0 nn: m;r:: omwha. wkonkstuy. makcii i;. i:m:. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE FOUNDED Br EDWARD KQ3KWATER. VICTOR ROSKWATER, EDITOH. Tw Bee PuhllPhlng Company. Proprietor. BF.B BtlLUIXQ. KARNAM AND PKVKMTK KXTI1. STntered at Omaha -ctofflcr as second-class matter. TEItMS OF FfBSCRlPTION. Rv rsrrter mall per month. p-r year. jatl aM iindaT Wr $ u Pally iMlthout Sunday....' Sc 4.00 T?vnlri anil Pundav v s HO Krenlns without Sunday Ko 4 00 inday P only 3- J.W Pend notice of cliar.K of addri Pr complaints of trrea-ularlty In delivery to Omaha Clrrujatlon Itrparunent. IlKMITTANCK. Remit hr draft, enpreas r postal order "nly two rent MHinri received In payment of small ae eount I'en"nal cheeks, escept on Omaha and eastern xchanre. not accepted. OFKICKS. OnahaThe T?ee Unlhllns Houth Omsha 3i N' street, friuncll Bluff 14 North Main street. Lincoln N Little nulMIn. Chl'-aro 0l Hearst liuiulinK New York Kooth lWfi, ii Klfth avenue. Pt Ijirola-KU New Hunk of iVmmrn. Wsshlnton 72b Fourteenth Ht.. N. W. ()RKKS-tlNl)KNCR. Address communications relating to ns and edi torial matter to Omaha Wee. Editorial Depart matit. FEBKl'AH V ( I R ( l LA Tl OX, 51,700 Plate of Kehraxka. County of Iloualai. s Dwtaht Williams, circulation mannKr of The Fee I'ubllHlnnn company, I eiliu duly suorn, says that the averaxe circulation (or the month of February, 1914, was f.f.T'O. , . IWHU1T WIlXlAMS. Circulation Manager. Sulecrlbed In my presence and aorn to before me, thla 3d dav of March, 1CIS. ROBEHT HUNTER. Notary Public. Subscribers leaving tbe city temporarily should have The, line mailed to them. Ad dress will be changed as often as requested. larch IT Thought for the Day Selected by Ella S. Thompion There's heaven above, and niglU by night I look riyW through it$ gorgeous roof, For 1 intend to get to Ood. Brovning. 1 Jl With equality of merit, Omaha-made roods are always entitled to preference. The greater Omaha, the greater the candi date crop for the city campaign. Now if we can only pass the spring flood season safely, everything may be expected' to go along swimmingly. Of all the Jokes on the Nebraska statute books nothing beats the no-treat freak but the bogus anti-cigarette law. t Sure, and from the viewpoint of the Emerald Isle patriot there never was a greener St. Pat rick's day In the morning. It is very doubtful If the captain of the Ettal Frledrlch will approve the "program of the out tide reception committee. Behold the faithful hitched at the, pla counter. Radiantly happy, they need no notice to spruce up and look pleasant. - The destruction of the Walnut Hill pump ing station by fire lends a cubist decorative touch to the water color picture. Secretary of Commerce William C. Redfield Is the champion optimist of the administration. Ills lenses are so adjusted that he could not rec ognise a cloud at any range. Colonel Bryan looms large in the distance as an endorser of temperance pledges. Meanwhile deserving home folks patiently await his en dorsement of a ticket to the pie counter. , , , . It Is aafe to discount reports of a prospective labor war, on the Burlington system. The ex perience of 188s left a lesson for both sides likely to survive a lapse of twenty-seven years. Incidentally, Lincoln also supplies Its house holders with water at 15 cents a 1,000 gallons, for which service Omaha people are compelled to pay something over ZS cents a 1,000 gallons. Whenever another battleship appropriation Is wanted, we have a little war scare to prepare the country for it It ought not to be necessary, however, to pave the way for a school bond is sue by frightening parents with the suggestion that their children are in mortal danger every minute they are in certain school buildings. The most surprising feature of the railroad rate hearing Is the acknowledgment of the railroads of the inability of their traffic bureaus to cope with the superior talent of the packing house rate makers. It were better for the rail roads to suffer in silence the admitted loss of $1,000,000 a year than stlgmatlae their ex perts as failures. 