Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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    TJIIi lil-.K: U.MAMA. TI.T.S1UY. MAKl'll -A, V.)V).
Bringing Up Father
Copyright I1 InternaUOua;
Drawn for The Bee by George McManus
111 III , rt-lJL y'.UwB, fT 1
te kitchen glv ? ( ,, ni 1 ' ..SST ?tsj fojs I
Manager Marty Krug Piit Fourteen
Hopeful- Through Two Hour, of
Diligent Labor-
A targe segment of athletic talent, all
overflowing with ambition and peP. a
lcgred at Rourke' park yesterday and
Wr. Marty Krug. manmer, put the gang
through t0 houra of work. Tht crow
now In tht city consll of Km, Krur-
ger. Klcman,- raync. Whalen. ..Tlloafcl,,
Closman. Nolillelmer. Thompson, Styles,
Conley, Crabh,- 'A Men and Willi.
Krug had the jtltchers out tossing tho
pill around and lld his embryo aluggers
engagtd In a Irttle bunting praetloe. Also
they kicked a soccer football around the
lot and otherwise hud 'a good" time.
It la Jrniigut', taking. yesterday aa
criterion, the , athlete have , got the
wtather man' goat. Athletes are. of the
temperament i'WlM ;w'rtptj Xhe kind yot
balmy wtather the nasal voiced' tenor
sings, but Alandsy. morning tho weather
. arark handed Toot Wiw ' of, the brand
which would make.' a, man ' recently re
eved by Billy Bundu'y exprtss hlmaolf
in unexpurgat- 'tones. Hut in-the poat
meridian part of th day.'the aun,nn
Infrequent visitor pf late aro'and theafi
part, per lfl ''Serous - h hurgwuilng
clouds and Encouraged "Hit athletes' to
such violent o-erclse that a deluge of
honeat ewcat,trc Jesuit . of '.dilltrent toll,
dripped frony their polilei browa to the
gentle earth btneath. i ,
Heaslons Today.
oolite warfn .out at tho
. ball 'van!, considering. It waa nulla aa
chilly downtown.-With Warty Krtirwnd
hla hawk-ilke o ft. otiluiid. the 'Whlctfca
put In a fuU two totirii.'" Today, aaya
Krug. work will start wKh a hum. Bea
lona have been called for , 10 o'clock this
morning and I o'clock thia afternoon and
If the weather permits, two houra of
huxtllng will be the brder on both oc
casions. Krug declare practlra this year will
ho regular practice and no budding youth
will -tart the season overweight or under
weight or out of trim. Some of the men
have got to knuckle down a 4tt and a
rubber ahlrt or two may even be brought
Into play, but Krug aaya no. two-legged
hippopotamus wUl fee found on the
Itourkes when April romps around, .
lTho David arid Goliath, or it might be
aaid Damon and tythlas. team on the
Tlourkea consist of Messra, Whalen and
Htylca. Both of these youths ara equipped
with flry topa and are fraternally called
"Rod" by then fellow workmen. But
two "Reds" I bad business on a ball club
ao It has been definitely decided to call
Ktylea "Pink" lnatead of 'Itcd.'' Thus
Whalen haa "Red" copyrighted and ao-
lody dare cop the title from him.
Really tt wa
Austrian Attacks
Upon Montenegrin
Forts Are Repulsed
HAVRK, March .-Vla Tarlsl-X
dlHpatch from Cettlnje aaya tne Aus
t Huns conducted a heavy artlllfy fire
on all the Montenegrin fronts on March
17, and 11 Several Aufttrlan Infantry at
tar ks directed at points near Oiahnvo
are aald to have been repulsed by the
Montenegrins, who suffered only alight
Boat Carrying Lieutenant Com
mander BrickeT and Three Sail
on Capsized in Bosphorus.
