl..u.iiitBir rwmm. i-3a ttrrtl leg f "rird Llaai HakMlss Wsssas. irrtM aealr-4 imsk, with W-e Witi.-su (4LUU4 . a J iviok. Cv.ae.i ru.rts GordonVanCo. I a v m I ! ,4 H . e I.J w 1 : i I i w . .. "" - "-... : . n e : I - Mmm asei f om- I , ' ' r1e, j r...-. - .( ltt rXIR RENT Ilea see and otraars. Globe Van&Storage Stores, moves pecks, ships; 3-home tan snd 2 men. $1 z:, per tamir, atorsge $ per mo. Satisfaction guar. D 41N anv Ty. 2.M. Dwell; ur, 4 14 So. ;:Sth St ; tiled vestibule, reception hall, front and back parlors, dining room and kitchen, bed rooms, 2 bath rooms, hot water heat, garage. All in first class con dition. Location A-l. flenj. S. Baker. Phones D4S2, 11317. 2619 CAI.DWKU Walking dlstame. 7 rooms, modern except htat. first class condition, rent reasonable. Well. 373B. 209 CAIJJWFI.D 6 rooms, partly mod ern. $16. adults only, walking distance. Wehster T,x. BKMIS PARK ."104 Hawthorne. 8-rms.. strictly modern, lot and location most desirable, good value at 0. For $4o. Wehster S72h. or o"p:!a S017. Maggard's Tf& per nr.; dray, i men, S1.K per br. ITU J. C Rfi6Ci ""ing0" SoragS: W -A-VV,-VA lMn Farntun- jj. FOB RENT We have complete list of all houses, apartments and flats that are for rent This list can be see free of charge at Omaha Van A Storage Co.. SQ6 8o. :fh St 401 N. Slat St, 10 re., very desirable, $.yT Lr.u6 Farnam, 8 mis., modern. $.'. 410 N. 22d, 10 rms. mod., 2 baths, $4". "f rapltol Ave., 7 rnis , mod., $J0. lM N. 30th, 4 rms., $U60. lil7 S. ltith. 5-room flat, for colored, $13. UlNOWAl.T. Brandels Theater Bldg. s-room mod. hnuse. 2M2 Chicago. O. 8145. Houses1-' '."J,u '-th" Crelnh i-ons A Co.. f Kse Bldg. 7-ROOM, all modern. 2436 Parker Pt. ( noOV S, ;tC7 Jones M.. $30. Never been occ.upled. Sleeping porch; oak finish; modern throughout. Apply 305 r lali St. Phone Douglas M7. KH.'K modern house, 6 rooms, corner lot, 2o 1-ocunt 8t.; attractive home. Shep ard. Owner, Web. &12. ISl ftUJ-ronm all modern house, garage. j. a rooms, modern except peat $2.. 00 5-room, modern, paved street $:8 00 io-room flat, modern. IL'x.co 7-room, all modern. , $L'8 . 50 g-room brick house, atenm heat. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY, Toug. &OlS; Wal. 3t7, Harney 2645. $'l."..00-7-r., modern, 110 Po. 3T.th. $Y,.0rt T-r., modern. 211 So. 36tli. $;;,. on7-r., niod., 3 flats, 200 Ho. 27th Ave. $lS.0ft-5-r., mod. but heat, 112:t William. $l3.0-o-r., modern, 2601 So. Uth. $.ir..00 -r., mod. brick, 1402 No. 24tn Pt. $16.00 8-r.. mod. ex. heat. 2710 Franklin. W. M. NASH & CO., 602 Bee Bldg. Real Kstate, Loans, Insurance, Rentals. 8-ROOM ALL MODERN HOUSE For Rent $:J0 Per Mouth This house is located on a beautiful high terrace and is right on oar line; house teres east, has lots of shado and there m fruit tp0. House is heated by hot water. Be sure j pcti Lion louay 11 possioie. Phone me for appointment. K. P. WRIGHT, Call Walnut ?2 after 7 o'clock tonight Douglaa aC6 In daytime. o 816 N. 2BTH. Full two story, square, all modern, one block to car. ir 1.' uor Tit... t". . i,,. . m.- -r l01Omnb National. Fhone Uouglaa 2715. Store and .Office. SPACIOUS desk room, 315 Brandels i neater. OFFICE space, with use of desk, tele phone, private office; tS per month, Tel. Harney 1101. DOUBLE STOREROOM, with fixtures for GUOCEK1KS and MEATS, where large business has and larger can be done. T. J. HOOK. 1101 N. 18th St, WANTED TO BUT Ta'e buys everything 2d hand. Tyler H1X OFFICE: tumlture bought and sold. J. C Reed. U07 Farnam. Doug. 14. . YVU BUY Id-hand clothes. 1441 N. 44th. Bllghtly used high-grade piano. IX 2ol7. GOLDEN oak typewriter desk. D. Xil. KKAL ESTATE. rlKH A ttANt.lt UMM FOR lALfl Callforala. Make Your dream come true In the sunny valley of the famous Sacramento, where the ilch, mellow soil responds to your every touch, and gives such, a variety of trull and grain that you can raise the crop or crups of your choice. If alfalfa. It means 10 tuns to the acre cuttings and net you better than tsO per acre. We have a splendid 20 acres all In alfalfa that ran be bought on easy terms, giving you an immediate income. Neat excursion April 7. Hound trip fare ., refunded it you purchase; a cheai way for vou to visit the expositions. Write today for litera ture. W. T. Smith Co., rity .National Bank Bldg. Coiarae- TO SETTLERS ONLY-JM acres for $300. KlcU com. alfalfa and a heat land; no sana. j. iiacy. rorf Morgan. Colo. fc'lortd. " KXCIIANGE Grapefruit grove in Flor ida. Ili.'AJU for good Income; not heav ily encumbered; lumber or hardware busi ness: grove will net 10 per cent on 4ja. tou; can add land up to fw.OQO: show good returns and particulars In first letter. l'aul Laverent. Miami, Fla. Kaaaaa. Wll.I. take Omaha Income for this par ticularly good Improved quarter aoclion of fine land in eaatern Kansaa, 40 miles south of Kanaaa I Ity. nar county seat, that has a tram aTvke of passengrr tiains a day. kk1 i-ruom frajne house, iarn, turn and t-hlcken houses, corn crib wagon house, etc r'tne little or hard! tao good wlls of water, fenced and cross-rented. 