Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 21, 1915, HOTEL CASTLE, Page 4-C, Image 26

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    4 C
Westerner to Diipenie the Smokei
ni JTcw to Quest at the
Hotel Cattle. .
Speaking Of th ornament and object
of beauty In th lobby of the Castle, Miss
Clara Frr and Mini Pegy Flaherty pre
side at the cigar stand.
Miss Fry Is the proprietress and li a
young woman of extraordinary buMnesa
scumen. She came here from tha Plslns
hotel, Cheyenne. Wyo., where aha was
owner of the elgar stand. Eh It at 111
owner of that cigar and and will retain
Ha proprietorship whlla devoting moat of
her tlmo to developing the business In
the new field here.
"How did I happen to come here?" said
Mlsa Fry. "Well, Mr. Cattle was an old
friend of my brother-in-law, Uoyd Klco
demus, one of the proprietors of tha
Bsvoy hotel In Cheyenne, and while Mr.
Castle was there during the celebration
of Frontier day, he and my brother-in-law
and I all agreed that this would be
a good addition to my business.
Likes Omaha.
"So. hare I am and although 1 have
only been In Omaha a week t must say
that I have fallen In love with It I
know I ahall be quite happy here.
"I ahall have to go out to Cheyenne
one In a whila to look after my Inter
est there and can also visit ray sister,
Mrs. Nlcodemua."
Miss Fry received her training In tha
art of dispensing cigars, tobacco and
news under the Fred Harrsy eating
house system and news service which
operates on the Santa Ft railroad and In
Its stations and ha an enviable reputa
tion for efficiency and op-to-dnteneas.
.For a time she had charge of the cigar
end newsstand at the fianta Fe etatlon
In Topefca, Kan.
Miss Flaherty, who will he Mies Fry's
assistant, come here from tha Bavoy
hotel. Denver, and It also a finished ar
tist In cigar and news dispensing.
Both the young women expressed great
delight at the beauty of the cigar and
newsstand which Mr. Castle has provided
and which Is one of tha beauty spot ef
tha lobby. .
Besides cigars, tobacco and new there
will be a line of candles on sale, which
will make tha stand attractive to the
feminine guests, also.
One of Omaha's Old'
Established Firms
To Supply Pickles
Vinegar, pickles, olivet, sauerkraut,
ketchup and the like will be supplied to
the new Castle by the Haarmann Vine
gar and rtckle company, 1914 South
Twentieth street.
This la decidedly an Omaha firm, built
up from the bottom by an Omaha pio
neer, O. It Haarmann, and there are
many people now In Omaha who claim to
"remember the time whtn Haarmann had
nly one pickle." Now It la one of the
big concerns of Ita kind. Tha elder
Siearmann was auoceeded In the business
In list by his sons, F. Haarmann, Charles
Haarmann and John Haarmann, who
conduct It at present
Tha concern has seven salting station
In Minnesota, from which It reeelvea a
large part of its supply of pickles and.
Name Castle Hotel
- Quite Impressive
When yon analyse tha two words ''Cst
tl hotel" yaw find quite an Impressive
Castle la Itself suggests medieval lords
and ladles and rulers over tbo people and
leaders In great wars.
"Hotel" cornea from the French and
originally mean! a paler or residency
for lords and great personages. It fre
quently Is used In Franoe to indloat a
private city dwelling or a large town
mansion -and even ocaasaloMlly to Indi
cate an Inn of extraordinary style and
pretensions. The name of the city hall In
French jcltlea la "hotel de vllle" or man
sion of the city.
In Thackeray'a "Keweomee" la a,
passage Indicating this old meaning of
Hie word hotel, that of a city dwelling of
som pretensions:
. "This venerable peMeman. tl Comta
da Florae, had bU chambers looking out
Into tba garden of his hotel The rest of
the hotel he give up to hie sob, the
Vlcomte de Florae and Madame la Prin
cess de Montcontour, his daughter-in-law.",
House of Safety
, Slogan of Castle
Tijt slogan, watchword and talisman of
tha new Castle hotel Is to le "Tha House
Of Safety."
