2 THE HKK: OMAHA. TIItlliSDAY. MARCH 18, 1913.- PINANGE COMMITTEE - CUTS TO THE BOTTOM Recommendation! Allow Appropria tion! Only for Bnildingt at . Asylumni of the State. DEPARTMENTS CONSOLIDATED (From a Staff Cbrrespnnderil.) LINCOLN. March l-.-CKpcclaU-'-If a long, long road to Tlpperary," espe cially If It lie In th iim direction which the hotiM limine committee 1e travelling, and the way If so rocky an.l full of sinkholes that In many cesee the destination 1 never reached. Such la the fata cf a large number of appro priation bill, and among them Chambera' bill for raising fundi for the building of a new state houae. The houae finance committee a loo con cluded if -the ol daoldlera wlnh to at tend the Vlckabunr reunion thla aummer they may walk, a they did fifty year ago when they visited that locality, tha epproprlatlon of $16.0 aaked for being rut down until not een tha dollar roam remain. Departments Cawsallaateal. Conaolldatlon of tate department I lao provided for. The fire commissioner will fcave to iro back to that dear old Alliance, while lbor Cnmmlaaloner Cof fey will take over the duties of the .fire commissioner. Colonel Phllln Ackerman will have to return to hla regiment and do srvfce In the trenchr. aa the labor commissioner-s office will be placed un der tha Jurisdiction of Judge Herman of the pure food department. Abraham JJnioln II atill have a monopoly on the statue Aunt on the capi tol around, the democratic legislature re fuhtng to appropriate HO.(H for a monu ment to Thorn aa Jefferaon. Aarertlalasc Exhibit fron Nebraska to ties Panama raotfio exposition will have to be taken there In whoelberrowe or packed on tha back of democratic donkey; the com mittee rcfusingto epVt)ve any measure to assist In advertlalng the atate. They appear to believe If 1 getting plenty of advertising by the action of the commlu tee. The action of the committee la loldl In the following tragedy with Tour acta and twenty-three aoenea: Plaa far Csaaollaatloau A ' Tha finance commute boosted economy a little further" along by' reporting out for rasrnce the three bills which' It Intro duced earlier In the session to consoli date some of the appointive department. On a motion' by Chairman ' llorton they were made a 'special erder for Thuraday morning at ! o'clock. The bllla are: H. H, f7 Conaotldate atalllon registra tion bureau with the live stock sanitary board awl Htate veterinarian' office. H. Jl.' W 'on sol id a Irs (ire commission with the labor commissioner" a of flee (originally thla bill put the fire commits ln uner the mate Inatirancn commls eloner but It waa amended on the theory mm inspector tor me moor commis sioner's offlre can also lnsiact buildings with a view to promoting fire protection.), if. Jt. .' ConeoHdatea hotel comm!lon with the food drug, dulry and oil com mission. ' -Mtifr Ht Daakeal. " ' The , special appropriation bllla Indefi nitely postponed by the finance commit tee werel ... H. K. 41- Reformatory for women; Il6,0no, II. 11.. 1M Kxpensea of veterana W at tenrtlng Vlrksborg celebration, ti6,0OQ. H. 11. Ikj Thayer monument at Vlcke biirg. l!,tiO. . y . i ' H. It. -Jefferon statu on atate house grounds,' f40,e. ' : -..,. n. it.. XKf-iCxpenac ot minimum wag rommliwkiner. t.'.'ftX "'. . ' II. R. 3 Foe Nebraaka exhibit in car attached to-through train enroute to the fan Krneti'0 exposition, tai.OcA .' ' II. IU 7M Korettlqn commission, ti.OOO. One other arnr)fi1atlon bill waa Indefi nitely poatpened on a report of the claim nnd deficiencies , committee. It waa H. 11. 2?:. allowing 13.000 for the relief of Kurt I-atror, a atate farm. employe who waa Injured by falling from a wagon. Thee Art Favor. The finance committee ha recom mended for pga three apeclal appro priation for atate Institution for a total uf 170,000. Th'.a are: H. R. 1U Appropriate W.VO for aewar at the Hastings Insane hoepitel. H. R. 4i Appropriates tw.oou for a new building at the Norfolk Insane hospital. 11. K. HI Appropriate .i) to furnish the new building at the Orthopedic hoa pttal at Lincoln. Bryant's Claim , : ; Is Allowed with : Bureau's Items (Prow a Buff OorreanoDdrnt.) " UNTOI.N, March j7.