-J I THE HKE : OMAHA, WEDNKSDAY. MAKCll m. lDlo O Nil faue Big Baffes ylrry Influence in Producing Downpours of Rain? By GARKETT 1. SEKVISS. Again the question whether groat bat tle sre capable of p' duvrn 'ruin, through tha effects of the shocks tin-j Parted to the air by long-continued and violent cannonading, . la being asked by many persona, and most of the Inquirers appear to think that the answer should be In the affirma tive on account cf ihe frequent reports of heavy rainfall on, and around the pres ent battlegrounds of Europe. One corre spondent goes ao far as to express the ! r e- opinion that trie com- motion of the atmo- Viri. sphcro over the Eu ropean continent during the last seven mcnthe has reacted upon the state 01' the weather on this side of the oeonn. and provoked here i relatively dry and mild winter. But the simple fnr:t Is that neither In Kurone nor In this co'intry has the char iictT of the weather since the war began been marked by sny abnormal features that are not apt to occur In any year. It Is tho magical effect of coincidence that has persuaded to many persona to thlnli that the battles themselves must be the cause of the downpour which have flooded the trenches of the contending armies, and turned the roads and flelcis about them lno morasses. Inasmuch as the two things have occurred togethir they are regarded as being, necessarily related In the. sense of cause and e'fert. It Is the same kind of logie which loads to popular acceptance of the claims of weather prophts, clairvoyants, chlroso Phlsts and astrologer. An o casmnul striking hit." or apparent hit. is sufficient to produce conviction, especially in tlie mind of a person i.rcdlsnosed t wonder rather than to reason, and untrained in scientific Iviliit of thought and methods of obfervation. This snhjert,' the possibiliiy of prodi.c ing, or inducing, rain by sho.'ltiii.? the atmospliore, has, at least on-e. under gone a lather thorough experimental In vestigation.' and that under the auspices of'our own congress and Department of ., Agriculture, at the expanse of the treasury of the 1.utted States. It was In 1S91. The -liaory of the productabllity of rain by artificial agitation of the atmosphere haying 'been, at that time, urged with uncommon persistent and force: con gress made an appropriation to pay for a serlee of aerial bombardments, to be conducted In Texas, under tho direction of General Robert St. George Dyrenforth. The experiments were made with giant ! ( Read it Here See By special arrangements for this paper a photo-drama corresponding to the in stallments of "Itunaway June" may now he aeen at the leading moving picture theater. Bv arrangement with the Mu tual Film Corporation It ia not only pos sible to read "Runaway June" each week, but aJso afterward to see moving pictures Illustrating our story. Copyright. 1915, by Serial Publication Torporatlon. ELEVENTH EPISODE. Ia the Clutch of the River Thieves. "'- CHAPTER 11. It was a nspow, but distinct 'chan i.el. winding about amid a tangle of shrubbery and marsh grrea and stunted trees, with here and there a larger tree ilslng from a mound nf solid earth. There were high banks prc.tently and then a tiny Isiar.d, In the cetyer of which was MOTHER OF SCHOOL GIRL Tells How Lyiia HPinkham's Vegetable Compound Re , , stored Her Daugh . ter's Health. Plover, Iowa. "From amaJl child mv 13 year old daughter had female I weakness. I spoke I to three doctors about it and they did not help her any. Lydia E. Pinkham a Vegetable Com pound had been of great benefit to rm. so I decided to have her give it a trial. She baa taken rive bottles of the Vege- I table Corn pound ac cording to directions on the bottle and she is curod of this trouble. She was alt run down when she started taking the Compound and her periods did not com right. She waa ao poorly and weak that I often had to help her drees herself, but now she is regular and ia growing strong and healthy." Mrs. IJajitw