(VI Berlin and .London.) Lieuten
ant Commander William B. Brlcker
Indication! German Merchant Ship
Detained at San Juan Intended
to Be Commerce Deitroyer-
WA8H1NGTON, March 22. The
Hamburg-American Unor, Odenwald,
stopped from leaving San Juan,
Porto Rico, yesterday, by broUi
across lta bow, is being held under
the recent congressional resolution
empowering the president to prevent
supplies going from American ports
to ships or the European belligerents
at ;ea. , .
Secretary Garrison is making a
thorough investigation of the Odec
wald's case in connection with
Troasury departmeat officials and
the Whita House: '
Under the resolution the president was
nuthorlsid to ' direct .collectors ef cus-
wald, while not loaded with supplies of
coal and food that are usually carried by
merchantmen, may have Intended to fit
out on tho high seas with guna and ammu
nition aa ii n auxiliary cruiser like the
Prlns ICIlrl Frledrlch, now lying at New
port News.
Assistant Secretary Peters of the Treas
ury department, who Is looking after the
Odenwald case, was in consultation today
with State department officials.
- . . .-. , ' . . ... , . . . . loins unaer tne juneaiciion oi ino unnca
of the ITnlfed states converted l0 wlhh'oW c,.aranoe trom ,ny
scorpion, ana three tailors, namea
Ford,1 Dowel! -and. Leverlngs, wera
drowned on the night of March 20
while attempting to reach the venae)
with a r'owboat. The Scorpion, wns
anchored iri the Bogphorus, off Con
stantlnope, near 'the Dolnabagbcbeh
palace. '.
V The rowhoat was swamped In a heavy
aea. IJeutenant Herbert B. BabWt and
one ailor, whi were In the boat; were
save.." , .'.' ,' '
' XJeut'enant f'ommsndae Eficker arrived
at Constantinople only on, March 1 to
succeed lieutenant Commander Kdward
MoCauley, Jr., In coniniand of the Scor
pion. ';.
nrlrker Pnpla la Uashlnatin.
WA8HINUTON. March M-Qrcat' re
gret was expressed by navaj officers
over the death of Lieutenant Commander
Brlcker, who was well know here, (tea
man Irven Dowell was from Annapolis.
where hla mother. Mra. Hattla XJow-
Asks Receiver for
Hoofed Corporation
INDIANAPOLIS, lnd., March 22-Al-
leglng that the Indianapolis Federal
league base ball club Is Insolvent, Pliny
W. Bartholomew, former Judge of the su
perior courb and a atockholder, brought
autt today to place the club In the hands
of a receiver. He alleges that In addi
tion to an ladebtednese of $75,W the club
la Indebted . to the stockholders for the
nonpayment of 8 per cent dividends on
jrAflOQ worth of stock. ,
Judge Bartholomew alleges that the
club Is losing money tevery day. Ho fur
ther alleges that he.' haa been Informed
that the corporation controlling the clua
Is about to dissipate Its aaaeta by trans
ferring the club to unknown parties with
out providing for the payment to Its
stockholders or euma.already due them.
The case will .be heard tomorrow.
Mail Package- to Themselves
Parcel Post Rate to Make
Heavy Hauling Charges.
More e Arrive Today
ine rest or ine cian or Kourke are
expected In today or tomorrow. Kafora,
Mueloman. Ulodgett, Breen, Noyea, John'
son and Kverdon are on 'their way
Krueger got In too late for the workout
yesterday. Nelman, who arrived Monday,
is a recruit catcher while Tlliwkl la live
alleged second Maranvllle. fcichllebner,
who played with the Pirates during the
winter season, alao arrived yesterday,
rrii is aim iuu or trie nia ginger even
If he didn't get a chance in the big show
ana no is aeterniinea tncy won t pa
him up next winter.
(.eoige Elevens will not report until
June 1. while Bell Seabaugh and Wallace
are scheduled to stick to the steady Jobs
they are now holding.
ell, lives. Charley Ford's home was In
Oxford. Mlsa. Naval records her show
no sailor named Leverlngs. No official
advices on tho accident has been received
by the Navy department early today.
