Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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Bringing Up Father
Drawn for The Bee by George McManus
1 : ( ' I ) 1 f j . . - .
" ' '
Tom Blodgett, Southpaw, and Frank
lin Johnson Are the Twirling
. y Gentt to Report.
Tom Blodgett, larre left-handed youth
from Waterloo, la., and Franklin John
son, almost aa large, right-honde.r from
Jacksonville. Fla , were th arrival at
Rourk park yesterday. Those athlete
are members of Krug'a heaving staff, and
from tha (Im of thm they should, be
considerable addition.
Mr. Johnson la reputed to be a wild
man. If slse iron for anything and may
be accepted to signify an ability to chuck
the pill with speed Western league hit
ters had better atart ducking now.. .
Two practices were held yesterday. Both
were rather frigid fcffalra despite tha fact
the unfamiliar sun blossomed over our
fair city. For some reason or other tha
wind whlrh whistled around the ball yard
waa disagreeable. It had aU tha ear
mark of a traveler just rctured from an
expedition with Doc Cook. ,
. But Mr. Knix. manager' and oil mag
nate, put hla athletea to work, as they
ore Aiift IharA f i . that hiirnnaj, Th
athletea huddled up under tha protecting j
left Of the north fern- and pitched the
hall about a bit No fetrenaous work waa
dan, however, because Marty feared they
might catch cold following a sweat, .
', Brother JDave, well known eonceMion
merchant and bona of the Inanimate
thing around the park, had a flock of
hirelings at work. Bald hireling were
laboring diligently Jto cheat tha weather
man and the aun. They war removing
the anow from th ground ao that tha
aun could have a chanc to dry out tha
field a little. Tha Infield and ground be
tm'een th (tnfleld and grandatand la cov
ered with water.
. Until th ground become more dry and
the weather more warm Krug will only
work hla men between 1 and 1 o'clock In
the afternoon. If la taking no chances
with eora wings and atlff muscle.
Marty believes there Is no chance to
pastim against th belligerent Btnr
Kunday aa scheduled. Pa Rourke Is mora
hoperut and has mor confidence In th
Jess Westergaard ,
In Town Heady to
. Go on with Steelier
Jen Westergaard, th husky Bwede
from Dea Moines. Is In Omaha prepara
tory to his match with Jo BLecher at the
Auditorium March M. Jess has not started
active workouts yet. but will probably
do ao today or tomorrow.
The big fellow la In pretty neat shape,
however, and won't need , a great deal
of training to whip himself Into condition.
Jess rerards his match with Steeher as
one of his biggest and h has wrestled in
over 8T0 matches. He declares Stecher
Is aa good a man as there la In the
country and realises that h will hav
to put forth every effort to trim the Ne
braska lad. '
(Continued from Pa One.)
Utmty Hayer
TAMPA. Ma., March a.-Roger Bres
, nahan, manager of the Cubs, has aa
signed himself to the lineup aa utility
man. lie adm'tted this today When ques
tioned "about hla' recent' earnest practice
in th IntVld. ...
"We are allowed to carry only twenty
one men and every resource must b
mad to cunt." said Bresnahan.
The annual supper of the Otmhe-Ooun-cU
Bluffs Orlnntl . association will be
held Wednesday, March 1. at th First
Congregational church, In Council Bluffe.
fFlret avenue and Sixto, Street.- Supper
will b served at o'clock.
Ouests will be President th.
1 Bqys Glee club and the dirts Q'.ett club
J Grlm.tll vullvge. Tu two cluLa will
give a Joint concert that evening at the
j American theater In Counr'l Bluffs. Mrs.
j Mildred Warburton West la secretary of
i the Grinned association.
MACO!f, C.a.. March iS.Tlie Boston
Nationala defeated th Atlanta team f
th Southern league, 7 to i, hire today.