Helvig, Plover, Iowa. !1 r, Hundreds tt such lettera expressing gratitude for the good Lydia L Pink- fll.. rvr.d has uom- pUahed are constantly bcirg received, (roving tbe reliability of this grand okl remedy. If you are III do mot drag alor.g and roatioaa to suiter day in and day out bat at ooee taka Lydia 11 Pltik ham's Vege table Coavpooad, a woman' remedy or woman's. lUa. IS 4 tt vast want sfterlal ad rice write t If 41a E. Plashes Jlediclae fa. (eeefl tall!) lass, leer letter will read and aaswered ar I! i i pjwder. tarried up In unmanned balloons snd exploJed at a considerable elevation. They were continued for a Ion period. and .were not confined .to Texas General ryrenforth ma.5e.a report favoring tha , view that, the explosions inancea rain- . fall, but this was disputed by others, and ( one ot the observers averreo tnat inn rain setn to foil had 'begun In advanre of the exploslrns. The general conclu sion of meteorologists wsa that the ex- ! ptrlmcnta hud failed to demonstrate the! jn'Pdli'llllJf Ut llflliiF ,. - .... Similar experiments have long been i tried in France and Italy among the i vine-growing d'strlcts, which often suffer i terrible ravages from thunder storms ae j companled by hall. Hundreds of "hail I .. i i. i i . the clouds of an approaching thunder storm for the purpose of preventing the : formation of hailstones. The theory l that tho concussions and atmospheric j disturbances set up by the cannon cause : the moisture of the clouds to condense, Into rain and to fall aa such instead of 1 being shaped Into hall. Many arrlcul- j turltits have expressed confidence in the ! efficaclty. of the hall cannon, but the reports of scientific Investigators heye ben uniformly unfavorable. It is frequently asserted that gieeit battles are always followed by heavy rain. If this wrre literally true. It would no longer be a mere coincidence with which we had to deal, but, on the con trary, the burden of proof would rest upon those who disputed the alleged effect. In reality, however, there la no proof to sustain the statement. Some battles liavc. been followed by rain, and others have not. There has never been any attempt made to determine w'hat the effect , of a battle upon the atmosphere j Is. Nothing that could pass for scientific ' evidence on the subject exists. A great ; many circumstances would have to be, considered In Judging whether a rainfall after a battle had any connection with the shocking of the alr by the guns. ' Battles occur under conditions which render It practically Impossible to make i the scientific observations that would be ! needed. j Tet so .flitmg Is the popular . belief In I this, legend that the Ljigllsh admiralty j has .more than once been petitioned to i fltnil Ih f i l I ll (7 if htvv Kina nnm r- 1 coast In harvest weather, because of the conviction ,of the farmers that the con cussions brought on rainstorms and thus indirectly ruined their half-cured crops. It may be added that a great conflagra tion would be more likely than a great battle to induce local rail fall, because It might disturb the temperature of the overlying air, and produce currents and changes of barmetrie-" pressure such aa play a part in nature's rain-making. it at the Movies. SYNOPSIS June, the bride" of Ned Warner, Im pulsrvclv leaves - her husband on their honeymoon because she begins to realise I that she must be dependent on Mm for money. She desires to be independent. June Is pursued by Otlbert Blye, a wealthy married man. She escapes from his clutches with difficulty. Ned searches distractedly for June, and, learning of Biye's designs, vows vengeance on him. a decrepit hut. June waa about to step ashore when she hoard the low furring of a motor. The cutter! Prom the sud den shut-In-ness of the sound it had en tered the Inlet. In terror June lumped back Into the boat. The hut seeniod de serted. There was no smoke rising from from the chimney and no one U pro tect