Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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"Tiz" For Tired
and Sore Feet
TI2" for puf fed-up, burning,
aching, calloused feet
and corns. N
itJfr jut acta
"hjr bo llmplns around with aching.
ruffd-up fret feet so tired, chafed. orr
and swollen yoti cn hardly net your
hop on or off? Why don't yon mot a
S-cent box of "TIZ" from the drtis: slnre
Jiow and Kladden your tortured feet?
"TIZ" makes your feet glow with com
fort; takes down swellings snd draws the
soreness and misery right out of feet
that chafe, smart and burn. "TIZ" In
atantly atops pain In corns, callouses and
bunions. "TIZ" Is glorious for tired, ach
ing feet, sore feet. No more shoe tight
ness no moro foot torture.
( To ni0 customer only.
Expnn Chargta Paid
IF joa bava er trM Haraar WlilskaTi
. try It now. Mail as this ad wKh 80 cents
Id stamps or coin and we will send you
full quart bottle of Hayntr Private
Stack Baitled-ln-Bond Whiskey la sealed
casa express charges paid. Its a Bnttlid-in-Bond
whiskey of the finest kind
sealed with the U. 8. Government's Green
Btamp over tha cork fully aced. full
100 proof, full measure sure tc please
yon In every way. You take no chances
we are one of tha largest Distillers in
America been In businesa 48 years
capital 1 500.000.00, Ordrr rirht now
order purrt than one quart If yon like
Sood will Bo forward by first express.
- u n.u w u .
vi um .ruin ... a. . ...'..., . " .. mwas..
and all Mates West thereof mart e&U for
$1.00 tor one quart express paid.
Address our nearest office
Dsvtee.0. Watkiariea. D. C. St. Leais, Me.
lata, O. aWae, Mais. Kaatas Citj. M.
SeriarfWU, Okie. Usiaasselii, lee.
6C ful, Mian. JacksMviUa, Fla.
slew unease, La.
Dandruffy Heads
Become Hairless
If you want plenty of thick, beautiful,
glossy, silky hair, do by all means get
rid of dandruff, for it will starve your
hair and ruin it if you don't.
It Uoean't do much good to try to
brush or wash it out. The only sure way
to get rid of dandruff is to dissolve it,
then you destroy it entirely. To do this,
get about four ounces of ordinary liquid
arvon; apply it at night when retiring;
use enough to moisten the scalp and rub
It In gently with the finger tips.
By morning moxt, it not all, of your
dandruff will be gone, and three or four
mora applications will completely dla
aolve and entirely destroy every single
Sign and trace of It
You wilt find, too, that all Itching and
digging; of the scalp will stop, and your
tialr will look and feel a hundred times
better. You can get liquid arvan at any
tfrug store. It Is Inexpensive and four
mi noes la all you will need, no matter
kg much ' dandruff you have. This
simple remedy never falls. Advertise
ment. j WEALTH j
No amount la TOO SMALL with
which to start the work of lay
ing the foundation for your fu
ture wealth ami success. There
la no time like the present to
begin. This bank welcomes
whether large or small.
4 paid on Savings accounts.
This bank la protected by the
Depositors Guarantee Fund.
24th and M Streets
H. O. BOSTWICK, President
T. K. GETTY, Cashier.
I uildiBs im-
trorly rtcl-
4 battuu vt
U.k of lecjmtc).
krcwledu urn th
part of tb contrac
tor. It's dollars tr
your pork! to employ
expert technical iupr vis
ion such s I sm able to
rebder. Call phono or rtt.
Umber AmrkK haitUute
ef BKcUiol Ku(lue
1304 W. O. W. Bldg.
Phone Douglas 6037.
Make Teething Easy for Baby
Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup
if- fjn .w jV5.i
PRoof kero
s JEiaafcrt,
Jl ?jajB"
(FULL fcM I If 111 100
- a
B S.G.
ava Boo PrU It New Beacon Frees
Barf sse-Oraadea Co, L'f htlni fixture
STebraeka attars ana Ass"
Now office between city hall and Fon
tenelle hotel, 111 South Eighteenth St
"Today's Complete Movie Trrrm
classified section today, and arrears In
The Bea EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what
the various moving picture thcatera offer.
The State Bank of Omaha paya 4
per cent on time depostta. I per cent on
savings accourta. All deposit in this
bank are protected by tha depositors'
guarantee fund of the state of Nebraska.
ftealrna to Become a Tanner Police
Officer Paul E. Haso has resigned, to
take effect on Thursday. He will engage
In farming. He Is a son of Heputy United
Mates Marshal 11. V. Hate.
