Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 21, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 9-A, Image 9

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    TIU: OMAHA SUNDAY HKK: M A1UMI 21. 1015.
9 A
- A- tL
Don't Dc Fussy
About Eating
lour Stoniarli Will PlROft Any Kind
of Footl When Given the
Iroier Assistance.
W ar prone to (all into the error of
singling nut some utttc.e ot food and
mildly berating the fiend who first In
ven ert ti e ulnn. The habit grow with
torn people till almost all food ta put on
tie blackllnt. This ta all wrong. What
Is la a little asslntam-e with
thot uron which scientific stu
dents tor many yean have aet thlr aval
of approval because they iiave bormno
sbsuitit facts. Stuart a Pyspepsia Tab
lets for all siomach disorder are reooK
niied; they have a il, .e re.ortJ; they are
rated reliable, dependable and worthy of
confidence Juat aa the president of a bit;
bank nits his (. K. on a depositor's
check. And so vou can rat wnat you
want, whatever you like, knowing well
that should Indigestion, sour riMnxs. pas
formations, fermentations or any other
alomaci) distress arise, Stuart'a Pysicii
sia ThI lets In a few moments will put
you right.
ToateJ tongue, bad breath, heartburn,
belching, flatulency, bloat all the symp
tom of digestive' troubles disappear
ouirkrv when these tablets are used. They
are not a cure for anything but dyspepsia
Hnd kindred complaints. Hut they have
mou.h re lef to more sufferers from "J
grsllv diseases than all the patent medl
finea and doctor's prescriptions put to
gether. The stomheh doea the heaviest work,
of anv of the bodily organs, yet it's th
one wa treat with the least regard. We
eut too much of the wrong kind of food
at any time. The patient stomach stnnds
aucn treatment aa long aa It can and
then It rebels. You get notice of the re
bellion In the shape of the gases and
pains . caused by undigested, fermenting
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold
and recommended by all druggtsts at DOc
a box.
Free Trial Coupon
r. A. Stnart Co., 180 Stuart Blflg.,
Marshall, Mich., send me ot once bv
return mall, a free trial package of
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets.
'Men Who Care" Are Busy
' Arranging for Dresher Tail
1 ored Suits to Wear on
Easter Sunday.
Easter Sunday, by the Way,
Is Slated for April 4th "
ThisYear. '
Dresher The Tailor's Idea of spe
cializing on made-to-order suits at
$35, Is winning favor at an amaz
ing speed; patron after patron has
agreed with Dresher and haa
voiced his opinion that: "$35 la the
' just right price for a handsome suit
of tailor made clothes, because S3 5
is neither too high nor too cheap."
' So, If you wish to be one of the
. admired ones In :th,e 'Easter Pa
radef. on April '4, ax i)ot lose any
.'. lme in . having a masterpiece of a
irarriiattt taade npiaC presbors now.
Flrochor Thn Tallnr ia located at
,' 1516 Far nam' street, one door wast
.of the Hotel Hehshaw; right ln the
heart of the city's activities; right
where it's handiest for you.-
In ordering a suit at Dreshers you
i have the privilege, (and it Is a priv
ilege) of having Mr. Nelson design
and cut your suit for you and when
you don the suit your first expres
sion will be; "Well, that man Nelson
does-know bis business."
' The line of fabrics shown here
' now for spring is an eye-catching
line for a certainty ; : there lan't a
' piece of nobby American made goods
but what is shown; and all - of the
fabrics that have succeeded in "get
ting over the- seas ln spite of the
war" are also here -in - abundant
There's a certain touch; set off;
sparkle; fit and air of exclusivenesa
Jo a "Dresher" ault that isn't ln evi
dence to the suit of the ordinary
shops. Why not wear a suit ot this
sort on Easter Sunday and pay but
Dresher the Tailor has made up
$1,000,000 worth of clothes for
.Omaha men since 1900
For Crip, Influenza,
Coughs, Sore Throat
The Federal, the State and the
Municipal Laws, are aimed to Tm
'tect the people against Narcotics
and habit forming drugs
Most Cough and. .Cold .mixtur.
depend upon Narcotics for their
soothing effects. : ;
Dr. Humphreys'. "Seventy-seven"
for Colds and Grip is the exception
and only- does good not harm.
