TTTH T5KK: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. MAKCH 24." 1913. Fairy Dreams of Appetite One St ii Art's Pjopfpl TabM Will KnaMe One to fMjwt Any Mfl, Any Time. Mako up your mlnl to go to. your nrsf tifnl with t' drslre to cut what you Mil and do It. VM I STY. Jh . . A I ....111"!) " "tstt ul laUn at Ke Vow Since I'rt B Mn Taking Stnart'e Syseevsle Tableta." A f tr that niesl take a Htuart'a Dys-l-ensU Tahlet ant tear no evil effects from the food you have eaten for It will le digested esxlly, qulrkly. Then gradually fHlty dream of np retl! will roimi hmk to you and In a short tiro the old romping appetite will rvturn to yon, . All druggist carry and icommnrt ftiiart Dyspepsia Tablets. & a box. Trial free by sending coupon below. Free Trial Coupon r. A. Btaart Co.. ISO Btnart Bid.. Marshall. Mlclu, send me,t om by return iriHil. fre trial vwekage of ftUHrt'S Dyspepsia Tableta. Name , Stale , City Slate,. , By MELLITIOIA. Tuesday,' March 23, 1915. NGEMOLSNES3, thy name g woman! A Chicago girl broke the monotony of the social entertain ment, one afternoon last week, by giving a rest-cure party. It wan a, true Innovation, and the result of a stray shot expres sion of one of a small group to the effect she was so tired out, so weary of formal parties, so bored by being a social success, that she longed for something different to happen. The something different surprised her a few days later In the form of a wee note, reading: "Come to my rest cure party, from 3 until 6 o'clock." All accepted; not a single guest waa missing, and the affair proved to be a whirlwind success. When the guests arrived, they found the drawing room with shades nearly drawn, a log fire popping most invitingly and couches piled high with pillows and afghans. The hostess announced that no one was to' talk until moved to do so, and. then only in the lowest voice. Quite mystified, the guests found places, and a maid noiselessly passed piping hot bouillon and crisp wafers, while from an adjoining room, a low, sweet voice sang lullabys to the accompani ment of a guitar, and read deigbtful stories In low, distinct tones. Harmony reigned supreme at this Lenten affair and the surroundings were sufficient to rest a panther or a woman. University Club Banquet. The annual dinner of the Unlverelty club will be held this evening- in the banquet room of the Hotel Fontenelle. A special orchestra will feature college tunes 'during the evening and, the com mittee In charge of arrangements includes: Messrs .1. 1. Hyrne. Walter Hyise, sinweu, f'onlln. ( 'rnsxman, Kilgrrly, Kvarta, lnlley. Ha sea II, I, eery. Martin, "New Dook Frcci To very sufferer front J Rheumatism Name . i , . 'Address . , , t.'pon receipt of this coupon I'll mall vo.i Mv Hook aiKl inv SI Drafts to Try Free, as explained1 below. Ad dress Frederick Dyer, Dept. OS12, Jackson. Mich. Pot off bore im Rheumatism Treated ' Thrtragh :' j tkefeei Send Today for this FREE BOOK Tell how to get rid of. Jliiruma tlMtt without Medicine. My method has cre ated such A Sen UK Hon all over the world by Itx .ex truer d I n a r y h I in p 1 t city, as well a hv 4ia t-f fectlveneH, mm every sufferer should irni,ii(ii)i u hi tux e. Men and wo men tiii) writing me that mv Drafts hae cured them aTler 30 and 0 years suffering a whole lifetime of pain curing even after the most expensive treatiiieiits and bath hnd falltxl. No nntri wlml sour e. nor where or how ceveie tho pain, 1 take all risk of fulliue en. I nenl you (he lrfl rltfht along with tny Hook, without a cent