Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 20, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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ll mrks
aha Daily
VOL. XLIV-NO. 236.
Oa Trains and at
Kotsl Ksws Steads.
11 11
Consolidation 'Measure Providing
for Vote of People in Corpora
tions Affected ) Goes
Through, 72 to 25.
.At Close of Roll Call it Stood 54 to
42 and Rush Began to Get
on Winning Side.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., March 19. (Spe
cial Telegram.) The house this
morning passed the Omaha annexa
tion bill, as amended by the commit
tee of the wfiole, by a vote of 72 to
25. At the end of the Mil call the
vote stood 64 to 42, and members
began to change their votes. Among
these were Barrett, Reisner, Taylor,
Anderson of Boyd, Cronln, Fuller,
Nuztman, Klrae, Harris, Stearns and
The mMfliira s-nes in the senatA for
action on the amendments made by
the house. The amendment ordered
ny the house yesterday afternoon
provides that the consolidation must
he approved by a majority of the vot
ers affected at a special election to
be called by the governor not earlier
than one month or later than two
months from date he signs it.
May rmtpone City Election.
In order that the' annexed territory
may get In on the selection of officer
for the greater city, it is understood that
the election which was -to have ' taken
place in Omaha this spring will be post
poned to enable the annexed territory to
participate. ' '
Charlie Bryan's Hand Visible.
The introduction of the amendment Is
the result, so it Is said, of Charlie Bryan
. and State Chairman Thompson of the
democratic state commlttetuking a hand
In thp matter. . Forcible annexation, It
was asserted, was against .the Bryantetlc
prlncipWof "letting the. people rule." and
as a consequence the Influence of the two
was brought to bear to bring about the
..securing of a chance, to' let the. people
vote In order to save the democratic
party from going back on one of Its
planks built more to get In on than to
stand on after getting In. . ' v
As a result of this attempt to -carry out
a so-called domocratlc principle, the peo
ple of Omaha will have to go totho ex
pense of an election, fight among them
selves for a couple of months, stir up
hard feelings and continue the fight
which has been going on for the - IhbI
month, when It was a foregone conclu
sion that the bill could have been passed
In its original form and the people spared
the expense of the special election.'
Following Is the amendment:
Amend section 1 by striking out all of
said section alter the word "city" in lino
10, and inserting tn lieu thereof the fol
lowing.: "Then It shall be the duty of
the governor of the state to caU and pro
claim a special election to be held tn
such metropolitan city and such adjoin
ing cities or villages, simultaneously, at
which election there shall be submitted
to the electors of such metropolitan city
and such adjoining cities or villages the
question of the consolidation of such ad
joining cities or villages with the metro
politan city.' Such question shall be sub
mitted in substantially the onllowing
lorm. fo-wlt: Shall the city of . be
consolidated with the metropolitan city
of -p, or, as the case may be, shall the
village of be consolidated with the
metropolitan city of , or In case the
proportion embraces the consolidation, at
the sanjih time, 6f more than one such al
Jnlning city or village, then the question
shall be: Shall the cities and villages of
be consolidated with the metropoli
tan city of ; the ballot providing. In
the usual manner, for a "yea" and "no"
vote on the question. Such call or procla
mation shall be filed by the governor
(Continued on Page Two, Column Two,)
The .Weather
Forecast till 7 p. m. Saturday:
For Omaha. Council Bluffs and Vicinity
-fair; collier. .
Ten pr rat are
O ma
5 a. m.
6 a. m.
7 am.
8 a.' in.
a. m.
10 a. m.
11 . m.
It m. ..
1 n. m.
1 p. m.
4 p. m.
6 u. ni.
( p. in.
7 p. m.
Loral Record.'
3915. 1!14. 1913. 1M2.
... 2 21 M 45
... :l is u y
.... I'fl :fi 3m
iii ,oi t
prec ipitation, depar
Highest yecterday.
lxiweit yesteiJay..
.Mean temperature..
