12 THK BKK: UMAIIA, TUESDAY. MAKCII 23, 1915. SPRING REFLECTED IN STORE OPENINGS Iftteit Design, to Satisf j the Cray ingi of Milady -on Display in Omaha Shops. DECORA TI0U3 A&E BEAUTIFUL Gentle spring is hers, (se-e calen dar) and (air woman is preparing Tor her annual competition with '.ha lilies of the field in beautr. All of Oniaha'a emporiums for the disclBj- and sale of women's apparel are In gala dress for the occasion. the floral decorations vielng In vain with the splendor and wondrous col orings of the hats and gowns. Those who thought, the European war would interfere with women's Easter gowns thought wrong. Shall such a small cause atop milady from arraying herself as beautr should be rrayed? It shall not Moreover, it does not Mere man murt marvel at ths power of declelon In woman, that ahe can ebon quickly and fix her desires upon nna of such a variety of costumes and hat. Kitrtmn In Hata. Thers fa no limit to the variety of hats. And they are of both extremes, the turban or military atyle, brlrrleas hat trying to maintain Ha bold against tha larger models. The milliners declare the tie hats are coming In asaJn, In fact, already here. "Large black, straight sailors and large 'm'lihroomi' are coming in," aald Jon Amedcn of the Brandnis stores. He avowed eorhe twenty-two Inches In diam eter. Mr. Und of Haydon Bros., displayed a sailor wlt a brim seven Inches wide sit s found. At the Burgee j-Nash atorss there are models even mora extreme, "Blacks and whites are the ruling in hats," asld a dopartmsnt bead In one (tore. "And there will be a later tend ency toward sea-gull gray. Embroidered work and beada on bats sre alao new." The "Illusion hat" Is shown at llayden Bros. It haa a crown of white silk i foliage, with a large silk chiffon brim, and la paradise trimmed. Ladles wear this hat lown over tha eyes and look out through the brim. The Bramlcis stores hsve the "General Joffre bat," named In honor of the com mander of the French army. It la aald to lie an exacl reproduction of his hat. and this model la the very one brought to thla country by Henri Bendel. Tha , hat Is made of very fine Users straw braid and la trimmed In military blue Spanish roo.ue pompon Streaming down from Ilia high cone-shaped crown and lying clone to the black, strsw body of the hat. ' Da urine Mat. A dancing hat with scarcely enough straw In It to make a crown top for a hat la shown at one store. It has a narrow pink tulle brim, email cluatera of Pink and yellow flowers for trimming and a jirinvess lace overdrape, while narrow moire faille ribbon la alao spar ingly used for trimming. (Only . air.) As for the gown, the unrjlaantnaa I . , . . ,. . . u.v wubi. win do none in improving made wo" u ""V" hVjh" ro between Manilla and Omaha, It made wo dirtprstu-e at all "The mcdrlo arc rhteily domestic," said the head of a department. "Normal wnlat lines are observed and there la a good demand for plain tailored garmenta. fllke are good It) taffetas and poplins and evening dresses In fine nets, silks, meteors and in the new silk, 'gros de longrcs,' White tailored aults and a ten dency to black and white are note worthy." Hobble Skirts Dooaoad. The hobble skirt Is moat assuredly doomed. If one may Judge from modela ehown at the stores. The "watch your etep" skirt ho wn at the Brandela stores . - . .. . I measures about aeven yarda around the bottom. With It goes a hand-worked lace Jacket, I'erslan trimmed. The decorations In the atores are all a song of spring, f layden Bros.' atore la a mass of greenery, palms and