Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1915, Image 2

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Special SUte Commiision Will Show
that It Hat a Balance of
$6,756 on Hand-
(Frrm a Staff CorrespondenV)
LINCOLN. March 2J. (Ppeclal.) The
roport of th especial tot nodo re'lef rom
ml!slon, created by the lout Irfrislature,
following the Omaha tornado, will bo
filed with Oovrrnor Morrhrnd tomorrow,
the second anniversary of the big storm.
The 'report 'ill show an unexpended
balance of out of a total appro
priation of lion.ono. The commission kept
well within the 2H per rent limit placed
upon the expense of administering the
fund, expending- but The rhlrf Item
cf this expense wns a snlsry of puld
the assistant to the secretary. Members
and officers of the romtuinslnn paid their
on expenses, Including hotel hills and
traveling expenses
Tha expenditures were lltrlnitl
among the various districts as follows:
Berlin. Otoe county, 14.62: Yutan district
and Saunders county, $5..W;
. county, outside of Omaha and Tlalston.
t2.7fl; Omaha. tr9.ft7: Ralston. n,VH; ex
pense of militia. I13.2M.
The largest Item of expenditure wss
clothing and bedding, for which the com
mission paid a, total of U18U;'tho next
largest Item was furnltoure. 12,043; labor
and restoration, I4.7W.
The commission was Robert Cowell
Chairman; Arthur K. Mullen, secretary
P. U. 1U1I. treasurer; Arthur C. Hmlth
W, A. Redlck, Wtlllam Miller, S. H
Four Southwfr.ern Counties Win
Oat in Fight Made Over
the Bill.
(rfm a. Ptaff Correspondent)
LINCOLN. March r.-(HperioJ )-The
tat fair will be advertised this year a la
circus. Secretary Mellor baa secured large
sixteen-aheet posters. The largest, bills
hitherto used were, three-sheet else. The
news posters will measure about fell
feet. They will be posted In the larger
town and county seats throughout the
state. The feature most heavily adver
tised will, of course, be the races bbi
tween aRrney Oldfleld In 'his auto and
Delloyd Thompson In his 'plana.
Kwte from Nelson.
NKLSOJT. Neb., March .-8peclal.)-Kour
bids were on file when the city
. council assembled ta consider them for
the construction of the pipe Una leading
from th Wg spring west of the city to
the city water plant They were from
the Inter-Mountain Bridge and Construe
tlon company of Teeumseh: the Rlkhom
Construction company of Fremont; the
A. Dodson Co., Lincoln, and the Alamo
r.ngina arxi sjUppiy company. Omaha. All
wer rejected. New blda Will be asked
for at one, and the construction la to be
pushed ta as rapid completion aa pos
sible. The estimated coat of the pipe
ii encompieto is lls.000. '
At a caucus of our rlt Irene, the follow
Ing municipal ticket was placed In nomi
nation: , Mayor, I, J, Wehrmaii; .city
clerk. W. A. Mclfenry: . olty treasurer.
w. w. Hawiey; polios Judge, E. , Card
lied; councilmen. Willam Peebler and C.
R. imler. , , I .
Muoenta of Hastings college to the
number of thirty young women and gen
tlemen under the aupertvalon of Prot'
Killer, gave a ' delightful entertainment
at the opera, house. The purpose was
to, give the people, of the state an Idea
of the training given.
Arbor Day la Dakota,
riERRE, 8. D.. March &-8pcll Tel
egraro. Ooremor Byrne today Issued
hi proclamation fixing Friday, April SJ,
as Arbor day in thla state.
Investor- with money read th Real
Estata ads in The Bee. Advertise your
property lot a c.utck sal.
Bill Psuel hr ka aVaata
.8. r. Mallery of Box Butte-Kxtendi
eomnuMfen Plan of government so a. t."
make it available ta title, unUer 44w0
population, and provide that recaU
charsea must be specific. " "
B. 1, Uraco of Harlan Provides for
i.?..!!,r',' of rnrya' fees where
prcert.'7 B iaMU' oo personal
8. 230, Mallery of Box Bitt-Pro-I
,"u.peBaJt7 .'or th ' billing or
r rr,,lKht or expreea shipments.