In ad vance. To Try rree. Then after trying my Draftn. If you re fully aatlitfled with tlie benefit re net veil, yon ciin aond me Due liollar. If not aeep yonr money. - Vou de ride and we tke your word. Send abov coupon today and get my I r ft, nnd my illuKtrate.1 Hook, by return mnl) pre pmkI. Addri'Ka Frederick Dyer. Sep. OVli, faokaoa, Kioh. Send no money but the i poll. Do It now, Meiers Tetera. Rulnbolt. Hameey, Keen, Selhy, Tukey Welle, Wl. Ittenaer, .Mattaon, Thomaa, Van Oridel. Informal Dinner Mr. and Mrs. M. P. 0"uld gave an In formal dinner party Kunday evening. Deroratlona were in red roses and white carnation. The gueata entertained were: Mnspra. and Mesdamea Mis Marie Uould. Mlaei Kffle t'oionhane, Helen Uould, MFtara fl. II. Arnold. Harold Iiwe of Chicago. Meaars M. p. Oould. Joe Powell, Kd Proctor. CUT THIS OUT ox.9 EK01.ISV mrciFS roa oataiu AHA I. DDirKCII ASTS UAD KOXSE3. If you know aumeune who- Is troubled vlth catarrliat dcafneaa or head ntsea. cut put this formula and hand it to thorn and lou will have been the mean of laving some poor sufferer lrhaps from total di-afneea. . Kxperlmcnts conducted In knslaiiU aome Mine ugo cera to prove lauhal deafneita. n-ad noleea, etu., were direvny Cauned by oH( litiv,ly tltat calai onatltullonal trotiblo. , It was further brought out that ealvca, aprays. Inhaler, etc., merely leinporUc Mlh the com plaint, and roliloin, If ever, effect a per uiwnent cure. Thla being so, much time and moi.ev were spent In perfecting a pure, gentle, yet effective tonic-that v.oiil'1 quickly tllxpel all tracea of the catarrhal injlfon from the nyntem. The preai'ilytlnn which waa eventually fur mulaletl and which, has arouaed the be lief that (atarrhiil deafueaa and head noieea will eoon be extlm-t Is given below In limit tot mulalile form ao that anyone an treat themiH-lves in their own home at tittle expense. , u re from your druagtat 1 os. Par ri!nt louble HtrermtiO k.;-out 'So worth. Take thla bom and add to It ' pint of hot water and .. of aranulated nuicir; atir unti) llH8nled Take une table- ainmfi'i four tlnwa a day. Patutlnt le in tin not only to renin e bv tunic action, the Inflammt- ti.n and tattling In the Kuatachlan '! iiIk-o. and th' to euuante the air pr. e eme on the drum, but to orre l sny e rc of Mreilona in the mhlciie ear. Kicip irm oIiii baa catarrh In anv Torm l .i'itll Rise tin re. I it trial mm i.-ee t I t iiiielvca frm thla tlcair'u-t ivc i'.'r1tMeTi.crtt DONT WASH YOUR HAIR WITH SOAP ht n you wh our hair, dou't uec imp. M..t aoaua and piriwred ahaut j.n.t ronliii too niwh aiketl. whit hi U M-r injurlnua. It dri lite tl, U...I miikca H e hair brittle. , Tlie Im h ibitig to uae I laln i . . I 1 1 1 - .j ,-iHu.iivit oil, for tble la pure m-mJ tn'.ir'ly grcaaeUae. It eiy litniv om iaia aoape or anything lac all to kite e. oil tan get thla at hm uii. a iu!' . and a tew ounce v li l....t t I !!. family fur luou'Ua. f in.)! y niiiuiti n tha Li. if with Maier aud et i. ( In. Uinta a teaapaiow til la al ttat la rctjuirrd. . It makes an h.H'lrn t-t i nil, in am) latuec. tltanaV'horough.v, and rt'iaaa ui). The.iuic drlea qobkly a ad tt'iili, and ta soft, fre-h koktis. l.i-ifcM, flufly tay and eaay ta I mi Iw-aidea. it lwru and take t,wt v,tv pani.ifl 4ut, tllit and itnlidrt'ff Al ertetrtt Debutante Bridge Club. . Miss Anna Olf ford waa hoeteis tbls aftemnon at the meeting of tha Debutante Flrldge club. The members present wero: Ml nee linaes I.uclle Bncon, Hnruir Meckay, Janet Hall, lUanche Deuel, Helen Clarke. Charlotte Callahsn. Frances