Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 19, 1915, Image 2

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    The unrivalled special feat
ure patfes of The Sunday
Bee are in a class by them
selves. Best of them all.
The Omaha Daily
vol. xuv-no... 2:;.-.
' On Trains sad at
Hotel slews Ituli, Sa,
Greater Omaha Measure Recom
mitted and Changed to Provide
for Special Election on
Call of Governor.
Carried After Warm Discussion by
the Vote of Fifty-Two to
(Prom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. March 18. (Special
Telegram.) S. F. No. 2, the Howell'
Greater Omaha bill, was amended by
the house today to provide for a vote
o nannexation by all the territory af
fected at a special election to be
vailed by the governor In not less
tha nthlrty '6r more than sixty days
fter the bill becomes a law.
Action was taken In committee of
the whole this afternoon after the
bill had been recommlttedd for spe
cial amendment on motion of Parrlott
f Nemaha. The vote was 62 to 44.
How Frieads Stood.
There was a division among
friends o fthe measure as to the ad
viaabality ef making the change In
Its provisions, some of them prefer
ring to let the bill stand as' drawn
upon its merits. Others thought the
best Interests and the least friction
would result by the change, though
in the event of final passage it would
put all the municipalities affected up
to the task of fighting it out later.
Aa the bill now stand, tha amendment
made today must be engrossed, the bill
must then Rome up for third reading- In
the house and must then go to the sen
ate for conference In the changes made
by the house.
At this late day tn the eesslon It Is al
together probable it will b passed In this
form finally, whether with the emergency
clause, depending on the attitude of the
house at the final passage which may be
deferred until next week. "V 1
Calllaar of Election!. ',
In case the bill passes with this emer
gency clause, the special election would
be called after one or not longer than two
months from the date the governor signs
It. Without 'the emergency clause, the
special election might be calletVJn August
..... I- . Ii.ti L M.i.14ir.Af k. a
cidfis under the amendment adopted. ' 1
Omaha's municipal "election will be
..MM Hay 4i.- 1 V.-..;
' In support of his motion Parrlott aatd
.that it would give a chance for home rule
to be put In effect and give the people
of a territory, which was In reality one
community, a chan to say whether they
wanted one municipal government or
more. ,
Mockett was opposed to the motion as
he was with to the bill. Taylor tried to
prea a point of order that the motion was
the same as the one killed In committee
of the whole at a mvinus an.irth k
the qfcalr stretched the point a little tn
tho Interests pf having the matter setled
and ruled the motion ou of order. .
Lmnf aran for Aaaeaatloa
Peterson and Norton also spoke for The
motion. Lanlgan made a strong speech
(Continued' on Page Two. Column Six.)
MOUX FALLS, fl. D.. March 3.-(Spe-c
I al) Interest la being; taken In the twenty-eighth
annual contest of the Intercol
legiate Oratorical association to take place
)Irrlday evening of next week In the City
Temple tn Sioux Falls. Those who will
participate In the contest and the schools
which they will represent ere aa follows:
J. A. Johnson, University of South Da
kota: Stephen Tobln, Yankton college;
Clinton Anderson, Dakota Wesley an uni
versity; Clement Thomae, Huron college:
Vis Mable Styles, Radfleld college, and
Mine Leera Manbeck, fSioux Kails college.
The debating contest will be conducted
under the supervision of O. M. Phelpa.
secretary-tit a urk of the state associa
'tion. The Weather
Forecast tUI 7: p. m. rl-'lday.
Kor Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity
Teaaneratare at Uiuaa Yesterday.
k a. m.
.... it
.... 2
.... M
.... 33
.... M
.... :
.... XJ
a. m
a. in
s u. m
a in
Hi a. m
11 a. in.
It m
1 p. m
1 p. 111.. ....... .
s m in
4 p. m
U p .ni
i . m
7 p. m
5 p. m
I'eaaaarattve loi-a Ht-rord
1915. 1914. 1312
Highest jesterday J7 r ij
rwct yeicrday....... Jt 21 45 m
Mean tempx-rulure ...... 3J -Jt 61 in
Prect- ttutlon T .07- .( ,o
Temperature and t-re. ip taliou depur
turea from the normal:
Nuinial tt-miw-rature -7
leflrlcncy for tlie dav
I elicit acy tnu e March 1...