Gate Verdict for Back ray Dr. Hose
II. Rice, former supreme physician of the
Woodmen circle, secured a verdict for
H.m against the organisation in district
court for salary for one year under a
contrdrt alleged broken by it.
Qnicklj located and easily accesslbi.
ara tiro prime requisites of a desirable
office location. Tenants In The Bea build
Ing, "the building that la alwaya new."
find these two conditions of great service
In building up their buslnewi.
School District Sued Francis B.
Hadlcy of Dundee, in a ault against
aihool district No. 53. alleges that the
district built a school house next door
to him and constructed a high embank
ment, which damaged him to the extent
of .vO0.
Federated Improvera Wednesday Of
ficer of the Omaha Federated Improve
ment Cluba request Improvers and citl
aena generally to attend a meeting in the
city council chamber Wednesday even
ing. Legislation will be one of the sub
jects for discussion.
Want Light and Cross-Walk Resi
dents near Thirty-fourth avenue and
Pratt stroet have petitioned the city com
missioners for an arc light, which, they
declare, they asked for eight montha ago.
They also ask for a cross-walk at Thirty
fourth avenue and Manderson street. The
petition will be considered this week.
United Improver to Meet The United
Federation of Improvement Cluba will
hold a regular monthly meeting Wednes
day evening In the office of City Com
mission), r J. B. Hummel In the city ball.
Tho election of a president to succeed
Willis I. Hoopes will be one of the orders
of business. Mr. Hoopes has left the
Beth X.ow Bleepa in Omaha Aa tho
personal representative of Governor
Whitman of New York, Beth Ixw, former
mayor of New York City, accompanied
by his wife, wea a west-bound passenger
on Union Pacific No. 1. going to Ban
Francisco, to be present at tho opening
of the New York state building at the
exposition. The former mayor was still
sleeping when he passed through Omaha.
Florence Will Not
Vote on Wet or Dry
Issue This Spring
Florence will not vote on the wet and
dry question at the spring election. The
city council Monday night turned down
the petition when It was read and dis
covered that the petition was for a sub
mission of "a license or no license." The
city officials took the ground that such
question would, If carried, do away with
all licenses, dog, dray, peddlers. saloons,
etc., and there was no authority to sub
mit such a broad question to the people.
The drys Intimate they will go Into the
courts and compel the council to aubmlt
the question.
The council also passed a resolution
directed to the governor against annexa
tion on constitutional grounds. The res
olution is to be used in a ault for dam
ages againat the stale if the city of Flor
ence la annexed. Ita aimnsors claim that
Florence secured its charter for a city
from the United States government and
that the government is the only power
that can take away its existence. Law
yers have been employed to fight it out
in the courta on that ground.
It waa also 'discovered that Omaha and
Florence are not contiguous, there being
a strip of ground, laO feet wide, between
the two cities that do not belong to either
alty. The majority of the people of Flor
enco favor annexation.
Grandpa Green is
First to Enter Old
Musicians' Contest
Advanced ago of the contestants will be
a notable feature of the v'.d muicHns
contest to be held next Tuesday evening
at the Young Men's Christian association.
"Grandpa" J. C. Green, 1546 'ark avenue,
waa the first to file his entry, as he has
been In previoue contests. Although to
tally blind and past t.i years old, he is aa
enthusiastic as ever und expecta to win
first place this time. He plays the violin.
Dr. A. D. Little, isa Spencer street. M
years old. will probably he a contestant
with a vooai solo, if the weather permits.
Judge H H. Field of Council Kluffs. 86
years old, will also enter the contest if
he is able to be out.
Entries will be limited to fifteen and
some of the contestants will play other
Instruments besides the fiddle. Some duets
and trios probably will be arranged and j
me association giee ciuo or Tweniy-Tive
tolccs will also take part In the program.
Walt Jardine Will
Make Race for the
City Commission
Walti R .Tirin ( not wirh m miuIIIv
announcement that he will make the race
for the city commission. He has lived In i
Omaha forty-eeven years and started '
business here with a horse and wagon.
He was a charter member of the Ak-8ar-Ben
and a director of the Transmlssie-
slppl exposition. 1
It is generally rumored that efforts aro i
being made to Ind'iee tould Diets to fllu ,
tor city commissioner. Mr. LMetz la Lin-,
coin at present.
W. C Billiard is being mentioned In i
this connection.
hoopla erf,fc.
"When my daughter had whooping
cough sheeoughel so hard at one time
that she had hemorrhage of the luaga !