Safety la to be first, seooud, third and
last Safety ia to' be most Important at
all times and at all places within the
aU of the new hostlery.
a says Manager Fred Caatls, and he
t iik at gseater satisfaction la this feature
of his bU hotel than In any of Ita other
attractive; features.
The absolutely rireproof quality of the
building la. perhaps, the biggest evidence
of this safety first Ideal. But there or
alee many others, auoh, for Instance as
the solf-cloalng elevstor doors.
"The pub? will soon find the Castle
1 right In tfie very lead with all the
comforts and luxuries of total accommo
dation," Sold Mr. Castle, "but back of
these comforts and above (ham aad be
yond them 1 the safety element which
ere making the most important of
Eich and Beautiful
Are Carpets for the
New Castle Hotel
Delightful to the foot aa well aa te the
eye are the floor coverings of the Castls
hotel. Deep, thick carpets and ruga of
especially pleasing colors and designs
are found everywhere!
Beautiful Hartford Axmlnster oarpets
cover the floors of rooms and halls. la
the rooms the carpets cover tha entire
floors, close up to tba walla, while In the
halls an elghteen-tnch margin la left be
tween the wall and tha edge of the car
pet on each side. The prevailing colors
In tha carpets In the bedrooms are brown
and a bronse green.
In the h alia there la an especially at
tractive floor covering, being a copy of
the original Oahak Turkish ruga, la whlan
tha color motif to a bright red with navy
In the women's rooms and tha lobby
there will be a plenitude of Saxony rugs
In which the blue and red colore pre
dominate These rugs will be laid aftet
all other work Is dona and just before the
opening, which Is scheduled for Satur
day, March 20.
Quaker lace curtains are hung at all
windows. They are of extraordinary
duality, being made of tha highest qual
ity of Egyptian yarns, and tha best Ger
man dyes are uzed on those that are ot
One of the Castle's Single Bed Rooms
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Sample Bath Boom at the Castle
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Anderaoa Croa., who did the plastering
of the Castle hotel, have done similar
work on some of the most prominent
bul'.dlnat In Omaha, the most recent of
which was the Fontenelie hotel. This oon
cm has been In business here conUnu
ously for twenty-seven yeara. Following
are some of the buildings they hava plas
tered! rt. Jpsrph's hoapital. i
I ':rat ) cnrU ilan tiurch.
I!nj.fiw hotel. )
1in.n l National bank. '
Krt,t thie.
raui r era-Kennedy building. .,
1 be J intirun buiiiMna.
Y f, c. A. building
V'lM) &lcmurla.l tioni'tial.
ifimn t u'j.oran ciiurch
)i;il Jyal. v i
lo ek, ri tenlle.
Klto Lvik. ,f' -
Attir1ci theAf.. 1 '
'J lie kaoiue apartmtnta. '
Fauenger LifU of Latett Type and
Poiseiied of STarrelout
The elevators of the Castle hotel are
of the same type as those In suoh build
ings as tha Singer building, "New York
City, and the Metropolitan Ufa Insurance
building. New York City.
Tha passenger elevator at tha Castle
has a speed of 175 feet per minute, being
the fsstest passenger elevator In the city,
with the exoeptlon of those In tha Fonte
nelie hotel.
It la operated by eleetrtrlty, haa auto
matic, aelf-closlng doors, automatlo an
nunciators at each floor and steel guldea.
The motor which lifts and lowers the
cage Is located at the top of the shaft
Instead of In the cellar, aa wat the cus
tom in the eld types af elevators. -
Tha elevator Is said to embody tha
greatest slmplUUty of construction with
riaxtmum economy and tha highest poa
slbls degree of safety. They "ride" easily
and smoothly, at tha same time Impress
ing one with a feeling of perfect solidity
and security.
Direct Drtre.
