Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 21, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 4-A, Image 4

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    4 A
orlificd By
Pimply Face
SfnurfR Clriiim Wafer Will Quick
ly J RcMore trixtrl onk nnd a
Clear Completion to Yoiir Pni-p.
V Send Ton a l"r Trial racier
.to Fror Xt. - -a
There B tio. humiliation so Intense a
the know thai ieon'e nrr conatantW
rtotlc-.ln the pimply cnjiilltlnn of vour lata
r,""t",J J"" ""f"'-
tlon of rervona: Waits anrl loriKlnt. M
e-very Vomnn dor for admiration nn
love, rind thorn the 'tiro tf the great
est tinhnprlnr 4111I nilairv. Th.-y knw
that fvrn to their own families their pim
ples are annoying, and thev ImnKlno they
re Lh laughing ateek of eVery flreis; r.
Boat ti t. a ,
Stuart Calcium Wafer WUI
Drlr Away All Pimples
aad Bkia Eruptions,
W hri've a messMge nf hopo for every
sufferer from theva annuvlna .eruutloim
1oday-at nnce-you my tho be?n-
nmg or tne end of thla humiliating; exer
lence. Tomorrow when you lonk In the
ls, you wtrl beKln to wo a dtffereaea
and before a wiek hna H""t by, .every
.. L n. I .1 . I .. .
f"'iiiw nui riiuw iijf iiinlr.
; Nature Intndiv1 that every woman
anouid have a fine, sort akin with u
IxHUtlful, glowInK complexion. ' H.ia-
liow your blood hi become vltlattd and
run of Impurltlea and your face haa suf
fered for It. Hut with Mluart'a CaMum
wafers you can cleanse your blood an
restore your face to ita natural beautv.
Jet a t0; box of your druaatet tnday or
end coupon below for a trial packagj
and be one of the) vast army of pwopje
who thank Htuurt'a Calcium Wgfers dallv
for a beautiful comp'exlon. . .
A email aample package will b mailed
free to anyone who will send coupon be
low. ' .
Freo Trial Coupon
r. A. Btnart Co., ITS Staart Bid.,
Karahall. Mloa, send me al once by
return mall, a free trial package vt
Muart'a Calcium Wafers.
Street ,
Cltr State
Glittering Style Pageant to
Cover Important Omaha
. Thoroughfares.
Dresner ' Brothers Help to
Make " This Brightened
Attire Possible. .
v ... .. :( ; .
. . L4tt) would you think that ft largo
proportion oi inn noooy attire io tn
exploited on Easter Sunday It not
now attire, would yon?
Wall, it wou t all b n- by Any
mean.- An Immense par.t of It will
be lant yer clothe mad over,
.and Dresher will have been reapon
Bible for thla part of th work.
A man or woman may take a
laat year' suit or dres and have
Dresher clean It, take It apart, re
style It in some ease dye It
preHs It, and then wear It with th
name sense ot satisfaction that Is
derived from wearing brand new,
expemv garment right out ot .the
An army of Omaban did thla
thing last year; larger army will
do it this year. It's a form of econ
omy that 9s not only permlmlble
but admirable. Why should, you
buy new clothes itiat because some
one else la buying them? It the ma
terial in your older clothes is a
good n ever, why not hav that
material remodeled Into something
that looks Just as tony, smart,
handsome and stylish a anything
you could buy newT
' Thia Is Indeed worth while think,
lng over, but don't think over too
long, for taster ia but a short time
away April 4, to be exact, bet
ter call, up Tyler 845 first thing?
that' Dresher' pi vat phone ex
change number, and connect you
with the Immense 117,000 cleaning
plant at J311-2213 Faroam street,
as well . as .the .' Dresher branch In
th Pompelan room pf- the lSrandel
tore, and Dresher, : The, Tailors,
fet 1518 ywpam street ,
i After you'v gotten, the Walter of
attire off yur mind, look to your
home furnishings, remembering
that DreKher will not only clean
your rug to look like new. but that
Dreshers clean pillows, comforters,
drapes," blankets.; etc., with th aame
care they bestow npon a $2Vu silk
drea. .,; . .'. :
Dresher Brothers pay express or
parcel poht charges on way oa any
Hlte bundle to any point in . Amer
ica , .:. ' I : .
