Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 16, 1915, Page 8, Image 8
THE BEE: OMATTA. MARCTT 1315. WANT ADS Want ada received at anjr time, but ta Insure proper ciaeeiucetioo most be pre anted before II o'clock noon for evening edition and ?:90 p. m. for mn-nlng anj fiunday editions. Want a"s received after auch hour will ho under the heading. jTo Lata to Classify CASTt RATE" . rViren consecutive times, t cent a word ach Insertion. , Three tlmce within ona week. IH MU B word each Insertion. Oaa time, 2 rents a word. fHARHB RATES. Sieven consecutive time, cent a una aach Insertion. - Three times within on week, U cants Una each Insertion. fme tlma It cent a llna. Count elg average worda to a lln- Minimum charge, $0 cents. Aa advertisement Inserted to be run m tfl discontinued roust b stopped br wrii tea order. All claims for errors muat h rna.1 within fifteen daya after tha Iat inser tion of tha advertisement Ton en plaro your want ad In Tha Bea ajr telephone. lone. .... ELKPHONK TTLER 10- T Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" Hundred of other answer have been railed for una delivered during the laai weak. It la reasonable to suppose trial an of tha peor-i" below have mad desired swaps, therefore do not call for the balance of their antwer. Bca want SC. 14" Hit 1411 1414 14K )424 14M 1411 14 3 1441 1446 1440 14M 14f4 1459 14x1 I4i0 1471 141 SC. 14 1006 1611 1513 1617 i:m i; 16 iwo 1645 ISM 1KB 1557 1570 1672 1176 IWt 15X9 157 BIRTH A AMI DF.ATIIS. Birtlia 1. . anil Jess Bautn, Kti South Thirty-fourth trot. boy; 4'harlea and Mary Bon.ffxek, 110 Wool worth Ave.. Klrl: Irwin and Herth Hohnnacr, Kit rt. M. by; tluiM-ppc in, WarlK Ktnml. Il lNirr, hoy; A. r. ami Mary 8. Ilenfn. a.14 Heward, rl; A. T. and lurA Johnatun, MH K. ;inth Ayr Kill; William V. anil Kthel kaeppe, 1W1 N. S4th, ar rl : Albert and Kmm l.lnil lld. ."iTl't llHve. biy; Clyde and Anna Journal!, 4W.i N. Wh Ave., boy; fhrla W. nn.l Marv I'.d.renn. B. ulct. Klrl; Jlermnn and Anna IVternoii. :H2 N. 20th, bov; liulerppe and AKnmlna I'arl. lM IK. llt'h. Klrl: Karl mid Siphle Haiceii, f!l N. 14th Ave., liny; Aliruliam arid (icrtruilo Ktrlun, 1W1 H. 'y- . .. Ix-Hllin Milan Morrlnon, 4. Jlth and t'apltol Ave; Minnie Cane, (Ui. 44M ItpalillnB;; Per Andorann. 7. lioapllHl; l.uclnnn rii--ilo, :C, Mth and Hpiinl Ave.; Jtcr (I. Anilrra.iii , lt! Kvana; Klliabclh C. tlreeiiwall. 42, lioaplial; 1JI lle i'oltoff. 1, mi N. 2lh. Bl ILII4 PKHMIT. Trlmbla Uroa., 422-4 H. llth. alteratlnna, aVW. tnimet A. PhIiiit, 4H.T5 CiiniliiK, frame dwelling, $2,Tn0; Carl Jenacn, S1 Kllaon, rcpalra, 1,00Q.. TODAY'S UOMPl-KTB MOVIE PMXIKAMS Excluklvely Id The Bee. bona Ta CAMKRArilONK. 1404 DOUQLAS. The Death Dice. 2-reel Rel. dnima. Tha Oratlturte of Conductor !W. A Houu'a invention. ;litk-no. i. mil FARNAM. bura Their t ouraea Change, ir . X. Hush man. I -recl f.ssanay dr. The Young Man Who Fingered. 1. Quirk.) Vlt. com. KAKNAM THKATKK, H15 FARNAM 8T. Hunawy June will ! anown hera every Tuesday in connection with our regular program ano a ieyaion comeuy klff i'ltkAlcH, uiti AND ilAKNKI Hum of Paramount ricturea. k-oivja IliimlitH Ftatura program dHy Kevsiona Curiiedlea. is . isTrt. lAHIXlR. 140 DOUULA3. A NlKht Out. (Chaplin.) 2-r. Ka. dr. Tha Utile IH-Irctlve. l.uliln drama. The Quality of Mercy. VUugiaph dntrna. I'KINCESh. 1M71 DoL'ULAH. I'aullne itt.ah In Outride tha (latea, i reels. Msry llckford In Wiley's Filng. The Refugees, screaming Joker comedy. ftortk. ALAMO. 24T1I AND FORT. Four reels of tho best Mutual picture CUKTON. Military Ave. and Huruelto. The IVadly "park, 2-r. K. R. drama. Vlitn r alu HeUuiied, 1'rlncesa drunia. Only a Farmer's I'wUKhter, Key. comedy. DIAMOND, 2410 l.AKK. LnexuecUd Honeymoon, two-ieel Victor. MBtry it tha Man W ho Slept. Ilex. Ills Lt Serenade, laeiumle arama FRANKLIN, 24TH 'aNIi" FRAN KLIN. Third lian.l High. 1-reel Kssanay drama. Tha Oreen t at. Vita- comedy. Forked Trails. 8ellg W. drama. Oraud "Theater Beautiful," ltilh-Blnney Ulllan Ilusaclt In Wild Fire, (-act rii nutiert pnmiM tioiv II lFI-ODROM K, (h and Cuming (Ha, The Sili nt uy. American drama. In the tiagehrueh Country. K. H. -r. Dra. Kvan'a Lucky Day. Reality comedy. IT. WTII ANDLOCl'8T 8TH. Little Kr.gineer. KaL dr. Hrlen Holmes. Hhanghaled Bahy. Lub dr. Orml llawley. Tlie Chief a Cluwt IVtasraph comedy. 1VV THKA.. WTII AND BL'llDlCTTK. anceiled. 2-reel. Kclaire. Merry Man's Marriage. L. Ko. Com. And another g'xd reel. LOTHROI. 24T11 AND lX)THROI'. Ilia Tryatlng Place, t-reel. Special Ka And three oilier Mood reels. LOYAL. 24m CALUWtLi. Heart of Lincoln, three-reel Oold Seal. Those Oerman Howlers, terl!ng comedy. PA LACK. My l-ady Victor. Itomance It ffl DA Vt'N POKT High and Mighty, two-reel Bear Creek. Fjclalr r-U BLUB AN, S4T1I AND AMttL m . v. . a c i . - i . j I j ii rhfHi rmnu. nairm arama. Xother'a Roses. J-reel Vltagraiih drama alk. ARBOR. X1D AND ARBOR BTH in Fear of His Past. X-r. Maieatic drama. oiured V llllany. K stone coined) . 2ho8ptrlt ol Ulvlng. Beauty drama. AI"OLU). "-'4 LEAVEN WORfST Her Martyrdom, t-r. I.ub. drama. Ham and the 8ausage Factory. KaL com. COLI'MHIA. 171 BOUTH TKNTIL A a Amateur Prodigal, t-r. Ksa. grants. Tha Profeasor'a Nlg"tmsra. Vita, comedy, bum lUgglna. Kel. W. drama. C4JMFOKT THEATER. 34th and Vtnioit. The ! Ion, 3-r. American. The Muflled Hall. Reliance. Bill tiives a Smoker, Konilr. FAVORITE. 17l VINTON. 1 he Ecape on the Fast FTelght, KaL Dr. The Regenerating Ixv, t-r. Luo. drama. 