B. r. tiA, Wilson of Frontier Jlwldea
for service by puWlcatioa uon Insurant
J2'.?inntl" h,vln tblUhd agent-lea
witoin the state.
. K. , Howell of nouglaa-Regulatea
privet labor agencies thmutrh tatxir cum
nilsaionr. Iteiulrns fee of .6
II. 1L 4S. ( rinklaw of Antelope Ex
empts from th requirements of female
lac law the country and all cities and
towns under 5,000 population.
H. R. ii. Lancaster County I legation
-Provide fur mowing of weeds In city
of Lincoln on fie day a' notice.
H. R. . Mow ley of Lancaster Clerk
not required to reoort on order of sale
where no encumbrance eUta.
BUI Reeoaiaaojsded to fmmm ajr Cos.
alttee of 'Whol ta groat.
It. R. '430. Laacaster IeiegatlOD Pro
vides for rhantt- in met bud of creating
paving districts in Uncoln.
H. R. a, iloffmel.ter-Fixes sge of
years and adintaaton to the bar ae neces
sary qualirtoUou for county attorneya
Mill fooaod by Hooso.
8. F. at, Wilson of orxige Hilwi stand
ard for registered nurwi of Nebraska,
bv requiring throe years' training In lius
I'llal uik and more rig-Id exaraiuatlona.
B. P. Kirchel and Hushes Provides
that It s'lali le prims fsii evidence of
Intontion to defraud when tue maker f
a clieik has no funds In the aonk ea
huh It Is drawn.
H. V. Bygland Provldea that grand
and petit Jurors mar b aummoavd by
sending registered letter.
11. R. tl. Moarley Apvrorlits
tar relief of Mrs. U. I. lm . idow trt
deputy aarrten at penUeHtinrv ah aaa
Lble4 to death by Albert Prloce, aegro
11. R lA. Rberman ApttreprbUe V .M0
for relief of Joe Kite, a at bMe
itor. for tnjurtea rouelvod la ta orfrm
snie of his w rk. .
II. R. lc. dAs-Avropilakrs K.OIJ or
relief of Parr y couniy . on xpaeea of
Hrnrrs and Myers' proseeMlen for th
killing of U kSUint.
11. II. Ualbey Appeoprlaees m for
relief of Mm. lone Irioery, Injured while
no employe at eBatrW la etMute for
Feeble alluded.
Ik R i Hornby attd Patterson Ap
rroprites t ' for laiiroweBieoM sn ad
nioniU Kultmein at Kouttt lrnts and
ValecWin fUh hauherics.
Tho Oriclnal
Unless' you may -HOmiOX'Sm
us fitMy got m SubHtimtom
"from a Ftaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Msrrh 22. cgpeclal )
Phelrw. Kearney, flnsner snd Frontier
counties won out sgAlnst other counties
noith of the Platte river in the fight over
. V. lfifi. the Orace-Bushee Irrigstlon hill,
providing for the storaee of flood or un
iiHe waters from the Platte river, to be
utlllred In th.' spring of the year for
wetting the subsoil In the four counties
When the measure -.nic before the
house eommlltee of I J Mfnday
forenoon, Mr. Htcbhint. ' .noted thnt tho
storage rights bo confined to flood wa
ters alone. ) explained thnt ln r...nn
county there are a number of so--sile.
dry ditches, built n number of years ago,
which srn not In uc st present because
the water for operating them has not
been 'available heretofore. Hire e the
bullrllng of (he Pathfinder government
re,rrvolr In Wyoming, said Mr. rtrl.hlns,
more water Is available, and the owners
of these ditches are plalnnlng to extend
and une them after their rights are pro
tected. Messra 1 Tibhets. l.abounly and lloff
melster Insisted that unUHiie.t water as
well flood waters should be available
for- storsgo to meet the needs of the
fouth Pintle counties. Mr. Scott om-
Piainn that the wrsterp psit of the state
used sll the water out of He Platte ,i,-r
snd leaves Its ld dry In the summer
months so that the eastern part of the
slate, get, no ben rit. Mr. Iloffmelsler
replied to this with the statement thst
the more water is used lor Irrigation in
western Nebraska the tnore rainfall the
eastern part cf the state will get. Jie
did not explain how this rould be
brought about, however. '
The Ktehhlna amendment was defested
nd he bill was recommended for as
aage as It comes from tho senate. .