Avoid Oouchs
and Colds
Crip ind Pneumonia usually follow
il naleclcd.
Th chief danger of "grin" aad "cold"
lie not la their own direct effecta. but I j
tli fact that they weaken the body and 1
open th way for th eDtrsnce of th
orKanlam of other diseases. It la. there,
fore, advisable to take the proper pre-
autlons with a cold at the start when It
n be conciuered with comparatively lit
tle trouble. The ounce ot prevention ,
worth many pound of cure In the rase of
colds and the beat prevention I to keep
the body la good physical condition.
Duffy pur Walt Wbiakry helu keep
ti.e body In good seoeral health because ,
It Is a predicated liuld food which re- ;
(ulre no labor of the dleUv organ. 1
and Is reedv te, enter the blood when J
it enters th itomai-H, tsrlchln and in
creasing th iLrenUUoa. It sharpen
the . petite, aids I'Uestloa of the ord
nary fooda, helps re, air wasted tlssur
tf to body, quiets and atreptttien tli ' man farm, who lived otn nln knlir of the bedy and brat. Bias 'northeast of here In the Gerwtan. aattle
alinK a plesure and adds to your pon- nvant, died at hi home yesterday roern.
of eiiJurani-e.' Ivople whe ot !uffy'a
end hoep writ re tim troutilud with l
oiil-1t hi a fiu-Olclne for al Dianklnd. i
Such Famen in Texas Art Worn
Off Than in Their Own
KAM.AR. Te.. March 10,-Th plight
of Mo i Iran tenant farmer In Ta nd
I taxation reforms Which might derreare
tepntry. were rtl.f u. today at the
land hearing held her by th federal
commission on Industrial relation. KtnVM,
r, , ... . '1 . .
( " ' " imminent u& in
American Protective society, said:
"In our country, poor and, wretched a
thry may be. Mexican farmer ara happy,
and thla la better than their condition
an ts-nant on Texaa farm.' I think the
commission ahould acquaint Mexicans
with the real fact about the aufferlnca
of 'people, who come here a
tenant farmers nnd ace that they do not
coma any more, rather than try to enact
law to protect them after they come.
W advlae them not to come, because, a
tenant the? la nothing; thay can ex
pect. They have entirely different way
of living In their own country and they
cannnot hernme desirable rltlxena here."
Mr. Flora blamed employment agenciea
(or part of the Mexican troul.L. rr
I ald he
. hen Me
n, plar
had known of a few Instancea
exlcana were forced to remain on
hV Vile tA a amm... I.L L
- m hi w,in nnoigiins,
i working out pmninvmunt
- - - .,....... nffrili r IfTT.
These fee ha aald. war uaually tl pr
hen.l. 'delivered at dcatlnatlon."
II aald In Han Antonio hundred of
Mexican are led to apply for naturally.
VnZ - .1 "'"'""
j . mat xney ara
nn. i ney relieve merelv that i..
-- . -
...,.-. IID mmln, n(1 mey do'?01"1".
not know what registering Is.
10 develop cause' why tenanU. as
previously testified, pay for food and
applre high a to tend to keep them
from aavln money, th commission called
J. M. MoCarver. store keeper Roa
River county, Tex,, h, ,t wa, ru
tomary to add 10 per cent to the total of
tenanla1 bills because store keepers have
to wait on the average ten month for
payment of these bill.
