Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1915, Page 9, Image 9
THE 11KK: OMAHA. TUESDAY, MARCH 16, 1915. 9 REAL ESTATE PAHM R4 V4 H I. 4D FOR I.K Ida ha. ron. sale aires of land, t miles from Rupert. Idaho: all under Irriga tion. 74 acres slfnlfa, bearing orchard of 44) trees, no swamp or aour land. Key further particulars wHIa the owner, J. A. Hrlgss. North Powder, Pro. Kaaeaa. BARGAIN 840-acre dairy farm, naar 6a llna, Kan.; writ for full description and tlat of MM K an na a farma for aala in central Kanaaa. V. E. Nlquette, Ha Una. Kan. MlaarM(a BARGAIN 240-acre farm 20 miles from Minneapolis; 140 acres under cultivation, O acres good meadow, SO acres timbered pasture; can prnctlcally all be cultivated; rood corn land: farm Is fenced: 10-room ', barn, granary, mach na abed, wind mill, etc.; 12 head good milk cows. 4 good horses, harnesses, wsgons, complete net of machinery, hogs, chickens and every, thin on the farm goes at 84R per acre: M),W cash, balance can stand for 10 years it 8 per cent. Schwab Bros., 1"28 i'ly ainuth Bldg., Mlnneapolla, Minn. Mlaaoarl. BIGOBKT land sale of the year now on, l0 forty-acre farms $480 each. Good land. Well settled locality. Clone to railroad. (12 per acre Is half actual value. Great est bargains in Mouth Missouri at sensa tional prices. Write todny for free liter 's ture. I. Merrisrn, Kills & Benton, Kansas City, Kansas. htias. YOU iMJNT NKKD TO BH AN KXI'ERIENCKLt FARMER to farm one of our farm" In the great Judith basin, Montanu. We can show you how to (arm for profit and pleasure. Bargain now for the NEW SOIL 1H0 or 8J0 acres nearly all seeded to winter wheat that promises 50 bushels per acre. Can you pay 84,600 down and $2,600 within it months and pay balance In 7 yearly payments? price $45 to $70 an acre. Free maps and facts for the asking. WM. H. BROWN CO., I N. 1jSall? St.. Chicago. III. Nebraska. FOR SALE Best large 'body hlKh-grade medium-priced land In Nebraska; very little money required. C. Bradley, Wol bach, Neb. a J4AVE buyer for 40-a. farm near town, E. Neb.; alxo want listing of quarter sec tions and eighties, (.Carlson & Wallln, 3U4 McCagu Bldg. 40 TO 820 ACRK tracts, rich black loam, I to 8 miles from new railroad, $: to $40 per acre; ti cash; balance 20 years; will grow over 60 bushels " corn to the ai re and big returns on forage crops and fruits; mild winter and delightful sum mers, on account or the gulf breese; Si.000 acres to select from. Agents wanted. Spring Valley l.and Co., 818 Gunter Bldg., Han Antonio, Texas. Wlapoiitu. Upper Wisconsin Best uuiry and general crop state la th anion: settlers wanted. Lands for sale at low prices on easy terras. Ask for book let No. 34 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant. Kxcellsnt lands for stock raising. If interested in fruit lands ask for book, let on Apple Orchards. Addles Laad and Industrial Department, Boo Lid Railway, Minneapolis. Minn. I Wyoming, HOMESTEAD Homestead, 18,000 acres. Just opened: SM acres to each applica tion. Particulars, write at . once. V. Lavalleur. Burns, Wyo. REAL ESTATE FOR ItENT Farm and Hunch Lands. UNIMPROVED 4 and U-acra tract. John N. Frenier. Douglas 664. ABSTRACTS OF TITLES REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of flea In Nebraska. 208 kirandels Theater. KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co.. a modern abstract office. SUi 8. 17th BU I'houe Douglas 6487, . REAL ESTATE LOANS CITY and faim loans. 6. 5, o per cent. J. BZ. Duroont 4 Co.. 418 State Bank. WANT kliJ 'Jiiy loans r-eter 'irusi Co. WANTa,D city loans and warrants. W. 1 arimra Smith At ja., 1830 Karuam. $luu to $Ui,uM made promptly. i' p. W eed. Wead Bldg., 18th ami r"arnam Bt. UABVJN BROS fcSS&aK 4VEB us first for-farm loans In eastern Nek. United States Trust Co., Omaha. fit, CITY LOANS. C. Cr!berg. v7 810-81 Brandels Theater Bldg. CITY property. Laxito loans a specialty. V.'. H Thomas, 4i State Bank Bidg. MONEY, on Baaa tor city and utrra loana 11. W. hinder. Clur tNatl. Bank Bids- OUJLHA homes. East Nebraska farma. O KEfc.H REAL KSTATK CO., 1018 Omaha Natl. Douglas 1711, lOO to $10,000 made promptly. i D. Wead. Wead Bldg., ItLti and " amain tits. REAL E8T.TE WANTED We are unable to supply the demand - for 5 und G-rooin houses in the Ifanscoru" or Bcriris Park districts. The Vogel Realty Agency, . 1015-16 W. O. V. Bldg. HAVE calls for vacant lots and col lages. Carlson Wallln, 304 McCague Bldg., Douglas 2483, evening, H. U3UU. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE FOH SALE Two acres near Krtig Park, $ blocks to car. cement sidewalk from car to land; city water; or will trade for cottage. Address R. F. Ram, Coun cil Blults, la. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE A UANJy COTTAGE - 5 rooms, all strictly modern, elegantly , furroaned. batli room, soutn front lot, paved street, just a little mirth of Hcms Turk; onlv $3.0u0, with psving all paid. C.-U.CA1(LBE1SG, ?t2 Brandels Theater Bids. NEW HOI "LH YARD PARK MOM KTil. New, stylish and up-to-date 8-room, mi i in re house; frame and stucco, beamed reilinKS, paiielieu ul. ouiK-in u.. -csxes, sleeping porch: in fact, every fea ture to be found in the finest homes at a price less than the cost of the house alone. . I'AYNW INVESTMENT COMPANY, Ware Block. Doug. 1781. 9-KOOM modern house, ,V6 N, Xh tt., tM. l'hone Bad 4!OK. M77 KVANS i-r. ruod noine, oak finlao throughout; easy terms. Web. &'.J. RE.AL ESTATE SOUTH SDJE F1KLD CLUB DJSmiCT 7 looms, all modern, hot water heat, legaiit location, paved streets, east front li.t. lose to scnool, first class neighbor hood. Filce $:t.t; located on $th Ave. i car Mason bt- C. 0. CARIJ3ERG. 313 Brandels Theater Bldg. ELMER WOOD TO START FOR THE WEST THIS WEEK Elmer 11. Wood, freight traffic manager of the Union pacific, stricken with par alysis several weeks ago. has sent word to the headquarters that ha will be at Is office, not to do any work, but to call iipon his assistants and employes. Mr. Wood's cvnditlcn has Improved very acidly during the Isst two weeks and If the Improvement continues, by the last of the pit-sent week, he expects to be Sl'le to start for southern California, where will take a long vacation and rent. GpAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Cash Wheat Sitrmtioa Continue ia Faror of Seller Despite Aotiri tie. in Futures. BULLS HOLD CORN MARKET UP OMAHA, Idarch 14. 