Pleasant to take, handy to carry,
fits the vest pocket.
25c and U at all druggists or mailed.
Humphreys' Hmneo. "Medicine Co., 161
William Street,-New York.
Cough and Cold Syrup
Mu1e at Home, Touches Hpot
A great big, full pint of laxative
, cough arrup of the finest quality
, known to the medical world can rad
i( be made by any woman or even
child. To a pint of granulated sugar
.' add a half pint of boillisg water; etlr
and cool. Obtain at drug stors 2 ova
Kasenc Mentho-Laxen. empty it Into
a pint bottle and fill up with the syrup.
. A taaspoonful every hour or two will
, check r atop a cold In 4 he bead, and
cure any rough that la curable. It will
pay any family to keep It always in the
- liotna to avoid the diseases due to colds,
such aa pneumonia, bronchitis, soie
throat, diphtheria and consumption, ft
r . lUfcrveloualy -oulck in action and per
. maaent, too. Advertisement.
Kama t
City State
Frederick Palmer Describe! How
Canadian Contingent is Holding
Part of Line in France.
(By Frederick Palmer. Correspon -
dent of tho Associated Press.) ; of eontmbartrt and nonoontraband In en
BR1TISH ' HEADQUARTERS iN',orcm thc,r "nnnt on commercial
FRANCE, March 18 (Via London. ! "tenure between Ocrrnany and neutral
, ... .. ... countries, American naval officers ana tif-
March 20.) 'T.angway! ; Look out(ncl(ll9 vprd ln ,,. ionai law ex.
for that bunch of wagons!" a voice j pressed the opinion today that the In
with an American accent called, and
one knew he was near the part of
the line held by the Canadians.
It was pitch (tar and at the hour
when' the supplies go up to tho
There was not a light on
any vehicle or ln any .habitation, but,
sner oiumpung aroDg, me correspon-
dent passed through an open door!
and tho darkened hall of a' farmer's
d entered tho ' brilliantly
bouse an
illuminated room, with thickly cur
talned windows, of the brigade head
quarters. An. officer was talklngN
over the telephone. He had Just had
word that a man had been shot in
the back by a concealed sniper ln the
rear of the trenches.
Re-quest Vladly Granted.
Tho commander and his officers gath
ered around the correspondent from the
United States, : whose retiucat to go Into
tho trenches had been . gludly granted.
The correspondent soon : was on his way
down a dark road with a sergeant from
Ottawa as his guide 'to the battalion
headquarters. '
Passing through the rubis of a village,
the sergeant remarked: ""The Uermana
are not satisfied yet. They chuck a few
shells into the wreckage every day. The
shells . made us kind of nervous at first,
but 'we are used to them now, all right."
In a peasant cottage, battened aa tight
aa a photographer's dark room an enemy
fires at a Bght the correspondent found
the battalion commander, who was from
Quebec. lie sleeps ln the cellar, and the
other officers of the. battalion ataff In
dugouts. The officers remarked that, a
Jliell had knocked off a piece of the roof
tho other day, but' that the missile did
no harm except to make some dust. The'
colonel was going do it Into the trenches
himself for the night and. took the cotte
spondent with him. -
Warning; to l.oolc tit.
"Iiook out for the narrow foot-bridge;
and here you are likely to slip off into
the ditch," warned the colonel as he
advised the ' correspondent to keep close
behind him in the Inky night.
"Right along here is a favorite place
for the Germans to loosen up with a ma
chine gun, for they have a clear field
(or fire," the colonel added when an open
space was reached. , "There is nothing
to it but to He flat and wait until they
are done shooting."
