4 TIIK I.KK: 0.MAJ1A, W J :;UMUAY. iUKLli: li, llio. Thin Men and Women HeiV. a Safe Utj Way to Gain 10 t 30 lb,, of Solid, Health?, Permanent Flesh Tliln, nervous, undeveloped men and women Mfrvwhfrt are heard to say, "I can't understand why I 1o not set tut. 1 rat plenty of rood, nourishing: food." The reainn Is Just thin: Vou cannot uet fat, no matter how murh yon eat, unles r digestive or an no assimilate the fnl-mHkln element of your food 1n-rt'-al ft pa1n them out throuah th bodv h.i waste. What la nrced Is a mean a of aantly ursine: the assimilative function of the stomach ami Intestine to ahsorh the oils and fats and hand them over to Pie Mood, where they mav reach tlie starv ed, shrunken, run-down tissues and h'lll.l them lip. The thin persons body I- like a dry noi' 'fr and hungry for tin faltv mairrtala of which It la I"! deprived by the failure of the ali mentary canal to tnke them from the fool. The best way V overcome tine sinful wnete of flesh htiflillnir element :d to stop the leakage nf fata In t I l ee Sarrol, the recently discovered re treneratlve force that la recommended an highly by phynlclMna here and ahrnad. Take a little Sttrs;ul tablet with every men I hikI notice how oulck ly your rheeka fill out and rolla of firm, healthv fleh are depositee over your body, covering each bony anile and projecting point. Sherman Mr- onnell. Omaha, and other good drua frlt have Shtb-oI. or ran st It from their whnfaaarr. and will refund your money if imi are not aatlafled with the train In welKht It produce r atated on the guarantee In each package. It la Inexpensive, easy to take and highly efficient. Cantloas While Pargol haa produced reniarkahle reaull In overcoming nerv- on lvpepla and general atomach I trouble. It ehouM not be tulien unlea I you are willing to caln ten pounda or I more, for It la a wonderful fleih- I bulHrr. ACCUSED WOMAN ON STAND Mri. Helen M. Angle Sayi Mate Killed by Fall Down Stain ) After Taking Drink. WITNESS APPEARS WORN CAPTAIN KIEHNE of the American bark William P. Frye, sunk by the Prinz Eitel Friedrich, with his wife, who was also held aboard the. German cruiser, and their two children. Tha beat an 4 sarest way to asvs money la to any Alamos a ereUt at LOFTIS BROS, a CO. and pay Bl weak. Ton will ret a bargain If yon BUT VOW -during- oar rtaat March Bales. ! Jil Special Sale of Watches Beautiful Qenuine Mamoitda, formariy aoin at OSOi bow tM. Any 14k solid (rolo monatlBa- Sua may choose mings. sHuni, oarf rma, Sar Borewa, Is fmU . lierea, Brooohee, eto. Open Sally Till P. K. Batur- day TUi 3a Tall or write for catalogue No. tO. I'hone loilglu 1144 and ' Rwleaman will call. STKE RATICXAL Cridit Jowelert I 'i frnva.rrt r.-t""H. ROFTS pniDGEronT. Conn., Marrh 16,-Mra. Helen M. Angle, accused of having caused the death of Waldo It. Ballon In Stamford tl.e night of June' 31 last, told a Jury ' today her atory of Ballou s vtalt to her t apartments on tne night he met hie j iirnio. She desrrihed how she had heard a noise In the hall eome time- after Ballou had left; how on Inventive t Ion ahe all but atumbled over him lying at the foot of the stairs: of her efforta to revive him and of taking- him downstairs and out at the street entrance. Th man ahe loved wae dead, ahe added, In a broken vo'ce. Pelt eenaae. Mrs Angle said ahe felt Inneiioine and called up Jimmy" on the evening of June 22. "W ho e Jlmmle?'' "Mr. Hallou." The witness raid Mr. Rallou came over and brought a bottle of wine. She did not care for vlne and. at her suggestion, Pallou procured whleky from the medl rlne cloaet and poured 041 1 a ainall drink for her and a larger one for hlmaelf. Pallou left, the wltneaa lr, about half paat 10. Hire waa preparing to an to bed when ahe heard a nolae. Rhe decided to Investigate. ' "At the foot' of the eta ho 1 came upon Mr. Pallou,'' ehe aald. Hhe told of try Ina' to'ftet him on hl feet "I did the flrat thins that occurred to me." ahe continued, deerrlhlns how ahe had taken Mm downetalra and out to the eldewalk. 