-I"peclal- A kick en allowing W; T. Bryant for three daya work drafting, bill in th ' legis lative reference bureau wa registered in tha house Wednesday by Representative Korff of Cedar county.' Mr. Korff -wasted to know how Bryant came to be In Lincoln working for tbe legislature when he hoi da tlTe job of county Judge in Cedar county and draw the salary of that office. Thl claim, however, went through along with othera, aggregating or mitt Incurred by the legislative reference bureau in excess of It appropriation. Chairman Frira of the committee oa claim and deficiencies admitted, that the service of the bureau la coating tha atato a good deal, but he did not see how tbe legislature' could get along without It All at the reference bureau Item wra added to the regular deflcleocie bill, on Mr. Frteaf motion. DARKEN GRAY HAIR. LOGIC YOUNG Gray Hair Darker, Sa Evenly tia t:3j Will Knsil Ka Dji Tou can tura gray, faded, atreakad with gray hair beautifully dark and luetroua almost overnight It you'll apply, a few time. Q-Ban Hair Color Iteatorer to hair and acalp like a ehainpoo. Q-Uaa Hair olor Restorer U hanuleaa. sot sticky. dellgUful te use and darkens gray hair a naturally and evenly that no, one can tell It has been applied. Q-Ban act oa the root, makes gray hair healthy and l.roducea that soft, dark luatar and k.bundanc to gray hair which make tine i air so 1 asctniiting and attractive, besldw tucvent dandruff, itching scalp and fall ing hair and promotes Its growte. M.nay iak if it falls to darken gray hair. Only Wc for a bis T-o bottle at Hhermaa AfcConnell Lrug Co.. Owl Drug Co., Harvard or Li 1 riiuriiiary, Omaha, yrv. tiut-tr-tn folk eupulled by lit&il. Adt i UseiiiiiC STATE SICKNESS BENEFITS Senator! Fail Filler's Measure to Saite Fond to Aid Thoie . Who Are 111. NOW O0ES OVEfc TO THE HOUSE (From a Ftaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. March lT.-"peolal.)-Wllh only three rotes In the negative the sen ate this mornlnc passed on third reading a bill for state elckneaa and death ben efits, one of the most comprehensive bits of legislation before the legislature thl session. The bill. . V. 2M. was Introduced by PJller of Duller. The measure wa hla pet bill, and for that matter about the only one Introduced by him. It la simply the German , system of atate Insurance transplanted to American aoll. Have Taa U Levied. It levlea a ta of S cent a week upon each ablebodled person, male or female. within tha atate; a like tax upon each employer for each employe, and a mlllage tax upon the atate at large. The head tax fall upon Individual between the age of 1ft and tu. The administration of the' law, the tax having been collected, falls upon the atate Insurance commissioner. II I empowered to appoint a physician aa health Inspector In each county. Any cltisen becoming slrk may rhoe.se a physician of bla own, who ahall h compensated out of the fund In the hand of the Insurance com missioner under such rulea a the com mission may prescribe. I'aymeal la t'aae ef Death. In case of deatii there ahall be a "al tri ple" funeral, paid for by the tat under similar condition the alck benefit. Only three senator voted against the bill. They were Bygland, Grace and Weeaner. The other twenty-nine present voted for it. In tbe committee of the whole yesterday the bill wa advanced to third reading; without opposition and little debate. Beat of Cuater aupportlng It In a brief speech. The bill how go over to the, house. Ita reception ther I a matter of conjec ture. BUSINESS MEN ATTACK ELECTRIC LIGHT BILL (From a frMaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. March 17. rtpeclal.