.? R H H
Hoatnn . 10 J
Atlanta 1 J J
lotteries; He, Ljqtie and Qewdv.
whltig; Wil!i,n.i. tiinlng and
Humler. Keven l'itiiua br agreement.
la hard-fought game Monday evening
th t I'laaonas outplayed th Oraoe
. Lutheran. T to Tl,
Wrestling Card on
At the Krug Tonight
All Is set for th big wrestling frscaa
at th Krug theater tonight between
Yousif Hutsan and Pat Connolly, who
declares he Is th only real Irian, cham
pion. Connolly declare he will throw
the Turk while Huaaane com back with
an equally declarative assertion that he
will repeat hla performance of earlier
date when- the pair wrestled In Kansas
City and dump th "Irishman again. A
preliminary, match between Kid Peck of
Chicago and Young Meyer la carded aa
I on other prelim. " ,1 . i
Connolly arrived In Omaha-from Kan
sas City last night. Whll in th village
downstream he had a llttl row. with a
youth named Jim Parks. Defer th row
had fairly started Mr. 'Park found he
had a. few bones busted." The'refere ac
cordingly awarded the decision to Con
nolly. . . ' .'. . j; " .' '
Berlin Says Turks
. Sunk live Ships,
v KiUed2,000 Men
BKRUK, March .-(By Wireless to
Fayvllle.-The Oversea News agency
today gave out th following: :
"According to a detailed description of
the Franco-British losses at th Par
dcneilea, as given out by an Athena
newspaper, Ift men wer killed and five
wsrshlpa sunk. Four other warships
war damaged badly. , Th commander
of th British battle cruiser Inflextbt
ws killed and the member of the crew
wr drowned by'tho Inrush of water,
Th French battleship Suffern was dam
aged seriously.
The British admiralty account of th
fighting at th Dardanelles on March M
said that the Inflealbl waa hit by heavy
shell on th forward control position and
required', repslrs). Off loll record hv
given only; thr allied
fleet aa ..having; been destroyed. They
were the French battleship Bouvst and
tha British battleships Ocean asd Irre-
sistable. a ,
IXaasaaT la fiallcla Eseratu,
"According t a, report reaching her
from Craoow, tU damagea due to th
war ia Poland ud Gallola amount V
.,,0CO.C)O marks, i
"la Calk la 100 cities and market plaoe
and no lea than OftQ villagea have been
dnmag-ed, whll 9A villagea hav been de
stroyed. Horse to th number of kAOoO
and (O0.0M head of cattls. with all grain
and other provisions In Ostlcla hav been
taken away by th Russians.
"Ia Poland over .& cltlea and 1.000 vil
lage, hav been destroyed or damaged.
hlenr.iiim the ".mount at the disposal of
tha normal board wa 1752.000. For th
ensuing two year the commltteo allow
tTS.MO for all purpoae. Th ruductlon I
effected entirely by cutting out new
Th third bill covering university cam
pus extension appropriates only 1300.000
out of th V-mlll levy to b used tn thrt
purchase of land. This Is In accordance
with th guaranty given two yeara ago
by Lincoln business men that the cost to
th state for additional land to enlarge
th downtown campus would not exceed
t-TOO.OGO. Th remainder of the -rolll levy
for campus extension, or rather M per
cent of It, will b available for building
end improvement.
. Home foe Cholera t'laht.
Th main university appropriation of
H.IHO.OW. which will be made up of the
regular 1-mill levy and money taken from
th stste genersl fund. Is divided Intof
Just two Items. These ar (750,000 for aal
arles and H30.000 for maintenance. Th
commute specifies that llO.OfiO of tho
maintenance appropriation shall be used
s a revolving- fund for th hog cholera
serum plant at the state farm.
Taylor flam Rejected.
W. J. Taylor's demand for Itemise ap
propriations all along the line and a
complete separation of th university
finances from those of th atate farm Is
thus-turned down, by the committee. It
Is understood that Mr. Taylor may make
another fight on the floor to Itemize th
appropriations-according to his Ideas. .
