Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1915, Page 14, Image 14

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Fire Damag-ed Building to Be Re
placed by Hew Structure Oyer
ITine Storiei High.
A large fore of men have re
mmed work tearing down more of
the old Board of Trade building re
cently seriously damaged by fire.
This followed the announcement of
E. M. Morsman, Jr., made Monday,
to the effect that the director! of
the building company have decided
to tear down the structure and build
a new fire-proof building on the site
from nine to fourteen stories high.
Atthnush Mr. Morsman declared that
II differences that stood In the way of
fcuUdina a new structure fiava been
amicably settled. C. W. Hull of the C.
IW. Hull Coal company, that occupied of
fice room In the corner until some time
after the fire, refused to Mute that he
had aivrn up his claim on hli lesse In
the percent building. "I can't talk about
that now," an Id Mr. Hull when asked
regarding Ma attitude toward Mr. Mors-
man's announcement. "Maybe there will
e eomethlnff In a faw days.
It was Hutl who held out longest Itj the
rooms he occupied In the old building.
Tor eorne days after the fire he declared
the buildlnc wu etlll habitable and con
tinued to maintain hla officca ' there.
.-Finally he moved hi offlrei into the
fVmaha National Bank buildlnK-
aak naa IVolbln a flay. .
Tha German-American State bank,
!whkh was also driven out of the Board
of Trade buildlnK by the fire, also has
little to say as yet regarding- the atatus
of the lease.
When President Fred It, Baksr'of the
'tank was asked what Mortman's state
merit meant with regard to the lease, the
dank has, he said: "Well, that's up to
' Morsman. We never had any trouble
with them about the lease."
Asked if the bank would look toward
netting space in the new building the
Foard of Trade people contemplate, Mr.
3aker said: "Oh, that's entirely too long
to wait"
rnplre Flaaa Shortly.
Within sUty days plans are to be oom
leted for the new fireproof building,
Mr. Morsman Is quoted as saying. The
cost of the new structure as at present
(ontemplated Is to be around IO00.WO. Mr.
."Morwnen says the plans for the new
structure have not yet been very defi
nitely considered.
The city commissioners have been ad
vised, that the owners of the Hoard of
?ado building have started to wreck this
building, which was damaged by fire
recently, in a communication to the
council the Board of Trade Building com
pany admits the contention of the city
building department . that the building
should be wrecked-
now in command at Mex
ico City, is credited with
having destroyed fourteen
cities and confiscated
$100,000,000 of property.
Building Officials
Not Exercised Over
i the School Houses
. i I OenNl
Omaha is Leading
Live Stock Market
of World Tuesday
Omiti at, ft In Tudv i l
live stock market -of the world. Daeelna-
both Chicago and Kansas City In receipts.
A totsl of fc rara of live aln. li .ara
celved at South vmeha. Of thia number
there were Vm hogs, more than Kansas
City and 8L Joseph together: S.rM) cattle
and Jt.000 sheep. About 6,X more cattle
and 1.000 more sheep were received than
at Chicago.
Furniture Being Rapidly Installed
for the Forma,! Opening
Next Saturday.
The first residents will movs Into the
new Castle hotel today. They are
Manager Fred A. Castle and hla family,
wh'ose beautiful apartment on the sixth
floor ha been completed and furnished,
so they csn tske possession three days
before the formal opening of the hotel.
The hotel barber shop, located lust south
of the main entrance, la already open for
business. It being the first of the hotel's
departments to get Into operation. There
sre seven chairs In the shop, which Is
modern In every respect and sanitary to
the last degree. The floor Is tile, the
chslrs of-the mort Improved type, the
woodwork white. The tonsnrlal artlsta
also wear white.
Painters, paper hanger, carpet layer
and other artisans sre bimy everywhere.
At the main entrance hig auto trucks
and wagons sre constantly unloading fur
niture and alt manner of UiIiirs required
to make the new hoM complete.
A force of men Is busy In the ob'.y un
packing the furniture mid putting It to
gether. As fist ns this done th fur
niture Is taken upstairs on one of the
elevators, which are already In operation.
Arrangementa are nearly completed for
the format openlnr of the hotel next Sat
urday and Invitations have hern sent out.
tt will be "open house" for nil those
Invited to Inspect the new carnvsnKsry
from top to bottom. The bsll room will
be opened and dancing will begin at
S:K) p. m. .
"The Park school was Inspected during
the last school year and the school hoar
a directed to strengthen the stairways,
which work was done, School bHildlnca
f the type of the Park school are not
Jclrabla. nor are they fireproof." atated
8-ee Bridges, chief building Inspector.