11&. Importing countries continue to absorb every pound of wheat available, arid It matters not whether futures advance or decline. The cash situation continues in favor of the seller, while the buyer is obliged to meet the views of the former. Large quantities of wheat have been sold to so out of the various markets of the country, and this Is the case, espe clslly with the markets on the lakes, and which include those of the northwest, as well as Chicago and Buffalo. It Is likely that with the opening of navigation there will be a rush of wheat from interior elevators to points of distribution, ss a srge part of the grain In the country houses Is owned by exporters and others. From the msnner in which the liv In corn have been enabled to hold t..e price, with conditions against them In the matter of big supplies in the visible, ss well as In Chicago stocks, and with no demand to speak of for the casn srtlcle, there Is a possibility of a change for the better. During the latter days of last week there were sotno withdrawals of this grain from ChWsg.i houses, and as the country is selling no corn to speak of and as spring farm work will soon be rushed there will be no time for farmers to haul corn to the country railway sta tions, and the consequence will be a firmer tone and a possible higher .narket later on. Oats have kept up well in price because of the extraordinary business on export account. Foreigners have bought oats in ail positions and they have continued to meet the views of holders. Western ra otipia last week were $.010,000 bu., com pared with. 4.770.00U bu. for a like period a year ago. Since August 1 these receipts have hecn Su6.iyu.0i0 bu., compared with 166.00Mkiu bu. a year ago.. btocka of hog products are very large, but in the face of this as a bear help prices have worked a little higher. Supply of manufactured pork Is burdensome, stocks of lsrd snd ribs are fairly liberal, but they seem to be in strong hands. The cash situation In both meats and lard' has Improved some during the week. Omaha 8pot Alarket Wheat was un changed; corn. !4c lower to o higher; oats, unchanged to c higher. Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal to M2.0OO bushels; corn, 826,000 bush els; oats, 156,000 bushels. Liverpool close:- Wheat, not quoted; corn, unchanged. Primary wheat receipts were 771,000 bushels and shipmerts 607,000 bushels, spainst receipts of 768,000 bushels and shipments of 307,000 bushels, last year. Primary corn - receipts were .6!M,000 bushels and shipments 630,000 bushels, against receipts of 1,127,000 bushels and shipments of 669,000 bushels last year. Primary oata receipts were. 1,020,000 bushels and shipment 1.1S7.0O) bushels, against receipts of 1,000,000 bushels and shipments of 7S7.O0O bushels last year. CARLOT K10CEIPT8. wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago Minneapolis . Duluth Omaha Kansss City f-'t. Louis .... Winnipeg : ... 133 ...1SS ... 9H ... 45 ... 55 ...100 ...2M 77 '33 48 These saies were rcparted today Wheat: No. 2 hard winter. 1 car, $1.55: i cars, $1.4; 1 car. $l.fi6. No. S hard winter. 1 car, $1 65; oars. $1.66.- No; 4 hard winter. 1 car, $1.66; cer, $1.63; 1 csr (smutty). I1.62H; car (light), $1.50. No. 3 spring, t car, $1.66. No. 1 durum, 4 car. $1.5u'4. No. i durum, V car, $1.40. Sample. 1 car, $1.61; 1 car. $1.46H. Rye: No. $, 2 cars, $1.15. No. S, 1 car, $1.14. Corn: No. .1 white, I cars. 70e; No. 4 white, 1 car, .6S'4c. No. 6 white, 1 car, 70Vic. No. u white. 1 car. He. No. S yellow, 1 car, 70Hc; A cars, 70o. No. 4 yellow, 2 cats, fftc. No. S mixed, 8 cars, !H4c. No. 4 mixed, 4 cars, 6c;. S cars, X4ic; 1 csr, We. No. 6 mlxd, 1 car (near white), Rk Sample, car, 66c. Oats: Standard. 1 car, 6c. N. 8 white, cars, 67c Somple, 1 car, V4c; 1 car,. 66c i g cars. A4H-C. .. . Omaha Cash Prices Wheat : No. t hard. 81.MVte4.Wtt: No. $ hard, $1.63WDl.Ss: No. 4 hard, $1.4Vfil 56; No. S spring, $1.5101.66: No. 8 durum, $1.101.60; No. 8 durum, $1.49rt.49tt. Corn: No. 1 white. 7K&W4c; No. 2 white, 70MS71c; No. white, 70 TOfcc;. No. i whiter- Vif70ttc; No. 6 white, 6SVf,70ttc; No. wnlte, IliHgtfSttc ; No. 1 yellow. 70H71e; No. S yellow, 70V 70V4c; No. 3 yellow, 70ir7OV4o; No. 4 yel low, w,!c; iso. yellow. 6SVu8"4o: No. $ yellow, Mi9e: No. 1 mixed, iirio; ino. z mixed, evtv: No, l mixed. 69V4Vtc; No. 4 mixed. Rr&c; No. i mixed. 6itti8Vc: No. mixed, arftttftc. Oats: No. 2 white, WWiftVie; standard. 57H vrwj-. i-o. o wnue, onigajc; o, Willie, WV466V4e. Barley: Malting, 74s0c; No. 1 feed, flOtfrio. Rye: No. . $1.14V4,91.15; No. a. $1.13Vt4J4.14. CHICAGO GRAIW AND PROVISIONS Feat a res of the Trading; ssd Closing; . Price, am Board af Trad. CHICAGO, March 15. Foreign buying that was associated with threatened hostilities between Italy and Austria brouirht about a decided advance today lnwhoat. The market closed nervous 24o to aUc above Saturday night. Other gains were corn Ho to 4c, oats. Vc to i&c, and provisions. 2Vte to 17Vtc. Kuropean orders to purchase wheat in cluded not only cash and May deliveries,' but also July and September, esnectnllv July. The effect was to lessen somewhat the gap In July as compared with Mav. I'rgency of demand was in evidence from the start and there were no downward leacations of a lasting character. Much attention was given to Liverpool advices that stocks there were (decreasing fast nnd that supplies arriving; were lens than was actually required. Announcement that telegraph and money order service across the Austro-Italian frontier had been suspended tended further to lift the market. Throughout the day the bulls of wheat were counting on a decrease of about K.frO.Ono bushels In the domestlo visible supply. Crop complaints from the southwest had also , to some extent a discouraging effect on the bear side. Corn showed Independent strength. Carh houses were buying futures, and so also were country dealers. ITnfavorable westher and the dwindling of receipts had much to do with enlarging the de mand. Speculative call was remarkably active for July oats. Holders of Mav, though, took pre r Its on a heavy scale, and there was a letup of inquiry from the seaboard. n.Hihling of lard and beacon exports gave firmness of provisions. Btrength of grain helped also to overcome the influence of rather free selling that for a while was Indulged In by allies of stock yard concerns. Futures were quoted as follows: Artlol! Open H!h. Low. Close, Bst'y. Wheat Msy. July. Corn May. July. Oats May. July Pork May. July. Lsrd May. .'illy Ribs May. July. 1 67 I 21 , . V, 761 Wi 56 17 18 17V4 1 6tt I 2i ' 1 WSl 1 55 1 21 74 7', m 18 2iV4 io try, 10 2H 1 21V4 1 24'4 T5V 66tt 17 K 18 45 10 W u y 7l4 TRIt! T7! 