-A number of telegram wee received to night from prominent business ' men of Omaha 'by member of the Houae urging the defeat Senate file . tha Maunder.' electric lighting bill, on tha ground that It passage would discourage Investment of capital In Omaha bustnea enterprise In the future and result in a great bar to future development of that dty. Legislative Proceedings Bill Passed by lloase. . H. It.' i-'A. Jearv Emnowera district Judge to make rules wnd regulation for mtitilolpal Jails, 11. It. test, orr and .Cronln Increases maximum levy for aeoond class, cities from 10 to 15 mills, of which W mills mr be for road and street work. It.-H. ess. ' Da toe A Iowa cities to sell electricity from municipal planta outaide of their limits. II. H. .. Kmltli Candidates for edura. tlonal offioe shall be nominated and elected by nonpartisan method. . .. II. 11. I4X Sit-vera All rountv affleera aava Judge four year' term, beginning in urn. II. K. PrMs Forblda deatruction of wltnesa trenches and nits for townshln corners 'and fixes penalty. . it. tt. c.i. itoaiatler and Harris Appro priates I-.W0 to buy inore Und at tha Htate Tubercular hospllul, Kearney. n. rt. mo. Btearna Author aea attorney general to appear In suits defending the Interest of Nebraska water users aa against those In Colorado and Wyoming; appropriate tll.NW for exparmee. II. K. If.S, Uoualaa lelegailon Amanda system of verifying votera' registration in untana and Koutn Omaha, enabling election commissioner te keep a cloeer check on hotel ami loda na houae. ii. it. tu, pirarns Allows irrigajiion ais trlots to make rontracta with United Ktatea reclamation service for use of water nnd ditoliea. H. It. SkJ. Meredith Forbid anyone not holiilng a llcenae from the Ft at Board of Health to use the title. of "JJ. P." or ooctor or meoiolne." H. R. 07, Hichmond Permits a leweler to aell watehtis or other articles left for repair, alter holding them six months wiinoiii receiving payment tor work. it. R. m. nrueeedow and Othera In- Creaaea Omaha Drbtlon nfrinr'a ul. ary to tl.&iO .per year and alluaa two as sistants siuu per montli each. 11. H. eu4. Bmtth Kolteves counties which pay old insane fund accounts lue the state from paving Interest thereon. n. tt. srr, megiay froviuea tnat a lltl asnt whA flla e. rvnitttltur for Mr Af a Judgment may afterward claim the full jurtvnirnl It tne opposing litigant ap peela H. R. Palmer FlmtKiwera Douaias county attorney to employ special detect ives at i per flay eacn. H. It 4. Palmer Hequlree lustlcee of the peace to pay exceaa.fee to county (rrasurer. ilia Heeaaasaeaaea Paaa by Haas raaaaalttee ( Wkslr. H. R. SI3. Urirett-Aboil she normal choola. no oPnosltloa it. rl. bJH. Hunter To aupprea Bucket sh ps. H. R. SM. Matleaon Probate officer In counties tea than ao.uou. B11U Keeaaameaaea a Paaa by ata Caaaaalttee at the Whole. d. F. J"7, Howell of Douglas Itegulate private empioymentte ureaua H. F. t. Hallery of Box Butte-Pen allies false blllng or false weighing of frtirh ahloments. K. F. E&, MalUry of Box Butte Makoa trespaaslng ou railroad , track a a miad moan or. Bills Killed by least. II. R. S4 Permitting othera than layer to practice In probate court, railed to paaa, U to 17. Bllla Pasaea by the geaair. B. F. Stk. Wilson of Frontier Qlvea c retarle of the Htate Board of Health gen eral control over the sanitation gf the tat and tit duty of gathering of vital atattstli-a. now a fuuciion of the atate health Inspector. ' 8. K. ioit. Brookley of Clay-gtilatea laaue of school warrants In cltka of the secund class. K f. Pillar of Butler Providea a atate system of sickness and destk bene fits nOr dliavtlua of atat luaurance wmmisatoa. Killed on third reading: H. R. , Reuter of Otoe Permits others tlian attorneys to practice la pro bate courts. BUU aiaaeel ar Usttrasr, 11. R. lsl-CId aoldler Itilng outside state homes to rett-lve ration and fuel. II. II. isjS Abollaix coroner's, office after MIS. 11. K, nmployment of tall prisoners ii. K. Iti I ststs kid funds to pur chase private toll tiitaea. II. K. IU 1'eremptury challenge ha criminal caw. 11. It lit rltteen-ton brid lew. It. R. TV-Peremptory challenge of Jurors. . 