Normal pre. Ipl Uon .
IlefUleilfv for the day
Total rainfall xince Muri ! 1
5 I
.04 in. It j
.04 Inch
Kkccss since ,Msr h 1
Iefllency for ior. terljd. lfl4.Mini.-h idemanded that almost double the num
Deflcienry for cor. feiioa, IJiU ., Ii.c rs ber of Ugal voters br reelslcret In one
Reports froaa StaCoua at 7 P. M.
fetation and rt le Temi. High- Kaln-
Of .Weather. 7 p. m. fcl Jail
Cheyeune. ioin :i 44 .(4
raveuiKrt. cloudy '.."4 -'0 .
Denver, raining.. rti it .m
itnt Moineii. 1 li.ud.Vy '.' 4 1 '4
l.snd-r snoainK :w 4 .04
Nortn riattfc. cloudy 30 3i T
Omaha, ljudv. X, :.7 T
Pusblu, rluiitlv .. 41 ti! T
Kiipld 4ity, snowing 24 Si .irt
halt Lake 'liy. ion.I . 44 4 T
Santa Ke, cloudy ii r ,v
(iri''sn snoolna t w w
fuinx lily, cloudy S4 ?.l M
Valentine, cloudy a n .ui
indltau-s of prccipiiaiiun.
U A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
LLOYD GEORGE, chancellor of th British exchequer,
accompanied by Brigadier General Owen Thomas, inspect
ing the London Welsh regiment.
mwmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm m mm
Speaker Would Jfof Have Daughters
of Revolution Degenerate
- Into Aristocrats. '
"We should not degenerate into a
set of' devitalized aristocrats,"" ! de
clared Mrs. A. W. Richardson of Lin
coln, representative 'ot the eborati
Avery chapter to the state Daughters
of the American RevoIntlOti cotffer-i
ence at the Fontenelle. ''Our first
duty is to our ,honiea, which we
should not neglect like the woman I
knew who had. joined twenty-eight
organizations. , No woman could do
that and not neglect her home."
Other addresses at the afternoon
session were made by Mrs. George
Thacher Guernsey, Ktfisas state re
.... . .. .11 f- n.tlnml
president general in opposition to
Mrs. William Cummings Story of
New York, who is the present incum
bent, and by Mrs. Charles Wesley
Bassett ot Washington, national his
torian general of the Daughters.
"Our function Is to prevent the nation
from becoming ungrateful," declared
Mrs. Guernsey In her address on 'Prac
tical Education." ''In our rapid growth
we have mistaken liberty for license.
The rising genejation does not feel the
restraint It should In law observance We
should lay special emphasis on the hls
torto basis of our national life and teacb
the debt owed to our fathers.
"Wo oon't appreciate the. free Institu
tions of "this countiy, because we don't
realize the cost at which they were se
cured. ' ' '
"This is the daj- whon woman has come
hito 1um- own. It .is both ' a serloiui re
sponsibility aiid a great honor to be an
American voman Jiut non1. We claim no
monopoly jf hjve. but we believe that In
the Amerlrun home there is a higher
conception of doniestiti. fellollv than In
any other land. ' Our work ts a great
History Too I.tnle lartled.
The Inertia of AmerUana in historical
research wus deplorel by Mrs. Bassett.
"Intelligent Americans know more abotit
interesting hlstorkal spots In J'srls" jaa
Bonne than they do of similar America
points. American boys an girls, tooj
are prone to take their pill of history
coated with a thick marmalade of story
srd fanc-. In marked contrast with other
lana. wuere i.iHUy a seru,us atuoy
sna is iuiivaiea w insure nign uew. n
"Teach Nebraska's history ' ln your
sihools. Don't complain that they teach
too much of the history of Virginia or
Connecticut In your schools. It-they do,
ll r ypur own fault. " If necessary, write
the txt books yourself." .
