Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 19, 1915, Page 7, Image 8

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brief city news
stave, Beet Prta I New Bmicob trees
rgesi-0raaea Co. Us-ntlng future
STebraak fJevlags M ea Ass"S
New office between city bell una ftn
tenelle hotel, SU South Eighteenth St.
"To4y Complete Xvrti rTcrrm''
eiasMfied section tUv. and appear in
The Bee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what
the various moving plctura thetere offer.
lUlMmb to Bt. x.onle Assistant
Oenrral Krelsht Agnt Malrolm of the
Missouri Prclflc has gone to Pt. LouK
where he will attend a family meeting of
the freight officials of the system.
The State Baa of Omaha pays 4
par cent on time depo. Tr cent on
sarins accounts. All rrit 1" tn,s
bank at protected by the depositors
guarantee fund of the state of Nebraska.
Ses Car Met mppea-Llolm Wil
liams, colored, 1210 Dnvenport street, was
arreeted for stealing brasses from a Mis
souri Pacific box car. He was sen
tenced to thirty days in the county Jail.
glnraan l"Uea for Commissioner
.Harry B. Zlmman Is the latest aspirant
for commisslonershlp honors to officially
declare his Intention of entering the
ellmritloii contest. He filed hie papers
yesterday morning.
erring Profltanla Robert Webber,
cripple, arrested for beKKlnt. declared in.
police court that ho had collected more
than $250 during the winter by pan
handling. He was sentenced to thirty
days in tha county Jail.
toilokly X.eoeUe and easily accesaibU
are two prime requisites of a desirable
etfloa location. Tenants In Tha Baa build,
log. "tba. building that Is always new."
find these) two conditions of greet servlcs
In building tip their business.
t. Tatrtek's ay ocial .V Bt.
Fatrtcks day social will be given "Fri
day evening at tha home of Miss Marie
Berry, 1414 North Twenty-sUth street,
South Omaha, for the members of tha
Young Peopled Christian Endeavor so
ciety of tho First Presbyterian church.
IT. K. toomls Ooes BasV-General So
licitor toomls of the Union Pacific has
gone to New York, where he will meet
the official of the Harriman system of
roads, after which be wfll go to Wash
ington to look after some matters before
tho Interstate Commerce commission. He
will probably be absent two weeks or
Operate on Judge XUiott--Fcderal
Judge James D. Elliott of 8iou Falls,
a. D., who has been serving on the Ne
braska bench for the. Omaha 'Melon in
place of Judge William H. Munger, who
in 111, haa undergone a minor operation
for" the removal of a small growth In
his note. As a result, no session of
court waa held yesterday In the case
of Joha A. Moore against tha Union
A federal grand Jury for that section
of Nebraska, north of the Platte river
haa been called to meet at Omaha at 2
p. rn. Monday. April 6. The following
men have been drawn to serve on It:
Grand Jurymen: Harry Barnes, Battle
Creek; Winiam Bechter, Pierce; Arthur
Chase, Omaha; Frank Erxleben. Wayne;
William Gardiner, Omaha; Phillip Graff,
Bancroft; W, E. Guthrie, Bridgeport;
Charlea U Hllbert, Chedron: Peter Horst,
"Winner, George Hematedt,, Omaha; John
J. Jannlngf, Gothenburg! Cftrt t. Kramer,
Bancroft; J. M. KlngeryV Tildes: f'Mel
Leach. Fullerton; W. iJi,,, Mason, tons
Pine; Henry Obcrman, Dodgei J.'W. Por
ter. Central City; David Rees, Norfolk;
Franols J. Robinson, Omaha; W. H. Sun
derland. Headquarters. Wheeler county;
1). K. Tlndall, Omaha; Oscar Velt, Grand
Island; Clyde .Wever. Center.
Alternates: Guy C. Neuman, CTiappoll;
Herman Campbell. Oconto;' Oeorge iA.