Tier If she were found there alone. She .was away In a Hash, circling the Island. From the other side she saw that the channel led sway Into the marshes, probably to another Inlet, and she had started to dart down this fonely j waterway when suddenly sne riea a rope trailing out Intor the water from under some bushes matted with marsh needs. The whir of the motor was rap idly advsncing. She could scarcely hope to escape unseen. Her wits sharpened by her peril, she strered with anift de cision toward the overhanging bushes. ) They parted as her prow ran into them, and, bending low. she found herself shot into entire concealment. The whir of j the approaching motor grew loud. Quick . - fiMuh June reached for tha telltale ! rope whicn oaa Deirayea mis mains place and drew it under cover cf the matted bushes. Uouder and louder grew the wnlr. It was Just upon her. With her heart beating so that her ears were full of the sound of It June peered out through ber leafy screen. Orin Cunningham! lie circled tle Inland in his swift llttlo cut ter, his keen eyes searching everywhere, lla nassed within ten feet of her. Hhe held her breath lest he might hear it. j and once, aa his eyes turned full In her : direction and she thought he had cer tainly detected her hiding place, she al noet screamed. He paised on, however, and, running Ms light little boat Lahore, stepped eut next and went tip to the huU the only pos sible place ot coticea'mvnt on tha Island. June be Id a swift debate with herself. Should she leave her concealment and, running her motor at Its uuieleet speed, slip away down that other channel while Cunningham waa In the hut? That de lta te as settled In an insiaai. inr up Ihe other channel sllw! the swift little speed boat carrying F.dvarda and lllbert live, fllve'e dark, handsome) faca was serine It Uses la without "' " "ore a lk of eomrn a. makla. a Ending, he hurrwd up to the hut. do. 4k I used fullod by the plod-ling k-d wards 11 seemed ages W tr they came away, ar.d they had apuarvatiy made a thorough search for they even stoop dowa aa they tame outside to pr un der the stilted fouada'ioD amid the rub bish IrKta had aocemuleUd there. Whoa they had gn away Jeae reemaiaed for a la tin la ber hi Una; star, ewt T g:iy she vteeid frum nee beet aad erspt Irurn br eonalaMnt. Thirst, tastdred ky tie fer r nni.m.1.1, a 'rtea ler firts la sseittb a enetaa bad Tb.t I its h i.i-c From the Top Republished Above, Uttle Mies New York with her Japanese parasol green, scattered over with birds of many colors. In the center of a bat of black and white pussy willow taffeta on which Is a branch of cherries, a muslin neckpiece outlined in black dots and a cane to match tha frock. At the bottom, a black and white pussy willow checked taffeta hat and a lined stock, ecru tinted, banded in black velvet ribbon. Little Bobbie's hy WILLIAM F. KIRK, wss lernlna a peece to speek ia akool facas, havra't As long ss I you hsve been Friday ntte. I meen I was lernlng the peers 1 am going to speek last nit nest Friday ts the day I am going to speek It. The name of the peece was Ivory or sumthtng like that a It wss about a king named Ilnry. He lived in Navarre. I think that Is eumwsre In the old country. It ts a very prtity mem, I tbtnk. but It la pretty long, too, 1 am afrade I will not be abet to reemember It. I'a Is all the time mixing me up by looking at you. You think every fare that looks at you Is a admiring face. No. I don't, sed Pa. tut tbay Used to like to bear ma skeep that peeve Bobble Is lernlng. , But you dldent git thus two Mims the wsy thsy ars In this boek. I sed ro Pa la the book It says - . . be yure ort - for me a ive fergits a gits the the rong piaiore moar thaa I Ma can t get hira to stop. to be famus la any skoul far deeclsUning. s4 Pa. The taev-bera al- unflamme anyway? Pld you ever see s orlralssnifw? sed Pa. No. I acd. ltd you ewer s rUiamae. Pa asked ins. I doaat hauw. e-l Ma, 1 pule sae ways used to give ne tbe baxdeet ire le ai.ak, hetkeue Utay knew fiat ( server forgot a line S thay knew how ftr I Bad tbe lines A gl tbe true meea ing of the poti. 