1 ttmrnia imam ma i.f 8t. Patrick's day was duly unnerved with church services, and a bs'iwuet and musical entertainment In the evening by the Ancient Order of lllliernlans at its hall, corner Thirteenth and Jackeon. Five la eve tables were set lvadod with edIMe. and fully W r sona participated in the fcaat. The Moody, evangelistic tneetlniia sot Into full a Inf. Mr. Moody closing the morning; sessiun with a c haracteristic talk, ' lie la not a speaker of rlielirl'-al finesse," My the report. "On the contrary, he la above every thing homely In hhj diacourae; hl sen tences are rugh, even crude, but forcible, pithy and searching, and on this one point hla ureal success hinges." Judge Vtenbtrs united l.mJ Hermann and llattie Pryor, Omaha clearing for the ck . totaled f l.Sia.W), putting Omaha twelfth In the llt of cities. . Ira P. itigby, tliu well known hulcl man. may noar tve found behind the office counter of the Caiitle.il bouse. ' Manager T. 1. Sullivan, , uiauaser of the Kansas City base tail team of the vteateia league, la In Omaha to take ateps to have Omaha represented la taet organisation. Word te received of tbe safe arrival of.M M. feefala, wbe bad Uft with his wire for Las Vtgaa tit SVe benefit ut her health. Blockade Knnning Now the- Order. The order of the British imperial council, signed by King Oeorge and promulgated in his tnine, means tbe cutting off as fsr as possible of all (ierman commerce. The German sub marine campaign has a similar effect on Britisli rommerce, and ships now entering or leaving c nemy ports must dodge patrols above and below the surface of the water. It Is the avowed ob ject of each of the bellgerenls to isolate tho other from the world, and to cut off all supplies for the population, In or out of the army. War Is stern, and Its realities are terrible. We will now see all the horrors that have been told of slaughter by machinery augmented by the efforts of Ihe lielllnerents to starve noncom btUantx. Tor that Is what the situation amounts' to; women and children, and the old men and the disabled, are to be made to feel the pangs of hunger, while the armies strive In the field on steadily shortening rations. Tbe protests or the United Stales, In the t ame of all neutral governments, have been un availing to serure modification of the belliger ents' attitude. It looks as if the neutrals not willing to become Involved In the war, can only let traffic between the enemy ports and neutrai ports fall into the condition of blockade running, with such reprisals as conditions may permit. Omaha-Made Goods. The "Buy Omaha-made-goods" campaign, which has born inaugurated co-operatively by a group of our enterprising manufacturers, should have the cordial support of every one who is ln tereHted in the growth and prosperity of Omaha, and that means every one who lives in Omaha. Omaha wants more manufactories, but more especially wants the factories It already has to be so completely successful as to warrant steady expansion and enlargement. The home product should have the homo market preference, not only to build up the home factory, but also to keep home wage-earners employed who, In turn, are the customers for everything sold and consumed here. i Above all. those who have Joined in the move ment to push Omaha-made goods by making them more widely known, are engaged in a pub licity campaign of which Omaha as & whole will share the benefits and will therefore be helping Itself by helping It along. The Politic of It. The Lincoln 8tar at last sees the point of the threatening political machine which would be created by the extension of our water works Into the lighting business without limitation to the political activities of Its managers and em ployes, says the Star, while conceding that it is Omaha's business so far as establishing an elec tric lighting plant is concerned, "but when it conies to building up an arrogant political ma chine that dictates party nominations, city, county and state, (or two political parties, it is everybody's business, and therefore the legisla ture's business." . . ' . i . The most serious complaint against the pri vate public service corporations haa always been their attempted control of politics, and interfer ence In local government, and laws have been enacted to stop this Intrusion. Yet simply ex changing political' masters would be no Improve ment.., Whether the legislature passes the water hoard lighting bill or not, it ought to write it into law that no one shall hold a salaried posjtlon under the Water board