A German searchlight's raya swung to
ward the colonel and the correspondent
and then rested on the clear spot.'
'Stand said the officer. '-"That's
the rule until it sweeps off. Thus they
am not able to spot us."
Occasional shots were heard behind the
trenches. "That's a sniper in our rear,"
the colonel said. ''Occasionally one gets
'through." We. don't know haw. 'Ha ia al
ways In IthakL We are out after this
fellow and .we will get htm before morn
ing." Calls Them Boys.
The colonel and tha correspondent kept
passing lone .soldiers carrying food and
ammunition to the trenches or returning j
irom me irencnea empty-nanaea. ins
colonel spoke to thenraa "boys." a greet
ing which one never hears from an Eng
lish officer, , ,
As the trenches were entered, a sudden
command was given to someone showing
an electrlo flesh to turn It off, as the
"patrols -are coming In." Several men
who had been out, crawling up ln Indian
fashion to sec if the Germans were up
to anything new, came hustling over the
top of the trench. Some ballets swept
overhead. .The Oermana had noted the
movement and fired, but hit nobody.
"We got within seven feet of the bunch
In that old house and heard them whis
pering," said one member of the patrol.
Kind Crest Too Low, .
When the strapping, ' tall Canadians
took the position over from an; English
regiment they found the crest too low
for their height and had to ' raise It sev
eral Inches. They . have shown charao-I
terlstlo American Ingenuity and Initiative j
in arranging the trenches to-suit them-
selves, and besides have- made them i
wholly dry and. comfortable. I
"This beats altobtrry plalna, they kept
saying, referring to their experience in '
drilling and waiting In England. "All we ,
needed was to ln." said the colonel, i
"We came rom iiome to fight and wa are ;
fighting. There Is no more trouble about !
dlsclpllie.- JBvery man Is keyed up and
right on the' Job." j
tThe entire contingent of Canadians was
M chipper aa a winning base ball team. !
"Wa won t cars to go to the fireworks '
any more -when wa return home," said .
a man from Ontario, who asked the cor
respondent if hs knew Toronto and Buf
falo. "We get enough of German flares,"
the man added, as :the flares kept rising '
at Intervals, illuminating garishly the 300
rda of space between the trenches. 1
'They ant worried lest we are going to
spring an attack ou them, and we shall '
pretty soon. too. I hope," the soldior
fmu Hear NoArlaa.
Occasionally as the correspondent
walked along lie could hear distinctly the
sounds of snoring. In their shell proofs,
the men, wrapped in blankets ip frontier
fashion, and despite the German' flares
and firing, which go on all night, were
sleeping until their turn to 'go on watch.
The absence of exhaustion among the
men as they come out of the trenches Is
the cause of universal comment.
"They say we are making good, and I
believe as are, , the colonel declared
when he bade the eorrespondont good
BAN ANTONIO, Tex., March . VUla
has organised an aviation cc rps and
plans to have at least three aeroplanes in
operation within a month, according ta
It. C. Laffarata, here from Mexico and
claiming to represent ..Villa. Laffarata
said three machines had been ordered ,
from an America -manufacturer and
would be delivered at th border In three
lie says Villa has. In his service flv
experienced airmen who hava been ron-i
dui-Unfi a schoitl pf avUtlon with the j
army. I
U. S. Karal and International Law
Experts Not Sure Bnt Action
of Allies is Legal.
WASHINV.TON. March . While the
Vnlted States government doea not know
officially aa yet whether Oreat Itrltaln
a. n .t . 1IIa Ivttanrl Ia fviaitlttttn lCA.l
' blockade or r.rcroe to amlv general mles
definite limit prescribed "Euronean
waters Including the Mediterranean"
might be construed as a legal area of op
erations for a blockading fleet.