11 R U-l-Mremen exemption certifi cate good anywhere In alale. t. It rht Kiwala olvlslon fence law. 11. IL Xaa Cuts down the number of printed stste rl orta H. R. Si.t i-.aprvaa companies must house Uv iuk k property H. R. U7 Inrnrsvs limit of stale bank reoHSLounls W emvunt v catatal aod sur Pius. . I II. R. It llosd overseers must notify county surveyois when coiner marks are llllilriK. ii. II. "late to pay Indemnity for killing tulienular cattle; also for du laiue of lio:st:a tnii mulea CONDRA "SHOOTS" SOLONS Conierration Expert Takes Films of Senators and Representatires While at Work. SIFTS THEM OUT IN GROUPS (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, March 17. (Special.) Dr. Condra of the Nebraska Conservation and Welfare commission, with Colonel Ray Lindsay, hi chief photographer, were at the atate house today taking motion pic ture of the senate and house for the purpose of exhibition purpose. The picture will first be shown lomor. tow evening st the legislative banquet, but will be later made a part of the col lection which will be ehown throughout the country. The two bodle were taken In different stages of activities and In the senste the photographer waa able to catch ex-Governor George Bheldon and Lieutenant Governor Pearson In conver sational attitude. A a Mutt and Jeff production it ha Ita great valu. Group of member, according to term ecrved, were taken and disclosed that there were thirty-eight second tormera In the houae, eleven three termer, four four termer. Taylor, Mockett, Frie and Fuller. Taylor dropped out on the five termer, and when It cme to the elxth termer Fries wa the only on left tend ing. In the senate Saunders proved to be the dean of Ibat body, having aerved flv term. In the houae a group of bachelore were taken, disclosing an even doxen, Greeiw "elt,,nelsner, Howard, Lundgren, Lanl ran, Negley, ReJin, Reynolds of ncd Willow, Liggett. Barrett. Matteson and Tlbbeta. St. Patricks Spirit ' Incites to Poesy at ' The State House ' (Front a Staff Correspondent.) IJNCOLN, March 17. (Special.) The moat enthualaatio son of the Emerald Iale around the atate house today I Colonel Hrry Bradley, the colored janitor. When the senator arrived at the chamber thl morning they found every desk In the room flying the Irish flag while the pil lar which hold up tha gallery were wound with green cloth. Everybody caught the spirit and green nower. nag and other buttonhole doe oration were on every hand. One young noman employed In the atate house caught the enthusiasm and, aelxing a big !r:h flag, mounted the atalra which lead to the dome and planted the atandard near the top of the building. Then she cme back and dashed off the followingi Here's a toast to the Mlchacl..a toast t j tn Pats, Tc the Nor and Bridget, and off aid yer nata t And three cheer for th Irish, thl Qod And itilrt J'hn,r'" t(r the friend of th Irish, I aayl Sure. If all of th Irish, could get in a line. And, the people that love all tha Irish Combine Wld the people that wlaht they wux Irish' b gor, Pure, we'd lick the whole world and nut an end to the wart But today iefa be kind' and big-hearted ana- glad, And let toast every soul, In (hla bulldln', For thejov f t. Pat' we'll' forget ur back bltln fl"n.V!n. Irlh-I1 no taste for Xlghtln , . . .. , , .. . And let ye In. turn pat the good word aruond Until thla ould state house will rlag wld the sountil . And each grouchy dlvli be wearln' th And be bleuln' fit. Patrick thl nineteen fifteen! Sure, the dear aalnt. hlmaelf, will mHe down from above Vive! rar nol,,,"'"n" wtd brotherly Here'a a ahake of (he hand and' a "God ble ye," too, To thi f.rtBd,l 1'. th. r the red, white and bluel Legislators to Talk Over Banquet Board (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN,- March 17. (Special Telo gram.) Tha ' fourth annual banquet of the Nebraaka Leglalatlv association Will be held tomorrow evening at the Llndell hotel at tM. Tha toaat list Is a long on and th speeches will be limited to flv minute. Tha following ha been prepared, W. 3. Taylor acting aa toait- anaster: Annual address. George Y. Pott a. pree- "The Old Guard," Thomas J. Major, Peru 187. "Then and Now,' Kdwln Jearv. uB. coin 1b7. v ' Whera are Thev NowT" Addlaon K. Sheldon. Uncoln J!7. "Senate