Temperature and
tures from the normul
Normal temperature ; $,
lef'ciency fur the dav .....13
Deficiency since March 1 li
Normal preci itatkn 04 inch
De.ltiency for the day 02 inch
Total r. tiila.ll since March l..lMi inches
BKcesa since March 1 H inch
lflclenT for cor. period, 1914.. .6 Much
tixcesa for cor. period, h13 1.66 Inches
Reports frees Stations at T P. M.
Station snd State Temp. High- Rain.
oi vMnir.
' Cheyenne, clear 20
'Davenport, cloudy SJ
Ienver. cleat...! ;.i
Den Moln. s. cloudy :H)
IjarnH'r snowins Si
North Platte, part cloudy. 24
Omaha, cloudy .4
futblo. cleur
Rapid City, i icar .'8
Salt Lk City. Wtr 4S
Saota Ka,
Sheridan, part cloudy i
' Sioux City, snowing 24
Valentine, dear at
t fall
24 A)
.ii T
:! i .q
s: .as
M .:;
Is" .10
4 .
Xti .21
32 .1
24 .(Hi
T Indicates trace oi precipitation.
U A. WELSU. Local Forecaster,.
Launching of the United
Pennsylvania, photographed
the bottle of champagne ov
: y XI; "...
hull . , . . t f I -
S'lT A v I
L . 'jwiih m sum i m man i imw ii i --iii t "i t T T'-irr-i ,
&t )'.a.iySfL:ut KiamH!ii'.-r..r.vtOv--i ,rrr, v: jWpj iA' - MW .uia-m"VWe ufb V -
PjM0SMMWWimi Usui hhiiim x &i irxshi mn ijt s St" . -wi - -nt& t'm&mtxmmmtlRtltfUt
' i 1 1 1 1 11 ' m T r
Water Board Managers Consent; to
Change in Order to Save the
LINCOLN, March 19. (Special.)
Evidently becoming alarmed over the
prospects of his water board electric
lighting bin going through, It."B.
Howell today prepared an amend
ment, which provides for the ap
praisal of the plant of the Omaha
Electric .Light ; fc . .Power com
pany. This was adopted with few
dissenting votes and the bill was
recommended for passage as
amended. .
No roll call was had, the members
simply voting viva voce.
Under the amendment the same
proposition now confronts the , peo
ple of Omaha as in the case of the
creation of . the water board.
What Amendment Provides.
The amendment provides that before
the water diHtrlct can submit bonds for
the construction of .an electric light plant,
three appraisers shalk be' selected, one
by the water district, one by the owners
of the Omaha Electric plant and they
select the third, who thail appraise the
plant, and then an election shall becallod
to vote bonds for purchase of plant In
amount In appraisement. If the owner
of the plant falls to nctcpt tho appraise
ment or starts suit, thentho provisions
of the original bill n'liail be in effect.
Water Board l.oltl Ilu .
Debate over the bill as started Inttlie
house this forenoon. Members of .the
water board's lobby and thsir political
allies ere busy In the background, while
their lieutenants on the floor boosted for
th bill. ,..-.
Mr. Palmer, 'the chief sponsor of the
water board measure admitted that he
had received twenty-nine telcgramB from
Omaha men opposing 8. F, 8, but he
r.imA flint thftv all came from mn
who are interested In public service corf
porations. -110 oeiuen inai any pontic .
Is mixed up with the attempt of K. IS. ,
Howell's water board to extend Its
ictivitu-3 Into the electric lighting field.!
At tho same time Palmer was . making
this statement. Howell himself was Iran- .southwest is i-mlkcly this year and that
Ing over the gate. City Attorney Rlue of j rsiflcatkin of crops U nearly impos
Omaha, was busily conversing with Doug-, because of reslrucins In ths ten-
lus county roenibers and C. R. tiherman,
another member of the water board was
occupying a seat with the Douglas dele
gation, while ex-GovcmorjC. H. Aldrlcji,
one of Howell's close political associates,
was sitting In the chamber.
Amendments Proposed.