OpnonenU of the bill say that It will rights of the Irrigation dls
trlcu in western Nebraska, which have
not heretofore been using all the water
that they are allowed to take under their
reapectlvo appropriations. The effect of
Ihe bill, thoy say, Is that all unused
water will rrvert to the United Btatea
government. This includes large guantl
tioa of seeimge waters from the Peott's
Bluff country.
Civil Service Men '
in Omaha Will Have
Big Meeting April 4
Local employes of the a-nvmmant'
classified civil sen Ice are rejoicing over
tho fgot that First Assistant IWms.i.r
Oeneral Lanlel C. Roper haa come out In
favor of federal civil service retirement
Pensions, after being at first opposed to
". ins approval of such a plan Is
printed" In th current number of The
Chief, the national, organ of the govern
ment civil service, In which he Is quoted
tolling Benntor Bank head of his posi
tion. . i
A big meeting f th local branch of th.
Natkmal Association of Civil Service. Em
ployes will be held Sunday. April 4. when
plans will bo tnade for an active cam.
Palgn ln Nebraska, to get further endorse
ment of. the civil service pwston ldea
from prominent pen and organisation In
thla stat.
,' A letter from President Wl'lann has been
fpjvd her by (leorge .J. Kleffner. as
sistant uporlntndunt,of malls, who Is a
member ot the. national executive tictsv.1
of th Civil Pervice Employes' aasocla.
tlhn. In It tho president expresses his
thank and aftpreclation for resolutions
adopted by the recent n atlonel ninv.nlu.H
f tlfc association, endorsing 'his position
that the civil Service should be strength
ened by further application of the merit
system. .
The ltamlll bill, to be considered again
by congress at its next gesslon. provide
for retirement on half pay of all em
ployes of the federal classified civil
service after thirty year. There ar over
ie,wo government employe In the civil
ervloe. several hundred of whom ar in
Omaha. They expect the bill to be paasd
"y congress at th next aesaion.
Kaiser Fears Power
Coming to Odessa
LONDON. March H An Amsterdam
dispatch to th Exchange Telegraph com
pany ays:
'Th emperor received Pjavld Bey. th
Turkish minister of finance, at Berlin
yesterday,, when the Dardanelles situation
was discussed.
la aa interview which appeared la ihe
Berlin papers, Djavl Bey Intimated that
the emperor was much ronoernsd about
th possible fat of Constantinople, not
only because of th tremendous political
consequence which would result, but also
on account of th prosperity which th
forcing of th Dardanelles would bring to
Odessa. Th emperor I quoted a say
ing: 'We cannot allow Odessa t become
another Hamburg.' "
Wilson Replies to
A Note of Thanks
By Belgian Children
change of letters bntwen Presld"nt Wil
son and two little Belgian In Brussels.
In which the children thsnked the presi
dent for foods sent by Americans and
the president expressed Ms appreciation
for their gratitude, was made known to
dsy st the White house. Tie children,
twins, years old, wrote as follows:
"Dear Mr. Wilson: Thunk you very
much for the good bread. The poor
people In our villages were starving, for
they had nothing to eat, but now that
you have sent over to our dear little
country a big provision of wheat, both
flrh and poor can liv, thanks to the
"Best love and wishes from little
Pussy's brother sdded the following
"I Join in with my sister In thanking
you. too, for it is Jolly good bread.
enough to sstlsfy my fhoolboy'
In reply the president sent th follow
ing letter In his own handwriting :
"My dear little friends: Your letter
touched me very deeply and I thank you
for It with all my heart. It makes me
very happy to think that what gener
ous Americans have done to relieve the
hunger In your country, has brought you
the help you needed and given you a
little happiness In the midst of these
terrible dsys of war. I hope that you
will grow to be strong to do the work
that will have to bo done In the day
of peace that arc -omlng. It would b
a great pleasure to me If some day I
might see you both, when those happier
times hsve come.