56 '4 17 75 17 0 18 40 10 80 is nvt 10 3Vi 10 to a i2v jo fu 10 15 10 4J 11 0714 10 15 10 50 10 23Vt 10 56 lb 20 I 1 17' I ft T A 14 io io t hirago Cash Priies Wheat: No I red. $l.fc'4i$i.fal: No. 8 hard, $1.6il .63,4. Corn: No. 8 yellow, 7f.'n7Bc: No 4 white, 724ir.",c. Oats: No. S whit. 51UtT iVc; stsndard. Si,e. Rye: No 8 $120. Barliv: 7 34J Timothv. non.ln.r Clover, nominal. Pork: $17.65. Ird' $lii.8ii. Kll: $11.250.75. Bt TT Y. II btcudy ; creamery, SOfi&c l!JCi-lIighcr; receipts. 17 864 cases; at mark, rases included, ltrl7Vt: ordinary firsts. Itf l'-c: firsts, ITHWttc. Pt iTATOKS Hlsher; receipts, 36 csia; Michisan snd Wisconsin, white. 32m)c. r.ii i,im-Aiiv, nigner; springs. We: fowls. 16c. I.lrersoel irala Market I TVri) U T . l a, . . . . - v i a. . ID. W tl IS AX POl No. 2, Msnltoba. 13s 4V,d; No. 3 hard win ter, is 2d. CORN fipot, American mixed, new Tg 9' id: American mixed, old, Ss 3d; March 7s 4d- ' FLOr R Winter patents. 47s d. HOI'S In London li lc n.ini f irw 64 r. " ' Kansas Itv (irala aa Pravlsloaa. KANrtAB CITV. March 16. WHEAT No. 2 hard. $l.:,r I bJ,; No. 2 red, $1.56; May. $l.504; July. $1 IX: Hepteinher. $1 ' CORN No. 3 mined. 72'o; No. 3 white. 7c: No. I yellow, WnV; No. 8. 79ttc; May. ".'V; July, 7Stj74:c; Pep tern her, ?8lc. , , OATP-No, 8 white, 4c; No. 8 mixed, 1 g.Vio. BUTTER Creamery. ?8c; firsts, 8c; seconds, ?4c; packing, lTe. K1GS Firsts. Kttc; seconds, IRVje. IOCLTRY-lena. Iltt0l4c; roosters, lOttc; turkeys, lie.. !IF.W YORK UESERAL MARKKT 1 Qaetatloae .f the Day Tsrleas t'asBBsadltles. NEW TORK. Msrch 1.'. -FLOt"R-Flnner; spring patents. $71.W7 5: winter pstents. $6.7Mi700: winter strslshts, $.Wfr 6.7$; Karsss straights. $7.1'tjMV WHKAT frot, sirona: No. 8 red. $1.71; No. 3 hsrd, $1.78, sll rsll. c. '.I. f., track, exrert: No. I northern. Duhith, t.wl ; No. l northern. Manitoba. $l.b, c. I. f.. Buffalo, opening navigation. Futures, strong: Mav. $l.tiS-V . CORN Knot firm; No., t yellow, 85o, c. i. i., io arrive. OATS Spot, firm: standard, (fcfisstte; No. 3 white, S6Vc; fancy clipped white, iJfi c. HAT Dull: No. 1, $1 (I7t: No. 8, 1.00 l.OCtt: No. 8, 8of!5c; shipping, 804TR5C. HOPS Quiet; state, common to choice. hM4. lltk-; Pacific coast, 1S14, l.Ktflftc; 1913, Hftl lie. HIDKK Quiet; Bogota. 81c; Central America. 3oc. LEATHF.R Firm; hemlock firsts. 32c; seconds. Sa.11c. PROVISIONS Pork, steady:, mess. $18.60 fsmllT, $?llm.50: short clears. lft.a' Beef steady: mess. $.O0ir28.O; family. $?4(WiM0O. Iird, firm; middle west. I10.1W40.80. TALLOWmeady; city. 6Vie; country, 6VtWr: special, 7e. BtTTTER fteady; receipts. 4.W8 tubs; creamery extras, 98 score. 2ttc: cream ery, higher scoring, SOfWOtto; creamery firsts, 2Vfi 39c; seconds, 23ttiu25Vtc. EOGS-Stesdy; receipts. 15.4M ases; fresh gathered extras. 80(i!le: extra flrstb, lS'te; firsts.. 18ttttl!e; seconds, lSfiUHc; nearby hennery whites, fine to fancy, 24c: nearby hennery browns, Jot'fMle. CHEESE Steady; receipts, 1.700 boxes: state whole milk, held s peels Is, W& 17'4c: state whole milk, average fancy, 16We. TOCLTRT Dressed, SUlet; western chickens, roasting, froren. 17W21c: fresh fowls, 14Wle; turkevs, 1.6 20c; live, utrong: western chickens, litj'ISc; fowls, lSViJl" tutkeys, 1315c. OMAHA G3CERAI. X4BKBT. BUTTER No. 1, trt. eartons. Be; No. t, n-lb tubs, sec. CHKFSK Imported Swiss, 84 o; Amer lean bwlss, 86c: block Swiss, 22c; twins. 16c; daisies, lie; triplets. 17o; Young Anvnicas, lc; blue label brick, 17Vtc; Hm burifer, 8-3b.. 20c; 1-1 b., 80c; New Tork white, 18c; imported French Roquefort, too. POTATOES-Colorado Rural. 75e BU.J Red River Ohloo, IWo bu.; Minnesota, whites, 6uo bu. , FISH Trout Joe) large erapplea, Uo; halibut, 14c: channel catfish, 14c. 5WKET POTATOKS-lvansas. 82.7S bbL BEEF CUTS Ribs, No. 1, 1; No. 2, 13ttc; No. 3, ll',j,c. Loins. No. 1, HVtc; No. 8. 15c; No. 8, 18V4c. Chucks. No. 1, 8c; No. 3. t4c; No. 3. 8c. Plates, No. 1, He; No. 8, 7W; No. 3, c. Rounds, No. L HVfro;- No. 8. lie; No. 3. 10Vc. POULTRY Broilers, 14'c; spring chick en, lie; hens, Sxiillc; cocks. 8c; duoks. 10c; geese, 8c; turkeys. 16c; pigeons, per dos., 90c; ducks, full feathered, 10c; geese, full feathered. 8c; squabs. No. 1, $1.60; No, 8. 60c. ... ' Market quotation furnished by Olllnskl Fruit rvrapany. FRUITS Oranges: Per box, extra fancy Alphabetical, all sizes, $2.75; extra fancy hunktst, all sixes, $2.50; Red Ball, all slses, $2.25. Lemons: Per box. fancy Bun kist. 3 0, Z'Os, $4,000-1.50; choice Redj Bali. $3.50. Grapefruit: Per box, 36a, 4tis, (2.00; 64s and 80. $2.60: . 64s. $2.25. Apples: Per box, extra fancy, Washing ton White Winter Pearmalnes, $1.75; tSpltzenburgs, $1.50; Hoovers, $1.36; Black Ben Davie. $1.35; Black Twigs. $1.50; fancy Black Twig, $1.3u; extra fancy I'tah Oanos, $1.25; fancy Rome Beauties, $1.60; 6-box lots, $1.40; Ben Davis, highly colored, per bbl., $3.85: Ben Davis, commercial pack, rer bbl., $3.00; Shield Wineeaps, per bbl., $1.00. Pears: Per box. Anjous. : Sheldon, Jersey, Bosco, Easter, 82.26. Bananas per bunch, -82.00ty2.26; per lb., 4c. Strawberries: irriiVA'nT.ira Cauliflower, .whole crate, $2.75 per crate. Cabbage: New York Danish, te to.; Wisconsin, seed, ltte lb.; California, new 2tte lb. Cel- ery jumoo, sue aoa., n-iau iivu, a.w dox'.; leaf lettu. 