The practice of tuitiiiia: old flii.rchcs
and places of histork al interest tnlo gar
acea br for oilier commercial uses was
(ContlriuTd on Page Five, Coiumn To.l
Roberts Demanded
Double Registration
Donn M. Hobrls of Teire Haute
precinct, and on election day threatened
to put Jai'k Hinea. a saloon keper, out
of Lusinesa If he did not" get out th
rote, according to the testimony of Mines
in tli Terre Haute election fraud cases
today. IIIjws Is one of the eiuhty-eUht
nun that hss pleaded guilty to the fed.
era! indi'-tment charging conspiracy.
The altneaa said on the night before
election llatirlce Walsh, treasurer of the
democratic eommlttfe and a defendant;
offered bim 1100. times said he refused,
declaring it would take IxiQ to carry tha
Nine-Year-Old Edward Barnard Run
Over in Front of Colonial Anart-
ments on Farnam Street.
TT" A h. k a J . - J . n , M
oaruaru, v-yeur-uia sua t,
of John C. 'Barnard, prominent real;
estate tuau In the Brandels Theater ,
building and owner of the Barnard :
apartments, ' was killed almost In.
slnu' "l noon Jwreroay, woen ne
nn ana run over ny a juney dub tion or president j. T, Kingseury in ais
In front of the Cojoulal upartments lntlsin four., professors nd demotlns
at Thirty-eighth and Farnam stroets. . h'-d of hJK" d,p"rtm1nt;
, , ? , its lenient also denies charges that the
The lad was on his way to attend , cnlgP. ww mnuenced by religious or
the afternoon session a,t Columbian i po'.iticat ronsiderations and' that effort
school and was ' crossing Farnam
street from the Colonial, -where hein1 unive""'
. . ,t ' Dr. A. A. Knowltoa and Prof. George
lives, when- he- was hit. The wheels : AV1e two of th, mtn Altmiamit M
of the machine paased over bfs cheat accused of having spoken disrespectlvely
and his head was crushed. , He lived of the university administration and-of
about fifteen minutes' following the th' chlrm,,n of lhe " Tf',u;
. . . . I The reason given for dismissing Prof,
accident. Charlee W. Bnow and Prof. Phil C. Bin
Ideality of the t ar.
. The Jitney bus ts said to Ijave been !
an eight-passenger. Btudebaker, but I
the number, of the machine and the!
. .
name of the driver are not known.!
The police were not notified until I
some time after the accident. ' They !
are now, however, investigating and
are searching for the driver of the
car. -. '...,
- A iir. Settle, who gsve his address as
02 South Twenty-eighth street, Jumped I that the board will hear evidence, as to
off a pssalng street car and helped carry ' the facts. The regents re-elected Prea
the lad mto the Colonial apartnventa 'He , ideut Kingsbury and anneunoM that
said that the jitney driver drove about I Joseph E. A. Alexis of the University
forty fent after the' accident when the of Nebraska, has been appointed to uo
tUauf feur. alUlrted v from the car and ! ceed Prof. Wise as associate professor of
started t where ;the boy way lying In
tlie street. When he: saw . that .young
llarimi.J was sPl'areiitly lifeless he hur
ried ba' k to the Jitney and drove on
downtoa n.
Wallace Whyte, S24 .Burt street, was
riding on the rear of the Jitney when the
boy was struck . He said that he thought
be could identify the driver.
Jury Holds Killing
Of Wooer Justified!
. MITCHELL. 8. D., March 18.-That
Jesse T. Hledsfe killed Charles tUrebl In
ir-fi.iiaj. nil nn rl Inafrlf la Kl m- !
I mstaiC'
U' a f i. I'i .1 ... t .-a ...... K
' " " "
Wdge killed Ktiel-I Tuesday night after
a nioooy, name In the kitchen 6f the.
8lcde house, htiebl, who'wns formerly
employed on the Sledge fA'tl. .had been
paying attentions to Bl-Cike s daughter
to whk-h Klcdge had ob.'
He Kills Wifo, Her
Mother and! Neighbor
RH.MNUK. M,nf , . Mil" h IS -Leon
I.MNUK. ' Monf," Mif" h . JS.-I
lllinati. ranchers ii. I,,,, har Knrivth
i nan escspea lo t hills. li'rsuej i.y a
rnur rr a ansuu k.