Mr. Palmer sent up some amendments
to the bill providing that the water board
might nf-gotiate through appraisers for
the pun base of privately owned llgfiilHS
plunt at Oinaha subjects to a popular
tote. led Mr. ' Hoifmelster ' to -mark
that Pslmer muat have tat u,j ell
night getting acquainted with the bill as
the la Iter had told him only yesterday
morning that he had never read S. F. ,
and did not know Its provisions. Hoff-
(Continued on Page Two, Column Three.)
0 ass Kolb broke
.V lUiOJUU QilliX JJ1UUU. V-.; ...
Scenes Enacted a,t r
V . .V .v . . l f.
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind Msnrh',l.-Yto
lent and . bloody; scenes .were witnessed. in
Precinct 6 of thVfllx'th. ward on' election
day, according- to testimony In the Terre
Haute' election fraud cases today by Rev,
I. B. Harper, pan tor of the First -Methodist
church In Terre , Haute. , Dr. Harper
(aid he himself had .been arrested' and
hla life threatened when he went to the
aid of I WJlllam , Horsley, : the republican
candidate for prosecutor, who had been
attacked by a number of persons when
into the voting- place. He also said that'
the women at the plls were; Insulted.
Mrs. Mary Bailey, Mrs. F. Bernard
Clogftton and Miss Emma B. Moore, who
were watchers .at. the , polls, i told.. pf al
leged insultg in Precinct B of the 'Sixth
ward, which Is in the red' light! district.
These women said they were told by dem
ocratic election officials v. and workers
that they would "have to wear wrappers
and register like the other women in the
district" it they Wanted to' remain.' Mrs.
Clogston .. said. .Earl .De. Mint, election
sheriff, who. has pleaded jrullty. nut his'
liand on her shoulders "In a fatherly
manner." When she objected," she testi
fied, ha said
"If I can't put my hands on yuu wxunen !
you will have to take a ride to Jail."
Madden and Cook .
Get Ten Months Each
NEW YORK, March 19. Rlohard Mad
den and Gustave Cook, who were found
guilty yesterday of - conspiracy against
tho.Vnlted Slates, In aiding Richard P.
Stealer, a jermu)i naval reservist, to ob
tain a false American Passport, were tn.
day 'sentenced" to' ten month's "each In the
New York county penitentiary. !
Stegler waa then arraigned ail pleaded
guilty, fie was sentenced to sixty days
Imprisonmeot. In pleading for' a : light
sentence 'for hla' client Stealer's counsel
said "the arch conspirator In this matter
pi a representative In this country of the
German government and Is therefore Im
mune from arrest." . ....
DALLAS, Tex.. Morth Testimony
that reduction of coi to, i acreage In the;
syneju. v as given .today at the land
hearlng by tho federal c mmUsion on In
dustrial lelationa. The commission also
took testimony of the existence and ef
fects of so aiieged socialistic movement
among farm tenants. Investigation of
so-cayed corporation farming was ex
pected to come up late today.
t BANGOR, Ms.; March 19 Werner
Horn, charged with lltegsl Interstate
transportation of explosives, a as today
held for appearance In tho federal dis
trict court In Boston. He wss remanded
to Jail In Portland, pending his removal
to Bo too.
Admiralty Announce that Two
'British Battleships and One
French Man o' War Sunk
in Dardanelles.
Another Gallic "Naval Vessel in
Straits 'Put Out of Action by
Turkish Foes.
LONDON. March 19. The British I
admlrsltr announces that the Brit
Jsh battlcphlps Irresistible and Ocean
have been sunk.
The admiralty announces that the
French battleship Bouvet also was
blown up by a mine In the Dar
danelles and sunk and that virtually
Us entire crew was lost.
The admiralty statement odds h it
the battleships Queen and Implaca
ble have been dispatched from tiug-j
land to replace the lost British shjps.
The Ocean struck' a drifting mine
and the admiralty believes the Irre
sistible probably met with a like dis
aster. I is announced the operations
against the Dardanelles are continu
ing, i
Statement Concerning Losses.
The admiralty statement says the Brit
ish losses among the personnel of the
Ships were not heavy considering the
scale of the operations.