In th formulation of th policy of
the Vnlted States relative to tho treat-
j rnrnt of rMnl shipping bv the allied
fleet, naval officers of nign rang nave
constantly been consulted, so that In none
of ttM d)r,i,,mtic communications sent
abroad mUbt there bo anything said
which wuid compromise the activities, of
' ,ne ""c" ""l tf",'f possible f utur
wars. '
C'nnfera with l.analna.
Rear, Admiral Flsko. aide for mirations
in th Navy department confered with
Counsellor Robert I.snslng at the Stat
department daily, and on' the neutrality
board of three which acts ln an advisory
capacity to the counsellor, there arc two
naval officers Captains Oliver fcnd
Knspp, authorities ta maritime law. ,
Much consideration has been given at
the conferences to the newly doveloped
activity of submarines. It Is frsnkly ad
mitted by th naval officers that the. old
form Of blockade by warships close to
. I , i i ... 'l- .. .- av - J
r i r
Vk. . T . Z ... MM ''
BRASS BED. The Lacquer on this bed is thoroughly
guaranteed by the Manufacturer. Constructed with
heavy 2-lnch posts, ten heavy 1-lnch fillers, and 1
im'u iuy ruu, nei on wiiu six nanasorae st
fancy Mounts.. All .sizes, satin finish' I
only. Very specially priced at. ....... . t
Very specially priced at
Base fitted with two
bins, two drawers and
sliding kneading board;
top is fitted with
roomy china cuphourd,
three drawers, one par
tition for suices, and a
sliding suaar bin. Nu
kitchen complete with
out one. Offers all con
veniences and
comforts. A
great value
at only
ing for tbls -week's selling. Size 9x11 ft., made of se
lected woolen yarn In the newest Oriental and floral
color combinations. Suitable for Parlor, f
Dining room or Bedroom. Very specially CJ(
priced and a decided bargain at
aa enemy coast pa-wed with the Invent
mcnt of Pnntlaso In the Ppnnlsh-Aiuerl-can
war. Accordingly, In the nicmnKe of
inquiry to Great Britain and FYnnre ask
ing for an explanation of their recent
gelaratlnns of an emhargo, the Vnlte1
States concerted that the activity of sub
marines mlpht n'ake phyaldally Impos
sible a close blockade of nn enemy coast,
and suggested tliat If thn declnratlun of
tho allies were to bo construed as a
blockade one "i-ailius of activity" he
nHjri-t of niacnaolon.
This principle of a "rallua of action"
or area of operations for a blockading
fleet was the subrevt of much dlcuslin
at the International naval conference at
lontlon In IW and the declaration which
followed contained tho following rule:
"Tim seizure of neutral vessel' for
violation of blockade may bo nuvle only
within the radius of action of the Ships
of war anslsned to maintain an effective
An explanation ot this was given at the
conference, which a recent publication of
tbe t'nltod States naval war college
states "lias been universally accepted"
as Interpreting the rule. The commentary,
which Is pointed to aa explaining th
American attitude, follows In part:
"Tt doea not seem possible to assign
limits to tlx rndhis of action In definite
and unvarying figures, any more than tt
Is possible to fix beforehand Invariably
the number of ships necessary to assure
the effectiveness of any blockade. These
points must be determined according to
circumstances In earn particular rase of
a blockade. It Is evident that a blockade
will not be established In tho same way
on a defenseless coast end on a coast
possessing all moderV meara of defense.
There would lie no question In the latter
case of applying a rule such ns that
which formerly required that ships should
b' stationary and sufficiently close to thn
blockaded places; the position would be
too dangerous for the shli of tli block-
offers for your selection the most complete Btoek of High Orndo Home Furnisliins
ever assembled bv any one firm. Being the largest buyers luul sellers of Lome furnish
Lugs in existence, and buying, as wo do, for millions, we buy verv low and sell at
positively the lowest retail prices in America. We'd like an oppoVtuuity ot proving
this to your entire satistaetion.