Tho Scorpion la a converted yacht pur
chased for the navy In 1W6. It haa a
displacement of 860 tons and haa been
stationed at Constantinople for some
IJeutenant Commander Brlcker. who
formerly was naval attache at the Ameri
can embassy at Paris, left that city on
reoruary 1i for Constantinople to asaumo
command of the Scorpion. He waa born
January IS, 18TS in Pennsylvania and an-
pointed to the naval academy from that
state .in
Famous Runner
Has Weak Heart
veasel, American or foreign, which ho
haa .reasonable cauae to believe to be
about - to carry fuel, arms, ammunition,
men or supplies to any warship or tender
of supply ship of a belligerent sat n, In
violation of the obligations of tho United
States as a neutral nation." It further
provides, "that In caao any such vessel
shall depart or attempt to depart from
the Jurisdiction of the United States without-clearance
for any-of the purposes set
forth, the owner or master or person r
persons having; charge, or , command of
such vessel shall severally bo liable to
a fine of not leas than HOW or mere than
$10,000, or to imprlflonment not to exceed
two years, or both, and In addition, such
vessel shall be forfeited to the United
Heport' of (OBHasudtr Bsrnhsm,
Officials would not disclose what grou&d.
tliey bad for believing that tho Odenwald
came under the terms of tho resolution.
This report was received today from
Lieutenant Colonel Burnham. command
ing tho Porto Rlcan regiment:
Hamburg-American commercial steamer
Odenwald attempted to leave this port
alout t o'clock this afternoon (March 21)
without clearance papers. At request of
collector of customs to prevent departure
and in compliance with Instructions hi
your telegram, March IV, warning shots
were fired with machine suns Hnd one
shot across bows with five-inch rifle from
VA Morro. Hhlp then came to anchor under
hi Morro. No one waa Injured. Khli re
turned to lta anchorage In harbor. Ja
res-nee of collector or customs aiarcn i,
personally Informed and warned Ger
man consul and commonaer or tmenwam
that force would he used If necessary to
prevent vessel leaving without clearance.
Refasea to Allow lospclt.
It was learned hero, however that tho
Odenwald waa warned that H could not
hiavo Ban Juan until tho port officers had
aa opportunity for a thorough Inspection.
Permission for that was refused. Offi
cials hero feel convinced that the Odea-
Pittsburgh Banks
PITTSBURGH. Pa.. March 22. -Announcement
was made today that tho
Lincoln National hank of. Pittsburgh had
been taken over by the People's National
bank of Pittsburgh, and'- all depositors
would be, paid hr the last named Institu
tion.. The last statement of tho Lincoln
National, lsclpsod. .that it hid a surplus
Vt 1100.006 and depbalt pf K16S.000.
Get competent herp ttarougn Tho Bee.
Shipments of large quantities of
grain, coal, ore, sugar and other
heavy goods by parcel post over
short mall routes where the postage
has been less than regular drayage
would have been, is causing much
trouble in the postal service In Ne
braska, Wyoming and Colorado, ac
cording to C. M. Reed of Omaha, who
Is superintendent of the railway
mall service for that division.
As a result, new provisions ha-ve been
Inserted In the contracts for "star route"
eervlee in some Instances, he says, and
the postal authorities are scratching their
heads and trying to work out some sys
tem that will prevent abuse of the ser
vice by the mailing of goods that ought
to go by freights
"Parcel post rates within the first sone
in some mountainous and other regions
where travel Is difficult, are much lower
than the. actual cost of hauling," says
Superintendent Reed. "The result has
been that a few unscrupulous mall con
tractors, who are paid as high aa IZBO or
IS per 100 pounds for carrying mall on
their routes, have bought grain and simi
lar goods in the railroad town where their
route begin, and have mailed the stuff
to themselves at the other end of their
routes. -
"Such a scheme would cost them 11.08
postage on each 100 pounds, and they
wowld get paid 12.60 or S3 for handling
tho same amount. To meet tho situa
tion, the Postofflco department has lately
Inserted a provision In new contracts for
such routes, to tho effect that mail route
contractors will not be paid for the
transportation cf parcel post matter con
signed to themselves or Intended for
thoir own use." v
Experts Say Surplus
Siipply .of Wheat in J
U. S. is Nearly Gone
WASHINGTON, March 2t Warning
that the present heavy exports to u ro
pes n nations of American x wheat . and
flour cannot bo continued without en
dangering the wheat supplies for food and
seeding requirements at home, waa con
tained today in the Department of Agrl
ciilturo'a agricultural outlook. . In the
opinion of the department' experts, ex
portation at the same rate as during
Iecember, January and February . until
the coming of the new wheat crop would
encroach upon normal domestic needs.