other green things being used on most of the floors. In the wlnios there are flow era of many kinds, adding their fresh ness and beauty to the arena. In 'the Brandela floras rosea are "the chief motif of the decoration. f On the first and second floors they . are 'ar ranged' In profusion, climbing up over trellises. Tho show wlndowa ars also a mssa of rosea of various klnda. Kollaa of Cartas. From top to bottom the blg.Burgsss Nash store ta decorated In the effulgent colors of ' spring. Southern foliage la banksd high and law on every floor In the establishment and red, pink and yel low roees and daffodlla are inserted at frequent Intervals, producing the clear a ad fragrant appearance of a new spring. The decorating la all apeclally prepared for this i apring fash loo week. It took, several werks to prepare the effects, but they have been so tastefully accomplished that the big atore looks as bright and aptck and span aa a brand new eetab ilahment would. ' . , Full and complete atm ka of latest sprhig and Kastee-designs fill all departments in tha store and tha winter goods have been all closed out. In the women a depart ment new atylea Just introduced are dis played among the many decoration,. The latest gowna and sulu, ,htch are very Similar to the gowna and suits of the period around 130, are all in. so that ow mllaay can Select her spring coa tumes without fear that something later will be lutroduoed. Evea the men's department at the Bur-geaa-N'aah atore has come In for Its part la the apring opening. Decorationa sym bolising spring are replete throughout the department and the Block of clothing aud furnUhinga are all spring atylea. The wlndowa are all spring windows. Bowera of flowers and foliage form back s rounds for displays of lateat gowna, eulta, millinery and tha like. Kvery win dow on both Sixteenth street and Har ney street la devoted Co the spring open ing. SpHasI Here, To. The bright, cheery atmosphere of apring la everywhere evident at the Thoinpaon Belden company, where the storw has len specially decorated- for the ocra ett.a and the windows draped for display cf Eaatt-r fashions. The windows attract first attention at Tboropson-Baldeu's. for they are truly a work of art. , HiUiU flowers of spring aurrouaded I fresh aresa foliage of the aaoB ara tanked high ta the wlndowa and lattice Sales entering a spring gardea add miKtitily to the effectiveness of the dis play of spring garments on view in tha fr(5round. The costumes shown in the w indue a aie tl.e latest of creations. In the eture Itself the same line of dec ting t,aa ten followed. Everywhere Hi atinoa;,heie of spring U present. i-(.li lluor is liteially covered with flu a, i ers and foliage, and the softly glowing lighting effects make every apot In the establishment attractive. I.lvlnar MaHrli at R'i At the Berg Clothing company a estab llahment. sreclal attention haa been given to the women's department, occunvlnar tha whole of the aecond floor. Here there are numerous palms scattered about the room and they, wtth the mahogany furniture and the bright gTeen carpets, give the apace a decided apring effect Walking abmtt the Immense room are a number of living models, showing the latrat thing In hata. gowna and wraps In hata. the very lateat atyle dictates thoee that are large, vet the amal ler nni are considered quite the thing. There la a variety of colore and In making a setae tlon, no woman can ro far wroni. How ever, probably the moat stylish things sre in lavenner and wnlte. Suits, cloaka and blouse are ah own to