while Running for of fice or be eligible for re-employment for at least a year afterwards. - 1 State Bights and the National Gnard. All the sainted dead of democracy must have shuddered In their shrouds as Governor John H. Morehead of the sovereign state of Nebraska perused, the note) from Lindley M. Garrison, secretary of war tn the cabinet of President Wil son, tantamount to an order that the governor have his legislature get busy without any further delay and pass such appropriation for support of the Nebraska National guard as will meet the Ap proval of the secretary of war. , Regardless of the wisdom or foolishness of Nebraska's legislative action, by what right does a member of the cabinet of a democratic president undertake to invade either the legisla tive or executive function of a sovereign state, even to give advice T In Indiana only a few days ago, the legislature repudiated a state-wide primary law as a rebuke to Secretary Brayan for his meddling in purely state matters, but that example seems to have been lost on Becretary Garrison. , - On what evil days have the Jetfersoulan traditions fallen! It looks as if the corner stone of the democratic temple were finally to descend o the state of being innocuously used as a mere hitching block for the democratic donkey. , Hindsight at a Factor in Reform. The unfortunate predicament of the habit ual drug-users Is an example of one effect of much of the reform thatja achieved by hysteria. No one-will question the wisdom of the move for the abolition of the dope traffic. Its wiping out will prove one of the best things ever done In this country, and the effort to that end haa th) bupport of all right thinking people. But the failure to provide tor the proper treatment of the victims of that traffic is characteristic of the short-sighted methods too frequently adopted in the bringing about of reforms. It is not enough to say that the way to auppress an evil is to suppress It. Msny factors of utmost lmportauce enter Into the problem, and should be given full weight In determining any plan tor dealiug with It. The present experience should serve to exact more careful consideration of details la the next hiove to abolish any similarly deep rooted practice to which society objects. Dublin and Cork have revoked '"the free dom of the city" conferred by each on Kuno Meyer, a -.German professor of Gaelic who taught the aucient language in the schools of fork before the wsr. Mr. Meyer Incurred the. displeasure of the Irish cities by presenilis "Deutsrhland Veber Alles" to lrlsh-Americsns in the eastern cities: Tbe natlvta revere ex-, ponenta of Gaelic so long as they do not uae their talents as a hammer against home rule. SSWSBBBlSSlSBBBSSBSBBBSBBSBSBBBBSBBBlaBSBWSr , While .democratic leaders are lauding the output and efficiency of the Sixty-third congress, the administration Is sorely perplexed for. means to cover up the growing deficit la tbe national treasury' - Ireland and the Irish IT ZUIH BtTBBAJLD. IRELAND Is about the slie of the state of Indiana. It has five million Inhsbltants. Once It had eight, and, when one thinks of absentee, landlordism, we wonder why the other five, millions did not go, too. The "Emerald Isle" Is very beautiful. The winds Mow In from the sea and supply a humidity that makes the fiowers blossom and the plants grow. In Ireland the pasture lands and meadow land, blossom-decked snd water-fed, crossed and recrossed by never-ending hedge-rows that stretch away and lose themselves In misty nothlnifrness. are fair as a poet's dream. Birds carol In the hawthorne's snd yellow furie all day long, and the fragrant summer wlnda that blow lailly across the fields are laden with the perfumes of blossoms. The Irish love the land of their fathers with a child-like love. Their hearts are hound up in sweet inomorl's, rooted by song and legend In nooks and curious corners, so the tendrils of affection hold them fast. Whenever an Irish family embarks for the New World part of the five million Inhabitants go down to the waterside to see them off. Not long sgo I stood on the dork at Quoenstown watching two fine lads walk up the gang-plank of the steamship, clad In corduroy, each carrying a big, red handkerchief containing his worldly goods. And the next day I kept thinking of those two fine