WlUman had served jo
10 II onlen.
Caijiey ha
es for
abusing his wife, and
friended her. VSJ
d he-
of Texas is flead1
l 'ORT WORTH. Tex", March It. -Ruben !
ft 1 1 ... . 1.1 . .AA nl m . . . t
" ' i. . s w jrf 1, uiu. J.uiwtr 4VASS
tleinan, died here today. Burnett a
knoan from .end to end of the Chlshoim
trail, the famous old cattle patch from
the aoutiiaest to Kansas. He waa aa
uncle of Cutonel 8. BurVs Burnett, sr.,
owner of the famous Se brand.
Washington Tells Northern Leader
Enforced Tax on Monterey
Not Just the Thing
to Do.
(Mexican Otieral Not Particular
Who Pays Money and City Can
Collect from Anybody.
WASHINGTON. March. 18. A
protest was sent by the United States
today to General Villa against the
collection from American fttlren or
! other foreigners of part ot a special
itaV'of a million pesos levied at Mon-
terey. , .
The British embassy had brought
to the attention of the State depart-
I ment a "report 'Just 'received from
; Monterey saying that the' Britlsh
! owned- light and .power .company
i thefe had been called upon to pay
135,000 as it share of'the new tax.
I Jut how the srncral a"enent was
to ie apportioned,-me min'oirinirin
mas not notified, hut the understanding
was that Vv-nersl Villa had laid an cmnl-
J 1Hl! -ISA 1 I! I IVJ. H''niB .v - I
I authorities there to raise the money In
lmlevci wey thoy saw fit. 'The order
; Was dat'd March IS. It was said, and flf
j teen days was the time given In which to
', raise the money.
I Tlie' brief statement by the department
In regard to the matter raid:
"The department-has been Informed In
advt-e rmnnallng from Monterey , that
j General Vllln hs Imposed ya forced con
; trtliutlon of l.tK'i.iViii pesos on certain per
j sons. lilcHidtnK ' foreigners and church
I authorities. No details regarding the
! inattr. been received."
! Other advices to the department today
'said Hvlng conditions In Mexico City were
! improved: that rail communications to
1 Kl Peso probably would be opened In four
j Carr.tnsa and Villa forces has begun near
! Tampico.
Utah-Resents Deny
riv TJfi
PATr LAKH CITY, ftah, March IS..
Th9 re:nl' ,lh , wn2
vertmy rraasj puunu t j.v se awns pasva-
;,nr, in'whlch It upholds the recent a-
' are being made to limit freedom of speech
i that their positions have been abol-
ished. Prof. 0- M. Msrsh. head of tha
English department for more than twenty
yr- n honr7 prf'
Knglish and O. J. P. Wldtsoe, at present
nlm,trtlctor , tn. Latter-Dey Baint
university, is vpointed to aueoeed him
as head professor of English.
letters from Knowlton and wise, ln-
corporated In the statement, ask for
public investigation of the charges
against them, but the men declined to
appear before the regents when assured
modem languages.
The statement says the recent meeting
of alunml, which appointed a committee
to Investigate the dismissals, M not
I lair ana mat ma regeiita win iw mv m
I public or any other Investigation as a
! result of that meeting,
Is., Msrch IS. (8pe-
cla! Tiilegram.) Going Into the beaaerm
Xa of llr grandfather John Ppur-
' tnf,k-. thl, morning. Josephine
ivis found her grgndmother dead In'
' . . . . . . . i . . . . . I
.. . a - . . . i
lufldtn U'-aias wnicn occurred ai aoout
i the same hour as tnai or me sgea nus-,
; band at the city hospital, wnere ne jsm
j been taken for an operation.
Eoth had been msfrled before and left
several children. Since the were ia llm.
llrlt cl-umnfncs and thero Is nn aatat
I h coutta all! not ho railed unnn tn
i ride which died first.