good advantage on the modela. In caaea and on tablea and It might be well to note that thla anrtnar there la a nulur tariatv of correct popular colore than ever before ii iih-v, ii ib ftoina; in m m season 01 nign coiora. the prevailing ones being navy and BelfflAJI blue, mifttv a&tiit KatlUakln gray and black and white 'effects. The popular maierlala In suits are silk faille, gabardine, poplin, serge and taffeta. The new styles indicate that thla aorirur the women are to take to aklrts that sre considerable fuller then In the 'past and at the same time theae aklrta are to be worn rather short In dreaaea then l to be worn a great deal of light blue satin. and allk. Browning. King Co.. ahowa the latest .nil iniwv lurrrn mines mat men. hot h old and young are expected to wear. The store wlndowa are filled with suite, shirts, hata and haberdasher roods, ao It Is no trouble for the moat artistic person to see Jimt what he ought to have and be correctly dreaaed. In being eorrecttv dressed vnu ahniild note that beginning with hata you will nna that thoae of the aoft variety ara the things. They, In a great degree, run to dark, with the crowns higher then lest year. Shirts are .what mtaht ha formal loud. The colors are pronounced and you can't gat them that poesesa too much color. What Is true of ahirta la alan true of the neckwear, broad etrlpee and cnecK itmng decidedly popular. Baskets flower.. Large haoatna baskets filled with f inh ere ailorn all the street wlndowa of the King-Peck store. The flowers ars of various klnda. aome belnr of tho trailing variety dropping their variegated tendrils iar aown ana otnere tleing their heads far above the basket. Tha store Is alao handsomely decorated with nowera in nasaets. Baskets of peach bloasoma are tha nrln. pipaJ keynote of Benson A Thome's apring decorative scheme. These are plared about throughout the store and long ropes of greenery are alao itnini along tho -walls. The Interior of the stole has recently been completely redecorated and this adds to the beauty of the picture. WILL START DOUBLE TRACK WORK ON MILWAUKEE SOON With trie mora of spring the Milwaukee Is preparing to surface snd ballaet the new double track line across Iowa, on which work was discontinued when win ter sat In, The work will give employ ment to a large force of men during prac tically all of the coming summer and win ce Deiween Mantua and Marlon, r..-. . - . . Mnran, naa noi neon determined. , . Mares tha Moat for Col 4a Harden your aystem with. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. It kllla the cold germ. Cures w.c cvuio. uniy . All druggists. Ad vertisement. PREPARES AUDITORIUM BONO ORDINANCE FOR ELECTION City Attorney J, A. Rum baa prepared for submission to the elty council an ordi nancs providing for an Auditorium bond P"PstUoa In tha sura of tUO.000 to bs submit tail (a tha wttm a vr a . submitted to the voters on May 1 This is in acoordaaoe wtth a receat action of the city commissioners. . Wky Maar Tire. . Bpring fever" usually Is ths result of sluggish bowels and torpid liver. After months Indoors, you are not likely to feel vigorous and sprightly. Foley Ca thartic Tablets are "worth their weight in gold" tor that over-full feeling, bllloua neaa, gas on, the stomach, bad breath. Indigestion or constipation. Their action Is quick, comfortable and complete without nausea or griping, "tout people say they are 4 blessing. Sold evary-whers.