40c dos. Onions: Red, 8o lb.; yellow, 2c lb.i white, 2V4c lb; Span ish, $1.76 Crate. inicnoae, i.ov una., endive 86c lb.; Brussels sprouts, 20o lb.: peppers, 60 basket; tomatoes, 86.00 crate: iarllc. Italian. 25e lb.; radishes, 60o dos: turnips. 50c dos.; spinach, 60c. dos; rarsley, 50c dox; beans, $4.60 hamper. Onion' sets, yellow and red, $1.60 bu.; white. $1.75 bu. Potatoes: Colorado Rurals. 75o bu.: Red River Ohios, 85o bu.; Minne sota whites, 60c bu. Sweet potatoes, $:.7o PNUTS-No. 1 CalifDrala walnuts. 18o per lb.: black walnuts, 8Vtc par ib.; fil berts 16c per lb.; rcns, 12tto per lb.; Brasils 12V Ter lb.: almonds, 20c per lb.: 60'-os. figs, $2 per box: sugar wal nut dates. $140 per box; Hallowel dates, MISCELLANEOUS Shelled popcorn. 4e per lb.; limes. $1.75 per box; crackerjack, $3 60 per case; crackerjack, one-half case, tl.'i'y. chekers, 83.60 per case: checkers, one-half case. $175. Honey. 14 000 case. ider. New York. 50 keg. CoooanuU. 13 60 V ack : 75c dos. Cranberries: Late Howes, $r00 per bbl.; 82.50 per box Peanuts- Raw. 7c lb.; ssck lots (Jumbo). 8c ; roasted. 8c; salted. 3160 can. Mush rooms, 60c lb. Minneapolis CJrala Market. MlWKArOUS, March 15. WHKAT sll.. rvJi v'iji . ii 1414: No. 1 hard 8157V4: No. 1 northern, $1.6il(& 1.66, No. 2 northern. i.t'm T0. first clears. $ 20; second clears, $4.S0. t BARLKY-71"r81c , RYB-8l.17ft1.1R- ' RRAN-8K.00. . CORN No. 3 yellow, iwyiLlc. , OATS No- 8 white, 57V'. FLAX-$2i2: -(Hi. St. Gralw Jariet. ST. LOUIS. Marc 15.-WHEAT-N, 8 red $1.6U.67V; No. bmri, nominal; May, 3t.&4V. July. 31Itt. (X)fN-No. 2. 7i-; No. 2 white, nominal- May. 76fec: July, 71.c. OATS-No.Twttc; No. 8 white. He. , Coffee Market. NEW YORK. March 15.-COFFEE-Futnres opened at an advance of two to three points and sold abowt three to four points net higher .luring the morning on noma further ecsttered covering and a little ("emend from houses wttu foreign connections The somewhat larger Interior Santos, receipts seemed to promote some realizing, however, snd rrices Inter eased off closing at a net decline of one to three points. Bales. 9,2"0 liars. March. 6i3c; April, 8.80c: Msy, 68So; June, 51c: July, 44: August, 7.01c: September, 1.0t: October, 7.14i November. 7.30c; December, 7.25o; January 7.80c; Frbnisry. 7.35o. fpot. steadv; Rio No. T, 7c; Hanto No. 4. 9!4c. Cost snd freight offers were gen erally firm and higher, ranging from about $7.01107.40 for Hlo No. 7 and from $IO.oOufl8. 50 for Santos No. 4. RJo ex change wss 3 1-lud lower, and milrels prloes were unchanged st Santos, but 75 rels higher at- Rio. - Clearances from Braxll to the United States were 88.000 basil. , . Metal Market. NEW YORK. March 15. METALS Iead: Steady at $Xorn-4.00; Ixndon, 22 3s d. Spelter: Not quoted: London. 44 10s. - Tin. strong: five-ton lots. $4.6Vq&0.56; twenty-five-ton lots, $4? 00 bid. Copper, firm: electrolytic,' $14715 ; . casting, $14.2j?rl4.tl2. Iron, sjtaady; -No. 1 north ern. 3l4.MwM5.00: No. 8. $14 114 75; No. 1 and No. I southern. tH.ia 14 75. At London spot copper, ns; futures . 10s. Spot tin. JlIX); futures, 65 10s. Antimony, 7K78. ST. I5UIH. March 15 M ETA I A Lead : Quiet at $3.87Vytf3.0. Spelter: Nominal at M.87V4, agrar Market. NEW YORK, March 15 SUGAR -Fu tures were steady on scattered covering H- commission nouses and a little buy ns by trade interest prompted by the continued firmness of the soot market. snd at midday were 14,4 points net higher. Haw. firm: centrifugal. 4 : molasses. 4.1-c; sales. 20,000 bags; refined, steady; cut loaf. .(: crushed. .7oe: mould A. ( cubes. 8.15c; XX XT powdered. 4 06e; powdered, sc: fine granulated, 6.Kue: dia mond A. 6 90c; coulectloners' A, 8.8; No. 1, 6.85c. Dry Gaads Market. NEW YOliK. March 15. DRY GOObS- Cotton so.iJh were steady tdsy. Tarns were oulet. f ies goods and k'sit goods re in heti, dci iin.l for runoii. Haw silk an fiiinr aiul higher. Joblers were siuve in asm goods and white goods.' OMAHA LIYEJTOCK MARKET Fricei on All Kindt of Live Stock Shaplj Lower Heary Keoeipta Oire Bujrert a Chaace. CATTLE K0 EXCEPTION TO EULE SOUTH OMAHA. March l.". 1818. Cattle, llotn. Sheep Fstlmate Monday ,.,..10.vio 15.o0 1 Same dsy last week.... J. HI 8 2A1 3.4ST Same 3 weeks sso 1.241 8.M4 5.23 Ssm 8 weeks ago 1.145 7.4 1H.2 SHm 4 week ago 4.128 13.2 14.9J Same day last year 4..U 7.838 17.374 The following table shews the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at the Houth Omsha live stock market for the year to date as compared with last yesr: 1S16. 1914, Inc. Cattle KMOdl 1R7.MT 1A.1S4 Hogs ; 733,840 10.6vi 2.'..14 Sheep 68X.049 6A210 Sl.sVta The following table shews the average price for hogs at the South Omaha live stock market for the last few davs. with comparisons: Date. 115. 1!14. !1S. Ilt3.lll. I1SI0. l. Feb. Feb. Mar. $7. 88. 1. 4M a 8 $1 8 421 8 06 8 84 8 18 IWIIi $ 14 C 111 84 I 89 47 8 80 HI 03 08 Aiar. 8.1 4ti 4 SW 4 8 60 8 04 Mar, 8..I $ cm 8 84 8 80 4..I i Si 8 80) 8 841 $ 81! ft.. I 8 fjl 8 IK 8 8tl .. I sTjfcl 3 801 $ 87 87 T.J s J $ 29 8 47 81 1 71 8 0 8 Mar. 82 Ml 2 18 M a r. !Mar. (TM 3 361 8 87 8 87 88 88 Mar, 8 29 IS 47 81 1 $ 88 $74 $ 78 8 85 Mar. .. 8 84! 8 63 $ 84 8 74 $ 48 68 61 40 48 47 Mar. i 67a 8 85. I $ Ml 4 S Mar. 10. Mar. 11. (UV4I 8 83 18 S? 14 5; 10 8 6i I a 34 a as 4nl emit 27 Mar. 12.1 a 8 8 M 4 41 10 37 Mar. 131 73V 8 80 8 69l 8 81 8 83 Msr. 14.1 1 a Ml I s:l t M 10 .4 Mar. 18. 8 8 S7 8 89 8 8!18 43 8 40 ""Sunday. Receipts and mspoartmn of ttva stock at th Union Block Tarda South Omaha, for tha twenty-four hours ending at I o'clock yesterday: RECEIPTS CARLO AD f. Cattle.Hogs. cheap, rim. C, M. & St P 18 6 8 1 68 38 4 80 1 7 V 1 54 37 3 t ' 4 . 8 221 77 Wahash 3 Missouri Pacific 5 Union Pacific 87 C. N. W., east.... So C. A N. W.. west...!''" C, St. P.. M. O.. 34 C, B. ti Q, east.... 3 C. R. O., west... 107 C.r R. I. V., east. 12 C. It. I. V., west. .. Illinois Central 18 Chicago Ot. West... 8 .. Total receipts ...CiS DISPOSITION HBA D. cattle, nogs, nneep. Morrlk Co Swift ft Co.- Oudahy Packing Co. Armour A Co Sch warts Co...... .. 763 a, 8," ..1,827 2.732 .. 1 4.M .. 8D9 4.336 3.4'.3 3,0t 6.468 ., .. L J. W. Murphy.... 