Special Monthly Payments Gladly . Arranged On Any
holstered in high
grade Impef lat leath
'er over full tst
Hiring . construction,
Th frame taiof "a
new design finished
golden. Back is ar-
tufted. and
?n t l r
r a in is
carved. On
of th very
host Book
er value
ever offered
In O tu a ha.
our very
low prlue,
luting of roomy ilajailne reck table flUecl with sliding desk drawer, -Chair .
and Hooker, uphoMered in guaranteed Spanish Pabrlcoid leather over
Bteel sprlnx construction. Entire get finished Fumed. We mm
, poalttvjly -Kitarantee you a Having of. $10.00 when we offer I S
,you this opmplete get at thin low trlce .
Not Tlil Wonder
ful limns lied value
a'llden, and priced
OAK. br-A T
a rooiuy
this price
! T. y - t - -
Million German Pigs Billeted on
Civilian Population of Belgium
j tllMr:t. March Jn.-tVIa Umiton
One million ilernian pigs have been bll
! letted on tie civilian population of Bol-
j The pl must I e fed nnd cured for by
t the Mrlg!ns, who without distinction as
to class, must perform this service. One
of the wealthiest Inhabltints of Brussels
has been emnivllod to tsk twelve hnu
on what he styl's "reduced rates by the
week." Ills poorest neighbors have at
least kis pl to a family.
For somitliTie there have been reports
of a shortage of fonder' In Gernwny.
whereas the amount In llelglum la nenrly
normal, hence tho Imimrtatton of swine.
adlng forcea, which, besides, now possess
more powerful means, enabling them to
watch effectively a much wider ion thus
Ratllna mt Action,
' The radiua of action of a bleckudlng
nnval force may extend some hat far,
but as It depends on the number of ships
contributing to th effectiveness of the
blockade and Is always limited by the
condition of effectiveness, It will never
reach remote seas upon which merchant
vessels xall which ate, perhaps, destined
to blockaded port, but whose destina
tion may be contingent on the conditions
which circumstances may produce In the
blockade during the voyage.
"To sum up, the Idea ot radius of ac
tion. Joined to that or effectiveness, that
Is to say. Including the gone of titra
tion of th blockading forces, allow the
belligerent to exerlso In an effective
manner the right of blockade which Is
admltnd to bo his, and, on the other
hrfnd. it ssves neutrals from exposure to
th inconvenlonc of blockade at a great
Let narzman r earner j our nest
Sliding Dedc Compartments
lartman a Great
Pramlum .Offering
In addition to the many wonderful
bargatng offered for thlg week, wt
will give away absolutely free o:
charge, a handsomely decorated 42
piece dinner etet with every purchase
OT ISo.OjD or over, Cash or Credit,
Dining Room set.
3l -il ilr.-j -ft
Li " Dining Room set. six br-autlfui LI
Chairs with eatfdle seats and broad paneled backs.
48-ln top, sstendlng to S feet. Musxlva round pedes
tal suppurtad by four oulonlal turnwJ fit. i-Jntlr set
rriudo of American quartered lmitatl'in Oak. finl.1,,,1
for this week at only.
J' r""!11 ' rijf- m
T Ahi
PI.RND1D VALfB IN A NKW fiKrliaN Miff-
i - iiiava inruuKIlOUl or nlliJJ
iAT and back upbo!texd in th best grad f
lattther. Kaallr operated front a Uavenport to
, full six bad. Our special sale price, only..
frame is made tlirouirhout nf khi.iii
"AkjxaiCAg uaXATST MOti:"FoAiiiiit.g."
BelKlans are concerned lest the presence
of the pigs result In a further depletion
of a'ready scanty supply of food neces
sary for the people.
With their customary thoroughness th
German author ltrea have devised an elab-
syMein of billeting thn plga and
obtaining reports as to ttwlr condition.