8he then ruahed upataira, Tha wltneaa then told of the vtnit of Chief of Police Brcnnan to her ronme eoon. afterward. Hrennnn aeked "what had happened between Hallou and her aelf." Molhlna, Rill. ' "Nothing, Hill," the- wltnea :d sho replied, 'nolhlnt." Mra. Angle looked worn. Her aim a era were made calmly and In a low voice. Hhe deacrlhed how ahe had been em ployed at varioua tlmee aa a clerk.' Hlie waa married In 18 to Frank Angle, but obtained a divorce on grounda cf rteaer. lion aevoral yeara later. Hhe met Hallou in 1911 about a year and j. half after the (death of hla wife. ! "We were good friend." ahe aald. and added that ahe had tr"ne out frequently with Hallou. Hhe alao enumerated vari oua gift which Ballou had given her. "Old he appear to think very much of you f" ' "Very much. He aaked me aevcral tlmee to marry him. I told ilm I did not wlah to aa he waa very old. I alao reminded him that he hod arown ehii drea, and because of that I did not think 11 Mvtaable." I V.. .,4 Ik, I ' : ! ' . 4 e , r t XV v ; J 1 WrijMn lp Ma 11 haai 1 V , , . -; ';:. :. ; v . t , 1. t Ifa ITALIAN NAYY , IS CONCENTRATING (Continued from page One.) DRIVES AUAY jEIEADACIIE Rub Musteroie on Forehead and Temples. A hciulache remedy without the danxera of "headache medicine." Relieve hved ache and that mlarrabla feeling from cold or congestion. And It acta at once! MUHTKROLK la a clean, white ointment made with oil of muatard. Better than a mustard piaster and doe not blister. I'aed only eternally. and In no way can affect stomach and heart, as aome inter nal mediclnea do. Best for iiore Throat, Bronchitis, Croup, Stlrf Neck, Asthma, Neuralgia. Conges tion, I'lenrtsy. Bhcumatism. Lumbago, all f&inJ and Aches of the Heck or Joints. Hpraios, gore Muscles. Bruises, Chil blains. Frosted Feet, Colds of the Chest lt ofleW prevents Pneumonia). At your druggist's. In Kc and c Jars, and a special large hospital else for fc.SO. Ue sure you get the genuine slt'tJTK ItOLK. Itrfuse Imitations got what you ask for. The Musteroie Company, Clev. lanJ. ohla . 110 DOUBT THAT RESIIIOL DOES HEAL SICK 5KIII Whea you know physicians have pre. ecribed Reslnul for. JO yeara In the treal mei4 of e arma and -other Itrblig, bum dig, tinsitfhtry skin emotions, and have wriiten thouunda . of ac ports saying: "It Is my regular prvscrlptlon for Itch ing." "Ilealnol has produced brilliant reaulte.-" "The resuU It cava waa mar velous lr om U the worst ases of eo---ina." etc, etc , dorta t It make you Teel that tins U tha treatment I cm rely ii for MY akta-troubler The moment Reainol Ointment tout It. hmg skin, the Hthlng stops and hea4 lii Uglns. With the aid of Reainol r- wp. it aln.ost always clears awsy every time of externa, ringworm, pimple, or 1 tlwr torniutlug eruption quickly, leav oj! Il.u akin ksr and healihy. B;ild by ' f-fUie. IVr ti-lAl re, wriie to 17 1. Ueslul, iialiiinoie. kid cuke Ltugene for a conaultatloa h.rr. deciding tha Questions nreaentd in him inDune a uedeagatch correapondent telegrapha that Talaat Hv th Tii.lui. mlntater of war. la having great difficulty 11 persuading tne aultan to transfer tha capttol'.frora Constantinople to Koronlcr in Asia .xinor. . ' A special train la sM 1. h u-ia i- Ifadtnes constantly to transport tha gov- omru( 1 unas and archive to Kononleb If Adrlanople la evacuated. I Turkish troops are reported to be concentrated at vu.inunopia tni a,ong th ttortonvltem ' ' BattsrlM ailaji PARIS. March ll-evaral battertea of artillery posted above Kum l lh entrance to the Dardan elles, were discover n .0 , j British warshlpe after it bombardment ounuay. ; aaya a Spec 141 dispatch from Athens. A special dispatch from Bom says the government has Issued an order expell ing from Italy the correspondent of the Vienna Tageblatt and the Frankfuter Zeltung. Awrrlraa Arts aa JdedUte'r. WA8HINOTON. March ll-The part played by American diplomatic nd txin aular represenutlves. In the. negotiations looking to tha aurrender of 8myrna, In Asiatic Turkey, which failed, la told la dispatches juat received by the State de partment from the AmcrioaD legation at Athens. Greece, " , . Tha message,' dafed Btiaday.' stated that the bombardment of f Smyrna by; tha Freach fleet bad continued t loroely from March to March t. when the American legation was advised by wireless that Ad miral Pierce of tha British nt h.d . communication to deliver to the Ottoman authorltlea at Smyrna and asked that It be transmitted through the American consul general there. Consul General Morton went' to Vourlah. near Smyrna, and boarded the British flagship EurysJus. He received a state ment addressed to the' governor reneral saying that if the governor nnnl anM order the dismantling of ail fortifications, and no further effort would be made to land the place could 'continue' under Turkish control. Money for relief of war sufferers was also promised bv the ad. mlral and a truce was to go Into effect until the morning of March 11. Consul Oenerai Morton reported that the Turkish general answer. wM a flat refusal, wherevipon the bombardment was continued on March 11. .Hsnr . 