TIIH REK: OMAHA, FRIDAY, MAKCII 19, 1915. o 11 Ml jCtr Love's Pet Game BLIND MAN'S DUFFt 0 ByJNcll Brinkley CoTvlKli7" "IU. la-j J "Vov-n Service. Turn a chap loose In the meadow of the world among the flowers that grow there you say; give him all the time In the world 'till he's staid (ha) bachelor of thirty and why should he not find the right blossom for his buttonhole one that will bloom bravely above the beat of his heart and never wither until the frost kills him, too the flower of his heart until he falls beneath the weight of years? Bp cause I'll tell you why because when he wan ders out of the gate of boyhood Into the mead ows of the world, Love, alias Eros, the trifling son of the Goddess of Beauty, climbs to his bhoulders and stays there through all the choos ing with his fat fingers tight over the youn chap'a eyes! How can he always choose aright ib Is stumbling with outspread" arms and Minded eyes? If he gropes into a pansy-girl and clutches her tight, when a wlld-rone girl would have set more beautifully above his heart, whose fault is It? Violet-girls with -deep eyes and hearts and earnest thought pansy-glrU with calling eyes and perky facet and velvety beauty wild-rose girls with simple hair and active limbs daisy-girls with baby faces and modest little tucking In of the chin narclssuii glrls with star-eyes and a pretty, dainty vanity and a wide, white forehead with sometime a thought behind It and garden la-glrla 1,h- the wax-like sweetness that cloys, exotic, luxurious, untender they all, grow there but how can a chap tell which he Is getting when Iove's fa orlie game is Blind Man's Buff? NELL BRINKLEY. . Read it Here See it at the Movies. By special arrangement for this paper a photo-drama corresponding to the Install ment o "Runaway June" may now be seen at the leading moving picture the aters. By arrangement made with the Mutual Film corporation It is not only possible to read "Runaway June" each day, but also afterward to sea moving Pictures illustrating our story. Copyright, 1915, by Serial Pulblcatloa Corporation.) TENTH EPISODE. A Prisoner on the Yacht. CHAPTER II (Continued.) On the "To" side, which repre sented the expenditures, there were very few entries, but they were interesting. In th four years the woman had had four cheap dresses besides her uniforms and very scant accessories. The last entry among the receipts was June's $14 under the head of "Tips." On that page the book showed an Item, "Banked to the credit of P. Wllkins. $12,000.", And ,lt belonged to the man, every peony. If the woman had anything it was a gift. A startling thought came to June. Sup pose she achieved her Independence, sup pose she turned her own money, so that she could go to Ned. asking from, him nothing but love In return for her love, would he own what she had earned? If so, what would become of the principle for which she had run away? She paled at that thought, and then she laughed, "fihe did not know the :iw in this matter, hut she knew Ned. Dear Ned! She hunted her handkerchief in a hurry. The arrival of an envelope by met?nger rciflcied unnecessary the Immediate need of police aid for tlie Moore family. With fingers which tmnbled In spite of his habitual control, the lather oi June opened the telegram and read this strange message: "I am sorry I had certain party tied and lost In Hunter's woods. Pleane find him and tell him I .ra sorry. I am go ing to Jola our darling. I will protect her tint il we meet again, when all will be happy. Your faithful MARIE." New plans were made accordingly. On the dock against which rocked and gsted the swift little motorboat Flash the lonely overcoat and cap pursued their almost imperceptible tray. A touring car topped on the. street up the hill. Any Mop Will Do-, hardwood floors if little 3-in-One has first been Dourcd on it. Removes heel marks. scratches, a igns of wear. Re news, protects, preserves. Mo dust. A Dictionary of llC 3UC au stores. Thl-ln-On Oil Co. "It Is cold, my friend. Is it not?" called Henri, as he rushed forward, bottle in hand. "Shall we warm ourselves yes T' "Yep," rolled up the somber voice, with frosty cordiality, and the neck of the bottle disappeared In the slit of the over coat collar. "Tho motor tender from tho Hilarity- it is not yet returned, ch?" "Nope." "Voila!" Henri is even cheerful as he races back up the dock. "I shall return, my friend Monster Ftappe." As Henri .jumps Into bis car a dim, fat figure slinks out of 'the shadows and hops on behind. Left alone momentarily. June threw open the door which she had Just locked and dashed back along the gangway to ward the pantry. At the end of the pas sage she found a companlonway which led her lip