Htllburg, Bassett; Benjamin Bondersbn,
Kmerson: Charles K. Ream. Dakota City;
A. F. Rakow, Fonca; 8. J. Eby, Atkinson.
George A. Joslyn will not build his new
$76,000 plant for the Western Newspaper
Union until lie haa definitely decided on
a location that is satisfactory to him in
every way with regard to trackage. Al
though It has been tentatively understood
that he would build this plant on ground
he now owns at Ninth and, Harney atreets
. - . . . i . kA I- -,111 ln.lp.
he said tnia roorninn mi
ing tor a better location f rom the stand
point of trackage facilities. "I expect to
build eoon as I can satisfy myself as
, . I ..ilk rivmor tr.rk, . ' lift
IO m iui:aviui mm iviv. w - .
aald. Tho plans are all made for tho
building. '
Mrs. J J. O'Connor has gone to Victor.
Colo., to attend the fuiversl of her aunt,
Mrs. M. Ponovan. Mrs. Donovan with
her husband formerly ran the old Crelgh
' ton house on Capitol avenue and Thir
teenth In tha early "SO, and before that
time tho Douglas house on Harney be
tween Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets.
Mr Donovan died about six years. ago.
Bore Tfcroat tkeat.
Quickly relieved by Dr. Bell s Pine-Tar-Honey.
It eases the throat, soothes tha
lungs, loosens phlegm. Only -Sc. All drug
gists. Advertisement.
Hv F A. High of the Omnlia Anti
saloon league requests the city coumll
to Close a saloon at 311 North HlxteenUi
street, tha slkeeti being that Paro
Goldsmith ta.operstinr.tH. place whereas
the license wss issuea io i -.u. ....
fretarat Fast Trains to Omaha mm
. vim I'hlcaao aad
..-ikn,ilrri ft'.
While planning your trip to Chlcsgo
and the east remember that the Chicago
North Western Ry. leaus In safety,
speed and service.
Between Omaha and Chicago it is
double tracken and protected by auto
matic electric safety signals all the -way.
Ita smooth riding. detply rock ballasted
roadbed and heavy ateel rails; Its mod
am steel equipment ere a standard of
Tou arrive In Chleago at the new tar
mtnat adjacent to the hotel and business
Luxuriously equipped Pullman slaeplng
ears, parlor cars, observation-buffet cars
and dining cars on prlnclnal trains.
Sawn limited trains leaving Omaha at
convenient hours deliy-7 .to a. m., 12:30
p. m , 4:009 p. r'.. t.Ti p m.. oao p. m.,
IB f. m. and l- io r. in.
For tickets,, reservations and full par
ticulars address any Ticket Arent, Cht
ag North Western By. ' -
Distinguished Party Enroute to
Panama Exposition Sleeps While
Car is in Omaha.
Occupying the compartment car, Car
rlso. of the Overland limited, Vlca Pres.
Idcnt Marshall. Secretary Uane of tha
Interior department. Assistant Secretary
Roosevelt of the Navy department, ac
companied by their shoos and wives, with
Senstor Fhslan of California In charge of
the party, all passed through Omaha at
an early hour yesterday morning.
The official party, the members of
which are the personal representatives of
President Wilson, is enroute to San Fran
cisco. There, next Monday Vlca Presi
dent Marshall will officiate at the for
mal opening of the exposition.
It was asserted that Secretary Roose
velt was the only member of the gov
ernment official party who awoke while
tho Overland was in Omaha' for thirty
minutes following T:! o'clock. He did
not get out of tho berth, merely turning
over to get a grip on a morning nap.
Vice President Marshall had left word
with tha tar porter that ha was not to
be disturbed and that he would arise
when he got ready. The vice president
did not get up even to see Mayor Dahl
man, who, aside from the newspaper
mett, was the only person visiting train.
Woaldn't Re Bribed.
The mayor seemed mighty anxious to
meet tho v!c president and scribbled a
Una on his own personal card. He at
tempted to bride a porter to taka the
card to the sleeping vice president, but
failed. Tho porter waa sure tha,t "Mr.
Marshall doe not care to see any callers
he Just wants to sleup and be up for
the last call for breakfast."
In the aisle in front of the. doors of the
compartments of the Carrlro, in which
tho government offlclAl) slept, were
numerous shoes. They were of all styles,
shapes, clKts and color. They liad been
neatly dressed and, according to tha
porter, "they belong to these great gen
tlemen." The shoes in front of the door of tho
state room were pointed to as those of
tho vlca president. They were No. s,
black, broad toes, thick-spied, high-cut
and laced, and a little tha worso for
wear, especially tha heals that were a
llttlo runovcr. 1
, i
Jiorm Not BtamA Sqaare.