llochstetler, Comua Clnb Party.' . . The members of the Comus club enter tained their hucbands lest evening at the second of their series of parties at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Dlmlck Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kvernden, Mrs. J. F. Curran of Oalesburg; I1U. and Mr. Ernst Moll hede were the guests of the club. Prises for the game were awarded to Meadames El It, Ferris, Harry Evernden, S. V. Dlmlck and Messrs. C. O. Everson, J. P, Dlmlck and Ernst MelUtede. The club. will entertain again next week., The guests present last evening were: M sacra, and Mesdames Arthur Hoover, K. Fi. Ferris. ' William Haas. . Charles lnttiom, 3. W. Hood. P. O. Jennings, Oeorge J. Morris, C. O. Everson, P. J. Larmon. Mrs. tello Thompson. , Thimble Club Entertained. Mrs. U ti. Carrier entertained the mem bers of the Thimble club this afternoon. Nearly all of the members were prcaent They Inobulv i ' ' r: ; Mesdames J O. Phllllppl, J. f, liauey, It U. Ktrelght. J. H. Dumont, A. W. Carpenter, Arthur txickwood, 1. M. Fdgorly, Hueaell llarrla. , Fred Mol'onnell, Mlaaea Hertha White, . ' Marlon Carpenter, Orpheum Prty, Complimentary to Mrs. Galley, who leaves the first of next week for New York City to reside, Mri O. It. Piatt entertained at an Orpheum party this afternoon. Twelve guests were present. . Amateur Musical Club. Mrs. T. J. Mahoney was hostess this afternoon at the regular meeting of tha Amateur Musical club. Birthday Party. ' ' Mrs. K. A. Htggtns entertained this afternoon In honor of little Mias Dorothy's seventh birthday. The rooms were abloom with spring flowsrs and twenty guests were prvscnt. For the Future. Mrs. K. S. Moth will entertsln the members of the Council Bluffs Bridge club Wednesday afternoon at the Orpheum. The Ponca Card club wUl entertain at the Orpheum Wednesday evening. The alandard bearera of Hanscom Talk church will give an entertainment at I o'clcck in the church parlors. IwaMta tlons srs extended to all. Admlaaalon w III be IS rents. Stork Special. Dr. snd Mrs. W. I. Shearer are redely ii.g tonaTatulatlqne on tha birth of a Ou'itliter. Katheryn Jane. a A daughtrr. Joan, waa born to Mr. and Ilaivey Milllkra this morning. Mr. Mlliiken was formerly Visa r.'lolae Wood. - Meadantes Arthur Smith, I. W. Carpenter, Alec. Buchanan, , J, H. Hunderland, J. K. Carpenter, William Hainpey, Q. W.Clabaugh, (Jeorge Marker, Kranela White. Mlaaea Mary Phllllppl. , At Prairie Park. The Prairie Fark club held their regu lar week-end dancing party Saturday evening at' their club house. A surprine cabaret feature, consisting . of several musical numbers, was given by the Prairie l'ark Harmonic acxtette, Includ ing Mesars. W. N. Clnrk, Oeorge W. Gardner, E. C. Conley, Howard Orandcn, Fred Wedemcyer and Kcnyon Smith. Tha following were present: Meears. end Meadamen Dr. W. H. Klater, , William Erk, Cliarlea C. Haynea, C. 1 Peterson, William B. W. B, Iiree. Btewart. Jr.; Dr. O. H. Ballard, J. lansfellner, A. t"1. Hunt, ( O. rl. Kelt, A. C. lUwson, I. K. Hmlth, J. W. Morrla, W. M. Clark, W. L,. Blockett, fleorae W. Gardner, M. U Kndres. Kdwln Cole, H. M. Kent, C. H. O'Neill . W. F. Guild, V of Uncoln, Max Smith, B. A. L.ucke. K. A. Pardun, Kdward G. Clay, ' John K, Blttinger, B. II. Coffeen, Willis C. Croeby, William A. Hmlth. C. I.. Owen. William F. Reynoldart. M. Cochran, K. C, Conley, Ixiula Nelaon, II. J. Hlckier, C. W. Fletcher, Charlea Neff, II. I George, C. U Mickey, Mlnaes Ethel Weldner, Dorothy Pardun, Alice Wheeler, Francea Hons, France