Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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Bteinmeyer of Gage Says Market for
Electricity Will Not Justify
7 Big Expenditures.
(Prom a Staff Correspondent.)
LimHILN. March 16. (PpeHal.)-R. B.
(Howell, .m-neral iriniwr of Omaha
metropolitan water district, was throughly
Kiillrd for hi political acttvlllea by a
republican member" of the house today.
II r. Stclnroryer of On Re county waa tho
member who assailed htm. What he sa l it
wea endorsed by Mr. Trumble. democrat.
The dint-union of Howell's political
activities waa In connection with the
debate on H. R. 475. a bill limiting franV
rhise grants to water power corporations
to twenty-frvo years with the privilege
of renewal for ten years at a time. Mr.
Steinmeyer opposed the bill and in speak
ing or it said:
"There has been a good deal of agita
tion on this subject, stirred up principally
by a certain candidate for state office In
Nebraska last year, who thought the
water power question would make a good
campaign Issue. He started In on It two
years ago and went out over the state
Jast fall telling the people that there Is
energy amounting to millions of horse
rower tn the rivers and streams going to
waste all the time. He proposed to spend
A lot of public money developing this
owcr. ,
Oonbfs Advisability. '
"Now It may be that there are millions
lot herse power In the rivers and streams
of Nebraska. There are" also millions of
Jiors powPT in the winds that sweep over
the state and itls doubtless true that if
(what power contained In the rays of the
sun were utilized it could be used to heat
mater in hollers and run engines, but the
ft ues t ion is would it be practicable to do
thse things, would it be worth as much
avs it costT"
Mr. Btelnmayer statel that only 2,000
horse power has been developed up to
elate In Nebraska and he read a letter
from an engineer saying that the present
market for electricity would not Justify
the construction of canals, dams and
power plants on the Loup and Platte
rivers. He did not believe it wise to put
too many restrictions on companies seek
ing to develop powers, since they are al
ready handicapped by natural and com
mercial conditions.
Several Issues.
"I believe there were several campaign
Issues last year," said Mr. Trumble, who
followed Steinmcyer. "Ws had the water
grower issue And also some rotten egfi!
(campaign thunder." . .
The discussion finIlly got back to the
ill itself. It was defended 'by Mr. Tib
keta. chairman of tho committee, and by
Messrs. Fries, Anderson of Boyd, Mock
ett and others. Mr. Peterson found some
apposition to its wording, but said he waa
lor the idea Involved. A motion to In
definitely postpone failed to carry, and
the bill was then ordered engrossed to be
glared on final passage.
,, ,
' (Prom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, March 16. (Speclal.)-ror
he legislature to pay attorney fees In
Contest cases was objected to in the houso
Tuesday by Representative Scott. He ob
jected to an item of $.'54 allowed ns at
torney fees to Lamb & Butler of Heaver
mty, who appeared for the sitting mem
ber In ths Kelly-FulU contest some
weeks ago. This money had been slowed
iy the claims committee and was in
cluded In the bi-weekly report of the
Committee on accounts and expenditures.
Scott's protest was of no avail, as the
house approved the committee report. It
pjhowed the total expenditures up to this
tlme amounted to $55,684. These were
tfltvtded as follows:
Saarles and mileage of the house mem
fcers, 142,187; house employes' wages (up
to March 1). $5,163; incidentals, S,514.
Balked in his desperate effort to
get away with his 50 cent a day
jail feeding graft, and not content
with the too liberal allowance al
ready made by the county board,
our greedv sheriff is trying to put
across a 40 cents a day graft in the
legislature through the machina
tions of his retained lawyer-lobbyist.
Why should not the sheriff be
content with his $4,009 a ye !
arv and mileage perquisites!
Why should he insist on making
"velvet" profits out of feeding the j
iail prisoners?
V . 1 1 A J A I
lio ine law maxers wnm u
cents a day means that it is equal
to $2.40 a day. or $16 80 a week,
for food alone for a family consist
ing of a husband, wife and four
How many wage, workers in Omaha
with six in the household spend
$16.80 a week for food alone?
The average number of prisoners
in the county jail is 200. which
would give the sheriff $80 a day
for feeding them, half of which
would be graft.