While, perhaps, the vino president of
the United States dues not sidestep on
general propositions, the way Ills shoes
aro worn would Indicate' that he does
not stand squarely on every preposition.
Ons shoe was mora worn at the heel than
was tha othsr. This wag the left shoe
tnd tha rear, outer edge bad at leant
two llfta worn off. The heel of the other
shoe waa worn, square across, Indicating
that' at least part of the time the vice
president la a square atander.
Assistant Secretary Roosevelt of the
navy haa shoe of tho tan variety stand
lnff in front of his compartment and If
he Is troubled with corns, it waa asserted
that they will give him considerable un
easiness If he does much tramplnK aVound
the exposition grounds next week. They
have not baon broken In and tho cost
mark, has not been -worn off tha soles.
Tha porter vouchsafed - tho Information
that; Wednesday night was the first time
these, shops ha J aver been polished. To
keep . them In shape patent stretchers
were used.
Had Been Oiled.
The shoes owned by Secretary I.ane
were of the broud soled, low heeled, com
fortable type, high and laced. They were
pretty well worn and the kind that would
permit of considerable walking about tha
exposition grounds without tiring the
wearer. It waa evident that at some
period in the remcte past, the Lane shoes
had been treated with oil, or rubbed
over with fresh lard, for they absolutely
Mother! Give Cross Sick Child
Only "California Syrup of Figs"
No matter what alls your child a laxa
tive should be thoT first treatment given.
Look at the tongue, mother! If coated,
It Is a sure eign your "little one's" stom
ach, liver and bowels need a gentle, thor
ough cleansing at once. When cross,
peevish, listless, pale, doesn't sleep, eat
or act naturally; If breath I4 bad, atom
sch sour, system full of cold, throat sore,
or Ir feverish, give a teaspoonful of "CalU
lornia Syrup of Figs," and in just a few
hour all the vlogged-up, constipated
waste, sour bile and undigested food will
gently move out of the bowels and you
have a well, playful child again.
Any 25c Pipe "f 25c
2 Bundles, Pipe-Cleaners . 5 C
Tin of Tuxedo . . 10c
All for
i 3
MSJMiqi ,ir.Jk.vtWk".-'.Vi
Proof of the Pudding
Will Douglas county taxpayers
stand for renewal of the jail feed
in; gTaft at 40 cents per prisoner
per day just to make the sheriff
rich t
How big: a steal that would be on
the average of 200 county jail pris
oners may be gathered from this ex
hibit from the annual report of the
county hospital for the year 1914,
showing the cost of feeding hospital
and poor farm inmates, who are
rightfully fed better than the jail
CJrorrriea and provisions. $8.467.
Meat and fish.
Bread 1,1 .))
Dutter, eggs and milk . . 4,101.71
Ic 850.71
Tolal '. . .ft21,Vlft.0l
Averac daily attendance. . ,275.ft
Meals per day 820.5
Meal 'per year .301,072
Average rost per meal. .6. OH cent
This makes the cost of feeding at
the hospital, on three-meal basis,
20.94 cents a day per inmate.
refused to take a polish under the man
ipulation of the art of the porter.
Thu porter asserted that tha officials
under his are good patrons, liberal
and not very exacting.
A. mock trial will be the chief feature
of the social center program at the Mon
mouth Park sortool Friday evening. Carl
Self will act as Judge. The attorney will
be Charles Copeland and Holly P. lal
bralth for the defense and Ed V: Black
and J. M. ' Sturdevant for the prosecu
tion. Joseph Hagltn will be on trial for
manslaughter and tha evidence will be
Mrs. Kdward Black will furnish 0
musical part of the program.
George Duncan, wno lsst week com
pleted a forty-flve-dny sentence In tha
county Jail, was arrested again for tho
theft of a caao of eggs from a delivery
wagon standing In front of th Fontenellu
hotel. Duncan waa taken at Sixteenth
and Jackson atreets after being chased
alx blocks by Officer Rogers, who saw
hlin take the case. ,
Rub Rheumatism
Pain From Sore,
Aching Joints
What's Rheumatism? Psln only.