"It has been suggested." said Chairman
fank P. Walsh, "that store keeper,
wim?" Pr Cnt Mm t0 Is dfc
That l no. our ciurtoro, replied Mr.
rT' . V h t-,ft0t wHv"
fredlt h simply trade out tnt worth.-
(Continue from Pags One.)
which planned the metropoUua park ,y,':
tern In and about Boston. -
Although prealnsnt of h. iti ,
----- my,,,,,,, J-BC-IZIO
from early in uu until .
"k.-""""'1." Adam' ver ""h
of hi. Ume along th line. H. Wa.
financial Instead of an nnu...i .
dent HI appointment was brought about
... m" "nl 9thr resl that at
that time dominated th. tni r...
and he held th position until the Gould
v. oo.nroi or , properly in 1KJ0, being
then succeeded iy Aklney Dillon.
intaing th offlc of j)raldnt of th
Union raclflo In Boston. Me. in -
made sotMloaai Omaha and
hh Incumbency k wa trips
ovir th system about etc each year.
n a special train, eeenmnai.
by member of th hoard of di,i
and -the officers f the? road.
Mr. Adama' flrat visit trf Om.h. .r...
he.becam prrWent of th road wa
early In ISM, at' which time lie was. a
guest at the Omaha club, where a bar,,
quet wa spread and which waa attended
by a large number ef the business men
of th city. The late Andrew J. Popple
ton presided and Introduced th preai.
dent of the Union raclflo a a -distinguished
guest who hi five genera
tions ef Aaaerloan PtrMIm behind him
and hung to hi family tree."
taring th Incumbency of Charles
Francis Adam, the operating affairs of
th Union -ravine were In th hand of
general managers. The first of; these
wa a R. Calllaway. who wa (ucceedod
by T. J. Potter, who In turn waa suc
ceeded by W. II, Huioomb. .
Potter came from the Turlington and
wa a horn and bred railroad man, but
oon got In had with rteeldeat Adama.
who had conceived the Ido. that a rail
road should be run by college bred men.
regardlea of whether or not they had
practical experience 1 railroading-.
Whtl General Manager Potter waa la
charge ot th Unlo Pacific, PreWent
Adam tent out a tralnloag of eolleg
graduate from Boston and New Eng
land with Instruction that they be give
place In th rariou department, Indi
cating In their rdeatuO what, position
they were to fill. Some of them ma,
aged to break Into the railroad business,
but th most ef them were sent back
aa by Mr. Potter, he Informtn them
that there, wer no place foe them 1
connection with the operation of th
Union Pacific. Thoe who secured pest,
tlons were discharged a rapidly e It be
came apparent that they were Inefficient
and thi whole) refusal upon the ptu
of the general manager to give plane
t nii-a recommended by th president ol
the road I asserted o have been the
artpf -cause for ta realgnaUo of
Mr. Potter.
After the Oo'ulds ousted th Boston In
terest In the Union Pacific In im, Mr.
Adama passed through, th city num
ber of times, but a a government di
rector of tha company and at no time
taking any part la th affair connected
with the operation of th road.
Basse! Miner.
TECVMSEH. Neb,. March fcWKpecial.)
e-8amel Miner died at th hom Of bl
I son. W. O. Miner, In Tacumaeh last
night aged M yeara. II had Ut 111 for
ihree months. He waa naUv of Mo
honaaneU eauntv. Wast Vlrstnl mA
hi early, life wa spent In Ohl erut
Il'lnol. II came t Nebraska In 1IT1.
lorailnf I Nsinah county aad eam te
thla county In Wt. Kir. Miner was tnar.
rled to Mia Mary J. Holmes I Ilitnol
In 1. and elahi, rhildre were born to
them. . reven are livtrut; and are W. O.
Miner of Tecumseh, Prank 'Miner of Graf,
Mr. Minnie Grant ot Auburn. Hardin V.
Miner of Teeuaneeh. Jama L Miner ef
Teeuroseh. Arch IL Miner of Oniah and
Charles Miner or Oraf. Mr Xltnar died
In lfSS. Th funeral waa held at tha
Methodist church la Teoumoeh thU aft
Veld Yelhtn.