W don't the other Omaha news
papers join The Bee in calling on
the legislature to stop this at
tempted robbsry of the taxpayers ?
T. F. Sturgess SuggesU Change in
the Measure Providing for
Antis Leave for Lincoln to Continue
Fight on Greater Omaha
Woodmen Circle
In State Convention
Gather at Columbus
COLl'MRUS. Jeb.. March 1 -(Special
Telegram.) The Woodmen olrcl. ladles'
auxiliary to tho Woodmen of the World,
held their annual state convention In this
city today. Major Rothleltner welcomed
the delegates and visitors with an ad
dress, to which Mrs. Kmma M. Manches
ter, supreme guardian from Omaha, re
sponded. One hundred and six delegates
responded to Hie roll call and fifty vis
itors were present.
Tho grand guardian, Mrs. G. H. Hen
ntng of Omaha, called the meeting to
order. Mrs. Ida Kennedy, grand clerk,
from Omaha, recorded the minutes of the
meeting, and was later re-elected for the
same position.
Mrs. Ines M. Bevllle was elected dole
gate to the supreme forest after a spir
ited contest with Mrs. G. H. Hennlng. j
Mrs. Gladys Davis was chosen as alter
nate. Mrs. Kate Remington was elected '
grand guardian, and Mrs. Sadie Wright
grand advisor.
Mrs. Emma B. Manchester, who ' has
been supreme guardian for the last six
teen years, was honored by resolutions
and numerous floral offerings.
A reception and team work was exem
plified In the evening at the Maenner
chor hall, which was well attended, when
seevral of the ladies responded to toasts.
Mrs. Mary Larooo, supreme chairman
of the board of managers, of M Inneapblls.
Minn., and Miss Dora Alexander of
Omirhsr Supreme crcrK, attendea The 'con
vention. " ; "
Tm Wilber Pioneers Are Dead.
WILBER. Neb., March 18. (SpeeiaD
pohn Placek, one of the early settlers
pt the county, died at the home of his
turn, living southwest of town, yester
day morning, at the age of 78 year. He
Is survived by throe- sons and one
daughter, all grown.
George H. Hammond died Sunday morn
ing at tha home of his son, living four
grilles southwest of town. He came to
(this oountry In 1871 from New York, and
ettled with hi son on the farm where
te lived till his death. Ha leaves one son
nd two daughters.
West Point Defeats Fnllertoa.
' WEST POINT, Neb., March H.-(Spe-Clal
Telegram.) The debating team of
the West Point High school achieved a
Rotable vlotory at Fullerton Monday even
ing. The West Point team liad the nega
tive side of the government ownership of
railroads question. The decision waa un
animous. Tha teams were West Point,
Donald ElUott .Robert Moodla and
(Charles Korb; Fullerton, Joseph Palmer,
Jennie HolUater and Anita Robinson. The
Judges were Van Orsdell of Omaha,
Sturnham of Fremont and Martin of Cen
tral City.
! Two Slates at Seharler.
SCHUYLER, Neb., March 16. (Special.)
e- Republican and democratic caucuses
fcavs placed tha following tickets in nom
ination: Repulblcan, mayor. Otto Zuelow;
Clerk, Allen Cameron; treasurer, C. S.
Coonrod; councllmen, J. P. Roberts, A. F.
Jlabcock, Marion Bailey; Bdfcrd "of Edu
cation. Dr. 'L. H. Btxta, Dr. C. J. John
son: Democratic, mayor. Otto Zuelow;
clerk, Alois Kovar; treasurer, J. J, Oaeth;
touncllmen, Ed Novotny, C. C. Watts,
John Fudek; Board of Education, D. W.
Killecn, Henry, Bolton.
Trmperamre Ticket (',
SUPERIOR, Neb., March 16. (Special
Telegram ) The temperance party meet
ing at the city hall last night nominated
the following for city officers: Mayor,
J. R. Fitzgerald; treasurer, D. L Davtes;
clerk, V. Vaught; councilmcn. Henry
Ix-we. First ward; John Eyre, Hecond
ward; O L. Fisher, Third ward: school
board, George Scoular and S. N. Reed.
A resolution waa adoptei letting, the
Question of wet or dry be decided by the
Voters. Most of the candidates have run
for some other office on the same ticket
Klglaj Displays Plrtares.