"Your sincere friend.
wooimow wilson."
Bill to Believe Such Firmi from Pay
ing State Corporation Tax
Pushed Along--
Negro Earns Large
Sum Voting and
Shooting Craps
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind , March 2J.-I.owla
Watkina, a negro, testified In the Terr
Haute election fraud rase today that
he earned l7 by voting and "shooting
craps" with other repeater In Terro
Halite last election day. II voted about
nineteen times, he ssld.
That the democratic vote In the Sixth
ward of Terra Haute would hav been
much larger If the women watcher had
not been present was deduced from the
testimony of a number of negroo who
told of rhelr successes at repeating. Sev
eral witnesses testified to being turned
way from the poll by women.
The sheriff, Dennis Shea, Instructed
Walter Barrett "to start an argument or
anything else to gej William Horslry
away from th poll last election day,"
according to testimony by Barrett to
day. Shea Is a defendant and Iloraley
was th republican candidate for prose
cutor. Barrett, although he testlflej he
voted a number of time and re
ceived money from Shea and Mayor .Rob
erts of Terr Haute, was not among th
126 Indicted. Barrett testified that he
went to Precinct B and voted,- but had
no trouble with Horsloy. s . '
fTrom a Staff Correspondent
LINCOLN. March 22.-Bpee.laJ.) Ther
seem to be little doubt that S. F. 214,
the Matte bill to relieve manufacturing
enterprises In Nebraska from payment of
the annual state occupation tax, will pass
the legtslsture and become a law. The
bill Is already through the senate and has
been favorably acted upon by the house
committee on msnufacturlng, retail and
commerce. So far It has had practlcaffy
no opposition. It wsa expected that the
slftlngcommltte In the house will soon
acfivance It and that the house will
psss It.
Many Mmall Firms.
According fco the lCIO census there are
2,500 Industries In Nebraska and of this
number more than one-half are doing
biiklnes on less than $3,000 capital. Only
20 per cent of the entire number have
more than 'S),mi of capital stock.
These figures show that manufacturing
Is still in Its Infancy in this state and
the sentiment in the legislature favors
encouraging it as far as possible by
llaitlmate means. It I felt that the ex
emption of msnufarturers from the oc
cupation tax Is a very small concession
to this branch of commercial activity,
considering what It Is doing to Increase
the wealth and resources of Nebraska.
Real Object of Tax.
The real object of tho occupation tax
law aa passed by the legislature of 1!11
and amended In 1913 was to compel the
railroads and the large public sen Ire
corporation to contribute a greater
amount to the state In taxe. Even If
manufacturer should now by exempted
by the passage of 8. F. 214. the state will
still derive a great amount of revenue
from this source.
Germans Subscribe
Nino Billion Marks
for Second War Loan
BERLIN. March" 21-Py Wireless to
Sayvtlle) Included In tho . news Items
given out today by the Overseas agency
1 th following:
'Th Berlin Tageblatt declare that
.000,ono.OOO mark K.T.(),nn have been
snbecr. ed for th second German loan.
This means that money to finance tn
war until late ln the autumn has been
secured. If the war Is still going on at
at this time, according to this news
paper the wealth of the nation and the
willingness of the people for sacrifices,
will provide further means.
"The Vosslsche Zeltung says the hope
of Germany's antagonists for the econ
omical and . financial exhaustion of tho
empire probably will be sh kite red by
the great sucness of this loan and that
boh Oreat Britain and France only
secured lesser amounts of money under
According to an official nnouncement
the number of prisoner of war now In
Germany 1 STO.OOn enlisted men and over
l.ow? commlsaloned officers. During tho
wa of JS70-1R71 the number of prisoners
of war wa 383,000.
Investor with money read the Real
Eafata, ads In The Bee. Advertise your
property for a tiulck aale.