TAPLK ROCK. Neb.. Marvh .-Sp.
lal ) Telde Ttlkln. a Pruaoeraus Gee-
n. II wa pioneer of that vicinity and I
had been In poor health for seme time.
but Lis death was aulta uuexrjectad. 11a
Passengers Watch
a Torpedo Boat and Submarine
KEW YORK. March !n.-PaeenireT
hoard th BrttlKh htminfr Ipland,
whli-h reached here today from IJtrer
pool, witnessed a battle In the Irish chan
nel between a British torpedo boat, which
artirtad the. 1-arlanit, and a Uertnan auh-
luarlnn Tka I nIA.J ,11 -.
,,, ,n . ,,. from th
The Lapland picked up tta naval escort
utalde v'ha entrance to Liverpool harbor.
Varaer a.Ad comoy tvit far from
Liverpool 'when the torpedo txiAt opened
i lira.
; The raider fired toipedo at anothur
aeL Taraencar aboard th Lapland
Specialties Are A?&in to Fore Dur
ing Two-Honr Seition of the
NtnV YORK. M nrrh 20. Hpeclsltles
were aaln to the forefront during to
Ony's two-hour market aeastnn, tlie ti
ttvlty and strenKlb f Itethlehem Steel
halns; the most noteworthy feature. Trail
In in that stock aggregated about 2u.UK)
shares. Its top figure and new recont
price beln . which represented a
maximum advance of aimoni ten
points from the previous day a low price.
iToitt taklnir caused some ahadln from
, ,,w wiui iki aoi tit iiirev
na man levai
in moventenis or till stork during
the laxt tortnlaht have been the sub.iant
of muih rjmjecture and speculation.
There were rumor today that a contest
tor conrtol of the prrperty la on.
Motor aharea also participated to a con
siderable degree In tne eneral rlae. their
fains extending from one to six points,
despite a revival of criticism In conaer
vatlve. circles. Department atorcs issues,
national lead and American can trailed
alon with these more speculative special
ties, while the-seasoned dividend stocks
and erstwhile market leaders ruse only
fractionally. In the. " railway Division
f'anadlan l'aclflo and New Haven were
the only aharea to gain a point or more.
Vnited Ktatea Kteel took second place to
Bethlehem cHeel throughout the session
and closed with a material fractional ad
vance. Lmndon' niarket seemed to Isnor the
new from the Dardanelles, the various
home Issues showing but little loss of
mode ra to selling. Contrary to Its uausal
course, Canadian I'aclflc wa- more In
clined ot heaviness than any other stock
In th International Hat.
The local bank statement met general
expectations, showing an actual cash gutn
of about $ll,mi,wO excess reserve Increas
ing by almost 10.0U),KKX
Total sale of stock amounted to
l'S.aiO aharea.
Honda were steady, except New York
Central 6s, which were extensively sold
at concessions. . Total sale par value,
l'nltei fHaiae) bond were unchanged on
call during tha week. -
Number of eale and loading quotations
on stock today were:
p. 14 nv. lyiw, Jnas.
AiMka ovid ;
AaiMnitlfl Oonr ...
Amerlrsa Beet sr...
Aeirrirsa n
Anti-Iran s. A n
Americas 8. IV. sfd...
Am. Huaar Hrinlr..,
Aniarlcaa Tal. Tat....
Asarbaa Tobaac ......
Anaconila Mining
Balllmors Oh la
Dionklrn IlapM Transit.
Calllortila patrolaam ...
t:nlts Pacille
3 J '4
7. IKK)
im 1AIH 101
ao. v uo inis
' "n
14 Mi
4M 1H '
t,4oa J(.i v
1 10 ' M '
lsiral LMlbaf i tus
(tiMaseaha OMe. ...... ......
Chiaas Ueaat WaMara
CnloasA, M. Bi. V
fhlcaga N. W. .....
rhlan Oupear l.M
CokMite Kual Iran....