1 aires tillable, ft irn-i pasture. luxation high and lightly oaner haa gcx.d suity of tll.Uu mtori gage t.SJi. slikh he will exihango fur in' me profert. a he Uvea In t:.l Lily V T eMITII O . 'Hy National Hank I Idf ' Mlusirl. " tilO1FT laad aa.a or the year new on lu fully -e-i farm n ;uv4 iai.4 Well seluWd tuaill. t la ra:irud. lil ser acre ts half actual yaiue. (treat eat bargaioa In Kmilb Himouii t aanaat tlotial ii Write Udy fur tree IU amr. I H'lrisia, Kills feenluo. Kaswata I'Ut. Kaasaa. Ida -a. ACIiKa Irrtgated anj, retell. Mate, la I ra or an, ri l.,a 1. Kedy. nr A.I.Wm t: x vm AUK Tot.' llolMl Tt llt'T UNII' If j 4 sue ,u f tret l a ui r tt.a ' aa4 lUal JUIMI . ajrtird tu u fiwa mh i y . mm ta jm ,mK fMl, lal rw are l.t I tm I s culnw It twn J li.-.-ra4 iu4 tp. r-l-ataa ta a-l fr l ike -,.. ro sat U ia rioiaas ad, fWre f l-4a I a tar a n;Mu s r I t tr ta irvat Ii 1 i at tt ,4 . f , . ,t.rt , ,JJ Mo) ask. HKNTIK. Iimiii ii.Iuv., - ', " " a'.e waU-4 mt-t se a,, ' f a (... t S ,,., W .t I. u i Hl . f . i l.e l. f.nt- s.n. r la . 1 -1 V.t.; ..t RKAIj kstatk farm rm ii i.am) ion salk Mlanraof. nAR?AlN-?40-are farro i miles from Minneapolis: 110 acres wider cultivation, 0 a.-res good meadow. 8 aires timbered pasture, can practically all be cultivated, good corn land; farm Is fenced; 10-rocm hot so, barn, granary, mach n shed, wind mili, etc ; 11 head good milk cows, 4 gnxi liorarS, harnesses, wagons, completu set of machinery, Auks, ciilckens and every thing on the farm goes at $& per acre; 16.010 rash, balance can stand tor l years at per cent. Hchwab Bros., 10.3 l'ly mouth Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. Mexico I (SOYErtNMKNT UANDS. Settlers lo. Htod on homesteads near thrre railroads, and city of .ki) tnhabi tanta. Lands adapted for dry farming snd sack k lanchlnu. I'llmste unexcelled. rite for full Information. I". O. Box M2, ,anti Fe, N. M. o Arkraaks. FOR SAI.ft Best large body blah-grade mcfllum-prlced land In Nedraska; veiy little money required. C. Bradlev, Wol bach, Neb. W0 ACRES; no improvements; 2iO acres good plow land, balance good pawture; 9 miles from two stations. Worth $20 per ocre, can soil for $. t'O If taken quick. W. II. CRART A CO., Tyler 30K1. two Paxton Blk.. Omaha. FARM KNAP 160 acres nice level land. S miles from town; ) acres winter wheat, fine condition; 5-room house-; good well and windmill; stable for 8 horses, cow bain and chicken house. Owner has busi ness and lives in town; tired of hired hands and won't rent. Possession at once. $-',( cath, balance long time. W. il. Crary & Co., 600 Paxton Blk., Omaha. .North Dakota. BUY NORTH DAKOTA farm. $.1 per acre cash, balance crop payment plan. Have fine wheat, corn and alfalfa farms for $2T to $. per acre. For further Infor mation see T. Sullivan, 21i Brandels Theater, Omaha. Neb. a 320 ACRES, 10 miles South Dak. state cap ital, b miles small town; 2-room house and nutbldgs ; one quarter fenced and cross-fenced; 60 acres plowed, 4 acres flno alfalfa; land gently rolling, with good black loam anil. Price away below value of surrounding land. CARLSON & WAL LIN. XM McCague Bldg. 240-ACRE, excellently drained valley farm in corn and alfalfa belt southeast ern So. Dakota: 3 ml. town; small hldga.; artesian well; land gontly sloping, black loam soil; splendid neighborhood, sur rounded by high-priced farms. Price $67. DO per acre. Carlson Wallln, 304 .Mot ague Bldg., Omaha. Also South Da kota office. Oresss. WANTED FARMERS Land In a mild, pleasant climate at true value. No ex tremes of heat or cold. I have for sale farms, stock ranches, business opportu nities. "The beet land In Oregon." UO acres, price $6,mj. one-half cash, balance terms; 119 acres level valley land, M acres cultivated, more ran be. So acres tlmler brush pasture, balance open pas ture; rich black soli, good house, barn and out-bulldlngs; family c -chard; lenced, croHH-tenced ; snhoolhouwc on land: good mad, cream route, telephone. C. H. Burk holder, Ibanon, Ore. Utah. Stock and Grain Ranch Juab county. Utah, 3,520 acres, all fenced; 6U0 acres now In wheat, 2M acres in rye, both up and doing well. The arer age yield of wheat per acre on this place Is 30 bushels Fine improvements, worth 17,500; 'H Percheron horsos. Includ ing one stallion worth 12,000; tools and machinery on place worth 13.000; good well and pump furnish all water needed on ranch; only 3 miles from station. Price, including all stock, Implements, etc., only 118 per acre; will make terms. This Is something that Is seldom offered at such a low price. It is good in every way. Particulars. W. T. SMITH CO., City National Bank Bldg., Omaha Neb. o Wlaeoaala. Upper Wisconsin Best uury and general crop state In the union; sot tiers wanted. 