Till'J Hi',: U.w.wiA, i'l I".M .. i . .siAuVii -, in BEIEF CITY NEWS oot ria IV-New Baaron "rVaaa fNi(lrudii Co. L)f hunt funira Tira CUif Baoorsrs Hr Oilff ftoarl Salter Is back at work afipr a taw days of Indlxpoaltlon. Yabraak SartBfa ana fceaa uru Naw offiea between city hall fcnd Ton (Unatls hotel, at South Klhtcnth ft Satlar at tlnooln City Commissioner (Tan Butler hu Bona to Lincoln to look after lartalaUlon affecting Omaha'a mu nicipal Kovatnment. Taa mat Bank at Omaha para 4 par cant on tlma depnatu. t per rent on avlnss accounts. All deposits In thia bank r protected by tha deroaltora "Today's Completa Korta rrorrm" Classified aertlon today, and apraara In 1ba Bea EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what tha various moving- picture theatera offer, marante fund of tha atate of Nebraska. A VaaUaf ef acartty is one of tha Jsantltas acquired when ycu offloa In The iBaa Building, "the building that la ai rways new." See tia now for a few rooma available April 1. 14 for Jtiraalla Court Carl Mar tin, U.yaar-old ao'n of Mr. Jennie Martin, 1488 Sahlep street, la being held by tha Jurenlla authorities for breaking Into a house and taking a big commode. Martin la said to have gained entrance to a real- dence acroas tha atreet from Ma home with a akeleloti key and taken the arlirlt. Aunt Would Ba BUa Onardlaa An application for appointment of a guardian for Fred W. Pleuler, racently candldala for tha city council, hae been filed In county court by Mra. Henrietta Vrandcla. Ttt Spencer street, Ma aunt. tJsaa JrHtwher aa Waapoa Tom Harris. J-M North Fifteenth atreet, waa scntonce4 to forty-five days In the county Jail for assaulting John Bell, hla roommate, with with a water pitcher. According to the police, Harris la wanted by the le Moinea authoritiea. Jailed for Beating Wife .). J. Jon-. 21i1 Clark street, was given thirty days In the county Jail for abueing his wife. Mrs. Jones appeared In court and testi fied that her hauband ' had not only blacked hr eye, but beat her about the body in a moat brutal faahlon. Fireman Must Pay Alimony or Quit The city commlsalonera hav directed Superintendent C. H. WithneU of the fire department to suspend Firemen John Q'llncy Adams unless he compllee with a court order which requires that he pay his divorced wife a monthly allowance. SCOTTISH RITE MEN GATHER) Spring 'Reunion of Valley of Omaha Convents, with Hundred Can didates to Be Initiated. VISITORS FROM OUTSIDE ATTEND The spilng reunion of Scottish Rita Masons of the valley of Omaha, which include tha Jurisdiction of Nebraska and western Iowa, convened at tha Scottish lllte temple yesterday with lOti can didates for the ttcgreea. LVirtng the morning and afternoon aclons work was done in the loda of Perfective leu desrers in all being Riven. The candidates came frxun all rails of this state and from all over western Iowa. The work is being exemplified by Henry Clark .Vlveison. sovereign grand Inspector general of Nebraska; Frank C. Tatton. venerable truster: Kdgar N. Bowles, preceptor; Tinlcy lYitnfoa, wisa master; John H. Grossman, master of kadosh, and Carl C Herring, registrar. There aro numerous vlsftora front out side the jui Isdlctlon, among thorn bolrm Supremo Inlster of Ptate Hugo of Pit luth, who Ts also inspector general of the southern Jurisdiction. At noon luncheon was served In the banquet rooms, where covers for WO were laid. The meat was tinder the direction of tha Awttish lilte Woman a club, whl h is an important auxilllary. Tu memtjei ehlp In this club the wives, mothers. iVmshicrs. and sisters of all Scottish Hit Masons are eligible and all such who are in tin- diy l ave a standing Imitation to ieit the temple. Totl.iy tho lodge work will be In tha Chapter of Roso