Stop drugging 1 Not one case In fifty
requires Internal treatment, Rub sooth
ing, penetrating, "Pf. Jacobs OH" directly
upon tha "tender spot" and relief eomes
instantly. "Bt. Jacob OH" is a harmless
rheumatism and sciatica liniment, which
never disappoints and can not burn
tha skin. ,
Limber up! Quit complaining! Get a
small trial bottle from your druggist, and
In Just a moment you'll be free from
rbeumatla and sciatic pain, soreness,
stiffness and swelling-. Don't suffer.
Relief awaits you. Old, honest "8t. Jacobs
OH" has cured millions of rheumatism
sufferers In tha last hslf century, and 1s
just as good for sciatica, neuralgia, lam
bs go, backache, sprains and swellings.
Sick children needn't be coaxed to take
this harmless fruit laxative. Million of
mothers keep It handy because they know
Its action on the stomach, liver and
bowela la prompt and sure. They also
know a little given today aaves a aick
child tomorrow.
Ask your druggist tor a CO cent bottle
of "California Syrup of Figs," which con
tains directions for babies, children of all
ages and for grown-ups, plainly on the
bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold here.
Get the genuine, made by "California
Fig Byrup Company." Refuse any other
kind with contempt. Advertisement.
40 c
se TV. n.r i tvi i Bi i rs .
The exclusive ' Tuxedo Process " of
treating the finest Burley tobacco
makes Tuxedo an absolutely non
biting, wonderfully mild, fragrant
smoking tobacco just try it.
Mayor Dthlman Reiterates Hit Posi
tion to a Delegation Which
Waiti en Rim.
To a dclc at Ian of women in front of
the Fontenelle hotel yesterday Mayor
J. C. rahlman reiterated his former state
ment that he does not favor the appoint
ment of nmn on the public welfare
board, which la lo be named soon
"The first work of this bosrd will re
quire msny evening hours, and It will be
necessary for the members to spend some
of their own money. I feel that this
initial work should be In the hands of
nun I favor the selection of womon lo
some' of the places which will be created
then the welfare board's plans are being
carried out., I really feci that there Is
much work for the women to do In this
connection, but I do not think they should
be t.n the board Itself," rM the mayor.
Tha women carried petitions aald
to contain more than Z,0d0 signatures of
persons who urge that the mayor ap
point two women on this board. The
delegation mads several unsuccessful
trips to the city hall, and finally decided
to wait outside of the Fontenelle hotel
until the mayor had finished his address
to the daughters of the American Revo
lution. .
The petition hearers were Mrs. C. 8.
Hartwlck. Mr 8. A. Capen, Mis. Thor
Jorgensen,' Mis Blanche Van Kuran and
Mrs. E. I, Morrow.
Neat Horae Tre1la.
TMtcher Rill Mslsrkey balked on the
salary offered by Halt Ike City and
'.ven hl" outright release. Then
OsRIsnd lirn.d him. Peotillar wsv for
, ....... . . ..... .n . n V I Ul
"nirtinor a nlayer. nr fur ,-iiri
but t mny
be all right.
' -i-.-iririn.rinj
Constipation a
Penalty of Ag
Nothing in so esaentlal to health In
advancing age as kieplng tha bowels
open, It makes one feel younger and
fresher and forestalls colds, piles, fev
ers, and other dependent ills.
Cathartlca and purga,tlvea ere vio
lent and draatlo In action and should
be avoided. A mild, effective laxative
tonic, recommended by phyatolans and
thousanda who have used it, Is tha
combination of simple herb with pep
sin sold by drugglata everywhere un
der the name of Dr. CwJdwell'ai Syrup
Tepsln. The price la fifty" cents and
one dollar a bottle. For a free trial
bottle write to Dr. W. R, CaJdwell, 451
Washington Bt. Montlcello. Tils.