This elevator Is run by tha direct drive
e-nd u Intermediate gearing between the
motor and the driving member la elimi
nated. Tha use of a alow speed motor,
together with a carefully designed con
troller, givee starting, accelerating, re
tarding and stopping effects unequalled
by hydraulic elevators.
The driving cablea front one aad of
which the car Is supported and from the
other end of hlch the counterweights
are hung, paas partly around tha traotkm
driving sheath, then around aa "Idler
Dd agala around the driving sheath,
thereby forming a complete loop around
these two sheaves.
Tha controller la so designed In
Uon with the motor that the Initial retard
ing of tha car In bringing It to atop la
Independent of tha jraka, the latter being
used to bring the car to a final positive
tlop and; hold It at tendings.
Ceveraed ty Eleeirlelty.
The motor la also governed la auoh a
nay electrically as te prevent Its attain
ing any excessive speed with the car, aa
matter what the load may be. la view
of the high speed at which tha car runs
the automatlo retarding of Its spaed to
Important, at la als tha automatlo floaj
.topping of the car at tha upper and
luaer ends of tha elevator shaft. This
automatlo stopping Is seoured by the In
stallation In the elevator hatchway af
two groups of switches located reapee
t'tely at the top and bottom of the shaft,
each switch In tha series being opened
eoa after another aa tha car paasea, re
sulting l a reduction, of speed until the
cpenlng of the final switch brings tha
car to a positive stop, applying the brskes.
Other safety devices on the car Include
speed governors, wedge clamp safety de
vices for gripping the rails in case the
ar attaint excessive speed, and f4tn
tlal switches.
Economy of space la another feats 'ef
the elevator, tha placing of- tha motor
at the top of the shaft, where the apace
1 worth nothing, rather than In the cel
lar, where It la valuable, being only on
of Its epaee economies.
The Castle baggage and freight elevator
is of almllar construction, but slower,
having a speed ef 100 feet per minute.
There are numerous ash lifts, baggage
lift and dumb waiter that are operated
by hand power.
Latest Designs of
Light Fixtures All
Over New Hotel
Exceptionally beautiful aad In good
taste are the eieotrlo light fixtures which
wera supplied by tha Burgess-Oranden
In that main lobby are flva chandelier
with light pendant from chain, seven
lights to each chandelier. These are In
old gold and bronse effects. All tha bulbs
are or tne siexda type and illuminate tha
lobby with a brilliance that to at the
tarn tint pleasing and restful to tha
eye. Thar to nowhere any glare and over
tne wnoie big pao to a soft, restful
light i
The tight la tha cafe are almllar to
the In type but tha ehaadelter are
further elaborated with prism glaea. The
old gbtd part of the chandeliers here to
heavily embossed with representations of
fruits of various kind. In addition there
are light coming out of the walla apd
then hanging down on over each table.
Theee are also ef a rich, old gold effect
The bedrooms af the Caatle hotel are
plentifully aupplled with light, far In eg
oee of tha light found la most hotel
Hera all the bulb Masda's too and
even tha smallest rooms hava three lights,
one In the center of the celling wrtch to
switched on by mean of a buttoei at the
door: another near .tha dyeeser and a
third at tha head of the bed so that
guest can enjoy tha luxury ef reading- la
Tha celling light I coyored with a
freeted glaaa glob to diffuse and soften
tha light.
In tha hell light are placed at Inter
val la the celling.
The Omaha crockery company supplied
the crockery and china to the Castle hotel.
By recuse china was also supplied by this
firm ta the Fontenelie and It la u(plyiiig
ths tame to the CesUe.
Well chosen shape and decoration
make Syracus clilaa of o specially pleas
ing character. Its pattern are also de
lightfully likeable aad exclusive, it la
said to hava quelittea which, mak It "a
yy forever," the eye neve txrtnf af H.
"Syraona china haa mora than the
usual flat quail Uee of atari r&tty good
chiaaware.M aald a member of the firm.
"Though fine grained and high luatered
It ta remarkably tough. It will prove the
superior-durability of this hard, tough
china body, vttnfled all through."