1-anda for rale at low prices on easy terms. Ask for booklet No. 34 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant. Excellent lands for atock raising. If interested in fruint Sands ask for book let on Apple Ocrhards. Address Land and Industrial Department, Soo Line Hallway, Minneapolis. Mjnn. ' FA K.MS FOR RENT UNIMPROVED 4 and U-acre tracts. JOHN N. FKENZEIi DOUGLAS 654. WANTTD FARMS WANTED TO BUY-Cheap land, Colo rado preferred; have luj.OOO cash to In. vest. Address Y 441, Boe. REAL ESTATE LOANS FARMERS, do you need money? We ne- vji.m.TT iui lain, iuim, o or years, at 6 per cent, dealing direct with bor. lower. .--I per ceni eiraigni commission; correspondence solicited. Hecurlty Farm Loan Ass'n, SO N, Dearborn St., Chicago. CITY and farm loana, 6, 64, per cent J. H. Dumont A Co., 418 State Bank. WANTED City loana. Peters Truat Co. WANTED City loana and warrants. W. Farnam Smith at Co.. lr Farnam ft. MONEY on lmnd for city and farm loans. H W. Binder, City National Bank Bldg. Jioo to Ito.ftK) made promptly. F. 1). Wead. i.mft., ii-m na rarnam me. GARVIN BROS Sfffc 8KB us first for farm loans In eastern e. i ru-ep iBiM i ruat Co.. Omaha. icf CITY LOANS. C. G. Carlberg. u lc ri Brandels Theater Bid. CITY property, large luana a nr, LltTT W. H. Thomaa. ritate Bank Bldg. OMAHA homes. Eaat Nebraska farms. O'KKKKK REAL KSTATE CO.. 1018 Omaha National. Phone I ouglea 2715. $l'ki tu llo.Wrt ma do promptly. C. I). Wead Biog., istn and Farnam Sts. REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE MilO ai-rea H..uth I . u . t a I,. . . i ..7. Improved, good buildings. ?JO acres fenced "w.ii nt, uuii.es Darb wins 1,1 I. a tl'JlIII rWr IV.... .1 - ..... ' - 1 ,v .,mr ii r iiroo- erty, or land near South Omaha 2 acrea Improved, rlth wheat land central Oklahoma, want Nebraska land or men handise, to tll.MO. Want Omaha property or Improved) acreage, to i.0 for cnatern Nlrak furm land, adjoining good town. .-nan Omaha huslnu I rw,u.. . . good location, IJVMI clear; want Nebraska lo.:l city pmperty, rlear. beat In Okla h ina, for land, if you want tu buy sell rent, exchange 4ty property or 'land' write or are me 'HAI'IK. Brandels Theater 'i til sai.i-' rn r u r. l-" 1.Stere Nebraska ranch, some Im pruveiiieuts. 1 springs, good alfalfa crop la 41 mm no V 1,1 i rrnil will one id. r exchange If dear THAN Kit liHOH Omaha Nat. hank Hldg. !... ( ABSTRACTS or TITLES B-ed Alxitiai l u., Ideal abetrart . N ! Nroeaska Brajidrla T'ai,i. j rw.itu cm uuifinm and A bene, I a n t'rn i l'. t ofp ii. g. ;r, M" I'l.nna la.ua las I: " - - - " . .j REAL lTTE SOUTH SIDE "NK4lt uUalla I M V Kifcei Tr7 $..: a."" htn.ny mo-lrra Vri4i r.4iage ' rr .U i..nt ssade treea. a ..-j h. I a gm of a a.w il.uaa i I i. el t-.r $A fiNi: inv:t:T otXPAsr I 'a I tr, lia N.Vf l" t UVOkHI'Akk -! r. "l-k -.ta, -r.- l .;- ;;?s::::v"31 -t. .... it.-, ,fc . I mm- .'t-w-afcata) m-tmw, a., .If. mmtm. f'SM 1-4 f, $ t lt fri 1 1 R, V4 1 f, :es Me' -4 aa a. ii i. I mm s n t-a a at -sil-4 1.4 , ,. saeee-eg I 1 4 ., (. '- .tg a,4 T 4 , a (.a l J as IM rtaeat law, al , ' h. , ua a V. rtaa Ilia tfca . Ml . f 1 t.ma ' "mMi'-i a- ta..t4 -al,. ,M mtm --. r a l 4 - f ala m w -mm l, if A I V . IS V 1,-Tkl VTlvTictM I e4 a4arl r I m . T s 4 !'-' t a'a m a ! " fa la (: mm tl ia r - il.el.1 ll MtM a, ma a UF A I, F.STATF NORTH SIDE Beautiful 6-Room Bungalow Just Being Completed r)R SALK OX KASY PAYMENT PLAN This house, finished In oak In principal rooms, with fireplace In living room. Is one of the moat beautiful and conveni ently arranged bungalows I have ever of feved fur sale. It Is substantially built is modern throughout and Is (orated block from car line. It is in a high class section of the city, surrounded by all new homes. This house can be gotten ready f T oc cupancy In a very short time. Tha purchaser ran have hie cholre of elerirlc fixtures and wall decorations. Be sure to see this at once If you want to buv a beautiful home. TERMS ON THIS 1IOI PK. ;.")