'J he Combination, Vita Com. 4JU S. UTli bT. Ills Last Farenade. Laetnmie drama. A Coat a a Coat. Nestus cumely. LYRIC. Ml7VINTON.' Photo P'.sy Without a Kama, J-r. I ma. Sonte Nuclitmsre. Joker eumedr. PAbTlilE. iiD AN1 LEAVENWoRTII tier Bargain, a Big N. drama. aa-1 Doush. Sierllng comedy. -sh prisea given awsy. Aduukalon VEiuilA, Lli HQ. UTU JTsaar rsala of WnluaJ pkturaa. at ada aura cat result eVC. ltd DC, SC. JIT V 44 ll m m in no n 411 17 ii r 4is I tit ri 41 121 fit HI 417 144 ti ta 4if 11 m sa t ii t g 4n 17 KM 4iT 1W IM Ml 429 174 t $4 43 !7 W 4 1- K7 M ? 130 KO Ml I0KI fNO J' 1 I l M I 10$ tJH 171. Irt I4C -a r?i Hit M' ft feM Ul 144T7 TODAV'S COMPLETE MOVIE PROGRAMS Exclusively In The Ilct. Urtl. MfiNRriE, t" FAHVAM. The Lnve of Vomen. (.tnaephine Mmley.) 3-r. I.ul.ln dr.- HoidnK a Hrlde. HfUn '. drama. The Vli tor. Kany comedv. Deaaoa. PKNSOV. V MAIN. Maater Ky, final eplaode. I'rusy wecthart. I.. Ko. romedy. Adv nti:r-a i'f HcHK"lnn Hack (Wllaonl. 4. ovarii r.UTK No. 1. Ulaffa MS BROADWAT. Ix-na. 2-r. rid I an n comedr Hearat-Hi liar No. l.V The t'ndr raltidy, or Hehlnd tha fi-enea. VltaKraph drama NHMIOLAH. M7 Hmadway. Thlrten Ixiwn. I r. Iay drama. Vlien tlreeta Meet lirrok. Vila, comedy. The Voice of Conaclcnce, Kdlaon drama. H " I KK THKATK il. M7 HKuAHWAY. The Mlllatram, i-r. Imp; Animated Wwkly; .xrhulis I.ady Friend; IMana f Kutrlc Mnnntnlna, 2 rela. HK3SF, :'4TH ANI N PTH. Tlie 1'aaaion Piny, or I.lfe of Our Havlnr. In aeven conipl'-te oolnaaiil colored cnlla of film. A picture for the mother, the father, tlie hoy and the Klrl. M AT I 24THAND O.' The Iet I-edge, 2-rce Ttlaon. Fury Money, l-k'o comedy. aaeville. nrtrtlKLM. 24TH AND M. Hpei-Ul Keyatono fcatnrra, featuring harlea linplln. Pee Zudora here every Wedneaday. AN NOUN CKMENT9 MOLKK IIAHUKU COLUiGK Fpeclul aprlng ratca. Itoaa harhera call ing on ua for help. MOI.1CK Grnduatea qualified for beat Joha. Karn while you learn. Free CHtali.g, 11(1 S. 14th fit., Imaha. HOMK.MADR aauaaRe, only one In Oma ha. Sam Fleher. Wiil Ieavenw'h. I). :0. Wedding annoiinceiiienls. Iioug. I'tg. Co. IIA7.F.I laf I'lle t'onea H-ai remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding pi lea; 60c postpaid: rampiea free, bhermao A McConnell Iirug Co.. Omaha. BNROUj now. Y. M. C A. night arhooL ' LUCKY wedding rlnaa at riiol-tifeard'a. fiHEIvP feeder, notice: Two western ahearera to handle your clip. Addresa J. I.aml . Houth Omaha. AUTOMOBILES 1U VKL.1K, 4-cylindrr. &-paaa , 64-h. p.. Gray A Uavla alec, light and atartar, left Hide drive; very complete equipment; good condition; coat li.flno new; pay to loveatl gatc; private owner wants larger car. i'rlee " caah. Call Walnut 2271 or Doug la 400 and arransn deinnnetratlon IliiO KKWAHD for any magneto we can't repair. Colla repd. Hayadorfer.210 N U. --o "J ITN KY " HAKtlAlN. Klght-raasengcr Jitney Una. 46 hoi1 so power, finir-evilniler. Price JH I 1 1 II r.ll, MUI DH 4. J., Rchulll t'Mr I leptinment. Farn tin St. C. EIXABSKR, ewpert radiator and lama repair. Ty. 708. am ieavanwonn. "llAVK a -yl. 00 li.-P."Vlilte car that I will trade for a modern home of equal or greater value. II. I'alton. 2Mb Farnam. A I TO PAINTINtl. FOIIIM. OTHKHS. t2fl. VP. Rrluga, 144H N. Wh. Vlione Weh. 17W. Uae Overton's for leaky radiator. dealera FONTEN KI.LE AUTOMOBII-K CO.. 4eal- ra In uaed cars that guarantee service. n Bo. lth Ht. ONK overland touring oar , .4O0 CADILLAC CO. tJK OMAHA, 20K4 Farnam 8t. Oreenough Omaha Rad. Rep. Co.. 3uM Far. AUTO CI ring House. 2200 Farnam, buya and sella uaed cars. . Phone Uouglaa Hlo, Industrial Oarage o.. 2uth tt Harney Bta. FOR BALE Five-passenger Overland, complete, good condition, new tires. 2103 Farnam 8t- Motoroyaiss. II ARLET-DA VI DSON MOTORCTCLtCS. Baraatna la Uaed machines. Victor Rosa 'The Motorcycle Man," t?n Iavenwortn. Uli INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready; baraalna In used machines. OMAHA BICYCLU CO.. ito and Chicago. U. J72. BUSINESS CHANCES A IxAR'IU and well-equipped garage for sale: have other builnons and unable to oKrate both. It you want a good eatah- Itahed biisineaa. thte la your chance. D. Omaha Bee. Council Bluffs, la. AUTO repair ahop. garage and black emllh simp for rent or fur sale. Charles Rmnsal, I'aplllion, Neb. lONEI,ON does more than list list v Naff our business, he sella IL S01 Omaha Bk. FOR 8 A LIC-Barber ahop and baths at bargain. City of l.bUi; good business: fine, permanent location. Address X 4i, Bee. LI .ST bualaesa chances, property for rent sale or sxchanga with ma. I will write all maimer of Insurance. W. U. Tern pletun, Oen. BltOK KK. HUX Bee. Ty. 2UJO. LIST TOUR BUSINESS with ua for aulck action and aauara traatment QUICK BALE COMPANY. 411 Baa Bldg. Phona Red tXA, ClQNri. aSiow carda Clark dun. D. UT4. TO 41 KT In or out of business. Call on OA NOK8TA D. 44 Bea Bldg. P. MTT. MKDICAL practice for aale In the richest part or stater n iser. , a. 10 and 22 mllea to nearest towna. I'rartlca aatabllshed 1 yrara; ona competitor; population. 600: electilo llghta, water worka, good school and churcliea; sell or rent offline. Terms caay. Address Y 430. Bee. C M. F.ATON, Bus. Broker. HO) W. O. V., will hrko you In or out of business. Patents That Protect and Pay Rooks and advice free. Rend sketch or model for search; highest reterencea; beat results; promptness assured. WATSON K. COl.KMAN. Patent lawyer. i22 F St.. N. W.. Wsahlnglon. I). ('. PARTNER wanted In established, well advertised real estate business In north western Minnesota. One fainiiar with stenography preterrM. 