'ow la that asms you are rmlra. for Inauaa. I uses) le ary out frees were you aa i.y while plum a teaks of war 1M il ia l o .r helle 0rn rSeers lr old .Vaare' ana owe ud ia No. sed IX r tistiedy eis , -' rf tK. new ta Wink .he.. ' lag et sh-! e.e s tt.e slminng faa '. anyjit.lt A levl).a ikaMUati.i iodine I n.e ik. le sr4 i I ,.i4 llora of Her Crown to Her Toe by Special Arrangement with Harper's Bazar. And the lip thla spring i going to I fie alkllite frirtilc of the laet new para sol. Ami sh ptraxils as we shall en.ioy for the next eight inofithsr The woman who knows has already visualised the summci pln ground: she sees the grand stands a bluse of color, vying with the tupa of the coaches, and great splashe of blillianl color dotted over tho Riven sarl. The if).", puvasel would fill ith Jjy the heart of the most asolrin colnrirt. takhl has never used color with a more generous blush than the makers of this srmmcr's parasols. A single parasol will reflect ell Ihe tints of the rainbow and yet so cleverly are Ihey Mended that theie la nothing carlsh, nothlifg to of tvnd the most fastidious of women. It Is a question whether we have Im proved upon the picture parasol of the Jspsne.e mai'lcn, hut we have rung In several variations, all more or less anma Ing. The shape we hae used In many ajs. We have even Americanized It to the extent of using It for a conservative I'la.k and white striped silk. The effei I Is wonderfully good. The woman who knows declares that she intends to carry one wlih her white linen and shantung suits. Again we have made it of green silk, end on the Inside have embroidered birds or many colors. There Is the same flat shape, with many rihs. as In the paper parasol which In childhood's happy hours we carried with such pride over our heads that should have been filled with some thing more Inspiring. Another parasol, which might claim an India origin, has also many gores of widely i Irregular width, and this Is de veloped In taffeta: one of the bright hues which the sun cannot dim, com bined with striped silk, fllks. patterned In curious Egyptian ami Russian designs and carried out In blues and reds, yel lows and greens, are shirred Into many gores, each tip ending in a great amber drop. Kvcn the black and white combinations have their touches of color. And one ot the prettiest sun shades is the black and white striped parasol, with a border of purple and white blocks, which Hmmy Wehlen carries In "Tonight's the Night." There are parasols with covers of tha plain colors battleship gray, soldier blue, et cetera. so X am told, and perhaps you can find them, hut the woman who knows Insists thot she wse so blinded by the others that she did not see them If they were present. ' Ppeaklng of parasols reminds me that csnes must receive serious considers Hon. They are no longer subjects of ridicule . for our friends, the Joke makers, ut a part, and not necessarily a minor One, of the trot-about costume. One of the best looking canes I have seen reoently is the one picked up by the Woman Who Knows, and she delights In it because she can match her gown in the cover. And isn't there always a comforting, well-groomed air given by accessories which match, that can be accompanied ly no other means? Miss Margaret Arbuckle made tbe lorg nette brigade take a second look through their' glasses when sht appeared one morning at Palm Beach carrying a cane from which apparently dangled a woman's leg. It was a clever bit of carv ing, for tbe leg was shapely, the ankle trim, and the foot long and slender. If you would forget the snow snd sleet, snd hasten the spring by tutting your thoughts on It, tske heed for the morrow snd prepare for yourself some linen blouses. Vou will wsnt all you can lay your hands on, for they will be the correct, complement to