() Cash: balance- like rent. Phone me today and arrange to have me rail for vou Call Walnut Q between 7 p. m. and E. P. Wright . p. m.. or l"oiig!ss 2!:'6 In day time nTMTsRT kstDcO( fw-autlful new on k flnlntiM hom f arifA licltio- uw.m flmnla,A nt ft t Three Isrgo bedrooms and 'attic. High. and sightly corner lot. Price $4.W'i). Terms can be arranged. Jeff AV. Bedford & Son,. f09 State Bank Bldg. Douglas n.L0. Almost new Tv-room cottage, strictly all modern, oak finish, fine south front lot, paved street. Above price Includes pav ing all paid. Here Is a simp If you want one. Located a little north of Henns Fark C. G. CARLBER0, 31 J Prandele Theater Hldg. Bargain Kountze Place 1817 Evans St.. brand new. modern home, large living room, vestibule en trance and coat closet, dining room, with paneled walls and window seat, kitchen, fine pantry and vestibule, all on first floor; three bedrooms, sun room or sum mer sleeping porch and bath on second floor. This la a well arranged and beau tifully finished house; plumbing and h'ating guaranteed: house haa Just been decorated on both floors with expensive paper. Full set of screens and shades go with the house. S'ard Is nicely sodded and street is paved. See this today. Can make mighty easy terms to good party. Payne & Slater Co. 618 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. o PAY LIKE KENT. $25 down and per month buys 7 room modern house at 2x Ohio atreet, direct from owner; thle has been my own realdence since house was built; good condition; one-half hlork to car line, two blocka to new Howard-Kennedy school; cement walks; lot 60x150, fenced com pletcly; come quick If you want It. W. II. BOilCHKRDINU. Douglas 47M or Webster 2t7l. o S-HOO.M DA1K1AIN Large living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor, J bedrooms and bath on second floor, all modern: nice lot, 40xl0; shade treea, paved street. Price only l-.tM). Located north part of G. G. CARLBERG, 311 Brandels Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATB ACREAGE Two 5-Acre Tracts 6 acres In Keystone Park, good location, 2.080. Close to Benson. 5 acres on main road that runs north of Krug Park, eaat front, one of the moat fdesirable t-aare tracts that can be pur chased In this locality; all In original prairie; beautiful location, clone to school, $2,7M. Either of these two pieces are excep tional bargains and can be had on easy terms. Hastings & Heyden 1814 HARNKY STREET. 80 acres north of Florence, Just the place for a suburban home, or can be made Into a profitable fruit farm, as the soil is especially adapted for small fruit; has only small improvements; has beauti ful, small natural grove; will sell on terms. Might consider some exchange. T RAVER BROH. 705 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. ACREAGE. We have a number of clients who want to exchange small tracts of land, both improved and unimproved, tor city prop erty , ' XHE VUIIEL KtALlI AUgNWI, 1015-18 W. O. W. Bldg -o 1 acre Improved 5-room house, fall basement: wired for electric light: 'A block from rlellevue car line; 7 blocks from Albright car. Thia will make you a fine home, price only $2,000. Wilt give good terms. THE VOGEL REALTY AGENCY, 101&-18 W. O. W. Bldg. REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE NEAR WIND80R SCHOOL. Just finished, rooms and bath, living room, dining room, den and, kitchen on first floor, oak finish, full basement, fine corner lot, 60x133, street paved, close to school and west side llanscom park car line. Will make terms or take vacant lot as first payment. RASP BROS. 108 McCague Bldg. Douglas Hi.Vt, Field Club 8 rooms, two stories, all modem house with south aad east front corner lot. paved street, one block to car. t-'O rash first payment, balance same aa rent. Un usual opportunity in this district. Glover & Spain !-: City National Douglaa 'li Here's Boruetbtug Oootl. Seven-rnom modern home, full, l vel lot, south front. Urge tre-s, irmi fem-e. Paving paid: desirable liMaliui N E. Jla.nao.rn .rk ; jo mlnuti-a' a k ilwn town. Owner obliged to snrif, . i.ffi ra equity for $, Anv propuaiton and terms coualdared. Present inortgaae, i u.t. ! Mi -room modern, hot water brat. al- uat le locatien, ( P to ru Big hargam , at Keel terms, or might take -.,i,1 ! or otbv auta la part pmaml. I'huia at i CBie iM.ug. It.', or Tl'i Ilto J j REAL 4TATi: A I jT kHK $37300" I t aiaadial dtalrarl, 4iim e4 tain naxlra. Mais l-t te.-ri lla la aHiiu front 4. aire Isaa. aha.to arul frii traa Hi, I ma s a terms ery f aauttabi. . aa ke mn i n ai pnraisua W. T. Smith Co., ''t Vall-.i l t ask I lis Fine Corner for Flats & Slater Co. . . .. a,.. .s oaa. U.. f-K West Farnam Specials, $3,850 Nrarh new. complete and modern in very di tail Look at 14'. N 3-ld St.. a real betssin In a desirable home $5,500 Klglil-room. new residence at ;C15 tut eniort St tak tlnlsh In vea'IMilc. living room, den and dining mom. White enamel Inmniiii.. n....4if..i - i.... I xr h sunroiinv White Mediiea cement ilinlsli on exterior Might lake a gcoil : lot In as part payment up to $l.2."fl. iThe Byron Reed Co. Tel. loiiRla 2!7 il2 S. 17th St Fine Modern Home $4,700 Dewey Avenue Near 35th Pix rooms nnd fine sleeping porch, house Is absolutely modern, delightfully arranged atid In pink of condition: with out doubt the best close In bargain lit such a flno district that we have offered for a long time; i blocks to l'arnant car. You had better see this before you buy. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tj'lcr l.36. Pta'e Kank Hldg. home Building Lots on Easy Terms Call me by telephone today of this even ing and arrange an appointment for us to take you nut Katurday afternoon or .Sunday to look at a lot In a beautiful New Building Addition In the west part of the city. Cement walks, shade trees, fruit, water and gaa all In: streets no' on permanent grado and boulevard. Many beautiful homes have been hullt and new ones are going up continually. Don t miss this opportunity lo secure a ressonahlv priced lot where values are steadily Increasing. l'urchaaers cnu also have home built on easy payment plan when lot is halt paid for. Telephone us todny nnd arrange to have us call for you with automobile on (Saturday or Sunday. Call Douglas a8 today. Call Webster W! arter 7 p. m. E. P. Wright $4,000.00 A handsome. 6-room, strictly modern house, on N. 27th, new, built i years- X00 down and per month; one block from car line; well built and fine finish and a genuine snap. 4,000J00 A handsome modern 7-rooin house, on 36th St., between Dodge and Douglaa; strictly modern, hot water heat, nicely finished, a first-class neighborhood; two blocks from car lino; a real bargain, 14000; $100 and $40 per month. See us at once. V. M. NASH & CO., Real Estate, Txians, Rentals and Insur ance, 002 Bee Bldg. Office phono. Red 3230; night phone, Harney 1127. $4;500 Modern S-room dwelling, West Farnam district. Parlor dining room, kitchen, first floor; 4 bedrooms and bath second floor; hardJrood finish. Haa every convenience and In perfect order. Will make terms. Can be seen on order from WV T. Smith Co., City National Bank Bldg. o REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS Six Rooms and Bath Dandy dwelling on a corner lot. living room, dining room and kitchen on the first floor; all nice sixed rooms; mantel In dining room; three good sixed bedrooms and bath upstairs; nicely decorated throughout: good cemented basement; furnace heat. Trice and terma right. Ixx-ated on paved street. Fine shade. Near two good car lines. Easy terms. Scott & Hill Co. Phone Douglna Iflm. Su7 MoCague Bldg. $3,150.00 Five rooms, all modern, complete and up-to-date In all important features; full cemented banement, furnace heat, laun dry sink, garage, etc. Well located, on paved street; good terms. Phone us. SAUNDERS CO., Douglas 3622. 1216-16 W. O. W. Bldg. 3 COTTAGES $200 NOW REST MONTHLY LIKE RENT CLIFTON HI LL S-room , 60-foot lot. near u-mlnute car line. Only 1760. atiTH AND GRANT Near Blvd., nearly new 4-room, $1,260. EASY WALK Near 28th and Cumin Sta., 8-room. water, gaa, three small Iota, paved, $1,900. O'KpcfeKeal Estate Co., 1018 Omaha National. Doug. J715. "prairie" park'home.-$3,sT" One of tiie finest ft-room houses to be found in this exclusive addition; modern In every slightest detail. A great oppor tunity for Nome one wanting an up-to-date home In a fine nelghliorhood. Oas moves, shades, awnings, screens, storm doors snd windows, etc, tnclodd In the price, lit fact, every little expense in cidental to buying a new place ran tie avoided by the purchaser of this prop el tv. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Ware Block. Omaha. o. KKAL ESTATE 81111 It HAN Daadee. "Evanston" In Dundee I aire- buliillng sites south of iKidga et and auist of Klmwoo.1 rk. overhwalng Haupy 1 1. ill,, w gulf grounds. Keaamuiltie t rlia a and eev terms l'ro'-iiy in this distrti t has a sicUl aine he,-auf it ffrra esception.il ad- valitase I" pn.- l,, dfSlle fit hilld tl.eir h.ime In a rratrlied fliatrn-i, vrt-re ti rr are nn at ire., f.at buildings or iin d.alrable rondlt Ifilis loii o,av reserve a luilldlng site H. H. Harper lol'-il i il, Sat l eak Hid Tel I" ia Dundee Residence Owner leaving City Prarh-all ee t.r...m -n. y nved-ia kuae ! Iii. I lu with bet a t.tw- ia. a k-l 1,. .1,1 ,a l--.a a.a Bad lift u.i, atlra-ll.v 'tining f--m. f i . at. aaj a i l It' l.n rin,aa flraf f m, I t aa"l - i' -.- Sari 1 as S -4 t,m-l ll, ra.n. Uli le au IKm 4ia r-aMtva. Ma I - iis..f ana a4 iiaa y ta rve4 mt'f . ,i i.aia4 I m a-l , . M ferae -at .M mmt MS !,.. l..a at a a. George & Company fa 4 r Ht 1 Hwi k'i 4 mm mm 1 1 .' rH S4l - S I -. rm. m... taMe ' ' mmm , aa -m ... 