to the deck..8h rushed for ward to the prow, taking In at a glance that they were far from shore and in the open water. The distant lights glowed dully through the mist, but Just ahead of her, on the port side, bore down the red and green lights of a tug. "Ahoy!" ah cried, lifting her hands to her mouth like a megaphone. "Ahoy!" she screamed. Strong arms seised her-the heavy Jawed officer she had seen as she had come on board. Two others came running up, Edwards and Cunningham. Clos be hind were Tommy Thomas and Mrs. Vil la rd, ths former laughing, the latter panic stricken. A handkerchief was pressed against her mouth, and the tug flashed by. It wss Edwards and Cunningham who dragged June down Into the crimson and gold Solon, and as June was Jostled tn the first thing she aw was the dark, handsome face of Gilbert .Blye! lie was standing at the portable buffet, quietly drinking a -glass of wine! P. Wllkins and wife came running In, and Edwards, pant'ng, his heavy lips parted In a half snarl and a half grin, released his fluid on June. "Lock her up," he ordered and Joined Blys at the buffet. Blye lifted his glass, suavely smiling, as June, now unresist ing, was led away. Inside here stateroom June locked her door and at the same time heard It bolted from the outside. On the dock the overcoat and cap watched the figure of Henri with drowsy interest, also a short thick figure. "Bay, what do they wsnt?" the short. thick figure asked, with stiff lips. "IHdn't I tell you before to hiker' husked the warm stesm of breath. "Oet off the dock." The beautiful little motorboat!" In terrupted Henri, with ingratiating en thusiasm. "My friend Monsier Flambeau, would it not be possible" "Nope." Voila!" Henri wu quite cheerful. "I shall return again, my friend Frapp." Henri was just starting his car and the short, thick figure 'had Just slunk out of the shadows to hop on behind when the overcoat and cap sal on the edge of the dock, with their feet dangling toward the water. "Ah!" breathed Henri te ths stiff figure beside htm. "At last It arrives! Wa shall waltr "Is there any left?" husked a vole. "Pardon." abjectly apologised Henri 'a thousand pardons. Mile. Marie." And he reduced a fresh bottle. Wisdom of Fostering finer Possibilities in Children and Encouraging in Them a Spirit of Loving Kindness i By DR. CHARLES H. PARK HURST. f ir.'r (To ii Continued Tomorrow.) In discussing any question of morals it Is necessary to start with the under standing that man Is fundamentally a beast. This is not to deny that he may have angelic possi bilities) are not an asset upon .which one can prudently bank. It Is not in point to discuss the question whether he ac quired his animal propensities by the Darwinian method or by some other process equally mysterious. A 1 1 that we are urging Is that In the con dition in which he enter life he la practically an ani mal, just as bears and wolves are ani mals, and an undomnst tested animal. Now the policy that requires to be pursusd In dealing with the young crea ture that Is practically an animal, and only possibly an angel, Is to foster an gelic possibilities to th point of secur ing to them the mastery over tho pro pensities of the other kind, and crowd down the animal to a state of submis sion. That la all perfectly clear and rational. . The Bible teachea the same thing whea It says, "Keep your body under." Now. one of th propensities contained In our animal endowment Is the disposi tion to fight. In thst respect we are pre cisely like cats and dogs. They do not quarrel because they have anything in particular to gain by It, but because It Is their nature to. There la no Immortality Involved In It In their case, because there are in them no hlguer propensities of even a possible kind for the animal dis position to be submitted to. As the disposition to fight Is on of th beastly Ingredients of our nature a part of man's Inhumanity the eradication of that disposition Is one of the purposes which the educstlon of the home, the school and th church should be mad to subaervs. There are two practical ways of compassing jthls, en positive, th other negative. Th first Is to foster the finer possi bilities, the lstent seeds of sweet hu man sees that com into existence In th child alongstd of his beastliness, and cultivate la him a spirit of loving kind ness. There Is no danger of our fisti cuffing or bayoneting a person whom w hav first embraced with bur affection. Th second Is to discountenance in th child' or boy any practices or exercises that will hav a tendency to foster In him the militant spirit, that Is. to say. th fighting spirit. There Is only too much of it In him by nature to make It necessary to hav It