Movemesjt of Oe-eaa Steamer.,
Nr. W YORK .'
NEW YORK V. AmMnriu. . . H.-.u..
BAM rRANC'lian.Ksn.Kulc
PAN rWAIc-pliT) Wvmitntf
British Chancellor Tell Labor
Leaden They Have Opportunity
to Be of Material Service.
IDNDON, March 2f. -David Lloyd
George, chancellor of the exchequer,
placed grave emphais upon the Imme
diate neceeslty of a tremendous Increase
In the output of war material, in an in
terview granted today by him to a repre
sentative of the Dally Citizen. He dwelt
also upon the dramatic change which had
come over great industrial relations as
a result of the war and the value of con
fidence between labor and the state.
The creation of a labor advisory com
mittee was regarded by Mr. Lloyd George
as a step which may have almost Incal
culable results. He believed this svas the
first time since euch a thing had been
done In any country, and said: '
"It amounts to this: There Is opening
up a great new factor in the history of.
labor. If labor approaches this thing in
a broad and generous spirit and not In a
haggling spirit this document, which wa
signed Friday, ought to be a great chap
ter for labor.
"The next step will be the organization
of all our resource for the production ot
munitions of war, and, without euch an
agreement this would have been impossi
ble. Thi country would Inevitably be
deprived of victory in the war if labor
had failed ua. If by any mischance Ger
many should win. It would be the gloomi
est day that ever dawned for labor, an. I
if this rxpercment falls I can Imagln
nothing mora fatal to collective ideals
In th future, because the British people
ar essentially a people who act on ex
ample and experiment, rather than on
Mtlsittssi from Klteheoer.
LIVERPOOL, March r.-OT. London
-"If this appeal has no effect, I shall
have to consider step that will hav to
be taken to insure what is required t
Liverpool being done." was the declara
tion made by Lord Kitchener In a letter
which he personally handed to James
Bexton, secretary of the Dockers' union.
Lord Kitchener, who spent th week
end inspecting the Liverpool, 'Manchester
and Birmingham battalion of his new
army, expressed surprise In his letter
that "There la a section among th Liver
pool dockers who still refuse to work
overtime during the week-end and on
Paturday. I feel sure that these men can
hardly realise that their action in thus
congesting the docks and delaying muni
tions of war and food required by our
men at the front I having a very serious
effect and must be stopped."
IX5NDON. March 21. A Capetown dls-
patch to Rueter Telegram Company
says official announcement ha been
made that General Botha, premier and
commander In chief of the army of the
Union of South Africa, has captured
over 200 German prisoners and two field
guns and Swakopmund, German south
west Africa.
Poeltry AworUllts Klerts.
HASTINGS, 'Neb.. March' 2i.-i8icll
Telegram.) The executive committee of
th Nebraska ISnte Poultry association
today Hoc ted officer as fallow: Pr!-'
dent, C. W. Hrehm. Harvard; vie reei
deat. Ales Hick ins. Haatinga, re-elected;
secretary a ad trvaaiirer. K U. Bower.
Haatinga K. A. Kent. Ueerg Biven of
Juniata were rlected t th board of
managera hTe official will meet nett
June to determine upoa the aext plac to
old th stat aliow. .
w kief at Kairbory.
FAIRBUKY, Neb.. March 22. -(Special.)
A change took plac la th polk fere
of Ftrbiry today, when Charlie Fran,
chief, tendered hi resignation to Mayer
rraok A. Houtaa Mr. Iloustaa pro
moted Built Williams, a termor chief,
and who haa been working oa Ik aihl
ntft for som time.
Ta saaah-lpal campalqa U weratiag up
n Farrbury. It hi a fight aetweoa th
cttioeos, no1loa aod oitotiotic par
ties', also between tho wet and dry fac.
Two Parties Enter
Field for. City Jobs ;
In Town of Aurora
AURORA. Neb., March 22. (Special Tel-
egfam.)-For the flrt tlrn In four yoar
two caucuses were hold her today. A
new party wa formed and will b termed
th civic progress party. Tho principal
fight will occur between the candidate
for mayor, aa the turn men were nom
inated by both parties for tha office of
city clerk and treasurer.