1 f .''a 1 . I a -'mm ti.ae- ,t ..at a Sal-S .aa"a,as X liu t mmmml . tmS Imi Ae laMll I. mllm - a RKAIi KSI ATK WKST HIDK ! GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Importers Jump Into Wheat Trade Again and Bulls Hold Price Up One Cent. CORN AND OATS ARE EXPORTED OMAHA, March 24, I'M. The entire western country Is awaiting Hie closing i.f Ihi'kc flour transactions on I'ntch and Italian account, and It waa teportid that part of this business had been consummated It naa reported that a prominent in Her turned down nn offer for .ViO.OOO barrels of flour from ltalv owing to Inability to serine enough rash wheat. Importers of wheat are again In the market The cash business st the sea board was placed aa hlgp as I.XiO.onn bn., but st Chicago there was only S.omi liu. reported sold In addition to the re awakening of the export business as a bullish help wns the report sent out hv It V. Snow, the well known crop expert. It ssid In part that careful Investigation made last fall developed the fact that Hessian fly Is present In the wheat plant tbla year nr a wider area and to a treater extent than for several years previous Corn and oats were both higher. Cash trsnancttons were 70,nrYi h. of eorw and ptftio hu. of oats, wltn l.iO.OHO bu. of the intter sold for export. Omaha sput market- Wheat. i1l'e higher; coin, .fiV- higher; oats, tjc iiipf nrr. l-iJn'',,; wh" and flour eoual to 1.8 ow bushels, com. l&C,0O bushels and oats. PW..W huahela Primary wheat receipts were TW.flOA bu. and shipments of 4W,n hu., against re- '.fJL? v."f bu- KnS shipments of .W.oflO bu. last year. Primary eorn recelpta were 4W 000 bu. and shlimients of 5.10 bu.. against re- ?t il'J? ."f 0l1rt h1- n(1 hlpments of UU.O110 bu. last year. Primary oats receipts were 1 294 000 hu and eltlpmenta of t.iHt.OUO bu., against re tof .T,.oa, ''ii. and shipments of 9 ' bu. last year. CAR LOT RKCEIPTS ... . Wheat. Corn. Oata. h'1"""" !1 119 SH) Minneapolis (W 'I ' il lit 1 h 114 " ' Omaha 17 a ii Kansas CltV n 8 it f.'i v Winnipeg .14;! These sales were reported todsv: Wheat No 2 hard winter. I cars. $1.UV No. 8 hard winter; 1 car, $1.61. No. 4 mixed: 1 car. $1 4M; 1 ear, $14. No 4 spring: I car. $1 40. Sample: 1 tar. $1,894. CornNo. J white: 1 car, 704,; No. 4 white: 8 eara, fc; No. $ yellow: $ eara. tc; 4 cars. t9 No. 4 yellow: 2 oars. 9-; 1 car, 6sSc; .4 cars, taSSc, No. 6 yellow: I cars. 8Mo; 1 car wet). MV. No. mixed; 2 cars. No 4nilxed: 1 car tdrvl. h'c 1 car, fhStv; car, 8h No. 8 mixed: 1 enrt 'A'.jc; 1 car. tc. No. 8 mixed: 1 car, )x bample: 1 ear, ).. Oata: Standard: $ rars. 67c. No. 8 white 2 ears, fc.4c; 8 enra. 6iVe. Sample: 1 car, Wc; t cars, ifrf. No. ft yellow: II eara, tie; 1 c,r (wetl. taiic No. 8 mixed: i eara, io. No. 4 mixed: 1 car (dry), tS'to; I car, btic; 1 car, itfe. No. ft mixed: 1 car, 88Hc; 1 car, fAc. No. 8 mixed: 1 car, Se. Sample: 1 ar. fec. Oata Standard: t rare, t7c. No. 3 white. $ cars. btrV.c; 3 rars, ti'a. Sam pic: 1 oar, bv: 2 cars, Mc. Omaha Cash lrlcea Wheat : No. 2 tur key. 1.6244il.M; No. 3 turkey. $1.61'Vd l.M; No. 2 hard, $l.W!Wl.f.2; No. 8 hard, $t.fi0'.i1.614; No. 2 spring, $l.49&d.51; No. 2 durum, $1. 4"i 1.47; No. 3 durum, $1.44-i 1.48. Com: No. 1 white, 70.ti71e; No. 2 white, 70ir70e: No. 3 white. SOiffiOe; No. 4 white, RSVie; No. 8 white, We; No. 8 white, W4jW4o: No. 1 yellow, 70nl70'V; No. 1 yellow. Wti70r; No. $ ysl low, tWiMtOVic; No. 4 yellow, ifOVo; No. ft lellow. ti44iH4r; No. 1 mixed, 70e; No. 3 mixed, SWrtltyc; No. $ mixed, fflMWi1; No. 4 mixed, W'HWSc; No. 6 mixed. 74h8sHe; No. 6 mixed. 87Hle; sample mixed, flrvfiic. Oats: No. 2 white, fi7'tTd74o; standard, ftMi(i7e; No. 3 white, WVu-M'.o; No. 4 white, ftoijjWyir. Harley: Malting. 8itr74c; No. 1 feed. 80 ti'Wc. Hye: No. , $1.13871.14; No. S. $1.12 (SI. 13. CHICAGO 4.HAIN AITD PROVISIONS Kestarea of the Trading! aad riaslagf Prleea on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. March 24 -Uvaljr profit tak ing by holders of wheat mora than wiped out today an advance due to the big export sales and to Kansaa and Illi nois reports of damage bjr Hesnlan riy. The market Closed So to l'4o net lower. Other declines for the dsy worm: Corn c to He: oats, io to H4l.o, and pro visions, ic to 6ii-c. In the mala, the real I ting sales by wheat longs took place during; the last hour of the session. Previous to that time the market had made a sudden bulge after an early downturn. Un responsiveness at Liverpool In regard to yesterday's advance In America had much to do with the first weakness hero. Then came news of export sales which In tlio end aggregated 1,100,0 10 buahela. Hulllah sentiment increased rapidly after the receipt of advices from several points nesr Wichita, Kan., that fields ware be ing plowed up because of Hessian fly ravage. Illinois reports as to mischief by the Insect were In reference to territory around Peoria. Purchasing on orders from the Dutch government appeared to form a largo share of the export business In wheat. Oreat KrltaJn. too, waa credited with be ing