Col. Wednesday In the Mreceptory, and ThuiMay In the Con M story, with a banquet In tha avenlng. TRAINS BLOCKED FOR WEEK NOW RUNNING TO WINNER The Northwestern sttinday suci ceded in ci'rning Its line from Honesteel to Win ter and got a train through, tha first In more than a week. In opening tha Una It la asserted that cuts ten to twenty feet deep were cempietely filled with lea and snow, packed In ao hard, that many of thorn had to be dug through with picks and ahovela. Ratltoad men assert that all through the northern pait of Nebraska snow still covers tha ground to a depth of twelve to eiahteen Inches. Strewathena Sow Mack. Ilrlaa Klaneya. Take six dropa of Sloan's Unlment four times a day and apply to small of back. It kills pain. All drugglsti.-Advertlse,- ment. r ' asaw, -'J? ffW.Tl m Sr"l IJ a gp To help you to remember for the kiddies and yourself; its great benefits to teeth, breath, appetite and digestion; its cleanli ness and wholesome ness in the air-tighted sealed packages; its two different and delicious flavors and the gift coupons too: We have published a unique little booklet: 'lyIIClCrS MOTHER CO OS 30" ' introducing ihm SpearmenI Tfci Ceupons wRh ech -SOE A lV(tAH-THC J BOOK SUBJECT SrXH JABCZ1 TOBCWCU. I an good for many valuable presintt SAVE TKEMl You ought to see the merry antics of these little men 28 pages, litho graphed in handsome colors 1 Fun for grown-ups and children.. Send a postal today for your copy! IYM. WniOLEV ifff. CO. 1202 tVvsiter MmlUtng Chief, Itllmttm in i Wm i he Ust ot Hiffh Livincr lUil.f i'll)ih U 'Hi!'"'" "h ' iH ,.,nw pit? a t3t S JV.'J Jf is not in dollars and cents alone, but in the breaking down of those vital functions of the body that bring happiness and long life. Neither the high cost of living nor the cost of high living need disturb the man or woman who knows IhiFecdldled Wlheaft IT I H, Tmm,. 1 r CI 3 J 1 1X71 1 T X 71 a x wu ui incise tiisp, uiuwu iuuvcs ui oiiicuucu vvnuic vvneat, served with hot milk, make a warm, nourishing, satisfying meal and the total cost is not over five cents. It supplies all the human body needs to work on or play on. Keeps the stomach sweet and clean and the bowels healthy and active. Two Shredded Wheat BUeuita, heated in the oven to restore crUpnes, enred with hot milk or cream, make a complete, nourithinir. tatitf rinsr meal at a total coat of fire or the cents. Also delicious with fruiU. TRISCUIT U the Shredded ' Wheat Wafer, eaten a a toast with butter or toft cheese, or at a substitute for white flour bread or crackers. Ik k, . I U'i."j V-.W II M7t. mx , v. Made only by The Shredded Wheat Company, Niagara Falls, N. Y. . ,.'tyw. .li'i ,!?!S 1 f. 'VI 1 It' " Ir.JtaN'i't ' 1 A "t -HV' tl , I rf j4 fir I if' a I ' 1 '!'!, ' i (in ii i7 ' t" r until 1 n 1 1 ti' -Ti 1 1 1 ii 1 1 i i i "" iiiiUUlUiH lltltt m ill' t'li'i'tyt "1111 HMWaf Indiana Auto Train to Stop Over Here A tialtt of sixt aiM'muiila fimn In- dianapolla tanyiiiK ovn- i tomisls la to arrlv in Onmhit smiir tlnin In .Tunc. Tlia ii a I to iir Uiosp ef nipmirr of ih tlnoslsr A 1 1 1 1 iluh lilli plsns lia (hat ninny or ilrtvlng to tho Shii Kranvlsco rwosiltun. II. K. l"rvioi loK- scn, (vmsiU at lata of Ilia T.lncnln llish- wsy ciminTtaslnii lias ut loturnoii from 1i'iivi hor lie hail nuinei ons oonfr- nfs wHU t'io IVnvrr Aulo .lull. Ilo l'Sin".1 thsrp of thp roniing of. llio Indian- i spoils rort. It as Ihla way: Tim Hooi(r Audi dull rolo the TVnxrr Aulo i lull Hnklim for the Ik'SI anfl most attrai -lr ioiiIo for thMii to lW with tlislr sitly i sra to R to San S'rani'ls. o hy ay ui Ivnvti. Ths linvsr club a1lai1 thrm : to go frcm laillanspoiia In C'hk'sgo, l"hi i ihko to onialiM. Oniaha to lrnvtr, and I mi on. Thn Hoonisrs havs aonrlM th i siittgiiMlim, anil