-Advertiaemeat PERHAPS THE SAME THIEF STOLE THIS AUTOMOBILE Hlx monttjs ago m thief took A. H. Waish'a automobile and was apprehended? He received n!ncy days In Jan for the set snd he swore revenge on Walsh tor prosecuting him. Sunday Walsh's auto Christian Science church and Walsh be mobtte was stolen from In front of ths llevts the former thief did It. TO REMOVE DANDRUFF f Oet a M-oent bottle of Damdertne at any drug store, pour a little into your hand and rub It we'.- Into the ecalp with the finger tips. By morning, most, if not U. of this awful scurf will hav disap peared. Two ol three applications will destroy every bit of dandruff; atop elp Itching and falling hair. -Advertisement. A CLEAR COMPLEXION Ruddy Cheeks-.Sparkling Eyes -Most women Can Have. Sj Dr. Edward, a Well-Know Ohio I'hjhlclan. Or. F. M. Edwards for 1? years treated scores of women for liver aud bowl ail- T.'n. D"Tln th' y"r h o hi. I silent, a nrearrtotton rode t,r a few T.i -h"ow" v'a"tle ingredient, mixed with olive oil, naming them lr. Kdwarde' i-llyo labnts. you will know thcra by tnelr oilva color. The l.l.l.t. . a.c wunaer-woi a era oa . '""l 'i Ilia waste and fl-ouou, matter tUat oi's ,ymU,Z i IT VOU IiaVa m a-.- . .. dull eye. pl,.,tta. Ktmi9li on" r o-atM)d feeling. , out Vf.""!: '"Vv..l'?i, u tale",,, of lauieta iil.htlv Iar J1"" "Kt note tha l-lea-lna icaulls . i . ... ..h.. wen sa men lake Or. Kdwar.le' Olive Tablets nw "d then Juat to keep in II, rink of conditio,, lr fcu wards' Ollv. T,LU-ta, in. K h.,. Aa j... " i'II'O Olle Tablet Cuuipauy, CUuuibua, u. ' 11 " A TO fogogition Diireetly c The Omaha manufacturers, appear below, believe in Omaha, their money, brains and time in tones m Omaha. They Omaha people. The Omaha manufacturers, have thoroughly established them selves outside of Omaha. Outsiders go into the open market and buy Omaha made goods because v of their superior merit: personal gain is their one incentive. They do not care about the prosperity of Omaha, or-whether it has one or a million inhabitants. But how about you? Ybu live in Omaha and any' stimulus to Omaha's prosperity is a stimulus to your individual prosperity. Omaha's hopes and promises are your hopes and promises. And it is to be pre sumed that you are selfish- enough to want to see Omaha Grow. ' The men who have built the factories of Omaha are Omaha KEEP THIS LIST BAG MAXIFACTIREIW Bsmls-Omaha Bug Co., lUh and Jack, aon ta, Douglas 110. BOILEK MAKEUS Drake-Wllllama-Mount Co- I3d and Hickory. Douglas 1041. BOTTLKIW ' Omaha Bottling Co.v il So. 11th St.. Ltouglaa 1100. ' Slou-Hherry Bottling Co.. ISO! Webster bt., Douglas 731. liOAES PACKIXO Omaha Bov Co.. Raat Omaha, Web. 411 Jr.saeres-O'rlynff To.. (Omaha Fibre A torrugated Box Co.). 16tb and L.av.nworth. . Douglaa lltl, BKKWE118 AM lilSTILLEKS Stors Brewing Co., Kit Sherman Ava Webater i2l. Mets Brewing C.. th and Leavsn- worth. I'kiuglaa 14SS. hel Krua ltrewlns; Co.. Krug Avenue and Boulevard, T'ler 420. Jetter Brewing Co., 0th and T Sts.. t South I). Dor Co, i;i- Howard 8tj Doug. .tt Willow Springs Brewing Co, 3d and Hickory bis.. Douglas 130. , nRICK IAM'FACTl'RERS Hvdraulio Frees Brlrk Co olaa fit. Douglas 0. 