1,34) required A.lilre.1 Y-4I Bee 1'H E ATE Ke Buy, lease or sell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater Exchange Co., Itvk Farnam St. Iiouglaa l&7. XtCR bualneaa or rest estate quickly jaold.Wrlle Jim Wray, Bluux City, la. I'Ll.'M Bl NO huatneas for sale. Will sell forjnvolce pru e. Adilieas Y 40H, Hee. WRITE F, KNIFirT,' Oinaha tor buywra! Hoosalav lloaae tor kale. How to sell rooming house. C. J. Canan. EDUCATIONAL BOVLES COLLEGE Day School: Nurht Bchool: oamnlete Business course; complete shorthand or stenotypa course: complete telegraphy couree; civh servK-a Irancrtea and tog nan. r-iuoents sainltted at any tima wriie, pooae or call lor uu raialffgMS. BOVLES tXILl-liOE. H. B. UOYLE8. President. Boylag Bldg . OuaaJta, Nek. Tel. Oouglaa 1K6. FOR sale the following schularahlpa la a urs i cimss uiuana uusiueas College: una unlimited ooinbtuatioo buataeag sou snonnanu course. Ona unlimited business course. One unlimited stenographic course. una three ruentha busiaesg or steno graphic course. Will be sold at a discount at tba offtoa vi im uiuiai xtee. The Van Bant School Stenography Day school, t.w tw 4 . Night school. I I ti l it Wtb aad Karnsna bu f-eug'ss et47. EXPERT lady stenographer will take pupus. biioRTHANU, touch typewrit ing, spelling, puncluaiioo. Mr., taught sod complots training given for business iUMr. Prlwale tuial llii'l utl it I r ,4 ia I tiouglag l)U TSI. W UtUt Ziii. rTn SALE Faraltarc, llnaaebold f.ooda, F.te. FOR Complete set of quarter- sawed oak poatofflie fixture: about n comblnathin lot k hoxea. Mumping table, l ag rack, cablni'ta. etc Adclreaa Bee. J II Kill arade qualily furniture at bargain for quick sale, no aecond hand dealers. Harney 2I. 114 N. Svth 8t. i New 2d-hand furnitura, caab or terms; reaaonnhle. Amer. Furn. Co.. 605 N. ISth I)KmrS bought and sold. J. C. Reed. iiiOno12(r; Karnam St. I). I4. BK1 ROOM and dining room furniture, Including piano, fur sale very reason able. Phone WehJttM. FOR 8ALK dltlnn. $10. Kitchen range in good con Tel Iimigla 47i"i. Horse siad Vehicles. 60 farm mares, hore and mule, off Mo. ranch. . I j. Llghtfoct, 2K2 Cuming 8t. FOR S.VLiv Team, weight 2.7.V) lba ; one In foal; alao team weixhlng 3.V"; one In foil, aire from 6 to 8 years. Call reai ilen e l'V2S I lodge FOR S. I.I Yiiung. well-matched team; w-elght 2.K") pound; found; heavy In foal and aervl-e paid; party hfi no uao for stock: private renldence, ;'4il Indge. l-'OK 8 ALK. Ten bend of Rood, young work horae ind s good marea. In foal age Irom 6 to weight from l..Yu to 1.4"0 ea-h; gnlmr to dlaoe nf f,ur entire stock, horaea and In wngon and 15 aet nf -Inuble harneaa; all koihI stuff for farm purpose, will e ,,n term to reaMnibln party. (Jenrire Shoemaker, foreman of the Contractors' Co., ?fM W. Farnam St. 2 MARKS, 2 geldlnsa, office, 2otli and Lake. 1,100-1.400. Coal SHIP live atock to South Omaha. Bav mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt snd careful atten tion. K HEAD, alp sizes 4W7 N. J4th Ave. Vul'.Mi. freah. lainily half Jerat.y cow for rale. Call Walnut 13). FARM wagnna. ti0 and up; harneas, (40. Johnaon-I'anforth t:o., luth Clark Sta. Foil HA LB One horae. one Holateln bull and one bla'-k yearling heifer. Telephone South 34tli and county line. Lire Stock tomralaaloa Herckaata MARTIN BROS aV CO.. Uxcnanga Bldg. Maaleal Jnatromeata. Bltghtly ued high grade piano. D. ??j 1017. HAVE you a piano you would like to aave storage on and leave with a careful, re liable) party for a time'.' If so, nlcaso ad'lresa J 6IX. Bee Poaltrr, Ctai and sopplles. STEREOTYPE matrlcea make tha best and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and mora durable thsn tarred felt and practically fireproof. 7bc a hundred at The Be office. DON'T forget that three times mora chickens have been hatched In Old Trusty Incubators than In any other In cubator. Calalogue free on request. Ad dress, M. M. Johnson Co., Clay Center. Neb. leghorn hatching eggg. TelFlorenee 21H. LET chickens pay your-rentrsend for free boo, "Turning Egga Into Chick ens Into Dollars," and free sample worlds only batching chart; book describes llayo Incubator; give moat chicks; hatch on one gullon oil. Rayo Incubator Oo , 1015 p inn ft., omaha. Neb. Phone lied 33t Mixed grain, 1.10 lba., 11 76, Wagner HOI N. IB. R. C. RHODE ISLAND RED egga for hatching. Vlgornua, hardy stock on country range. )l for ; tft per ion. A. H. BAKER. BENSON, NEB. Phone HoiiHon 747-W. R. F. D No. t S t:. While Leghorn egga for hatching. My hena are from prlxe winning layers ot international egg laying contest, Stoora, Conn. tl.BO for 15. $ per 100. A. II. Bakr. Benson, Neb., R. F. D. No. Z. Tel. Benson 747 W. 60-EGO Cycle Hatcher, combined Incu bator and bnxxler; simple, compact and easiest for a beginner on small scale. Price W. R. H. Houd. 144 N. 41 at 8t. TrS'wrltrn. RBNT 'Remingtons, Monarcna and Smith Premiere of their makera. Tha Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 1284, Rental credited If you purchase asd only very neweat and highest grade ma chines sent out. Rates, three months for t& for underatroke machines or t3 par month for latest model visible writers. TYPEWRITER sod, ranted, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange, 307 ft 17th RENT An Oliver typewriter, 3 months lor a, i he Oliver Typewriter Co.. li. Wit Mlaoellaaeoas. , FOR BALE New and second-hand carom and gcket billiard tables and bowline alleys and accessories-, bar fixtures of all ainas; easy payments. Tha Brunswick- name-coiiendar Co.. 4o7-4o 8. 