Offerers of the city building depart
ment do not aeem particularly exerclned
fiver lha declarations of Dr. K. iiolovt-
chiner of the Board of Education regard-
ng the condition of the Park and old
lancroft schools. While they admit these
I) u l Id I age are old and should be replaced
with new structures they will not say
that Immediate condemnation Is neaea
aary. .
Fire Warden Edward Morris says he
looked over these schools about a year
go and Intends to maks another Inspec
tion thia week.
Complaints of weakness In the stair
ways at the Park school were msde by
parents taut year.
Sessions are being held as usual at the
Park and Bancroft schools.
Porter Again Held
j, for the Grand Jury
After being held to the federal grand
Jury once before on the charge of Im
gwrsonstlna a secret . service operative,
then securing his freedom on a technical
ity, being Immediately re-arrested and
vainly trying three times to secure his
liberty by habeas corpus proci dings,
liairy B. ruiUr hae eeaiu been unJeiod
held to the grand Jury by United Etatea
Commissioner II. S. Daniel. In defaut of
giving 11.000 bond, he Is now in JaiL
Saturday se order of removal to South
(Dakota mil be eaked, hla alleged oflrnee
having bean committee! ta Deadwood.
. ftult for tT,m alleged paid by the lata
Edward W, Besten. proprietor of the
Siexten pharmacy, to li. B. Milder by
hecks, bearing dates . from July 9 to
JMovembar S3. IHU, lias been . begun
acainst MUder In dutrlct court by ex.
t outers of the estate.
The suit, the petition ssnerts. Is wrought
"for moneye had an! received" from
Xiesten by Milder and cup -re of th : checks
aire set forth In It
The first trslnload sof tourists enroute
to the California expositions will arrive
In Oinsha over the Uock Island at 1:34
thi afternoon, remaining here thirty mln
It tea.
The tourists now enroute to the Pstlfie
i-oast are ruining from Cleveland. 0-.
and there are seventy-five In the party.
Tier have a train of four sic pet a, a
Vuffet cur. a diner and a baggage car.
Beet Tki( far BUI-' t Hark.
"On account of my confinement la the
printing office I have for years been a
chronic aurleier from Indigestion and
liver trouble. A few week ago 1 bad aa
attack that as so seere that I was out
eMe to (o to the case fur two days. Kail
lug to gtt eny relief from any olhur treat
ment 1 ttwk tlire of C'hambertala'a Tab-
lrts, and the unl Say 1 felt like a new
man." writes H L liailey, editor Csio
l:r. News, Ohapln. 8. C. OMalnable ev
n) l.era. Advert iw: menU
Bent room quick with iBm Want 'Ad.
' s -
Christian R. Roose has brought suit la
district court agnlnst Anders Rasmussen
for IX.enO damagea. alleging allewatlon of
the affect lens of his wife, who ha sued
him for divorce.
Gilinsky Heads
Big fruit Combine
at New Orleans
H. E. Gilinsky la to become general
manager and ealea agent for the
Louisiana Btrawberry Distributers' com
pany, lie has Juet, accepted that position.
The salary la said to be the largest paid
any sales msnnger of a fruit company in
America. ' He haa gone to New Orleans
to take charge of his new duties. Mr.
Gilinsky Is president of the Gilinsky Fruit
company . of . Omaha.
The stre wherry .distributing concern In
New . Orleans . la an association ' of eight
strawberry growing companies and ships
some " 1,000 cars of berries during the
K. I Dorste,. Jr., paying toller of the
First National bank tt Omaha, Is to he
Mr. Glllneky's secretary ' for a few-
months, after which- he Is to return to
the bank In Omaha.
Hailed as Fare by
Lad Who Had Just
. Stolen His Jitney
To 'be halted as the first prospective
fere by an euto thief who hsd stolen his
Jitney bus fifteen minutes before wu
the odd experience of J. N.. "wanson,
y04 North Twenty-fourth Street. Swan
son recovered his car. but the thief
When Hwsnson noticed his rsr had been
stolen from the rear of his home he
notlflel the authorities and eet out hlm
aelf on a still hunt for the fellow.
Fifteen minutes later,' while atanding
at Twenty-fourth and Lake streets, he
wss solicited to ride as a passenger by
the driver of a bus and stepped Into the
car. It wss tils own mschlne.