young men, and t thought of the wonderful careers of many Just such Irish boys as these! The boys had health, strength, ambition. They were receptive, eager, csrnest. And yet there wss something rolllcksoine about them, after all. Doubtless they could dance and sing; and I knew perfectly well. If necessary, they could fight, and perhas they could fight when it was not necessary. When the two boys with their big handkerchiefs arrive In America they will get Jobs; they will work hard and faithfully; they will carry big burdens, anil out of the work they will get a deal of laughter. And If a pivotal point comes where the average rt)an lays down and quits, these boys win work on Into the night and show the grit of the Irish race. They will become foremen, suiwrlntendents, owner. Such has been the typical career or hundreds of Irishmen In America. Think of John B. McDonald, who came to this country with the peat mud on his bare feet, and who built the New York subways an engineering Job that had been declared by so-called engineers as Im possible. And how about William O. McAdoo, John J. Ryan, Morgan J. O'Brien. William R. Grace, Henry Ford, James Fan-ell. senator O'Oorman and scores of other big boys whose forebears were fed on spuds and spinach! , I tsn remember a time when the section men on the railroads of America were all Irish, and we used to sing: "Paddy on the railroad, fifty cents a day." But we do not sing It now. If you wsnt to find Paddy, Just look for him In the. general offices. , The Irish possess Initiative, originality, energy. They can plan, devise, build. Take up your official rallmay guide and observe the names of presidents and vice presidents, superin tendents, general passenger agents, traffic managers, and you can easily Imagine you are looking through a Dublin telephone directory. There were tjie Harahans, father and son, president snd general superintendent of the Illinois Central railway. And of the engineers and builder Just a little- removed from the peat bog let us name Harrl man, Flood, O'Brien, Larkln, Sullivan, Gary. Geary Lanahan, Keneflck, Drlsooll, Mackey. , William T. Noonan, the railroad president. Is a typical son of transplanted Irish parents; or take Hannaford. president of the Northern PasTMc. These represent the; secrnd crop of Milesians, men who do things In a big and generous way; men who never know they are whipped. And a man who never knows lie Is licked never Is. James J.' Hill is the supreme type. Mr. Hill re tired from business twelve years ago-for one whote day. He manages two transcontinental raailroads and has a say la a dosen others. r ' Then we have Sir Thomaa Hhaughneasy; president of the-wonderful Canadian Pacific railway, who was once a switchman and has worked his way up, step by step, until ho Is one of the best educated men In the odd and head of the only railroad In the world span ning a continent. When England wants a particularly strong man it haa to go over to Iroland and pick some pink-cheeked boy.' And so we hear that England's greatest orator was Edmund Burke; Its sweetest and gentlest poet, Oliver Goldsmith; one of Its greatest scientists, John Tyndall; Arthur Wellesley the man who gave the Coralcan hU Waterloo was Arthur Wellesley, duke of Wellington all Irish, And surely It doesn't take many Irishmen like George Bernard Shaw to make a dosen! In the game today we have Kitchener, Jelllco. French and a hundred others right In Class A, all very much Irish. Ws have had one Irish prrsident, Andrew Jackson. President McKlnley had a goodly drop of IrisU blood in his veins. ' The willingness of the Irish people to dq away with militarism Is apparent, for then "Irish confetti" and the blackthorn will come Into their own. Nearly all the heavyweight champions of the world have been Irishmen Kllraln, SuUtvan, Corbet t, Jeffries, with numerous other O'Brlena, Bulllvans. Calahans, Duffy s, Mahers, Kilbanea coming to the fore; wltfi McBride the world champion athlete. , , la oratory, poetry, history, finance, statesmanship the Irish have taken always and forever great and Important part. We are told there are more Irishmen in New York than In Ireland. In politics we have Governor Dunne of Illinois and Governor Wslah of Massachusetts as specimen bricks, with enough more bricks to build a house or