the tailored suit this spring. And the shops are go ing to charge a pretty penny for them with linen as scares as It la today, snd no more from poor Belgium for many a day. Tha severest and simplest mod els will have a little hemstitching aa - decorations, and perhaps turka. Others will be elaborately embroidered. You sed It was Longfrfll Jb so It was, sed Pa, salm morning he rote red all about it. Mister WbllMer role Pa think, sed Ms, it this peer Is learning to resits ass nalmad Macauley. I gueei that I mite as Ihe evnlng see aum you, deer. Ma sed to Pa. have knowa you, she sd, able to admiring faces Ta- A'en my owa family In my superior kaowleda think It s lme for rae at hoain. Tlen Pa put on out. .Bobble. sM Ma. did ou i Navarre was for s hsnet helmet e go out? Ov shed ... . - t ur, Dr in ivarv. liammed today the 111-1 M n-l of Ns.arr. y()TJ Xj,0W Then th book ks rons. sed Pa. Thar w.senl ssythlnc ia hat scm of I-g- Th , , vth feUow s about a oilflamme What U a 1 ... wlin rngineerlna sad d uiuMi ronaetrad with mialng Aa experienced aeronaut aaaeils liiat , th math day f th rnoa is ih I alii y f tb slaw tty-si. aitd l, e'eiorb ia be ariirana th riauVt but th Pious So. dMent se eae aai. , ever say a nflaam. ! Tlir, t0 m fbl a - T '. bmn wi,.,t, waa plaesd b-Mtas tkat lhay t d- M a l"t ef a. f.eld j . ilr, M , f - ... kiieie lsilelwe e -set I It ta- ov 'td sar '6 .w- a. frrhw Only the sun can eclipse in brilliancy the silk parasol shown at the top, patterned in red, yellow and green; also the blsck ana white toqu? and tbe lacy side frill. In the center is the dunce rap glorified into a creation of Milan and Georgette satin with a military veil: striped blue and white neckpiece and tan and black chocked boots. Below, a leg horn hat, clouded In chiffon and gay with dahlias and a lace fichu. iw's. he rot that the Maude Mu'ler. I Meuoe MuUer. I much moie sensitive If the air surround ing it Is ratefled by heating Walrrproif tenia, bags and rugs ar ! extract, rich in guaiaool, which ia as usually male from camels' hair, which ' besling to the membranes. i. ,. ked o, ,n the.lr,n. VXTZZl Kor many year. the population of &9JjS fiermany has been Increasing at the rate , ,T f,, Kor, wlth this preparation of about 'joi.oin a year In 171 the pop- : xn, l'mex Co., i'U Wayne, lad. ulation was 41,v.mn, and by i1 It had risen to almost ..AnflnO. , . that Bobble I role by a rent ? well go out for of the boys, sed drawnt be)ve any longer. I to slop talking his hat A- went see -Sew glad to put a his mom, e leern ' 1 JHAT r.lm vX- u - i .Mn im and oil an the friction points TAKE THUS typewriter. J-ln-Ooe ia the highest duality and loweet-rf iced type- ! 3S snemlwis writer oU. tquaily food b machine, numbering re i w I 1. Cbk punrbes. A Dictionary eg bundled otner bums every bottle. 10c, lit, wreaig..t - ra lh - r sarty l is -,- mMm 0..,,. .( ir,e ran rt m aJ t lores. ft f-X-S L WivOn OH Co- H Phrenology lly KIK3AR LK IEN lARKIN. tn a re cut article t asserted that psycholoKy is not a science. This as sertion hns brought a letter from Oak hind In which the writer asks a series ol questions' oh psychology: "If Vyhology, as you say. Is not s silence . aiil pi'crtulugy Is, why is It ; that phrenology Is' tabooed In college 'and psychology la featured In many of them"" 1 . I C'i "Since phrenology Is the only science tlmt deals with the brain as the organ of the mind, wluv la it not made use of In schools and colleges?" tH "Uliould not phrenology, aa sn In ductlve phliosophy, he made a part of the school system of the country?" riirenology Is not a science, not a thing In It Is even remotely scientific. Phren ology literally means. In Kngllah from ilreek, a talk about the mind. But no trace of a clew as to what tho mind Is has ever been discovered. Not even a theory has leen formed as to the nature of mind. This uhsur.l fake of feeling "bumps" In the skull is too ridiculous for the twentieth century. Suppose that one's aknll Is thick where a protuberant ap pears and Ihe next victim's cranium Is thin? That Is bone, not brain. 