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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1915)
Tl IK I'.KK: OMAHA. WKDXIJNI AV, MARCH 17, 1915. . -By MELLIFICIA. Tuesday, March 16, 1915. THE Chicago Herald carries an interesting Item on the dolors of the Junior league, one of Chlcago'a recently formed and moat aueeess ful organisations for philanthropic work, now leaded by Mm Helen Cudahy, formerly of Omaha. This club always entertains at a "Merry Whirl' aa it ta described, during Easter week and this year the performance will be merrier and more profesMcnal than ever and by far the gayest affair cf the Easter week festivities. Miss Cudahy, with her sisters, the Misses Florence and Alice, are In charge of several of the dancing group. Miss Helen heads the group; Miss Alice, the Frivolity, and Miss Florence, the Russian. Miss Helen will also give one of the solo dances. The entertainment win be held in Orchestra hall, and la for the bene fit of the rest room for waitresses, a much needed organisation which th Junior league has sponsored. The first "Merry Whirl" was given four years ago. Club Women at Fontenelle. The Omaha Woman's club rave th first lars lunrhfon at the new Fon tenelle today. whin Mr. A. O. Peterson if Aurora, president of the; Nebraska Federation of Women's Clubs, and Mr. Thomas Q. Winter, president of the Minneapolis Woman's club and general federation chairman of the literature d vartment, were the; honor g-imsts. Mrs. FVJasrd Johnson, chairman of the house and home committee, vu In rharira of the affair. The rural were sealed at small "1 utile 'of clsht placee In the tea room. Yellow and a hits, the club colors, were used In the decorations. The honor ftueata, presidents of local federated cluhs snd state federation offloera were at the eneakers' table. Thee Included . Metdames Mcmlamn A. O. I'eterson. K. K. J Kdholm. Thomas O. Winter. li-orK C. Kdaeriy, N. H. Nrlaon. ". I'. KaM, F. H. Cole. W. M. lavldaon , . W. T'syaa, of Kprlng-rield, K. M. yfert, J. t. bahlman. M. D. Cameron, other club women prearnt were: Ueadamea V. A. Fhoemaker, .). M. Tsnnrr. .1. W. Will, Karl PUnfleld. V. A. IMIwcrth of MoldreRe. Klmer Conley. Hobert Mayhler, F. J TngK'ilt. M. H. Whltehiiuse. H. V. t'silson, P. H. Winn. W. Knlsht. K. It. Horn, K. W. llendee, T. H. TlhHra, K. J. Purdue, V. C. Tvm, XV. A. W'oodard. w. u J-yle. Mesdamea K. II, Hansom, . A. Nlikuni, F. XV. Moshor. K. H. Towl, A. IL McFarland, Kdwartl F'lielmi, II. Mai ley, I oiila Mueei, Jyhn 1 laarn.ann, Fiank I'olter. t'aroa Woodworlh, F. J. MrlJUferty, K. I j. IXMlner. '. II. Wllhnell. '. f l.awann, Mowar.1 fcald, Hov Towl, Ilalph Towl. .1. F. Fersuaon, A. X'. Dreaher. Jorge Waterman, II. J. Halley, ". J. I.ron. V P I'ow tI, f XV. Carml. hael, . I,. Ilempcl, J I) II Iks. XVarren Held. II. J. Holmes. K. XV. Uooth. J. i'.. rtonner, -". J. Kla-k. H. C Jordan. W. Lambert, I- M. I -oid. I. F. Jliiitoiie, XV. J. Null,. H. S. HluUh, Kdward Jnlinson, '. II. Miillln. i A. r her wood, il. A. hainmls, U. M. Hnilth. For Miia Arnold. F. A. Howant. lassc HoiiKlaa, John lVuiKlna, A. I.. FerriHln. ItotM-rt .Ullder, .1. J. MrAlllater. Fenjamln Hrm krield. F. J. Hetinett, . H K. t'rane, F. 1.. Haller, II. P. Hamilton, I.. J. Ileal, y, , Mart Armstrong, J. X': Ktnrirtt, . H. H rook a. XV. A, XVIIiox, J. XV. Welch, Mlsaes Mlaaea Helen I'helan, Hoa Cusfenmoa. Mis. William F. Baxter Was'lioaieAa to day at an attractively appointed luncheon In honor of Miss Jensle Arnold, head real-' dent of the Social Hettlenient. The table was decorated with a large basket of sweet peas and the place cards were Ht. Patricks day novelties. Mrs. Haxter en tertained the membership oommHlee. St. Patrick's Say Affairi. The. Prairie Park club will give a spe cial subscription dance Wedneeday even In at their club house. It will be a