I waa terribly alarmed about ber condi
tion. Seeing Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy ao hlglily recommended. I v;it ber i
bottle and it relieved the cough it once
Before aha had finished two bottles of
this remedy ahe waa entirely well," writes
Mrs. 8. P. Grimes, Crookaville, O. Ob
tainable everywhere.-Advertisement
C.' C. Rosewater Discusses Various
Phases of the Question Before
: the Ad Club.
"The forniula for effective adver-
Using la frequent
repetition covering
and i
a considerable,
period of time." was the way C. C
... -. r
Rosewater, general manager of The
Omaha Dee, summed up his talk on
newspaper advertising before the
Ad club at the Commercial club
rooms at noon. "You must have
frequent repetition covering a con
siderable period of time In order to
niakje a permanent mental Impres
sion on the minds of people of what
you want them to think."
Kffertlveneaa of Nenapnper.
Mr. Rosewaler spoke of the great ad
vantage of having the modern newspaper
as an advertising medium. "No ierson
cn wain through all the streets In a i
city to see the sign boards," he said. "No
one can ride street cars enough to be
familiar with all the ads. Hut the newa-
paper, that wnnderfuly complex product
or the present day, reaches the home of
AVftrV IntAilllfft, tVian 1
. ... ....nv ..b aim muiieiii rri J
day or the year. Ith the modern presses
that can run off 96,0n0 of the eight-page
papers In an hour, the newspaper has
been brought down so cheap that no In
telligent person can he without It. And
this great medium of circulation Is at
your command."
:The speaker took up the psychology of
advertising and discussed the peculiar
functions of certain classes of newspaper
advertising. Ho pointed out that certain
advertisements are Intended to sell goods
and othera are not expected to close the
sale entirely. These latter classes, he
said, take a snlesman to follow up the
advertlsment and close the sale. Among
these ara the Insurance advertisements,
which from the very nature of the condi
tlona surrounding the case, will alwaya
require an agent to close the deal. An anV
vertlaement of a bargain counter sale,
on the other hand, Is expected to mako
the sale Itself.
"But a man in business today." said the
apeaker, "cannot get results without ad
vertising, even though the advertising Is
such that it requires a man to follow
up and close the deal."
" Want Permanent Customers.
.That tho bargain hunter Is not an asset
store unless he can be made a pei-
Greatest Mission
Tomorrow we will
put in this nnlei
many additional
pieces to choose
Dining and library
tablmi, chair; rock
ers, dttht, etc.
Early f
Profits will he for
gotten costs not
thought of; just prie-
movc them ami
movethem ami
move them fast. A
solid carload to choose
from. You know what
"Sale" means when we
say It. You know you
must come at once and
get a good choice.
$11 Arm Chair,
ia Fumed Oak Rock
er . . .
920 Library r i r? o E?
Table aJ10eZO
Konfon fP T.nini-rn J15-117S. 16l!i
-w.rava "Uivi waVS.9 OMAHA
With Every Cash Purchase
m 11 "' r.i.M.i.M"'.....!, ii 1 1 !
M Pfe W? WW
t 111:1
; ?i in I
t ,1 ' 1 a g i gi
;fi :
. 1 "' " 'I I ill
- - :r . i i'
Railroad - Steamship
manrnt customer, waa an assertion of the
"The regular customer Is thj asset."
he declared "For this reason advertising
must be continued through a period of
time to make an Impression upon the
public. Women will go to a given store
to buy a coat when they need It. be
cause they have a certain Impression r,f
that store. They know the reputation
the store hears for a certain class of
gooda. They know that the, store is
known for certain things for which it
stands In the community, and this repu
tation the store has gained through con
stant hammering on one point In Its ad-
I vcrtlslng."
CJivVnoTni I T.oA
Hit by Auto on Way
Home from School
Bmll Hlavka. "-year-old- sonof .lohn
Hlavka, president of the Reliable Iron
and Wire Works, was struck by an auto
mobile near Tenth and Hancroft street
at noon when roturning home from
Hancroft school and sustained scalp
wounds and prohaMy Internal Injuries.
Aecnrdlns to several youngsters who
were coming heme from school, the ma
chine hit the little tot and proceeded on
Its wsy without Identification
Kd Filch, driver for the R. Blngbam
I v onimission company, waa passing
shortly after the accident and he picked
the lad up and carried hint to St. Joseph's
hnsnitAl where he la tind" the attonttnti
f Dr. Pwyer. The lad la unconscious
nmi t feared hla Injuries may be aer.
heck Your SpHner Couah.