Kwenson rode down Twenty-fourth
street without letting the driver, a boy
scarcely more than 17 years old, know
that he im suspected. The boy drove
recklessly and Bwanson grew nervous as
he machine narrowly missed a atreet
car snr then a group of women.
"you're not a very careful driver, son,"
remarked riwanson.
"Oh, sr-i," replied -the youth, "1 al
uav nisnace to get by."
"Well, euppuMft you give me the wheel.
This la my tar. You've got to go to the
police station with me," aald Ewanson.
The Isd was somewhat taken back, but
relinquished hla hold, and Bwanson
started the car toward police headquar
ter. When Twenty-fourth and Cuming
streets were reached the owner wr
forced to !ow up for a atreet car, and
as he did so the boy suddenly . leaped
from the vehicle and ran away. Before
ewanson could get out of the car the lad
had disappeared.
According to a statement from the
office of the general manager of the Bur
lington lines west of the - Missouri rier.
If. the trainmen and operators are con-
templatfhsT a' strike they have'' not so In
timated to the officers , of the" road. " '
' At the general manager's office It Is
assarted thatso far as known the men
are without any grievance; at least with
out any that has been oalied to the at
Untlon of the management. At tho
offices It la asserted that so fsr as Is
known everything ta harmonious between
the men nd the officials and manage,
Wheat Receipts in
Omaha Some Heavier
and Prices Hold Up
While grain receipts were a little heav
ier than they have been for several days,
prices were steady to lower, wheat sell
In if at $1 i3i?1.5, an advance -of H to U
rent per bushel. Receipts were fourteen
carloads, most of which was consigned to
locel mills. ' .- i i
Wl'.h thirty-one carlosds of corn on the'
market, prices sold off 4 to' H cent, sales
being made at Wfff70 cents per bushel.
There were nineteen cara of owta and
price weit '4 -cent lower.- Sales were
around MtytiOT cents.. , ' ,
Bogus Check Artist
Kept Diary, of All
. His Various Deeds
Roheet H. Dunkirk, who poeed aa
Robert H. Duke, son of the tobacco
maa-nata in Omaha recently, and se
cured endorsement to a bofus IMX) draft,
which he ralaed to to, GOB, and cashed In
Memphis, haa apparently visited Omaha
before, according to extracts from hla
diary. Dunkirk was arrested In Portland,
Ore,, and will return to Omsha with De
tective Frank Williams, who left last
weak for the coat
After entries describing his check pass
ing exploits In N , M and O (sup
posed to be Nashville, Memphis and Chi
cago) he writes regarding experience In
O J. as follows:
"Shall atop at O this time. Won't
stay here but a day or two. Dangerous
Is right. Have appointment with two dif
ferent lady friends. One of them Muriel
M. of the P. apartments, otherwise I
would not take this chance of, rs-sp-peaiing
hare. My cash balance this even
ing Is $711. and I hop to augment It.
"Must change my name after leaving
here, as I fell positive that the author
ities are retting busy. After six years of
dodging these gumshoes, it sure would
be tough to bs nabbed at this particular
Personal vanity of an unusual descrip
tion seems to have caused Dunkirk to
keep a diary in whloh he told of his
movements and misdeeds In detail for the
purpose, he says, of having his record
correct when the Inevitable end of . hla
career hsd come. A Search for the P.
apartment,' which he mentions In the
diary haa been of no avail.
Relief frow Acate Rkeweaat lum.
John H. Qronx, Winchester, N. H.,
writes: "I suffer from acute rheumatism
and Sloan's Liniment always helps
quickly: c. All druggists. Advertisement.
Over MO recruits have hen pledged for
the nary by the Omaha recruiting station
In the federal' building 'since Lieutenant
Thomas. M. Tipton 'was assigned as re
cruiting officer' In charge" of the Omaha
district. The hundredth enlistment oc
curred Monday. lieutenant Tipton has
been here six months. On account of the
rigid requirements for enlistment and the
small of number of .applicants lately the
number of men accepted has been smaller
than I sat year.
Gas! Gas! Indigestion, Sourness,
Sick ' Stomach Pape's Diapepsin
If you feet bloated after eating and
ymi bellpve it Is the food which fills you;
If what little you eat lies like a lump of
lead' on your, stomach; If there la diffi
culty in breathing after eating, eructa
tions of sour. Undigested food and acid,
heartburn, brash or a -belchlrpr of gaa,
yon need Papei's Diapepsin. to stop food
fermentation -and Indigestion. - .