--r i vtruxjLTi 'i m i- i
Is a curable disease, which reoulrea
treatment. The ORRtNB treatment oan
be used with absolute confidence. Jt
dettroye all desire for whiskey, beer, or
other Intoxicants. Can be given In tha
home. No sanitarium expense. No loss
of time from work. Can be given se
cretly, ir after a trial you' fall to get
any benefit from its use your money will
be refunded. .
ORUINB Is prepared in two fomig:
No. 1, secret treatment, a powder; OR
niNB No. 2. in pill form, for those who
desire to take voluntary treatment. Coats
only It. CO a box. Coma In and talk over
tne matter witu us. Ask for booklet.
Sherman a McDonnell Drug Co., corner
16th and Dodge streets. Owl Drug Co.,
corner 16th and Harney streets.
Good Spirits
can only ba enjoyed by those whose
digestive organs work naturally and
regularly. The best corrective and
preventive yet dtecovered for Irregu
lar or faulty action of stomach, liver or
bowela, it known the world over to be
SeM eseiiwfceie. la fceaee, 10c SSe
Hotel Lenox
One block from Copley Sq. and
Public Library. Convenient to
Shopping and Theatre District.
All Outside Rooms. Excellent
Single Rooms 12, with Bath 2.50 and up
Double " 2.59, " " 1J.50 " '
(Oood Garage 3 minutce' walk)
Two minutes from Back Bay Station
Ten mlnutee from North Station
Hotel feslin
Broadwtvy twt 29 St
"Aa Hotel Where Guests are Majle
- to Feel at Heene"
Not too large, yet large
enough to afford the
maximum of value at
minimum expense.
Exceptionally Accessible)
S0i Jtesea Madtntt RuUmrmnl Oarfe
Sisal Keen vlis Russias Vtier
- 1.60 io 14.10 aerssf
llsgl Rooms trlib Tss or Sbowsr
ll.sOlolf 0Mror
Det-ble leoas wits ftuniini Vtwr
2.00 u 14.00 ecretr
Deutls Keeae viis Tub or Soever
Si.OO te t.0rety
EDWARD C. POG& Mmmmmmm 0ireer
Store Hours
urgess-Nash Company
Thttradar, Marrli IS, II1V
More Real Bargain News for Friday
! "Tlsn W "TeeiN
Thousands of Novelties in GOLD and SILVER
Jqwclry, Silverware, Cut Glass. Leather Goods, Etc.
At Bmit a Fraction f tlh. Oirigfimai Price
JUST as. we lnxlictod, t ho srtlo of the Aaron's Uift Shop stock of jewelry and novel-"
ties was a grand fuioeoss. From the time the doors opened, even' minute of the.
day, crowds surged around the scores of tables given over lo the sale, eager to secure
some of the wonderful valuvs.
The groat respouse was just another demonstration of the splendid confidence the
buying public has in our announcemeut.
Theso just as examples of what to expect Friday:
Aaron's Gift Shop Stock of Jew
elry, to 50c, (or 10c
Including- bar pins, brooches, fotm,
cuff links, belt pins, vanity
rases. Jewelry rue, etc.
Aaron s prlcei to SOc, I
Our special sale price,
your choice at
Jewelry Noreltiei from Aaron's
Gift Shop to $2.00, for 69c
Including solid gold and (old top
jewelry of all kinds, gold-filled
stone set brooches, bar pins, coat
chains, Waldemar chains, fobs,
men's ruff link sets, tie v
clips, picture frames, ffiilf
Aaron's price to $2.00. If Tj
Sale price, choice W
50o Silverware at 25c
Odds and ends or Win. Rogers, Holmes & Edwards
and King George, extra plate, butter knives and
spreaders, cream ladle, sugar sheila, etc. or
Aaron's price, 50r; sale price aCOC
Cut Glass up to
$6.00 at $2.95.
One lot of cut glass,
including water Jugs,
fruit bowls, spoon
trays, etc., Aaron'e
price, $6.00. sale
The New Location of the Shoe Section
Brings With it
Small sires
e as. 7 a- s U
Womta's 53.00 Shoes, $1.95.