start a war. The oppreaslon. poverty and struggle that Ireland haa endured have been of untold tneftt for its chil dren, for the Uv of Compensation never rests? Man's business Is to fight eternally. ' ' And out cf Ireland have come many noble char acters who have influenced the whole round world for good. No xymnaslum can 'ever produce the' magnificent physical types of man and woman that you will see along the country reads in Ireland. Hern Is 'beauty that might make the Apollo Belvedere and the Venus of Mllo Jealous. ' k . Transplanted to a happier political clime, with room' to grow and evglve, and do and dare, the Irish show their capacity tor work, thought, organisation and high endeavor. The Irish form a citizenship of which we can a'l well be proud. While at times they rub us up, they give a touch of needed sentiment to the Teutonte tribes; add passion and seal to the slow-going Briton; set a puce for tho Italians and they themsetve are evolved, refined, softened, educated by the complexity of conditions and the new environment Into which they are drawn. Ireland today Is nearer political freedom than It ever has liaen in the past. Ita lot la happier now than ever I before In modern history, God is certainly good to the Irish. - And that's why 8t. Patrlck'a day is celebrated. People and Events, ilt-orgia is solving tike problem oT surplus cotton by turning it Into khoea, soles, upiers and all. Texas lawmaker rvJ.Hted a bill giving women the right to vote. They also rejected a bill prohibiting usurloua late of Intcrcet on loans A Pennsylvania railroad einclneer has sued his' wfe for an equal division of bring tUe sum she saved during their thirty -Jive years of wedded life. . , - Mrs. l.enn Twist of IhHioken; N.-J; kept 'her pel peruilnt end. blchloruidc of mercury tablets loose in the same drawer ef tier dressing bureau. Ignoring lh warnings of carelessness If the doctors will save her Mis. Twist promises not to do It again. n sl. w w '-tsv HcsT" wO X SI The Fiends f A eraosi llle. OMAHA. March IS. To tha Editor of The Bee: Nearly fifty years have elapsed since the last nettle of the wnr of the rebellion was fought, and so far as I am concerned that war is over and has been for many years and, with the bare ex ception rf the rr en who were responsible for the atrocities of southern prisons Anderaonvllle In particular. I hold no malice or 111 will whatever; can fraternise with the ex-confedcrate soldier as a frienii or brother, but aa one who suf fi red and endured the tortures of south ern prisons for more than eight months, most of the time at Andersnnvirte, I csn nct pass unnoticed the utterances of one Dr. Charles W. Utiles before the Knife and Fork club of Kansas City, wherein he is crcolted with having said that "It WSS hookworm A nil tint glarvallnn n- 111 rcatment that caused the death of I5.0K) or the .000 union soldiers held at the confederate prison at Andersonvllle dur ing tho civil war." most remarkable statement; and a man who wilt in the Hffht of history and the mass of evidence which lias been written and published broadcast over this country, and the ad verse experiences of men both living and dead, give utterance to such erroneous statement displays a gross Ignorance of the facts or an utter disregard for the troth: either should discredit him. The commander at Andersonvllle wss the heArtloss old fiend. General John If. Winder, who was the willing tool of his Vuipctiors In their harhamua nnlle. r disabling by diseases and murdering by starvation their helpless captives. He was the cowardly son of the craven Gen eral W. H. Minder. who fled with his militia from the battle ot Bladensburg and left defenseless the national capital to be raptured and burned by the British army In 1SH. It was the, son of this pol troon, a soured, sniveling, white-haired old renegade of the government that educated him. who In August, ISM. boasted that "he could point to more killed and disabled Yankees at Anderson vllle than General Lc fiort .1,1. twenty of his best regiments In the field." a-.. ii', iook at our s.m new graves made In one month over In the cemetery beyond the stockade; every one hsd a dead Yankee soldier In It." Henri Wlrz a Swiss doctor, was his equally cruel and cowardly subordinate, who had direct charge of the stockade. History tells us that "Colonel p. T. Chandler, a confederate miltary inspector In Intrepid officer and a humane one, re ported to the rtlchmond authorities early in August. 