LINCOLN, March IS. (Spe -lal ) Dr. L
r. Kigin, acting state veterinarian- gave
his moving plctute lecture on "Milk
tsanitatlmi end Bovine Tuberculoma" be
fore the Koiary club at Hi Lindcll hotel
Shis noun.
Notes from Beatrice
And Gage. County
BKATRICR, Neb., March 16. (Special.)
J, W. Bookwalter, owner of thousands
of acres of land in this section of Ne
braska and northern 'Kansas, has noti
fied K. J. Shinn of this city, slate agent
for the Bookwalter holdings, to farm all
the lands possible under his management.
Mr. Bookwalter believes that extra crop
will be needed to feed the people of this
country and the war stricken districts of
Europe, and has ordered 20,000 acres
opened to cultivation.
Lieutenant W. C. Btoll, a regular army
officer. Inspected Company C Monday
evening. Fifty guardsmen and three offi
cers answered to mil call. Excepting
two companies in Omaha Company C had
a larger attendance during the Inspection
than any other company in the state.
Announcement was received here Mon
day of the death of Mrs. S. B. Dooley.'a
pioneer resident of this city who located
at Gleneth, Colo., a few years ago. The
deceased was 7J years of age. Mr. Dooley
was formerly engaged in the grocery
business at this place.
Mrs. Ann Mlddleton, a pioneer who lo
cated in Gage county In 1870, died here
early .Sunday morning at the age of 86
years. She is survived by six children,
four sons and two daughters.
ThompsoiTWili Fly
At Fair This Year
"From a Staff Correspondent.!
LINCOLN, March 1H. (f peclal -T.
Sturgess. editor of tfio Twentieth Century
Farmer, appeared before th ehoue com
mitter on agriculture at the adjournment
of th chouse this fterfioon In behalf of
Komeamcndments to senstc file 171, cover
ing Inspection of creameries, etc.
- The bill empowers the state food rom
nilfslonru to place an Inspector in a
creamery and keep him there as ion as
he likes. While Mr. Sturgess thougft the
present commissioner might not nhune
the privilege, there was no assurance s
to what kind of a man some future gov
ernor might appoint for that position and
it was this point that the editor desired
to guard against. A man ignorant of the
business or a man with a grudge aftatust
n particular creamery might do a great
deal of harm.
Mr. 8turcss did not like the rati of
tho hill which called for an acidity tet.
Ha ssld that rotten cream might be law
In acidity and good cream, might ha
high. At tho request ot the committee he
presented a few amendments for their
consideration, as follows:
Cream ahull be grailed as follow-:
Cream free trim visible . (tin, undesirable
ili-v is an I. orois. palatable to the tas.e
and free frcm lumps, of even texture and
cither sweet or sharp mur, or cream from
which t..e rium'fv buying It ahull use
In the manufacture of first grade butter,
shall be called first grade.
'ream which - Is foamy. yeasty or
slightly itale and from which the cream
ery ia unable to manufacture (list grade
letter shall he called Second grade.
Cream not good enough to imss as firt
or srcor4 grade csrsm or cream which
ror.ta.ns oil flavors or Is musty; dirty,
mouldv or pui.ld, g!-all be classed uf
putrid. '
Any creamery, cream station operator
oro anyone who handles crenin for com
mercial purposes, whether manufacturing
In the Mate, or shipping the cream out
side of the state, whether an Individual
person, corporation, concern or comranv.
.vhether a direct iuiyer and ahlppor or
operating stations. Tnust grade cream as
lie.ein proviaei ann pay ir u on n. .in
ferential basis of at least 3 cents a pound
'. . . .... , 11. . . tkl. altall Ka
construed -as a misdemeanor, punishable ' rre and brought good prices,
l. a fine of hot less than nor more
than 1101) unon conviction. No'- cream
classed as putrid within the manning or
tills net thai: he sold in the-ftite nor
for shipment outs'dc the state. The pur
chase of putrid cream within tin mean
ing of this act tor manmaciure mi., "ni
ter ir cheese or for human consumption
In an form is herebv declared unlawful
and is punishable bv sfino or not less
than H nor more man nv ior eacn nv
aiate offense.