1.718 Morrell 124 Lincoln Packing Co $ Armour, H. Ht. Paul 225 W. B. Vanrant Co 46 Benton, Vansant L... W , F. B. Lewis VSi Huston Co Hit J. B. Root & Co 1 J. H. Bulla : 23 ..... L F. Hulx 115 Rosenstock, Bros 141 Kellngg tli ..... Werthelmer t Degan.. 3M H. F. Hamilton.. 141 Sullivan Bros Rothschild Mo. Kan. Calf Co.... Christie ,.. Huffman Roth Meyers Baker. Jones 4L Smith.. Tanner Brrs . John Ilarvev Kline Dennis Francis Other buyers 50 ,48 73 63 84 3 37 3M 100 2 SS 722 Totals ..6.831 16,086 CATTLE Receipts of rattle thl morn ing numbered 423 cars, the largest run of any day since October IB, when 27 cars were reported In. At that time range cattle as well as fed cattle were coming forward, Most other markets were fairly well supplied so that conditions were favorable for a lower tjmga of prices. Buyers were not at sll slow about making the most of the situation and they started out bidding sharply lower on all kinds. Early bids were anywhere from 10ii20e lower and In some oases more than that. Thl was true of all kinds of rattle, feed ers as well as killers. Sellers were nat urally low about taking off and th morning waa well advanced before very much business had been transacted. When buyer and solera finally got to. get her on a trading basis prloes were generally lOtfloo lower then last week. Some cattle, as a matter ot course, may not have shown quite that much decline, but t le re were other that showed still mors. While the trad wsa at no time active a considerable proportion of the receipts changed hands In fair season. Quotations on cattle; Good to choice beeves, $7ir.40; f,r to good cornfed beeves. $7.ani'7.0: common to fair ven ted beeves $.6OW7.80; good to eholceelf ers, $6.26iy7 00; rood to choice cows, $5.80fl) 8.60; fair to good cows. $5.00(66.76: com mon to-fa!r cows. 34 Wej AO; good to choice stocxers ana teeders, 7.ir7.8t): fslr to good stocker and feeders. 88.76a7.30; common to fair Blockers snd feeders. 85 78 06.76: stock heifers, $.V76ift.7$: stock cows, $5.0ir41.H- stock) calves, $6.&0i8.xV veal calves, $7.Oa.l0.60; bulls, stags, etc., $4.73 6. 85. Representative salas: , BEEF STEERS, Ns. A'. r. No. A. Pr. 3 75 IN tl llt TM 8 MO T I 30 117 T H 40 ... UU 7 14 , . i HTKKRS AND IIKJFERH 8 747 I 74 I SI it) HEIFERS. - 1 7M ( on i; mi' on 3 KMO. 4 40 4 ,....1004 I Is 1 HI ill , T dTOCKERrt t ion 4 74 AND FEEDER". ' II Ml T to 4 7M 7 . 4H U t 4 1014 1 IS M 4hS 4 lb 31.; 1U' 4 71 88 WIN JIOOS Receipts this mrtrnln were est I. mated st 218 esrs or lfi.uiO hesd. This is the lalliMSt Motldav run in the history nf tha yarda Today supply l almost twiue as larse as Inst week and a vear nn In the fsce of the large run arid rather discouraging advices from most other points, shippers went out esrly and bought few hogs at price that were pretty close to ateady, paying as high as $;.S0. Packers, however, took advantage of the situation and made their early of fers n a fully 10e lower basis, 84( be Ing the popuUr bid.. Sellers were ssklng generally steady money, and a killers showed no inclination to better their early figures nothing wsa dona until late hour In the forenoon. When the bulk of the hogs finally aisrted to more it was at prloes that were a big IWijlOc lower than Saturday av erage. After the trade got under way things became a little more lively and prices got a little better at one time, bet at th extreme close weakened ff again, and the general market was quoted a iully frtrlOe lower. As soon a shippers snd speculator got wind of the way things wsre going they, too, started offer Ing lower prices, and although they were unable to do anything for a while they finally bought some good hogs around $6.70 that were fully a nickel and In most ilistances 6aMc lower. Bulk of the offerings moved at $8. Soft $ STVs, with a irlnkllng st $8.70, and a few scattering loads that were sold rest 17 "'a Tn longest string sold at $6.66. Representative sales: Ma a, an. pv. . Na S Sk r 8 -te 4 . ."aJr M a $a t.. ; I" f 1 4 Si. J4. .....I.f : 4 14 SHEEP Liberal rtelpt featured the sheep market morning, mere being, ail told some lH,o head reported in ss sgalnst 8.764 a week ago and 17,374 on the corresponding day a year ago. With the exception) of a deck of wa mwa .t. ' yearllnB th receipts consisted entirely in iiia aunerai quality was good. With discouraging advices from outside point and liberal receipt at th local yards the trade opened slew and weak on lambs. tl only business on lambs of consequence during the early hours con sisting of two cars that sold on aninnina. scoount st 8S.80. As noted sbovs mutton ot tarings were scan s and Prices were steady, i The three deck of yearlings sold shout the middie of tt forenoon at 8s 76 Toward tie noon hour th bulk of th lambs began to move to the packer buy ers at a Iikii decline. Trade continued .1,, w on that basis. Quotations on sheep and Iamb: Lamb. Mexicans, $.44M,75; lambs, fed westerns, $ tsirit : iHinlis. shearirig. IS ions ): arllo. light. 41.ia.o. ' yearlinaa. .eavy. W; wethers, good to cboica. IT. 75100: wethers, fair io good. 87&HJT.7J; ewes, good to choice, $7.,V1.7S; ewes, fair to gooo, ; so. Representative sal's. No. . Av. Pi. 1 fed Urn be 7 $ 40 CIIICAfiO I.IVK STOCK MARKET Cattle Unsettled Has troi Higher Sheea Firs. CHICAOO. Msrch 1ft. VATTLF Re ceipts. 140 head; market unsettled; na tive steers. $".niri.7V; western. 8VOtf 7.4"; cows and heifera 8-1.Sftr7h0: calves. 8-i..'ii 4710 00 HOS Receipts. 87,iO0 head; msrW strong, 5s higher: hulk of ssles. H.5 .82t; light. $s.70fl K; mixed, MIMA; l,eay, K46.86; rough. $".40i 65: pigs. 15 5irftV SHi;KP AND IAM PS Receipt, l.(Hy)' neso; marset nrm; sheep, rllngs. 8KK., Iambs, 87.7r-V10.iO. Kansas City Live gteek Market. KANSAS C1TT. March I8.-'ATTLF--Recelpls, I2.0(X hesd; msrket lowerr prime fed iteeis, $SI.0; dressed beef steers, $7 OTWS.flO, western steers. H.7rlS.0il stofkers and feeders. $H OOiJf'J.sS; bulls, tt$Mr.50; caU-es. $6.00filo.5ti. IKHJS-Hecilpu. 20,000 head: market lower; hulk of sales 88.7.VWO.W: heavy, 88 antftfl ft ; psekers and butchers, 8M.75V 6.W; light. tf..Wn. Pigs, $2.'6.7S. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 8.J0J hesd; market lower; lambs, $9 25i'8.o: yearlings. $x 00itf8.l0; wethers, $7.WuS0.1; twes. $7.()P4J1.7$. - t. Loala . Stwrk Market. ST. IX5U1S. March 15. CATTLK Re ceipts, 4.000 head; market lower; native beef steers, 87.OW4.86; cow and belters, 86.fcfi.25: southern teers, 85.8U7.7:: coaw and heifers. $4.00jJ.vfl; native calves, $6 0n4y78. IKKS Receipt, 14.300 head; msrket lower; pigs and lights, S4.0nr7.16: mixed nd butchers, 88,867.10; good heavy, 86.90 4J7.00. SHEKIP AND IAMR Receipts, ?,flo0 head: market lower; native muttons. 86 75 tix.OO; lambs, $.0tVu 10.00; yearlings, 87.5018 6.90; sheared yearlings, Ss.eotn.OO. i Bloax City Live stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia March 15 CATTLE Receipts. 5,000 hesd; market l04H.c lower; nstlve steers. 8L5ivfr7.S0: butchers, 86.00(h 8 50; cows and heifers, $4. 36: esnners, $.1.700: siockers and feednrs, MOWrrr.OO; calve. 36.0004). 00; bulls, ataga, etc., $4.75 fJtf.OO. HOOS-Receipts, . head: market MH 10c lower; heavy 86-45i.70: mixed, 8665; light, $ O0.,; bulk of sales. $ti.10i 70. KHEKP AND LA MBS Receipts, 2.0u0 head; market aleady; lambs, $7.Wtr25. 84. Joseph Live Btaek Market ST. JOSEPH. March 16,-OATTIJ--Re-celpts, 3,000 head; msrket dull: steers, 87.40 06O; cows and heifers, $3.0t3S.8e; calvea, 6.004J9.&0. i HOOS Receipts, .00 head; market lower; top, $9.!; bulk of ssles, 86.80W1 H6. SHEEP AND LAM R8 Receipts, 12,000 head; market alow; lamb, $3.00it.80. Live "tork la tight. Reeeplts from' the five western prln clpal slock markets: Csttle. Hogs. Sheep, ....14,000 STOirt 16.000 .... 5.0 OHO J.0O0 l.MW 15.0(10 14,000 ,...1J.(X 20.(n 8.2O0 .... 4.000 l.3O0 ' 2.900 Chicago Ktaux City ., K-otith Omaha Kansas City. St. Louis .... Totals ..46.500 . 100.300 47100 Oil aas) Itosla. NEW YORK, March I6.-ROHIN Quiet; strained, common to good, $3.85. TURPENTINE! Steady ; machln bar rels, 4V. SAVANNAH. Os., March 15 TURPEN TINE Firm, 42c; sales. 590 bbla.; receipts, 63 bbla; shipments, 105 bbls.; stocks, 80.872 bbl. ROSIN Firm: sales, 6R bbls.: receipts, 80S bbls.; shipments, 400 bbls.; tocks, 112.706 bbls. quotations: a. B, $2Oht03; El V:,l:- H. 83 05; I, 83.10; K. $3.26; M. I3.96; N, 81.08; WO. 85.15; WW, 5 6"- Evaporated Apale and Dries) Frails' NEW YORK. March 16. BVA PO RATED A.P2-V,Kfll;,,"i J"cy. 8V4;. choice, if(i74c: prime. 744i7Vhc. . DRIED FRUITS Prune, easy; Call-" fornlas. 4,,blOV4e; Oi-egons, 8'aeioVtc. Apricots, qulot: choice, myic; extra eholc, IOloV4c; fenoy, Hmi2c. Peaches, quiet; choice. (WS; extra choice. 6!e 6V,c; fancy, V4tic. Raisins, Inactive; loose muscatels. 6U6V7Um rkii tn r. seeded. 7V4M7"4c; s-edless, 8V4i'4c; Lon- v,i ibjwi. fl.WH l.uu. , , t K . .... Cotton Market. NEW TORK, Msrch lV-COTTON-Spot JJJdyj middling uplands, 60c; sale lM .ott?P '"tJ"aa closed stesdy: March. $.lc; May. 8 Wo; July. 8.14c; October, 8.43c lecember, 8.60c. -The cotton msrket closed barelv stesdy LIV.RPOOL, March 15. ('OTTO N Spot, steady; good middling. .48d;. mld- ?a!JF V ,14o; ,ow W'u'1. 4.T4d; sales. 7.0j0 bales , 0. A. Dunham with Live Stock National Charle A. Dunham has 'accepted th position of aaslfltant cashier or the South Omsha Lira Stock National hank. J Is a originally engaged with th Mer chant National bank for alx years and later officially connected with tha Pack era National bank for seventeen years. Mr. Dunhams many friends will wel come him back to the business life of South Omaha, where ha ha been so well nd favorably known. GO TO SEE DEMONSTRATION OF HUPP MAIL EXCHANGE To b present st a practical oemonstra lion of the Hupp automatic mail ex change, that will ba mad at Blooming- ton. III., Tueaday, Clus, Bolton, W. T. Graham. Dr. Vance, Sidney Swanson, W. V. .Bennet, B, Balrd and a number of other Omaha people, all Interested In the device, left for that city last night. In addition to the Omaha people who will be present, there will be twenty five from Des Moinea end large deleg. Uona from Chlcsgo and other cities. At th demonstration ' of tb mall handling device at Bloomlngton tomor row, th machanlam will be placed upon one of the Alton's new steel mall cars. Thl. car will b attached to a train and will b operated at a speed of forty to sixty mile per hour, tha purpose being to fully demonstrate that In handling mall, It will do all that the Inventors, and promoters claim for It. MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT AT OMAHA THEOLOGICAL A musical entertainment will be given In tha chapel of the Omaha Theological seminary thl evening by William W. Pfauta, baritone; Mildred Stepp, soprano; Daisy Hlgglns, piano, and JIasel Wilcox, violin, with reading by Jessie Oh man. During th week President A. U. Msr shall expect to start east on an itinerary la th lutercst of the seminary. Hi visit will extend to cities In Ohio, Penn sylvania and New York. Th final examinations of tha ytar will open In th near future and th gradua tion exercise of the class of 1816 will be held on the last Wednesdsy of April. Rev. ilarry Rogers, D. D., pastor of th la-rgeat Presbyterian church In Kansas City, will be lh orator on that occasion. MAKES ESCAPE WHEN LED 1 . FROM CELL TO BULL PEN Andy Ooodfeilow of Cedar Rapids, as rested by epeclsl Officer Finn for the theft of merchandise valued at $4 from the Brandels Htores, sneaked out of Jail while beinc brought front th cell room to th bull pen with the rest of th pris oners. No trace of Andy hss so fsr bean j Ucovied by tha authorities. NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Extreme Apathy Mark Session of Exchange, Dealings Being; Very Light PRICE MOVEMENT IS NARROW NEW YORK. March 16 Extreme spathy characterised todsv's market es sicn. desllngs being very light and the price movement unusually narrow. In the main, however, important shares reflerted fiimness. holding frsctlanslly over Isst week's close, Sieclaltlea were again ub jected to pool manipulation, hut th utter failure to enlist public Interest In these issues wss followed by a moderate re action. Tho several markets for foreign ex change were comparatively dull. Re