14, that the horrors of the prison were difficult to describe and. Us condition a disgrace to civilisation." He strongly recommended that General Winder, In command of the post, should be removed, and "the substitution in his place of some one who united both mercy and Judgment with somo feeling of humanity and consideration for the wel fare and comfort of the vast number of unfortumiates placed under his control some one at least who does not advocate deliberately and in cold blood, the pro priety of leaving them In their present condition until their number has been sufficiently reduced by flcath to mRke tho present arrangement suffc for their accommodation." This report, a fearful Indictment, was sent by General Cooper, the confederate inspector general, to the confederate secretary or war, August 28, 18M, with the endorsement that the condition of this prison wss a reproach to the confederacy as a nation. Looking a little further along in hist ory we find that Dr. Joseph Jones, a distinguished confederate surgeon ' of Agosta. Oe... made a visit to the Ander sonvllle stockade In the month of August, 1164. and In his report gives the following statements: "in Juno there were 2Jl in July 29,030 and In August K.S99 pris oners confined In the stockade. No. shade tree was left In the entire Inclosure.' The stencil arising from this dense popula tion crowded together here, performing all the duUes of life was horrible in the extreme Tha accommodations for the, sick were so defective, and the condi tion of tho others so pitiable that from. February" 24 to August SI 9,179 died, or nearly one-third of the entire number In the stockade. There were near 6.000 prisoners seriously 111. and the deaths exceeded IO per day. Large numbers were, walking about who were not re ported sick, who were suffering from severe and Incurable diarrhoea and scurvy. 1 visited . 2.000 sick-only- one medical officer was In attendance whereas at least twenty should have been em ployed. From tbe crowded condition, bad diet, unbearable filth, dejected appear ance of the prisoners, their systems had become so disordered that the slightest abrasion of the akin, from heat of the un or even' a mosquito bite, they took on rapid ana " frightful ulceration and gangrene. The sick were lying upon the bare floors of open sheds, without even straw to rest upon. These haggard, de jected, living skeletons, crying for medical aid and food;, and the ghastly corpses with glased eyeballs. , staring up Into vacant space, with flies swarming down their open,, mouths and over their rags Infested wlta swarms of lice and maggots, as they lay among the sick and dying formed a picture of helpless, hopeless misery. Impossible for words to portray. Millions of fli;s swarmed over everything and covered the faces of the sick - patients, and crowded down their open mouths, .depositing their maggots m-the gangreaous' wounda of the living end In the ruputha of the dead. These abuses were due to the ' total absence of any-system or sanitary regulations.'' Be It said, to their credit, that the name Andersonvllle la a stench In the nostrils of the good people of the south; so much so that the name does not appear on their maps; the name baling been Changed to Anderson. The "vUle" has been dropped tn 'order, I suppose, to better disguise the spot that haa become a synonym of more fiendish barbarity.' and cold blooded cowardly cruelty than was ever before perpetrated by a man or nicii pro fessing civillsatloa. flxty miles south of Macon, and a half-mile east of what la now known as Anderron, lies the spot of ground, whose eaady slopes, fifty years ago. bote on tholr scorched sides more of human misery, despair and death in its moat rruel fnrma than- ever before la the world's history polluted so small a space of toe earth' a 'surface. Yet, after the lapse of fifty years, while there are men t:ll living who suffered and endured these inhumanities there comes along one Dr. utiles, who says It' was' hookworm," and not starvation r 111 treatment "that caused the death of U, I'nton soldiers at Andersonvllle prison." I wonder If the doctor could cite a parallel