Watt. Meeara Frank CI. Ie, Dr. C5. II. Koaa, Fred Wcdnmeyer. William Kent. Howard Orandcn, Robert H. lwls, K. K. Bralnerd. Dr, J. Hex Hell, E. J. "Weberg. Mlnsea "Ethel Morgans, Iiorla l'eternon, Kathryn Smith, Phyllis Weberg, Flo Moller. Meaars Gerald Bruce, Fred Bchoeffler. Leonard Peterson, Kcnyon Smith. Surprise Party- A surprise party was given In honor of Mollis gtlefler's sixteenth birthday at her home Sunday evening. Those pres ent- were: , . Mlsaes Miaeea Bernlce foils. Pndte Blumenthal, Hannah Cooper, K ether Zalkovitch, . Kylvla Abrahamaon, Ixittle f-'teln, I.lbhy Katleman, Mollle Stlefler, Blanche Groen, Koaalie Goldenberg. Flora, Blenetock, Beeale Stock, Meesre Meaera Jake Fleinhmsn. Abe Warshowaky, Horace Hoaenblum, . Morris Levey, Ben Shapiro, . Abraham UirK, Jake Katleman, Meredith Knyon, Anihur Friedman, Harry Brodkey. Ben Stein, . Shamrock Party. Tha women of the North Side Christian church sntertalnod tha Doyal Sons clase st a shsmrock picking at the horns of Miss Caryl Burnap Saturday evening. The evening was spent with tnuslo and games. .Those present were: . Mlsaes Laura Koas, - I ullne .Nestilt. Klnnche ttard, Ktta BarentHon, tiattie Cady, Katherlis DavISi Mlaaes Gladys I.yoiiK. Florence Frlckion, Eleanor Stewart, Lucille Peters, Marv Bu'nap, . Flora Hobinnon, Caryl Burnap. Marie Sawyer, Messrs. WiKisley, ' Alvln Korrey, Stenson, Arthur Furnap, Murnap, Kdlth Kwera. Marie Ewers, . Messrs. Charlie Cook, John Illgsins, VMMar.i .Stewart, John Stewart, Mlreiif1ol'ff. Herman Mlercndorff, Whitehead, Arthur l.yon. K. Nixon, .1 ernes Hughbanks, Rurgess Wallace, i Wendell Kerrchner. FVIISTAKES PAY-AS-Y0U-, ENTER BOX FOR CUSPIDOR "One bf the funniest experiences ' I have had during years of work as a street car conductor happened yesterday afternoon," remarked g "nickel snatcher" who draws a stipend from the local trac tion company for his services. Then he told his story. . ' The ysrn concerns A backwoods - man who came to tha cltV to do a little spring shopping and see the new hotel and other social centers This stranger entered the csr, chewing a large cud of tobacco, and h mistook the money box on the platform tor a modern receptacle for the convenience of passengers who w.lsh to expectorate before entering the oar. He expectoiated Into the money bos and, as ha did so. ha decorated tha inside of the box with tobacco Juice, which percolated through to the money la a drawer at the bottom of the box. The conductor who told the story said he remonstrated with the uncouth pas senger and he told him a rev things about street car etiquette. "I thought that was a new sanltsry ct-Bfldor," wss the nonchalant reply. VICE REPORT IS REFERREDTO KU6EL Moral.. Squad of the Police Ordered to Investigate Planes Named in the Lilt. , MINISTERS lihY .MEET AGAIN The city commissioners referred without comment to Superintendent of Police A. C. Kugel a "vice" report filed Monday morning by a commit tee representing the Omaha Minis terial union. "I have nothing further to say at this time in connection with this re port. I stated my position Monday morning lyfore the city council com mittee of the whole and the" minis ters," was ihe reply of Superinten dent Kugel when asked 'for an ex pression. The. "moral squad" of the police de partment has been directed to Investigate the places referred to In the vice report f the ministers. Mlalsters' ta Meet als. At a meeting of the Methodist minis ters of the city It was resolved to ssk Trealdcnt A. C. IJouglass of the Minis terial union to call another