mittances on London were Inclined to harden until a large amount of commer cial hills came Into the market. Private ssles of Ihe new Herman war notea im parted a firmer tendency to marks. Con servative estimatea of the amount of these taken by American Investors range from $li.00.000 to $o,000.000. Another gold engagement Of $2.6O0,CO' from Canada wss reported and more of the metal is expected from the same source In the course of th week. Rumors of additional loans to foreign interests. Including Hvnxil, were current. B'rom present Indications It Is altogether Im prnbebte that our bankera will engags In any .South American financing for some time to come. Record merchandise exports for th Isst week, the largest In the history of this port, surfsce Vttermcnt In the general European situstlon and a lull In Mexican affairs were helpful to the extent of checking hesrlsh operstlons. Publication of the British order designed to restrict German commerce occe sinned some com ment, because of Its possible effect on this county's foreign trade. There were further Infallible Indications of a pause in western business, such as a decline In tonnsge movements and a fall ing off In purchases of general merchan dise. Ranks In th west are unusually strong In thslr reserve holdings and no change from present essv rsles Is. ex pected before the and of the first quarter of the year, London's : markets were active and strong, the reported success of the Hrlt ish troops In Franc contributing largely towsrd the improvement. Americans also manifested a firmer tendency abroad. Total sales of stouka amountsd to 128,508 shares. Rnnds were Irregular on more future selling, chiefly of Central Pacific first and Northern Pacific and Southern Pa cific issues. Total sales, per value, ag gregated $1,750,000. ' United Statea bonds were unchanged on call. Number ot sales and leading quotations oa atocka today were: . Bale, ttlfk. Law. Clots, Aluk Ofild 14.4A0 M4 Sii M Amalgamated Copper .... 4 44 (4H n HeM SussV S.S4 4nv 4flu 44t American sd Amsrlcsn 8 Jt , As.rlca g. A It. M... Am Siisr Rsflnlni...... American Tel. Tsl.... Aatsrltaa. Tohsreo Anannnris Mlnlsg Atchison r... Baltlnnr A. hk MrmslrB Rapid Train!!., rwtifnrsls Pctfnleum .... (snadkas rsrlrki ........ tVnteal Leather rhssaeeak Ohio Chinas Oraal Wsstsra.. Cheats. M. A St. r rMi a- n. w Oiln Ospser Colorado Kwt tt Ires... Colorado A goulhars.... PenrsT A Rio Grande..., Danvar A it. O. pf DIMIIIsfs' davurltlss .... Kris Oansrsl Kleotrlc (treat Northarn ptd Orest No. Ore ctrs Outtenhstm Riploratlei.. lilinola Central Inurboraush Mat. td ... Inarlrstion Copper International liarveatsr.. Kanaaa City gouttiara. .. Irfhlsli Vsller Lnulavllle a Nsahvill. , , Meilran Petralaunj Miami Coppar Missouri. K a T Missouri 1'arlfln ., National III. cull National Laad .., Navada Coppar ,,,, Kw York Cenlral N. T.. N. H. A H Nor.olk at Wsatars Northern Pacini' Pscitio Tel, A Tsl I'snnstlvanla rolls an lalar car Har Cos. t oppar , Heading PapuDllo Iron Btesl . , IMook lalasd f Hork f aland Co. pld t. L ft 4, r. 44 fd... Soutoers Pacific - Southern hsils-ar Tonnnsae Copper Tsiaa Comnajiy t'nlon i'anno t'nltad Htatea gtsal P. Htael pfd t'tak CoppM- , a'aatarn llnlon 8.1M r-4 . 44w s fed lef ;V4 wa 404 lMw lte IV M4 - too m H am. ten eKa, . m .s Wl l?a 47 : l.snf it i4 m luoH Kt inv, sH iiik 41 w a 14 lie 4v 14 V4 14 4 ta 34 4 14 "4 !1 14, US 4 m n4 tH4 aa 1 HJ'i 1H4 11114 U 13 844 . l 14 so toss W4 lit li M I too 'siica 400 1M(4 in and l.tod 4'$ 1.404 HUj B14 400 'too lt4 'ii'I IT 1414, 'ii'i lit" f4 11H ( 44 14 lad UI4 )i 1 44 VA 14S t;4 ll 14 W 4o, IOC, 424 4S 444 400 I, no ioH BOO oOU M .8,K)0 17 I4s ... 1S4 400 ana 1.M4 son 8,no too aw 4.4ns lint Its 41, U 104 14'4 I7W 1? ' 44 let ll4 to 7o4 OS Weaiiasbouss risrtrle i 44 Total aalas for the say,' 114,448 aliarss. ."w Vork Maaey Market, NKW YORK, Msrch li.-PIUME MEIV CANTILK PAhLK-3'4; per cent.' HTKRLINd KXCHANQB Steady; slxty-dsy bills $4.7K( for cable, $4.6; for demand, $4.u5. 28"LVKUBar' 1HC: Mexlt; "Ollare, HONDH Government, ateady; railroad, irregular. TIME LOANg-Hixty days, per cent; ninety dsy. 2j.3 . per rent; six months, 3'Vv-aVi per cent. CALL MONEY-Hteady; highest. J per cent; lowest. 1 per cont; ruling rste, J.?rrcnti ,Bt lo,n- ' 1""' Mnti, closing Did. 1H per cont, offered at 8 per cent. Closing quotations on bonus today war ss follows: V. 8. ret. It. rag 44 Mo. Po. y. to as S N. T. C. w 101S4N. V. nty 4W. 1MU 14 N. T. Slats 4Wa....lwJ do rfnipon t tl. H. 4a. rag 4 sotipon U. g. 4a. rag. do ooupoa ...... ranasia 4a coupon An. Hmaltsis i. .w . . N. II. at M Hn,4 cr. -da Ml No. raelfl 4..,... imu, sni, 41V no a. T. a t. e, i w, o. u rsf. 4a Armour A C. 4"t m Ps. T. A T Is Atohlaos tn. 4k t4 afaan. oon. 4a. Hal. A Ohio 4s 4a do ey 4a rhas. a Okie 4.. 44 Raiding sn"is. a;- 7S Jr as r. 4 4 i C. B. Q. J, 4s.... MV$ari. I,, a a r. C M A H P 4Ss .100 H. Pa,-. ri. 4 do v. Is lots d. raf. 4s C. B. I. A P. t. 4. U do ev. 4a.. . C. A H. raf 4fc.. MtiSo. Rsll... I....; . SIUj . a't . s ,ti t). H. 41. r(. ta. 4T L-nlss Parlfl. i. Krl n. aa. 41 '4 da cr 4a 1S V. H. Rubber 4s.. 7 V. B. Mtaai i, sr. Wahaah 1st la 4 aWaat. I'nlus i t Waal Hao. er. 4s Oaq. Kladrle 4s... (It. No. sl 4US. . III. can raf. 4a. K. C. Ho. raf. 4. I- A N. unl. 4a... U K. A T. 1st 4a Bid. Local Stock aas) Baaas. (Jqotsttoss farnlihsd kv Bums. Brlsksr A Co. 44 On.shs Nailooal Bank kullom. Oroaka: SI oca a oj,a ASk Csilnaotsl Oss A Bias. B corn li ,r uaara m v"- aia s Pslrint t'raamarr 7 pfd loeu Qrast Wastain Husr pfd lot loaa-Wllas Biscuit 1st pfd J J4M Htock h'al'l, SuU Omaha m Dinahs C. klufri HI. Mr. pfd 74 Omaha A a. Hi off Ht. Kjr, cost..,1,.. 414 . . ajMn,.tB Uual . TT 4o im 44 'ti" I la 84 104 4 noca7 P'-., wa. SOSUS re Htate Bank el Omaha 1J4 Hiooa. Yards Pari, south Otnao Sarin ivsipasr is Union' Stack Yards, Omaha a I'potk (Jraia wis M lionda Canllsantal Oai A Blso. la. 1HT (Nak I. 41 ia Nolaa. Ill , flallaa Scoool H. IWJ ...11 Husibol4t. Nab., raf. aa. 14 lt41, Kanaas il. Mo , Hrkool 4. I4J ,7 Omaoa A Co. Wulla HI. (.,, 1134..., Mu umaba Wstar 4la. ItHl Vii Osal'S SVhuot 4a. a. Rocky Uouotala s"sl u bwlll A lampoon 4a, I44 aavi Srl-t-it A I 4a. 144 I. JsJ CoWaraiir rise. Nak.. 4Wa. 1411 JT Wkhlis 4u-k Yard 4s, la. " M w., L. H. A r . 