OOloraile A Southern.. ... ......
Panvar Klo Oraaaa... ......
finar a R. a.
Crla .. , m
Oanaral Klartrla
Oiaat Northern pt 4 1U
(iraal No Ore elra MO tlti
1111 I
f I
Ousaeohalia tCiplaratloa.. MS U
Illinois ('antral '.
lntrbornti(h Mat. fit... ' H lt
li.aplrutlnn Orpee ). 13
liKaruatlonal Harraater..
Kanaaa t ile oelkarn .
Uhiah Vallav J. 100 1M4 1M
IuUnllia Naaavlll.
Mai lean Patrakiaia
I. Ml 14
"'iii ii "
.1v h
4M 11
ne . 4
4.1m) M'k
Miami roesar ...........
Mlaasurl. K. T
Mitimii Paelfta
Kailoaal Hlaralt
National lad
Naawla Coiper .....
Kaar ToTk (Vatral
N. T . M. H. H
Mortal Waatara
fcurtiaern eaetllo ,
r.ctric Vail
Paeltlc Tal. Tat
fuiluaa lalaie Car
Kar aa. Caspar...,
Haimblle Iron (Heal....
Hiuk Wand re
at lot XD
MO l, 1M4 UU4
7iis V4 in
14, as 4t luta
S ;
ife j
Hotk lalaa Ca. pM...
St. U j . F. M el.M
Ikjulhaen PHelflo MV. Uli
Sovtaafa Hallway
Tenaeaase (Vppar .
Taias caaisaar ...
lalaa Paollla ....
tt n
'i'.ioi ix i'i
rnlon racioa via.
ValM 4Haa Sltaat - tM
V S. Btaal BT4..V
flak Osmae 4. Jo
14 .
Waaler Valaa ,
Vvaatlnsaua RlaoteM .. 4 S . dv.
Total aalas tar tba r, ti'LJI akaras.
Bank rertns.
OMAHA. March JO -flank cleartnga for
Omaha today wer U. 744,104. 0 and for the
rorresponilln dap last year li.alj.ilio.i,
Th oleartaiis tor te week, wer 11,4,-
At the First Sign
of Decay
Vha the first ache at mala
tooth trouble, then it la time to
have the cause rxmoved. Come
to via and w will examine your
teeth aiMl tell you exactly what
it will rost to put them ln'firal
clavs condlttuo.
Rheumatism and Indigestion
Are both caused by nealect to
luive your decayed teeth attended
to. Io yoia realls it costs
oarcaly noihtna to have aina'l
ravttlea ftlle.t and tli cost of a
crown aavedT bti and think
what It coats tu rid th system
of Rheumatism , aud btoiuai-h
Money -T me Saved
1 not all think' of your fu
ture sucecaa, health. aBtearatu.
Thee Hire are essential to yo'ir
haoplneea and th happlnr of
t your children.
Honesty built our busin$$
1 f the lar-. practices la .
Nebraska. We toll you on llrst
consultation lust what yot need
and eaaclly what cost of aaioa
will be.
riirnii EXTsVavortoaT
r Ti-raXJ.sso aim.
Tatty Dental Rooms
It IT X4ueXa4 ITUIt.
Fight Between
watched the proa-re t tha mlaafla
through the water and saw that It want
wide of It tarfret No torpedo wa dis
charged nt the lApland, ao far as could
be learned.
Meantime the torpedo boat's runs had
quickened their fire due to a fusillade of
shots. The Lapland'a captain ordered
full speed ahead and the steamer shot
forward. To dodre torpedoes and to af
ford the submarine a poor target, the
Lapland waa aVered at Intervals abruptly
to port and to atarbonrd In a xlK-iag
course. Oolnir. at its highest speed, the
steamer left the combatants behind and
made the safety of the open ocean. Th
Lapland carried 113 paserngers.
N.M.W end for the corresponding week last
year tlN.244.Ula.Ta.