Dr. Hell's rine-Tar-Honey will atop
your cough and strengthen your lungs.
Get ahottle now, only 25a All druggists.
Army Will Invade
Jefferson Square
Jefferson square, the stamping ground
of Omaha's idle men, will soon ba digni
fied by the presence of two Vnlted States
soldiers In uniform, who will be on duty
there regularly to help In the work of the
Omaha army recruiting atation.
Under the regulations they will not be
permitted to accost prospective "rookies,"
but will answer all questions put concern
ing the army and Ha advantages and op
portunities for young men desiring to
Soldiers will be assigned to Jefferson
square as soon as the substations at
Lincoln, Des Moines and fiioux City are
closed this week in accordance with
orders losued hy the War department laat
week, some of the men now at those sub
stations coming to Omaha.
TOU WI8H II 'JfW"' 1 fTS
Furniture Sale tl
a Few Days More
$22 Fumed Oalt (hi r syr
Chlna Cabinet , . J 1 O a O
Fumed Dining
H2.rso 7-root Fumed &Cf
Davenport, massive, at pOU
- Street Car Tickets
tt' r'
Original price I
tag on each s
Piece with V
- -r - ,
i . ,i , ,
Mr. Rote Stotrel Struck by Mis
souri Pacific Engine at Thirty.
Seventh and Corby.
Mrs, Rose StoeUel. aged 76 years,
was Instantly killed at Thlrty-sev-pnth
and Corby Tuesday morning
when aha was struck, by local train
137 of the Missouri Taclflc. Mrs.
Rtoetiel had been rlsltlng her daugh
ter, Mrs. Emma Relfsxhneider, SI 93
Fowler arenue. since Sunday, com
ing here from the home of another
daughter at Beemer, Neb. She Is
the mother of ten children, all of
whom are living, and resides at
Strlbner, Neb.
Hhe left the home of Mrs. Retfechnelder
shout twenty mlnutea before the accident
happened and her absence waa not noted
Store Hour
urgess-Nash Company
Tunadity, March 16, 101 A.
Ammmding for Met Thuiiirsdlay
What we havf every roason o holiovo will ho (ho
(Siratot Sate S Jfewefrf
from every viewpoint ever held in tho city of Oninlm
Tho New Section For tho Bettor Grade of
Shoes for Women and Children is on the
Second Floor and Affords Unusual Values Wednesday
You Save Half on
These Serving Trays
Wednesday at 25c
MAHOGANY frames with tap
estry centers, assorted pat
terns and colorings. Were 60c.
anrgesa-iraak Oo. ronrth rioor.
Green Carnations
for St. Patrick's
Day for 5c Each
FRESH cut, long stem, green
carnations for 8t. Patrick's
day. Special, at 5c each.
Potted Shamrocks, fie
Extra large and well develop
ed, in 2Vfc-ln. pots. Special for
Wednesday, at 6c each.
BuxreaavVaeh 0a. Mala rioor.
It's High Time to
Select Your New
Gloves for Easter
AND our recently enlarged seo
tion affords splendid ad
vantages. You will find only representa
tive inkes for which many of
them we are selling agents for
Incdoded in the line are 'such
well-known makes as "Reynler,"
Cross." ""Niagara," "Kay son' "
and "Harrison's."
Expert glove fitters In constant
attendance to serve yon.
Bargess-aTaali Oo. aCaia rioor.
Regular $1.48 Values in the Basement Wednesday, 79c
HERB is certainly good new. for the Voman who trim- her own hats. The assortment includes fina
hemps, closely sewn, all tha latest shapes In all the new colors, also black. Splendid
values at $1.48. Very
special Wednesday,
Flowers for Trimming, 20c
A splendid collection, including ev
ery flower that Is favored for trim
ming this seasou, wreath, fruit,
clusters, also branched ef- QQ
fects. Usually to 98c. Choice a&tC
Hat IJnlnga Wednesday, 10c
Good quality hat linings, all ready
cut with drawstrings,
special Wednesday, for.
arfss-eiB Co. Ecoaomr aaemeat.
!inlil word of the affair as lirousht the
household by a neighbor. She ha.l st
tempted to leave the house several times
before, with the declaration that she waa
going home to her baby. The woman had
been In her dotage for a number of years.