1 The great works now published giving" j results of critical studies of the brain are I triumphs of sklM and exploration. But , their authors would not presume to tell j what the mind Is. It aeems that they ; have tried out every test In research on j the brain areas by stimulating and nar ' eotlslng with drugs and chemicals, hy J mechanical irritation, pressure, etc., and ! by electrical applications to the brain j tissues.1 A goodly number of facte re ; Eardlng centers of mental activities tisa been discovered, like Increased depression , and cessation of thought, variations In thought, response to these applications, snd many kinds of actions of mmd on i body nerve". emotions. rulsebeata '. i these and many more teats In common' I tiso hy alienists and mentallat. But with his formidable array of facts the nature of mind Is unknown. But not one of these valuable modern scientific facts was secured by means of that, hal-'-luclnatlon Hailing under the name pren ology. But let things of this kind, even the word phrenology, be kept out of the public schools.. , r I did say that psychology Is . not, a. science. These hooks filled with re sults of cilreful research are valuable," but they are not yet based . on a known and proven law of nature. For two brains, area for area, cVnrwrad even by mlcrscoplc research . Into sells, nerve fibers and texture, may not present the slightest difference, yet mind expressing In one may be able to weigh a hundred million iins and In the other not be able i to learn to read. r. HOUSEHOLD SUGGESTIONS. .To clean xlne? dip a piece of flannel In paraffin, and with it well rub the sine,. which should then be washed with hot water and soap to remove the smell of the oil; polish with s dry ctoth. For grit In the eye apply a drop or two et castor oil; it relieves the Irritation. It -la difficult to keep one's complexion, nice In the round of cooking and cleaning.' When waalilng .chamois leather, let as much soap as possible remain' In It. How To Get Rid of at , Dad Cough A Home-Wade Keaaedy that Will Do It Qalckly. Cheap suae Easily Made sM,e)i If you hare a bad cough or chest cold tluca refuses to yield to ordinary dies, get from any druggist 2Vi ounces of i'inex ("0 cents worth), pour into a pint bottle ami till tbe bottle with plain granulated augsr syrup, btart taking a teaspounful every hour or two. in 24 hours your cough will be conquered or very nearly so. tven wboopinK cough ia ereatlv relieved in this wsy. 'lbs above mixture makes a full pint a family supply of the finest cough syrup that money could buy at a cost of only 64 cents. Kssily prepared in 6 I mum tea, Full directions with i'inex. I Ibis I'inex snd Sugar Syrup prepa I ration takes right hold of a cough and -j gives almost immediate relief. It loos ' eos the dry, bosrse or tight cough in a t ! II.. - I.. .1.1- At way luat is rraii.r innaiuuin. Aiao quickly iieals tbs iotisnied membranen which secompanv a psinful cough, snd stops the tormation of phlegm in tbs lliroat snd brom hial tubes, thus ending the persistent loose cough, txcellent for bronchitis, spasmodic croup and winter coughs. Keeps perfectly and tastes good children like it. Puiex is a special and highly eoncen- l t rated eomnound oi genuine Norway pin IIOTKLI. Hotel i3n?slm Broadway e.i29St "Aa Hotel WW) Cwaets are) Mada to I'ael at Iteea" Not too larte, vet larse enoufh to fiord tbe maximum of yiIuc at minimum expense. Exceptionally Accesa&lw 14 lmtHJmM fciissiasf CUryel ami Issi S Water l H i pmt esy ties' Bee k Tak tfeae $ I Mh.Mms Sebis teen ' s.t btae 14 m . t Cas'.s toeaw k I. er tusie tx e as t.S pm eeg of yoa j aJUinf I ax hi ne. 1 wlia 0e lowaaoc. rocc. ;! 1 t 7 f i v. v7 icsa aa held la strict cvafJ4a. J tl ! uUj4 Ttmo'iut I Hi hee a il i a .uli its ! M Una )rm I ei eaam.a. I lell le , b( s ROT L. MOWN, U'se.a liaaa,tir b A 1 V