10th St. 3-ha nd mih. Uross Wreck Co.. 21 Paul. U NEW automatic weighing scales, U and 110. M.lih maehlna mwA 1 , e 4 machines, electrlo flxturea and auppllea. uuggy narnesa, tooia, lumoer and other misceiisneous articles fop sa'-e or trada. J. C, ISU, EXECUTOB 703 Bo. Slat Ave. Phone Harney 341 PRACTICALLY new beauty parlor equip ment tor saia at a oargaiu. ijiw Har ney Bt. FOR BALE Popcorn and peanut wagon, run by steam engine, burns galiie, cost IVloO when new; In good shape; sell cheap If taken at once. Address Y 427, HEM WANTED FEMALE Clerical mm Office. NO F1IJNG FEE. BEST COMMERCIAL POSITIONS. Experienced stenographer 146 to $50 Rogera Ref. Co., bM-H State Rank Bldg. STENOGRAPHER and reception room girl for lawyer a office: high school edu cation, of neat appearance and some ex perience prererrea. uive full particulars In first letter. Addreea E 34. Bee. Factory aad Trades. LEARN ha'rdroaalng. Oppenhelra Parlora Ageata aaa Paletwsnea. TWO experienced aollcltora. Monarch Cleaning work, . 10 N. Mth. lloaaehecaera uonaeetlce. THE Servant Girl Problem Solved. Tha Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get tba dealred result Thia appiiea to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Blutfa Bring ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler luuO. WANTED An experienced servant girl for general housework; must be a good cock; references required. Call II. 17W. YOUNG girl or elderly lady wishing a permanent home In the country In lam. II y of two. Call louffs 4377. WANTED Competent girl for general nouaewora; in lamuy: good wages; white girl only. Phone Webter Sosu. WANTED A girl or woman for houae- maid; good home for steady help. For particulars call, ,Vt N. 32d St. WANTED A good girl for general house work, vvebater irvi. Zl. Seward St. WANTED A girl for giierul housework. 1KB Park Ave. Itarney 3.tif. WANTED Young lady, who U either em ployed half day or one who Is attend ing school, to assist with housework and rare of small child for board, room and small pay; inOat be over 18 years of age. cnons iisrney im. YOUNG lady to assist with housework for room and board. Phone Walnut fo. HH Ml married couple living In mod ern apartment desires girl for general nouaework; relerencea required. Iltr. Mai COMPETENT girl for general housework: no wasiung: goo a pay. 140 North iUxt ave. itar. it4. MAID for upstairs work for V day. 1S12 v apiioa Alt YOUNG woman to assist with Usht house work; no wasiung or looking. Walnut 117. FAMILY of t want competent white maid lor general housework. luW 8. 31st St Harney 7000. Miscellaneous. YOU NO women coining to Omaha as atraugers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian aasoclatloa building at bl. Mary a Ave. and 17th at. where they will be directed to aultabla hoardins plaoaa or otherwise aaelated. Look fee out traveler s gu'oe a: i.ntoa elation GOVERNMENT JOBS FOR WOklM- l month. List free. Franklin tute. Dept M C. Rochester. M. T HEI WANTED MALH Clerical aad Ulflee, HIGH-GKADK coninien-tal pnaitlona. , v r.ST. Jttr. a rtoxu Ana N., U Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. HELP WANTED MALE Clerical and oiflce. BTKNO., wholeanle, excellent chanea for advancement. eVi to start. fiteno. out of town, law experience; guar antee of $40, with chame for public work to bring It up to County aeat town without atenourapher. Furniture anlcaman for apeclal sale. Must tie a huatler and experienced. Man with leweirv xm--c to h-i-,ie special aile. Stock of $.1ri,ono to dlapoa I of ond the rlcht man geta 10 per cent. CO-OPERATIVK RKFFJItF.NCK CO., I l"li-i, city .National. SALESMAN. Imiles' wearing apparel, wash goods, high grade prnpoaltlon. SALESMAN, eastern territory, 31 and cxpenae. Stenographer, ten. Stenographer, out-of-town bank, $."A W ATTS RKF. CO., Hrandel Theater. EXPERIENCED man as agslatant to ac countant; muat be good penman and good at figures. Apply at once, 1H19-20 Woodmen of the World Bldg. YOt'NO man for office clerk. THE MIDWEST PONDING CO., Apply .112 Itee Bldg. Agent, Salesmen and Solicitors. Experienced Spec ialty Advertising Salesman Wanted for Omaha, Council Bluffs and Sioux City, by the American Art Works, Coshoc ton, 0., world's largest manu facturers of exclusive copy righted Art Calendars, Cellu loid and Leather Advertising Specialties. For interview to day, telephone Fred E. Gilbert, Western Sales Manager, Fou tenelle Hotel, or write Dwight Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. TWO men to travel, 320 per week and expenses; win pay more later. Acme Finish Co., 120 Weat Lafayette, Detroit, Mich. WANTED Exrerlcnced automobile ac cessory salesman to travel In Nebraska: references required. Call or wrlta. Ne- nraagg Buick Auto. Co,, Mncoln. Neb. THE first payment now covers insurance til July 1. lti:f. Thia makes our policy caay to sell. Call or write. Mutual Ben efit. Health and Accident Aaa'n, 423-25 City Nat Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. Drug store snaps: jobs. Knelst. Bea Bldg. WANTED Men with experience pre fered to do house to houae canvaalna- selling tea and coffee and establish routes in tne city snu vicinity. This Is a good chance for live wire to take charge of territory and develop himself for man agership or srore. Liberal proposition. Big Inducemente with aalea. State e. experience and reference. Bond required. Address Tli (Ireat Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., Kansas City, Mo. Factory and '1 rmdea. Tri-City Barber College. Tuition 16, on account of big trade. Wages for 6 and 10 cent work. Electric massage taught. Hydraulic chair. Catalog free. 112 Douglas Bt.. Omaha. MOLER DAK13ER COLLEGE Rneclal slimmer ,Im T3n Ka-K calling on ua for help. MOLER Graduates qualified for beat Joba. Earn while you learn, rree catalogue, ito 8. 