It ' neuf rallies' excessive acid, stomach
poison; absorbs .that misery-making gaa
and stops fermentation which sours your
entire meal, and . causes. Dyspepsia, Slok
Headache. Biliousness, Constipation,
Qrlping. ett Your real and" only trouble
Is that which you eat doer not digest,
but quickly ferments and sours,' produo
Ing almnat any unhealthy condition.
'. .A ease "of Pape'e . Diapepsin 'will' coat
fifty' cents at any pharmacy here, end
will convince any stomach sufferer In five
minutes that Fermentation ' and Sour
Stomach la causing the misery of: Indi
gestion. No matter. tf you call your trouble
Catarrh of the Stomach,' Nervousness - or
Gastritis, or by any 'other name-always
remember that relief la waiting at any
drug store the moment you decide to
begin Its use. - ' ;
Papa's . Dlaoeoeln will' reculata ' anv
out-of-order stomach within five min
utes, and digest promptly, without any
fuse or discomfort, all of any kind . of
food you eat Advertisement .
. . . WEIGHT 2B65 LBS. . ' J'
' 'x-siirH
vv ns l
M--'.' - A ii it -y&r. I ;v;;; m
Motoring in an Enger Six
is an entirely now soncation
You ma be an old experienced motorist and may have driven
many good cars, but you have a new.sensation coming, for motoring
as you know it and as an' Enger Six owner knows it are not the same.
The weight, 2,865 pounds, is one of-thev Enger Six's strong features.-
It is an exact proportion of weight for a car of this size.
Weight pounds, fully equipped
Wltwlhaeo l.S-lnih; clearance, 10 4 laches.
Continental Motor Cylinder cast en bloc, 3.6Vi. ales en
closed, unusually; heavy and well balanced crank abaft.
IgnltloiH Altwater-Kent automatic and manual advance ailent
typv. " . -
Ctwling Centrifugal pump, honejeomb radiator, belt-driven fan.
I.tichts Electric, separate and Independent aelf-regulatlng en
x erator for lamps; lsnitlon and battery,.
- Htartetr Indetiendent starting motor l.h twitch on motor.
Carburetor Rayfield mounted on Hi ot or Dash adjustment for
1 cold weather. '
Study the Specifications
Transmlsbion--Three-epeed, alldlnt gear type in oil-tight caaea.
Clutch Multtpledisc, controlvleverg and pedal IN UNIT with
8rer Irreversible and adJosUble, polished ebony wheel.
Horn Electric with button on ateertng wheel.
6treautlln body, gig and seven passenger, l.-inch upholstery
of genuine leather, five-bow, one-man top, with patented quick
adjustable storm curtains. . Stewart-Warner speedometer, gaso
line gauge, eteclrio indicator, S4x4 wheels, Firestone demount
able rims. ezpanding-ontracting .brakes, full floating rear axle.
PRICE. im. fully equipped. x- - .
IFoSafoiep-Enep. Co.
General Western Distributers.
Dress Making School Now Open, 4th Floo
Make Your
Own Dresses
at a Very
Small -
School in
Charge of
Mrs. Lutle B.
Cateron. Ask
About It.
25 c and 35c Laces
10c a Yard
A big assortment of pretty
patterns in linen, eluny,
fine oriental, shadow and
wash laces, bands, edges
and flouncing; "Wednes
day, special, per yard,
at .10
$1.00 Organdie
Flouncing, 59c
A beautiful line of very
sheer embroidered floune
ings, in a splendid assort
ment of choice designs,
made to sell up to $1 yard;
sale price, "Wednesday, a
yard .59c
Another Big Shirt Sale Wednesday
Men s Shirts
made to sell
at $1 to $2
Made in coat
styles w i t h
peparate col
lars or collars
attached; all
styles andv
colors, all
lies 14 to 18;.
Men's $1.50 Pajamas, in all
sizes, .v. . ; . . .69
Men's Night ' Shirts, $1.25,
on sale at. ... . . . . . . . .49
Men 's Shirts
made to sell at
$3 Fine Silk
Madras, Mer
cerized, Pon
srees, Satin,
Stripe, etc.,
with separate
collars or collarw.
attached, all col
ors, all styles,
greatest snap
ever; choice
Men's Guaranteed Sox, 2")c
(uality, 6 pairs for. . .75
Men's Guaranteed Sox, '):
quality, 6 pairs for. . .490
Manufacturer's Stock of Sik Dresses
$ prfjnMade to Sell to $15.00 Several
T eW) hundred in the lot, in scores of
a u J clever styles, all colors and sizes
( Come in Ponlins. Chiffon. Taffptn.