West i"oi
FULLERTON, Neb.. March . (ra
cial.) The debate between Fullerton ana
West Point High school teams an the
government ownership of railroads took
place at tho high school building In this
city last night and resulted in the unan
imous decision of. the three judges - in
favor of the negative side of the aims
tlon. which was represented by Donald
Elliott. Robert Moodio and Charles' Korb
of West Point. The uffirmatlve was rep
resented by Joe Palmer, Jennl Ifolllster )
and Anelta Robinson of this city, th j
judges were eMsrs. R. A. van Orsdal
of Omaha. A. L. Burnham of Fremont
and J. C. Martin of Central City.
Representing tli antl-mergerlsts a num
ler of the antl men left yesterday for
Lincoln to continue the opposition to the
passage of the bill. Tho men are the
rame ones who have Yierw.nre worked
upon the matter. Supporters ot the
measure will go to Lincoln tnduv to
ihecknmte any of the antl work, It Is
With a few exceptions the. opposition has
lost faith In the battlo agnlnyt the bill.
Cltlsens generally seem Imiwtient to have
the measure passed and parsed with the
finergem-y clause. In any caao consider
able public Improvement work is eld to
be projected on the part of the city pend-
Ing the taking effect of the merger.
While there is a riunor that more money
has been ' raised to beat th bill, little
faith Is attached to such efforts at this
lajart-d Dolnar Wrll.
Reports from the South Omaha hos
pital 'yesterday evening were to the effect
that the victims of Sunday's fire were all
doing well. None-of the Injured will die,
it -wis said. Tho funeral arrangements
of Samuel Gallzla. the Infant burned to
death In the fire, will not bo perfected
until his parent. Mr. and Mrs. Toney
Gallsia. have been released from the hos
pital, according to Undertaker H. J. Lnr
kin. Return to Select Horses,
William Post & Sons of New Vork, who
recently filled a large war horse order
1 ere for the French government, relumed
to select horse to fill a new ord;- of
lalge proportions. Captain De Iestrangn
and Dr. Laflnette of tho French army
began their Inspection of the offerings
jesterday and will continue until the or
der has been filled.
Joseph Crovo. acting for the firm of
Fibs, Doerr & Carroll of New York, will
return Wednesday to begin purchasing
to fill a new war horse order from the
Italian government.
ilreak Monday Records.
Hog receipts for yesterday were the
highest ever received here for the first
day of the week. Approximately lR.ftW
heud of hog In 213 car were received
In all 773
CouriVttman John Riches, who died Sun
rtnv nUlil at his rcsldcm e. Tenty-thlrl
end O strets, the Sooth Omaha city
council adjourned its meeting eterday
evening. Councilman Riches represented
tho Sn-ond ward In the city council and
whs well Known In Bohemian and busi
ness) circles In South Omaha. City Clerk
Terry Wheeler yentoidny afternoon
stated Hint resolutions of respect and
condolence would be drafted and pre
sented to the council at Us next meeting.
The funersl of Mr. Riches will be held
Wednosdny afternoon at i o'clock at the
residence and at the First Presbyterian
church, where Rev, Robert L. Wheeler
win officiate. Burial will be nude In
Graccland Park cemeto .
Mhrep Taken from t ar.
While a Burlington stock train stood
on a siding at Twenty-fourth and U
streets yesterday morning thre sheep
wens taken from one of the car and
hidden in a nearby culvert by cattle
thieves, the local police y.
Captain James Sheahan happened along
shortly after 8 o'clock yesterday morning
and saw suspicious character lurking
near the place tn a shanty he Investi
gated and arrested Walter Rupp and
William Brady on usplclon of knowing
something of the mlssir.S sheep. The
sheep wero consigned to a local com
mission mnn from J. Whitehead ot
Mitchell, Neb.
and K.nglnemen are making extensive
prrparatlons for a ball to be given In
Partletfs hall, March 17. This is the first
ball this organisation has given In sev
eral years.
A reduction of mechanics and helpers
l-as made In the Rock Island locomotive
Miopa Mondsy. he Tre reduction Involved
miichlnlsts, bollermnkera and helpers.
Declamatory- Contest at Wither.
WILRKR. Neb., March 18.-(Speclal.)-The
high school declamatory contest to
choose representatives of this school were
hold at the hlsh school building last night
nd the following were chosen:" Maudn
Oyler, first: Eunice Dlller, second; Anna
kusy, third, and Mary Saeroa, fourth.