Intensified by train ing. It la because of the wolf that Is tn th boy that he had rather drill with a mm Vet than with a stick, and drilling with th musket only arouses th wolf. It I poor consistency to tend a boy te Sunday school te teach him lit Chris tian principle of peae. and then a Monday send him to military aefc)l t teach him th acta of war aa4 fotsc fca Mm tb spirit f war. An exceedingly Interesting exhibition was recently given in Csrnegle hall by Genera: McAlpln s Scout. Military drill forms sa era ntial pan of their disci pline. The boys dlsplsyrd the excellent of the training thst their admirable commander had given them. Among other exercise, they dragged In a small cannon, loaded If. fired It, and all that was necessary to make the performance complete was to have an enemy In front of it to be out down by the ball which was Imaginatively discharged. Now no one can be at all familiar with the elementary principles of human nature and not Understand that by that perform ance war' was made leas terrible, Indeed was made aim out fascinating, to the boys that participated In the perform ance. It has been said recently that this Is an Inopportune time to discus such mat ters because of the excited condition of the public mind. -It Is the best time In all the world la discuss them. The time to talk about thlr.gs Is when people are Interested In them, and war la Just now th world's supreme interest. If the liny could sctuslly witness a bat tle close at hand and see men shot dead or run through with bayonets, and their bodies already dead or perhaps not yet dead, thrown In heap Into the trenches in quick and perhaps premature burial, then ha would understand what war means and would win a terrified sense of Its horrow. But It Is another thing tor him to play war on th ataae or to read about war In a hlatory where the terrible details are Invisible to the eye, and only the Immensity of the occasion and Its thrilllrg exploits reach his ap preciation. In a letter written hy David Starr Jor dan, chancellor of Stanford university, he rays: "Knforced military training In the colleges and high schools la a step toward the abandonment of our best American traditions. Iet the officers at West point, Annapolis and Newport do their best with th tasks assigned to them. But these are not the tsska of general education, and they have no natural part In our training for civil life." Another authority profoundly committed to the beet Interests of our civilisation as secured by -the flne.it type of educated young men Is Dr. John H. Flnley, presi dent of th university of the state of New Yoik ind commissioner of of educa tion, who said in th course of an address delivered at Cincinnati a week ago, be fore the National Rducatlonat associa tion: "It you mean by 'our educational system' the 'substance of things hoped for' in a demociacy's highest faith, and If you mean by 'war' the greatest savg gamo played under International ruler; war, whoee Issue la absurdly assumed to determine relative values of civilisation: war, that greatest tragedy that would bs th greatest comedy If It were not trag edythen I answer, 'No!' "Our educa tional system,' In Its basic nation-wide disciplines, In Its earth-wld racial heri tages, and In its vocational courses, should not Include those whose special purpose Is preparation for wat.' " There I much that can be persuasively urged as to tha necessity ot being In a condition to meet and match a national adversary. But when the strongest word to that ffect has been spoken It still re mains true that events which w get ready for are exceedingly likely to occur. ' Hi) "Ml: ! i r-.' 1 1 iIIu'I:!mw,i;, , h ,sV, , . ,i.i; ,..isn. T&utfcdAmM-l.; srsZai.:: - - .. A Hot Dish 11 for a Cold Day Your Winter overcoat, will do you little good if you do not develop a certain amount df natural warmth by eating a nutritious, body-building food. The best fuel for the human furnace is Jhreddledl WSneat ittniiKt" "ii,..:;;, Every particle of these filmy shreds of baked whole wheat is digested and converted into warm blood, good muscle and sound brain. Two' of these Biscuits, served with hot 'milk, make a complete, nourishing meal full of warmth and strength. . 1 .'uli""-ltidaav .'. liai SMii UWWIi HWllM.i ... $Wr':y'' V . Two Shredded Wheat Biscuit, heated in the oven te restore crisp nets, served with hot milk or cream, make a complete, nourishing satisfying meal at a total cost of five or six cents. Also delicious with fruits. TRISCUIT is the Shredded Wheat Wafer, eaten as a toast with butter or soft cheese, or u a substitute for white flour bread or crackers. . Made only by The Shredded Wheat , Company Niagara Falls, N.Y.