meeting of the UYilon far the purpose of discussing the report rendered by the special com mittee, the expressions of the city com missioners Monday morning and ; other matters' In this connection. One of ths ministers appearing before the council committee of the whole Monday morning made the statement that It Is probable that this vice report will be brought to the attention of he Commercial club. Woman's club and oher organizations. Rev. C. N. Dawson, chairman of ths Ministerial union's special vice comm'ttee, has no 'further comment to make just now regarding the work of his, committee) or the attitude of the city commissioners. Commissioner C. It. Wlthnell has re ceived many expressions regarding his "speech" Mondsy morning. The fact ts h was the only commissioner who wss silent during the proceedings. Dies from Injuries Received, in Easter Tornado in 1913 Mrs. Archie Miller, who was Injured in the Baster tornado In Omaha . two years sgo. died lust two years after that fine from the result of those Injuries Mrs. Archie Miller, formerly Ne'lie E. Bigclow, was born In Iowa October It, H71, and was united In marriage with Archie Miller near Kearnny, Neb., Sep tember M, 1W They took up their tesl dence In South Omaha and have Ux-ed rkambrrlsla'a Coagk Remedy, . From a small beginning the aala and use of this remedy has extended! to all parts of the United States and to many foreign countries. When you have need of auch a medicine giva Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a trial and you will un derstand why It has become so popular for coughs, colds and croup. ' Obtainable every whera. Advertisement YOUTHFUL HUNTER HAS ARM TORNJJY EXPLOSION Arthur Hansen, 17' year old, tiunter of US South Ninth, street, had his left arm torn to shreds Monday evening by a shotgun which exploded as he was try ing to make a landing from a liver boat. Hansen had been out on the river islands hunting and 'shlng. Towarda evenlng"ho ran the boat In towkrda the bottoms near his home. In making a landing he Is thought to have used the gun as a staff. The weapon exploded lacerating his left arm from the wrist to the elbow. Dr. Hugo Chaloupka attended him and then sent -him to St Joseph's hospital where It was said that the chancea are In fa vor of saving the arm. there the greater part of the-time since. the wss a lifelong member of the Meta O'ilst Episcopal church. Funeral services were) held In the Meth odist Episcopal church. South Omaha, conducted by Dr. C. Pewsnn. a former pastor, assisted by Revs. Sinnef Cornish srd Dr. R. L Wheeler. She leaves her husband, one son and one daughter. THIEVES STEAL TWELVE BALES OF HAY FROM BARN Abe Boh warts, 3W0 North Nineteenth street, reports to the police that thieves entered his barn Monday night and car ried away a set of harness, twelve bales of hay snd a 100-pound sack of corn. i Bail Bond Filed in Omaha for G.B.Darr A ball bond in the sum of $."0On has been approved and filed here In the of fice of the clerk of the district court for Oeorge B. Darr. . the Omaha capitalist. He was Indicted last week at Lincoln on charges of aiding and abetting President H. It. Luebben of the First National banl , of Button, In violation of the national banking laws. Arthur H. Denton sn: Ralph W. Emerson of Omaha, are Psrr'Ji bondsmen. The bond will be forwarded, to the Hastings division of the federal court, m which Parr's case will be tried, unless he removes It elsewhere. What to Do to Get Fat and Increase Weight The fUal Cauie of Thinness ' A Physician's Advice Most