According to Knglneer J. Moore oC Omaha
she waa sighted crossing the tracks about
a half mllo south of where the accident
occurred. The ear was a few yards from
a bank behind which she had disap
peared after crossing the rails, when she
suddenly reappeared and stopped directly
in front of the moving train, according to
the trainmen. F. M. McCalU of Falls
City, the flremmi. saw this part of the
occurrence and tho brakes were Immedi
ately applied. By the time the crew
reached the apot where the woman had
been toeeed she waa dead. Coroner Crosby
haa taken tho body and will hold an in-QUest
Extensive preparations are being con
eluded for tho big minstrel show, band
conoert and dance to be given Saturdny
evening at the Swedish Auditorium hy
he letter carriers and the postofflce
Kent room quick with a Bee Want Ad.
8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturday
Sie) Windows and Wednesday's Tapers for
YOU'LL appreciate the splendid advantages of this
new seotion and ita nnnsnnl vnlnoa
new seotion and its unusual values.
Women's $8.50 Rhoe at $2.95
WOMEN'S black vlcl kid shoe, button and lace styles, An r
Cuban and low walking heels, our $3.60 grades ! eiyO
Women's $4.00 8 hoes at $.'1.25
WOMEN'8 street boots of dull calf with cloth and kid fo or
tops, from our 4.00 linen, for 40e0
Women's $4.50 Rhoea at $3.45
WOMEN'S dressy street boots, patent colt with cloth quarters
Louis. Cuban and military heels, usually $4.50, a r-
tor 3o.45
Women's $0.00 to $0.50 Hhoea ml $4.05
Xlf OMEN'S boots, made by Wlchert and Gardiner, with cloth top,
enamel Iooia. Cuban heels, very dressy afternoon tf a r c
boota, usually $6.00 and $6.60, for OetO
' , Womens $.5 Tarty Slippers at $AI5
O ATIN party slippers, blue, pink, gold and red. our do 1 r
O $3.50 kind. Wednesday at- J)ZelO
ore-ess-It ash Co. eoond Floor.
Instruction Books on Art Embroidery
WorkUsually 25c, Wednesday 10c
INFORMATION 'and Instructions on the very newest Ideas In art
embroidery work, Including books for the following:
Coronation cord, by Dorothy Bradford.
Ncedlecraft "Edgings."
Needlecraft "Novelty braids."
Old and new crochet work, by Sophie La Croix.
"Hand Weaving," by Dorothy nradford.
"Cross Stitch," by Dorothy Bradford.
. Priacllla crochet book.
PrlHcill Bobbin lace.
Needlecraft bed fcpread crochet and all kinds of crochet,
coronation cord, bed spreads and cross stitch designs. Us
ually 25c, for 10c.
Made up combination suits and princess slips, stamped ready
for working on best quality nainsook for French and eyelet em
broidery. Sizes 36 to 4 2, special-at 40c.
Barvess-Waah Co. Third rioor.
Here's Good Choosing-Framed Pic
tures, Were $1, Wednesday at 50c
YOU'LL find a goodly assortment from which to select. The
frames are old gold, walnut and mahogany, fitted with a.
splendid collection of popular subjects and copieH or gome of the
famous masterpieces.
nrreea-jreah Oo.
Have You Consulted Miss Lewi
About That New "La
IF not come In Wednesday and let Miss Lewis explain to you the
splendid points of the La Victoire.
Her experience will aid you in selecting a model which cannot
fall to improve your form. Made so scientifically that they conceal
deficiencies. By gently, yet effectively inducing a correct carriage
they actually assist nature Ui building up beautiful figure. Miss
Lewis' demonstration of these, famous La Victoire Ciirwu (which
continues this week) has been so unprecedented) successful that
It Is more than likely that you will want to attend.
urtreea-kTaah Oo
Co., Everybody's Store 16th
N. o hi 9 n ku LXd
Thief Gets Jewelry
Worth $1,000 from
W. H. Thomas' Home
A buiglnr gained enlrance to the home
of William If. Thomas. t14 Pnrk avenue,
Monday, nlcht and after completely ran
ssckliiK the house from top to bottom,
stole Jewelry to the value of $1.0nn.
Cleanse the Blood
and Avoid Disease
When your blood Is Impure, weak thin
and debilitated, your system becomes
susceptible to any rr all diseases.
Tut your blood In good condition.
Hood's fnrsaparllla acts directly and
peculiarly on tho blood it purities, en
riches and revitalizes" It and builds up
the whole system.
Hood's arsap.irilta haa stood the test
of forty years. Oct It todny. It Is sur
to help you.
Till 9 P. M.
1'llOIM' ItttlllllH 1,17
ronrth rioor.
Victoire" Corset?
ieooad rioor.
and Harney