4- ' "hi British Semi-Weekly Report Announces Taking of Trenches LONDON. Msrch 1.-The regulsr semi weekly report on the progress of the fiKhtlng was glvtn out foamy by the Iiritlah tuthorltlcs. It g dated Msrch l. end reads: "Since the Hast announcement of March 11. the operations In tho neighborhood of Neuve Cheppclle have been continued. The line captured March 10 an.l 1! o the eaet of that village has been consolidated and held In spite of repeated efforts on the part of the enemy to take it. During the night of Marrh 11-12 and in the early morning of the lith several counter at tscks to the east of Neuve Chsppelle were repulsed and sixty prisoners were cap tured. "The tame night, a skilfully executed enterprise to the eaet of Armentieres re sulted In the capture by us of the vil lage of r-elplnette with small loss. The poaeeseion of this villare advances our lines In this quarter S00 yards oa a front KiO yards wide. "Fighting In the Neuve Chappelle arcs waa very severe .March 12. Strong coun ter attacks by Germans In the afternoon was repulsed and 12 more prisoner were taken. The. Germane continued to deliver minor counter attacks during the night of March 12-1J and throuRhout the ltth. In no Cbses did they succeed In recaptur ing any of the ground they lost. "March 14 the fighting was confined mainly to the artillery. ' The prisoners In our hands taken since March 1 number 1.700. of whom thirty are officers. Judging from the number or dead counted on the ground the total German losses during th- operation from March in to March 11 on the Nueve Chap pelle cajinot be less than n.on or 1M"". lurlng the rvenfne: of March 1 the enemy rushed some of our trenches to the south of St. Flol aftr a heavy bom bardment and the explosion of a mine The greater pot lion of these trench acre recaptured this inornlns. The fight ing in this area continues. "The roval flylrg corp secured furthr successes during the last few days, el- though the fog at time Interfered ma terially with their work. Msrch 12 the railroad Junction at Don and Doula were attacked with bombs and damaged and on March 13 a train In the Don station was blown up." Coombs Looks Good. Wilbert Robinson ha seen Jsrlt Coombs, the former iron man of the Ath letics, and in enthualssttc In his belief thst Coombs) will be of great help to the Loders the coming scoson. Opening Display OF pring Apparel FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN Benson & Thorne Co. Wednesday, March 17th Thursday.March 18th. Friday.March 19th Flowers GERMANS MOVE CANNON CLOSER T00SS0WETZ (Continued from Page One.) tain topa hold bv the Russians, while the' Russians, on the other hand, maintain that they are more than holding their own In theee region. Weather- condi tions In the Carpathians, where tha now if deep, make tbe movement of troops'. wiiwi-uii, turn on aaia neing Cos only forces able to operate freely. The Rue slana are bombarding lrsemysl with reavy batteries while the Auairtana fiii are hammering away In their efforts to relieve th fortress. On th western front the German at- tack on 8t. Flol evidently waa made to counteract the effeel of the British euo- cesa at Nueve Chapelle. Berlin contents Itself with claiming that progress lias been made In this region, whllo Tarts cent ends that the British have re-won most of their lost trenches there. Hrltoas fear ISffret nm IV ! With the exception of a few newspapers which are inclined to the belief that a formal blockade would be a butter method rf accomplishing the desired roault. vtr. tially the whole British pre as commend mm oroer in council setting forth th British retaliation measures nlmi h submarine blockade of. Germaay. 