. Th committee made on concession t
Taylor, but Included a proviso in the bill
directing th Board of Regents to show
In Its next biennial report separate
financial statement for the Omaha medi
cal college, th Curtis school of agricul
ture,, th -university department of agri
culture, botany, entomology legislative,
agricultural extension, conservation and
geological surveys, agricultural substa
tions, hog cholera serum production, and
fell other activities of th university.
Efficiency Aareat. '
Recommendation Is made . that an ef
ficiency agent bo employed by tho
regent to look after the business or
financial affair of th Institution. This
will practically relieve Secretary ' J.
Btuart Dale of hla heaviest work, but
there I no intention to supersede Mr.
Dales In his position. The committee be
lieved that th regent should secure a
thoroughly capable man as efficiency
agent and gtv him targe authority.
No appropriation whatever Is made for
the agricultural experiment station
at Culbortson and Valentine. On the
other hand the bill as amended by the
committee direct the regents to sell
th property and i equipment at ' thoa
places. Th money derived from the sal
Is to b turned Into th university cash
fund and thereafter expended for build
ing up th agricultural school at Curtis
' I I'Usuoas
K ty
' k,nMM
I -'llH(
Wolf ...
ar?Mth. lllll'ni
IWwree. AhrahamMMt
" aVhermerhom
!. Uif
K Kuna Kwta
I. V eoreoevo, Urmin
II r Uisrlua
FATAVXAII. Oa. March -N! ot
e'ltere prc4ins was served en W. M
, 2 ctan. mb,T f the New York
Antrrt'aa l-ft'J be b! rtub. trre to.
y. TM as filed at Rew. , X.
tta lwMsa rkf.s aBS,ppf1
rrMre Itesiawsl Is Suimium.
for a kw.g time Mis ljul f..,icn.
f tun fc, i.le. K. T. was t:k.u and Lad
t- tl kMlvN a dissy sfi. c ). - hre-
i.B s Ttliill e-r tiM Mlr IL n lht
fv fr jrrve r"'f t-Wtainst;
a . e ; r.r -A4i (Ue tbat
Fifty Persons Killed
by Landslide that
Destroys Village
VANCOUVER, R C. March S.-1'ntH
the arrival of aaothsr stearoar today front
How Pound no further Information was
expected to b received concerning th
extent of th tos of Hf la the anow and
landslide that swept away early yeater
Cy part of th plant of th Brtitonla
Mtnea, limited. A steamer which arrived
(rom Brataaala Beach last night with
several of th to)ur4 brought wurd that
th death list prubabty would reach th
first esthaau t fifty. Klghtoan bodw
had ba recovered aad twaty wrr
krown to hav twa Injured.
Th slid cmrrd sherlly after mid
sight There was a report Ilk a dynamite
explosion, la fad sitrvtvora declared they
first thought th wmi saagsstn hr.d
blown tip. and a mass f rurk. snow aad
hg trae swept du a froaa aear th
umtnl f th anouataind. It rarrted ff
frcoa a kdg a VunkkuM. coohkous aaj
oa or tw of th kvuM ecutkd f
th wive ad fanuita of th emptor.
Th mir asas f dehrt m
!. storing haif a BnUe farther,
r th IWMaaaM ck. her auen (
ia lata workiaa are attsatwd.
la i aaiettratlsa.
The ax BMnitrla nr ca(l(ita V
Dr Kins S New 1-f FtlU. mtU aal m
ferttr k mm w. 9r AJ Vf
and the experiment station at North
Items la Detail.
Kach of the four state normal schools I
allowed exactly the same amount for
salaries, maintenance and genersl ex
pense as It had during tho last two yeara
Th total under this head la 500,00
divided aa follows:
Peru, llio,000; Kearney, 1150,000; Wayne
1110,000; Chadron, I7S.000.
In addition the committee provides for
improvements at th different achoola as
Peru, SJft.SOQ; Kearney, $2,500; Wayne,
SKiOO; Chadron, 13.000.
The Peru appropriation for Improve
menta Includea f,000 to remodel the old
training school and Ifl.OOO for hiring and
other necessary Improvements to make
th building modern. At Wayne th com
mittee allow 13.600 to remodel th old
auditorium; another $3,600 for enlarging
and repairing th heating plant; $3,500 for
tunnel work; $3,000 for an electric light
ing plant,' and $3,000 to furnish and equip
th new building now under condtrrctlon.