Do you know that Omaha
possesses one of the finest
coin collections to be found
anywhere? It is "The By
ron Reed Collection. dis
played tn our handsome
public library building'. It
is complete for American
coinage for the period it
covers, including the rare
original 1804 dollar. For
those interested this collec
tion alone will repay a stop.
a mmt inLTaai ussi isim" -arjsi.,'- I
Russians Burn German Towns;
Triple Retaliation is Threatened
BKRLlN. (Via fiondon. March IS. The
Herman war department gave out tho
following statement today:
"Western theater: A French advance
against our position on the southern slope
of the Lorette hills was repulsed.
'Tartlet French attacks In Champagne,
to the north of I Meant), were brought
to a standstill by a counter attack. A
1 fresh French attack which was begun
j ZV::L1t' y"
"In the Argnnne yesterdny the fighting
abated. French aviators threw bombs on
the undefended Alsatian town of Hchlett
stadt. Only one bomb took effect, falling
en a seminary conducted by a woman and
killing two children and severely wound
ing ten. In reply Om-rrmn aviators last
night dropped bombs of big slie en the
fortress of Calais.
"Keatern theater of war: niioslan at
tacka en Qerman positions between the
Hlssa and Orsyc rivers. In Northern
Poland. ae well aa northenat of
rrsasnysx continued yesterday without
success. West of the Fkwa river we took
prisoners of war and east of the
Skwa 1.000 prisoners and four machine
"Hordes of the Russian Imperial militia
gained a chear victory by Invading the
Measure is Placed at Head of Sift
ing File on Motion Made by
Representative Trumblr.
Bt t-i.r ri.
LINCOLN, March 18. (Special
Telegram.) Senate file 6, the
Omaha Water board lighting bill, has
been made a special order tor 10
o'clock tomorrow morning. Like the
annexation bill, both sides are claim
ing victory, but it is noticeable that
numerous change against the bill
have been made during the last day
or so. . .
(Prom a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Neb., March 18 (Spe
cial Telegram) Arising to a ques
tion ot personal privilege, Repre
sentative Trumbel, chairman of the
telephone and telegraph committee,
charged that an Omaha paper had
made unjust charges against ' him,
intimating that he was holding back,
senate file No. I, the Omaha Water
board electrlo lighting bill. Trumbel
pronounced the story false and
moved to pi So the bill at the head
of the sifting file, which carried al
most unanimously.
Telegrams are pouring In to the mem
bers of the house delegation from Douglas
county this morning, preying them to
use their votes and Influence to. defeat
senate fire No. 4, the Omaha water board
electric light trill.
The messages came from many of the
moat prominent business men of Omaha
and all different, but urging Its defeat.
One from John D. Crelghton, says:
"Don't favor a plan to use public power
and public funda to destroy Investments
honestly made In Omaha." carrying the
sentiments of the rest.
There appears to be a strong sentiment
cryetallslng against the bill.
Madden and Cook
Are Found Guilty
NKW YORK, March lS.-Rkhaid Mad
den and Ouatave Cook of Hoboken, N.
J., were found guilty today of conspiracy
against the United States In aiding Rich
ard P. Btegler, a German naval reservist,
to procure a false American passport.. The
Jurors, who considered the case and who
were selected for their neutral opinions
on the European war, deliberated for si
hours before they reached a verdict. They
added to It "a strong recommendation for
The men will be aentenned late toinor
row aad Immediately afterward "tegler,
who became a state witness and testified
against the two men, will be called for
- The penalty for the offense Is a maxi
mum of two years in prison, S10,0"0 fine,
or both.
Fires Do Damage in
Three Iowa Towns
! rriwTi. m fu-ira r- i u
, thfe MUtnwe,torn 'Iowa towns
in the last twenty-four hours destroyed
three large stocks of merchandise and
one postofflce, entailing an. aggregate
toes of over ?o,0no.
At Grant the general store of Hmart
A Co., in the building of Charles K 11 pat
rick, and the postaftloe with all the mall
and supplies were destroyed by a fire
which started about midnight. The loss
was half covered by Insurance.
At Mount Etna the big general store
jet Thomas Nlcoll and building was
I burned. The loss waa $20,000 snd the In-
I surance 112.000.
At iMinlap last night the Nordaker Dry
Goods company waa . burned out with a
loss of I13.UJI). There the Odd Fellows
also lost their hall and effects.