The British battle cruiser Inflexible had
It forward control hit by a heavy shell
and will need repairs.
The In? elaUblo left the battle line, list
ing heavily, according to tho report.
. Vice Admiral Saikville Hamilton Car
den, who is 111, has been succeeded In
command at the Dardanelles by Rear Ad
miral John M. pe nobeck.
Both the battleships . Irrealstlble and
Ocean recently , have been engaged In
the operations against the Dardanelles.
A'BcrJtn-dirvatrh'otrrlday" said tho
Irresistible . had been put eut el action
!,noiiByr damaged tn mi iiKnuni in w.
- Report' of' Tories. ,'.
Berlin and JVIrcle to London, March IS.)
An official statement saya a squadron
of six British and four French battle
nil Ips at 7:30. o'clock yesterday morning
attacked three fortresses of the Dardan
elles. At the same tlmo another squadron
of the allied fleets commenced operations
against three fortresses In Saroo bay.
After a fierce artillery duel the hostile
ships withdrew at 2 o'clock in the after
noon, but part of the squadron continued
Its fire, until-5 o'clock at long range and
at great Intervals. The French battleship
Bouvet struck a mine at 2:30 In the vicin
ity of the entrance to the straits ana
sank In three minutes.
A BTltlsh torpedo boat was sunk by the
fire from the forts. The British battle
ship Irresistible was put out of action,
while' another, battleship was seriously
damaged.. (
Statement from Paris,
PARIS, March 19. The French ministry
of marine tonight gave out the following
"The French battleship Bouvet has been
sunk during the operations In the Dar
danelles by the explosion of a mine. ..
"The battleship Gaulois wss damaged
and put out of action.
"Two British battleships were sunk by
mines. ,
"Part Of tho crew of the Bouvet Is be
likved to have been saved."
. Telia of Allies' Loss. ,
, BERLIN, March W.-(By Wireless to
Hayvllle, L. I.) The Oversea News
Agency today gave out the following Hem
regarding the operations in ths Dar
danelles: "
'Turkish headquarters reports that an
enemy destroyer' has been sunk in ths
Dardanelles and that one British battle
ship has been disabled and another dam
aged. The.M Ills agency ot Constantinople
reports that two British battleships of
the types of the Irreststablo and Africa,
which had lreudy been damaged, wore
sunk last night by the fire of the Turkish
Batteries, a Turxisn aviator has ascer
tained that one battleship ot the Corn
wall lis type has been towed by-sversl
ships to the Island of Tsnedos.'
Mrs. Helen Angle
Found Not Guilty
BRIDGEPORT. Conn.. March 19.-Mrs.
HelenTAngie was found not guilty of maa-
; slaughter by a Jury tn the sujxrlor court
,M" 't""Xn
, In Sunday' Dec
Von Hindenburg
Latest photograph of
Germany' great mili
tary hero taken with
members of hit staff at
his headquarters in
Poland, where he has
won so many important
victories over the Rus-
.The Sunday Dee
Best of All
James Hamilton Lewis Draws Dark
View of Future for the United States
.IKFV'F.HxON CITY. Mo., March 19.
Warning that the 1'nltcj States must
now decide on a definite foreign polloy
as given by Senator James Hamilton
Lewis oi' Illinois who addressed the Mis
souri Irclslaturc today.
Senator Lcwlr said the Tutted States
rhoiild (leclile whether it would retain
the Philippines and maintain two large
fleets to resist agsression on the part of
forelKii powers, or the I'tttted Mutes must
decide to leave the Philippines and re
turn to the trnditlonal policy of Isola
tion. , t
"Should the United States find It neces
sary to makij a protest against Japan
forcibly arizing Chlnn. Japan would prob
ably ar-k its present alliesEngland.
France and Russia to supiwrt It against
tho United States," said Senator Iwia
"Then America would be confronted with
a remarkable situation. Should Japan
be forced to vent .the grievance of Its
pole by war. It would telso the Phil-
Ipplnes and then would seine Hawaii as
Steamer Bluejacket, Loaded With
Wheat, Attacked by Submarine
Off Bcachy Head.