I he iltst rlpiit ion svstcm tins broken
down occasionally, however, wltt. the re
sult thai ncitipant of apartments and
flats) have found themselves saddled with
the tsre of animals.
Thn hillrtlng regulations Include, Pro
visions for compursory health reports anil
vital statistics.
distance, while It leaves them freo to run
th risks to wblch they knowingly ex
pos themselves by approaching points
to which access Is forbidden by th belligerent.-
Partus Rents, th daring Kngllshman
who won th Grand Prix and Vandrbllt
Cup races at Ran Francisco In the same
week, pnssed through Omah-t last night
on his wsy east. It stopped over hre
a couple of hours. Ilesta Intends to enter
Ms I'eugnt In the toe-mil Indianapolis
rlafslc on I e -oration day, but declares
he will not rar on th Omaha speedway,
ns he knows nothing of board tracks.
Ueata la a recent henrdtet. Just before
tho Ban Francisco rSces h married n
sister qf th lute Fpcnoer Wlshart. who
wss killed In th rac at Elgin laat Au
gust Purchase If Desired
ROCKER. Wide, roomy
eat, BDlendlly upholeter
edln' guarknteed Imperial
5ttr fA'
ppanisn ieaiui.
lias neat panel
hack securely,
braced through
out. A very
plenelng design,
i p i dally priced
for tble week at
w -jj'mL v 2 .. . j 1 """--""ssaassMt. a
, .TABLE, built throughout of seasoned wood beautif uiV
ly finished in American quarter sawed Imitation Oak. '
llgs heavy planked top supported by massive paneled
ends, which rests on a heavy scroll base. mm
An absolute new design of a hlsh grade rlJ
table, specially priced
Table is large
. niii
KBHtH Kxairtly
Ilka illuslrailou.
Bold With a ten-
Xaar guarantee,
vary ceibrald
m f mm mm
make selling at
othr sturea at doubt
.our ptiea. Cabinet mad
of ubolc sslctd euar
terud oak. vuh - six
d r a w r a Ilu ui
matiu iIxod head. Coin
Plets with ail aoctwao-
rls anil
at tachmtinta.
Throat Affection
Once More Attacks
German Emperor
UKNKVA (Via Tarlst. March 2 Th
affection of the throat Trom which Ktn
peror William of Germany suffered two
months ngo has attacked Mm ngsln, ac
cording to apparently reliable- Information
received here. It is said that the ailment
has taken on a severer form as the re
sult of continuous traveling, anxiety, and
la k of pood enre.
German iloctors, It la stated, frequently
have advised an oiwrutlon and It is said
that the SwIsn specialist, I"r. Ve.rmod of
1 niisnnne, considers It essential that
there should bo an Immediate operation,
which would Involve at least two months
of oomplele Inactivity.
A dispatch received here tonlpht from
Iterlln by way of Unsol states that the
entiieror f seriously ill In the German
capital.- tMhes report, however, say that
he la visiting the battle front.
IIKRMN. March 20 (Via Wireless to
fayvllle. N. T-Th following Km was
Klven out by th Oversese News agency:
"the lanlsh author, rr. Georges Bran
des, replying to assertions 1 mad by
Georges CI menceau, formerly premier of
France, declare that the Frertch assump
tion that Denmark will ask the- triple
entente for Hchleswlg-Holsteln larwenng.
Ife says that no nan wishes to recover
possession of that province. .He detlere
that A victory by R"1a would nn th
great calamity for civilian end -the
freedom of Kuropcr natlnne.
; ; w m v w
Royal Circassian '
Walnut Dresser
SSKR: Base is fitted
with four roomy
drawers, and swell
ed front. The.uur- j
ror is of French
beveled plate, measures
18x30 ins. Has heavy
planked top, extra well
made and carefully con- :
structcd. A great bar-
I?:- . . .16.95
rikwlivi Size of Top, QW.I1
YL Tmri.'Ak A
21.50" if4'