14th St. GOOD YOUNG MEN WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Biggest demand for our Magnetic Klec. Starter Auto gradu ates.. Too many untrained tinker repair men. Good men positively needed. Big spring rush. Free catalogue. NIGHT SCHOOL NOW OPEN. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, 2053 Farnam St.. Omaha. Sllseallauaaae. GET WISE A thorough, practical automobile edu cation at minimum coat. Aak for cata logue "C" and explanation of our get results method. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL 14.'3-17 Iodge Street, Omaha, Neb. Be an Auto Mechanio and draw a, large salary, or go Into tha auto business for yourself. Our com pletely equipped school and shops will bring this result for you. Write ur free booklet Nat'l Auto Training Ass'n, 3814 N. 20th St.. Omaha. Neb. MEN wanted to solicit accounts for col lection; no advance fee; live proposition; work anywhere; good pay. The Western Fidelity Co., rTeeport, 111. GOVERNMENT wants clerks: $7 month; omaha examinations April zn; common education sufficient: particulars free. Apply immediately, Y 39, Bee. WANTED 1.000 men to eat ham and egga. 16c. Coffee John, 14th and Capitol. MAN to tack algns for real estate con cern, salary Ak ADoly at once. 1319-0) Wl O. W. Bldg. HELP WANTED MALH) AND rUMALB. MEN. WOMEN WANTED Government lobs. 165 to 3160 month. Write for list positions now obtainable. Franklin In stitute. Dept 231 C. Rochester. N. Y. WANTEDSITUATIONS EVENING POSITION DESIRED. Young reliable fellow of neat appear ance and good character deslrea place In drug store, office or elsewhere from 4 p. m. to aa lata aa 11.30 p. m. Reference. Call Red 6476- WANTEX Employment by middle-aged nan. several yeara, railroad ana effios expartettoa: prefer position aa traveling salesman or of flea work; can uaa i'pawriter not a ate no. K sa. Boa. YOUNQ man wants piace to work for board while atteudlng Uoylaa collcga Telephone Douglaa 1N66- COLORED woman want day work. T. 1 W. EXPERIENCED young man want work In hotel or restaurant: any kind of work; a willing woraer. Address J Lai, Bee. YOUNG girl wants position In doctor's office or at private switchboard. Web ster 31X1. VuL'NU nun, 26 yi r old, warns posi tion In dry goods or clothing store, I years exeriencn, can give best ot refer ences. AdCree Y 414. Bee. WOMAN would like housework or cham ber work. Webster tnox. RELIABLE, practical nurse desires posi tion. Tyler ltl-v. EXPERIENCED carpenter, will reasonable. Phone Red tiS5. work EXPERIENCED man and wife, small family, wanta farm work of any kind. Will work reasonable. 7a 8. 34th. H. 4JM0. DAY work and bundle wsahing. Web. K267. MAN and wife, with no children, work of any kind. Tel. So. Uss. ant PF.RFFA'T home washing. Lace curtains a specialty. Webster 4M "WANTED Position by first-class auto mechanic with I years' experience; have all my u a tools. Address ltd, nee. WANTED A position; college grsduate, exi-crienced calculator and office man, with excellent penmanship, wanta posi tion In Omaha or elsewhere. Ref eranoa. Address S ISL Bee HOTEL and restaurant pieo Experi enced young man. age 23. wants work. either as dishwasher, pirter, bellboy or aay other kind; honest, sober and willing 1 bone lKug)as 4-.aK,. John. PI.ACE daslrad aa Bea. said. Address F-tK, C1.KAN1NO aad krwnlng. Call Doug-. tSTt. Bl'tilNEsS MEN Young man. age 21 business college graduate, soma R. E. expencuce, wants to get a JOB with live firm; prefer It or wholesale house; good reference: ana era confidential. Address K U. Be. i-OST AND FOUND LdsT-Black Peralan lamh muff trimmed with Fitch, either In store or Farnam car; liberal reward. Call Wal. SCrU OMAHA COCNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons hsvlng lost some article would eo well to call up the office of the Omaha 4V Council Rlufrs Street Rsllwsy com pany to ascertain whether they left It In the street car. Many articles each day are turned In and the company is anxious to reatora tl em to the rlKh'ful owr. Call Doug. 44. LOST Fratemltv pin. name June Brown. Reward. Tel. Walnut 31fi. MEDICAL Piles and Fistula Cured without SURGICAL OPERATION or PAIN. NO DETENTION from BUSI NESS. PAY when CURED. A written GUARANTEE given In every case treated. Patienta muat come to the of fice, 4OR-9-10 Omaha National bank, 17th and Farnam Sta. DR. WILLIAM. CREIGII'J ON MAXWELL, Twenty-eight years In Omaha. Graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical College. Kew Tork City. N. T. -o Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, flatula and other rectal diseases without surgical ope eratlon. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DP- E. R. TARRY. 240 Bee Bldg. Rupti Itr-o -u rea in a lew anys wnnoui UIe pain. Call or write Dr. Wray. tot Bea Bldg.. Oinaha Vtattshed 1S94.-0 PERSONAL $7,000 FOR INVALIDS. 700 subscriptions to the L. II. Journal, $1.50. the a. K. Post $1.W, the Country Gentleman 3U earns that $7,000 fcr Tho Invalids' Pension Association. Your order or renewal contributes 50 cents. Phone Douglas 7163. Address GORDON, THE MAGAZINE MAN. OMAHA. NEB. THE Salvation Army Industrial borne o liclta your olO clothing, furnltuTe, mags tine, we collect. We distribute. Phono Douglas 4126 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our nw home, 1110-U12-U14 Dodge 84. IOUNO women coming to Omaha aa strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Chrlatlan association building at 17th St and Bt. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at tha Union station. LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN OF OMAHA ABC of Omaha N EW and 2d-hand motors, dynamos, manetoa, etc., and moch. repairs. La Bron Elect. Works; 818-20 B. 12th. OMAHA PILLOW CO., ISO? Cuming. Douglas 2467. Renovates feathera and mattresses of all klnda, makes feathei mattresses snd down covers. rACl'UM cleaners for sale. Vacuum cleaning dona In tha home. Banlttury Service Co.. 306 Bea Bldg. W B rent, repair, sell neudles and parts I or an aewioa roacmneai Mbi BRA8KA CYCLE CO.. atlckel's." loth and Harney. Douglas Mil. Accoaataots. E. A. DWORAJC C. P. A., Address 433 Ramge Bldg.. Phone Douglas 7406. Adding Macatmaa. Dalton Adding Machines. CI & 16. D. 144H Adder Melt. Co. (Wales). W. O. W. D. 6831. Amstear Flatattlaa;. FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop, 416 Bee Bldg. Dept. D. Architects. Bverett 8. Dodds. 612 Paxton Blk. D. SKI. Aato mm Maaaeto ReoaJrlag. Magneto repair work a apaclalty. D. 141s. Auctioneers. Dowd Auction Co.. 1116-16 W. O. W. R. S2SS. Attractions. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine and film baraalna. Bakeries. Z. II. RKEDER. 1606 No. 18th. Web. 3397. Bine Prlntlas. HORNBY BLUE PRINT CO.. t03 Omaha Mat I osna oiag. Barber. 13 Chairs, 10c shave, neck shave. 1617 Far. Brass Fowadrle. Paxton-MltcheU Co.. rth and Martha SU. Carpenters aad Contractors. STEVENSON. t3 8. ltd. Douglaa 6620. California Lands, W. T. Smith Co.. lir City Nat l Bk. P.28l. Ruth Latchford. decorating, firing. R. 4M1 Civil KailaMM. M. J. LACY. 61 BEB BLDG. TOTJO. 471a. Crvasa Seoaratora. Tha Sharpie Separator Co.. Uth Faro. Cistern Well ni MEED well or cistern cleaned or dug? "r r r. n aoea it fnons Web. 6631 3. ft RICKERTT Wall Conatructloa Co-! nothing too big or Impossible; estimates furnished. 610 N. 21st St.. Omaha. Danclasr Acadaaatea, Turpin's Dancing Academr. Mth A Wen Try Mackle s first. 1816 Harney. Doug. 644? CHAMBERS' Academy, classic. D. ISTL lleteellTes. INVESTIGATIONS carried out In any Dart of united Statea. Canada or Mexico. tct Paxton Blk. Doug. 1371 Walnut 1620. JAMES ALLAN. 311 Neville Blk. Evt- dence secured In all cases. Tyler lit. prcaamaklBK, Terry Dressmck'g college. 20th Farnam. DRESSMAKING and tailoring, work guaru nt eed. 1406 Caag Bt Tel. Rad TiSS. MISS STlrKDY, 2416 Cass. Red 7m KEISTER'S Dressmaking college, day ana mgnt scno.ii. ikjh city rwst i num. Draars. DRUGS at cut prices ; freight paid on $1 orders; catalogues free. Sherman ft Mc Connell Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 21 W. O. W.Bldg. Dr. Todd's alveolar dentistry. 403 Brandela Billey. the I lent 1st. ;u City Nat 1 Bank. Taft Der.tal Rooms. 1617 Douglas. D. 2196. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flcke. 724 City Nat Bank. Everything tor Woatea. ACCORDlvN. aide, knife, eunburat. box pleating; covered buttons, all slses and styles; hematitchlng, picot edging. Ideal Pleating Co.. ) IouglaS Block. D. last. NEW YORK sample store. Must vacate, building coming down; cloaks, suits and dreases sacrificed ; 206 N. Hth St Kverrthlna for . SWITCHES from comblaga. f 1 60. Psych free. Mr H. M. E-k. Marcy. H. 6646. HA1RDRESSING at your home. R. 6831. tllortrio Sappll. LEBRON Klec Wk. Bt B. llth. D. PTt. Florlata. A. DONAOHUE, 162 Harnay. Doug, loot BATH'S flon.t. 1M4 Farnam St HESS ft SNOBODA, 1416 Fat nam St L. HENDERSON, lil Farnam. D. 12M. Member Florist Telegraph Del Aaan. (.H.l.- mmA noontime. STOVE repairing. Fir Prevention Co. Hair Uroaelaug. Harper mothod. R- 1 BaW Bldg. P. ttlt HoaaocleaalaaT- Expert European floor waxing. D. 428X t-lahtlaa Ftatara aad Wlrtna. TH0M.S DUKK1N Electric fixturea and auppllea. contract ing end r"'i --k iinii-M. 2419 CUMING. DOUGLAS 2519. Lira Stock Heaandiea. OMAHA Ranwdy Co.. an 8. Uth. Red 4251 LIVE WTRK BUSINESS MEN OF OMAHA Mask, 4 oetaaaeo aad M4(e Sappllea. MNFR. of lodge regalia and coatumea The largest atock of masquerade and theatrical coatumea In the country. Tiieo. Lieben A Son. 1S14 Howard. 1. 4116. .M Ft, of lodge regafia and costumes. Theo. Lieben c Son, 114 Howard. D. 4114. Mesaenaer aad Teamster. WHITE LINE. 910 N. 1th St. Doug. 3312. Xlaasensea. Mlaa Jacobs, mas. 221 Neville Bk. BATH S florists, 1804 Farnam. I). w. MISS STAPLES, mass., elec. hath. D. 713. Open eve.. 9 p. m.; Sunday, 12 to S. CORA'bELLING Y r'Tryrny good, restful Magnetic. Other satisfac tory treatments. Alao vapor hatha. Open 10 to 10, Including Sunday. Notice: En trance downstairs, 107 So. 17th St., base ment, corner I'oilge. MASSAGE. 1721 Podge Mrs. Steele. T rr 1 and mass., alcohol rub. I .aura i'-'-liA Wilson, 1S2 Farnam. R. 2. Dong. S751, Open evening and Sunday. TV f A A f 1 1 b: BEE BUILDING. .hwiv.i- DOUGLAS 6372. BATHS, 214 Balrd Bldg.. 17th and Dou g. Ciara Lee, bath and massage. Doug. 8751. Moving, Storage and Cleaning;. W. C. FERRIN, loth and Capitol. Ty. 120. Ocallats. Eyeg examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Drs. McCarthy. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. Pateata. H. A. Sturges, (36 Brandel Theater Bldg D. O. Earnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117." Printing. WATETtS-BARNHART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Dong. 2130. 6?4 S. lth St. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 3754. IOUOLA8 Prlntin g Co. Tel. Doug. B44. COREY ft M KEN2JE PTG. CO. D. 2614. RIES-HALL Ptg. Co.. 1620 Capitol. D. 1102. Osteopathic phyaiclana. Dr. Renicha. 2"8-4 McCague Bldg. T. W Dr. Peterson. 603 Brandei Bldg.. I). 