Th clvlo progress party nominated th
Charles! Wood, raavor. . . i
Dr. J. P, Cola, city clerk. .
George Wanek, city trcaaurer.
Lu Morris, councilman Klrst ward.
Clarence Hcovlll, councilman Second
ward. ..
K. 8. Mnnson, councilman Third ward
Dr. B.-A. riteenbunr. Mrs. A. O. Peter
on and K. A. Burt for . members of the
school board. '
Th rltlsen' party nominated the same
men for city clerk, city treasurer, coua
ctlman second ward, and Dr. Steenburg
for tho school board. In addition they
named: Dr. James Woodard. mayor;
Elmer Olson, . councilman first ward;
James Bchoonover, councilman third
ward. Elmer Rhlnehart and B. W. Jack
oa for member of, th school board.
Holland Demands
Germany Explain
TUB I1AGUK, Netherlands (Via Ixn
don). March 22. -The Netherlands gov
ernment 'at noon today after a meeting
of tho state council, forwarded a tele
gram to Berlin asking for an explanation
of th proceeding of tho German sub
marine. In taking forcible possession of
th Dutch' steamers Batavtvr V and
Lawmaker Prevents
Daughter's Marriage
DE WITT, Neb., March 2.-8peclal Tel
rgrom.) The marriage of 15-year-old
Abblo llynek, daughter of State Repre
sentative C. T. Mynek of Wllber. and
Walter Clark, aged 1, son of Benjamin
Clark, Burlington coal agent of Da Witt
was stopped by a long distance telephone
message to Beatrice by Representative
Hynek while the latter w at Lincoln
Mr. Hi.nek was informed that his daugh
ter had "loped with young Clark, and eur
mining they would go to Beatrice for the
license called up the county Judge there
Jnst as the two wer applying for It Ho
forbado the marriage and had th couple
I I said that prosecution of Clark will
follow possibly on, a oharg of perjury,
Titanic Damage Suit
" Is Set f or-May 17
NEW TORJC, March ' 21-Trial of th
ult brought by the Oceanic team
Navigation company, owner of tha
teamer Titanic, which aank with the
loss of more than 1.600 live In April, 1912,
to determine the extent of th company'
liability, was set today In ' th federal
dkatrtcit oourt tor -May lT.Th company
contend that Its tlaMllty . Is limited to
approximately S82.000, tlio value of Ufa
boats) and other property recovered from
the wreck. Damag suits aggregating
million for loss of 11 f and property of
thos aboard hnve been filed.
oasaoxommwm ,
NF3W YORK. March 2!. -Members of
th New York Coffee exchange voted to
day to close the exchange for three day
from Thursday to Monday for Easter
holidays. Tho Cotton exchange wOI b
closed on Good Friday, but will be open
for business 'Saturday.
Whether to close on Saturday and Good
Friday will be decided thl week by mem
ber of th New York; Ptock exchange. '
: LONDON, March . JJ.-Tb KJhck ex
change here will be elpsod April 2. t and t,
faster holidays..
Her I pes af Our por Sfothwrso
for the home treatment of disease wer
wonderfully dependable. True, they knew
nothing of drug, but owed their suocts
lo the root,- herb and barks of the
field. It Is Interesting to note that Lydla
E. Vegetable Compound, the
most successful remedy for female 111
w hav. wa originally prepared for
homo us frum ens of theso reclpea It
fame ha now spread from arioro to
shore, and thousands of American women
now well and strong claim they owe their
health and happiness to I .yd la H Pink
ham VegeUbbl Compound. Advertlso
xoent .....
LEIGH. Neb.. March S2. (Special.)
Pulton bloodhound of Beatrico Satur
day night took th trail of th robber of
the Aaron Henry saloon and came to
Lloyd Deo. Do wa plaosd under ar
rest and ton heur luter aonfeaaed to hav
ing entered tho'plac. Deo was running
a luach counter la th saloon at th
Urn and therefor wa familiar with
condition and th safe. II told officer
that th money. t-TS, hidden la the
stev la .hi room. Prosecution will
PllloBS at Loop City.