4303 Nkh- Bl'TClIERS' and r ACKERS' TOOLS C. B.. Mver at Co, ISIS Capitol Ave. lH)Uals lit. tXIXKKCTIOXERY D. J- O'Brien Co., S01-U Douglas'st. Doualaa Sit. Voeael. at Dinning Co.. Uli-ll Jones St.. Douclas S0. COXCRETE STONE Omaha Concrete Stone Co.. N. V Cor -th Ave. and 8wiiler, W.bat.r s. I e . - Omaha Nanucturer - - - - ' I f . . . nun' . ' 7 7 ' ' i-al-SaV , jaaJ OOlClfES AXD MATTRESSES L.. O. Doup CoM 1301 Nicholas St, uouaiaa joo. tXH-VEE, TEA AXD SPICES Parmer-Olnon Co, lit So. 11th St. Douglas 3816. German-American Coffe. Co., lllT'-ll Dodge 6L, louglaa 7195. v CRACKER MAXITACTCRERS It.n Biscuit Co.. l!02-4--l-10-i: Capi tol Ave, Douglaa J 123. CREAM ERV COMPAXIES ' . Fairmont dreamery Co.. 12th and Jones Sts, DoUKlae 1401. Waterloo t'reamery Co, HIT Howard tL, Douglas 140. lX)M.MlSSIOX, PRODCCE, ETC. Klrchbraun 4k Son, Inc, 1209-11 How aid M., Douglas 434. ELECTRIC COMPANIES Omaha Kleotrle Light Power Co, U. P. Bldn, Douglas 103. ELECTRICAL SCPPLIES ASP UGHTIXU I1XTXRES , Bureese-Oranden Co, 1(11 Howard St, EXC.RAVERS ELECTROTYPERS Baker Bros. Enraving Co, 1S1 How ard St, Douglas 3628. KXYELOPK MAXITACTCRERS ' BDokul.f..i:,,r,op Co-' 4U, 8o-im st- FIXTIRES Ombaa Fixture Simply Co, 414-14-11 So. 12th St, Douglaa 1724. KLOCR MILLS VP.1li,urM,.,ln UU 8nerm"n v-' -1 'You employ itself. A large population is em ployed by them. They have added tremendously to our taxable values. Their businesses make Omaha a worth-while city. Omaha manufacturers seek to have you make a calreful com parison between the values they offer and those of other manufac ture. If the Omaha-made product loses by the comparison, if ; you think youare not getting as much for your money, then continue to buy the other brand. What a wonderful benefit and stimulus toward better things Omaha would hae if but half the population began doing this to morrow. ' FOR REFERENCE Pl'RXACES Standard Furnace' Supply Co, 411-13 So 10th St, Douglaa 2il. tNeablt ail cast aad Weir all steel l-urnaces. KI R GOODS National Fur V Tanning Co, 1925 So. 13th Bt Tyler 12. GAS COMPANIES Omaha Oas Co., l.Ot Howard St, Doug laa 106. ICE DEALERS People'a Ice sc Cold Storage Co, 1224 Chicago sit, Douglaa iO. Omaha Ice eV Cold Storage Co.. MeCawne Blk, lith and Dodge St, Doug. 466. ICE MACHINES Baker Ice Machine. CC lth and Nich olas Sts, Douglaa 1361. . LAL'XDRIES Nonpareil Laundry Co. 1708 Vinton S' ... i Dourlaa 2660. Kimball Laundry Co., 1607-01-11 Jack son St, Douglaa lf. 'liEAD WORKS Lawrence Shot & Lead Co, Factory South Omaha. Douglas 1123. IX) DON SCPPLIES Lodge Supply Co, 1111 Douglaa 4166. Farnam St, MACARONI - Skinner Manufacturing' Co, 14trr-and Jackaon bis, Tyler 1526. MOXCMEXTS J. K Bloom at Co, . Douglas 676. 1702 Cuming St.. OILS 1 DouNaah..i " C" JM Bld' ' PACKING HOI HE PRODUCTS Swift and Company. South Omalia. Armour 4c Co, South Omaha. qpare whose nanies They have put developing fac- thousands of PAIXT8, OIL AKT GLASS Midland Glaaa & Paint Co., Howard, Douglas 71. 11th aad PLAXIXG MILL Bankers Realty Investment Co.. Groetrg lloor Bee Kids, Douglaa 2926. PRINTERS HOOK, AXD JOB I oJil"' - "te r" cDoe!:,fa.MrIe- ,4,T Harw 8ti SADDLERIES i ,'ney, 111-17 South 15th St, Douglas tii. STARCH .MAXITACTI RER'S Defiance Starch Ce, 2560 Cuming St. Douglas 170. SERUM MAXITACTCRERS Omaha. South 463. Omaha Serum Op, 401 Ne. IJd St.. Douglas 2S6S. . Axteli Serum So, South Omaha, Sowta -3. Grain Belt Supply Co, Lobby Kxchang Bldg, South Omahg, South 3664. STEEL TANKS i Nebraaka Iowa Steel Tank Ce, 1M Spruce St, Webstar 373. TEXTS AXD AVVXIXGS Scott-Omaha Tent and Awning Co., llrh and Harney St, Douglaa 8$2. TIES. BELTS. LEATHER GOODS, ETC. Smith, I Mr k wood- Mfg. Co, t3il South . 13th St.. Douglaa .351. J ,OUt', TIN CAN'S AXD SHEET METAti . Gordon Lawless Co, Sth ao.St Dodae Sts, Douglas 663. 1 WOOD WORKS 1 Omaha Wood Working Co, 1S01 ftarey sl, DoUaTias 2246. fvr WHOLESALE GROCERIES "o" Gallagher. 701-11 South Voth bt, DougUs 262. . WINIK)W SHADE MAXCFACTl RFjRS 14 Id-West Shade Factory. 4014 Haifil'. toast. Walnut 31K1. T'