. ,.t
Xew. York Money Market.
NKW YORK. March 30. M K RCA N-T1I-K
PAPKK H per cent.
daye. $4 T7'Jf; for cable, 4-ii; for de
mand, $4 7u:. ,
SILVER liar, W4c; ' Mexican dollars,
BONDS Government, steady; railroad,
Closing quotations on bond today were
as follow:
D S. ret. Is, rag... NMd, Pie. e. (.... 44
, 7opc ,n ........ . T. C. g. :..:
n , rt-t 10I,N. Y. CHr 4a....K4S
4o coupon 1M-4N. T. et Wa....l0(
Paiiawi apoo. . 101 (a No. Pad Mo 4a tl4
Am. Kmeltara 6...14'4 da la 4
A T T. cv. 4a U0. a. I ref. 4a ... HO
Armoor Ce. 4'a.. M . Pae. T. ft T. Ss.... tn
A.i hlaon sen. 4a. . .. Pn eon. 4e H
BhI Olilo 4a..... con. 4Hs lWS
hea. oala 4s... W Haadlns Jan. 4:.
; u. Q. j. 4s.... . U S. r. r. s
O M P 4'a.. Wo. ev. 4a il
go tr. la Kfi do ref. 4a 44
C R. I. F. o. 4a JOH Ap e. a
C. 44 ref. 4H .... Ho. Rail war tm. t
I) As k. u
raf. la..
an imon rax-uiD ....
. Ml a do cv, 4a at
liM V. I Rubber a....ll
Mrla s-n. 4a
lan. Klei-trlc Sa.
nt. No. Ut 4W.
III. IVn. raf. 4a.
K. '. Bo. rat. it
U N. snl. 4s.
Vf K. T. lt 4)
M U. H. Steal aa ni
r.S, Wabash lat as Ku
. Sum Went.
I'ntoa 4aa... pit
, m west.
rise. v. le.. WVi
learlna House Rank Statement.
NKW YORK, March . The statement
of the actual condition of clearing hous
banks and trust companlea shows that
they hold ll'W.n.&Ju reserve In excess of
U'KhI renulremcnts. This la sn Increase
of KMioA.!) over last week. Th state
ment follows:
Actual condition Increase.
Aggregate reserve... aW.873.P-lO
Ixiana. etc tJ.383, 420,000 $U,118,000
Reserve In own
vault (B) SSO.ffl.OOl)
Reserve In federal
reserve bank 116,412,000
Reserve In other de
positaries S4.lS0.nfl0
Net demand deposit 2,29, 166,000
Net time deposit.... KW.3M.0n0
Circulation W.nM.OOO
Excess reserve lSS.oM.fciiO
(B) of which tmsrtt.Ooo la specie.
Summary of state bank and trust com-
iff iGiiopifrf mm Tl
Hold the "Union" accountable for the making of
your home; let it 'equip it 'from basement to attic; place, the re
spons.bility with the "Union," as thousands ot others have done
and know - yhat, true, satisfaction means. The. "Union" is perfectly willing te make
you a' cozy, comfortable home,' equipped with stylish, lasting furniture and rugs, and
will make the payments bo easy for you that you'll want to start housekeeping at once.
Ii am , . is" I i I JI
For tht 'OaionV
Special Steel
Is equipped with upper warm
ing elonet; six S-lo. lid; flr
box with duplex crate for
Lmi burning wood or coal.
Goods Sold Out-of-Town
on Easy Payments.
Freight Paid 200 Miles.
Dress Forms
Etery part is
I da pendently
adjustable t o
your correct fig
ure. It's th
connecting link
between an ex
tenslTe wardrobe
and a email aal
try. Pay for it
u it pay you.
Special price
1.00 Cvsb
50c Weekly
ranles n Orenter New Tork. not In
cluded In clearing house atatcmrnt:
Loans, etc t T-4.