New lines ot women's shoes,
ent colt, usual $3.00 quality, at,
' Ribbon Lengths, 10c
Hemnants of ribbons, lengths
from. a; to 1 yards, r
each iUC
Kemnants at 10c
Remnants of laces, embroid
eries and pleatlngs, from 4 to
m yards long, f (M
Laces at 3V2O
French and German vals, tor
chon laces and lnser- ol
Hons, yard w2v
Ribbons at lc
Silk ribbons, dark -
shades, ',4 -In. Hide, ysrd.ilC
art ess-Wasa Co. as ems at.
Thousands of Yards of New 12c Percales in the
Domestic Section for Friday, at 8c the Yard
EACH and every piece h jxri'ect and fresh from the mill. Think of the many par
poses for which you can use these light, medium and dark styles, eoloringa and de
ijrns. Suitable for making men'n ehirts.ladiea wnistH, di-esses, children's g 1
ear, pajamas, etc.; yard wide. A splendid lot.. Such
:cur again this seanon. IViday at, yard.
Percales at 2 Vic
Yard wide pen-ales, standard
prints, fancy ginghams, blue
chambray, short mill OJL.
lengths at, yard aCzC
12c Pillow Oases, iy2c
Good wearing, , heavy, well made
pillow cases, size 46x36, si
the 12 VgC kind, at, each . . izG
Apron Ginghams, 4Vc
Peerless apron glogbams, in the
various sizes, of blue end white
checks or broken checks. The
best ginghams for making kitchen
or bouse aprons, at, 11
Shoe string
bagSP'.ng . IOC
Hsnd scrub r
brushes. . . . 9Z
' Baby bibs, lit,
each IUC
Fancy trim
ming buttons,
all colors,
doxen C
Elastic rem
nants, all
colors C
Agate buttons,
forT. . 10e
Peafl buttons,
2 dozen f.
for 5C
Hooks and a
eyes, card . . iC
Hair nets, with
elastic, all
Bone hair n
pins, box, , 5C
Common pins,
400 count,
pkg. ZC
Children's hose
supporters, e-
pair OC
Bilk flnlBli cro
chet cotton, at.
spool JC
Large bottle
machine -
oil 9C
Darning cotton,
4 spools pm
for 3C
Mnen fluish
Safety pins
3 cards . ,
siool il
- 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M.; Saturday,
'everybody's store
Jewelry Noreltiei from Aaron's
Gift Shop to $1.00, for 15c
Including ea.r-rlnR. brooches; bar
pins, la vallteres, besds, cuff
links, scarf pins, etc. ,m saf
Aaron's price to $1.00. I Lf
Our apcclal sale prlc
your choice at
Jewelry Novelties from Aaron's
Gift Shop to $1.50, for 29c
Including solid top. sterling bar pins,
cuff pins, brooches, cnatelaln pins,
gold and silver plated Jewel boxes,
Waldemar coat chains, tfoba,
ruff links, tie clasps, lock
ets, bracelets. Aaron
prloe to $1.50. Sale price
$5-$6 i Novelties, $2.95
One smaJl lot of good val
ues, including boudoir
lamps, brass and enam
eled, silver plated carving
sets, silver plated military
brushes Aaron's price,
$5 and $6. t0 QC
Our sale price Js6eiJ
bags at 5o
A lot of women's
water-goaked band
bags, leather, silk,
velvet, etc., a big as
sortment of styles
and kinds,
sale price...
Wonderful Values for Friday. This idea:
Till! enuro east iron t ot the basement salesroom haa been given over to
shoe, affording one of the best departmenta of its kind that wo know
of plenty of room, with plenty of pargauns.
Women's Pumps and Oxfords that Were
$2.50. $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00, at $1.00
Wonderful values the balance of tne lines
all good, desirable styles, In the belt leathers.
Women's tan' pumps and oxfords.
Women's guirrnotal pumps and oxfordl.,.MnerRnvk
Women's kid pumps and oxfords..
Women's patent pumps and oxforda .....
Formerly! priced $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 and
WOMEN'S $3.50 SHOES AT 55c
only, 2 to 3H. from lines formerly
p a,ai sx 9 0 9
lldren'a and
gunmetal and pat
. $1.95
usual $1.60 to
rriaa.7, patr
S urges s-STash Co. Baaemeat.