"Anneuncemeata" ada bring good re-suite
Castle Hotel to Hare Outside En
trance to Cater to the Gen
eral Public.
X novel dlnlnc room Idaa. wilt ha rait
la operation at, the Castle hotel.
This dining room will not be a plac
shut up within tha hotel and concealed,
a It Were, from tha nutalita nuhlln Th.t
ha been tha hotel Idea of a dining- room
to long. . .
Why Should tha BroortatA of & nuvi.a-
ate priced hotel confine tha possible
patron or dm dining room to tha people
who have room at hi hotel?
Why ahould ha not make a hid tnr
patronage from the Outside a well? Es
pecially, aa this can be done without ad
ditional expense, except that which may
he kavolved In constructing a street entrance
Thl type of dining room la nrovided
the Castle. It haa an entrance from tha
lobby of the hotel. But It ha' also an
entrance from tha street and from tha
tract It look Just like any other res
taurant and lunch counter.
"And what la the whynasa of this thus
near Manager Castle was asked.
"Just this," was his reply, "tha fact
that at least 76 per oent of your guests
will walk out of the front door and go
to some popular Priced restaurant for
their meaj unless there to some attrac
tion to keep them at your hotel to do
their eating.
"Tba solution to this problem to very
simple. Just have a popular prtcad. a la
carte restaurant In connection with your
hotel. That keeps them at home. They
Can eat when they please and pay Just
aa much, or aa little aa they please and
pay aa they go and know lust what it'a
costing them.
"Manager Richard ef tha IJnanln v.,-i
In Uooola turned a deficit Into a yearly
profit of IS, W9 just by thla very means.
We"ra going to have a profit here, be
cause w are going to furnish rood food
at popular prices. The waitresses will be
wnoreo. Thera win be a lunch counter
and a number of tables, the latter with
opalescent glaaa top ana all the arrange
ments will be moat up to data and strictly
The same a oh erne to beln follows -ts
regard ta th bar. Thla to located la the
storeroom south from tha restaurant. A
small door leada dlrectl v from tha r-
taurant Into th bar.
la th latter place J. Jarvta and T. B.
Potter preside among the bottlea and da
canter and glaseaa behind the mahogany
bar. Here. too. all tha atDolntmt -
of tha lateat
ragaaeJoaa Goat Vpeete aalleaasa
aad Drive Crew4 Owt (
A largo goat of the type euphemistically
known aa William was taken into custody
by Policeman Fallon of the Last liMth
street station. New Tork City, who pre
ferred charge of disorderly conduct dis
turbing the peace and resitting arrest
ralloa was ataadlng In tha middle of
First avenue, near Ninety-eighth street
when the goat slipped up from the rear
and made an unprovoked attack on him,
unsettling him completely. The goat
then charged on Into the Harlem market
overturning peddlers' carts and driving
people out of that, flourishing mart In a
headlong dash for cover.
Fallon pursued undauntedly, oo roe red
the goat at Second avenue and 100th
street and got a rope around hi horns
but th goat contumaciously refused to
aocompany him. and Policeman Oowan
had to be summoned to aealat In the re
moval of th prisoner to th station. Lisa-
tenant Shavlln ordered the goat taken to
the pound at Twenty-fourth street and
Aivenut A. New Tork Bun. .
The choice of exacting smokers at
the Hotel Castle Cigar Stand will be
(Clear Havana)
(Mild Havana Blend)
(Seed and Havana)
Harle Haas Drug Co.
.Council Bluffs, Iowa..
The Leading Cigars
at the Castle Hotel Cigar Stand will be:
Flor De Lovera
. An all Havana cigar manufactured
in bond.
A new cigar whoso wonderful flavor
is the talk of Omaha.
Hotel Castle Cigar Stand
High Grade Cigars
Newspapers and Periodicals
Candies and Novelties
Plains Hotel MISS CLARA FRY Hotel Castle
Cheyenne, Wyo. Proprietrtu Cigar Stand Omaha, Neb,