Hpevle 44.l').vn
beKai tender ..i4.Siin
TntnJ vepoaita M,W7.
Bnk cash rcserre In
vault 10,t.w
Trust companies' cash
reserve In vault...... 4J,1(,0
Ue crease.
.endow nttn-U Market.
TyWDON. March . A fair buslnea
was done In the American Section of tho
ttock market today. The mark In were
weil distributed throughout the list and
prices held around rarity. The close was
HILVER Bar. ti& per ounce.
MONEY 1 per cent.
2 per cent; three month, 2qVI per
airnr Market.
NEW YORK, March 20. SUGAR Raw.
firm; centrifugal, .?; molasses, 4.0Rc.
Refined, steady. Rugar future were
eteadier and price were higher today on
scattered buying and covering for over
the week-end. prompted by the firmness
of the spot market The close waa stead v
at 1 to t points net advance. Hales, tllio
tons. March, 91c; May. .c; July. 4.08c;
September. 4.Uc
Liverpool rtratn Market.
Bpot,. No. t Manitoba, Ms Sd; No. 1
hard winter, lis 4Hd.
CORN H pot, American mixed, new Ts
HdjAmerican mixed, old, 6s 2d; March,
Ik Uqjq Piles
Simple Home Remedy Easily Applied
Give Quick SeUef-Mailed Free.
Bampl raekage
of th Famous
Pyramid 11
Remedy Row
Offered Fre to
ProT What It
Pyramid Pile
Remedy (1 vss
qutck rellnf.stnps
Itching, bieedtna-
lng Pile, hemorrhoids nmf all rectal
troublesjln the privacy of your own
home. COo a bog at all druggists. A single
box often cures. Free ssmple fee trud with
booklet mailed free in plain wrapper, U
you send ui coupon below.
tan Pyramid Bldg.. Marshall, Mtch.
-Kindly send me a Free sample of
Pyraaai PlW Remedy. In plain wrapper.
This Ball End Grass
Bed only . . . . . .
You can aslljr ue from tb iUustrevtion that it
is worth considerable, mor. It Is finished In satiu
and hat large ball ends; a new and particularly
handsome design.
Visit Oar
for Men
Mad of selected bard wood,
'American quartered oak. Haa
pedeetal base, and top Is equipped
A f 1 I Hi i4 1 r-l IN Kh r l 1 1 irJt
f r 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 i I ri w 11 1 1 ti If ??:
luiij 1 1 n i i ii n im ivvin
1516-18-20 PAENAM STREET.
ijL 7 fl T T O honn fl-ic.- KoO rA
These Specials
Hold Out ot
Town at Same
Price nnd
These rugs com
in sixe, and are of
ri vuu f.
r - v A
111 .
Vis. ... kJ
Frames are of solid oak and have solid ends of
open panels. Th upholstering Is in black Kabrl
cold Weather, and the davenport opens Into a full
slse bed with but a elngje motion.
VUit Our
for Mra
Special Showing
of the Hew 1915
We ar also show
ing a number of pat
tern of the ORIOLE
styl in folding go
csrts. upholstered In
Fabrieoid leather,
price most reasonable.
and finished in
heavy colonial
with 6-ft. slides.
- LJ . ' . :JJLtJJL,JU - JUL J - X
fern (o) m m srmvmm
a-a4Ia ITOll,
a. TTt. T. T -Jl
In offering you all the new
shapes, shades and styles
that are worth considering,
holding strongly to fit and
wearing quality, we main
this high standard for
every woman who visits
shoe parlors..
$Q50 $iO0
The Famous
Three bellows, continuous suction
takes all the dirt out of the rug
and brush picks up the lint, etc.
In small figures; are 8x12 feet
a desirable wearing quality.
U- i.t-.n
stU J. IJrsXSgrSS, L1 Vm anenasianenaj-
II -. "w I '-' i ' '.ik 1
m . -V f.viwe iv s
1 N
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ii urivea uy ni wu n en nrtner.