Th $3,000 at Chadron la for a brick chim
ney on the heating plant and th $2,000 at
Kearney for roof repair.
Kaonah New Bvtldlnae.
During the past blennlum $219,000 wss
pent for new buildings at th normal
schools. The committee believe that
thla ha put them, on a basis sufficient
to meet all their need during th next
blennlum so far aa housing is concerned.
It therefore allows nothing for new build
ings in 1915 and 1916.
Am th normal school appropriation bill
I for specified amounts, the entlr levy
of .S3 mill will not be used. Th esti
mated revenue from that levy Is $750,009,
whereas th appropriations are limited to
$535,000. Th balance realised from the
levy will accumulate In th state treas
ury. However, th normal ar givii tho
us of 'heir several cash fund which will
add some $00,000 to their revenues.
While some differences of opinion de
veloped at th meetings of the commit
tee, ther will be no minority ' report.
Members of ' the committee state that
virtually everything was agreed upon
without serious dissension. It I under
stood that only on vote waa cast agalnit
the proposal tovabandon th experiment
station at Valentine and Culbertson. It
Is understood though not positively that
Mr. Bate was th member so voting.
Hospital Appropriation.
Th committee reported out for ' th
general file without any recommendation
II. R. 29, appropriation $150,000 for a
hospital building at tha Omaha Medical
college. It Indefinitely postponed tho
following bills:
II. R. 9 Appropriating $100,000 for
eerum pianc
ii. n.. -Aipropnauon Fu,w lor a
unci nrn at i:rrtls.
xi. . wo Appropriating lio.ow lor a
grain tcellnir laboratorv.
11. R. IH-Apiropriatlng $14,000 for new
building and improvement at North
i muo experiment station.
A special commute oa university and
normal school has been at work for
six weeks or mor investigating flnanoe
and administration methods at thoa In.
stitutlons and their branches. ' Th com
mittee member ar aa follow:
Mr. Orr, chslrmsn (succeeding Mr. Tay
lor. who resigned); Messrs. Van Deusen,
Neff, Pnyder, Peterson, Ligrett nd
Th committee pruned off another $38,
0" by recommending that the state aid
bridge appropriation, now fixed at one-
fifth of a mill per year, be limited to
$100,000 for the ensuing blennlum.
Following ar other bill .which th
committee recommend to be killed:
H. R. lSS-Hor bam t state, fair, $S0.-
If. R. J10 Salaries and expenses of fish
sad ame department, $24,400. Provided
for In other bills.
H. R. MA Purchasing sit for governor's
gsrage, $.1,000.
H. R. 60V To promote real and oil test
borings at Bloomfield, $5,000.
R. 281 Marking emigrant trails,
H. R. 13 Btirveytng land at state Insti
tutions, $2,500.
H. R. 462-Pavlng Eleventh street In
$2 400 ' orthopK"0 noP'tl, Lincoln,
H. R. 80-Rellef of the blind, $2,000.
II. R. 8R7 Consolidation of state en
Klneer'a offlo with physical valuation bu
reau of Htate Railway commission.
II. R 715 Building at Kearney Indus
trial school to be used as a state school
for young boy.
LOGAN. Ia.. March 23.-Speclal.)-J. C.
Park pleaded guilty to 'murder la the
second) degTee today and waa sentenced
to fifteen years In Fort Madison prison.
Receipt by his wife, who waa the vic
tim, on December 1 last of an endearing
letter from Omaha, signed Nick De Rose,
was th causa of th murder.
Department Order.
WASHINGTON. Maroh -(SnclaI Tel-
eram.) South Dakota postmaster ap
pointed: c reunion, enalngton county,
neoert tr. iewis. vie w. w. mrrie. re
moved; Morau, Parkin county, Mrs. Mar
garet Mosher, vice J. B. Tyler, realgned.
lioui w. Mover was reappointed post
r. aster at Kane, Big Horn county, Wyo-r-ing.