1 Man editorial writers express unoasines aa to tne errect this ordr will havo.on neu tiala and they advance a uWm for fnr. bearanoe on acount of the extraordinary ronomona which caused the promulga Hon of this retaliatory announcement -J Costs HYMENEAL llavta-Krwaafrld. - Mlsa ticlnirt raunfrld jind Roxtop n. L'avui, both of Sioux Clt la., were mar ried bv Rev. Charles W. Havldge at his slLdy In the Braiidcls thenter bulldlns: at 11 o clock Tuesday. Itolauil-HrarlMa. HIDNKY. Neb.. March lS-tSttai TeW K rain.) Gross J. Roland and Florence O. Reaelgn or Brighton. Colo., were. married tuduy by County Judge Chambers. Governor Byrne Vetoes Money Items PIERRE. S. d7 March .-( Special Telegram:) Governor Byrne today cut out of the general approprlatloai blHs an Item of iniw for tl insurance deart ment on the ground that tha i r.. quires the expendltur.s from tha celpts Instead cf by general appropria tion. Eighteen thousand dollars . rut out of the appropriation for the atate mimia, ft.otv out of the approprtatl.n for th railway department and . for carrying tfut tbe provisions of tha pri mary law. . , . He vetoed a deficiency of I,U4 for the blu sky department, pn the ground that the law )imU tha expenditures of that department to the reoelpta and S1.00U for Hv stock at ths C.n ton wood experiment farm. The total appropriations., for all pur. Poses for the session are given at 3,4T,. t72.. a reduction of a,T.t from tw years ago. Put Stomach in Fine Condition Says Indigestion Results from an excess or Hydrochloric Acid. alfer wttk (aldsf Take Dr. King New Discovery, the beat ruugn. .old. throat and lung medl. i- no made. Tne f.rst dose b-ipa. fine. All druggists. Adertieuent Vndtgested food delayed in the stomach decays, or rather, ferments ahe same aa food left In th open air. suvs a nntd authority, lie alao tells us that Indiana. tlon Is cauaed by Hyper-acidity, meaning, there I an excess of hydrochloric acid in the stomach which prevents complete di gestion and utarts food : fenuentatton. Thus everything; eaten sours In the stom ach much like garbage sours m a can. forming acrid, fluids and gases which In- naie tne stomach, like a toy bulloon. Then we feel a heavy, lumnv niianrv In th. chest, we belch up gas. we eructate sour fo.l or hsve heaitburn. flatulence, water. brash or nausea. lie tells us t lav aiid all Hio-..iiu- aids and Instead, get from any pharmacy four oumea ot Jud Salts and take a ta blespoon! ul tn a glass of water before bn-akrast and drink while It is effervesc ing and furthermore to continue thla for a week. Whllo relief follow the flist dose. It is linpoitajil to neutralise th acidity; remove the gas-making mas, tart the liver, stimulate the kidneys and thus promote free flow of pure diges tive lul.ee Jad Snlia is inexpensive Bd is made from the acid of grapes and lemt-n Juhe coiul.lneil with IKhia and sod'um phos phate. This hamilrta lt Is u.-J by lliocn,n(" of .-old.. ',.r' M ,.,..., lr..U,- more to t less to mn And the extra expense that Studebaker goes to in the building of this ; FOUR, rexpense that some-: makers of cars might think unnecessary is the very reason that this car. is famed as the LOW UP KEEP Four, y The matter of drop forgtngs, for example. YouH find 187 of them in this FOUR. Many might have been malleable castings at a fraction of the cost. But drop forgings are stronger and LIGHTER, too. They cut down theweight and 'lighter weight, as, of course, you know, means lighter upkeep.; Or in the motor design, for example little refinements have been made improvements here and there that get MORE power without increasing the size of the cylinders or the gas oline bills. And so in every detail,1 you find the same policy of sparing no effort, no expense - to make a Studebaker car stronger and lighter, and easier to drive and MORE ECO NOMICAL of tires and gasoline. -, But see this FOUR or better, let us take you for a drive in it That's the way to tell and we'll gladly put it to test - ' ; ' . v. . FOUR" Omaha.Faclory Branch,-2550-2-4 Faniara Street f "Studebaker Wilson' Local Dealer. 2429 Farnam Steet BssUls Ucbttng aa Startino PULL PU. to Raar Aass Tlaaaaa ftrl-a-. . T.ea Rear Tl. oL Tr'' StualatMLkav ROAnarra (tuaeasserrOUII, . . . . SkudWk S1X.7 sng F O. B. Drott Tee. 6S r.l4SO h i i I'l'c..! i. , . ,. .. 7'