I 1111
LONDON, March 19. The British
steamer Bluejacket, with wheat from
Liverpool, has been torpedoed by a
German submarine off Beachy Head.
The crew took the boats.' The
steamer, although badly damaged,
remained afloat.
Hyndford Sinks in Channel.
GLASGOW, Scotland, March 19.
(Via London) The British steamer
Hyndford was torpedoed today in the
English channel by a German subma
rine. It Is reported that one mem
ber of the crew was killed.
.The steamer Hydford was of 2,776' tons
net burden, it was 376 feet long and waa
hull a t tknrf n MaruM' 1 (VY. Ae-- 1
built at Fort Ulasgow in 19"5. 'was
owned by the Scottish Ship Owners' com-
pany of Glasgow.
The Bluejacket was of 1.271 tons. It was
336 feet long arid was owned by G. HaJlett
of Cardiff. It was built at Sunderland In
Beachy Head is a promontory on the
south eosst of England, projecting into
the English channel, about twenty miles
east of Brighton. .
Big Farms Cause
Economic Changes
Among. Tenants
DALLAS, Tex.. March IS, lOoonomlo
changes In farming due to the- entry of
large , companies Into agriculture on
farms of thousands of acres, conditions
among Mexican farm laborers and com
pletion of testimony about tenant farm
ing on the Padgltt ranch In Central West
Texas, were on the program for today's
hearing of the American land question
here. The federal Commission on Indus
trial rotations, conducting the hearings
expected to secure Information regarding
big farm 'conditions mainly, through
change'of operations In the Taft ranch to
soutnwest Texas. These great farms are
said to have developed new methods of and efficiency, which in turn
have produced now , rural social condi
tions. V
C. A, Rives of Ryan, Okl., former su
perintendent of the Padgltt ranch, testi
fied that In 112 so-called socialists in
Coleman county and anti-soiiallsts caused
so much agitation that he had refused
to permit the Psflgltt ranch tenants
woo called themselves socialists to renew
tbelr leases In IMS. These tenants, num
bering four families thereupon moved.
Mr. Hives said:
"The confusion was so great that the
antl-soclallst tenants on the Padgltt farm
said they could not stay on the place If
ths socialists were permitted to remain."
"There were about twenty families on
ths ranch," Mr. Rives sad. "The agita
tion was not confined to the ranch, but
was general in Coleman county."
W. T. Davis, a Coleman oounty farmer,
said he believes land) owners in selecting
tenants desire to "get a man with plenty
of force (children) and a mule and push
them down th road."
Five Off icers of v
Gordon Highlanders
Are Killed in Action
LONDON. March 19 Owing to ths
anxiety felt in Scotland regarding the
Sixth battalion of Gordon Highlanders,
Joseph N. Sutherland, member, of Par
llumunt, made inquiries of the govern
ment, whereupon thn under secretary of
tho war department replied that be
greatly rcgreltul to stuto that Colonel
Mac Lean and four other officers had been
killed and several wounded.
A dispatch to the Times gives a list of
twenty-five British officers killed, whose
names had not appeared In the 'official
lists, mailing a total of 33)1 officers killed
or wounded In ths recent fightlifg.
BOONE, la., Mar'-h 19 (Special, Tele
gram.) -Clan-nre riiulth, a young man
from Iluntsville, Nub., arrested last night
chsrged with forgery, pleaded guilty and
was given fifteen years In state prison
at hard labor. This morning in county
Jail hs found a hot tin of disinfectant and
drank it. II is bsllcved hs will die.
the base from which to Intercept our
fleet on Its way to recover the Philip
pines, Then rtuaslu. the ally of Japan,
would seise Northern Alaska.
"This would divide our army ami navy.
Kngland because of Its alliance with
Japan, could render no aid to the United
States In Canada or Alaska nor would
it dare to do so In view of Kugllsh pon.
sessions and HnKltsh cltliens In Japan
and China.