GK.Vf.VA. March H.-(Vle Tarls)
Weatthy Turkish families, some of them
still veiled, arrived in Switzerland this
week by way of the. Austrian Tyrol.
Their bsggsge consisted chiefly of valu
able Jewel cases.
French Visits ftlaaey.
B1DXKV, Neb.,. March ll.-(Hpeclal Tel
egram.) Grand Custodian pf Mssone
l.obert E. .French of Kearney closed a
very successful sch'.ol of instructiop here
most northern corner of Kant Prussia
In the ttlrectlnit .f Mcmel. Thay pillaged
and tiiiimf villages an1 estates. As a
retaliatory meainue. towns on Russian
territory occupied by us were compelled
to niske payment of large sums. For
every vlllsge burned down by these Rus
sian hordes on Merman territory and for
each estate destroyed, three villages or
estate on Itusslan territory occupied by
ua will be sacrificed to the flames. All
d ins ire caused by fire In Memel a 111 be
anawereil by the destruction by fire of
Russian government buildings at Puwalkl
and other provincial capitale In German
PARIS. March IS. Via london)-Tlie
war office' this afternoon gave out thu
following statement:
"The Helglan army continued IH prog
ress on the Yser. Its artillery bombarded
one of the enemy's convoys on the rosd
from I)mude to lessen.
"From the Uys to the (Mse there wss
artillery action. The enemy bombarded
In particular the spur of the hilt at Notre
Dame fe liretta and the tillages of
Comoy and Marlconrt.
"There la nothing new In the opera
tions In the fhampaane.
"In Iiorralne there was an artillery
duel. One of our aviators bombarded the
railway station at Conflana."
Glenartney of Glasgow. Sunk With
out Warning Off Beaohey Head
by German Submarine.
LONDON, March 18. The British
steamer Glenartney of Glasgow was
torpedoed this morning off Beachey
Head by a German submarine, which
gave no notice of It intention. In
the scramble for boats one ot the
crew was drowned, the others, num
bering forty, several of whom were
injured, were picked up by a steamer
and landed at New Haven.
The Glenartney, which was ot
3,309 tons register, was bound from
Bangkok, Slam, for London, loaded
with 8,000 tons of rice.
Horn's Attorney
. Says Case is for
" 'State Department
B A NOOK Me.. March IS.-The claim
ot Wefner Horn that his attompt to de
stroy the International railway bridge at
Vanoeboro was an act of war figured In
proceedings before I'nlted States Com
missioner Reld here today in connection
with Indictments charging Horn with
Illegal Interstate transportation of ex
plosives from New York to Vanceboro.
Counsel for the prisoner, former Con
gressman O'Connell of Boston, announced
that he would raise the Issue of the
court's Jurisdiction on the ground that as
a lieutenant In the Seventeenth Prussian
regiment of the Qerman army, Horn was
a government agent and that the alleged
transportation of explosives was a por
tion of ao .act of war with which the
State department rather than the court
should deal.
It waa expected that If the commlsloner
found sufficient cause for holding Horn
he would order him committed to await
a warrant for his removal to Massachu
setts. Horn's counsel Intimated that an ad
verse decision might be followed by
further proceedings to prevent
prisoner's removal from the atate.
Railroads Want
Many Millions
from Government
WASHINGTON, Msrch 3.-Attorneys
for several eastern railroads today filed
a brief in the supreme court In support
of their contention that the government
had Illegally retained some $35,ooo.ono duo
to the railroads for transportation of
mails. This brief Is In a test case to be
arguad orally April 6.
Reports Sinking of
Cruiser Karlsruhe
LONDON. March 18. Reuter s Copen
hagen correspondent sends a story of the
sinking of the Oerman cruiser Karlsruhe,
taken from the Mlrtstldende, which as
serts that It obtained the story from an
authoritative source.
According to the story, the crew of the
Karlsruhe were having tea one evening.
when a sudden exploslop broke the
cruiser in two. One hair of the veasel
sank Immediately, carrying down part of
the crew with it. The other half floated
ror some time, which enabled about 150
to 300 men to be rescued by an accom
panying steamer. This steamer reached
a Oerman port with the survivors, who
were sworn to secrecy concerning the
sinking of the cruiser.