14 Hsriass. I. p.... m arv, l4t4 n avi a 10 :i l.eaoloa Mlark Market I.ONIK.I.N. March 16 American secur ities on th stock inarkst today were ciulet. Only a tew atoak were officially marked during the day and th market cloeed uninteresting. Wl.VKR Her, Wd per ounce. MONKV-Viil per cent. IjiacAonr .. Short tills. 2u-Sa por cent; 8 months, 2ap 3'4 per cent. ' Beak risarlaa. 1. OMAHA. Msrch 18 Bank eloaalna. Omaha today wer 8.8iU.4b.81 and (or th vurrospunuina aay last ysar, 49.JOJ,4JI.ti. RUsie ra I Dead. . ' CHICAOO. Msrch 13 Illshon .Ic-ch Fox of th Catholic dloosse of Green Hay. Wis., wbo at a local hospital re cently underwent a serious niu.ra.ilno died 1st yesterday, funeral servkies will m oeio ia ursss Bay. where to body win b taiiaa tomorrow. ANTI-POLYGAMY BILL FAILS Iowa Striate Refuses to Arret to Measure. Calling' for Constitu tional Contention. SABBATH PENALTY STAYS SAME 1 From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, March 15. (Special Tel egram.) The Iowa senate todsy refused to sanction the joint resolution calling for a convention to revise tho constitution of the I'nlted "totes to put an aatl potvgamy clause therein. It la aald that the sanction of only on more atste la needed to make thla amend ment a certainty and It waa confidently expected that Iowa would be the isst state needed to 'cinch th matter, but 1 th senate refused. 19 to ti. to approve the amendment. The aenat also refused .to increase the penalty for breaking the Sabbath, hut amended the law aa to 1 bootlegging by making It a misdemeanor, whereas no penaity had been attached before.. The house today passed a bill requiring that on all freight trains, cabooses be attached with bunka for tha atockmen who travel serosa tha atate. Th sens t a committee on suppression of Intemperance agreed today to report out tomorrow, most of the dry hills, som f them favorably and aome unfavorably. Offer by Austria . is Too Small to ; Interest Italy ROME, March 14. (Via Farta. March IS. The report current In Kama today that Francis Joseph, emperor f Austria, hss absolutely rejected the Idea of ' any territorial conoesslona to Italy, ha been given authoritative denial. . Tha alius tlon In thla regsrd seems to h that th little Austria la reluctantly disposed to concede, bt so Inadequate' 'compared to what Italy would accept that an Under standing seems hopeless. Premier Salandrla spoke briefly In th Chamber of De put lea today on thla auh Ject. Thla remark la Interpreted aa meaning that the efforts to Indue Aus tria to make concessions to Italy are proceeding Under tha guide nee of Prince Von Buelow, th German ambassador to Italy. t Alexander,' crown prtnc of Serbia, hss arrived In Roma, where he . will be a guest of King Victor Emmanel. He I endeavoring to recover- from th ffct of hi wound. It la the opinion of hi doctor that th crown prince will not ba able to reeume his military duties for ssversl months. , Tba Chamber today approved, by 4T.4 votes against 84,' a bill for tha cenomlo and military tjefens of th state. Thla measure enforces heavy penslties against espionage. Five Firemen Taken from American Ship New York at London MNDOK, March U.-Flve firemen of tha Amsrlcan Una steamer. New A'ork, which arrived at Uverpool yesterday, war taken from the steamer today charged with me king fats declarations. Th men Wer described aa . Austrian and Germans and were aent to prison for alx months, A sixth fireman, who insisted that he waa an American, was remanded for fur. ther hearing. Reserves Decision In Case of Thaw NEW TOKfC. March IS. Justice Psse announced todsy that h would1 reservs decision until tomorrow on th anntlcs tlon of Harry K. Thaw that ha should b returned to New Hsmpshlr. Mesntlme n remanded Mr. Thaw te th Tomb In the custody of tha shsrlff. desnlta aa peal mad by Deputy Attorney Oenerat Kennedy that Thaw be remanded to Mat tea wan pending th outcome of ft he nw legal proceedings, Former Omahans Are ' Located in Florida Ecersoa Uensdict, who has Just rs tumd from a winter In Florida, ram across a number of former Omaha people who ar now residents thera it ns.... town h found the Ulrney brothers. Charle Blrney, for a number of year In th live atock commission business at South Omaha la now mayor of th place, a city of soma 8.000. Besides holding thla me 01 1 ice, ne own an orsnge grove In the country. Dr Ilnntta wh u - C " HC1I Sb resident of Omaha waa a manufacturer of a ratarrh anuff. now conducting th principal hotel In th town and I doing a big business. At Orlando Mr. benedict found C. H. Walworth, for yeara in the horse ku.i.,. In South Omaha. Mr. Walworth owns a twenty-acre nrun . and pecan orchard adjoining th town and la apparently taking life esay. look ing after his ranch and spending his li lsui dm riding about the raiinlcH Is an automobile. , Plucky Lassie Out for Bicycle Here la an enterprising llttl girl who md a fin atart In The Bee'e laat bl cycle contest and has th pluck to try sgslu: OHAHA-To th Editoi1 of Th Bee I wish to thank, thruush your paper the tneny kind friends who saved the bicycle pictures for me In the former rontfst AJthoiiKh I did not win th bicycle I am going to try my luck xgsln. I woiild b ry glsd tf any pne would help me. IllENE T1MME. SEVEN COUPLES CAUGHT IN THE DIVORCE MILL Th rellowlng petition for divorc hav been filed in district court: Jrannette C. Williams sgalnst James R., nonsuppert alleged ; Myrtle C. Green sgslnst Charlea M., abandonment -alleged EHaabeth Pavls against Lafayette, nonsupport al leged: On a Wstklns against Orley, non support alleged: Harold E. Klrby against Erfla Belle, cruelty alleged; Jacob Ennea axlnt Blanche, abandonment alleged. Mrs. Issbella F. Rert hss heai nt-4 . decie hi her suit against Hsnry B. Reed on grounds of cruelty and nonsupport. TH U11 LaT vK la.' tans ot Nw VarS kaahass esesiiusitias avsiiaal m tna small as sail aa Ike larss naatar. ft t. saw. s-4 tnr ssissi sepias. 4 arssaway.