"Central 'Amertra, which hns a griev
ance against us because of the claim that
we forcibly took Panama, might lend It
self to aid our foes by destroying the
Panama canal to prevent 'our fleetin the
Atlantic and Taclflo from Joining.' ,
"It la plain that the United States has
but ono of two courses. - Either we must
come from the Philippine1 and remove
any governmental Interest from the far
east, or wo must maintain an Atlantic
fleet large enough to cope with combined
Europe, and a Pacific fleet large enough
to combat the ooiffwned Orient."
Commissioner Tells Lawyer Stock
men's Lawyer Not to Make a
Nuisance of Himself,
CHICAGO, March 19. Clifford
Thome, chairman of the Iowa Rail
road commission at the hearing of
the Western railroad ' freight rate
case before Interstate Commerce
Commissioner W. M. Daniels, charged
that the railroads were withholding
certain witnesses so they could not
be cross-examined by counsel for the
S. II. Cowan, Fort Worth, Tex., had ap
peared on behalf of the shippers In op
position to the railroads' proposed In
crease of 2 cents a hundred pounds en
live stock. He announced he had to leave
the oity and wanted' the railroad wit
nesses op live stocK put on xor cross.
examination. The question of advanced
. . . . i ... Jk Va.awam
rates on cotton piece goods, however,
have lVen scheduled for today.
"It must be evident to the' commission
that the carriers objected to putting in
some of their live stock witnesses at a
time-when Mr. Cowan could bo present
to cross-examine them," said Mr. Thorns,
Mr. Cowan attempted to speak, but he
was Interrupted by Commissioners Pan
tela, who said
,"I.want you to bear In mind the cour
tesies due this commission and those tn
attendance in this hearing. You have no
charter to make yourself a ' universal
nuisance" I
Mr. Tborne, Mr. Cowan and otfiers left
the room. The hearing then proceeded
on tho proposed freight rate Increases on
cotton piece gcxids. ,
B. It, Johnson, assistant freight traffic
managerof the Chicago, Rock Island A
Paclflo railroad, testified that the present
rate an cotton piece goods was abnor
mally low. Tho proposed Increase, he
said, would average six-tenths of one cent
for three-mllo hauls on a shipment
valued st tl. In detsU he testified ths In
creases will be:
"First, an advance of 8 rents a hundred
pounds uniformly from such ' points ss
Chicago,, fft. Louis and Minneapolis tj
western trunk line territory, Kansas
snd Nebraska; secondly, an advance of 6
centa from Texaa producing points on the
Missouri river and points west thereof:
10 cents to points esst of the Missouri and
west of a Indiana-Illinois line; 20
cents to territory east of Chicago, and 10
cents to the seaboard by way of ' the
Runs Amuck With
Pistol in Theater;
Dancer is Killed
BAN FRANCISCO, CaJ., March 1.-An
Algerian dancer, known as the "Princess
Eurkalt," a member of a ballet tn a Rus
sian amusement concession at the Fan
a ma Pacific exposition, waa shot and In
stantly killed last night by her brother,
Isaac Lixrakl. Iiisrakl then began firing
Indiscriminately at the entertainers on
the stage snd Into the audience, causing
a punlc.
The '"MtirV theater In which the shoot
ing occurred was crowded whsn Lisrskl
rushed in. brandishing a pistol. He began
firing at once and his sister pitched for
ward with a bullet through ths heart.
One of the male entertainers on ths
stsge wss snot In the arm.
The spectatora made a rush tor ths
doors. None of them was Injured. Lizraki
bad fired a half dosen shots before' a
group of soldiers from the Presidio mili
tary reservation seised and disarmed him.
He was arrested and taken to the police
station. No reason for ths shooting was
Wireless Apparatus
Weighs Eight Pounds
NEW YORK. March U.-A wireless
teleTsph Instrument, weighing eight
pounds, that can be carried in a hand
satchel and operated from an automobile,
was tested by officers 6f ths United
States signal corps on Bedloe's island
yesterssy. Ths Instrument was connected
with the antennea of the wireless station
on the tslsnd and sent a message which
was received at Fort Hancock 'twenty
one miles awey. It la claimed that the
Instrument can send messages 1,000 feet
or more without sntannea and It would
b. valuable in trvnoh warfare. The ex
treme radius of its operation is said to
be miles. M. U. Dllley. master signal
electrician, who observed the test, said
that the wireless machine could be oper
ated wiih electricity from an automobile
Rftid Into East Prussia and Thrusts
Into Belgium Make it Impossible
for Germans to Shift
Their Armies.