The judges were Misses Cora York snd
Ella' nei k of University Place and KVm
leth Rough of Donne, college.
Fall Dotti Mtln Fatal.
FR1RND, Neb., March 1 (Special
Lyman H. Page, an old resident ot this
place, - fell down the stains last niaht
while preparing to retire, and when
slstance arrived was pronounced dead.
Mr. I'as-e had been In poor health since
Inst fall.' "
cars of live stock were received here yes-
terday. Big receipts and good pricea arv
reported dally since the readjustment of
Uie quarantine laws here. Eastern mar
.'icts are heavy buyers. It Is said.
The new Burlington fast stock train
from O'Neill arrived for the first trip In
plenty of time for the opening of yester
Cay'a market. Seventeen rarloads of
stock came In o i the special.
Out of respect for ' the memory of
DES MOINES. Ia., March 16. The Iowa,
house today postponed action on the bill
to submit woman suffras at the riext
primary election to Tuesday, March 21.
.en-s Xntea from l-'alrhMr.
FA1RBURY. Neb.. March 16. I Special.)
Judge L M. IVmherton of Beatrice ar
rived In Falrhury Inst evening snd oiiened
the March adjourned term of district
court. This was the equity session held
lor the purpose, of grunting some decrees
and confirming some sales. No criminal
cases were on the docket.
The retail merchants and clerks pf
Falrhury listened to an addivss on
'alcsniHnshl" delivered by W, P. fisss
of Onmha on Monday night.
After being conductor on the faat night
freight runs, Wl snd SM, Falrbury to Hor
ton. for seventeen year, p. F. Hill lies
Uken nnolher run on the Nebraska
divlHion as conductor.
V.. B. Redding, a Nebraska division
hrakeman, has departed for Hot Springs
Aik., to recuperate his health.
The Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen
Oild Catarrhal I'rouoff
Currtul by Pe-ru-na
A oold Is acute catarrh.
I'erana Is a reoognlsed itandard
remedv for catarrb.
Coot "Ills ef Lifs" Fros.
VfcA aB- w-ttmm m Jssm af
Hi ! Tmiii iiMiiT liT 7 VaiTi '
Clothes Were
King - Peck
Built for
Active Boys
Built in a ' man
ner that best
brings out their
splendid style fea
turesand priced
for parents with
economical views.
Wonderful Values, Boys Spring Suits
with Two Pairs of Knickerbockers at
An extra pair of trousers doubles the life of th
suit and w are pivinjf efj:ra trousers with tho
majority of our Hoys' Spring Suits it's an
advantage vou enn not afford'. to mips. ''
Caps to Match Boys' Suits. 50c and -75c
(From a Staff Correspondept.)
LINCOLN. March . 36.-(8peelal.)-R
gardless of the Beachey tragedy, De
Lloyd Thompson will make the headling
dive from the clouds each day at the Ne
braska State fair grounds, September 6-10.
Beachey was the master of the loop,
the-loop and upside down flying. He also
executed tha spiral tail slide at tbe fair
ground last fall.
Thompson inaugurated the headlong
dive to tbe amazement of thousands at
San Francisco some time ago. The Ne
braska contract wa one of the first
signed after tbe aviator mad hi spec
tacular record.
(arn Held at Syraoose. .
SVRACCSR. Neb., March !. SwclU
The village primary held here lat night
resulted in the selection of D, A, Halm
and Walter F. NeK as candid t-s for
village trustees. J. H. Arends and Jame
Falrhead. who have een long service on
the board, refused a renominating. The
question of saloons '-will not be an Issue
this spring and the town will' continue
ss a license town. Two other proposltlohs
win c voted on by the people, water ex
tension and their choice between electric
lights and sewers. The thre propositions
will appear on the ballet with Instruc
tion to vote for two only. A special elec
tion-will be held to rote bond for which
ever propositions carry.
Bryan is Witness as
Thousand Sign Pledge
PHILADH.LPlriA, March . Kneeling
on the platform In the tabernaole erected
here for 'Rev.-W. "A.- Sunday, and using
the evangelist's pulpit as. a writing table.