Kile No. ." Edward B. Howell. Omaha 1897. a'leer the RItht-of-Way." TheodoVe M. Oeterman, Central City 1918. The tld Time Pop." Ctiarlea W. Beal, Drniian now joa. "IgisUtlv Bunk," J. P, Palmer, Omaha MIS. The geaslon of 1M1," John Matte. Ne- orssKa ins. "Keeping Down ExpenaesJ' J. N. Not ton. Polk 1911. "Sleeping Accomodatlona In the Senate ISM," W. K Dale, Ix-nton lts. "The Grntlemaa from Cuater," PetruS reterson. Lincoln lsia. "AgH.ultural Activities," J. A. Olll. Ord IM. "Th Bunny South," George L Bheldon. Wayside, Mlaa. 1WS, "Lratslator I Have Met," Governor jonn it. Aioreneaa iil. A GREAT HELP IN STOMACH ILLS If you suffer from Poor Ap petite, Sick Headache, Bloat ing, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Cramps or Constipation you will be greatly benefited by a fair trial of HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters The. digestive system ha be come weak and Nature needs assistance right away. The Bitters. has for over CO years been recognized as the real "first-aid." Try a bottle. The genuine has our pri vate stamp over neck. CHANGE COMPENSATION BILL Senate Strikes Out Provisions 'that Sought to Include Fanner ' , in Scope. HOW THE MEASURE NOW STANDS (From a Ptaff Correspondent) LINCOLN, March 17.'-(Speclal Tele gram ) It may be Justice, but neverthe less It can't be done. Mallery of Box Butte said that he recognised this fact in the aenate this morning, and In order to aave other feature of the bill, offered to strike out the amendment offered In 8. F. 302 to the workmen' compenaatlon law, proposing to bring the frmer within the operation of the law. Friends of the bill aaw that it death waa certain with the farmer clause left In. Mallery proposed that the bill be recommitted with the understanding that the proposed rhanges be atrlcken out. leaving only an amendment known a the "flnger-and-toe" amendment, fixing the compensation a to losses of these members, as regards to which the pres ent law Is silent. The present law now applies to em ployers with more than frve employes Another proposal waa to reduce tha limit from five to one. Thla bill will also be stricken. Jt waa evident that there was a rock-ribbed opposition to changing the law in any vital matter at the present time before It has had time for a real try-out. Monday Is Last Day For Senate Bills in The Upper Chamber (From a Utaff Correpondent.) LINCOLN. March 17. -(Special-) a mo tion to postpone Indefinitely all aenate file bill not reported out of the standing committees by Mondsy wss carried In tha senate thla morning, y Buhrman's motion originally read "Jy Friday." but Howell of Douls thought that this waa too abort a time and that Important bill might b unduly killed. Bo the motion wa amended to 'read Mon day. Between fifty and sixty bills now re main with the standing committees. The original number was XX. Thla blanket execution order spells the beginning of the end of the Thirty-fourth session more clearly than anything else. Apparently in anticipation of such a ruling, standing committee reported out a large number of bllla thl morning. Four of the number were recommended for Indefinite postponement, and the, rec ommendation concurred In. These were: . F. 166, Mallery of Box Butte Re nulre all vehicle to carry lights after dark. t. y. 27, Mallery of Box Butte Regu Inles oltlf-s of the second class In matters I'f paving and sidewalks. 8. F. 12l Authorises -combination of paving and guttering and curblmr bonds. K F. 215, Matte -of Otoe Hetrulrea whitn posts-at each .end .of -bridge cul vert. ' , , . . . ... . . r;i t TRESPASSING UPON RAILROAD TRACK TO BE MISDEMEANOR (From a Staff -Correspondent.) .. LINCOLN, March 17.-(Speclal.)