Silk Ealenco, Charmeuse and a nice line of Pretty Seriri
cresses aiues we ao not neiive can be duplicated else
where in the country.
Haydeii's Make the Grocery Prices
TOM TBI noni, Cjnality Oooda,
IS Onnoea to the round, and a Batr-
b of 86 per oent to BO per cent oa
the Cost of ZilTlnc.
41-lb. Hacks Beat HUh Grade Dia
mond H Flour, nothing- finer for
bread, plea or calces, per sack, (1.SS
So Tour Owi Bajias;, It Fays.
1( lbs. Beet. Granulated Sugar. .$1.00
' 10 Bars Beat 'Km All. Diamond q,
-. Lennox, White Russian, or Laun
dry Queen, White Laundry Sorji,
v for aso
8 lbs. Best Whtte or Yellow Corn
meal . 17o
t lbs. Best Rolled White Breakfaet
OatmeeJ .....flBo
Skinner's Macaroni, Vermicelli or
Snajthettl. pksr THo
Advo Jell for desserts, it's quality
Roods, haa no equal, try It, per
Pkir ,...Vo
4 lbe. Best Hand Picked Navy
Beans .aso
4 lbs. femcy Japan Rice, 10c quality.
for tso
Tall Cans Alaska Salmon .-.loo
C'ana Oil or Muatar Sardines. 86o
14-ounce Cans Mansfield's Con
densed Milk 7Vo
Larire Bottles Worcester Sauce, Pure
Tomato Catsup. Pickles, assorted
kinds, or Mustard, bottle BVte
2-lb. Cans Karly June Peas, Fancy
Sweet Sugar Corn, Wax, String-,
Green or Lima Beana 7Ho
E. C. Corn Flakes, pkf .THo
Grape Nuts, pka . ...100
S-lb. Cans Oofden Pumpkin,' Hominy,
Sauer Kraut or Baked Beans, 7Ho
Gallon Cans Golden Table Syrup. 3So
The Beet Soda or Oyster Cracker,
per lb. . : 7o
3i-ounce Jars Pure Fruit Preserves,
'or 5o
2-ounoe J are Pure Strained Monev.
for .. ....abo
The Beet Tea Slftlnre, per lb., Hi.c
Golden Santos Coffee, per lb Boo
The Bee. BtrtoWr Freeh Irrs,
Voihtar Better, par doa le
The Beet Creamery Butter, carton
or bulk s ,3O0
Fancy Country Creamery Butter, per
lb. aso
Fancy Dairy Table Butter. lb...aeo
Good Dairy Table Butter. lb....83o
klbs. Good Table Butterine. .v.flao
11 Cream New York- White or
Wisconsin Cream Cheese, lb... 80c
Florida Grape Trait peelal
Thia la Extra Fancy Fruit
each IHe, 4c, So. 7M
Xlffhlaaa JTarel Oraare Cale
The Hta-hland Navels are the pride
of California, Fancy Free Ripened
Fruit, they have the flavor, per
dosen lSVto, 18c SOc, S60
The Teretable BCarket for the Feeple.
15 lba. Best Cooklna; Potatoes, 17o
Demand 15 lbs to the peck, the
law require It
Fanoy Holland Seed Cabbage, lb., 80
Large Bunches Fresh Beets, Carrots.
Turnips, Shallots or Radishes, per
bunch r?Ti' e
Freeh California Cauliflower, lb. -74o
Fancy Red Golden Onions. lb..lV(o
Old Beetn, Carrota, Turnips, Par
snips or RutabaRus, lb ...30
Fancy Hothouse Cucumbers, ea., 80a
3 Large Soup Bunches.... 10o
Fancy Cape Cod Cranberries, qt.. So
Green Carnations for St. Patrick's Day; beau- 7 1
tiful fresh stock, each. I 2
Flower and Garden Seeds of all kinds; Ken
tucky Blue Grass Seeds; per. pound. . .-
" t' sa-'i "iSWiSaraaei
Who placed himself ct the head cf America' s roman
tic Actors? Arnold Daly!
-. , '
Who scored in Shaw's Classics? Arnold Daly! -'
Who is playing the greatest detective character in all
literature, Craig Kennedy? Arnold Daly!
Where- ' y
Ttxc . .
lth and flinney 8U.
1716 Vinton Bt.
I35S Sooth 13th St,
14th and Douglas .Sts.
gass Famam St.
gllO Lfcte Bt.
S212 North 24th St.
If you have a "SanUiny Room," let people kno about it
in this column of Dee Waat ads. - .