LOI'P CITY, Neb., March- 22. -(Special
Telegram.) The nomination are closed
for city officer for Loup City for th
ensuing year. All have been nominated
by petition. Dr. W. T. Chase and Dr.
h. A. Allen ar candidate for mayor:
Peter Row and Ixu 8chwaner for clerk,
G. W. Colliprtst is a candidate for re
elect loa a councilman for the First warj
and William Graeffe haa been named
a councilman from th Second ward, to
succeed Qui LorenU, who voluntarily re
tired from th council. Mayor Outhouse,
who haa held the position for two year
alao will retire. The nam of T. W. O,
Wolf will also he placed on th ballot.
a candidate for city engineer. A petition
ha been filed which will give th people
a chance to express themselves on th
saloon o. jest loa.
imm Coooty Koiee.
BEATRICE. Neb.. March 12. -(Special)
Th deal for th purchas of th Drlv
Ing park by ten business men of thl city
ha beea closed. A stock company with a
capital stock of UO.Ou will bo formed
and stock win be sold at 1100 per share.
Already about KOut worth of stock haa
been old.
Vernoa D. Andrew haa purchased th
garag of J, 11. Patton at Dlllrr and ex
pects to operate It In connection with hi
business ln this city. i
Thlrty-flv esses ot nteaalt wer re
ported at Wymor turdy. Th pl
demtc ha ben spreading th last week.
Investor wltn mones read th Real
C'stat ad la Th Be. Advrtlo yut
j property for a aulca aala
Regulate Your Bowels and Stop
Headaches, Colds, Sour Stomach
' . j
I : ;
: The Store
for Shirtwaists
Many dainty new Spring
Waists of linen
$2.95 and $4.95. .
Ready to Put On Suits
for women who care what
they wear ? what they pay
Two very attractive offerings of hand
tailored Spring Suit's in plain tailored and
novelty styles.
$24 $3345
In tan, light blues, navy, gray, black and
white checks, also plain black. This offer
is worthy of particular notice to women
who desire hand-tailored suits of more
than ordinary excellence.
No extra charge for alterations.
CWldren's. vVhite Bloomers '
r arid Knickerbocker Drawers
White Bloomers Made of
fine firm dimity, sizes 2 to
14 years, 50c.
Children's Drawers, plain
hemstitched hem with pin
tucks, lc, 15c, :25c.
Third Floor.
Children's Knickerbocker
Drawers, plain embroidery
heading, trimmed with rib
bon, lace or embroidery,
made of fine nainsook and
crepe; sizes 2 to 12 years
20c, 25c, 35c, 50c, 65c.
I 0 HJr 11 J At Cut Prices for CASH 1
ILLINOIS Best quality, all sues . .$6.00 Per Ton
WALNUT BLOCK The Genuine. . . . . .$5.00 Per Ton
CHEROKEE NUT The Genuine :
Hand Screened.. . . .' .$4.75 Per Ton
Rosenblatt mk Coal Co.
1223 Nicholas Street. TeL Douglas 530.
Hotel Lenox
Washing Won't Rid
Head of Dandruff
Th only aur way to get rid of dan
druff la to dissolve It. then you destroy It
entirely. To do this, set about four
ounoaa of ordinary liquid arvon; apply It
at nl;ht when retlrtnc; use enough to
moisten th scalp and rub It in gently
with th finger tip.
Do thi tonight, and by mornlngxmost
if mot all ot your dandruff will ba gone,
and three or four more application will
completely dissolve and entirely destroy.
every single sign and trace of It, no mat
ter how much dandruff you may have.
Ta will find, too, that all itching and
digging of th scalp will atop at once,
and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous,
glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel
a hundred time better.
Teu can get liquid arvon at any drug
stor. It I Inexpensive and never fails
t do the work. Advertisement.