thin people eat. from four to six pounds of good solid fat-making food every day and still do not increase in weignt one .ounce, while on the other band many of the plump, cnunky folks at very lightly and keep gaining all the time. It's ail bosh, to sav that this la the nature of the Individual. It Isn't Na ture'! way at all. Tbin foika atay thin because their powers of assimilation are defective. Tney absorb Just enough of the food tney eat to maintain Hie and a sem blance of health and strength. Stuffing won't help them.' A dozen meals a day won't make them gain a single "stay there" pound. All the rat-producing ele ments of their food Just stay In the in testines until they pass from the body as waste. What such people need is some thing that will prepare these ,atty food elements so thsj their blood can absorb them and depoalt them aU about the body something, too, that will multiply their red blood corpuscles and Increase their blood's carrying power. For such a oonuUiun I alwaya recom mend eating a Hargol tablet with every meal, fara-ol Is not. as aome believe, a patented drug, but ia a scientific com bination of aix of the moat effoctlve and Lowertul flesh building elements known to chemistry. It is absolutely harmless, vet wonderfully effective and a single tablet eaten with each meal often has tne eirect or increasing ine weigm or a tnln man or woman from three to five lound a week. Saigol Is sold by Plier iran A Mi Conne'l. Omaha, and other good drugg'.ats everywhere on a positive guarantee of weight Increase vr money back. S'k FLITTON Telephone Pong. ts. tjC Charity Sewings. The M'ssioa iseaing society met this afternoon at Jactb's hall. The Dundee Sewing circle of All Kalnls' !,unh vm entertsltied this after Boon at ths hui.i of Mia. Harold Kobotker. Tha Tuesday tirldae club was enter- I mined this afitrnoja by Mrs. Dents ' Kcrkalow. The afternova was spent sea. ing for chanty sad Ihe members fresrat were: Meatnies J,..i.l ( talk. I- rente K e h, Jlia irni.k, Iwnta harkalnw Mm UuaW-ili t'tmgilua Meattemee '.im Mad J a. Iti.M la le. Vtaltn !(: its. 'J Hi: UM.UtA V,KK- Personal Mention. Miaa Ruth ttraa. euagrst daughter of Mr. Oaarga K Orsm U slowly Cov ering from hmr repeat ill a as. Mr. and Mrs. K H luarfi ee i- turned 'ran a Us ss ttiw 1 Call I forme and ' at the New llsmUtea ;it !':.! v a rtntvrta.iei. !, ts aliea4- ' km . at Ilie4f-rl a t U tny Itfad "j toil. Mass. aiil ap. M hr F.e. . a- I a ai'h it a K')t la Uoii.i.i (tlx? 303 i in .1, mn num. li i i ii li li I 1 niiimnmm Has (!t .1 ; fZ) ' T TNI o ' " "' "'" " "j j r MiinJrf ttnmtwumtttt ! , , nhHE Spring Opening Displays offer & most gratifying opportunity to view "Fashion on Parade" and the public is invited to enjoy an inspection of the new styles of spring as herein portrayed. The entire store, abloom with newness, gives a foretaste of the season that now is officially with us. The modes shown accurately reflect tendencies of style and depict to a nicety the modes that are to prevail this season. Lovely Dresseq for Every Occasion for street wear for afternoon ' for party wear JJ air of bewitching loveliness and in the styles that have captivated, fashion's fancy. All desirable shades for early spring wear shown sand, putty, Belgian, pink, light blue, gray, wistaria, and navy, and of course white and black Materials, like the fashions and the shades are in every way attuned to new fashion tJ "Crepe de Chine, Crepe ' Meteor, Taffetas, Gros de Londres. Chiffon nets and combination effects if i prviiy itict: ursw- fV