-Jeiplte' some spirited opposition Ma levy's bill senate file JT13, to make treapnssmk upon railroad track a n-lsdern.ai)oT,;-was ad vanced to third reading - by tbi aenate . committee of the whole thla nxwnlng. WouId lt Be As You Wished? If you do not make a will or arrange for the . disposition of. your property during your life time, the State will dispose of it acoording to the laws of desoent. Now is the time to make a will and appoint . the Peters Trust. Com pany as your Executor. Then you know that your wishes will be faithfully carried out Capital and Surplus $475,000.00 ( Ift22 FAR NAM ftffUCT j Advertising Fans! Order Now for June Delivery When hot weather arrive, be rekdy with-your advertising fan. If you want n article that will l appreciated and an ad that will be read dally. We have good variety of tylea, from the lnexpnlv) Card Fan to an unusually at tractive Japanese Parchment Kan that will appeal to every one, V. .. . , Phone for our salesman "-to call with sample, or write for deecrlptron and price. F.I. F. SUAFER & CO. . 12th and Farnatn Ht. u " ' ' "' iswwaaaw a sj m Douglas Member Gives the Candy Trade a Big Boost (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. March 17. ( Special . ) A choice bit of goaslp has been floating around the legislative halls for several day past It concern a house member of the Douglas county delnratlon. who ha long been noted for hi gallantry. A In all affair of gallantry, however, there I always a party of the second part. In this case ther are three parties ot tne second partt hree young women, all of them' young and passing fair. The faet that thers were, three render it clear tht thl wa only an "affair of gallantry'.' and not an "affair of the heart," Thy three were seated at ntw of tha lunch tablea In close proximity to the candy counter. The member from Doug las wandered by and compelled thereto THOMPSON, BELDEN 6-COMPANY t The Store for Shirtwaists (Original) Dainty new wash blouses, very inexpensively priced -95c to $2.95.. Lighter Under wear for Springs Women's and children's garments that are new. WOMEN'S GAUZE VESTS, . 10c and : up wards. WOMEN'S GAUZE UNION SUITS, low neck, sleeveless, cuff t knee or wide knee, 35c and . . . ,50c CHILDREN'S GAUZE V E S T S, low neck, sleeveless . -V 10c Third Floor. JP"S" I I igaa ! I P ' I ! ii h i raiiiiiiji iirirV!l1i! in;iiiliii iii,l!'ii"lii;'i!: i ;'nriili Here Is a Shoe That Cures Weak Arch and Fiat 4rch Dr exeFs Arch Doctor: The xulnute that you put thla shoe on your foot you will be relieved and eventually It will cure you of weak arch or flat foot. No bunglesome metal ' bud1 port to put In your shoe, but a shoe built on scientific, prin ciples, made of the finest kid with the support built right tn the fthoe where It cannot slide or get out of shape. This I a neat and dressy and a perfect fitting shoe. If you have a weak arch or flat foot you should have a pair today. Parcel post paid price Men's, $5.00 Women's, $5.50 We are exclusive agents in Omaha for the Famous AnatQ mlk shoe for men and. women. HREXEI E-w sa rr." : i 4 a ariiaiu Real Estate- Read tbe Latest sWWa abaaat r4 aetata - oa the ssbt to tt last pace. Ba tnfornaed - taeati Ct wait jam wlU ba able to' taveat your money saore tnteUU featly and more profitably. L-fW r 4m SSa a - 'j E r by ohls brersy and genial disposition stopped. V "Swewta to the sweet," he murmured, "and a box of randy for a kisa," he added a a bantering afterthought. "The motion prevails," aald the three in unison. The committee of the whole thereupon rose to report, and it waa up to the' gentleman from Douglas. It' was a showdown. The three queens won and the candy bualness began to pick up at once. - ' AVIATOR ST. HENRY VISITOR AT CAPITAL LINCOLN, March 17-(Speclal.)-Colo-nel A. II. llolllngworth of Beatrice visited th state house today accompanied by Henry C. Ft. Henry, one of the leading aviators -of the west. Mr. C. St Henry wss born and brought up In Alvo, Neb., but now lives on the coaat. He expects to make several flights In Nebraska be fore returning to his home. A going business can t old quickly through The Bee' "Business Chances Aprons and House Dresses For Spring Cleaning APRONS OF EVERY STYLE AND COLOR Made as good as horns made aprons (58 inches long). Well made in ev ery particular. As far. as prices you'll be more than pleased. A Very Unusual Value New Palm Beach Suitings 54 Inches Wide, $1.50 and $1.75 a Yard; A beautiful display of these fashionable new fabrics in a great variety of new'shades of putty sand, battle ship gray. 