a buyer, not withstanding early re ports that the British government had aelxed the entire aupply of wheat In India and would endeavor to prevent all Inflated profits. blackness of shipping demsnd handi capped the bulls in corn, tiesldes, the weather outlook In this country was more auspicious, and the prospects good for tho crop in Argentina. Seaboard call made oats relatively firm the greater pert of the day. Late ad sIces, though, went somewhat bearish as to seeding progress, which heretofore has been the asibject of much complaint Liberal recelpta of hogs throughout the weat had a depressing effect on provi sions. On the ensuing break, however a fair dfmand sprang up, and the market showed power to rally. Quotations ranged as follows: A rti la Open. I High. I Ijw. Close Yea' y . Wheat I I May. 1 M IM I 1 KH 1 S4VI 1 KH July. 1 221. 1 24Hl 1 av 1 .f 1 nJ Corn: flits RKAh KHTATK WKHT KHE Daadee. Dundee Must Be Sold Choice Home Just west of the loop on one of tho best corner lots In the village; 7 fine KMMiia ami bath; downstairs finished in lust of inarter-a4wed oak. handsome flreidaie. KiMrudve lighting fixtures and beautiful deroratlons. Prt rut to $.; Annstrong-Wailsh Co. Tvler test Stats Hank Hldg M'MiKK C'OKNKfl T N PAVr.O sTHtri. t-sm . I'trll AMi $k '.H MONTH IN VTHJATK W I. SCI.IIY 4 sVINS Mat Haak huiidiag. Itoug Ue HIUL UiTATKIXliTMEXT . - tiai . anov iuvio u-aja,,a. a mmM, mmtrnrn. Frame Dale a4 . t I tmxmt reeur ' N) I K-el-4. In- ant I m It,.m. Mm aaa,kr4 . V-m4 ftewt al a Set gala a .. a mmm. $.! only $is aah ta.lof f "m II lo 1 'nl s'if-J j i'.ji e f ,1 ir.a ....- rirto. Maer4 N'ltTII SUliK HI.ALTT 'O. IM.y t-r J.ly Mr . u.., I stc, 1- N''ltTII Ml lr. HI.ALTT 0. wa at a Aa-ae An RKI. ITTK WAXTIII rs! Vi.al mil .H', f aarotwaM 1,1 s aMfc ml m.m na.11 tsaa o-tre 9mm a , - m mm s.r.iKi:s V- 4 W l K'lm tmm tl 8 -" tm-tm-f sms I. a. IJ.f a . Hmsmo I $ 1 Almm . my-4 I mm. May I T.H, 73 ' 71 f , Vi Inly.; 7 r n Ti's' '7s ""'a Oa Is Mat. :a :-,. .lulv. J4, W M' Tork; i i Msv 17 n I 17 40 M7 y 1" 17 4r .Inly 17 TiV 17 RJS 17 70 17 2'4j IV n- 1-erd ; Mav.i to io ;."! 10 r. 10 ith 10 2S .Inly.; 10 47V 1 4,"m 10 V 10 4iS 10 60 Hlbs , I Mav) 9 I- 9 v, t m moo .luiy.1 io rwi imo io js i io so in mu, Chicago Cash Prices Wheat : Nn 1 red. I.M-Vi1.... No. 2 h.-ird. $l.SS,Bi.O Ccm: No. 2 , ellow, 73Vu73-V; No. 4 yel low. sin71c; No. 4 white. 71c. Oats: No. wnne, tvM,ani ; standard. .!. Rve. nominal. Karley. 7.v,is2r. Seeds: Tim othy, II SrVj, .(.), clover. $9.Afrhi:.n0. Pro visions: Tork. 117. 12V.: lard. I'l.TO: rlba. DM Hit tiKMKRAk M ARKKT. RI TTKR-No. 1, l.h. cartons, c; No. 2, v.h tubs. 2c CHKKSl-lmioite'1 Swiss, 34c; Amerl- oon Sw iss, 2tic; blo k Swiss; 22-; twins. 1Wc; dnlsles. l"V; trlpleta ITVtcj Voting? ' Americas, 1V; blue label hrlck, 17o; llm biirnnr. 2-lb.. 20c; 1-lb.. 21k-; Nw Tork . white, i;k-. Imported h rench Roquefort. KISlI-Trout, ISo: large rmppiee, luc; halibut. I.'..-; chnnnel catfish, 14o. SWKET lOTA Tt KS Kansaa, $2.7S bbl. HKKK CVTS-Rlbe: No. 1. 10c; No. 2. 1JS'; No. 3. ll',c. Lolna: No. 1, lie; No. 2. I6y; No. . U'c. Chucks: No. L 8c; No. 2. 8V,c; No. 3, 7c, Hounds: No. 1, I'; No. 2, ll'to; No. 3. 10c. Pistes: No. 1, ;r; No. 2. 7,c; No. .1, Vc POl'LTRV Broilers. 20e; spring chirk, ens. 15c; hens, He- cocks, S'-ic; roosters, s'v : stags, sue; ducks, lfc; geeso, 10c; turkeys. l.Vdl: pigeons, per doa., V; ducks, full festhered, 10r; geese, full feathered, gc; sauabs, No. 1, $L&J; No. 3. Market quotations furnished by Gllinakl Fruit company. KRCITS-Oianges: Kxtra fancy Alpha betical, all sixes, $2. 7b per box: extra fancy Sunklst. all sixes. $2.60 per box; ex tra fancy Red Hall, all sixes, $2.25 per box. lemons: Kan -y Sunklst, ams, . $4.ih'4.oO per box; eholce Red Ball. $1 ftO per box. Orape fruit? .e. $1 7S box IMs. $2 2S p-r box; 3se. $2.00 per box; 64s, MM, $--' ler box. Apples: Kxtra fancy Wash--irgton Pearmalnes, (1.711 per box; extra fancy Washington Spltsennurgs, 81.N) per Iwx; Washington extra fancy Hiwvers. $1.3 per box; extra fancy black Hen Iisvls, $1 Si per Ihix; extra fancy Black Twigs. $1 M) per box: fancy Black Twigs, $1 :tr, per box; extra fancy Ctah tlanoe, $1.25 per box; fancy Roman Beau ties, $l.;i per box; fancy Roman Beau ties, ft box lota, $1.40 per bo; Ben Ihtvte, highly colored, $3.2f. per barrel; Shield Wine Sai'a, $4.00 per barrel. Bananas: Per bunch, $2.0nfdC ; per pound, 4o. VliXIKTABLKS Cauliflower. $3. per orate. Cabbage: New York Danish, 2c per pound; Wisconsin Holland seed. lv Per pound; California new, J'o per pound. Celery: Jumbo, 90r dozen. Pep pers. 60o baaket. lettuce; Head, $1 dosen: leaf, 40c doaen. Onions: Red. 2o pound: yellow, 2c pound: white, 2Vc pound:. Spanish, $U0 crate. Artichokes. $1.