Investigation has disclosed that there
was on March 1 an apparent surplus of
91.000,000 bushels of wheat over ths do
mestic requirements for food and seed
that was available for export In the four
months from March 1 to July 1. While
the exports of wheat. Including flour,
during these four months last year wero
36,000.000 bushels. It Is pointed out that
those exports during December, JaViuary
and February' last averaged almost 35,
000,000 bushels a month and if that rate
of export continued until tho new crop
la available it would amount to 140,000,00)
CHICAGO, March Price of bread In
Chicago was reduced to 8 cents a loaf,
tho normal figure, today by practically
every baker. The price was advanced
to cents Inst month as a result of tho
high price of flour.
When Glands Swell
Bleed Needs Attention
Even a Sweat Gland - May
Result in Severe
In our Intricate body the use of P. 8.
B. for the blood haa a most remarkable
influence. We little realise our gland
ular system. It may be a tiny bulb no
bigger than a pin point, and yet if a
disease germ gets Into it, there Is a
tremendous swelling. It becomes a
boll, a carbuncle, it may be a "blood
rising," and It. Is often a source of con
tinuous misery If not checked. Many
of the most excruciating forms of tor
ture begin with tho swelling of a tiny
gland, caused by a disease germ. And
it is 8. S. S. that spreads "throughout
tho blood circulation to prevent just
such conditions. Or if they have al
ready started, 8. 8. 8. will soon put the
blood In such a state of health as to
overcome the tendency to glandular
swellings. It is a, natural mefllclne for
tho blood. Just as essential to health If
the blood be impure, as are the meats,
fats, grains and sugars of our dally
It contains one ingredient the active
purpose of which is to stimulate the
exchange of new flesh for dead or waste
Get a feottle of 8. 8. S. today of-any
druggist,-and If your case is stubborn,
write to the Medtonr. Adviser, Tho Swift
Specific Co., 10S Swift BMc.i Atlanta, Ga.
This department is In charge of a noted
physician. , , , . .
Boston Braves Best
The Atlanta Team
MACON,' Ga., March S.-The Boton
Nation- defeated the Atlanta Southern
league team hero today. It to S. hcure:
i ft H K.
Jeston 13 u i
Atlanta o 5
l Seven inl.liiK. hy agreement.
Hutterie: Kuluipli. Hutftica end (luwdv,
Whaling; Pearson, Allen and Jenkins.
TERRE HAUTi;. lnd.. Marrn 21-.
Johnny McCarty, catcher and outfielder
with the lenver club of the Western
league laat year, has been added to the
roster of the local Central league club,
it waa announced tod.y.
CHICAGO. March 22.-Joe Ray of the
Illinois Athlettc club track team, who la
regarded aa one of .h best mldjle dis
tance runnrs In the country, haa falied
to paaa the medical examination to com
pete aa an amateur boxer. It beta me
known today.
l'h)t lns who examined Ray asserted
that he had an enlarged heart, and that
If he received a hard blow In the heart
region setioua results might occur. Ray,
who, has been taking part In athletics
slnoe he waa 16 years old,' said that ho
had experienced no serious results from
the many long races ho haa run and his
general physical condition he thought
was much i Improved.