Caawu MMtat you fuel bully; they
Immediately cla aad iww th
etamach, rtswv tlx ur, uivdiat4 aa
fermentlM; fod aail foul ; tak
th xcs ail from th liver and carry
off ta cotlated wa matter and
pofeoa from ta bo sis A Cascarat to
night atralghtens you out by morning
10-cent box from any druggist koepa
vour stomach regulated. Head clear and
Uvsr and Bowel la fin condition for
months. Don't forget the children.
AMttSM4a of toM mmA wamam
katoa Tery day, otber taounaodr bats
besaaobe every week or every moath. and suit
ter bar headscbe ooraaionallv, but not at
resular tatervaie. The best bovtor toohva uiiabi
loftud lb eauMr ol aiany ol tbesa beada'ttM,
aaa ta Bout other case, knoarlii the cause, a
doe not kuow what wtil rmo it, so as to (Ws
a nneoot cur. All b eaa da la ta vreei nb
to ususi paw mieveie. wakb v temporary
relief, but lb beadarh rvtux! ae-usuaJ. aud
treatmeut is amla naveesary. If yusugr Imia
aeadai'brs. Bo matter wtiat their Datura, tak
Anu-karnnl Tablets, and the remit will be satie
tactory in the hurtMtaegie. u can obtsia
wsm at ail drusKiaU ta any quantity, kuo wwrta.
ta worth 01 mora. Ask lot A h Tsulrta.
8ick-headacba,th bum! at berth) of 0 lrk
ease. J-o lu terror when A h Tsl.Wt ar
takan. Whea ton frel aa auat-k oomkig on,
lake two tableai, aad In many chn, tbe sttet
MUlb warded o. During an attack take out
A a Tablet every two hour. Th feat aud som
inrt wbhib follow, caa b obtalacd ta ao other
Ceawaas AK Tail htsr I A M
At .
mm m r m w wm
AH LaUeat ffityle and Color in
Sjn-ing Hats, 2.SU Values;
Vour Choice
$1.C0 Caps 50c
J. Helphand Clothing Co.
.111-16 North 16th Btreot
One block from Copley Sq. and
Public Library. Convenient to
Shopping and Theatre District.
All Outside Room. Excellent
' Cuisine.
Single Room 93, with Bath 3.50 and ua
Double " fj.30, ' " $3.50 "
(Good Oarage 2 minute' walk)
L. C. PRIOR. Mama
Tw mlnnt from Back Bay StaUoa
Tan mlnutoa from North Station
I Northwestern University &
College of Engineering
Plve ymr of broad, tborourh trmlntos:
saiall rlAaM. Is which esrk Muaest raastn
mm uauauvl soiousl ot ludlvldu! atirntiiMt
lnm ImiuI pruttmorm. fcicellmt b-illdiFia.
Misn4 lor lu purpose, w lib us-te-aie as
m. riluA. l' opportuniu l t
(ac otnni.g project, .u4 to nlMt
mra. A T'Miu enwiuiaiua. nhunper br
eaibrT.lsl trsaillon Writ toe "bet
lrrMratlui) (ar Kusiuvrin' sd4 ''bueklet ot
JOKir . HiTTOiD, mreotor
Seaaatoa. lUmota,
Tonla-ht, Booloty Jrirbt. Added at
traotioa between aetsi Kaary Cox's
fon-. Ino. at st. Wed., Tnor
. asa. lriahta. so aad 0O0.
o adranc la prloaa.
whose Baaar. as
Hiahti. ill
Bally Mat, tilt
Boat Show, plraetloa of atartla Beek.
Otkn Aou This Wask:
DukoTf A Ulrll.
Itrsteuia Travel Wki.
Tom lwi.. w.C rwlt.,
b oudcii a Fltupasa.
Uubw'i WTtait. Mu...
A tsst Httsklna.
aai). . M(kia. lie. ht. la u tk. .
-oatAXAja rvm ciima
With 'Tanglefoot" AL K. trail c H.mI
I'ronby. flienumerial Koprano. Vamie
vlli includes fiavo.-' Jumpln Jua
alr: Morris A rAinrht-ll ; AIirs 'roo
mi.l --I.Ufle Paul" Hi Beaotv Chorua
Xdl' BUb MaMae Weak Ba.