typical St. Patrick's Osy iffalr. The club rooms and ball room will be elab orately decorated In green with the flag of Ireland prominently displayed and a . profusion of 'shamrocks. Nobody will be allowed on the dunce floor without "wear ing the green." In place of punch orange cider will be served. The La loos club will give a St. Pat rick dancing party Wednesday evening at Turplns academy. This will be the largest and moat unique party of the club's aeaeon and the decorations will ba Ht. Patrick's day novelties.' Mrs. N. I.. Uuckrrt was hoateea this afternoon-at tte regular weekly meeting of the Tuesday pVwIng circle. The club sews for the Visiting Nurse aasoclatlon. Orphenm Party. Mia. hcymour II. Smith gave an Oiplicum party thla afternoon In honor f Mis. flhrpherd of Hrouklyn and for Mrs. K. XV. Ilarnard. The matinee wai followed by an after-theater tea at the Fontent-lle. The gueaia entertained were: Meedamea Meadamea ' . K. Ikln. XV. h Wxmieh r . ii.. r-inmi, Fred m'. F. K. Coulter. V. XV. Turner. Afternoon at Cardi. Mrs. H. t llartry entertained In formally this afternoon In honor of Mrs. Alsry Reynolds of Sheridan. Wyo. Those present were: Meadames Mpidamri Mary Kevnold i. t'liun li, of Sheridan. XVyo.; XX'. laard. Hartry . e Kumph. of Canada. .1. Minn! -k. . It. Hofman, R. Nlchola ' H. O. Hartrv. Fnir, T. Tagg. ll-e Hasel Hartry. Change in Meeting- Place. The rarUh AU aoctety f Trinity cathedral will meet at the home of Mrs. l-athem Uavls Wodneaday morning. In stead of with Mrs. Georgo K. I.aiker, as was prevloualy announced Reception Openi Conference. The largeat affair of Wednesday even ing will be the reception af the bo'me of lira. J. M. Metcalf, which will open lit thlj-tecnth annual conference of the Ne 1'iaaka Daughters of the American evo lutlon. The vlaltlng delegatea. members of the Omaha and Major laaao Swdler hapirg and the Hons of the American devolution will be entertained. Wedding Announcement Tin Wcddli.g of MUa WUma Howard. dughtr of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Howard, and Mr. Carl Swanland of Newman rov. Neb., wu celebrated Monday aft ernoon at the realdenoa of the bride's rsrents. at i f e'elock. Rer. 11. a Row Is nds. pttjitor of the Ftret Preabytertan iburch. perform! the ceremony. In tba i reaeme of the Immediate family und a fear close frleads. The ring cere mony was ued Tba bride wore "her t-o-away gown of Belgian blu ailk. with I. at to ma Id j. Mi., Maraarrt Howard, ais ir i.' tie bride. wa the maul uf honor and Mr. C. ,VX ilaoa of Lincoln best msa. The bride and groom left laat evening fur their new horns In Newman. Grove and will take a wedding trip In May to California. Prairie Park Dance. At the Prairie Park dabs weak -end dsnclng party Saturday evening the foW lowing were present: Messrs. and Mesdames rdsr. F. Reynolds. N. W. Nichols. XV W. M. Clark, William Fx-k. A. C. Hunt. !r. A. W. Flle- slmona, ('. I,. I'eterson, Ir. C. II. Halliird lr. W. H. Klat.r, II. I. Ucorge. J. K. HIMIna-er, ImuIs Nelaon. T. C. Rich, K. R. Ilralnnd. XT. I,. Hlarketi, F. A. Pardun, II J. Shkler. XX'. Cnisliy Charles Craig. Mrs. R. H. Wall, MHaes Mary Coll. Phyllis Weheig, , Urace Hunt, ib-rlruda Kla.ick, Oladys Ambleiv Mercrdea Abbott, Cnrolyn llolm- lllIM, F.dna Blerup. Kathryn Smith, Irene Kenny, Meaars, A. I.. Oladwln. 