r --In all sizes: $15, $19, $22.50, $25, $29, $35, $39, $45 gradual degrees as high as $95 M'lle Nadje, who is at the Empress this week, will give a free lecture Wednesday morning from 10 until 11 o'clock to the women of Omaha at the Empress Theater. She will talk on physical culture and give various demonstrations of interest to womankind. In her lecture she will talk on correct corset ing and will wear Smart Set corsets from this store, showing the many advantages of-these very modish corsets. Hear this "Perfect Woman." No charges will be made. In the Silks That Spring Has Brought tt BWill Be Found Weaves for Every Fancy n .... - . . .. I 1L . t S.1 tt. J' ' 1 ! I - !J ....1... 11 I Ns H Silk Faille, 36 inches wide, in eighteen of the (season's most fashionable street shades and in black, is one of the attractive features of this, silk showing. These just came to- us and we il consider them equal to the usual 12 value. W Our price now, a yard, 11.50. 1 1 40-Inch Silk Poplin Heavy ouality. specially adapted trMhs new style silk frocks and suits. All colors and black are Included. Special, per yard, $1.50. 3S-INCH BLACK ME88A LINE Regular $1.39 value. .Special Wednesday, ,jer yard, $1.00. Satin Radiant, 36 inches wide, a weave greatly &3 in vogue for sujts and dresses. This is in a M versatile array of the most alluring evening 1 1 and street shades, as well as ivory and black 4 more than 30 shades in all. An especially W worthy material, priced moderately, $1.00. IJ lg-inh Tub 61 Ike A beauUfui sJTay of i 1 two and three-tone stripes of splendid II quality. Large assortment of patterns tor yoat Mlection. Per yard. 86c In This Bountiful Selection of Dress Goods There Is Much to Attract the Attention of Every Woman Among the score of fashionable weaves assembled here we place especial stress upon this duet which seems of unusual timeliness just now Black and white checks, one of the favorites of spring. Here are ptactically all size checks, including the larger size coating checks that ire so much in evidence. A yard, 39c to $1.85 Gabardines, 50 in. wide and more popular than ever this season. In blues, tans, rjays, putty, new greens, sand and black; especially intend ed for coats and suits: Unusual value, $1.50. Her els Some Good Fortune for Those Who Wish to Secure at "A Price" Fine Laces and Embroideries Embroidered crepes, neige, voiles, batiste. organdie and Swiss flounangs. In 17, 27, 24-inch shadow and Oriental lace flouncings; 42-inch Mack and fancy silk embroidered nets; 36-inch fancy silk all-overs; 36-inch fancy printed chiffons; 36-inch cotton shadow all overs in cream and in white . Worth to St; Wednesday CLCr j 0 very jpecial. A yard and 45-inch widths; very pretty craquele lace M uciU3 aisu uainij iiuiciij ana tuna cuu.i. A rarely beautiful selection Specially priced Wednes- (-q "day. The yard, only eJSfV Muslin Curtains Intended Especially for Bedr'ms A complete selection of various deslgnt. plain white and with touches of color, in which prices also are of more than usual interest MusIIsj Curtsms TVhs. Bguree or plaJa. Si to ST Mweltn Curtains With Celered Bsrslsre pink. Muo Inrbee lde. S, yards lonf Specially good aluse. f yellow. A peir . , Muelisj Curtains Very Uae trade. wl lace edges " or kesBsMluaed. A pair, $1.40. MweliH Curtains With Scalleped Kdeo Ptata aad Muetin CurUlne WHS Sstteeieerf THmmlng and fancy renters. A psir, $181. WuSrlee A pelr, tie. '"1!! Ill lf P l I PI P ' rf Tie ili llll.lir I .l l.U wtU a a a n,emlr ft ih pa N. J Mies V.u-4 i ,.u ut T.l i