The l,iv ntocK national panic or bioux
City hss been approved as a reserve agent
ror the f irst ivaiionai oanx or Aiapie-
ton, la.
, Says the broker: "You
want to chew tobacco to get
the real juicy sweetness
out of it and you want to
chew "PIPER" to get tho
top-notch plug-chewing of
the world. Down in Wall
Street we use it all the
time. "PIPER" not only
saves our time it multi
plies our tobacco enjoyment."
i f
CUwaaiT inn
Ttm rre&test diatinctioa
about "HPER" to a mut
h likes a smacking good
relish t hit thtw la the fa
ta cut "Cham pa rat JTsTor.'
T2i wicj tast mingle a
hi to&fns with tha natural,
low weetaess of tba tipest.
st, cart fully selected tobacco leaf.
"PIPIR" is tU Llchest
trp t chtwiaf tobacca ia tas
r wartl wheleaemt, lealiUul
'aal tatiafris.
i 1
1(7 .
mel--w - v- I
rich- I
Chicago Schools
Face Big Deficit
CHICAGO, March 23 Drastic measures
tc tide over th public schools of this city
in th face of a deficit of $1,250,000 were
tentatively suggested today by Charles
S. Peterson, chairman of the finance com
mute of the school bos rd.
He said that h felt sure that most
school boys, feeling the call' of spring;,
would approve his plan to save $600,000
by closing th school a week earlier
than usual In June and opening them a
week later In September. He further
plans to save $275,000 by cutting high
school session and suspending salary Increase.
SALT LAKE. CITT. March M.-Oov-
emor orv vetoed th Shields initiative
and referendum bill today. He gives as
hi reasons that th? Initiative 1 unneces
sary at thla time, a the people of the
tate may petition the legislature If they
wish; that the expense of It operation
will be disproportionate to the benefits
to be derived and that the constitutional
ity of the measure Is questionable.
Zapata Promises
to Pay Indemnity
to McMajius Family
WASHINGTON, Maroh 23,-Secretary
Bryan announced today that regret for
the killing of John B. McManus, an
American, In Mexico City, by ZapaU,
force has been expressed on behalf o(
General Zapata and General Falaox in
charge at Mexico City and that negotla
tions for paying Indemnity to th dead
man's family were progressing satisfac
torily. . i
The Brazilian minister at Mexico Ctyy
has received tha apology on behalf of
Zapata, General Palafox also made ' ti
declaration that' the men who killed Mc
Manus would be apprehended' If ponrlbld
and punished. The amount of the Indem
nity, Secretary Bryan ssid, had not been
. Denial that there has been any burning
of sisal grass or looting in Yucatan was
made In a mesage to the Carrania agency
here today from Vera Crus. The dispatch
also Informed the Carrania agency her
that "It la entirely false that ther la any.
dissension between the first chief and
General Pablo Gonsalea and equally false
that any attack on Vera Crus is immi
nent.' '.--
v'ji 's.:-.'
SU W .
4 nNuH.9U Test
- well seal a taU-M tsc
CU si "ma" s4 a ks
mm katar Ka rSEK,
asrwaet u V. V AU a
f ui4f a boat riFlS. Th
iawa, aeacl aad saai'tag
wui cd c, wkkh w
V1U U41t sysai hwvaM
trti will sail ym a
mUmij mm mi "riMl"
Rem ember the Dodge Brothers
know how to build a motor car.
In tlieir enormous plant they have
205,000 crankshafts a year.
850,000 connecting rods a year.
1 5,000,000 cut, hardened gears.
229,500 steering posts a year.
30,000,000 pounds steel f orgings a year. '
40,000 clutch plates a year.
Their vast experience and engineering skill is expressed in every
feature of the perfect Dodge Brothers' car.
Rtoi AM ,
dug cowie, ncn
Farnam at Nineteenth
Omalia, Keb..'
g ts - A4rtrtUjMat.