TTTE OMAHA SUNDAY BrTK: MATCCH m, WIS. 50 DOORS CLOSE THEMSELVES Oueiti in a Hurry tt the Hotel Ctitle Do Not Hare to Remember on Leaving Room. MiTERENT FROM OTHER DATS What man dos not roTttPmhrr as ona of tha worries of his Juv.ntle carper the continual rail of his pMors to him to clou th door T. my. It HMtnPd that life was on hmj sarins nf rlosln doors, thnt life vai only onp flnrn door nftor another. Ws h lato to mot't Tommy Jones to no flsliln' and wasaiip rushtmc out of the house with his porkrts f, f,f fish hooks and lines and sinkers fund worms ner hapsi, whs he rushlnj? out thus eiulpppl at anjr tlrr In " j ranee of memory when he did not ,rar tlie uinternal voice In solemn and sepulchral, and alaa, per haps threatening accents pronounce those fateful and fatal words, "Johnny, close the door," or, usbi the accusative In stead of the Imperative form, "Johnny, you haven't closed the door." Oh, alas! Oh, what a waste of time. What a bother to stop tho body going at full apeed, at extra full speed such as la only put on when there la prospeot of a day by the "crick" with a fishing rod and perhaps a swim In the oil wtmmln' bole. What a waste of energy to atop the young human engine In full flight, re verse, retrace the steps at snail's paoa, place a proper scowl upon the physi ognomy, grumble something about "that old door" and then got up speed again to the waiting Tommy Jonea. Don't Have to Remember But such was life In the days before men turned their attention to making doors that wouldn't have to be remem bered for closing. It seems soma of these little "Johnnies" grew up with the determination to make taelr life work that of overcoming this defect In doors. And they sucoeeded. Nowadays doors close themselves. That Is, a great many of them do. And when ordinary doors had been thus trained to the good habit of closing themselves, "Johnny" was so pleased with the re sult of his work that he turned his at tention to' other doors. He decided to make elevator doors close themselves. And he succeeded there, too. The Castle hotel Is equipped with these self closing elevator doors. Of course. It Is easy to see that It Is more Important to have an elevator door that will close Itself than an ordinary door that will close itself. If the ordinary door remains open It does no more harm than letting In a cold draught or a couple of hundred file. Hut if an elevator door remains open after tha elevator has gone, someone mlKht step through that door aad ba killed In an Instant. The elevator doors Jt the Castla horel close themselves as aoon as th elevator operator', hand Is taken off of them. They close up tight avid they can net b opened again until the elevator has re turned again to that floor and tha elevator operator's hand la strain planed upon the door to open It. There ta no dnnger of any guest In tha Castle hotel falling down an elevator shaft even If tho elevator man should forget to close the door. "It Is Just another Instance of the watchword of th's hotel," said Manager Trrd Castle. "And that watchword is Safety.' We think of safety here not only first, hut first, last and ail the time In between." Lunch Room and Cafe at Hotel Castle Blue Taxis Ready For the Hotel Guests The Blue Taxi company's taricabs will be on the job at the Castla hotel, ready at any minute of the day or night to convey guests to or from any place with tha traditional "neatness and dis patch" which are two feature for which this company ta famous. A "blue streak" was long ago coined aa a phrase Indicating tremendous speed. An express train, they used to say, "went Hk a blue streak." There must be soma conectton between tha blue streak and the blue taxis, both being noted for speed. The service given by the Blue Taxi oompany baa been commented on for Its perfection and promptness. A blue taxi la the famous "Johnny on tha spot" when and where lta wanted, and the careful drivers and reliable up-to-date car have made for this oompany an enviable rec ord of safety first. The polloy of the Castle la to be Vssfety first," and In tho selection of Its taxlcab company It has added to the sureness ot attaining Its Ideal In this respect. , I - 1 It I "V FT n3( J far.' 'him 3If "1 u - j , - . k , reaohed here today from th Wwt In dies Passengers and offloera of the Parama j assumed, in view of the departure of the two captured vessels, that tney nan neen sold by order of the prlte court, although positive Information was lacking on tills point. Th two steamers, It was said. ere to be taken first to TrinMnd for over hauling The Iorenio ami Tlior nailed ! rolyes of tha Hamburg-American line here, charging conspiracy to defraud the T'nlted States In clearing from this jwrt fMM C T t,..ln !.,... lL.,., I - .( I . 1. I .4 111. by the ortiler which enptured them supplies to he delivered to German war- I The I,orenzo Is one of four vessels 1 ships at sea. j named in un Imltttmriil nnniiv (ounil 1 . In this city against offi.-lnls and cm- j Rnt room Quick with a Pee Want Ad. OF COURSE "The Old Reliable" Will be used ex clusivly at the Hotel Castle Also Motz Boor in Bottlos Captured American Steamship is Sent to Great Britain NEW YORK, March 20. The American steamer Lorenzo and the Norwegian stetuner Tlior, captured last September by a British cruiser In West Indian waters while they were delivering sup plies to the German raider Karlsruhe, pailed March 8 and 6 for England with British crews aboard, according to pas sengers of the steamer Parama, whlrh Wheeler & Welpton Co. RELIABLE INSURANCE ALL KINDS 1511 Dodge Street Phone Douglas 186 Office .Furniture Office System We want every business man and woman in Nebraska to inspect our line. 00 S5 5 -' ""i7T:'J Sim 5 If you want quality in Furniture and latent sys tem for office, you'll find them here. Lithographing. Steel Die Embossing Up-to-Date, High Class Printing Come, let us show how it is done by Omaha's modern, printing, litho graphing and office sup ply house. A Courteous Reception Awaits You WE DO ALL PRINTING FOR HOTEL CASTLE Omaha Printing Company Thirteenth and Farnam Sts. Our New Retail Store 4 A gen: CONTRACTOR c o KRAI uilders of the MO CASTLE Omaha, Nebraska W. We also built in Omaha the following large buildings: FONTENELLE HOTEL SAUNDERS-KENNEDY BLDG. O. W. BLDG. McCRORY BLDG, STATE BANK BLDG. O. G. SELDEN, President. Offices at St. Louis. Missouri DANIEL BRECK, Vico-Pros.. ST. LOUIS St. Louis. Missouri Chicago C. R. VAUGHN, Vico-Pros. Gen. Manager. Omaha. Neb. IXlStFlEL GEO. W. HERTHEL. Soc. f . ... and Tre&s.. St. Louis. Missouri LsOUlSVllle I Beer