case of "hookworm," as he Is pleased to call IC . What say you men of Omahs. who were fhere? W. H. Kusseil. M. K. R'tdon, D. M. llaverly, Cornelius Nichols. Major Mcintosh and ou John W. doff uf Fre mont. Neb, and you ll.nry C. Andrews ef Kearney, Neb. Have 1 oeidiawn the picture? The animosities of the most san guinary war, the most ferocious cf any In the annals of warfare, up to that time,-waged between brothers and kins men, has long since been forgotten In cherishing the memory of the heroism of both sldei.. We point with pride to tin heroic deeds performed on both sides. The Intensity of feeling which exited fifty yesrs ago has passed away, and we are again one and undivided. And the splen did ciireer of the south Is yet In Its in fancy. Can any one doubt that, to a great degree, the valor, patriotism and sacrifices of the Union soldiers end the loyal women had much. 1 was about to say all. to do with this great develop ment of the south? Thy saved it from suicide and preserved It to the Union. Except for their efforts, instead of a union ot states, there would have been a division, and no one knows whether the area now covered' on this continent by the stars and stripes would be now oc cupied by two central governments, or by twenty warring sections, and the world would never have seen the marvelous growth of the south, nor Ihe commanding position that the nation row holds among the powers of the world. W. G. TEMPLKTON. LINES TO A SMILE. "Whut are Tour tiupressiooJ 'f ! e w a r .' ' "Ti c re is no telling when It will end." replied the statesman. "It loi ks to live ; 11 some of tbe news censors were Mi bustei Ing." Washington Mar. "Tliot class or sodn I got hero yc.-ler-tiav wsen t sweet enoiieh "Well, we aim to make cooils up t Have a lump of sut-'ar on tlio house. JudKC. Would vour mother be angry if 1 t' :' a klHS?" said the young man on the so'" "Why dor t vou look her tip and tr It?" said tlio sweet young thing c"i. Vonkeis Statesman. "Mow la your hrotner, the f nsliion:ib!e. expensive suraeon. rioim?"" "M. Is cuttinc up lilBh." "And how is your brother, the .lentlst. Kettins on'.'" , "Ob. he's plupKlnK awny. ' Italtlnion American. . Sir. Cltybred Do your cows she ou milk? Mr. Tallsrass No 0110 ever gives tin nothin.' 1 have to swap 'em foilucr for it. Chicago; News. Miss Zilllnn llussel, writer for the Town Talk column of the Alpena Nes. s hadlv iniured wiiil crossing the Nint.. street bridge last Friday. She was walk inn and H passing horse struck here be tween the biidc.'r and the woolen mill an, knoeked her' to the pavement.-All enA (Mich.) News. t&s Ettfwkm Hut . Tempt your cigar appetite I Be kind to your smoke palate by making a place in your day's smoking for "modulated Havanas Tom Moores. Q It is a cigar rich enough in Havana leaf to satisfy your craving yet not so rich that it dulls the keen edge of your 'taste.' "Thty alwaya come back for Moore,'0 Tom Moore cigar 10 Zittzs Tom 5 Little Tom gou for half fan ttrih got jot long ditlanc. Best & Russell Cigar Co, 612 S. 16th St., Omalia, Distributor in KILLS PAIN (Guaranteed) Hundreds of well-known athletes make no secret of the fact that much of their success is due to the use of Sloan's Liniment in keeping their limbs and muscles fit. , Sloan's Liniment relieves stiffness and strains, and 13 a fine stimulator. Soreness Sprains Bruises Stiff Muscles DR. CARL S. SLOAN. Inc.. Philadelphia, Pa. St. Louis, Mo. Price 25c., 50c and 1.00 rr You can have choice of either a Boy's or GirPs Wheel it is a famous WORLD MOTOR BIKE It has a 20-Inch Frame with Coaster Brake. Motor Hike Handle liars, Kagle Diamond Saddle, Motor Kike Pedals, Motor Bike Grip, Luggage Car rier Holder, Folding Stand, Front and Rear Wheel Guards, Truss Frame aud Front Fork. A picture of the bicycle will be in The Bee every day. Cut them all out and ask your friends to save the pic tures in their paper for you, too. See how many pictures you can get and bring them to The Bee office, Saturday, April 10. The llc)cie will he given Free to the Ihi)- or girl that sends us the' nioht iilcturee before 4 p. m., naiut'Ud), April iu. Subscribers can help tbe children iu the con tost by asking for picture certificates vrhon they pay their sub scription. AVo tfivo a certificate good for 100 pictures for every dollar paid. V J