11. Slattery of Sheridan, XVyo.: K J. Mnatrom of Tork. Neb.; .1 era Id Hmre, I,. I j. Carr, John C. Iilttlnser. Fred XVedemeyer, Raymond Powell, Dr. XVIIIaid H. Quigley. Debutante Bridge Club. The Debutants Bridge club was enter talned this afternoon at the home of Mls Kugenle Patterson. The members present Included: Mlaaea Mleaea Franoa Hoehaletler, Blanche IHiuel, l.urllo Karon, Helen Clarke. Alice Jauulth. Rleanar Mecksy, .Marlon Kuhn, AnnUifford, KiiRenla Patteraor., Janet Hall. Btella Thummel, Sew for Charity. ; Mlas Rllxaheth Congdon was hostess at the' meeting of the Tuesday Bridge club this nfternoon. The members sewed for one of the local charities and those pres ent were: , . June A. Abbott, W. A. Hmtth, J. B. lond. -H, H. !wts. XV. H. Stewart. Jr.; XV. H. Iiiee. '. I Owen, H. i. King. I. 8. Kelt. Ir. J. Res Bell, I). K. Smith. K. C. Conlev. K. J. Weheig. Cbarles Neff. l. W. Oardnrt. '. C. Ilaynes, Edwin Cols, Misses Alpha Fields. lorla Peterson, ' rranVreB Watt, Kthel Morgans, Cecils Impovsn of Lincoln. Neb.; Kthel Weldner. Irene Tracy. Kva Lavery. Dorothy Fardun. Meaara . . Howard Oranden. W. F. Sweeny of Lincoln. Neb. ; .1. W. Jackson. Frank C. Lee, Richard Kleter, O. F. Abbott. Fred Schoeffler. Kenyon Smith, Phil Brlggs. R. IT. MacNamsra. Meadames 1)cnl"e llnrkalow, Arthur Keellne, XV. R, MrCormlck Juiin Madden, lntiee Clarke, The , Aliaalon afternoon aa Jacob's hall. Meadams John Itodlck. Frank Keogh. Walter Roberts.. Haa R. Towle, Uaorge Redlck. Sewing club met this Engagement Annound. Miss Helen Adklsson entertained the K. K. K.e last evening at her home. After a dellatrtful Ht Patrick's du luncheon, her engagement to ' Edmond X ynn of Schuyler, Neb., was announced, the wedding to take place this spring. Present were: . Mlssea Misses Alice Peters. Alice Iavls, I Hat Marshall, Katharine Bachman, Margaret Solomon, Irene Palmqiilst, Kvel n Copeland. fliarlotte Thompklni Alfreds Traulaen, Helen Adklason, Irene lllnman, Viola Pierce, To California. ' Mr. Joseph Hayden. accompanied by his slater. Miss Sadie Hayden. left Pstur-' dsy evening for Ban Francisco. They will meet Mrs. F.dward Hayden, Miss Ophelia Isvdrn and Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Store, who are returning from the Hawaiian Islands, and visit ths exposition together. DARKEN GRAY , HAIR, EASY, SAFE Something; New Not a Dye Acts on Roots Makes Gray Hair Glossy, Soft, Dark. If your hair Is gray, streaked with gray, prematurely gray, faded or falling, and you want beautiful dark hair, thick god abundant, slmrly apply Q-Ban Hair Color Reatorer to hair and scalp, a few times, rubbing It in gently with the flngac Hps. To use UBan Is no bother, as nothing tlae is required. It Is wunderful snd will please and dVllgbt you by making your gray hair dark, soft, fluffy, silky, thick, giving the abundance which makes the hair so attractive. Q-Ban la not sticky or messy ; harmless, and is a delightful hair dreasing. Also slops dandruff, fall ing hair or Itching scalp. Uuaranteed to darken gray hair or ao charge. Try IL Don't atay gray when you on ao aaaHly darken your hair and look vu ra jl-os. bottle only (Or at Sherman Ho- vnnen urug t.. owl Drug Co, Harv- ard or Loyal Pharmacy, Omaha, Neb. Out-of-town folke supplied by majl. Cf. for First - Htlf- OUb Wile, 3e fer ttca isittieitl aile tktrt- aflir for tht tltUaca y rWa. R charge kt eaO ing af rtbiratng. W aulas' Tisse at mee ef SUM t am. Tat'e Owr aWrvtee" Telephone Doug. 90. Qcialia Taxi Senrica Co. ?I04 Faraant t . OMAHA For the Boudoir May Annexed Voters Run for City Jobs? ' I ' vje - ' X''" r. j Whether the annexe! I'm bill. If enacted I Into law with the emergency clause at I onee end becoming effective so far as j the actual merger ia concerned only after a period of twenty days, would enable residents of suburbs to be candlrtstes and x-ote st the coming iy election. Is a question which has been put to Elec tion Commissioner Moorhea-i. "The genersl oplnloi has been tlist lestdents of the auhurbs would be elig ible to partlclpste In the election If an nexation paaees wltn the errlergency clause." said the commissioner. "It Is tTnc. however, that a question this may arise. 