Men's 75c Work Shirts. 39c
A 'IJ shirts with the collars attaehed, inado of OA'
Amoskeag chambray, that sold up to 76c, light, me
dlum and dark blue, also gray, at vvV
Men's $1 Underwear, 69a
Very good quality , derby ribbed
union suits," all sizes up to 60, In
white and ecru, medium winter
weight, were $1.00, . jq
sale price..,.; OaC
Tibre Silk !Top Hosiery, 15c
Fibre tops and lisle foot hose for
men, all sires, black, only, slightly
imperfect, the 35c kind,
aale price IOC
Men's caps, all sixes, l&c.
Unbleached Muslin, 4c
36-tnch unbleached muslin, the
right weight for painter's a
wall covering, yard 4C
10c Pongee at 6V2C
Fancy printed linen colored pon
gee, the most desirable of all the
new inexpensive, firmly woven
wash fabrics. Instead of j 1
luc. at, yard OgC
Mercerized Sateens, 9c
Mercerized black and colored sa
teens. A quality that will make
serviceable shirts, aprons, petti
coats, lining purposes, etc., q
very special at, yard...... vC
argess-Vaah Co Baaemeat. -
Clothes line, 60-ft. cotton, good
ISc value, 2 to a customer, 10c.
Rubber bath, room mats, S8o
value, for 10c.
IS-qiiart gray enameled pre
serving kettles, 50c value, liflc.
Cray enameled pot covers, any
size, worth 3 9c, for 10c
Good size gray enameled wash
basins, 0.
Cedolene oil mopB, with handle,
ti9c values, 3Uc.
Buffalo steam cereal cooker;
combination style, 76c valu,
for 4Ur.
Handkerchief wash boards, 10c.
Good flour sifters at 7c.
Rollmans No. S food, choppers,
lie values, as long as they laat,
for ac.
Cant aluminum tea kettles, No.
8 sire, $4.i'i values. $J.73.
Till 9 P. M.
Phone lloimlaa 1X7.
from the Stopk of
5?v ertffv
Leather Bans at $1.00
Real leather, new shape; some real Pia and na
tural seal; some, have 3 and 4 vanity flttlnge
Aaron s prloe. up to $5,00; sale jj qq
Damaged Hand- I K T1iJ .
An assorted lot of fin
gold-filled la vallier,
pearl beads, coat chains,
bar pine, cuff links,
brooches, picture frames,
hat pins, ear-rings, etc.
Value to $1.75.
sale price.
in the Basement
left from, last season's selling, but
$ joo-
$.00. J
priced to $3.60; to clear-
$1.50 to $2.00 Shoes, $1.00
misses' shoes of kid and gunmetat.
$3.00 quality, sale price,
Men's Hats, 45c and 98c
Soft and stiff, soiled and mussed,'
than"0 l0U' they"re wortl wort
double ....45C and 98C
Men's 50c Underwear, 21c
Men's shirts and drawers, medi
um winter weight, ecru color,
derby ribbed; mostly small sixes,
wsre SOc, sale 0 -a
pr ZlC
Men'a auNprtiKiers, tU; lOc, I9c.
a bargain may not IvA
12X2C India Linon, 6VaC
Pride of the West sheer India
llnon remnants, the
12 He grade, yard bC
Cotton Crepes at 15c
Beautiful crepes for making pret
ty dresses. The newest designs
and colorings that are absolutely
fast to the tub or sun, at, i r
yard iOC
15c Krinkle Seersucker, 72c
Striped krinkle seersucker for
children's wear. Mm- remnants
of the 16c grade, at, ei
yard '2'C
Square clothes baskets, wooden
bottoms, reed handles, selected
wiuow, sue 1. special, 91JM;
size 2. special. $!..; size 3,
J u-qt. trty
enamel water
palls. 60c val
ue, USr.
Heavy gal
vanized iron
wash boilers,
No. 8 all cop
per wash boil
ers, SB. 85 val
ues. $2.75.
Heavy tin wash boilers, copper
bottoms, 1,76 values, f 1.2W.
SKt:i8! 8KE1KI! RUKDS!
Flower and vegetable seeds,
per package, 4c.
lull selection of 11 kinds.
Ce. asemsat.