'Many other handsome new weaves to show you at the same time. Mlgl.SRMMSjsssg wjnnpsBBB)p I! I'i liW I I "l I A Month Rent Good lp right PI. sou. Free Tuning, In mrtnee, Stool and Scarf. Rent allowed on purchase price if you decide to buy. Schmofler & Mueller Piano Co. 1311-13 raraam It. Ttoaa. 16SX Help! Help! Help! to End the WarL By using Peace Stamps. Clever, artistic, suitable. for paster stamp albums. Paste them on your corres pondence, eend them to your friends. Help to start the Peace movement. ' 16 Different Kinds 10c On Sale at The Bee Office. 3 1 ;H For Uquor and Drug Users Removea perananently tha craving for Liquor and Drug. lavs Improves the general health, fciurroundluge pleasant ayatem hu mane, nothing 'heroic" , Vruga are withdrawn gradually, and with the aid of our tonic ramediea Patients suffer no collapse. Do not ba'perauadfcl that all treat, roenia ar alike. Ours is tits only effective one. as time and exper ience prove. Come to ua without delay. These con ditions are serious and there should be no experiments. Send for illustrated booklet. Corre spondence strictly confidential. The Keeley Institute Coras aata aas Oas Straete, OaaaJaA. HS. . iHllKMKWTt. Hpp THnATHR IAMT TOttS TODAT ELGIE JANIS "Talli CAVHIC&S - O aUTTT A Kegalat Slat fmalu YteUe. Annexationists See Bill Passing with Emergency Clauso tFrom a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN. Neb., March 17.-(Speclal.)- The Omaha annexation bill will come up tomorrow morning, a It tand sixth from the top of the list. That It will pas 1 a good guess. Friends of th bill claim changea In Its favor aa late a o'clock thl evening, while It opponent do not appear to be feeling sanguine. Members of th Douglas county delega tion say tonight that it will ecure suffl- rlnnf Vnlaa n Ii W a - - vwri w yaom wna inc emergency clause, . KHljr' Beat PrfiB. ST. IiOUIS, Mo., March U.lo Kelly, St. i-roulf welterweight, won a derinlon )Vr Cm rwfini S"WI11 "' ir.Ha . tv - - - ' V.111, i r i ii d vx x ii- raa City here tonight. The referee stopped the fight in the sixth round ot a scheduled clrht-round bout to avert a knockout. MORE NEW HOUSE DRESSES coming in ev ery week. - DIX NURSES' UNI. FORMS The best made. Easement Apparel Section ( 4MUSRMENTS. AMERICAN ' -"- aoaa Deaglaa 3100. ' , tarttag- Thursday, for THREE DAYS ONLY, th ltagnifloant Trobman rhot Flay "The Fairy v and the UJaif ' , Siir Broadway Predaetloa.'rat nriag Mary mis KUtr, rarer . XItoa and WU1 AreU. Tou will recall Mary Mile MInter aa the atar of the "Llttleat Rebel" Percy Helton in th "Miracle Man" and "Peter Grimm", and Will Archl whoa nam I known to playgoer from end to end af Broadway. Every child and grown parson ah ould ee thl graat feature, children 10c to all parta of the hous matinee, ympfeoay Orchestra, High Orad Toeallate. ICa, 10 ft IS. St., loo. is. 15. Reerv seats for the S:30 evening show on sale Two Weeks In Advsncc. ATHLETIC & GYF..MASTIC CHAMFICrSJHIPS AUDITOR I U Itf Trlitr. 70Q w. Xaroa It oo ooHTraTAjrrs oo 8wlmmlrtg C&lonahlps T. M.aA, TOO. Batnrday, p. a, Karoh 90. Meat (or Both Vow oa Sal. Prteis 15c, SOe, 75c $ni J1.I0 OOYD OWAXAI MOST oDt.ia atatlne Today, :SO - Toalgbt aalaao Week SAr.ison , Mat. W, Thar Bat 8 ngkta. 15 and 60s. Ksxt Week i Oa. la. Oohaa'a Big Mus ical Comedy, ruty Kaa front Boatea Taeaday, Soslaty sTia-ht. . Xsary Ooa'e TloUa Oaslr. J Aave. aadiu BaUy atats. S:1S Mights. litLLV B. VA-X IPEAT. OtheS acta thl week: Kebla. Kranc dc Bruce. , . , , . " . . . . w raui lull, Alfred Wallanstein. lauub Ou.n.nJ and Orpheum Travel Weekly, trice--Wait dallery. 10c; test beVte ("ScJoT bat, and 8 uuJ 3c; N i ghta l-8 6-60-7 sc. ntlAHGEIS Tcdav UIOWM a:oo giao TH.ATXB, AU.WMk P. U. The Keystone of Keystone TILLIE'S PUNCTURED ROMANCE Frloes. atata, loo grra- 10-SO oOaUHAI fiu CBsTTXm- Tas Ooliuabia Circuit's Cl.... 1 am rtiimrww. ..biitiibi Burt... Ita-... J. P G..II..N I",T-'"k! tAi' Dim MAiiAM WNk