214t JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG, 615 Bee Bldg Patent Development. AMERICAN Machine Co.. 110 S. 11th St Painting and l'tPerlng. HUGH M'MANTJS. 417 N. 40th. H. 672S. Plaaaea Renovated. PLUMES 4V HATS made over, cleaned ft dyed. Bertha Kruger. 429 Paxton. D. W94. Roach Fxtermlnatoi. B. B. B. Roach powder at Huffs. gate and Time Lock Expert. O A nT?0 Opened, repaired, comb. AM changed. F. E. Davcn- hoe Repairing. Electric Shoe Rep. Co.. 107 Ft. Marya Av. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair. 311 8. 14. ftgne and Mhowcarda- E. M CLARK ft 80N, 113 fl. 18TH ST. Steel Crlllnga. CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 110 8. 10. Store and Office Ftatnrea, DESKS, safes, scales, showcases, shelv ing, etc. Wa buy, soil. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co.. 414-16-18 S. 12th. D. 2724. Towel Sappliea, OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 S. llth. D. 628, T ranks and Saiicaaea. FREL1NG ft STE1NLE. IS06 Famaro St Tailor. CHAS. C. LANDERYOU. 108 N. 15th St OLSEN ft ROUhxJrlE. 1&U6 Harney. D. t&. Veterinarians. DR. O. R. YOUNG. 4601 Center. Wal. 302i Wlaet and Llqaora. ALEX JETES, 201-3 S. i3th St. Wines, liquors, cigars. Plate dinners. 11 to t, lOo. Globe liquor house. 424 N. 16th; California wine, tl.35 per gal. Write for price Hat HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE, 16th and Capitol Ave. Ten-oent lunch. BUY your family liquor' at Klein's Liquor House. 622 N. 16th. Douglas 1809. SWAPPER'S COLUMN AUTO 1913 6 pass. Bulck, fine condition. Will trade for lot valued $1,000 on paved street Will pay difference If lot la worth more. Call Webster 4816. AUTOMOBILES Fot other automobile bargain so tha "Automobile" classifi cation. BASS -Good chance for a musician, good double B basa In good condition; will trade for a good cow. Address S. C. 729, Bee. BUSINESS CHANCB-Soiro young man to trade whatever you have for half In terest In real estate firm; must know how to work. Make me offer at once. Address, 8. C. 719, Bee. UOILER o-horse-power vertical boiler, I want to trade for a horae or wagun or laundry equipment. 8. C. 728, Bee. BONK CUTTER Green bone makes chickens lay. One Humphrey green bone cutter, cash $17.60, will take for chickens or anything 1 can uae up to $10 value. Address S. C. 711. care Bee. BOOKCASE Mission oak, good shape; will trada for sewing machine or 'ko dak. Address S. C. C72. Bee. COLT'S automatic, $12; new $16 Hampton watch and $36 mundolin and $i mandolin; ona or all for diamond pin or ring or piano. Write s. c. 74Z, iiee. 6x7 CENTURY camera, metal tripod, six plate-holders, for an Underwood or L. C. Smith visible typewriter. Address S. C, 737, Be. DIAMOND RING Man'a beautiful cluster ling, for good typewriter and piano or motorcycle; make best offer. What have you. Prloe $135. Address S. C. 730, Bee. FOX TERRIER pup, five montha old. very easy to teach tricks; what havo you? Make offer. Addresa 8. C. 718. Bee. FARM IMPLEMENTS to exchange for chickens, cow, horse, or what have you? Add re 8. C. 726, Bee. FOR SALE Or what have you to trade for my clear little confectionery store. Address & C. 1S3, Bee. FOR BALE or trada, one complete thresh ing outfit. For particulars write Lock Box. 3o, Pilger. Neb. GROCER'S computing scale; will sell or trade, or what have you? Address 8. C. 727. Bee. HINGES Have several hundred pair of new hinge all one aixe that would like to trade for other property. What have you? 8. C. 741, Bee. HOUSE-I will trad my $1,200 equity In an t-room, well located, modern home for a clear lot of equal value. 8. C. 723, Bee. 1 HAVE a Queen coal range to ewap for a gas range. Adureas 8. C. T2L Bee. L. C. SMITH TYPEWRITER value lo0, for a diamond. 8. C. 1633, Bee. MARE Fine young Arabian mare; trade tor good cow. Audrosa H. C. 726, Bee. MIMEOGRAPH Edison mimeograph, nearly new, to trade for kodak, or what have you? Address. S. C. 717. Bee. NOTES and accounts. Want to trade some good notes and accounts for a tight driving team, buggy and harness; will give go4d deal. S. C. 740 Hee. PLUMBING good, or plumbing works to trades for Police Posl'l.e .32 or 3s revolver, or Colt's automatic .32 or .33. Address S. C. Bee. PIANt 1st class piano, will exchige for diamond, auto jr motorcycle. Ad dress S. C. 7.'4. Bee. PIANO New standard pin no for young sound mures or vaiant realty, well lo cated Address a C. 7K Bee. PIANO Will exchange standard tlanoa or players for young dratt mares. Ad dress S. 4. 734, Bee. RESTAURANT and lunch counter d.dng profitable business on Fsrnam. Will trade for vacant lot or what have you? . ... a l - 719 UU I ... J - w. .... -. . RIFLE .22 repeating rifle and seven Jewel Elgin watch; will trade for a medium priced Stop watch. Address o. C. 711. Bee. SIGNS, sliowcsrda. Clark ft Sun. O. UTS. TROMBONE Martin slid trombone and caao; nearly new; cost pi. will s,-ll rasuavble or trade for something I tan use on farm. A.ldrea T 40.. B. . TWO-SEATED, tlfih wneel surrey, rub ber tires, la first class shape, used very little. W 111 trada or sell for something of eoual value. Address 8. C. 70, Be. SWAPPER'S COLUMN TYPE W HITERl fsmrnond tytewrlter In tirst-clas a'lane. AcUlress8C., J", Be. VACrf'M "WASHING MACHINES Hav.i '.'" well known vacuum wsshins ma chine, all new and up-to-date. A guar anteed machine. Apenta. here la your .-hiime in make a clean-up thl prtnti Will amp for auto or what have you? Addre. S. '. Bee . VACl.'l M SWEEPhHS-Havn every kind ot vacuum sweepers. Including the best. Would exchange lor small rug. Address, S. C. 710, Bee WATCH A 15-iewel in sUe, 2-year J Boas 20 gold-filled case to trade for shotgun. Aiblrcs. S C. 1'.21. care Bee. WOCLD ex haiigc a'e. ping tent and tw .r rr o .'n.xiii,., a,'nat,nra fit f- a VlHteC heater or desk. What have you? Ad dress R. C. 710. Bee. RADIO SPARK COII. Give 3-inch spark; 111 . 