Tactics of Attempting Crushing
Blows . Alternately on Each
Front Are Ended.
The Day's War News
Rt SSIAX INVASION of Germany np
parently has led to the occupation '
of Merael, an Important - Battle
port at the northern-tip of East -Prassla.
The. German official re
port nf today Indicates that Hes
sian forces have entered the city;
PRTROGHAD believes that ' Field
Marshal Von Illndenhnrsj .has di"- '
elded to laoneh a new nttaok on ;
Wnrsnw , from the west. '
Rt'MI AK ABMY. which Is Invadlne -
Turkish Armenia Is. said to have ,
won another victory, raptnrtasr a
Tnrklah base on tho Black. !ra
ear the Rasstan border. , , , .
TWO MOnn British steamers have
been destroyed by Germany's sub
marines. They wera torpedoed in
the English channel.
TURKISH War department an. '
nonnoed today that the French'
battleship Bouvet had been struck
durlnsjr the bombardment of the -Dardanelles.
The statement tndl- '
, nates that the Turkish fleet, whose '
location .has been unknown for '
some time, asmln Is engaffed
actively In the Black Sea. ' . v
AUSTRIAN statement "nays If ' It '
, asrrees tn make territorial stonees-
alons sufficient to satisfy .Italy, ft '.
will defer formal transfer 'of the'
territory until after the war.
INFORMATION from ' Bucharest Is '
that tho Austrian forces In Buko.
W,B aars boea re la forced and awe :
undertaking; a ftrostsc . offensive
movement, ..',,. .(.
LONDON,. March ":19. ThV ap
parent failure of Field Marshal von
Illndenburg-g various attempts to
reach Warsaw, the re-appearance of
Russians over the east Prussian fron-
tier, near Tilsit, and the allied of-;
fensive in the west, has, according; to
British observers, put Germany ia a
position where it dare not shift any
substantial force from either east or'
Although there are rumors ot reinforce- i
mcnts being, hurried from Poland to
France or Belgium to meet the French
ana unusn tnrusts. military writers In
London hold to the opinion that Oermany
must maintain Its present arroiea in both
areas of fighting Intact. , Thla will neces- .
sitate the finding of new forces for ;
the east and west if It would effectually .
meet the Increasing strength of Its.
enemies. It 1. pointed. out that. the plan:
to deliver a crushtna blow in
and then to rush across the country ta
than Jtrttsaa b - . i . . I
miscamea on both fronts.
This was seen first In the !, t.i-
second in the rush for Calais, third 1?
the battle of Tpres, and then repeatedly
h me csi. as rield Marshal Von Hln'
denburg sought to break through tho .
Russian lines to the Polish capital. ,
Cunatderabls mystery surmnnri. k.
next move of the Germans, although the ,
prevailing belief here Is that that It wilt ,
be a big offensive In the west, probably -against
the British front. ,''
Great Britain has made .'no official'
reply to the Oerman allegations that a
BrltlBh squadron fired Otl than narss.K
cruiser Dresden while It was within tho ' jimu ot Chilean waters, and i
no denial has been forthcoming of the
German statement that the rr.i.n i
blown up by Its own crew, . ,
The government Is proceeding with the
Plan to mobilise women to rei,!.
in factories who are needed in the wsr.
i.pward or 7W women, wlllm- to suhstl-1
tuto for men. have been reirtstrri rf.u.. '
ing the lust twenty-four hours.
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for what you have to "offer, bb
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ments, a-business, furnishctl ,
rooras or 'what not. .
If they don't find an ad about
It In The Bee's Want Ad pages,
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Next Sunday will be-a most
favorable day for tolling Bee
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early. It you wish, have a!
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