Secretary - of - State William Jennings
Bryan signed witnera tonight' thou
sands of pledge given, by men and boy
never to use intoxicating liquor a a
beverage. ' . '
Tbe pledges were poured upon th sec
retary of stat in. a perfect 'stream by
member of a congregation of -nearly
&,000 he had addressed t a meeting un
der the aueplce of tha National Ab
stainer' union. '.'
E. O. Brown, !1 year old, and the sunt
man who erved a sentence In federal
prison a year ago for selling $1 silk
through the mall fr 5. was arrested by
-HDetectlve L. T. Finn of the Brandels
tore yesterday for trying to defraud the
firm out of 130. In hi confession, mad
later, he told several Interesting tact
concerning his criminal cater.
Brown telephoned to tbe store, and or
dered a pair of shoe and akd that th
delivery boy bring the c.har.g for $20.
He Impersonated Dan Horrlgan, attorney.
Finn followed th messenger and mad
the arrtt. after which Brown confessed.
He was released from federal prison only
a few week go. .
- $: '
I O yu
X a r nr r.nn, wn ,.,.., an, , .. s.s---a-X
V-'v' v
i'.f .
3 c ' , 5 ij i 1 " t
'75 Always STAR When Good Fellows Get Together"
Men Who Chew Are Men Who DO:
THE men who built the Panama Canals thousbLnjds
of robust, clear thinking, quick-acting workmen,1 and
hundreds of skilful, far-seeing engineers made thinking
easier and labor lighter by chewing tobacco while at work
For many years men from other countries non-tobacco chewing men tried .to
the Panama Canal. They couldn't stand the strain, .their machines "fell'dovv
: 1 ... . . .V.nI amne ftoA Hue ArrtAririin trtn trieHmsn wVi
U1C X Vdlldl X Il-JT VVWJ t- Oa,4aJU WV ) IIIWVIMUVtf V 4
critical moments their best attampts failed. Our American men tried men , who are
L J A, " TUair U..:U rUa Ponomn Can-A . ! '
Men who work with a pick or a pen; on steam-rollers or sk
scraoers. cnew ana doosc ai iudalu, inc. imu
rva y-r'w T tit V T
1 Ab 1 I rLUU
Note frsm Brnltva Bow.
BROKEN BOW. Neb., llarch 16.-(t-pe-tjal.)
Logan Chllds, a veterinarian of
Arnold, this county, charged with stab
bing and wounding Oliver Holme In a
ror at that place, wa taken before
County Judge Ford In thl city Monday
forenoon and placed under M bond to
appear (or hearing April 7. The two
men wese engaged in a fight when. It la
alleged, Child drew a pocket knife and
rut Holme In the abdomen and on the
arm. '
Jack ialllnger, tha Student, who is
charged with cutting George Ellington,
.mother student, February 2t. with Intent
to kid, waived preliminary hearing before
County Judge Fold Monday morninj ant
was bound over to the April term of
district court In the sum of '. Bonds
were furnished by the young man's
At the coming spring election Broken
Bow will vote upon a total bond Issue
of HO. M0. It beln? distributed as follows:
Water works, .F6; electric street light
ing, IW.iJUO, sewer bonds, fli,UM.
Ouch! Backache!
Rub Lumbago or
Pain From Back
Ah! Pain Is gon!
Quickly? v. AJmost instant relief
from soreness, stiffness, lamene and
pain follow a gentle rubbing with "8t.
Jacob OIL"
'Rub thl oothlrig. penetrating oil right
on your painful back, and Ilka magic, re
lief come. "StV Jacob Oil" I a hrral
barkacjie, lumbago and . sciatic, cure
which never disappoint and doean't burn j
tn "Kin.
ntralghten up! Quit complaining! Stop
those torturou. "stitches " la a moment
you will forget that you ever had a weak
back, because it won't hurt or b stiff or
lam. . Don't suffer! Oet a small trial bot
tle of old, honest "fit, Jacob Oil" from
your druggist now and get this lasting
relief. AdYertUemn.W
STAR is the leading brand of the World. A "year's out
put would build a road of STAR plugs, 23 feet wide,, along
the entire route of the Panama Canal, and there would
be over 200,000 one pound plugs lett over :
1 """- i! !
L VuvM
16 or.
Cuts '