ar to spfh'l a ntgtil anil Priians a day In Omaha. Oiimlia hotol people, garags inanagsrs. husinrss ant anrlsl orssniratlons iltn to the llooslor Auto club to sxtanil thrni psiviinal InvitAtlons. John J. Mon ahan of Itullanapolis Is pirslrleilt of lh lio"nlri' Aulo i hitv anil is to tl ths hlj train of aulrs to sn FY.im-ltii -o. Most of Wheat Sent Direct to Millers While tlility-slKht rara of whett w rKvlvfit In Omaha, hut thii'B "tt atltn tha markrt. Tha bulk waa consigns In millers and was not for sal. Tha mar Ket was lower, prices being r,U 1 to 2'i rents from flaturJay, sales hlng rrtarle at tl.4l.b14. Corn waa un hange4 from Saturday, selling arcMind VTv, cants pr bushal. rteorlpta weia forty. two tars. Oats were, urx r anged to rent lowar. tha rang In prk-ea being ISrj ceni per buahel. 1 ', Store Hours-8,'30 A. M. to 6 P. M.; Saturday, Till 9 T. M. urgess-Wash Company. "EVERYDODYiS STORB Monilni, Mitrth U2. Ilii MTOHK XKUS KOH Jl KHIIAY. l"anc I). 1ST a PEMNffl ! DAYS Tho Special Displays of Mens. Women's and Children's Rcady-to-Wear CONTTNUK TUESDAY , S and throughout the week. 5 Ytm'll find them eAcep4ioiully' y interesting we want yon to com and view them. NOTES OF THE OPENING MISS ' S X -T O - SIXTKFA' YJ-iVKaS" will be gratified 1o 8m? the smart frocks whii'h have been "elerteil for her with such great fare, (Seeond Floor). THE Infant's Wear Department la brim ful of dainty new garment for tha we little folks. (Second Floor.) THEN there.'B the play suits and frocks for the small boy and girl. Garmoota that Invite hard play and defy hard tub bing. (Second Floor.) tvkiio HTFI. L netllKees of crepe deJ D chines, OeorKette crepes, etc., tbat be- gpeak luxury nd comrort are shown la attractive displays. (Second Floor.). THE Sprln- wash fabrics afford an un limited field to exercise Individual taste in colorings. Weaves that are so generally becoming. (Main Floor ) THE silks are charming In color snd de siicn bo ft In weave. Never before has the assemblage been more tempting. (Main Floor.) THE Blouse Section affords an excep tionally "wide range of selection, but n Idea can be gained of the beauty with out one's actually seeing the display. (Second Floor.) Opening Days in Our Splendidly Arranged Millinery Section on the Second Floor IT'S a display well worth yonr attention. An exposi tion of the new and correct modes in millinery that has again proven the influence of this section on th women of Omaha. Their comments on our displays on their differentness were most favorable. ' Tuesday We Feature Smart Tailored Hats at $4.50 These hbw hats for tho Spring season are shown in uu- usually attractive models, representing the newest style features; many of them made in our own work room, copies of very high-grade Parisian models. The colorings and trimmings are especially designed for street and dress wear, featuring (he present vogu" of wing, quill and ribbon el feels. B urts a-araiali Oo. aaan nan. i. . r- 1 i BURGESS-NASH 00 MP ANY -J ESaue Vou observed the ' 1 1 aj II with a coupon neck label? Did you receive a prem ium catalog? f not, let us know it is I'Jorth I'Jhilc FRED KRUG DREUIHGCOMPAHV f xb. I V CI! Jw & i EttffravingM Electrotypes Stereotype Designer Retottchen Photographer All Under On Roof ALLAMT knigKti nvr glow- in hsjping thenr fair partners ef tU !anc to cool, valvcty Ic Craanv. TKsn, it's positfva pleatur to "tit one out"- apeciall wkn you'ro surv, for your own taL, that it't is thi:omajia uiiK - THK HOMK PAPKK THE BEE BUILDING "Th building that it atwayt nno" Safety . fireproof. Location none better. Service ask any tenant. Comfort tenants seldom leave. Apply to building superintendent, Room 103. THE BEE BUILDING COMPANY ,, I.IirilltIIIIlUM.ilUllUMmMM""M.IIIMlU'"'"I"l