1 decided not to thla brlii-e until I came t'i It: have abaolutely no consideration to the and would not want to make em inent conccrninit it." as ti cro given point, state- Investors with nione read the iVest ITatste ads in Tho Bee. Advertise your property for a quick sale. 91 Wednesday Va nilla, vanilla-nut, chocolate, choco- LJ late-nut. rocoanut and cream roll earamelg. A pound, 25c. it imo Phone Orders given Immediate and efficient at tention. All dellr- M ertes are made promptly. ly LA RACONTEUKE. A negligee that la eifjulsitely dainty Is this of cream colored geor gette crepe, over which is draped cream daphne silk and wide shadow lace. : A girdle of pink satin ribbon extends in lond ends oxer the front, with tiny wreaths of pink flowers. Furniture of Good Quality Yot Vory Moderately Priced A beautiful collection of tho latest productions, the approved period styU re feprcwented hy many suites; and sinKle pieces for every room. The additional space which e recently added to our Maniple floors is now devoted to the exclusive display of beautiful solid nuthogany and over-stuffed furniture'. Out of the High Rent District See our ex tensive line of elegant rugs and draperies; the price are very moderate, made so on account of ourinexpen eive build ing and location. The greater portion of our main floor is now devoted to (the exclu sive display of beautiful dining room fur niture in the genuine fumed and golden oak. An Elegant Reed norker. mnaslve and thor oiiKhly comfortable; the scat and back In up- noiHiereo wun neautirui tapesiry inie uesign, our price Have the Central Figure on Your Furniture Bill! or iv mv A massive over-stuffed Turkish Sofa, upholstered with a.n excel lent quality of tapestry of a very pleasing: design, an excellent val ue at our price ...... 855.0O nubstsntial genuine mahouany rlockec, made aa all good quality fin Iillure ahould be. ihir price... (7.60 An eleRiint genuine mahosany Li brary Table In a maastve colonial de sign, beautifully made and nicely finished. Our price aaa.59 Tho Central Is a Safe Place to Trado t3 v For Rich. Light Calces I r and Puddings a 7jj,- Nothing so much insures uniform, satisfactory results in all kinds of baking as . - Coitoqe Mil bill StarUUsMl IMtwastsnas It is alirays eura. sweet and rich dosio to the last drop. It cose farther, lasts loagat and is more convenient than Dotue milk. . Once you leara its superiority for all baking purposes you'll asisr be without IL oet a supply today. The) Milk Without thai Cooked Teat e a 5 and lO Cents At AO CooJ Dmlr AMERICAN MILK COMPANY CHICAGO V- Spring Fashion Looks With Great U Favor Upon These Suits of Silki Silk Poplin and Silk Faille tailored suits already have StfUck the note of nonular fanev and'hav Mtahlished a vogue that likely will be maintained throughout the season 4 7 a a a v a u v a a a vai vxa r"5 Each Suit Possesses an Air of Rare , Distinction . J The soft drapery texture, with the rich effect of the coloringB make them unexcelled for dress suits. The effects clever Empire Tl. ae mi-fitted and pleated jackets. The fetchuif flared skirts all combine to make theee sufts rery attrmcttre and glre tbem an air of distinc tion seldom achieved la suits. Every Model Elicits Instant Admiration -T- M " W h to Every Taste of Womankind In sizes for misses, forwomenand small women many silk suit models have just been re ceived. Designed by leading New York couturiers Fashioned according to authentic modes Made from the high est quality materials these suits are moderately priced, each an unusual aJue at th price we shall ask, as an Inspection will show $25. $35, $39, $49 and Upwards to $98 The models pictured above are selected Irom our famous CORONET HAT assortment and add further evidence to the already well established fact that, every new phase of Dame Fashion is Instantly reflected in this wonderful selection of hats; they are In tune with her every mood. Black and white effects have met with the instant approv al of womankind, with