1. . .,.. ..- m limine lur n I'iuiiiik line nv dak. Address 8. I 7:W. ,,pe. RIFLE 2.-.-20 Steveniriieal ritle to trade for bookcase, photographic enlarger. canoe or other article. This Is the most expensive model of single shot rifle made hy the Steven people and ia In good working condition. What have you? Ad rtress S. C. 722. Hee. VICTOR TALKING MACHINE Best make old style Victor Talking machine, S spring motor, with over $.V) in records. Will swap for motorcycle or make offer. Address S. C. 73S, Bee. TAIIx)RS complete pressing outfit, four buck, eight goose irons to trade. What have you? Addles S. C. 739, Bee. THOROUGH BRED Scotch collie. Will swap for kodak, or what have youT Ad dresses. C. 7.To. Bee; WINCHESTER RIFLE 40-82 Browning patent; will trade for camera. Eastman kodak preferred Tel. South jM. WILL EXCHANGE 10 barrels unexcelled black carbon paint for good young mare. Address S. C 7.13, Bee. FOR RENT Apartmrjita and Flate. t-r., modern flut. 2.KS S. I4th. $22. H. 4TU- FOR RENT Most beautiful, finely fin ished and up-to-date 3. 4 and 6-room partments In city. Building Juet fin lahed. Flora Apartments. 2061 Jones St. 2o 4-room apartment, all modern; larg-i front and back yard. 1746 S. 27th St. D. V. SHOLKS CO. Douglas 49. FilJELlTY kvVj FREE Phone Douglas 112S for complete Hat of all vacant houae. and apartments, also for storage, moving, packing, shipping. iliiTN. 22TSt., 4-r.. brick flat. mod. ex. heat; kitchen cabinet; steel range, gas atove; water paid; $17. Rasp Bros. P. 1.1, CLOSE IN APARTMENT. Four roonu and bath. In the California. See Janitor. Phono Douglas 6237 Most up-to-date brick flat In city: h-t water heat; large lawn. D. 61. H. IHTCk ELMS APTS. 25th and Bewey Ave., elegant apt., east and south expoaure; sleeping porch; Murphy bed and nice lawn. Call P. 6iW. Farnlahcd Apartments. The New "Traverton" FIREPROOF RT'ILPINO. 21th and Landon Court. We have a furnished apartment for rent: all modern conveniences; kitchen, private bath, splendidly furnished. Sco owners. Traver Bro?., Douglas 11T.3 . 705 Omaha National Bank. -5unshin Rooms-L-1 THREE pleasant West Farnam rooma, business women preferred; references required. Addresa Q 60. care Omaha Bee. ROOM for young gentleman with good references lit private family; has mod ern convenience, with sleeping porch off room; outside door. Phone Webster 4"4n. FURNISHED rooma for young men; sin gle or ensulte, 2244 Landon Court. D. 5226. TWO nicely furnished rooms, modem. 6C9 S. 26th Ave. Douglaa 6466. STEAM heated rooma, $2 week. Hotel, Council Bluff Ogden MADISON 21 at and Chicago; steam heat; $16 mo. and up; cafo 1b connection. D.6993. lis famished Stoonan. LARGE unfurnished room, finished In white enamel, two very large closeta; very desirable, in the Weat Farnam dis trict with excellent board. Address A 16a Bee. Board suid Rooma. THE Grasmere, larg", inn hog. furn. rms., private bath, excellent board. H. 7(0. Hotels and Apartntente. CA LI KO KN I A Hotel. 16th and California! Weekl y rates $2 and up. Douglaa 7083. DODGE Hi TK I- Modern Reasonable. Light Housekeeping; Rooms. STEAM heated rooms, with alcove, kitchenette, furnished. Ogden Hotel. Council Bluffs. 1 Houses and Coxtaarrs. ALL slses, 33 per month up. 607 Paxton. t-room mod. house. 2S12 Chicago, p. 814 9-R. 417 I-afayette, newly decorated, new floors, large yard, good location. HASTINGS ft HEY PEN. 1614 Harney St. Gordon VanCo. $S: US N. llth St Phone D 394 or Web. 131. Globe Van&Storage, moves, packs. shl: 3-hcrse van and 2 men. $1.16 per hr.; storage II nr mo. Satisfaction guar. P. 4338 ft Ty. 230. Maggard's Van and Stor age Co., Large van, 2 men, $1.W per hr., a ray. Z men, 11.25 per hr. 1711 Webater. Doug. 1496. T f 1 moving J. V,. IVCtrLl l" king storage. SEVEN rooms, modern, liaj So. 3oth St. Harney 125. FOR RENT Wa have a complete list of all houses, apartment and flats that are for rent Thia list can be seea free cf charge at Omaha Van ft Storage Co.. S06 So. :tih St 6-room mod, houae, 2512 Chicago. L). 8146. Ilnnsua'11 all paite of the city. "UUBCBCreigh Sons ft Co.. Be Bldg. VACANT HOUSES. I can rent them for you. W. R. HOMAN. 310 BROWN BLK. 620 S. 18TH 3-roorn house. $13.50. Web. 6373. 7-KOtl.M, all modern. 24:it Parker St Store aad Offices. A FEW desirable store rooms left In thSr" new building, northeast corner 16th and Cass Sts ; cheap rent. Conrad Young, 32 liiandoia Theatur Bldg. Tel Douglas 1571. WANTED TO RENT WE have clients who want to rent houses in all parta of the city. Others will buy on email cash payments, balance monthly. THE VOGEL REALTY AGKNCY 1015-16 W. O. W. Blag. Douglas SOI WANTED TO BUT SECOND-HAND saddle in good condi tion. Addresa M 141, Bee. Yale buys everything id hand. Tyler 141A. OFFICE furniture bought and sold. J, C Reed, 12u7 Farnam. Doug. Ilta. WK Bt.' Y .-nand clothes. I4'l N. Mlh. WANTED TO BUY-Female Angora kitten, white preferred. Address L. B. 227 Fairbury, Neb. REAL ESTATE. rABM ft LAMJS SOB SALBI Llr4 TO SETTLERS ONLY-320 acres for 1300. Rich corn, alfalta and wheal land; no ' land- J. A. T?acy. Fort Morgan, Colo." OLoRAImj offer on easy terms. prlce ilglit. IrtU acra near Fort Coillns; 6.'i acrt-a near cieeiey; i-wi acres near Lamar, V all improved, Irilhatcd a.falia farms. vS 1.1 I I sell separate .r together. Might consider Iowa or Mtnneeota land tn part lay. Address r PaxiiciOaxg Y 417. Be. Y