&0 doaen. Endives, .IRc pound. Rrussel sprouts, 2ic, pound. Tomatoes, KM bas ket. (Wile, 2ftc pound. Radishes, ftOn dosen. Turnliai, 6O0 doaen. Spinach, oo dosen. Parsley, fto doaen. Beans, $4.Sil hamper. Onion Sets: Yellow and red. 11 fd per bushel: white, $1.75 per bushel. Strawberries: per quart. 60c. Potatoes: Colorado Ruralg. 7&n per bushel; Red River Ohlos, 85c per bushel; Minnesota Whites, 0c per bushel. Sweet Potatoes' Seed slock shipments, April 6 to 10, $2.00 per barrel. MISCKLLANEOlTrV-Nuts: No. 1 Cali fornia walnuts lUr pound; black walnuts, AV, pound; filberts, .16c pound; pecans. 12Vic pound: Braxtls. 12Ho pound: al monds. 20c pound. Figs: W 8-ox , $3 per box. Pates: Sugar walnut. $1.48 per box; Hallowe'en, sc. pound. Popcorn, shelled., 4n pound. IJmes: per box, $1.76. Cracker jack: Per caae. 83.SO; half case, $1.76. Checkers: Per case, $3.li0; half cose, $1.76. Cider: New York, $3.60 per keg. Cocoa nuts: Per sack, $3.60; per doaen, 7oc. Cranberries: Lates Howes, $7 per barrel;, per box, $3.60. Peanuts: Raw, 7o pound; raw, sack lots. Jumbo, 8c pound; roasted, a pound; salted, 8160 per can. Muah rooms: Per pound, 60c. New York CeneraJ Marked. NEW YORK, March 84. SUtlAR Raw. 1 firm; centrifugal, 4.(Wcj molasses. 4.22. Refined, firm. Sugar futures opened firmer on trade and commies ion house buying prompted by the continued un favorable weather, which Is causing cen trals to atop grinding. Prk-eo at midday were J to 4 points net higher. I BUTTKR-Sleady; recelpta, KM tuba; creamery extras, 12 points scoring. 2V4e: creamery, higher scoring. 294fiVv, cream-. cry rtrsts. itHf-'sc; seconds, MVjtrtaiVic CHEESK Irregular ;reoeipta 1.2X1 boxes: stale whole milk, held specials, lnpl7ic; slate wnoie milK, average rancy, ihg;i6We. POULTRY Alive, firm: western. 17 lUc; turkeys, l.'ilHc; dressed, quiet; west ern froien chickens. 19tf21c; f rash fowls, . HtMOc; turkeys, lOTi-aOc. 1XKJS Kasier Recelpta tH,$8 cases; fresh gathered extres. 22f22Vao; storage packed, tlrats to extra, firsts, ZoVtfr-atc : regular packed, extra firsts, 20V3-Jlc; firsts, l8,.-rl,i30Jie; nearby hennery, whites, fine to fancy, 26c; nearby hennery, browns, ZHyc. BITTTFR Stesdy; creamery. 2ofJ28c. POTATOK8 Higher: reoHpts. IS cars; Michigan and Wisconsin red, 36340c: Michigan and Wisconsin white, 86?MSc. r.QUB Ixiwer: receipts. ,W1 cases: at' mark, cases included, 17lSc; ordinary firsts. 17'irn74c; firsts, 18c. POULTRY Alive, lower; fowlg. 14c: : springs, 17iiT7Wc. Kaaaavs City Grala aad Fro-1sloaa. KANSAS CITY. March 24. WT1FAT No. I hard. $1.6101.62; No. 1 red. $1,609 l.bou.: May. $1.46NtU.4u; July, $1-1$; Sep tember. $1.04'f'L0&. COKN No. 2 mixed, tiw: No. 1 white, Ti'ia; No. 2 yellow. 73c; No. 3. 72;2e; May, 70lT71r,e; July, 7SSo; September. 737iy74c. uath no, 1 wnite, euc; no. 1 mixea. 65 V. Btri-rr;tt .Teamery, no; zirats, zscj. seconds. 2V; pai-klng, 17c. KlrsU. 17V; seconds, 17c. POl'LTRY Hens, l3Vo; roosters, 10Hc; turkeys, 16c. 1 Mlaaeaoolla Oralo Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn. Msrch . WHKAT May, $1.47H: July. $1.8HV: No. 1 hard. $1 64: No. 1 northern, $1.49Via'l.s3Hi Nn. 1 northern, $1.4.i1,tl.il. KLOl'R Unchanged. HAKLbY-Mitllw. RYK-$!.ineil 14. BRAN I22.W. HillS-N.i, 3 yellow. HR'a'tea'ad. OATH No 3 white. 66,'gti7c. riXoLLVU-l.iioWliH- St. t,oala Orala Market. ST. I1t'l. Mo., March 24. WTTOAT No 2 red tl Sl. .'.'. No. 2 hard, nomi nal. May. $14se,; July. $1.17. CtiHN No. 2. 7Mc; No. 2 whits, nomi nal; May. 730; Ju , 75Vii(r75.c. 4ATS No. 2. 6Mte. No. 8 white, taw. ( t l.araaal Ursls Market. I.IVFRPOOL. March 24 WHEAT ?-t. No. I Manitoba, lis d: No. 3. lr.s 0.' S" 3 bard winter. Us id. cniN Srnt. American mixed new, a Vtd. AmerWan mixed, old. as 2d: March, ia 6S. Hour, winter patents, 4s. tlaaaka liar Market- OMAII4, Mar-h r.. I'RAISIK HAT tio.'-e upland. 113 K; No I. $13 60; No. 2. Ii j rt! '. No 1. lasajqisot. 4 'hnies mid land. $12-" No I $1.' . No. 3. $mSis II No 3. (samiieiai Choice lowland. !" Ni 1. 8ia, No. t lllwnw, 1 $ ihi V. HTM . v '- There Is re straw on the mar ket l"h.,l-'e hrlxht Wheat straw la ejuot- ai,la st ty'r. rwi- bright oat r 1 - .uts al r 0"i7 J. Al.yAI.P.t-1 hi. pea-greea. leafy. fn, .1. 01. I I 1 iVni. it takra eitia rh.,re to l-Meg lt ,V i. .. $';Mille. No e..re to --teg lle,. No I Ilt44-. X 8H tadtl I .Mm Market. m:w HiI'.k M.r-i r4 vrr-rrix -. -n.a) iiiet. anidilli-g uf-iao-la. visa, easts. t.l l;iil. 4tr.aj :4 irTTilN IS-J firra S'"-t ! ie V.aS axsdUiuel I..O SJU-latlng m ttm mm. at ft Nrw ti.Hk. M.r-k . - ft T fVH Immmmm.4 f--e rtia.t - i.n a-. . j - 4aawal tmmmt rVea Ut.a ' 1 - t mm I g mmtm Ware rtteaja a I vataa ' m I kMatsw8 mm sad $ra4 rito Xw -UK k. .4-srVArnK ATI : 41 -t j . . ! it'll fla IT - l-rmmm mmrw Atm SO -. aHl. lUaJ-aw mmmm n .1 .1