Morganthau Leaves
For the Dardanelles
AMSTERDAM, March is (via London).
-According to the Berlin Tages Zeituiuj,
the American ambassador at Constanti
nople. Henry Merganthau. has, with tha
permission of the Turkish government,
It-ft Constantinople for the Dardanelles.
FHIHTO.V. Mass , Marc h IS. The ault of
the federal government to dissolve the
I'nlted Shoe Merlilnery corporation on
the ground tnst it was an lllrgal monop
oly In restraint of trade, was dismissed
today by the 1'nlted States district court.
Unofficial Report Says First Line of
Defenses of City Fall Before
Assaults of Armies of
the Czar.
British Experts Believe Situation in
East Preclude Possibility of
Sending Germans West.
The Day's War Newt
Rt ASUS roRCR" matlaae IVele ef
forts to throw Wack the firman tn
northern rotund, bat the Oerman
war office a,nn nances that all these
attacks have been repnlnert. . Th
statement shows, hewerer, that
the ftnaalana saeceertrrt tn . pene
trating Herman aoll once mere,
striking; la at the northern end of
Rast rrossla. '
AI.THOt till KIC.HTIMG la still nn
der way In Betartam, rhsmnsise
aad the Araonne, the French anil
tier man statements' Indicate that
the activity yesterday waa limited
principally to tho artillery. ' The
Belalana are ' said to have made
farther proaresa alone the Yser.
BMPRROa WII.MAM haa arrive at
the German ' army headquarters
near I.llle for a eoanell of war
with the klnara of Baioay and Wir
tesnharat anal others.
that the relatione between Italy
and Anatrta are hecomlna more- -settled.
A Paris dispatch aaya
that Germans at resorts ;ln th
Italian Riviera have- beesj ntl
fled im leave the eoaatry at aaee, ,
OPKRATIOWS ( the allied ,n't
aal as t the Oardaarllea arc brln
ewrrlea am slowly aatf earofally,
aaa a French otfleav la qooted aa
aaylnat that a loaot aaothar month
will be aerated tm,. the effort to
alleaee tha TarhfHh lortirieatlons.
OrPICTAb nnrrysif semsat of tha
raoeat fiahtlaar thai town of
WaaTa Cbapelle aaya the lae waa
laid la ralas. Bfa eatlmate ts aTlven
at British losses, bat It la aald that
In twn sections near the town
,500 bodies f German soldiers
were counted.
VIEtOA- DISPATCH ooneerain,
Praemyal . N dleareme with
a Petrograd msMags at yesterday
tha effect that the Gallrl.n
fartreaa woald fall wlthla a few
LONDON. March" 18 The outer
forts of Pnemysl, toward which a
part of the Austrian army has been
struggling in an effort to bring
about the relief of the besieged gar
rison, have at last fallen before the
Iranians, according to unofficial re
porta reaching London.
Although confirmation is quite
lacking, Drlttsh , newspapers this
morning apparently are eager to re-
Kara inn renort as nnt
....... - ..v.fc llUUUBUIO,
They refer to the fact that nfew. dis
patches received from Petrograd yes
terday said the surrender of this
stronghold wa but a matter nf a
few days.
True or untrue, this is about th. i
overnight news from tha in ,..
although there haa been much apecula-
uun concerning the engagement reported
on the northern frontier of Vm.t t, ......
and referred to In wireless messages from
nernn as - weak Russian attacks on
Tauroggen and I.anKszararn."
sargen Is Just within tha borders ,.r
ll'russla, not far from the German fort
ress or iush. and the presence of Rub
slan troops at this point may mean s
new Invasion of German territory.
Nowhere in the eastern arena of the
flg-htlng. according to the opinions of
British observers, do ihe AuHtro-Gcrman
forces appear to bo making progress ex
cept between Htanlslau and Kolomea, to
the north of Bukowlns, where they are
pushing forward In an attempt to turn
the Ituastan left flank.
British military experts think that lh
position of the Gorman armies in the
! (Continued on rage Four, Column Four.)
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cation just following the Movit
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