the result that the demand for this style effect in millinery for spring is increasing daily As in the past we are first to recognize fashion's demand almost to- anticipate it so we have an almost unlimited variety of very smart black and white hats. Those Pictured, $10. (Especial attention is directed to our Sixteenth street display) a vasBaaasaaaBaMaaaaaaaaaaBiMsaaiBaBaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaBaBaaaaaaaaaiBaaaiiBMBasaaBai S -aj Exclusiveness Is the Keynote of Thesefl It New Embroidered Kid Gloves for Spring ft w This fact will be appreciated by the woman who prefers to accent H her individuality and personality in the Black and white and the new' sand and champagne shades, in a variety 'of styles al most bewildering. There are, however, lim ited quantities in every style, insuring exclu siveness in hand-wear. apparel that she affects . v Especial attention is directed to the white gloves with black embroidery and black gloves with white embroidery, and to the sand, putty and champagne shades with black cmproiciery. We are showin&f for the first time a limited quantity of washable cape gloves in ivory and sand shades exclusive and very practical. Many other newly arrived styles in street and dress gloves all moderately priced at $1.50. $1.63. $J.75 and $2.50. Specials From Exposition Sale of Silks 3 2 -inch Imported Shan tung Silk and Paint Beech Silks Our own importation. All first Juahties. A yard, 59c 9c and $1.00 Shedwater Foulards la the new dots, fancy two and three-tone effects, and fancy atripes In a aplen dld array of new printings. They are very fash ionable this season. 24 inches wide, a tf4 nn yard. 69cV, 40 inches wide, a yard pl.Jlv JS-lnch Black Peau Radium A new. soft, clinging ailk fabric, similar to crepe meteor, but worth a little more. The weight or thla material is suit-l able for aulta and dresses. Special af nn Wedneeday, a yard pI.UU The New 40-inch Fan cy Stripes in a Fine Faille Weave They have just been re ceived. Specially priced for this sale, a yard $1.50 Trio of Important Dress Goods Specials Blaok and White Shepherd Checks are in re-jue at present. For Wedneeday we offer a splendid quality, all-wool material, rr 54 tncbea wide, for 50-inch Gabardine For tail ored suits and dresses. 16 new shades; also black nicn WW and cream. A yard. . . aD I Fr.sch Serges, Fancy Suitings, Smart Mixed Suitings Checks snd stripes; Poplins and Fine Whip, cords Special Wednesdaj no a yard 79c and 7oC Unusual Rug Buying Occasion for Wednesday K Ruge Conrentional patterns. Regular x12 Witten and Oriental price 140.00. Wedneeday .. 27n64-inch Wllten Rugs- Keuiar 16 values, for 12 Wlrton Velvet tO? Cfi Seam leas "tugs Special y.0U $35.00 $4.00 27x54-inch Axminster dl lF Rugs 2. SO valuea, forpi,UiJ 36x72-lnch Axminster d0 f Ruga $4 valuea, for. . . taCUs) Rag Rugs Slies up to 36x72 inches. Z.IH values, jjq 3Sx63-inch Wilton Rugs nn Regular 7 ralues, for pD.UU 8.3x10.6 Wilton Ruge Worth 13?. oU. Wednesday, each 9x12 Wilton Velvet Rugs Regular su.uu vaiuea. special (POn nn Wednesday, for pU.UU $33.00 Window Shades Are Most Attractively Priced 1 nis is uie time to have us measure and make your new shades. 29c Shad Columbia Linen 8ise Si. Each . Columbia ftaadee Made ef beat oil opaque. Sis 1x7 Beck 45c II m ported English Water-Proof Cloth Shades Size 3x6.. Made to tt order. Each UuC Columbia Linen Shades s f ISlae 3i7. Each I3C Empire Opaque Made to Basement Special 1,000 Pair af Pine Lace Curtains 45 to 60 inches wide. White or ecru.' Valuea to 12 60 a pair. Very special Wednesday. -Bach 49C anai 11 ir Best Hand-Made Shade Size 3x7. order. Each .... Best Hand-Msde Shades Size 4x6. to order. Each . We make a specialty of making win dow ahadea no order la toe large fer ue to handle. Estlmatea free. Empire Made 65c Opaque $1.00