Forty-eight free trips to the California Fairs
1 as guests of Runaway June ,
Think of spending a happy, care-free week in lovely California seeing the wonderful sights of the two great.
Fairs not as the usual visitor will see them, but with all the privileges that come to special guests. Think of be
ing taken, if you wish, in a special moving picture with Runaway June herself,. And all this without "a penny of
expense without a thought or a worry about traveling. , v , :
rorty-eight young women one from each state will he chosen by their friends who vote for them at show
ings of
George Randolph Chester's thrilling' motion picture serial now running at
moving picture theaters throughout the country.
XEW YORK, March S. --Edward J.
Harrow, president of the International
league, auniuiuncrd tontfcht that he had
igned George U Hue, formerly of the
New York Nationals, to manage the Jer
sey Ctty team for the t urning .season.
CHAHL,OTTfcVn-lK. Va.. March lt-
Tlie Washington Americana won from the
University of Virginia today, i to ..
Walter Johnxog mo-'e his seaaon'a debut,
and during the tin lrnlnga he worked
tho collegians atH ured .so lilts' and tltelr
only tally. Hcore: 11. U.K.
Washington 6 K
Virginia I J I
batteries: Johnson. Uoehllng and Aln
amlth, Henry: Urummond and Fry.
(.ulheabarg Defeats l,ilaaa.
GOTH ENIil'RO. Neb.. March -i.
Keclal.l Oothenhurg high school basket
411 (cam defeated the high school team
from Islington oa the local floor here
haturday evening. ! to Tt.
Keep HiinrU Hrgolar.
XuOiing tx ttcr than !r. King's New
1-fe for 1'rtni.f iitU.n Inji.'..,..
and Hour Moma Ii Oct a bottle. Only!
- n. i ui '',,ifi- ri lincUL
Tkla aa Mf C-atts.
Don't miss tola. Cut out thia alip. en
close I rents to Foley Co., Chicago, 111.,
writing your name and addreaa ilearty.
You will receive In return a trial pack
ago containing Foley's Honey and Tar
Compound for cougtia, colds and croup;
Folsy Kidney Pills for Palo In sides and
back, rheumatism, backache, klioey end
Madder ailments; and Foley Cathartla
Tat 'Ms. a wholesome and thoroughly
cleao-ing cathartic, especially comforting
to stout persons, clold every t)ra Ad
Th owner of th firat
automobile was prouder
of it thin the msn today
who owns a big" touring
Owning" a new Spring
Suit EARLY is equally
Later in the season you
won't take as much pride
in the possession of a new
suit as you will if you
Besides, you now have
the advantage of aelectintf
when our stocks are at
their very best and the
styles absolutely fresh.
rank aa high aa the tat tallor
inaoe KMfii.mts In everything but
price lu that the tailor la much
higher. IHHtinclive aurlug,
h-nd tailored to fit and stay fit.
I-V' -5. I J.
TODAY - Ep3s5ay-
FARM AM THEATER, 15th and Firaiffl
laeg-ttlarrj livery Tuesday
la AAdlUeB to Out Macular XTeg-ram.
2319 Vinton Street.
Every Sunday,
Episode No. 4, March 28.
Council Bluffs,
Every Thursday.
" Episode No. 9, Next.
South Omaha,'
Every Friday.
Episode No. 10, Next.
VENE2IA THEATER, 1211 So. 13th St., Every Friday, Episode No. 6, Next.
GRAND THEATER, 16th and Binney,
Every Tuesday. - r
EpisodeNo.9. TODAY
CLIFTON THEATER, 45th and Burdette,
Every Friday.
Episode No. 9, Next.
stylish young man
In the lateat faahton,
value, bee it la our
ult made up
A auperb
m bo. ieu. eu
Every Wednesday.
Episode No. 7, March 24. .
14th and Douglas, Omaha,
Every Tuesday. '
Episode No. 6, Today.
1413-1415 Harney St., OMAHA, NEB. Phone Douglas V,tr
Read the Story in The Omaha Daily Bee